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16 Cards in this Set

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includes the decisions, choices, and behaviors that people believe to be worthwhile and important in their lives.



Effective action helps resist self-centered approaches, defines the importance of stakeholders entrepreneurial process, and emphasizes the social nature of the person's relationship with others.

Ethics and moral principles

must underpin all the entrepreneur's actions, whether in communication, taking risks, dealing with competition and customers, and in his interactions with family, friends, employees, business associates, and investors.

Technical competence

The ethical entrepreneur knows what his business is all about and meets the required standards set by the industry.

Search for new and improved ways of work.

The ethical entrepreneur constantly seeks new and better ways to improve his business process.

Complete responsibility

The ethical entrepreneur accepts and practices full responsibility over everything that goes on in the business; he does not point his fingers at others or at circumstances to blame for negative incidents and failure.

Respect for the needs of those around him.

The entrepreneur makes sure that investors, suppliers, business associates stakeholders receive what is due them.

Fair pricing

This is the touchstone of Entrepreneurship. The ethical entrepreneur always establishes revenue forecasts that are realistic based on fair pricing.

Rewards for good action.

The ethical entrepreneur encourages his employees to do good by giving both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.

Correction for those doing wrong

The ethical entrepreneur follows a set of disciplinary actions and sanctions that are known to his employees and which are calibrated according to the degree of the wrongdoing.

Sound financial management

The ethical entrepreneur manages finances effectively to allow for stable employment for everyone in the business even during times of crisis or temporary slowdown.

Efficient and rigorous business monitoring and reporting.

The ethical entrepreneur is open and honest. He develops a sound and rigorous financial monitoring and reporting system that provides full and accurate information leading to realistic forecasts.

Sharing financial success

The ethical entrepreneur shares the company's financial success with his employees, partners, suppliers and others who helped create the business.

Social responsibility

The ethical entrepreneur gives back to the community by contributing to its welfare.

Environmental awareness

The ethical entrepreneur makes sure that the environment is not degraded or further destroyed by his negligence and irresponsibility.

Setting ethical standards

is the first step in creating an ethical organization.