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132 Cards in this Set

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Why does Tom hit Myrtle at his apartment in New York City?
Because she taunts him about Daisy
Where is Gatsby’s mansion located?
West Egg
Where does Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy take place?
Nick's House
In what year is The Great Gatsby set?
Where were Nick and Tom educated?
What is Jordan Baker’s occupation?
When he renews his acquaintance with Daisy at Nick’s house, what does Gatsby knock off of the mantle?
A clock
What is Nick’s home state?
Why did Gatsby drop out of college?
He was humiliated by having to work as a janitor to pay his tuition.
Which millionaire hired the young Gatsby as an assistant?
Dan Cody
Where is the valley of ashes?
Between West Egg and New York City
Who among the following comes to Gatsby’s funeral?
(A) Gatsby’s father
(B) Daisy
(C) Tom
(D) Klipspringer
Who drives the car that kills Myrtle?
How are Daisy and Nick related?
They are cousins
Where did Daisy meet Gatsby?
Where did Gatsby study after the war?
On the day after the confrontation between Tom and Gatsby in New York City, what does Gatsby instruct his gardener not to do?
Drain the Pool
At the end of the novel, Daisy chooses to be with
What are the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg?
A signboard in the valley of ashes
Why does Nick move to New York?
To learn about the Bond Business
What did Fitzgerald call the 1920s?
The Jazz Age
Why does Gatsby throw his weekly parties?
To impress Daisy
What is Meyer Wolfshiem’s claim to fame?
He rigged the 1919 World Series.
Where does Gatsby recognize Nick from?
Nick and Gatsby fought in the same battle in World War I
Which woman is Tom’s extramarital lover?
Which woman is Tom’s extramarital lover?
What do the Tralfamadorians resemble?
Toilet plungers
Where is Billy Pilgrim from?
Ilium, New York
Of how many dimensions are Tralfamadorians aware?
Who lends Billy his science-fiction books?
Eliot Rosewater
To whom does Vonnegut make the promise that he will call his book The Children’s Crusade?
Mary O’Hare
Following which event is Billy taken prisoner?
The Battle of the Bulge
Why do the Tralfamadorians compare Billy to a bug trapped in amber?
Because Billy has no control over his fate
Whom should one ask for when one is in Cody, Wyoming, according to the novel?
Wild Bob
In what city does Kurt Vonnegut work for General Electric?
Schenectady, New York
How many children does Billy father?
Which of the following is the title of a Kilgore Trout novel?
The Big Trout
What single event in the war makes Billy cry?
The condition of the horses that pull the green wagon
In what year does Billy die?
Where do Billy and Valencia go on their honeymoon?
Cape Ann, Massachusetts
Where does the author show up at the POW camp?
In the latrine
What is Edgar Derby tried and executed for stealing?
A teapot
Which of the following happens to Billy for the first time in Dresden?
He sees a naked woman
Why did Valencia think that no one would marry her?
Because she is fat
What does Billy’s doctor prescribe to help him sleep?
A magic fingers vibrator
Why is it ironic that the Serenity Prayer hangs in Billy’s office?
Because it suggests the possibility of improving the world, which Billy believes impossible
How does Bertram Copeland Rumfoord respond to Billy’s claim that he was in Dresden at the time of the firebombing?
He tries to change the subject
What is inscribed in Montana Wildhack’s silver locket?
The Serenity Prayer
In what format are Tralfamadorian books composed?
They are composed of short telegram-like groups of symbols separated by stars
On which U.S. city does Billy say China will drop a hydrogen bomb in 1976?
What question does Billy ask the aliens when he is abducted?
Why Me?
When the novel begins, Holden is
(A) Watching a football game
(B) Taking a train to New York
(C) Recuperating in some sort of psychiatric institution
(D) Riding a carousel in Central Park
What is the name of the school Holden is attending at the beginning of his story?
(A) The Whooton School
(B) Pencey Prep
(C) Don Bosco High
(D) Elkton Hills
Holden was forced to return early to school from New York because
(A) His parents caught him in their apartment.
(B) He lost the fencing team’s equipment.
(C) He desperately wanted to see the final football game.
(D) He needed to see Mr. Spencer.
4. What item of clothing did Holden buy during the team’s trip to New York?
A) A hound’s-tooth jacket
(B) A red hunting hat
(C) A brown derby
(D) A pink leisure suit
Contrasting him with the annoying and sloppy Ackley, Holden describes Stradlater as a(n)
A) “Anal-retentive neat-freak”
(B) “Guy whose mess you don’t mind”
(C) “Clean and nice roommate”
(D) “Secret slob”
Holden tries to punch Stradlater immediately after
A) Stradlater refuses to answer Holden’s questions about his date.
(B) Stradlater suddenly attacks him.
(C) Stradlater brags about his sexual conquests.
(D) Stradlater rips his hound’s-tooth jacket.
Holden nostalgically remembers the way Jane Gallagher used to
A) Talk about the Museum of Natural History
(B) Play checkers
(C) Write stories
(D) Ride her bike
Once back in New York, the first person Holden tries to invite for a drink is
(A) A cab driver
(B) Faith Cavendish
(C) Carl Luce
(D) Sally Hayes
Holden wonders about the fate of which animals in Central Park?
A) The squirrels in the Sheep Meadow
(B) The goats in the Children’s Zoo
(C) The feral dogs roaming the Nature Preserve
(D) The ducks in the lagoon
After Holden checks into his room at the Edmont Hotel, what does he see out of his window?
(A) A parade
(B) A flock of ducks flying away from the Central Park lagoon
(C) A variety of bizarre sex acts going on in other rooms of the hotel
(D) Jane Gallagher fooling around with Stradlater
11. According to Holden, he knew he was happy when he was
(A) Holding hands with Jane
(B) Writing essays for Mr. Spencer
(C) Fooling “phonies” with elaborate lies
(D) Listening to Ernie play piano
The elevator operator at the Edmont offers to get Holden
(A) Drugs
(B) Complimentary breakfast
(C) A prostitute
(D) Movie tickets
Holden claims he can’t sleep with Sunny because
(A) He’s a virgin.
(B) He loves her too much.
(C) He’s mourning the death of his mother.
(D) He’s just had an operation on his “clavichord.”
After Maurice hits Holden in the crotch, what does Holden do?
(A) He repeatedly insults Maurice, resulting in further physical punishment.
(B) He punches Maurice in the face.
(C) He collapses to the floor, cursing at Sunny.
(D) He hops around the room, spewing profanities while smoke comes out of his ears.
After his encounter with Maurice, Holden
(A) Calls the police
(B) Calls Jane Gallagher
(C) Pretends he’s a movie character who has been shot
(D) Realizes he’s in love with Sunny
At breakfast, Holden is surprised that the nun
(A) Eats fatty foods
(B) Likes Romeo and Juliet
(C) Shows no remorse over stealing the collection money
(D) Spits water on her partner’s face
What does Holden buy for Phoebe?
(A) A book titled Out of Africa
(B) An autographed photograph of Robert Donat
(C) A record titled “Little Shirley Beans”
(D) A pair of yellow shoes
According to Holden, what is “the best thing” about the Museum of Natural History?
(A) “That everything always stayed right where it was”
(B) “That no goddam phonies ever went there”
(C) “That this one crazy Indian always reminds [him] of Allie”
(D) “That the birds look exactly like the ducks in the lagoon”
As Holden predicted, Sally is excited to
(A) Talk about their futures
(B) Openly discuss their problems and emotions
(C) See the Lunts
(D) Listen to “Little Shirley Beans”
Although Phoebe’s real middle name is “Josephine,” she signs her name as
A) Phoebe Weatherfield Caulfield
(B) Phoebe Allie Caulfield
(C) Phoebe Benedict Arnold Caulfield
(D) Phoebe “Mad Dog” Caulfield
Phoebe chastises Holden because, in her mind, he
(A) Smokes too many cigarettes
(B) Dates terrible women
(C) Is too nice
(D) Doesn’t like anything
What or who is the “catcher in the rye”?
(A) Holden’s dream job
(B) Phoebe’s favorite stuffed animal
(C) An old college buddy of Holden’s father
(D) A symbolically important drinking glass
Just before he leaves her room, Phoebe gives Holden
(A) A stern scolding
(B) A record she had bought for him
(C) Her Christmas money
(D) His red hunting hat
Holden leaves Mr. Antolini’s apartment because
(A) Mr. Antolini passes out drunk.
(B) He feels sick.
(C) He thinks Mr. Antolini made a pass at him.
(D) Mr. Antolini throws him out.
As he prepares to leave New York City, Holden repeatedly encounters
(A) Mr. Antolini
(B) Vulgarity scrawled on walls
(C) His brother’s ghost
(D) Ackley and Stradlater
The narrator of The Great Gatsby is a young man from Minnesota named
Nick Carraway
In The Great Gatsby, Nick He characterizes himself as both highly _____ and highly ________
Moral, tolerant
When was The Great Gatsby published?
Which of these details is true about Gatsby's past?
A) He received a degree from Oxford
B) He's the son of wealthy people from the Midwest
C) He fought in the war
D) All of these are false
Which of these details is true about Gatsby's past?
He received a degree from Oxford
He's the son of wealthy people from the Midwest
He fought in the war
All of these are false
He Fought in the war
Which of these is a reminder of the issues of money and class in the novel? Nick's favorite color
Tom's need for an affair
The song that Klipspringer plays on the piano
Daisy's little girl
The song that Klipspringer plays on the piano
Who is Meyer Wolfsheim?
A notorious underworld figure involved in organized crime
Who is Ewing Klipspringer?
A boarder who lives in Gatsby's house
Where did Nick Carraway attend school?
Who narrarates the Great Gatsby?
Nick Carraway
Who is Dr. Eckleburg?
An eye doctor whose billboard overlooks the road to West Egg
The road between West Egg and East Egg is
the valley of ashes
Why do Nick and Tom go to the "valley of ashes"?
Tom wants Nick to meet his mistress
Who claims to be in the "artistic game"?
Mr. Mckee
What reason does Myrtle give for having an affair?
"You can't live forever."
Meyer Wolfsheim's cufflinks are made from
human Molars
Why does Gatsby throw extravagant parties?
He believes that Daisy may come to a party some night.
Why does Nick think that Gatsby may be disappointed with Daisy?
Daisy could not possibly live up to the dreams that Gatsby had about her.
How does Gatsby dress for his first meeting with Daisy?
in gold and silver
When did James Gatz change his name to Gatsby?
Age 17
How is the true story of Gatsby's life revealed?
A reporter comes to Gatsby's home and interviews him. Thereafter, the rumors about Gatsby's past are compared by the narrator to the true events of Gatsby's life.
Who changed Gatsby's life forever, inspiring him to become rich and powerful?
Dan Cody
Jay Gatsby’s real name is
James Gatz
What is Dan Cody’s relationship to Gatsby?
He was his mentor
Gatsby made his fortune in
Which character is described as “old money,” “hulking,” “aggressive,” “confrontational,” and “racist”?
Tom Buchanan
Gatsby is killed by
George Wilson
How does Myrtle Wilson die?
She is struck by Daisy driving Gatsby’s car.
Gatsby lives in West Egg, the less fashionable of the Eggs, because he
wants to live across the sound from Daisy
What is depicted on the decaying billboard that frightens some of the residents of the valley of ashes?
A Pair of Eyes
What is D.B.’s profession?
Hollywood Screenwriter
What possession of Allie’s does Holden write about in a descriptive theme paper?
Baseball Glove
Where do Sally and Holden go on their date?
to a matinee and a skating rink
Whom does Phoebe play the part of in the Christmas pageant?
Benedict Arnold
What is the name of Holden's favorite short story by his brother?
The Secret Goldfish
What position does Billy Pilgrim hold in the U.S. Army?
Chaplain's Assistant
According to the Tralfamadorians, out of 100 inhabited planets, only the people of Earth talk about what?
Free Will
Who is in the bed next to Billy's during his stay in the mental wing of the veterans' hospital?
Eliot Rosewater
After the war, Billy begins a career as what?
A writer
Who is Howard W. Campbell?
An American Nazi
Who stands up to Howard W. Campbell?
Edgar Derby
How does Billy's wife Valencia die?
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
What was Montana Wildhack's profession on Earth?
Porn Actress
How does Edgar Derby die?
He is shot by german soldiers for plundering
Billy is elected president of what Ilium, New York, organization?
Lions' club
Who is the only character who takes Billy's talk about Tralfamadorians seriously?
Kilgore Trout
The verses from "Away in a Manger" in the novel's Epigraph create a connection between Billy Pilgrim and
Jesus Christ
When Billy has his picture taken with German soldiers, what is the picture to be used for?
German Propoganda
Billy is kidnapped by Tralfamadorians on the night of what event?
His Daughter's Wedding
What does Nick learn about Tom through Jordan Baker
That Tom is having an affair
How does Daisy want her daughter to grow up
As a Beautiful Fool
What is Myrtle and Wilson's relationship?
They are married
What does Myrtle have Tom buy her
A Puppy for $10
Who is Katherine
Myrtle's sister
Who is Mr. McKee
A Photrapher
Why does nick go to Gatsby's party
because he was invited