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35 Cards in this Set

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Date range of renaissance period?


Worldview compared to Middle Age

Shift from life on Earth from after life and religion

Major shift in English language marking transition from Middle English to Modern

Great Vowel Shift

Poetic form most popular during era


What cultures served as models for arts and philosophies

Prechristian, Greece and Rome

Qualities of a Renaissance Man


King Henry VIII date reign was from when


King Henry had how many wives


Why he broke with Roman Catholic Church’s and what was the name of the protestant church he made

Wanted to divorce his wife Catherine of Argon and called his church, Church of England

What is the name of King Henry’s daughters

Elizabeth and Mary

How did Mary earn the nickname “Bloody Mary”

Had many Protestants executed

Dates reign for Queen Elizabeth


What prospect did Queen Elizabeth exploit to her advantage

Never married

Cousin Queen Elizabeth executed

Mary Queen of Scots

Attacking country Queen Elizabeth famously defeated

Spanish Armada

Dates reign of Kind James I


King James I was from where


Leader who defeated the Royalists and became leader of the commonwealth

General Oliver Cromwell

King who was restored to power, ending the Renaissance Period

Charles II

Shakespeare lived between


Where was Shakespeare from?


Occupation of Shakespeare’s father

Glove Maker

Who is Shakespeare wife

Ann Hathaway

Theater many of Shakespeare’s plays were performed in

The Globe

Type of English Shakespeare wrote in

Modern English

What is comedy vs tragedy

Ends in marriage vs ends in main characters death

Comic relief is

Light/ comedic scene after heavy one

Tragic hero

Noble birth, usually has tragic flaw

Tragic flaw in Hamlet


Hamlet was appx written when


Setting of Hamlet

Denmark, Castle of Elsanore

Major themes in Hamlet

Problem with gaining certainly of problem

Soliloquy is?

Character alone on stage thinking aloud

Aside is?

Character thinking aloud with people on stage

How is Hamlet similar to and different from Greek Tragedy

Similar- hero’s of noble birth

Difference- death at end