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40 Cards in this Set

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partisan n.

one who exhibits extreme or possible blind allegiance to a group derivatives.

pernicious adj.

very destructive or harmful, deadly, baneful, detrimental.

covert n.

secret, concealed, clandestine, furtive, stealthy derivatives.

portentous adj.

momentous, having great significance derivatives.

gall n.

bile, an irritant, impudence, something bitter derivatives.

according adj.

harmonious, agreeable.

wanton adj.

immoral, lewd, licentious

virtuous adj.

having excellent morals, righteous, ethical, noble.

disparage v.

to degrade, to speak of something or someone in a derogatory manner, to belittle.

profane adj.

showing contempt towards sacred things; to violate, desecrateor defame.

Entreat v.

A plea or earnest request; to appeal


Utter v.

To express by speaking, pouncing OR carried to the utmost point or highest degree


Idolatry n.

Extreme admiration, love, or reverence for something or someone


Repose n.

A state of rest, sleep, or tranquility.


Air v.

To broadcast or televise; to make public


Baleful adj.

Having a harmful or destructive effect; menacing or sinister


Intercede v.

To intervene on behalf of another; to act as a mediator or arbitrate


Forsake v.

To quit or to leave entirely; to depart or withdraw from


Chide v.

To voice disapproval; to scold or chastise


Discord n.

Lack of agreement


submissive adj.

yielding or surrendering oneself to the will of another.

obeying, yielding, giving-in

feign v.

to give a false appearance, to throw a fake punch.

play, forge, fake

dexterous v.

skillful and active with the hands; skill or cleverness in using hands or body.

able, acute, clever

dissemble v.

to disguise, pretend, to hind the truth.

falsify, fake, hide

beguile v.

to persuade with charm.

betray, delude, bluff

calamity n.

a serious event causing distress or misfortune.

adversity, mishap, downfall

perjury n.

false testimony under oath, bearing false witness.

falsehood, untruth, false oath

ascent v.

to move upward.

life, rise, climb

vexation n.

discomfort or distress; annoyance.

hassle, irritation, harassment

inundate v.

to cover with; to overflow.

overflow, flood, swamp

abominable adj.

repugantly hateful; detesable; loathsome.

Dill had discarded the abominable blue shorts.

benign adj.

having a kindly disposition; gracious.

Until Jem and Dill excluded me from their plans, she was only another lady in the neighborhood, but a relatively begin presence.

magisterial adj.

of, relating to, or befitting a master; authoritative; of importance

But after her five o´clock bath she would appear on her front porch and reign over the street in magisterial beauty.

benevolence n.

desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness

Miss Maudie´s benevolence extended to Jem and Dill.

ensuing adj.

to following in order; come afterward especially in immediate succession

Dill said he must drink a gallon a day, and ensuing contest to determine relative distances.

prowess n.

exceptional valor, bravery, or abillity

Respective prowess only made me feel left out again.

meditative adj.

of, involving, or absorbed in meditation or considered thought

When we passed our tree, he gave it a meditative pat in its cement.

unfathomable adj.

difficult or impossible; incomprehensible.

The thought of losing my dog is unfathomable.

accost v.

to approach and speak to someone often in an angry, aggressive, or unwanted way.

