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180 Cards in this Set

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Acquisitive (adj)
able to get/retain ideas, concerned with acquiring wealth

synonym: greedy
Arrogate (verb)
to take without right

synonym: usurp
Banal (adj)
trite, commonplace

synonym: stale, old
Belabor (verb)
to work on excessively

synonym: overwork
Carping (adj/noun)
tending to find fault (adj)
petty, nagging criticism (noun)

synonym: nit-picking
Coherent (adj)
holding/sticking together

synonym: connected, united
Congeal (verb)
to change from liquid to solid, to make inflexible

synonym: harden, solidify
Emulate (verb)
to imitate with intent of equaling or surpassing the model

synonym: copy, mimic
Ecomium (noun)
formal expression of praise

Eschew (verb)
to avoid, shun, keep away from

synonym: abstain from, forgo
Germane (adj)
relevant, appropriate

synonym: pertinent
Insatiable (adj)
so great or demanding as not to be satisfied

synonym: ravenous
Intransigent (adj)
refusing to comprimise

synonym: uncomprimising
Invidious (adj)
offensive, hateful

synonym: spiteful
Largesse (noun)
generosity in giving, lavish contributions

synonym: bounty, munificence
Reconnaissance (noun)
survey made for military purpose, preliminary inspection or examination

synonym: scouting expedition
Substantiate (verb)
to establish by evidence, to prove

synonym: verify
Taciturn (adj)
habitually silent or quiet

synonym: uncommunitive
Temporize (verb)
stall or act evasively in order to gain time, avoid confrontation, to comprimise

synonym: procrastinate
Tenable (adj)
capable of being defended

synonym: justifiable
Accost (verb)
to approach and speak to first, to confront in agressive way

synonym: confront
Animadversion (noun)
a comment indicating strong criticism/disapproval

synonym: rebuke
Avid (adj)
desirous of something to the point of greed; eager

synonym: enthusiastic
Brackish (adj)
having a salty taste, unpleasant to drink

synonym: briny
Celerity (noun)
swiftness, rapidity of motion or action

synonym: speed
Devious (adj)
straying or wandering from direct course; acting in shify or underhand way

Gambit (noun)
opening move

synonym: stratagem
Halcyon (noun/adj)
legendary bird (noun)
calm, happy, peaceful (adj)

synonym: tranquil, serene
Histrionic (adj)
pertaining to actors/techniques, theatrical, melodramatic, artificial

synonym: stagy
Incendiary (adj/noun)
deliberatly setting fires; tending to stir up strife or rebellion (adj)
one who sets fires, causes strife (noun)

synonym: provacative (adj), firebrand (noun)
Maelstrom (noun)
whirlpool of great size/violence, situation resembling whirlpoool

synonym: chaos
Myopic (adj)
nearsighted; lacking broad realistic views

synonym: shortsighted
Overt (adj)
open, not hidden, expressed in a way that is easily recognized

synonym: obvious
Pejorative (adj)
tending to make worse, expressing disapproval, derogatory
Propriety (noun)
state of being proper; standards of what is proper

synonym: correctness
Sacrilege (noun)
improper or disrespectful treatment of a sacred practice or object

synonym: profanation
Summarily (adverb)
without delay or formality; briefly

synonym: abruptly
Suppliant (adj/noun)
asking humbly or earnestly (adj)
one who makes request humbly (noun)
Talisman (noun)
object that serves as charm or is believed to have special powers

synonym: good-luck charm
Undulate (verb)
move in waves, wavelike motion, wavelike appearance

synonym: ripple
Articulate (verb/adj)
pronouce distinctly (verb)
expressed clearly/forcefully (adj)

synonym: pronounce (verb), eloquent (adj)
Cavort (verb)
to romp or prance; to make merry

synonym: gambol
Credence (noun)
belief, metal acceptance

synonym: trust, confidence
Decry (verb)
to condemn, express strong dissaproval

synonym: devalue
Dissemble (verb)
to disguise or conceal; give false impression

synonym: feign
Distraught (adj)
agitated or upset as result of emotion or mental conflict

synonym: frantic
Eulogy (noun)
formal statement of commendation or high praise

synonym: tribute
Evince (verb)
to display clearly, to make evident, to provoke

synonym: exhibit
Exhume (verb)
to remove from grave, bring to light

synonym: unearth
Feckless (adj)
lacking in spirit or strength, weak, ineffective

synonyms: helpless
Murky (adj)
dark and gloomy, lacking in clarity

synonym: unclear
Nefarious (adj)
wicked, devoid of moral standards

synonym: evil
Piquant (adj)
stimulating to taste or mind, spicy

synonym: tangy
Primordial (adj)
developed or created at beginning, going back to ancient times, basic

synonym: original
Propinquity (noun)
nearness in place or time

synonym: proximity
Unwonted (adj)
not usual or expected, out of character

synonym: unusual
Utopian (adj)
founded upon visionary view of an ideal world, impractical

synonym: idealistic
Verbiage (noun)

synonym: diction
Verdant (adj)
green in tint or color, immature in experience

synonym: naïve
Viscous (adj)
having gluey quality, lacking in easy movement or fluidity

synonym: sticky
Atrophy (noun/verb)
wasting away of body organ or tissue, progressive decline or failure (noun)
to waste away (verb)

synonym: deterioration (noun), whither (verb)
Bastion (noun)
a fortified place, stronghold

synonym: rampart
Concord (noun)
state of agreement; treat, pact, covenant

synonym: disagreement
Consummate (adj/verb)
perfect/complete in highest degree (adj)
to bring to state of perfection or completion (verb)

synonym: masterful (adj), conclude (verb)
Disarray (noun/verb)
disorder (noun)
to throw into disorder (verb)

synonym: disorganization (noun), mess up (verb)
Exigency (noun)
urgency, pressure, pressing need, emergency

synonym: crisis
Flotsam (noun)
floating debris, homeless, impoverished people

synonym: floating wreckage
Frentic (adj)
frenzied, highly agitated

synonym: frantic
Glean (verb)
to gather bit by bit

synonym: collect
Grouse (noun/verb)
type of game bird (noun)
to complain (verb)

synonym: gripe
Incarcerate (verb)
to imprision, confine, jail

synonym: jailed
Incumbent (adj/noun)
required (adj)
one who holds specific office at time spoken of (noun)

synonym: mandatory (adj)
Jocular (adj)
humorous, jolly, joking

synonym: witty
Ludicrous (adj)
rediculous, laughable, absurd

synonym: preposterous
Mordant (adj)
biting or caustic in thought, style, or manner; sharp or harsh

synonym: scathing
Nettle (noun/verb)
prickly or stinging plant (noun)
to arouse displeasure, anger, or impatience, to irritate (verb)

synonym: irk
Precuniary (adj)
consisting of or measured in money, of or related to money

synonym: financial
Pusillanimous (adj)
contemptibly cowardly or mean spirited

synonym: craven
Recumbent (adj)
in a reclining position, lying down, in posture of one sleeping

synonym: inactive
Strategem (noun)
a scheme to outwit or decieve opponent or to gain an end

synonym: trick
Acuity (noun)
sharpness (also of mind or senses)

synonym: keenness
Delineate (verb)
to portray, sketch, describe in accurate/vivid detail; represent pictorally

synonym: depict
Depraved (adj)
marked by evil or corruption, devoid of moral principle

synonym: corrupt
Enervate (verb)
to weaken or lessen the moral or physical vigor of

synonym: cripple, paralyze
Esoteric (adj)
intended for or understood by only a select few, private, secret

synonym: cryptic
Fecund (adj)
fruitful in offspring or vegetation, itellectuallyproductive

synonym: fertile
Fiat (noun)
order or decree; command or act of will

synonym: edict
Figment (noun)
fabrication of the mind; arbitrary notion

synonym: creation, invention
Garner (verb)
to acquire as a result of effort, to gather and store away for future use

synonym: collect
Hallow (verb)
set apart as holy or sacred; honor greatly, revere

synonym: bless
Idiosyncrasy (noun)
peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify

synonym: quirk, mannerism
Ignominy (noun)
shame and disgrace

synonym: humiliation
Mundane (adj)
earthly, worldly, relating to practical and material affairs; concerned with what is ordinary

synonyms: routine
Nuance (noun)
a subtle or slight variation, shade of difference

synonym: shade, refinement
Overweening (adj)
conceited, presumptuous; excessive, immoderate

synonym: arrogant
Penchant (noun)
a strong attraction or inclination

synonym: propensity
Reputed (adj)
according to reputation or general belief, alleged

synonym: supposed
Sophistry (noun)
reasoning that seems plausible but is unsound; fallacy
Sumptuous (adj)
costly, rich, magnificent

synonym: lavish
Ubiquitous (adj)
present or existing everywhere

synonym: universal, omnipresent
Abject (adj)
degraded; contemptible; complete and unrelieved

synonym: complete, utter
Agnostic (noun/adj)
one who believes that nothing can be known about God; a skeptic (noun)
without faith, skeptical (adj)

synonym: doubter (noun)
Complicity (noun)
involvement in wrongdoing; state of being an accomplice

synonym: connivance
Derelict (noun/adj)
someone that is abandoned or neglected (noun)
left abandoned, neglectful of duty (adj)

synonym: vagrant (noun), delinquent (adj)
Diatribe (noun)
a bitter and prolonged verbal attack

synonym: tirade
Effigy (noun)
a crude image of a despised person

synonym: figure

**always preceded by in/an
Equity (noun)
the state of being just, fair, or impartial; equal treatment

synonym: justice
Inane (adj)
silly, empty of meaning or value

synonym: idiotic
Indictment (noun)
act of accusing; formal accusation

synonym: accusation
Indubitable (adj)
certain, not to be doubted or denied

synonym: indisputable
Intermittent (adj)
stopping and beginning again

synonym: random, spasmodic
Moot (adj/verb/noun)
open to discussion and debate, unresolved (adj)
to bring up for discussion (verb)
hypotheticallaw case argued by students (noun)

synonym: debatable (adj)
Motif (noun)
principle idea, theme; repeated or dominant figure in a design
Neophyte (noun)
beginner, novice

synonym: rookie
Perspicacity (noun)
keenness in observing or understanding

synonym: acuity
Plenary (adj)
complete in all aspects or essentials; absolute

synonym: complete

**describes formal groups
Surveillance (noun)
a watch kept over a person; careful, close observation

synonym: obsevation
Sylvan (adj)
pertaining to forests; woody or wooded

synonym: forested
Testy (adj)
easily irritated; characterized by impatience

synonym: irritable
Travesty (noun/verb)
grotesque or grossly inferior imitation; diguise (noun)
ridicule by imitataing in a broad fashion (verb)

synonym: parody, caricature
Allay (verb)
to calm or pacify

synonym: alleviate
Bestial (adj)
beastlike, beastly, brutal

synonym: animal
Convivial (adj)
festive, sociable, having fun together

synonym: merry, fun-loving
Coterie (noun)
circle of acquaintances; cose-knit group of people with common interests

synonym: clique
Counterpart (noun)
person or thing closely resembling another; a complement

synonym: match
Demur (verb/noun)
to object or take exception to (verb)
objection (noun)

synonym: object to
Effrontery (noun)
shameless boldness, impudence

synonym: nerve
Embellish (verb)
to decorate, adorn, touch up, to improve by adding details
Ephemeral (adj)
lasting only a short time, short-lived

synonym: fleeting
Felicitous (adj)
appropriate, well chosen, marked by well-being or good fortune, happy

synonym: fortunate
Furtive (adj)
done slyly or stealthily; sneaky, secret, shifty
Garish (adj)
glaring, tastelessly showy or overdecorated in a vulgar or offensive way

synonym: flashy
Illusory (adj)
misleading, deceptive; lacking in or not based on reality

synonym: fanciful
Indigent (adj)
needy, impoverished

synonym: penniless
Inordinate (adj)
far too great; exceding resonable limits

synonym: extravagant
Jettison (verb)
to cast overboard, get rid of as unnecessary

synonym: discard, abandon
Misanthrope (noun)
a person that hates or despises people

synonym: people-hater
Pertinancious (adj)
persistent, holding firmly to a course of actions or set of beliefs, hard to get rid of

synonym: stubborn, determined
Picayune (adj)
of little value or importance; small-minded; concerned with small matters

synonym: trifling
Raiment (noun)
clothing, garments

synonym: apparel
Allege (verb)
to assert without proof or confirmation

synonym: claim
Arrant (adj)
thoroughgoing; shameless, blatant

synonym: complete, total
Badinage (noun)
Light and playful conversation

synonym: banter
Conciliate (verb)
to overcome the distrust of, win over; to appease, to pacify; to reconcile

synonym: placate, to make peace with
Countermand (verb)
to cancel or reverse an order or command

synonym: revoke
Echelon (noun)
one of a series of grade in an organization; steplike formation or arrangement

synonym: rank, level
Exacerbate (verb)
to make more violent, severe, bitter, or painful

synonym: worsen
Fatuous (adj)
stupid or foolish in a self-satisfied way

synonym: silly
Irrefutable (adj)
impossible to disprove; beyond argument

synonym: indisputable
Juggernaut (noun)
a massive and inescapable force or object that crushes whatever is in its path
Lackadaisical (adj)
lacking spirit or interest; halfhearted

synonym: indifferent
Litany (noun)
a prayer consisting of short appeals to God, repetative chant, long list

synonym: long list
Macabre (adj)
grisly, gruesome, horrible, distressing

synonym: grotesque
Paucity (noun)
inadequate quantity; scarcity

synonym: lack

**followed by of
Portend (verb)
to indicatethat something is about to happen; to give advance warning of

synonym: foreshadow
Raze (verb)
to tear down, destroy completely

synonym: demolish
Recant (verb)
to withdrawl a statement or belief to which one has previously been commited, renounce, retract

synonym: take back
Saturate (verb)
to soak thoroughly, to satisfy fully, fill to capacity

synonym: drench, soak
Saturnine (adj)
of gloomy or surely disposition; cold or sluggish in mood

synonym: sullen
Slough (verb/noun)
to cast off, discard (verb)
state of depression (noun)

synonym: shed
Acclamation (noun)
shout of welcome, overwhelming verbal vote of approval

synonym: cheering
Bucolic (adj)
characteristic of countryside, rural

synonym: rustic
Calumniate (verb)
to slander; to accuse falsely

synonym: libel
Chary (adj)
extremely cautious, hesitant, or slow

synonym: skittish
Collusion (noun)
secret agreement or cooperation

synonym: conspiracy
Dilettante (noun/adj)
dabbler in the arts; one who engages in activity in a amateurish or trifling way (noun)
superficial (adj)

synonym: amateur
Imperturbable (adj)
not easily excited, emotionally steady

synonym: serene, unexitable
Increment (noun)
enlargement, increase, addition

synonym: gain
Mandate (noun/verb)
authorative command, formal order (noun)
to issue such an order (verb)

synonym: directive
Paltry (adj)
trifling, insignificant, inferior, trashy

synonym: meager
Paroxysm (noun)
a sudden outburst, a spasm, convusion

synonym: seizure
Pedantry (noun)
pretentious display of knowledge; rigid attention to rules and details

synonym: nit-picking
Peregrination (noun)
the act of traveling, excursion

synonym: journey
Redolent (adj)
fragrant, smelling strongly, tending to arouse memories

synonym: aromatic
Refulgent (adj)
shining, radiant

synonym: luminous
Shibboleth (noun)
a word, expression, or custom that distiguishes a group of people

synonym: catchphrase
Tyro (noun)
beginner or novice; one with little or no background or skill

synonym: neophyte
Unremitting (adj)
not stopping, maintained steadily, never letting up, relentless

synonym: constant
Vacillate (verb)
to swing indecisively from one idea or course of action to another; to waver weakly in mind or will

synonym: fluctuate
Vituperative (adj)
harshly abusive, severely scolding

synonym: abusive, insulting