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14 Cards in this Set

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Common Noun
a word that refers to or names a person, place, animal or thing.
Teacher, house, dog, book, etc...
Proper noun
the name of an actual person or place.
Taradale, John, etc...
Abstract noun
a word for something that cannot actually be seen, heard, smelt, felt or tasted.
Justice, Beauty, happiness, etc...
Collective noun
a word that names a group of the same thing.
A flock of birds, a crowd of people, a pair of shoes, etc...
a word used instead of a noun.
John runs fast. HE is a champion. etc...
Relative pronoun
a word that helps to connect one part of a sentence with another.
A teacher WHO had red hair was very athletic. etc...
a word that describes a noun.
The red apple, the angry lion, etc...
Comparitive adjectives
a word used to compare two things.
bright-brighter, fat-fatter, etc...
Superlative adjective
A word used to compare more than two things.
Smooth-smoother-smoothest, etc...
a word that explians what something or someone is doing.
Passed, Was feasting, etc...
Verb tense
a word that tells you when an action is taking place.
I waited, I am waiting I will wait, etc...
A word that tells us more about the verb.
carefully, slowly, eagerly, etc...
A word that shows the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word in the sentence.
The book sat ON the table, etc...
a word or short phrase used to join phrases, clauses or sentences to make a single longer sentence.
The owl AND the cat went to sea. etc...