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14 Cards in this Set

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The Adjective Rule
If you can place an "AND" in place of the comma and it sounds normal. or If you can switch around the two adjectives before the noun and it sounds normal
The etc. rule
after items in a series is always set off with a comma after the "etc."
ex: I enjoy any sport such as swimming, running, football, etc., on any Saturday afternoon
In one case where you wouldn't put a comma before the final adjective in a series:
if the adjective is thought of as part of the noun .
Lawand hung colorful,delicate Chinese laterns around the patio.
Short Independent clauses are how long?
4 words or less per independent clause
ex: The phone rang but I let it ring. We can go now or we can go later.
Conjunctions that you always use a comma before are.
for, yet, so

for yourself
Default rule
If you folow the comma rule, and it results to misreading the sentence, BREAK THE RULE!
ex: I cooked bacon, and eggs were cooked later.
Introductory Infinitive phrases are set off with commas
ex. To do well, you must take notes.
No comma: To me I think you are brilliant
To do well is my only desire.
Introductory adverb clauses
place a comma after a introductory adverb clause
Today, we will have a test
No comma: For today we will have no homework.
Thursday, we will have a test
No comma: we will have a test thursday
Two or more introductory prepositional phrases or after one long introductory prep. phrase
LONG is 4 words or more.
In the park near my house, a music festival will take pace this weekend.
Adjective rules to know
place commas around adjectives following the noun or pronoun that they modify.
ex: Tom, sad and angry, threw away the test that he failed.
If a short introductory prepositional phrase ends in a number, and the next word in the independent clause is a number, set the short prep. phrase off.
ex: In 2010 I was accepted to Loyola High school.
In 2010, 320 students were in the freshman class at loyola.
RULE # 3
Do not put a comma after a prepositional phrase if a verb follows the prep. phrase.
Into the trash can by the house, jumped my cat. (because it's longer then 4 words)
Into the valley of death rode the 600.
Parenthetical Expressions
It is a side remark that adds information or shows a relationship between ideas.
Put a comma after the dates and after an independent clauses.
Do not use a comma to separate the month from the date
Ex: June 20
the date from the month when the date is given before the month
ex: 4 July 1946
the month from the year when no date is given
ex: October 1999
Hawaii achieved statehood on August 21, 1959, and became the fiftieth state.
1313 Hellhole Lane,
Torture, CA 66666, to say hello.