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68 Cards in this Set

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(n) one who believes that nothing can be known about God; a skeptic
(adj) without faith; skeptical
(n) that which is pleasant or agreeable
(pl) attractive features, costumes, etc
(v) to claim or take without right
(adj) hackneyed, trite, commonplace
(adj) beast like; beastly, brutal; subhuman in intelligence and sensibility
(adj) having a salty taste and unpleasant to drink
(adj) aware, knowledgeable, informed; having jurisdiction
(adj) overflowing with enthusiasm and excitement; boiling, bubbling
(adj) stupid or foolish in a self-satisfied way
(adj) lacking in spirit and strength; ineffective, weak; irresponsible, unreliable
(adj) fruitful in offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive
(adj) glaring; tastelessly showy or overdecorated in a vulgar or offensive way
(adj) given to lying or deception; untrue
(adj) open to discussion and debate; unresolved
(v) to bring up for discussion
(n) a hypothetical law case argued to students
(n) a suspension of activity; an official waiting period; an authorized period of delay
(n) the lowest point
(n) descendants, offspring, children, followers, disciples
(adj) in a reclining position, lying down in the posture of one sleeping or resting
(adj) of a gloomy or surly disposition; cold or sluggish in mood
A story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning
When an absent person, an abstract concept, or an important object is directly addressed
Ex: With how sad steps, O moon, though climbest the skies. Busy old fool, unruly sun
blank verse
A poem written in unrhymed iambic pentameter
A natural pause or break
Ex: England - how I long for thee!
A far-fetched simile or metaphor, a literary conceit occurs when the speaker compares two highly dissimilar things
The repetition of consonant sounds, but not vowels
Ex: Lady lounges lazily
Dark deep dread
The literal meaning of a word, the dictionary meaning
Ex: Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest (sleep)
A harsh, discordant, unpleasant-sounding choice and arrangement of sounds
dramatic irony
An incongruity of discrepancy between what a character says or thinks and what the reader knows to be true (or between what a character perceives and what the author intends the reader to perceive)
A lyric poem lamenting death
When the units of sense in a passage of poetry don't coincide with the verses, and the sense runs of from one verse to another; the lines are said to be enjambed
No punctuation
A character that contrasts second character that highlights certain qualities of that first character
An exaggeration or overstatement
Ex: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse
in medias res
Usually describes a narrative that begins, not at the beginning of a story, but somewhere in the middle -- usually at some crucial point in the action.
A figure of speech that emphasizes its subject by conscious understatement
Ex: Not bad (a form of high praise)
ottava rima
An eight line verse stanza rhyming abababcc. Usually in iambic pentameter
Reveals a kind of truth which at first seems contradictory. Two opposing ideas
Ex: Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage
(two definitions)
1. A four-line stanza
2. A four-line division of a sonnet marked off by its rhyme scheme
situational irony
verbal irony
A figure of speech in which what is said is the opposite of what is meant
Lord of the Flies: symbolism of the conch
Civilization and order
Lord of the Flies: Golding's view of human nature as illustrated by the evens in the book
By nature humans are savage
Lord of the Flies: parallel between the weather and Simon's death
Stormy and dark; foreshadowing
Lord of the Flies: the two who emerge as the worst
Jack and Roger
Lord of the Flies: principal theme
Human nature vs social impact
A Modest Proposal: definition of satire
Work intended to ridicule, vice, or folly
A Modest Proposal: principal targets of Swift's criticism
Modem economics and ways of thinking about people at the expense of real values
A Modest Proposal: some of the benefits Swift outlines if his solution is put into effect
Reduces population, economically lightens load of the poor, more food
Gulliver's Travels: the targets of satire
Structure of society, obsession with science, positions of power, bestiality of humans
Paradise Lost: why does the beginning focus more on Satan
He is the "protagonist"
Paradise Lost: atmosphere of Hell as Milton describes it
Barren, big, burning (yet dark) no happiness or hope
Paradise Lost: description of Satan
Huge and ugly
Paradise Lost: theme
Importance of obedience to God
Hierarchical nature of the universe
Fall of fortune
Brave New World: things children are conditioned to dislike and why
Books and flowers: knowledge and nature
Brave New World: term for "birth"
Brave New World: hypnopaedia lessons given to the boys early in the book
Everyone belongs to everyone else
Brave New World: Lenina's reaction to the Savage ritual
Appalled and disgusted
Brave New World: purpose of the ritual
Entry into manhood
Brave New World: cause of Bernard's loss of popularity
Didn't follow through with his promise
Brave New World: basis of the first criticism again Helmholtz
Went against the state
Brave New World: Mustapha Mond's dirty little secret that almost got him exiled
Was doing science experiments
Brave New World: VPS and its purpose
Rush of adrenaline
Brave New World: Mond tells John civilizations must choose between God and....
Hamlet: Which characters does Hamlet kill?
Hamlet: Turning point/climax?
When Claudius storms out of the play, freaked out
And when Hamlet can't kill Claudius while he's praying
Hamlet: What do we learn about Claudius while he's praying?
He is regretful that he has killed his brother, and wants forgiveness for his sins
Hamlet: Why does Hamlet admire Fortinbras?
Fortinbras is a man of action
Hamlet: What decision does Claudius make after Hamlet kills Polonius?
He hurries sending Hamlet away to England with Rosencratz and Gildenstern. They are carrying a letter ordering Hamlet's death
Hamlet: Hamlet's tragic flaw
Too slow to act
Can't decide what to do