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35 Cards in this Set

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Francis Bacon
statesman, Philosophy, jurist, Essayist, Science
Novum Organum , or Negotiating
philosophies: inductive reasoning; wanted an encyclopedia of all knowledge
Pierre bayle
Philosophy, Government
Historical and Critical Dictionary.
Philosophies: religious tolerance; skepticism; freedom of thought; free trade
Cesare Beccaria
philosophy, law, government
On crime and punishment
philosophies: No capital punishment; innocent until proven guilty; humans=freewill, manipulabiliy
tycho brahe
astrology, astronomy
On the new and never previously seen star.
philosophies: no heliocentric universe; tychonic universe; explorations
Catherine the Great
Empress of Russia
philosophies: nobles over peasants; black sea; westernize russia; education; health
medicene, math, law, astronomy
on the revolutions of the heavenly spheres
philosophies: heliocentric universe; single, unified currency; maps
Rene Descartes
philosophy, classics, math, logic
la geometrie, la dioptrique, meditations on first philosophy
philosophies: hyperbolic doubt(you exist but you do not know you exist); math proes god
Denis diderot
law, language, math, literature, philosophy
encyclopedie, an essay on blindness, physicology elements
philosophies: evolution; braille system; no divine right; pointed out flaws in monarchs
Frederick the Great
King of Prussia
philosophies: westernize prussia; no serfs; no sea trade; army refor
math, medicene, science, astrology
saggiatore, two new sciences
philosophies: heliocentric universe; gravity; law of inertia; moon not smooth
thomas hobbes
philosophy, politics, economics
the leviathan
philosophies: government=social contract;
monarchy= best form of gov't
Baron d' holbach
system of nature
philosophies: no: free will, god, heaven; ATHEIST; intolerant; humans=machines
immanuel kant
math, physical science, philosophy
perpetual peace
philosophies: noumena: unknowable things; a person has rights; money=wars
Johannes kepler
math, astronomy, astrology
mystery of the cosmos
philosophies: 3 loaws of planetary mothion; he was proving god; sun causes seasons
John locke
medicine, science, philosphy
essay concernin Human understanding
philosophies: life, liberty, property; social contract; tabula rasa; interest rates; surpulus
medicene, math, law, astronomy
on the revolutions of the heavenly spheres
philosophies: heliocentric universe; single, unified currency; maps
Rene Descartes
philosophy, classics, math, logic
la geometrie, la dioptrique, meditations on first philosophy
philosophies: hyperbolic doubt(you exist but you do not know you exist); math proes god
Denis diderot
law, language, math, literature, philosophy
encyclopedie, an essay on blindness, physicology elements
philosophies: evolution; braille system; no divine right; pointed out flaws in monarchs
Frederick the Great
King of Prussia
philosophies: westernize prussia; no serfs; no sea trade; army refor
math, medicene, science, astrology
saggiatore, two new sciences
philosophies: heliocentric universe; gravity; law of inertia; moon not smooth
thomas hobbes
philosophy, politics, economics
the leviathan
philosophies: government=social contract;
monarchy= best form of gov't
Baron d' holbach
system of nature
philosophies: no: free will, god, heaven; ATHEIST; intolerant; humans=machines
immanuel kant
math, physical science, philosophy
perpetual peace
philosophies: noumena: unknowable things; a person has rights; money=wars
Johannes kepler
math, astronomy, astrology
mystery of the cosmos
philosophies: 3 loaws of planetary mothion; he was proving god; sun causes seasons
John locke
medicine, science, philosphy
essay concernin Human understanding
philosophies: life, liberty, property; social contract; tabula rasa; interest rates; surpulus
Louis XV
King of France
philosophies: tax on everyone; new and docile parlement
science, philosophy
persian letters, spirit of laws
philosophies: seperation of powers; checkes and balances; equality for all; democracy
isaac newton
physics, astronomy, master of the royal mint
philosophies: 3 laws of motions; law of gravitation; rules of philosophy; universe=math
Blaise pascal
geometry, science, theocracy
esssay on conics, apology to the chrstian religion
philosophies: conics; adding machine; attacked jesuits; probability=salvation good
Francois quesnay
tableau economique
philosophies: free trade; physiocrates; rags-to-riches; foreign trade; "natural state"
jean-jacques Rousseau
philosophy, education
the social contract, emile
philosophies: education; gov't=social contract; general will=majority rules, respects minority
adam smith
philosophy, economics
the theory of moral sentiment
the wealth of nations
philosophies: free trade; mercantilism; laissez-faire
maria theresa
queen of austria, empress of HRE
philosophies: state over church; education; all pay taxes; catholic;central gov't
law, literature, theology
philosophical dictionary, an exerpt on religion, candide
philosophies: not everything is run by god; people=corrupt; religious tolerance
mary wollstonecraft
teacher, feminist
vindication on the rights of women
philosophies: women =men; education of women; "liberty, equality, fraternity" for women.