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45 Cards in this Set

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1. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”
1. deserving or causing hatred; hateful; detestable.
2. highly offensive; repugnant; disgusting.
1. marked by or attended with ignominy; discreditable; humiliating: an ignominious retreat.
2. bearing or deserving ignominy; contemptible.
1. without interest, vigor, or determination; listless; lethargic: a lackadaisical attempt.
2. lazy; indolent: a lackadaisical fellow.
to place close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast.
1. excessively particular, critical, or demanding; hard to please: a fastidious eater.
2. requiring or characterized by excessive care or delicacy; painstaking.
agreeableness of sound; pleasing effect to the ear, esp. a pleasant sounding or harmonious combination or succession of words: the majestic euphony of Milton's poetry.
–adjective 1. of, like, or befitting Machiavelli.
2. being or acting in accordance with the principles of government analyzed in Machiavelli's The Prince, in which political expediency is placed above morality and the use of craft and deceit to maintain the authority and carry out the policies of a ruler is described.
3. characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning, deception, expediency, or dishonesty: He resorted to Machiavellian tactics in order to get ahead.
–noun 4. a follower of the principles analyzed or described in The Prince, esp. with reference to techniques of political manipulation.
Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.
1. characterized by lack of seriousness or sense: frivolous conduct.
2. self-indulgently carefree; unconcerned about or lacking any serious purpose.
3. (of a person) given to trifling or undue levity: a frivolous, empty-headed person.
4. of little or no weight, worth, or importance; not worthy of serious notice: a frivolous suggestion.
given to, characterized by, intended for, or suited to joking or jesting; waggish; facetious: jocular remarks about opera stars.
1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark.
2. amusing; humorous.
3. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a facetious person.
1. a wordbook or dictionary, esp. of Greek, Latin, or Hebrew.
2. the vocabulary of a particular language, field, social class, person, etc.
3. inventory or record: unparalleled in the lexicon of human relations.
4. Linguistics. a. the total inventory of morphemes in a given language.
b. the inventory of base morphemes plus their combinations with derivational morphemes.
1. style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words: good diction.
2. the accent, inflection, intonation, and speech-sound quality manifested by an individual speaker, usually judged in terms of prevailing standards of acceptability; enunciation.
folkways of central importance accepted without question and embodying the fundamental moral views of a group.
surroundings, esp. of a social or cultural nature: a snobbish milieu.
1. uncertainty or fluctuation, esp. when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things.
2. Psychology. the coexistence within an individual of positive and negative feelings toward the same person, object, or action, simultaneously drawing him or her in opposite directions.
–noun 1. a person who suffers from insomnia.
–adjective 2. having insomnia: a nervous, insomniac person.
3. of, pertaining to, or causing insomnia.
an indifference to pleasure or pain
1. having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful: an indolent person.
2. Pathology. causing little or no pain; inactive or relatively benign: an indolent ulcer that is not painful and is slow to heal.
–adjective 1. boldly rude or disrespectful; contemptuously impertinent; insulting: an insolent reply.
–noun 2. an insolent person.
1. composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind; not heterogeneous: a homogeneous population.
2. of the same kind or nature; essentially alike.
3. Mathematics. a. having a common property throughout: a homogeneous solid figure.
b. having all terms of the same degree: a homogeneous equation.
c. relating to a function of several variables that becomes multiplied by some power of a constant when each variable is multiplied by that constant: x2y3 is a homogeneous expression of degree 5.
d. relating to a differential equation in which a linear combination of derivatives is set equal to zero.
1. easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable: a conspicuous error.
2. attracting special attention, as by outstanding qualities or eccentricities: He was conspicuous by his booming laughter.
a tendency to think favorably of something in particular; partiality; preference: a predilection for Bach.
1. Physical Chemistry, Cell Biology. a. the tendency of a fluid, usually water, to pass through a semipermeable membrane into a solution where the solvent concentration is higher, thus equalizing the concentrations of materials on either side of the membrane.
b. the diffusion of fluids through membranes or porous partitions. Compare endosmosis, exosmosis.

2. a subtle or gradual absorption or mingling: He never studies but seems to learn by osmosis.
1. the act or state of percolating or of being percolated.
2. Pharmacology. the extraction of the soluble principles of a crude drug by the passage of a suitable liquid through it.
3. Geology. the slow movement of water through the pores in soil or permeable rock.
verb (used with object) 1. to change the form or nature of; transform.
2. to subject to metamorphosis or metamorphism.
–verb (used without object) 3. to undergo or be capable of undergoing a change in form or nature.
socioeconomic status
An individual's or group's position within a hierarchical social structure. Socioeconomic status depends on a combination of variables, including occupation, education, income, wealth, and place of residence. Sociologists often use socioeconomic status as a means of predicting behavior.
capable of being mixed: miscible ingredients.
verb (used with object) 1. to signify or suggest (certain meanings, ideas, etc.) in addition to the explicit or primary meaning: The word “fireplace” often connotes hospitality, warm comfort, etc.
2. to involve as a condition or accompaniment: Injury connotes pain.
–verb (used without object) 3. to have significance only by association, as with another word: Adjectives can only connote, nouns can denote.
1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
2. Psychoanalysis. erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development.
1. the appearance or semblance of truth; likelihood; probability: The play lacked verisimilitude.
2. something, as an assertion, having merely the appearance of truth.
–verb (used with object) 1. to take in and incorporate as one's own; absorb: He assimilated many new experiences on his European trip.
2. to bring into conformity with the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like; adapt or adjust: to assimilate the new immigrants.
3. Physiology. to convert (food) to substances suitable for incorporation into the body and its tissues.
4. to cause to resemble (usually fol. by to or with).
5. to compare; liken (usually fol. by to or with).
6. Phonetics. to modify by assimilation.
–verb (used without object) 7. to be or become absorbed.
8. to conform or adjust to the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like: The new arrivals assimilated easily and quickly.
9. Physiology. (of food) to be converted into the substance of the body; be absorbed into the system.
10. to bear a resemblance (usually fol. by to or with).
11. Phonetics. to become modified by assimilation.
1. habitual observance of truth in speech or statement; truthfulness: He was not noted for his veracity.
2. conformity to truth or fact; accuracy: to question the veracity of his account.
3. correctness or accuracy, as of the senses or of a scientific instrument.
4. something veracious; a truth.
verb (used with object) 1. to make lucid or clear; throw light upon; explain: an explanation that elucidated his recent strange behavior.
–verb (used without object) 2. to provide clarification; explain.
1. wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober.
2. careful in providing for the future; provident: a prudent decision.
–verb (used with object) 1. to weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value: to attenuate desire.
2. to make thin; make slender or fine.
3. Bacteriology, Immunology. to render less virulent, as a strain of pathogenic virus or bacterium.
4. Electronics. to decrease the amplitude of (an electronic signal).
–verb (used without object) 5. to become thin or fine; lessen.
–adjective 6. weakened; diminishing.
7. Botany. tapering gradually to a narrow extremity.
1. promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable: an auspicious occasion.
2. favored by fortune; prosperous; fortunate.
1. the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype.
2. (in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.
existing or being everywhere, esp. at the same time; omnipresent: ubiquitous fog; ubiquitous little ants.
1. characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning: an obsequious bow.
2. servilely compliant or deferential: obsequious servants.
3. obedient; dutiful.
1. a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety of the conscience caused by regret for doing wrong or causing pain; contrition; remorse.
2. any uneasiness or hesitation about the rightness of an action.
1. keenly distressing to the feelings: poignant regret.
2. keen or strong in mental appeal: a subject of poignant interest.
3. affecting or moving the emotions: a poignant scene.
4. pungent to the smell: poignant cooking odors.
1. not harmful or injurious; harmless: an innocuous home remedy.
2. not likely to irritate or offend; inoffensive; an innocuous remark.
3. not interesting, stimulating, or significant; pallid; insipid: an innocuous novel.
1. having a kindly disposition; gracious: a benign king.
2. showing or expressive of gentleness or kindness: a benign smile.
3. favorable; propitious: a series of benign omens and configurations in the heavens.
4. (of weather) salubrious; healthful; pleasant or beneficial.
5. Pathology. not malignant; self-limiting.