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30 Cards in this Set

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adroit adj
skillful clever
macroscopic adj
visible to the naked eye
fatuous adj
foolish inane
bovine adj
pertaining to cows or cattle
ferret v
to search or drive out
affectation n
a phony attitude pose
knell n
a sound made by a bell often rung slowly for a death or funeral
dichotomy n
a division into two parts
callow adj
young and inexperienced
laconic adj
using few words short concise
quiddity n
an essential quallity
patent adj
evident or obvious
peccadillo n
minor offense a misdeed
sagacious adj
wise having keen perception and sound judgement
rationalize v
to make an excuse for
deride v
to ridicule to mock
censure v
to critize sharply
gambol v
to frolic to romp around playfully
immolate v
to kill someone as a sacrifice victim usually by fire
recondite adj
difficult to understand profound
martinet n
a strict disciplinarian a task master
quagmire n
a swamp a difficult or inextricable situation
gibe v
to scoff to ridicule
agape adj
open mouthed surprised agog
carcinogen n
causing cancer
olfactory adj
pertaining to smell
imperious adj
domineering haughty
grotesque adj
absurd distorted
neologism n
a new word or expression
hackneyed adj
common place overuse