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145 Cards in this Set

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Names a person place thing or idea

Examples of Nouns

Person: Boy, Jose

Place: park, Disneyland

Thing: desk, animal

Idea: Democracy, thanksgiving


An act of process a product or result



An action or process; amount or degree



An action or process amount or degree


-or (-er)

One who does or who produces



The study of



Results action state or condition


-tion (-sion)

No def



One who performs plays or operate



Quality condition degree



A state or condition instance or state of character



No Def



Killer or killing example suicide



An act, theory, or doctrine



The state quality or condition



They signal that a noun is coming also that indicate whether the noun singular or plural so

Examples of determiners

An, the, some, a, those


a word ending in ing but used as a noun example dancing thinking

Proper versus common nouns differences

Common nouns are general proper nouns are specific and capitalized

Proper versus common nouns similarities

They're both naming something

Action verbs

Express action and they add pop to your writing ex. Jump, run, eat, think

Linking verbs

Link the subject to some other word in the sentence ex. Is, are, were, am, was, seems, appears, etc.

Helping (auxiliary)

Part of a verb phase and they usally carry verb types

Trick for identifying verbs

Insert the words today tomorrow and yesterday and the word that changes tense is your verb


Past tense



Present singular verb


-ing (verb)

Present participal form



Describes a noun, pronoun, or gerund


Full of



Capable of, fit for



Capable of fit for



Full of characterized by



Full of, having quality of



How or in what manner, like in appearance

-adj or adverb


Like or pertaining to


Proper adjectives

They are proper nouns used as adjectives

Trick for punctuating adjectives

Cannot use "and" no comma

Can use "and" comma


Describes verbs, adj, and other adverbs

What questions do adverbs answer?

How, to what extent, where, and when

Most common adverb suffix


Adj vs. Adverbs (similarities)

-Both describe

-most end in -ly

Adj. vs. Adverbs (differences)


-describes a noun pronoun, and geruds

- answer the questions how many? and what kind?


-described a verb adjectives and other adverbs

-answer the questions how? to what extent? where? and when?

Adverbs vs. prepositions (similarities)

Both deal with time and direction

Adverbs vs. Prepositions (differences)

Prepositions introduce phrases where as adverbs don't


A word that takes the place of a noun another pronoun or a group of words functioning as a noun

Subjective pronouns examples

I, you, she/he/it, we, you, they

Objective pronouns examples

Me, you, him/her/it, us, you, them

Possessive pronouns examples

My, mine, you, yours, it, his, her, ours, our, their, there

Subjective pronouns

Can never be found in prepositional phrases, also they cause action in a sentence

Objective pronouns

Can never be the subject of a sentence also they receive action in a sentence


A word phrase or clause which the following pronoun refers to


Brief violent storm


An assembly of troops or men for inspection or other purposes


Food or other provisions


Filled with horror or dismay


A loud confused noise, clamer


Any manevers, for gaining advantage of success


To remain or stay in one place


Impossible to measure the depth of bottomless


Not to be appeased or pacified inexorable


Deprived especially by death


Rude, lack of respect, insulting


Exactly, precisely, or directly


Characterized by craftyness and bettayal


Standing out so as to be seen easily


The state or period of flowering


Feeling or condition of hostility hatered


Feeling of humiliation or shame as through some injury to one's pride or self respect


A fortified place especially on a rock face


Over flowing with enthusiasm excitement high spirited


Violent disturbance up roar with high excitement


An indefinite great number of persons or things


Wishing harm of evil to happen to others


Passing aimlessly from one subject to another rambling


Lacking confidence in one's own ability, timid shy


Disposed to or engaged in revolt a against authority


To formally make precise proper in appearance


A sickly person especially one who is to sick, weak, or old to take care of himself


To rise, to swell out or puff up


To lean, sway, or tip to one side while in motion


Showing irritation or I'll humor by gloomy silence or gloomy manner


Likely to happen, soon


Having shifting rainbow like colors


Condition of being unable to fail exempt from error


To say or do again repeatedly


Unstable, uncertain


Faded away


Idea opposed to the beliefs of a religion of philosophy

Indefinite pronouns

Not referring to a definite person, place, or thing

Singular in definite pronouns

Another, each, everybody, someone, one, everyone, etc

Plural indefinite pronouns

All, any, most, etc

Reflexive pronouns

In a self or selves acts for or on its self

Ex. Yourself, himself, themselves, etc.


King of the Phaecians, to whom Odysseus tells his story


King of Ithaca


Sea goddess who loved Odysseus


Enchantress who helped Odysseus


King of the gods


God of music, poetry, prophecy, and medicine


King and leader of Greek forces


God of sea, earthquakes, horses, and storms at sea


Goddess of wisdom, skills, and warfare


The cyclops who imprisoned Odysseus


Odysseus' father


Titan ruler of the universe: father of Zeus


Member of Odysseus' crew


Another member of the crew


Blind prophet who advised Odysseus


Wife of Hades


Wife of Hades


Odysseus and Penelope's son


Creatures who's song lure sailors to their deaths


Sea monster of grey rock


Enormous and dangerous whirlpool




Herald and messenger of the gods


Old swine hers and friend of Odysseus


Leader among the suitors


Housekeeper for Penelope

Sailing from troy

Odysseus introduces himself and describes how he will never find a place better than his home in Ithaca not even with Calypso or so see it also states what he did after he sailed from his battle in Troy he described the rebellious men and how the remainder of his men have lived with their own lives but not those of

The lotus-eaters

This wasn't on Odysseus's side and made it harder for Odysseus to sell home on their way that came to the home of the Lotus Eaters who seem to mean no harm but once a man had a taste of the lotus flower he wanted to stay forever and Odysseus ended up dragging his men screaming from the home of the Lotus Eaters

The cyclops

Odysseus and his men found the land of the Cyclops but instead of running with the goods they could still dizzy is refused to leave and wanted to see what challenge the Cyclops could offer the Cyclops didn't notice demand until after milking his ewes after Jesus tells the Cyclops that he and his men we're survivors of a crashed ship he seem to not care of water disease had to stay and wasn't scared of the wrath of the gods for not treating their guests well and the Cyclops ate two of Odysseus men the Cyclops fell asleep and Odysseus wanted to kill him then but doing so would leave him and his men stuck in the cave once the Cyclops had left the next morning they may disappear out of part of the cloud the Cyclops had left and headed for later than Odysseus and his four strongest man got ready two dresses bike in the Cyclops I once had come back Odysseus gave the Cyclops with three bowls of strong line Odysseus said his name was nobody to trick the Cyclops the Cyclops fell asleep drunk they burn the spike and stab the Cyclops is I when he yelled for help he said nobody has tricked me Odysseus escaped underneath the RAM so that once they had passed a cyclops he didn't know person was passing but thought it was just one of his sheep or RAM they took all the Cyclops sheep and then they left then Odysseus boasted giving a cyclops a place to aim the boulders he was throwing and the cyclops prayed to Poseidon to never let Odysseus or his men see their home ever again

The land of the dead

Odysseus goes to aeolia where he meets aeolus king of winds he presented issues with a gift and his men later open the gift of air granted by aeolus taking them back to aeolia where aeolus its decides the gods hate Odysseus then they meet laestrygonians , to destroy all but one of his ships then they meet Circe who turns half his men into pigs so she tells him to return home he must go through the Land of the Dead after the meeting with Circe Odysseus sets up an offering to speak with the dead the first so he recognizes is elpenor one of his crew members who had died on Sophie island he begs to Odysseus not to forget him and to burn everything he owned and build him a carin aka a heap of stones built as a monument when he sees his mother had been alive when he left for Troy then he sees Tiresias price of thebes tiresias tells Odysseus he will have a hard time getting home because of Poseidon and we'll find the herds of Helios but he must avoid them when you get home all of your man will have died and there will be many eating or less. And trying to marry your queen you will kill the suitors and make an offering to Poseidon

The sirens

Odysseus goes back to Susies island and she tells him how to avoid dangerous he will face Odysseus will be tied to the mass only he can listen to the song of the sirens the men put wax in their ear so they could not hear the song of the sirens are Odysseus want to be set free but his men died in title to the mass of he doesn't get killed by the sirens

Scylla and charybdis

Soon after the island of the sirens has been passed the ocean frightens the men and 6 men are eaten by the sea monster Scylla and charybdis is a black hole in the ocean

Cattle of the sun god

No one can eat the cattle of heroes are there will be severe punishment but as time goes on Odysseus's men get hungry they are driven T one of the cattle thinking it will be OK because they will build a temple and sacrifice the meal to the gods unknown by Odysseus wild Odysseus pray for forgiveness Helios threaten Zeus to kill Odysseus or he will not have the Sun come up in the mornings every day for killing his kine the men only realized the mistake after when the skins of the cattle start to move in the flames Zeus then hit the ship with a thunder bolt throwing Odysseus's men off the ship into the ocean Odysseus held onto the rebel trying to survive the wind pushed Odysseus towards Charybdis and he hung onto a tree trying not to fall into the black hole that is Charybdis and once she spit up the ruins he used for salvation he felt towards the sea again he was on the ocean for 9 days till we found the shores Ogygia where Calypso lives

Odysseus and telemachus

Odysseus get back to Ithaca after 20 years when he gets home Athena tells him what is going on suitors are in his house seeking Penelope's hand in marriage and plan to kill his son before he can become king of Ithaca Athena disguises Odysseus as a beggar and send him to see eumaeus a faithful swineherd and then telemachus arrives and Athena appears to Odysseus only Odysseus and the dogs recognize Athena the dogs whimper and cower away from her she tells him not to disguise himself from his son and they will figure out how to deal with the suitors Athena then turns Odysseus back to himself then Telemachus then thought Odysseus was a god little Dizzy's set him straight they cried and hugged he told his son the story of his trip telemachus tells Odysseus of the over 100 suitors and doubt that even if they tried they could not take on 100 men on their own and the men come up with a plan to kill the suitors


Odysseus is dog artist here's his master's voice and tries to go 10 but is too old and weak and after hearing the voice of his master he slips into death

The suitors

When Odysseus walks into the room of suitors antinous is the first one to call him out and then through a stool at Odysseus one of the suitors morning Tim what if he is a God disguise penelope is disgusted by her sooner and causes a bigger to a room in hopes that he has heard news about


Penelope integrates the old beggar Penelope tells the beggar of the weaving she wants to finish before she married but every night unweaves it but she can no longer avoid marriage the beggar tells her that Odysseus will come home very soon

The challenge

Penelope says she will marry the man who can string Odysseus's bow and shoot an arrow through 12 axe handle sockets no one is able to get it then the beggar tries and makes it then Telemachus and Odysseus get ready to fight

Odysseus revenge

Odysseus killed antinous first and then he reveals his identity inserts killing other suitors some of his faithful servants take Alyssa his side and all the suitors were killed

Penelope's test

Penelope as a servant to make a bed up for Odysseus using the bedpost he made with his own bare hands and he describes the bed to her and that was her sign that he is who he says he is

Themes from the Odyssey

Bravery, loyalty, perseverance, pride


A comparison between two unlike subjects using the words like, as, than, or resembles


Draws a comparison between two unlike subjects without using the words like, as, than, or as


Human qualities are given to animals, objects, or ideas


The general term for literary techniques that portray differences between appearance and reality or expectation and result

Dramatic irony

In dramatic irony there is a contradiction between what a character things and what the reader or audience knows to be true

Situational irony

In situational irony and event occurs that directly contradicts the expectations of the characters the reader or the audience

Verbal irony

In verbal irony words are used to suggest the opposite of what is meant

Rising action

Where the setting is established characters are introduced and conflicts are introduced and developed


When the when the conflicts are at their greatest the turning point


Where the reader finds out if the conflicts are solved or unsolved


Anything that stands for or represents something beyond itself