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106 Cards in this Set

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precipitation/prisìpətéiʃən/ ''calculate the precipitation percentage.''
terrain/təréin/ ''dirve over a mountainous terrain.''
inclement/inklémənt/ ''be hampered by the inclement weather.''
阻止する、妨害する、洗濯かご(米国用法)(英国:laundry basket)
hub1/hʌ́b/ ''from hub to tire'' ''up to the hub''
中心、''完全に'' ''完全に、没頭して''
vicinity/visínəti/ ''in the vicinity of'' ''the vicinity of $500,000''
近所、付近、''〜の近くに'' ''ほぼ50万ドル''
proximity/prɑksíməti | prɔk-/ ''in close proximity to'' ''in the proximity of''
近接、''〜のすぐ近くに'' ''〜のあたりに''
chrònológical ''put in chronological order''
ensue/insúː | -sjúː/ ''discuss the ensuing problems''
procrastinate/proukrǽstənèit/ ''procrastinate on the project''
lag1/lǽɡ/ ''lag behind other countries in the IT industry''
seclude/siklúːd/ (from...) ''live in a secluded community'' ''seclusion''
引き離す、遮断する、''隔離された地域社会に住む'' ''引きこもり''
transcend/trænsénd/ ''transcend ones knowledge''
disseminate/disémənèit/ ''disseminate information''
deviate (from...) ''deviate from ones principles''
converge/kənvə́ːrdʒ/ (on, upon, in) ''converge on a conference room''
venue/vénjuː/ ''find a venue for the conference''
agile/ǽdʒəl | -ail/ ''be agile as a squirrel''
すばやい、機敏な ⇔awkward、活発な、生き生きとした ⇔sluggish、''リスのように素早い''
nimble/nímbl/ ''give a nimble answer''
imminent/ímənənt/ ''face imminent danger''
impending/impéndiŋ/ "To celebrate your impending retirement"
切迫した、今にも起こりそうな, be about to happen. "退職間近なことを祝して"
impromptu/imprάmptjuː | -prɔ́mptjuː/ "an impromptu speech"
準備なしの、done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed "即席演説"
即席の、spoken or done without preparation
provisional/prəvíʒənl/ "a provisional driving licence"
仮の、臨時の、arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later 、"仮免許"(learner's permit in USA)
transient/trǽnʃənt | -ziənt/ "transient happiness"
一時的な、短期滞在の、lasting only for a short time、a person who is staying or working in a place for only a short time "つかのまの幸福"
一時しのぎのもの、間に合わせの、serving as a temporary substitute
moratorium/mɔ̀ːrətɔ́ːriəm | mɔ́r-/ "call for a moratorium on nuclear testing"
一時的支払い猶予、一時停止、猶予期間、a temporary prohibition of an activity、"核実験の一時停止を求める
adjourn/ədʒə́ːrn/ "adjourn a meeting sine die"
延期する。休会する、break off (a meeting, legal case, or game) with the intention of resuming it later、"会を無期延期にする"
sine die/sáini dáii/
無期限に、with no appointed date for resumption
resumption/rizʌ́mpʃən/ "the resumption of the Diet session"
取り戻すこと、再開 "国会の再開"
saturate (with,on) "The vacationers saturated themselves with sunshine."
十分にしみ込ませる、水浸しにする、cause (something) to become thoroughly soaked with liquid so that no more can be absorbed、"休暇できた人々は日光を存分に楽しんでいた"
inundate/ínəndèit | ínʌn-/(with) "People inundated the employment office with job applications."
replenish/ripléniʃ/(with) "replenish one's cup with coffee"
継ぎ足す、満たす、fill (something) up again、"カップにコーヒーをつぎ直す[足す]"
superfluous/supə́ːrfluəs | sjuː-/ "the purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information."
余分な、不必要な、unnecessary, esp. through being more than enough "消費者は余計な情報を得る事をさけるべきだ。"
symmetrical |səˈmetrikəl|
対称的な、相対の、made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis
copious/kóupiəs/ "a copious crop"
多量の、豊富な、語数の多い、abundant in supply or quantity "豊作"
vehement/víːəmənt/ "a vehement protest"
熱心な、猛烈な、showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense "強い抗議"
pertain/pərtéin/ "information pertaining to the trial"
付属する、関係する、適切である、be appropriate, related, or applicable、"その裁判に関係する情報."
implicate/ímplikèit/ "This evidence implicates them in the robbery."
巻き込む、関与させる、show (someone) to be involved in a crime、"この証拠は彼らがその強盗事件に関与していたことを示している."
取り囲まれている、取り巻く、surround and have or hold within.
compilation/kὰmpəléiʃən | kɔ̀m-/
編集、編集したもの、the action or process of producing something, esp. a list, book, or report, by assembling information collected from other sources.
ration/rǽʃən/ "We have used our ration of coal for the week."
割当量、支給する、a fixed amount of a commodity officially allowed to each person during a time of shortage. "1週間分の石炭を使ってしまった."
huddle/hʌ́dl/(together, up, into) "They huddled together around the fire."
debris/dəbríː | déibriː/
破片、がらくた、scattered fragments, typically of something wrecked or destroyed.
根本の、基本の、未発達の、involving or limited to basic principles
doting "She doted on her two young children."(dote on/upon)
be extremely and uncritically fond of. 溺愛する。"彼女は二人の子供を溺愛した"
fond |fänd| "He was not too fond of dancing."
having an affection or liking for. とても好んで、優しすぎる。"彼はそれほどダンスに熱中していない"
affection |əˈfek sh ən| "have (a) deep affection for ..."
a gentle feeling of fondness or liking. 愛情、病気、作用。"に深い愛情を抱く"
exclamation/èkskləméiʃən/ "make [utter] an exclamation"
a sudden cry or remark, esp. expressing surprise, anger, or pain. "叫びを発する."
cease/síːs/ "They were asked to cease all military activity"
come to an end, bring (a specified action) to an end "彼らはすべての軍事行動を終わらせるよう要求した。"
payroll "be off the payroll"
a list of a company's employees and the amount of money they are to be paid, the total amount of wages and salaries paid by a company to its employees, "失業している"
a great difference, 異種性、相違。
maim/méim/ "He was maimed for life in the traffic accident."
wound or injure (someone) so that part of the body is permanently damaged, "交通事故で一生残るけがを負った."
inept/inépt/ "He is inept in business matters."
having or showing no skill, clumsy, "彼は商売の仕事には向かない."
clumsy "I am clumsy about [at, in] paying compliments."
awkward in movement or in handling things, difficult to handle or use, unwieldy "お世辞は苦手だ."
awkward "be awkward with one's hands" "be awkward at handling chopsticks"
causing difficulty, hard to do or deal with, causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience, not smooth or graceful. "手先が無器用である" "箸(はし)の扱いがへただ."
difficult to carry or move cuz of its size, shape or weight,
incline(be inclined to/toward/to do sth) ""His behavior did not incline me to respect him."
disposed "I'm not disposed for work"
have a tendency to do sth. "働く気がしない"
concede "We conceded that his opinion was correct."
admit that sth is true or valid after first denying or resisting it, surrender or yield (sth that one possesses), "彼の意見が正しいことを認めた"
surrender "unconditional surrender"
cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority. "無条件降伏"
egregious "an egregious ass"
outstandingly bad. "大バカもの"
aberration "aberration of youth"
a departure from what is normal, usual or expected typically one that is unwelcome, "若気のあやまち"
grapple (grapple with)
engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons, struggle with or work hard to deal with or overcome.
stumble "stumble over [on] a rock" "stumble about the dark room" "stumble over a word"
trip(つまずき) or momentarily lose one's balance; almost fall, make a mistake or repeated mistakes in speaking, find or encounter by chance. "石につまずく" "暗い部屋をよろめきながら歩く" "単語の発音にまごつく"
come off
succeed; be accomplished, become detached or be detachable from sth.
defy "problems that defy solution"
openly resist or refuse to obey, "どうしても解決できない問題"
notion "Such is the common notion" "I have no notion of venturing out in such weather"
a conception of or belief about sth, an impulse or desire. "それが世間の通念だ" "こんな天気に外出しようとは思わない"
select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources. 最上のものを選び取る
a store of valuable or delightful things, 貴重な発見、貴重な収集品
a group of similar objects growing closely together, be or come into a cluster or close group,
vomit "vomit up one's dinner" "vomit blood"
eject matter from the stomach through the mouth, "夕食に食べたものをはく" "吐血する"
stench "the frightful stench of death"
a strong and very unpleasant smell, "強烈な死臭"
tilt "She tilted her head questioningly"
move or cause to move into a sloping position, incline or cause to incline toward a particular opinion. "彼女は不振そうに首を傾げた"
slop "The waitress slopped coffee on the table"
(of a liquid)spill or flow over the edge of a container, typically as a result of careless handling, "ウェイトレスはテーブルにコーヒーをはねかけた" (〜around or about{英国用法}ぶらぶら歩き回る、だらだらする)
ambiguity/æ̀mbiɡjúːəti/ "express oneself with ambiguity"
uncertainty or inexactness of meaning in language, "どちらにもとれる話し方をする"
outrun "He outran me in the marathon race."
run or travel faster or farther than, get beyond, escape from, "マラソンで私を負かした"
exploit "exploit one's privileges"
make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource), "特権を乱用する"
of, in or relating to a navy or navies.
varsity "the Kennedy High School varsity baseball team"
a sports team representing a school or college, "ケネディ高校代表の野球チーム."
infest "a dog infested with fleas"
(of insects or animals) be present (in a place or site) in large numbers typically so as to cause damage or disease. "ノミがたかった犬."
suburb "have a house in a New York suburb"
an outlying district of a city esp a residential one. "ニューヨーク郊外に家を持つ"
dream on
peer "He has no peers when it comes to debate." "peer through a telescope"
look keenly or with difficulty at someone or sth. a member of the nobility in Britain or Ireland. a person of the same age, status or ability as another specified person. "討論で彼にかなう者はいない." "望遠鏡をのぞく."
awe "be [stand] in awe of one's father" "I was awed by his military exploits."
a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. "父親を畏怖している" "彼のはなばなしい軍功に畏敬の念を覚えた."
reverence "offer [make, pay] a low reverence to ..."
deep respect for someone or sth. regard or treat with deep respect. "...に深くお辞儀する, うやうやしく敬礼する."
prescribe "prescribe a strict diet to her [=prescribe her a strict diet]" "Skimmed milk is often prescribed for diarrhea." "The law prescribes for all kinds of crimes."
(of a medical practitioner) advise and authorize the use of (medicine or treatment) for someone, esp. in writing. recommend as sth beneficial. "彼女にきびしい食事療法を命じる" "下痢にはよくスキムミルクが処方される." "その法律にはあらゆる種類の犯罪についての規定がある."
a person actively engaged in an art, discipline or profession, esp. medicine.
discipline |ˈdisəplin|
the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.
sulfuric/sʌlfjúərik/ acid
incessant |inˈsesənt| "incessant rains"
(of something regarded as unpleasant) continuing without pause or interruption. "絶え間なく降る雨."
yank |ya ng k|
pull with a jerk. ぐいと引っ張る
jerk|jərk| (n,v)
a quick, sharp, sudden movement.
trot |trät|
(of a horse or other quadruped) proceed at a pace faster than a walk, lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternately.
quadruped/kwάdrupèd | kwɔ́d-/
an animal that has four feet, esp. an ungulate mammal.
ungulate |ˈə ng gyələt; -ˌlāt|
a hoofed mammal. ひづめ状の
hoof |hoŏf; hoōf|
the horny part of the foot of an ungulate animal. esp. a horse. ひづめ
diagonal |dīˈagənl|
encounter/inkáuntər/ "He had a close encounter with a bear in the woods"
unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile) "森の中でクマとあわや出くわすところだった."
hostile/hάstl | hɔ́stail/ "He was hostile toward women's rights."
unfriendly; antagonistic "彼は女性の権利について寛大ではなかった."
antagonistic/æntæ̀ɡənístik/ "an antagonistic view"
showing or feeling active opposition or hostility toward someone or something "対立意見"
frightful/fráitfəl/ "We had a frightful time."
very unpleasant, serious, or shocking "実に不愉快な目にあった."
flea/flíː/ "a flea in a person's [the] ear"
a small wingless jumping insect that feeds on the blood of mammals and birds. It sometimes transmits diseases through its bite, including plague and myxomatosis. "嫌み、苦言、耳の痛いこと"
plague/pléiɡ/ "avoid ... like the plague"