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47 Cards in this Set

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What is the Plot?

A series of events that make up a story.

What is Exposition?

The beginning part of a story where the reader learns about the characters and conflicts they face.

What is the Rising action?

The part of a story where suspense builds because complications arise that make the conflict more difficult for the main character(s) to resolve.

What is the Climax?

The climax is the middle part of the story where the readers interest reaches the highest point.

What is the Falling action?**REVIEW**

This is the part that comes after the climax.

What is the Resolution?

This is the solution to the conflict, at the end of the story. Loose ends are tied up. Also called the denouement.

What are the two types of Conflict?

1) Internal conflict; happens within a person or character

2) External conflict; happens between a person & another person, machine, nature, or society

Give some examples of Conflict.

Person vs person, person vs nature, person vs self, ect

What are the two types of Third Person?

Third person limited is when you only get the thoughts and feelings of one character, while Third person omniscient is when the narrator knows and relates thoughts, actions, and feelings of all characters, hence being "all-knowing"

What is a Parable?

This is a story with a moral or lesson about life.

What is Irony?

Irony is when something is opposite of what you expect; the difference between what is said and what is actually meant.

What are the three types of Irony?**REVIEW**

1) Verbal Irony; when someone says something but means exactly the opposite

2) Situational Irony;

3) Dramatic Irony; when the reader knows something the characters don't.

What is Prose?

Prose is just ordinary writing. Does not contain structure like poetry.

What is Alliteration?

When words that are close together begin with the same letter. "Super sick snake"

What is a Metaphor?

A comparison of two things that are not usually compared together. "Her hair was silk"

What is a Smilie?

A comparison of two things using the words "like" and "as".

What is Personification?

When the writer gives objects or natural forces human feelings and characteristics.

What is a Hyperbole?

An exaggeration, and puts a picture in a person's mind. Think of exaggerating someone's looks. Makes a point by overexaggerating.

What is Idiom?**REVIEW**


What is Parallelism?

A balance within one or more sentences with the same grammatical structure. "She likes to cook, jog, and read. She likes cooking, jogging, and reading."

What is Juxtaposition?**REVIEW**


What is an Oxymoron?

Two opposite ideas joined together to create an effect. "Cruel kindness"

What are the three viewpoints?

Bird's-eye view, worm's-eye, and neutral angle. Otherwise called high-angle shots, low-angle shots, and eye-level shots.

What is an abstract word?

A word that refers to something that cannot be perceived by people's sense of sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch.

What is allegory?

A simple story written in prose or poetic form that is meant to teach a lesson about life. Usually it is written in a literal level, but can also signify abstract concepts or political and historical concepts.

What is an allusion?

A reference to a significant figure, events place, or literary work that the writer expects the reader to recognize.

What is an anecdote?

A brief, personal story with a point that relates to a larger discussion; or a story about a single incident this is important or interesting to relate.

What is aural imagery?

Imagery that appeals to the sense of hearing.

What is blank verse?**REVIEW**


What is caricature?

A representation of a person that exaggerates the person's physical features.

What is a cliché?

An expression that has been overused; or an overused word or phrase that has lost its originality and power due to overexposure.

What is colloquial?

Informally, everyday spoken language.

What is context?

The circumstances or conditions in which a text was created.

What is a declarative sentence?

A sentence that makes a statement.

What are the five types of dominating lines?

Horizontal, vertical, wavy, exploding(outwards), and diagonal.

What do horizontal lines mean?

They give a feeling of peace, stability, and rest.

What do vertical lines mean?

They give the feeling of power, strength, dignity, and importance.

What do diagonal lines mean?

They give a feeling of forceful action and movement forward.

What do wavy lines mean?

They give a feeling of grace, beauty, and rhythm.

What do radiating lines mean?

They give a feeling of forceful expansion and power.

What is an exclamatory sentence?

A word, phrase, or complete sentence that is emphatic or filled with emotion.

What is figurative language?

Language that uses figures of speech like similes and metaphors to achieve a special effect.

What is free verse?

Poetry that does not contain an identifiable rhythmic pattern or rhyme scheme.

What is glittering generalities?


What is gustatory imagery?

Imagery that appeals to the sense of taste.

What is jargon?

Specialized language used by people in a particular occupation or group.

What is metacognition?

Taking notice of your own thinking and imagining by way of reflection, critical awareness and analysis, monitoring and reinvention.