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62 Cards in this Set

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What is step one of the writing process
What is prewriting
when you choose a topic, identify a purpose and audience,and collect and organize details
What is the second part of the writing process
What is drafting
expressing your collected ideas and details in complete sentences and paragraphs
what is the 3 step of the writing process
What is revising
carefully reading and rereading your reading and regarding your writing to find and fix errors and weakness
What is the 4th step of the writing process
Editing and proofreading
What is profreading and editing
evaluating your writing and making changes to improve it
what is the 5th step of the writing process
Publishing and presenting
what is publishing and presenting
sharing your final writing product with others
What five things do you need to have a good essay
and introduction/topic sentence/ideas and detail that support you topic/conclusion/and transitions
What is a introduction
get a reader's attention and lead naturally to the main idea and has a topic sentence
What is a topic sentence
expresses the main idea of the paragraph
what is are ideas and detail
things that support you topic sentence
What is a conclusion
restates the main idea and makes the essay or writing is finished
what are transition
a sentence or two making the move from one paragraph to another
a reference back to a statement, person,place,or an event from literature,the arts, history, religion,mythology,politics, mythology, politics, sports, science
the name given to a literary work or document
The writer of a literary work or document
a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, or technique
the time and place of a story, play, or narrative poem
the series of related events that make up a story
the introduction or beginning of a work of fiction which tells who the character are and usually what their conflict is
the struggle between opposing character or opposing figures
External Conflict
Conflict from the outside
Internal Conflict
a conflict from with in
the high point of a story where the problem is solved
the final part of a story
the uncertainty or anxiety that a reader feels about what will happen next
clues and hints that lead to the future
moment that a character looks back upon something
Point of View
the vantage point that a story is told by
Ominescent View
a view that knews all and is like g-d
third person limited
your outside the story but you only knew what one person is feeling and thinking
first person point of vew
is the view point of one person using pronoun like I
a person or animal in a story,play, or literarywork
the way a writer reveals the personality of a character
Direct Characterization
a method by which the writer reveals the personality of a character by simply telling the reader what kind of personality of a character by simply yelling the reader what kind of person the character is.
Indirect Character
a method by which the writer reveals the personality of a character through the character's appearance thought , word, and actions, as wells as what other characters think and say about him
The man character in a work of literature
The character to opposes the protagonist
Character motivation
any force that drives a character to behave in a certain way
Static Character
a character that doesn't change
Dynamic Character
a character that does change
the attitude that a writer take toward a subject ,character, or audience
the overall atmosphere or feeling of a work of literature
that way a writer use language, including diction, sentence structure, and tone
a person,place, a thing, or an event that has meaning in itself and stands for something beyond itself as well
the general idea or insight about life that a work of literature reveals
Figure of Speech
a word or phrase that describes one thing in terms of another and is not meant to be understand as literally true
a comparison using to unlike things, using words such as like, as, than or resembles
an imaginative comparison between two unlike things in which one thing is said to be another
a animal or thing that is given human like qualities
Language that appels to the senses
an expression peculiar to a particular language that means something different from the literal meaning of the word
a story that explains something about the world and typically involves gods or other supernatural forces
a long fictional story usually longer than hundred book pages
a prose account that is made up rather than true
prose writing that deals with real people, things, event ,and places
a kind of rhythmic compressed language that uses figures of speeches and imagery designed to appealed to our emotion and imagination
any writing that is not poetry
a peice of writing that tells a story