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20 Cards in this Set

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St.Thomas Aquinas
Animals are for humans, we should just use them for their purpose
only humans posses moral standing
intrinsic vs extrinsic value
intrinsic value has value independent of other entities, whereas extrinsic value is dependent on the eye of the beholder
Peter Singer
Utilitarian:Consequentialist- Interests are sufficient for moral consider ability. Pleasure/Pain -> Subjective experience. -Bentham: can they suffer!!

Equal Consideration but not equal treatment to maximise overall satisfaction.

Sometimes we have to cause animals some pain to satisfy human needs. - Animal Welfarist
Tom Regan
Deontological: Right Based: Normative: How the world ought to be. Argues that animal Welfare has to take into account the jobs that might be lost.

Animals have rights and shouldn't be subject to human pain. Animal Rightist. All animals should be treated equally and that endangered species shouldn't necessarily have a priority.
Mark Sagoff
It is a different kind a question, what you prefer and what you should do. Ethics is not about what you want, is about what you should do.
The right act is the act that maximizes the overall satisfaction of interests. Hence it values the consquences of actions and not their intentions. It is a model of Utilitarianism
Maximizing satisfaction for the greatest amount of ppl
Moral Agents vs Moral Patients
Moral Agents are free and rational, whereas patients are subject to Morality and can be applied onto them, but cannot do it necessarily themselves
Environmental fascists
believe that if people are allowed to have large amounts of freedom and liberty that the planet will literally be destroyed
means that tests on animals have to be administer in a certain dose and more than 50% of the animals died.
with economic scarcity we will innovate, and that there is enough to go around for the world
eventually the population will grow to the point where we will have to have control on the human population and resources
Garrett Hardin
The tragedy of the Commons is Malthusian in the sense that it is saying that eventually our resources will be depleted , but it is because or our own selfish needs that we continue doing so even though that we know it will eventually not benefit us in the long run
Lynn White
Christian Culpability for Environmental Crisis
• The Bible asserts man's dominion over nature and establishes a trend of anthropocentrism.
• Christianity makes a distinction between man (formed in God's image) and the rest of creation, which has no "soul" or "reason" and is thus inferior.
Apologetic Response
to lynn white
• Non Christians are responsible
• Capitalism
• More Complex
Constructive Response
to lynn white
Midway, god , human kind, nature
Listening Response
to lynn white
Relearn our coping with nature, non Christian sources
Biocentric Ethics
Any theory that views all life as possessing inherent worth.
Albert Schweitzer
Reverence for a life- refuses to have nature be value neutral, re-establish bond between nature and ethics