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31 Cards in this Set

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propitious \pruh-PISH-uhs\
1. favorable: favorable and likely to lead to success
2. kindly: kindly disposed or gracious ( formal )
inclement \in-KLEM-uhnt\
1. not pleasant or mild: unpleasant in being stormy, rainy, or snowy
2. showing little mercy: showing little or no mercy ( formal )
kobold \KOH-bold\
German elf or gnome: in German folklore, a mischievous elf that lives in houses or a gnome that haunts underground places, especially mines
knell \NEL\
n. 1. slow bell ring: the sound of a bell rung slowly, associated with solemnity or mourning, used to announce a death or funeral
2. ominous signal: something that signals death, disaster, or the end of something ( literary )
v.1. ring bell: to ring a bell slowly, or produce a slow ringing sound, especially as a sign of mourning or to announce a death or funeral
2. signal something ominous: to announce or signal something such as a death, disaster, or the end of something ( literary )
cogent \KOH-juhnt\
rationally persuasive: forceful and convincing to the intellect and reason
regale \rih-GAY(uh)L\
v. 1. To entertain with something that delights.
2. To entertain sumptuously with fine food and drink.
v. 1. To feast.
n.1. A sumptuous feast.
2. A choice food; a delicacy.
3. Refreshment.
mordant \MOR-d'nt\
1. sarcastic: sharply sarcastic or scathingly critical
2. corrosive: having a corrosive effect
agog \uh-GOG\
Full of excitement or interest; in eager desire; eager, keen.
captious \KAP-shuhs\
1. overly critical: tending to find fault and make trivial and excessive criticisms
2. entrapping: intended to confuse or entrap an opponent in an argument
arbitrage \AR-buh-trahzh\
The nearly simultaneous purchase of a good or asset in one market where the price is low, and sale of the same good or asset in another market where the price is higher.
redoubt \rih-DOWT\
1. A small and usually temporary defensive fortification.
2. A defended position or protective barrier.
3. A secure place of refuge or defense; a stronghold.
chichi \SHEE-shee\
self-consciously stylish: trying too hard or too obviously to be chic or modish
taw \TO\
A large marble used for shooting in the game of marbles.
vexillology \vek-sil-AHL-uh-jee\
The study of flags.
quorum \KWOR-uhm\
minimum number required for valid meeting: a fixed minimum percentage or number of members of a legislative assembly, committee, or other organization who must be present before the members can conduct valid business
abscond \ab-SKOND\
1. run away: to run away secretly, especially in order to avoid arrest or prosecution
2. escape: to escape from a place of detention
virtu \vuhr-TOO; vir-\
1. love of or taste for fine objects of art.
2. Productions of art (especially fine antiques).
3. Artistic quality.
junta \HUN-tuh, JUHN-tuh\
1. A governmental council or committee, especially one that rules after a revolution.
2. A closely knit group united for a common purpose and usually meeting secretly; also called a junto.
gamut \GAM-uht\
1. A complete extent or range; as, "a face that expressed a gamut of emotions."
2. The entire scale of musical notes.
lexicon \LEK-suh-kon\
plural lexicons or lexica \-kuh\:
1. A book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language with the definition of each; a dictionary.
2. The vocabulary of a person, group, subject, or language.
3. [Linguistics] The total morphemes of a language.
aestival \ES-tuh-vuhl\
Of or belonging to the summer; as, aestival diseases.
slugabed \SLUHG-uh-bed\
One who stays in bed until a late hour
desultory \DES-uhl-tor-ee\
1. passing from one thing to another: aimlessly passing from one thing to another
2. random: happening in a random, disorganized, or unmethodical way
irascible \ih-RASS-uh-buhl\
Prone to anger; easily provoked to anger; hot-tempered.
acumen \uh-KYOO-muhn; AK-yuh-muhn\
sharpness of mind: the ability to make quick accurate intelligent judgments about people or situations
scion \SY-uhn\
1. younger member of family: a child or descendant of a family, especially a rich, famous, or important family
2. part of plant for grafting: a living shoot or twig of a plant used for grafting to a stock
bandog \BAN-dog\
A mastiff or other large and fierce dog, usually kept chained or tied up.
multifarious \muhl-tuh-FAIR-ee-uhs\
diverse: including parts, things, or people of many different kinds
sublunary \suhb-LOO-nuh-ree\
1. between Moon and Earth: relating to or found in the area of space that lies between the Moon and the Earth
2. worldly or mundane: belonging to the material world rather than to the spiritual or intellectual world ( archaic or literary )
ebullient \ih-BOOL-yuhnt\
1. Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement; high-spirited.
2. Boiling up or over.
ebullient \ih-BOOL-yuhnt\
1. Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement; high-spirited.
2. Boiling up or over.