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15 Cards in this Set

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Factious - Adj

Causing disagreement

S: alienated, belligent, contending

A: agreeing, cooperating

Ignoble - Adj

Dishonorable; shameful

S: abject, base, baseborn

A: dignified, grand

Boor - N

Rude or impolite person

S: barbarian, bear, boob

A: gentleman, charmer

Aegis - N

Shield; protection

S: auspices, patronage, sponsorship

Perspicacity - N

Keenness of judgement

S: acumen, discernment, discrimination

Fervent - Adj

Eager; earnest

S: ardent, devout, earnest

A: apathetic,calm

Rectify - V

To correct; to make right

S: amend, fix, improve

A: corrupt, harm

Enervate - v

To weaken

S: debilitate, devitalize, disable

A: aid, assist

Besiege - v

To overwhelm; to surround and attack

S: beleaguer, beset, blockade

A: let go, leave alone

Ephemeral - Adj

Lasting only a brief time; short lived

S: fleeting, short-lived, transitory

A: enduring, lasting

Alturism - N

A concern for others; generosity

S: benelevance, humanitarianism, vindness

A: meanness

Carrion - N

Decaying flesh

S: body, corpse, remains

Erotic - Adj

Pertaining to sexual love

S: amorous, bawdy, carnal

A: chaste, clean

Amorphous - Adj

Shapeless, formless, vauge

S: nebulous, vauge, baggy

A: define, distinct

Opulent - adj

Rich, luxurious; wealthy

S: deluxe, extravegant, lavish

A: economical, poor