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19 Cards in this Set

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What is a verb? Name the three types and what they do.
Action, Linking, Helping, and Complete.

Action Verbs: Tell someone or something to do something.
Linking verbs: Tells someone or something is, feels or looks like.
Helping verbs: words that add information.
Complete verbs: consists of an action or link to other verbs.
What is a noun and the (2) types of noin?
A naming word.

Common: Something in general.
Proper: Something specific.
What is a pronoun?
Can do anything nouns do and can take the place of nouns. Stunt nouns.
What is an adjective?
These modify or describe verbs and pronouns. They make sentences clear and vivid.
What an adverb?
Adverbs modify, describe, or alter adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs. THEY DO NOT MODIFY NOUNS.
What is a preposition?
Prepositions indicate a relationship -- usually spatial in nature. (In, near, etc)
What is a conjunction?
Conjunctions: link words together. To, and, but, for, etc.
What is an interjection?
Words that express strong emotion.
What is a phrase? What composes it?
A group of words that function together. They are always missing a subject and a verb.
What is a clause?
Clauses are groups of words that come with either a subject or a verb and may stand alone occasionally.
What is a dependant clause?
A clause that requires a portion of a sentence to work.
What is an independent clause?
A clause that may function by itself.
What is a subject?
The topic the sentence is about.
What is a compound subject?
When there are two or more words that tell what the sentence is about.
What is a prepositional phrase?
A group of words that beins with words like in, on, from. Spatially oriented.
What are fragments?
Parts of a sentence.
What are fused sentences and comma splices?
Where two sentences are written as one.
What is a comma splice?
Where a comma is put between two independent clauses.
How can fused sentences be fixed? (4 ways)
Use a period.
Use a coordinating conjunction.
Create a dependent clause.
Use a semicolon.