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21 Cards in this Set

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A sentimental, wistful longing or affection for the past, typically for a period, place, time, or person with happy memories and associations.

Novel: noun

. A lengthy fictional narrative.

Novella: noun.

A shorter form of the novel, typically ranging from fifty to one hundred pages.

Octave: noun.

An eight line stanza; frequently applied to the first eight lines of the Italian sonnet.

Ode: noun.

A relatively long, serious, and usually meditative lyric poem that treats a noble or otherwise elevated subject in a dignified and calm manner.

Omniscient: adjective

Describing a form of writing or perspective that permits the author to present not only external details and information through an ‘all knowing’ narrator but also the inner thoughts and emotions of all characters.

Onomatopoeia: noun.

The creation or use of words that signify sound effects.

Oxymoron: noun.

A figure of speech that juxtaposes two opposite or apparently contradictory words to present an emphatic and dramatic paradox.

Pacing: noun.

The rhythm of the narrative, and progression of events within the story.

Palindrome: noun.

Writing where the letters are exactly the same whether they are read forwards or backwards..

ex: ana

Parable: noun.

A short, realistic, and illustrative story intended to teach a moral or religious lesson.

Paradigm: noun.

A distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, and standards for what consist legitimate contributions to a given field

Paradox: noun.

A statement that seems self-contradictory or nonsensical on the surface, but upon closer examination, may be seen to contain an underlying truth.

Paralipsis: noun.

A rhetorical device in which a speaker asserts that they will not discuss something that they in fact go on to discuss.

Life of PI

Parallelism: noun.

Using grammatically similar constructions of words or phrases to emphasize ideas or images within a text; also referred to as parallel structure.

Paraphrase: verb.

To rephrase or restate the meaning of a text or passage, using different words.

Paraprosdokian: noun.

A figure of speech in which the latter part of a phrase or discourse is unexpected.

Parenthesis: noun.

A form of punctuation indicated by two round brackets; a word, phrase, or clause inserted as an explanation or afterthought.

Parody: noun.

A form of literature that imitates a specific work or style for comic eect, usually to ridicule or criticize.

Passive Voice: noun.

A type of grammatical voice construction that expresses the theme of the main verb.

Pastiche: noun.

A form that borrows heavily from a master’s recognizable style in a way that is deemed derivative.