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100 Cards in this Set

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Devious (adj)
1. Meant to Trick; not strait forward; shifty.
2. Departing from the correct or accepted way.
3. Departing from a strait or direct course.
Duplicity (noun)
Deliberate deception in behavior or speech.
Fictitious (adj)
1. False or fake; adopted or assumed in order to deceive.
2. Imaginary; unreal; relating to fiction
Guile (noun)
Sly intelligence; craftiness with the intention to deceive.
gullible (adj)
Easily deceived or fooled.
Hypocritical (adj)
Giving a false appearance; saying one thing but doing another.
Masquerade (verb/noun)
1. To disguise oneself; to put on a false or deceptive appearance.
2. A disguise or false appearance; a scheme or charade.
Overt (adj)
Open and observable; not hidden or secret
Reputable (adj)
Having a good reputation; well thought of; honorable and trustworthy.
Veracity (noun)
Truthfulness or accuracy; conformity to fact or truth.
Acme (noun)
The highest point of achievement.
Adept (adj)
Very skillful.
Aptitude (noun)
1. Natural ability; talent.
2. Quickness in understanding; intelligence.
Astute (adj)
Having shrewed judgment; observant, clever, and cunning.
Finesse (verb/noun)
1. To achieve a goal or handle a situation with subtle skill.
2. refinement, delicacy, and skill.
3. Subtle, skillful in handling a potentially difficult situation.
Painstaking (adj)
Marked by or requiring great care; demanding extended or extreme effort, or diligence.
Precocious (adj)
Showing unusually early development or maturity.
Prodigy (noun)
A person, often young, with exceptional talents or powers.
Resourceful (adj)
Effective and imaginative in solving problems; practical
Virtuoso (noun)
A very skilled musician or other type of artist; An expert or master artist.
Idiosyncrasy (noun)
An unusual habit of one particular person.
Innocuous (adj)
Harmless; not likely to offend anyone.
Obtrusive (adj)
1. Unpleasantly noticeable; bold.
2. Thrusting out.
Orthodox (adj)
1. Doing or believing what is commonly accepted or customary.
2. Following established faiths and beliefs.
Prevalent (adj)
Widely or commonly existing or practiced.
Prosaic (adj)
dull; ordinary;lacking in imagination and spirit.
Quaint (adj)
Charmingly odd, especially in an old fashioned way.
Rarity (noun)
Something that is very infrequent or scarce.
Singular (adj)
1. Being one of a kind; unique.
2. Being beyond what is ordinary or usual; remarkable.
Trite (adj)
overused and therefor lacking of interest.
Appraisal (noun)
Evaluation or estimation of worth.
Base (adj)
low or inferior in position or quality.
Candid (adj)
1. Frank; honest; expressing one's honest opinion.
2. Not posed or rehearsed.
Criterion (noun)
A standard of judgment.
Dexterity (noun)
1. Skill and grace in physical movement.
2. Cleverness.
Legitimate (adj)
1. Lawful; proper and acceptable.
2. Genuine.
Mediocre (adj)
Moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary.
Meritorious (adj)
Worthy; deserving of praise.
Truism (noun)
A statement of self-evident truth; a saying that, while true, has been overused.
Validate (verb)
To establish or confirm the truth or legality of something.
Circumlocution (noun)
The use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language.
Cogent (adj)
Logical and convincing; appealing to reason.
Discourse (noun/verb)
1. Formal speech or writing
2. To speak or write formally, and at length.
Falter (verb)
1. To hesitate or stammer in speech.
2. To move or function in an unsteady way.
Literate (adj)
1. Able to read and write; knowledgeable; educated; well expressed.
Prattle (verb/noun)
1. To talk foolishly; to chatter.
2. Foolish, annoying talk.
Raconteur (noun)
A person who tells stories and relates incidents with skill and wit.
Sophistry (noun)
Clever arguments that are misleading or incorrect.
Utterance (noun)
Something that is said
Verbose (adj)
Using or containing to many words; excessively wordy.
Aficionado (noun)
An enthusiastic fan or admirer.
Bravado (noun)
False bravery; a boastful display of courage.
Embargo (noun)
A government order preventing trade with another country.
Flotilla (noun)
A small fleet of boats or ships.
Hacienda (noun)
A large estate or ranch; the main house of such a ranch.
Incommunicado (Adj/Adverb)
Without a way to communicate.
Junta (noun)
1. A group of military leaders who seize and hold power over a country.
2. A council or small governing body, especially in Central and South America.
Peccadillo (noun)
A small fault; often habitual.
Peon (noun)
1. An unskilled laborer or farm worker.
2. A person low in hierarchy; a person of low status.
Renegade (noun/adj)
1. An outlaw, rebel, deserter, or traitor.
2. Abandoning a cause, group or principle.
Appreciable (adj)
Noticeable; able to be perceived or estimated.
Breadth (noun)
1. Width; distance from side to side.
2. A wide range.
Copious (adj)
Plentiful; abundant.
Gargantuan (adj)
Gigantic; or immense size, volume or capacity.
Innumerable (adj)
Too many to count.
Inordinate (adj)
Exceeding reasonable limits.
Negligible (adj)
Not enough to be worth considering; insignificant.
Paucity (noun)
Smallness of number; fewness; scarcity.
Pittance (noun)
A very small amount; an inadequate wage.
Proliferate (Verb)
To multiply, increase or spread rapidly.
Arbitrary (adj)
Based on impulse or random chance, rather than on reason.
Coincidental (adj)
Happening or existing at the same time by accident.
Contrive (verb)
To cleverly plan, plot or design.
Deliberation (noun)
Slow, careful thought.
Fortuitous (adj)
Happening by lucky accident.
Haphazard (adj)
Without plan or order; chosen randomly.
Premeditated (adj)
Planned or arranged in advance.
Prophetic (adj)
Foreseeing or predicting the future.
Spontaneity (noun)
The quality of following personal impulse rather than outside influences or planning.
Unwittingly (adverb)
Unknowingly; without awareness.
Assert (verb)
To state or express firmly.
Ferocity (noun)
Flout (verb)
To disobey openly; to defy.
Foolhardy (adj)
Unwisely bold; rash.
Headstrong (adj)
Determined to have one's own way; stubborn and often recklessly willful.
Incisive (adj)
Clear and sharp in analysis or expression.
Outspoken (adj)
1. Frank and unreserved in speech.
2. Spoken in a frank or unreserved way.
Undaunted (adj)
Not discouraged by danger or difficulty.
Vehement (adj)
Showing intense emotion or passion; forceful.
Vibrant (adj)
1. Pulsing with energy; vigorous.
2. Having bright colors.
Disregard (verb/noun)
1. To ignore; to pay no attention to.
2. Lack of proper attention or respect.
Enthrall (verb)
To capture someone's attention; to charm; to fascinate.
Heedless (adj)
Not paying attention; thoughtless.
Oblivious (adj)
Lacking awareness.
Preoccupy (verb)
To hold attention completely.
Rapt (adj)
Deeply absorbed in something; engrossed.
Receptive (adj)
Ready or willing to accept something.
Scrutinize (verb)
To examine carefully; with close attention to detail.
Tacit (adj)
Not spoken; understood through actions or statements.
Vigilant (adj)
Watchful; on the alert.