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106 Cards in this Set

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Resemblance of an organism to some other organism or object is:
Natural Selection is the:
Change in the frequency of genetic traits in a population through differential survival of individuals bearing those traits.
Example of Natural Selection:
Moth changing from pale to dark because pollution changed the color of tree bark.
Resemblance of an edible species (mimic) to an unpalatable species (model) to deceive predators is:
Batesian mimicry
Example of Batesian mimicry:
Viceroy (non-toxic) is the mimic and Monarch (toxic) is the model
Mutual resemblance of two or more unpalatable species to enhance predator avoidance is:
Mullerian mimicry
Example of Mullerian mimicry:
Two South American butterfly species look the same in 5 different geographic locations.
Resemblance of an organism to its background is:
Example of Crypsis:
Dead leaf butterfly has outer wings that look like leaf and has inner wings that are bright colors.
Nemoria arizonaria mimic _____________.
What they eat. In the spring they eat oak flowers and mimic the flowers. In the summer they eat oak leaves and mimic twigs.
Two ways the passion vine and butterflies interact:
1. Passion vine leaves mimic each other to confuse butterflies
2. Passion vine makes "mimic eggs" on leaf
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: _________
Common Name: Mantis/ mantids
Mantis means:
Mantodea has ____________ metamorphosis.
Mantodea have _____________ mouthparts.
Mantodea have __________ forelegs.
Mantodeas eating habits are _________.
Mantodea lay their eggs in an ________.
Mantids can "hear" the sonar of ________.
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: _____________
Common Name: Walking sticks
Phasma means:
Phasmida have __________ metamorphosis.
Phasmida have a _________ and ________ body.
Long; slender
Phasmida eat ___________.
Phasmida _________ when threatened.
Feign death
Caterpillars avoid birds in 4 ways:
-Look like a leaf or a twig
-Eat leaf symmetrically ("no damage")
-Hide behind leaf while eating
-Eat part of leaf, then clips it off ("no damage")
Who got his PHD at UGA in 1979 and is known for ethnoentomology of the kayapo of Central Brazil?
Darrell Posey
Percent of deaths of Kayapo from dysentery is _____.
Percent of deaths of Kayapo from malaria is _____.
Main pests of Kayapo people are _____________.
Mosquitoes (body paint)
Kayapo people eat ________, ______________, ____________.
Ants, bee larvae, wasp larvae
Kayapo use of insects (3):
-Place ant colony near crop
-Cultivate ant plants
-Wasp colony in banana tree
Young Kayapo men hit a large __________ to acquire the power of the ________.
Wasp nest; wasp
Australian aborigines eat ____________. They belong to the order ____________.
Beetle larvae; coleoptera
In New Guinea the Sago Palm provides:
Starch (80% calories) and larvae of capricorn beetle (protein snack)
Chinese female runners eat:
Winter bug, summer grass and caterpillar with fungus
Robert Frost's poems about insects:
-Fireflies in the garden
-Design (spider/moth)
-Departmental (ants)
____________ was written about the Bubonic Plague (fleas).
"Ring around the Rosie"
________ taught Entomology 2010 at Washington State, farside, insects in cartoons (more in winter).
Gary Larson
Rimsky-Forsafov wrote _____________________.
"Fligh of the Bumble Bee"
Maria Merian combined ____ and _________. She painted ________, ________ and ______ with hostplant.
Art and entomology; Larvae, pupae and adults
Greatest Insect Movie:
-THEM (1954): Giant ants mutated by H-bomb invade LA sewers
Estimate postmortem interval is based on _________ development. What order does this insect belong to?
Blow fly; diptera
Case study in Oregon (rifle fired at party):
-Neighbor was killed
-Body found 1 month later
-Insect evidence set time of death
Case study child abuse:
-Young children suffering from abuse and neglect brought to the hospital
-Difficult to prosecute parents
-Anal and genital areas had fly maggots
-Larval age = 5 days
-Diapers had not been changed for 5 days
-Similar examples with elderly patients
Case study Chicago (woman raped by man in ski mask):
-Suspect had a mask in apartment
-Suspect: "mask had not been worn"
-Burrs in mask (and at crime scene)
-Small caterpillar in burrs
-Life cycle of moth: eggs laid in summer
-Mask had been outside in last 6 monts
Class: _________
Subclass: ______
Common Name: Ticks and Mites
Arachnida; Acari
Ticks and Mites two main body parts are __________ and ____________.
Cephalothorax; Abdomen
Lyme Disease
Vector: ____________
Disease Agent: __________
Disease Agent Genus Name:_________
Deer tick; Bacterium; Borrelia
_______ ticks are much smaller than _______ ticks.
Deer; dog
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Disease Agent: ___________
Disease Agent Genus Name: __________
Dog tick; Bacterium; Rickettsia
Class: _________
Subclass: _______
Common Name: Scorpions
Arachnida; Scorpiones
Characteristics of scorpions:
Scorpion bites are no problem, scorpion stings are a problem. Sting with their ______, which contains _______.
Tail; venom
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: ___________
Subclass: ________
Common Name: Spider
Spiders have two main body parts: ____________ and ____________.
Cephalothorax and abdomen
Spiders have _____ legs, produce _______ and ________.
8; silk; venom
Male spiders deliver sperm with _______ (modified mouthparts).
Bolas spider makes a hard ball of _________, produces a ______ sex pheromone, then captures _____ moths of the same species.
Mucous; moth; male
Large-jawed spider males produce ______ in abdomen and transfer it to a special web and then to the ______ on his cephalothorax.
Sperm; palps
Jumping spider males attract females with a mating ______ where he puts her in a "________" with _______ leg movement.
Dance; trance; front
Orb weaver creates zig zag cross strands in their web called ______________.
Stabilimentum warns ______ so they won't fly into the web.
Black widow spiders have a red _________ on their abdomen.
Brown recluse's venom causes ______________.
Skin necrosis
Silkworm larvae make a cocoon of _______ and feed only on __________ (hostplant).
Silk; mulberry
Silk is a __________.
_____________ worked with cloning spider silk gene.
Randy Lewis
Order: __________
Common Names: ants, bees, wasps
Hymeno means:____________
Ptera means: ___________
God of Marriage (refers to union of fore and hind wings); wings
Hymenoptera have __________ metamorphosis, __________ mouthparts and _______ pair of membranous wings.
Complete; chewing; two
The female select the ________ of the young. If the female fertilizers the egg it will be a _________ and if it is not fertilized it will be a __________.
Sex; female; male
Hymenoptera is the most ________ order.
Hymenoptera have _________ wings that fold back. ______ wings that are hooked to ________ wings. Wings beat as if _____ pair.
Compact; back; front; one
The velvet ant is a ___________.
Solitary wasp
Mud dauber wasps build nests with _______, put live _________ in the nest cells for larva and lay _____ egg per cell.
Mud; spiders; one
____________ studies plant damage is signals parasitic wasp (cut grass smell)
Joe Lewis
Female blueberry bee collects pollen by "___________" (sonicates) plants.
______ (male bees) result when a female lays an unfertilized egg.
_____ (female bees) result when a female lays a fertilized egg.
Worker bees
___________ is in the venom of the honey bee sting. It blows up human ______, which makes it spread more quickly.
Melittin; cells
__________ is the self-destructive behavior performed for the benefit of others.
Aficanized bees were brought from ______ in 1956. They are more __________ and are now in ____________ states.
Brazil; aggressive; South Western
_________ is the transfer of pollen from anthers (male) to stigma (female).
___ % of all plants are pollinated by insects
Hammer orchid and solitary wasp relationship:
Flower is shaped like a ______________ and gives off the scent of a female wasp __________. The male wasp tries to _______ with the flower. The hinged flower swings the male wasp into _______. The male wasp pollinates the next orchid.
Female wasp; pheromone; mate; pollen
Lily and blow fly relationship:
Flower smells and looks like a ________. Blow fly is attracted the the flower and becomes trapped. The flies are dusted with ________. The surviving flies pollinate the next lily they come to.
There are __ species of yellow jackets in Georgia. There are __ species of hornets in Georgia. There are __ species of paper wasps in Georgia.
The paper wasp nest is composed of two things:
Paper (chewed plant fiber) and glue (protein from wasp saliva)
Paper wasp apply __________ to base of nest to repel ants. These are called "________________."
Fatty acids; funeral compounds
Only _________ wasps sting. The stinger, at the end of the abdomen, is a modified __________.
Females; ovipositor
___________ and ___________ are the two types of hornets in Georgia.
Baldfaced and European hornet.
Baldfaced hornets live in a _________ nest. European hornets live in a ________ nest.
Bag; Hidden
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: _________
Family: _________
Common Name: Fire Ants
Hymenoptera; Formicidae
Fire ants originated from __________ and entered the U.S. through ________________.
South America; Mobile, AL
There are _______ species of fire ants. They are:
2; red; black
Fire ants are attracted to ________________.
Electric circuits
___________ and fire ants compete for the same food. If the fire ants are present then the _____________ do not do well.
Blue birds; blue birds
Only the 4th Instar larvae can eat ________.
Ants, bees and wasps recognize their nestmates through __________________.
Unique patterns of cuticular hydrocarbons
______________ is the exchange of liquid between members of a colony.
What insects are members of the order Hymenoptera ?
- Wasps
- Bees
- Yellow jackets
- Hornets
- Ants
The study of ants is called _________________.
Weaver ants make nests made of _______ bound together with silk made from ant _______.
Leaves; larvae
Leaf cutter ants are also called __________ ants.
Cecropia plants and ___________ ants have a symbiotic relationship.
Cecropia provides _____________ for Azteca ants; the Azteca ants live in the _______ of the Cecropia plants.
"Sugar packets"; stems