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102 Cards in this Set

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Contraption, n

Gadget, 發明品


凝視(because you are having difficulty seeing it)

(intransitive always + adverb/preposition)

Flue, n


Deploy, v

1. 置軍人,調配軍備

deploy forces/troops/weapons etc

2.To use something for a particular purpose, especially ideas, arguments etc,引入

British Englisha job in which a variety of professional skills will be deployed

2 meanings

Cumbersome, adj

1. A process or system ->slow and difficult

2. Heavy and difficult to move

3. Words or phrases ->冗長/艱深的

Pull the plug (on something)


The Swiss entrepreneur has pulled the plug on any further investment in the firm.

Curb, v

Control/ limit

A (whole) host of things/ people

A large number of things/ people

Kick start


Niche, n

1. If you find your niche, you find a job or activity that is very suitable for you

2. An opportunity to sell a product or service to a particular group of people who have similar needs, interests 針對特定群眾的銷售機會

niche in

He spotteda niche in the market.

3. A hollow place in a wall, often made to hold astatue 壁龕

3 meanings

Niche, adj


Brewery, n


Torrential rain, n

Heavy rain

Downpour, n

A lot of rain that falls in a short time

Evacuation, n

Noun of evacuate

Evacuate, v

1.To SEND people away from a dangerous place to a safe place

evacuate somebody from/to something

Several families were evacuated from their homes.

2.To empty a place by making all the people leave

The order was given to evacuate.

3.To empty yourbowels

3 meanings

Tributary, n

A stream or river that flows into a larger river 支流

Sewer, n


Free something up

To make something available so that it can be used

Free somebody (up) to do something

To give someone time to do something by taking away other jobs that they have to do

Mourn, v

1. [= grieve for], 哀悼,(因為有人死所以傷感)

+ for

mourn somebody's death/loss/passing

2.To feel very sad because something no longer exists or is no longer as good as it used to be, 懷念

The old steam trains were much-loved, and we all mourntheir passing.

2 meanings

Mourning, n

1. Noun of mourn

In mouring = feeling great sadness

2. 穿黑衣 -> sad because someone is dead

Wring, v

+ out

Wrang wrung


Search in your house


Aware, adj

[not before noun]aware of

well/fully/acutely aware

politically/socially/environmentally etc aware

so/as far as I am aware

Saying something that you think is true

Although you might be wrong because you do not know all the facts

Dud, n

廢柴, useless

Dive, n

A small, untidy,dirty restaurant

A good 2 hours

At least more than 2 hours

Hot spot

Popular space

A nervous work

A person who always worry

Sucker, n


Be bent on doing sth

Determined to do something

Be in and out



I will be quick

Be up front with somebody

To be honest

Attached to



Linus attached to his blanket.

On board

Having something/ somebody on board

在飛機上/ 船上/ 車上

Can do something in one's sleep

Something is too easy to do it


Can you drop the subject?


Cocktail and mocktail

With alcohol and without alcohol

Soft drink

Soda pop

Carbonated beverage

Fizzy drink




Candies (AmE)

Sweets (BrE, AuE)


Ice lolly



Jelly (BrE)


-NAmE = something similar.

to jam but only made from juice

Tribunal, n


(Can't) hold one's liquid


Clue in


Down on me


Do a bang-up job

Do a fantastic job

Ring a bell

Remember/ recall somthing


Freak out

Be over-emotional

Don't move a muscle

Don't move

Dressing/ ketchup on the side


Salad dressing


Feel blue


Get a head start


Laminate, v

過膠/ 制成簿片

Highlight/ demonstrate/ underline

Drop somebody on the wall

Make them be crazy

Before long


On purpose

Intentionally/ purposely

Once in a while


Out of sight

Hide something do that no one see it

Potholder, n


Oven mitt, n


Get by on (so little sleep/ time/ food)


Make the best of something

Do something as best as possible

Play out, v

Tire out/ wear out/ exhaust

Dubious, adj

Doubtful/ unsure/ uncertain/ hesistant (person/ situation)

Devious, adj

Deceitful/ dishonest (person)

For the most time


Something is _ no use

of = useless

_ continent/ island

On (實體)

_ America/ Africa/ Asia

In (沒有實體)

We have a meeting _ twenty minutes.

In = after

I fell _ _ that tree.

out of

_ street


Brush hands

Charge, v

向前衝/ 襲擊

Bull fight


Bump, n


Endorse, v




4.[usually passive]British Engish if your driving licenceis endorsed for a driving offence, an official record is made on it to show that you are guilty of the offence

Fire up, phv

Motivate/ make someone be enthusiastic

發動/ 點燃(引擎)

Presumption, n

1 something that you think is true because it is very likely 假定

presumption that

on the presumption that

2.the act of thinking something is true, bad, or good until it is shown to not be true, bad, or good 認定

presumption of

the presumption of innocence

presumption against/in favour of

3 formal behaviour that seems rude and too confident 傲慢

Slick, adj

1. 技巧熟練的, 花巧的,If something is slick, it is done in a skilful and attractive way and seems expensive, but it often contains no important or interesting ideas

2. 滑頭的, someone is slick, they are good at persuading people, often in a way that does not seem honest

3. done smoothly and quickly

4.smooth and slippery

slick with

5.very good or attractive (Old AmE)

Throw somebody support

Support somebody

Bid, n

1. 投標(拍賣會)

2.an offer to do work or provide services for a specific price

3.an attempt to achieve or obtain something

+ for

+ to do something

Astute, adj

able to understand situations or behaviour very well and very quickly, especially so that you can get an advantage for yourself 精明的

Sport, v

1. be sporting something , 穿上

to be wearing something or have something on your body and show it to people in a proud way

2.to play together happily

Conciliatory, adj

doing something that is intended to make someone stop arguing with youconciliatory approach/tone/gesture

Incumbent, adj/ n

1. It is incumbent upon someone

= this is someone's responsibility

2. 在職者

Trail away/ off

Opp of speak up

(voice becomes quiter and then stops)

Trail, v

1. to pull something behind you, especially along the ground, or to be pulled in this way

trail in/on/over etc

trail something in/across/through etc something

2. to walk slowly, behind other

people because you are tired or bored

trail behind/around

3. to be losing in a game, competition, or election

trail (somebody) by something

trail in/home (=finish in a bad position)

4. to follow someone by looking for signs that they have gone in a particular direction

Open fire


Assailant, n


Publicist, n

公關人員,someone whose job is to make sure that people know about a new product, film, book etc or what a famous person is doing

Pronounce, v

1.to officially state that something is true

pronounce somebody/something sth

2. to give a judgment or opinion

pronounce on/upon

3.to give a legal judgment宣判

pronounce sentence (=tell a court of law what punishment a criminal will have)

Handful, n

1. an amount that you can hold in your hand

handful of

2 a handful of something = a very small number of people or things

3. someone, especially a child, who is a handful is difficult to control

Be a handful

Handful, n

1. an amount that you can hold in your hand

handful of

2 a handful of something = a very small number of people or things

3. someone, especially a child, who is a handful is difficult to control

Be a handful

Prominence, n

1. the fact of being important and well-known

prominence ofcome to/rise to/achieve prominence (as something)

2. to treat something as specially important

give something prominence/give prominence to something

3. a part or place that is higher than what is around it

Prominence, n

1. the fact of being important and well-known

prominence of

come to/rise to/achieve prominence (as something)

2. to treat something as specially important

give something prominence/give prominence to something

3. a part or place that is higher than what is around it

Rendition, n

1. someone's performance of a play, piece of music

2. a translation of a piece of writing