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50 Cards in this Set

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turn * down +
lower the volume or intensity of a TV, radio, or other machine
- "I'm studying! Please turn down the TV.
turn * in
- "You need to turn your essays in next week.
turn in
go to bed (inf.)
- "It's getting late. I think it is about time to turn in.
turn into +
become something different, transform
- "When she kissed the frog, it turned into a handsome prince.
turn * off +
stop the function of (a stove, a water faucet, a car, etc.)
- "Don't forget to turn off the iron before you leave the house.
turn on +
attack unexpectedly
- "The pit bull suddenly turned on the small child.
turn * on
cause to be excited sexually
- "Scientists have discovered that the smell of cinnamon turns many people on.
turn * on +
start the function of a TV, a radio, a machine
- "Turn on the TV. The baseball game starts in a few minutes.
turn * out
- "The weavers can turn out two or three rugs a month.
turn * out
switch off a light
- "Turn out the light before you go to bed.
turn out
audience members to a function
- "Over 100,000 people turned out for the concert.
turn out
end up being
- "She turned out to be the murderer after all.
turn * over
give to authorities (said of evidence or stolen / lost property)
- "They turned the wallet over to the police.
turn * up +
increase the volume or intensity of a TV, radio, or other machine
- "Turn up the TV. I can't hear what they're saying.
turn up
find unexpectedly
- "My keys turned up in the bedroom.
use * up
use all of something
- "I used up all of the soap, so we need to buy some more.
veer away from +
stay away from, avoid
- "I veer away from the same old summer blockbuster films.
wait on +
serve, service (a table)
- "Each waitress waits on three different tables in the restaurant.
wait up
not sleep because you are waiting for something or someone
- "Don't wait up.
wait up for +
not sleep because you are waiting for someone or something
- "Let's wait up for Mary to see how her date went.
wake * up +
awaken someone
- "The car alarm woke me up at 6:00 in the morning.
wake up
- "Wake up. It's time to get ready for work.
wash up
clean oneself
- "Make sure you wash up before dinner.
wash * up +
- "If we work together, we can wash the kitchen up in a few minutes.
watch out
be careful
- "Watch out - there's a rattlesnake!
watch out for +
be careful of
- "Watch out for snakes while you are hiking in the desert.
wear off
disappear after a period of time
- "The affects of the medicine will wear off after a few hours.
wear * out
use until something is not useable anymore
- "If you wear the same shoes everyday, you'll wear them out.
wear * out
cause to be very tired
- "Her three kids wore me out.
wind up +
finish (inf.)
- "If he doesn't get his act together, he is going to wind up in jail.
wind * up +
tighten the spring of a watch or similar machine
- "He wound up the toy dog and set it on the floor.
wind * up +
cause an animal or a child to behave wildly
- "The kids always get wound up when Uncle Henry comes over.
wipe * out +
massacre or destroy
- "The tidal wave wiped out the small fishing village.
wipe * out
cause to be very tired
- "After surfing all day, I was completely wiped out.
work * out +
- "I hope you two can work out your problems.
work out
- "I work out three times a week at the fitness center.
work out
be successful
- "I am glad your new catering business is working out.
write * down +
- "Write down the directions so you don't forget them.
write * out +
write down every word or letter
- "He wrote out the lyrics so I could understand what the singer was saying.
write * up +
prepare a report
- "He wrote up a business proposal in order to get a loan.
yak on
to continue talking in an annoying way ("on" can be repeated for emphasis)
- "He just yakked on and on and on.
yak on about +
to continue talking in an annoying way about something ("on" can be repeated for emphasis)
- "She just yakked on and on about her husband's new job.
yammer on
to talk in an annoying way or complain ("on" can be repeated for emphasis)
- "They yammered on and on and on.
yammer on about +
to talk in an annoying way about something or complain about ("on" can be repeated for emphasis)
- "He just yammered on and on about how horrible the waiter was.
zero in on +
discover, pinpoint
- "I think I have zeroed in on what has been causing the problem.
zip around +
move quickly from place to place
- "I zipped around town after work today.
zone out
stop paying attention
- "He zoned out during class.
zonk out
fall asleep
- "Jill was so exhausted after taking the TOEFL test that she zonked out before dinner.
zoom in
- "You need a telephoto lens to zoom in.
zoom in on +
focus on something, pinpoint
- "She zoomed in on his face while taking the picture.