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15 Cards in this Set

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-Living or able to live both on land and in water.
-Able to operate both on land and in water: amphibious tanks.
-Relating to or organized for a military landing by means of combined naval and land forces.
-Of a mixed or twofold nature.
water tanks (used by military)
-To make larger or more powerful; increase.
-To add to, as by illustrations; make complete.
-To exaggerate.
-To produce amplification of: amplify an electrical signal
make bigger
-To examine methodically by separating into parts and studying their interrelations.
-Chemistry. To make a chemical analysis of.
-Mathematics. To make a mathematical analysis of.
-To psychoanalyze.
to look over
-Relating to or resembling anesthesia.
-Causing anesthesia.

-An agent that causes loss of sensation with or without the loss of consciousness.
-Something likened to this in effect: For some people watching television is an anesthetic for the mind.
-The act of annoying or the state of being annoyed.
-A cause of irritation or vexation; a nuisance.
Jared's sister Samantha
-To make or declare void or invalid, as a marriage or a law; nullify.
-To obliterate the effect or existence of
wrong invalid
V. TR.
-To feel or realize beforehand; foresee: hadn't anticipated the crowds at the zoo.
-To look forward to, especially with pleasure; expect: anticipated a pleasant hike in the country.
-To deal with beforehand; act so as to mitigate, nullify, or prevent: anticipated the storm by boarding up the windows.
-To cause to happen in advance; accelerate.
-To use in advance, as income not yet available.
-To pay (a debt) before it is due.

To think, speak, or write about a matter in advance
ot predict
-A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison.
-An agent that relieves or counteracts: jogging as an antidote to nervous tension.
a cure for a disease
-A heavy block of iron or steel with a smooth, flat top on which metals are shaped by hammering.
-Something resembling an anvil, as in shape or function.
-The fixed jaw in a set of calipers against which an object to be measured is placed.
something that usally hits Wile E. Coyote on the head
-An appliance or device for a particular purpose: an x-ray apparatus.
-An integrated group of materials or devices used for a particular purpose: dental apparatus.
-The totality of means by which a designated function is performed or a specific task executed, as in a system of government.
-A political organization or an underground political movement. Also called apparat.
a device for something
-Clothing, especially outer garments; attire.
-A covering or adornment: trees with their apparel of foliage
to cover
-Readily seen; visible.
-Readily understood; clear or obvious.
-Appearing as such but not necessarily so; seeming: an apparent advantage.
not hidden easily seen
-The act or an instance of coming into sight.
-The act or an instance of coming into public view: The author made a rare personal appearance.
-Outward aspect: an untidy appearance.
-Something that appears; a phenomenon.
-A superficial aspect; a semblance: keeping up an appearance of wealth
coming into sight
-To bring peace, quiet, or calm to; soothe.
-To satisfy or relieve: appease one's thirst.
-To pacify or attempt to pacify (an enemy) by granting concessions, often at the expense of principle
to make happy
-An appendage.
-A collection of supplementary material, usually at the end of a book.
-The vermiform appendix.
used to find something easily