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5685 Cards in this Set

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N. something that is very ugly, especially a building surrounded by other things that are not ugly:
U.N. 紗布
N. 大屠殺
toe the line
to do what other people in a job or organization say you should do, whether you agree with them or not:* You toe the line or you don't stay on the team!
crush (n.) #2
N. 1. a crowd of people pressed so close together that it is difficult for them to move
2. a strong feeling of romantic love for someone, especially one that a young person has for someone older who they do not know well:
legitimate #2
Adj. 1. fair or reasonable:
2. acceptable or allowed by law:
N. thick thread made of cotton or wool, which is used to knit things
quid pro quo
C.N. something that you give or do in exchange for something else, especially when this arrangement is not official<b>quid pro quo for</b>* There's a quid pro quo for everything in politics - you'll soon learn that.
U.N. an extremely confused situation in which people are very frightened or excited [= chaos]
V. to influence someone so that they change their opinion:
N. 假釋
Adj, Adv. if you eat alfresco, you eat in the open air:
* We dined alfresco, on a balcony overlooking the sea.
Adj. angry and surprised because you feel insulted or unfairly treated
V. to treat someone cruelly or unfairly over a period of time, especially because of their religious or political beliefs:
drain (n.)
[A.E]the hole in the bottom of a bath or sink that water flows out through [plughole in B.E]
V. [informal]to settle into a warm comfortable position<b>snuggle up/down/against etc</b>* She snuggled up in Clarissa's lap to listen to the story.
N. a food, drink, or drug that makes you want to have sex
V. to officially state that a marriage or legal agreement no longer exists:*Their marriage was annulled last year.
cheap shot
V.to pull something heavy with a continuous steady movement
N. [American English] a performance involving a mixture of comedy and striptease, popular in America in the past
V. to make a sudden strong movement towards someone or something, especially to attack them
N. a medical condition in which an organ pushes through the muscles that are supposed to contain it [= rupture]
graze #2
V.1. if an animal grazes, or if you graze it, it eats grass that is growing
2. to accidentally break the surface of your skin by rubbing it against something:
N. [American English]a wide piece of material that a man wears loosely folded around his neck and inside his collar [= cravat]
dignity #2
N. 1. the ability to behave in a calm controlled way even in a difficult situation 2. the fact of being respected or deserving respect
V, N. to show in an annoying way that you are proud of your own success or happy about someone else's failure
Vt. to tell someone officially that something they have done is very wrong
N.a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or a natural ability to know something, which is not learned
Adj. [technical] igneous rocks are formed from lava (=hot liquid rock)
flick #2
V. 1. to make something move away by hitting or pushing it suddenly or quickly, especially with your thumb and finger 2. to move with a sudden quick movement, or to make something move in this way
N. friendly agreement and understanding between people
N. the medical condition of not being able to remember anything
N. the belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men
C.N. the body of a dead animal
Vt.to finally agree on something or get something after trying very hard:* a young salesman eager to clinch the deal
N. a situation in which a large number of people have little or no food for a long time and many people die:* the great potato famine in Ireland
Vt. [formal]to correct something that is wrong [= put right]:* I did my best to rectify the situation, but the damage was already done.
N. V.1. an official order or decision, especially one made by the ruler of a country:* The Emperor issued the decree repealing martial law.
Vt.if an event or fact tarnishes someone's reputation, record, image etc, it makes it worse:* His regime was tarnished by human rights abuses.
N. 稀釋
V.to close a business or company and sell the things that belong to it, in order to pay its debts
Adj.very good, completely unexpected, and often very lucky:* She made a miraculous recovery from her injuries.
C.N.a narrow bed that is attached to the wall, for example on a train or ship
adj. 1. extremely fresh or clean:* a pristine white shirt
V. [law] to state in a court of law whether or not you are guilty of a crime<b>plead guilty/not guilty/innocent </b><i>Henderson pled guilty to burglary.</i>
loom (v.)
Vi. to appear as a large unclear shape, especially in a threatening way
U.N.a feeling of being very confused [= confusion]<b>in bewilderment</b><i>She looked at him in bewilderment.</i>
Adj.1. if something bad, such as crime or disease, is rampant, there is a lot of it and it is very difficult to control
U.N. [literary]1. deep mud:<i>The wheels got stuck in the mire.</i>
U.N.1. the loss of the ability to move all or part of your body or feel things in it:<i>paralysis of the lower body</i><i>The snake's poison causes paralysis.</i>2. a state of being unable to take action, make decisions, or operate normally
U.N. 審查 *censorship of books
C.N.an idea or phrase that has been used so much that it is not effective or does not have any meaning any longer:
C.N.1. [formal] a friend, especially someone who shares difficult work or danger: <i>He misses his comrades from his days in the Army.</i>2. [socialists or communists] ?? often call each other 'comrade', especially in meetings: <i>Comrades, please support this motion.<i>
C.N. a piece of land, usually not belonging to a church, in which dead people are buried
C.N. Vt. [old-fashioned] 賭
C.N. a long narrow hole dug into the surface of the ground:* Workers dug a trench for gas lines.
Vi, N.臭氣
sweat pants
the daughter of your brother or sister, or the daughter of your wife's or husband's brother or sister
C.N.1. an open container that is usually round, used for washing, storing things in etc:* trees growing in tubs
Adj. [informal]very small [= tiny]:* I was just a teeny bit disappointed.
C.N.a place where fruit trees are grown:* a cherry orchard
Vi.to move lightly or quickly and not stay in one place for very long:* Birds flitted about in the trees above them.
Adj.a hairy person or animal has a lot of hair on their body:* a skinny guy with hairy legs
C.N. [spoken] someone who you think is weak or lacks courage
U.N. ??a black substance produced from the root of a plant, used in medicine and sweets
Adj.something that is exotic seems unusual and interesting because it is related to a foreign country - use this to show approval:* exotic birds
C.N.a sweet alcoholic drink made with rum and fruit juice
C.N.a round handle or thing that you turn to open a door, turn on a television etc:* He thought the door was locked, but he turned the knob and the door opened.
Rugby play begins with a kickoff and is often followed by a scrum, in which the forwards lock shoulders and push against the opposing forwards, as both teams try to hook the ball to their halfbacks with their feet.
Adj.extremely funny:* a hilarious story
U.N. the study of fossils (=ancient bones, plants etc that have been preserved in rock)
Vt.to make someone suffer something unpleasant<b>inflict something on/upon somebody</b> * The strikes inflicted serious damage on the economy.
C.N. hair that grows around a man's chin and cheeks
a trick knee/ankle/shoulder etc
"[American English] a joint that is weak and can suddenly cause you problems ?礙
national anthem
C.N.a short journey arranged so that a group of people can visit a place, especially while they are on holiday<b>excursion to</b>* Included in the tour is an excursion to the Grand Canyon.
N. land that is owned or controlled by a particular country, ruler, or military force:*Hong Kong became Chinese territory in 1997.
N. [technical]all the animals living in a particular area or period in history
U.N. 香 substance which has a pleasant smell when you burn it:* a church filled with the smell of incense
U.N.the period of a child's life before they can walk or talk<b>infancy</b> *n the past, many children died in infancy.
C.N ??a piece of clothing that covers the front part of your clothes and is tied around your waist, worn to keep your clothes clean, especially while cooking
C.N.an extremely strong desire for something <b>craving for</b> * She had a craving for some chocolate.
U.N.a type of cooked meat often eaten in sandwiches
C.N. [A.E]a cucumber preserved in vinegar or salt water, or a piece of this
Adj. 蝬剖??拐??誨?elating to or coming from the period from 1837-1901 when Victoria was Queen of England:* a big Victorian house
Adj.covered with a lot of decoration:* an ornate gold mirror
Adj.not strict or careful enough about standards of behaviour, work, safety etc [= slack]* They have really lax security there.
soy sauce
C.N. stomach - used especially by or to children* He was up all night with tummy ache.
trench coat
C.N.a long raincoat with a belt
U.N.a type of fine soft wool:* I wish I could afford a cashmere sweater.
Vt. to persuade someone to have sex with you, especially in a way that is attractive and not too direct:* The head lecturer was sacked for seducing female students.* Are you trying to seduce me?
N. a large sausage with a strong taste that is eaten cold
N.the space between a woman's breasts* And lucky means, more cleavage?
Vt. to join metals by melting their edges and pressing them together when they are hot:* The new handle will have to be welded on.
the odds
N. 璈?how likely it is that something will or will not happen:* The odds are (=it is likely) that he will commit the same crime again.
C.N.a set of clothes worn by an actor or by someone to make them look like something such as an animal, famous person etc:* the film's lavish costumes and spectacular sets
Adj.1. something or someone that is pathetic is so useless, unsuccessful, or weak that they annoy you:* You're pathetic! Here, let me do it.
C.N.a person or animal with a genetic condition that makes their skin and hair very white and their eyes pink
Adj. [formal]evil or criminal:* nefarious activities such as drug trafficking and fraud
[informal especially A.E]1. [U.N.] the part of medical science that deals with obstetrics and gynaecology2. [C.N.] a doctor who works in this part of medical science
C.N. the area in a plane, small boat, or racing car where the pilot or driver sits
C.N.one of three children born at the same time to the same mother
C.N.a business that sells a particular company's product, especially cars
Adj.extremely unpleasant [= terrible]:* We've had some dreadful weather lately.
U.N.the activity of providing and serving food and drinks at parties, meetings etc for money :* Who did the catering?
lavish (adj.)
large, impressive, or expensive:* a royal palace on a lavish scale* a lavish lifestyle
C.N.[informal not polite] a very offensive word for someone who you think is very stupid [= idiot]:* Don't leave it there, you moron!
vault (n.)
C.N.a room with thick walls and a strong door where money, jewels etc are kept to prevent them from being stolen or damaged
C.N 美洲獅 large brown wild cat from the mountains of Western North America and South America [= mountain lion]
Vt. to shock someone so badly that they are affected by it for a very long time:* He was traumatized by his war experiences.
Adj. easily annoyed by unimportant things [= bad-tempered]:
C.N. a large round frame for holding candles or lights that hangs from the ceiling and is decorated with small pieces of glass
C.N.someone who made or sold candles in the past
Vt.to make someone feel calmer and less anxious, upset, or angry:* Lucy soothed the baby by rocking it in her arms.
vt. 啄
C.N. [formal] someone who praises powerful people too much because they want to get something from them - used in order to show disapproval:* a dictator surrounded by sycophants
Vt. to make something continue to exist or happen for a period of time [= maintain]:* She found it difficult to sustain the children's interest.
Vt [A.E][formal] to advise someone<b> counsel somebody to do something </b>* She counselled them not to accept this settlement.
Adj. a genuine feeling, desire etc is one that you really feel, not one you pretend to feel [= sincere]
N. ?游?
N. [B.E] the seat behind the driver of a motorcycle* a pillion passenger
C.N. a place, often in a hospital, where medical treatment is given to people who do not need to stay in the hospital<b> dental/family planning/antenatal etc clinic</b>
C.N. a short journey in order to do something for someone, for example delivering or collecting something for them:* I seemed to spend my life running errands for people.
N. a soft pair of trousers and a top that you wear in bed:* striped pyjamas
Adj. making very high noises that are not loud:* a squeaky voice
V. 3. [informal] if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other:* They clicked straight away.
N. ?瘞?
V. if an animal scavenges, it eats anything that it can find:* Pigs scavenged among the rubbish.
Vt. to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information, sometimes using threats:* The police interrogated the suspect for several hours.
pro forma
adj. adv, [formal] 敶W?銝?if something is approved, accepted etc pro forma, this is part of the usual way of doing things and does not involve any actual choice or decision:* pro forma approval
Adj. [formal]not containing or having enough of something:* Women who are dieting can become iron deficient.<b>deficient in</b>* patients who were deficient in vitamin C
C.N. a ceremony that is always performed in the same way, usually for religious purposes:* funeral rites
C.N. a neat cut made into something, especially during a medical operation
C.N. [formal]a hole or space inside something:* Put herbs inside the body cavity of the fish.* I have no cavities (=no holes in my teeth).
C.N. something that is an impressive achievement, because it needs a lot of skill, strength etc to do<b>remarkable/considerable/incredible etc feat</b>* They climbed the mountain in 28 days, a remarkable feat.
adj. ????. not exact or without any detail, but generally correct and useful2. not developed to a high standard, or made with little skill:* a crude wooden bridge
Vt. to pick something up or remove it using a scoop or a spoon, or your curved hand:* She bent down and scooped up the little dog.* Cut the tomato in half and scoop out the seeds with a teaspoon.
C.N. [A.E.] 頛芸?a long narrow table with wheels used for moving sick people in a hospital
C.N. ?扯???
C.N. an unpleasant and upsetting experience that affects you for a long time:* traumas such as death or divorce
[pl. N.] (?怎)?瑕?a medical instrument used for picking up and holding things:* a pair of forceps
C.N. ???€
C.N. [medical]a stitch that is used to sew a wound together
clasp (n.)
C.N. a small metal object for fastening a bag, belt, piece of jewellery etc ?文?
adj. very interesting because it is strange, mysterious or unexpected.
Adj. frightening in a way that makes you feel less confident:* The trip seemed rather daunting for a young girl.* He's got the daunting task of following in Ferguson's footsteps.
C.N. [A.E.]a period of time during which a service such as the electricity supply cannot be provided [= power cut in B.E.] * a power outage
C.N. [technical]a deliberate combination of two words that seem to mean the opposite of each other, such as 'cruel kindness'
in the wake of something
if something, especially something bad, happens in the wake of an event, it happens afterwards and usually as a result of it:* Famine followed in the wake of the drought.
steep (a.)
Adj. a road, hill etc that is steep slopes at a high angle:* The road became rocky and steep.* a steep climb to the top
sail (v.)
V. to travel on or across an area of water in a boat or ship
C.N. ??
C.N.1. [A.E.] one of three periods of equal length that the school year is divided into [= term British English]2. one of the three-month periods of pregnancy
C.N. the part of your body between the tops of your legs, or the part of a piece of clothing that covers this
n.1[American English] a formal dance party for high school students, often held at the end of a school year
the process of giving birth to a baby
labor* Meg was in labour for ten hours.
a la carte
adj, adv if food in a restaurant is ? la carte, each dish has a separate price (??澆?擗?
V. to combine different things in a way that produces an effective or pleasant result, or to become combined in this way:* a story that blends fact and legend<b> blend with/together </b>* Leave the sauce to allow the flavours to blend.
C.N. ?€??
C.N.1. a man who has never been married: * Gerald was 38, and a confirmed bachelor (=a man who has decided that he will never marry).2. 摮詨ㄚ
Adj. a mellow colour or light looks soft, warm, and not too bright:* the mellow golden light of early evening
Adj. nervous and worried:* She's been edgy lately, waiting for the test results.
C.N.1. a sudden strong movement of wind or air<b>blast of</b> * A blast of cold air swept through the hut.5. [informal] an enjoyable and exciting experience:* We had a blast at the fair.
Vt. 瘨?1. to make something completely clean by killing any bacteria in it:* Sterilize the bottles with boiling water.
U.N. 瘞湧?(憭批神) 瘞湔?
N. 瘚琿?
C.N. a piece of furniture with drawers for storing clothes, sometimes with a mirror on top [= chest of drawers British English]* Yeah, in my third drawer on my dresser.
C.N. ?勗?* florist phoned to say there aren't any tulips.
hands down
easily<b>win (something)/beat somebody hands down</b>* Nigel always won hands down in any argument.
Adj.2. tepid liquid is slightly warm, especially in a way that seems unpleasant [= lukewarm]:* tepid coffee
U.N. 瘝寡?
N. the treatment of an illness or injury over a fairly long period of time:* new drug therapies* radiation therapy for cancer treatment
Adj. a man who is dashing wears nice clothes and is very attractive and confident:* a dashing young doctor
C.N. ?憟?
C.N. 靽桀戊someone who is a member of a group of religious women that live together in a convent
V. [formal]to give someone information that should be secret [= reveal]
Adj. [informal] ?脫?ude and unfriendly, because you think you are better than other people [= snotty]:* snooty neighbours
C.N. 蝜潭?
Adj. interested only in yourself and the things that affect you:* Teenagers always seem so self-absorbed.
N. ??
N, V, to make a park, garden etc look attractive and interesting by changing its design, and by planting trees and bushes etc:* The area around the mill pond has also been landscaped.
C.N. a small building with open sides in a garden, where you can sit and look at the view
N ?
1. ?2. if you drink a toast to someone, you drink something in order to thank them, wish them luck etc:* I'd like to propose a toast (=ask people to drink a toast) to the bride and groom.
Melba toast
U.N. a type of thin dry toast that breaks easily
N. ?桅?? drug used to make someone calm or go to sleep
give somebody the third degree
[informal] to ask someone a lot of questions in order to get information from them:* I got home after midnight and Dad gave me the third degree.
propose to
瘙? to ask someone to marry you, especially in a formal way * Shaun proposed to me only six months after we met.
N. 1.an imaginary place where fairies live2. a place that looks very beautiful and special:* At night, the harbor is a fairyland.
C.N. ?怎?
Adv. 摰Z??迺f you consider something objectively, you try to think about the facts, and not be influenced by your own feelings or opinions:* Look at your skills objectively when deciding on a career change.
N. an extreme unhealthy interest in something or worry about something, which stops you from thinking about anything else
Vt. to make someone feel ashamed or stupid, especially when other people are present [= embarrass]:* Her boss humiliated her in front of all her colleagues.
adj. food that is crispy is pleasantly hard on the outside:* a piece of crispy fried bread
Adj. a) extremely cold:* a beautiful frosty morningb) covered with frost:* the frosty ground
C.N. a dirty mark [= smear]<b>smudge of </b>* a smudge of lipstick on the cup
take a rain check (on something)
[informal] [especially A.E.] used to say that you will do something in the future but not now:* 'Care for a drink?' 'I'll take a rain check, thanks.'
high five
C.N. an important victory or success after a difficult struggle:* Winning the championship is a great personal triumph.
carbon dating
V. if people, ideas, systems etc fossilize or are fossilized, they never change or develop, even when there are good reasons why they should change:* Most couples, however fossilized their relationship, have some interests in common.
adj. having qualities considered to be typical of men or of what men do [??feminine]:* They're nice curtains, but I'd prefer something a little more masculine.
goof around
to spend time doing silly things or not doing very much [= mess about British English] * We spent the afternoon just goofing around on our bikes.
Adj. 2. completely clean and not containing any bacteria that might cause infection<b>sterile equipment/water/bandages etc</b>* Rinse the eye with sterile water.
N. 1. a scene in a film, play, book etc that shows something that happened before that point in the story:* The events of the hero's childhood are shown as a series of flashbacks.2. a sudden very clear memory of something that happened to you in the past:* Eaton still has flashbacks of the crash.
N. [old-fashioned]someone who tries to find out information about a crime [= detective]
N. a trick, especially one which is played on someone to make them look silly:* a childish prank
Adj. an innate quality or ability is something you are born with:* Children have an innate ability to learn language.
N. ?獄
C.N.1. [formal] something someone does, especially something that is very good or very bad:* After the morning's good deeds he deserved a rest.
Vt. [A.E] to cook something under direct heat, or over a flame on a barbecue [= grill British English] ?? broiled chicken
C.N. a long television show in which famous people provide entertainment and ask people watching to give money to help people
N. a small animal that looks like a mouse with no tail ??
C.N.1. a place or situation where something bad or harmful develops<b>breeding ground for</b>* Overcrowded slums are breeding grounds for crime.*They provide a perfectly breeding ground for XSS injection.2. a place where animals go in order to breed
Vi. to talk or write about something that is not your main subject:* Do you mind if I digress for a moment?
N. ?急?*Monica: Rach, can I borrow your eyelash curler?
Adj. [only before N] [formal] relating to cooking:* culinary skills* Monica: I've always wanted to go to this culinary fair that they have in Jersey.
C.N. the soft part of a bed that you lie on 摨?<b>firm/soft/hard etc mattress</b>* an old, lumpy mattress
boil down to something
[informal] if a long statement, argument etc boils down to a single statement, that statement is the main point or cause:* It boils down to a question of priorities.
U.N. an illness in which waste from the bowels is watery and comes out often ?寧€?
N. V., a way of standing, sitting, or walking with your shoulders bent forward that makes you look tired or lazy
C.N. your body, not including your head, arms, or legs:* the torso of a woman
Adj. <b>niggling doubt/worry/suspicion etc</b>* a slight doubt etc that you cannot stop thinking about [= nagging]
bog (v.)
2. if something gets bogged down, it becomes stuck in soft ground and is unable to move:* The car got bogged down in the mud. * Advanced: Many companies get bogged down because .....
Vt. [formal] to express your ideas or feelings in words:* Many people are unable to articulate the unhappiness they feel.
UN. V. [formal] a complete lack of respect that you show for someone or something because you think they are not important or good enough
Adj. 1. a viable idea, plan, or method can work successfully<b>able alternative/proposition/option etc</b>* The committee came forward with one viable solution.2. [technical] able to continue to live or to develop into a living thing:* viable seeds
C.N. a skilful or careful movement that you make, for example in order to avoid something or go through a narrow space:* A careful driver will often stop talking before carrying out a complex manoeuvre.
Adj. a radical change or difference is very big and important:* They are proposing radical changes to the way the company is run.
V. ?楞
N, V. a short performance by an actor, singer etc that someone watches to judge if they are good enough to act in a play, sing in a concert etc 閰阡*chandler: Aren't you supposed to be at an audition for another hour?
C.N. a valuable object that has been owned by a family for many years and that is passed from the older members to the younger members:* a family heirloom
N. a small animal with soft brown fur, or the very valuable fur of this animal which is used to make coats, hats etc: 鞎? a mink coat
give somebody the creeps
C.N.give somebody the creeps if a person or place gives you the creeps, they make you feel nervous and a little frightened, especially because they are strange:* That house gives me the creeps.
N. a flat cake, marked with a pattern of deep squares 擛?
Vt. to rent to someone else a property that you rent from its owner ??Ross:Her cousin has this great place to sublet.
C.N. a large hairy creature like a human which some people believe lives in the Himalayan mountains [= Abominable Snowman]
the Andes
a range of high mountains along the west coast of South America
pelt (n.)
C.N. the skin of a dead animal, especially with the fur or hair still on itRachel: Oh my God, look at these pelts.
be attached to somebody/something
to like someone or something very much, because you have known them or had them for a long time:* It's easy to become attached to the children you work with.
adj. unusual, especially in an interesting way:* I like his quirky sense of humour.
Vt. to press a part of someone's skin very tightly between your finger and thumb, especially so that it hurts:* He pinched her cheek.
Adj. very poor, with worse living conditions, educational opportunities etc than most people in society:* underprivileged children
Vi. to make an angry, unhappy, or confused expression, moving your eyebrows together:* She frowned as she read the letter.
Vi. to shake slightly because you are cold or frightened [= tremble]:* Jake stood shivering in the cold air.
N. V, severe mental or physical suffering
N. a period when someone, especially someone in a university job, stops doing their usual work in order to study or travel:* She took a long sabbatical.
U.N. when someone pretends to have certain beliefs or opinions that they do not really have - used to show disapproval:* It would be sheer hypocrisy to pray for success, since I've never believed in God.簫
Adj.1. an unmanned spacecraft does not have a person inside it2. if a place is unmanned, nobody is working there:* an unmanned railway crossing
Adj. feeling extremely shocked and sad:* She was left feeling totally devastated.
Adj, N. ?扔
N. V, a rope or chain that an animal is tied to so that it can only move around within a limited area
N. a lot of physical or mental effort:* The afternoon's exertions had left us feeling exhausted.
C.N. someone's general attitude, and the way in which they think about things and make decisions:* The company seems to have a very old-fashioned mindset.
v. 憛o spread a liquid or soft substance over a surface, especially in a careless or untidy way
wash sth down
to drink something with or after food or with medicine to help you swallow it
C.N. a group of animals of one kind that live and feed together<b>herd of</b>* a herd of cattle
C.N. a large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it
C.N. [technical] the male or female sex organ in which the sperm or eggs are produced
V. to take away an amount or part from a total [= subtract]
C.N. [informal] someone who spends time with or helps another person, especially when that other person is more important than they are * Pheebe: I can be your sidekick.
C.N. a small piece of metal or plastic that you carry to show people that you work for a particular organization, for example that you are a police officer
C.N. a public entertainment or performance to celebrate a special occasion<b>gala dinner/performance/night etc</b>
N. ?瑟???
refuse (n.)
U.N [formal]waste material that has been thrown away * a refuse dump
C.N. a man who makes money by controlling prostitutes
hit it off (with somebody)
[informal] if two people hit it off, they like each other as soon as they meet:* I knew you'd hit it off with Mike.
at ease
used to tell soldiers to stand in a relaxed way with their feet apart
N [especially American English] a type of light soft shoe with a rubber sole (=bottom), used for sports:* a pair of white sneakers
C.N. 1. the bottom surface of your foot, especially the part you walk or stand on: ?喳?* The soles of his feet were caked in mud.2. flat bottom part of a shoe, not including the heel: ??* the soles of her shoes
N. ?單?
N. [informal] a word meaning a young woman, that some people think is offensive
Vt. to tell someone legally that they must leave the house they are living in<b>evict somebody from something</b>* They were unable to pay the rent, and were evicted from their home.
C.N. [old-fashioned not polite] a man who is employed to do general work at someone's house
C.N. the main male servant of a house
V. to pour liquid or melted fat over food that is cooking:* Baste the potatoes occasionally.
C.N. a religious person who travels a long way to a holy place:* pilgrims visiting a holy shrine
C.N. taboo informala very offensive word for a woman who has sex with a lot of different people. Do not use this word.
C.N.2. a small dark brown mark on the skin that is slightly higher than the skin around it ??. someone who works for an organization while secretly giving information to its enemies ??
N. ?瑟璉?
V. to show in a silly way that you like someone or something a lot<b>drool over</b>* He was drooling over a Porsche.
V, N.to walk slowly and with difficulty because one leg is hurt or injured:* Moreno limped off the field with a foot injury.
N. [informal] underwear
Adj. extremely unpleasant and making you feel sick [= revolting]:Rubbish was piled everywhere - it was disgusting.* Joey: I'm disgusting. I take my underwear off in other people's home.
C.N. ?桅??€*Joey: Yesterday, Rachel found you razor in our bathroom and I didn't know what to say.
C.N. a type of glove that does not have separate parts for each finger [= mitten]:* ski mitts
grub (n.)
U.N. [informal] food:* Let's get some grub.* Ross: Keep you mitts off my grub
adj. good at judging what people or situations are really like:* Malcolm is a shrewd businessman.
V. to go somewhere that could be dangerous:* When darkness fell, he would venture out.
U.N. a sauce made from the juice that comes from meat as it cooks, mixed with flour and water
C.N. a humorous short poem that has five lines that rhyme
C.N. a creature that is partly human and partly machine
N. a drug used for making someone feel less anxious
pervert (n.)
C.N. someone whose sexual behaviour is considered unnatural and unacceptable
C.N. 蝝€敹萄?
Vt. to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering them something that they want<b>entice into/away/from etc</b>* The birds were enticed back into Britain 40 years ago.
stalk (v.)
Vt. o follow a person or animal quietly in order to catch and attack or kill them:* a tiger stalking its prey
N. a place on a farm where milk is kept and butter and cheese are made
N. ?蝻?
C.N.a type of toilet for men to urinate into, usually attached to a wall
N. a hard flat circular piece of rubber that you hit with the stick in the game of ice hockey
V, N. to accidentally make a mark on something, especially one that cannot be removed, or to be marked in this way:* Be careful you don't stain the carpet.
N. soft light pieces of thread or wool that come off cotton, wool, or other material
N. V. 蝮怎?
N. an animal or toy, or a person dressed as an animal, that represents a team or organization, and is thought to bring them good luck: ?孕?? the official mascot of the 2002 World Cup
clock out
to record on a special card the time you stop or leave work [= punch out American English]
N. 1. the science or practice of flying in aircraft2. the industry that makes aircraft
N, V. a mixture of decayed plants, leaves etc used to improve the quality of soil
N. a living creature that has a backbone
N. 瞏斗???
N. a small leather, cloth, or plastic bag that you can keep things in, and which is sometimes attached to a belt
carp (n.)
N. a disease caused by not eating foods such as fruit and vegetables that contain vitamin C 憯???
hail (n.)
N. frozen rain drops which fall as hard balls of ice: ?圈* heavy showers of rain and hail
Tropic of Cancer
the equator
Tropic of Capricorn
V. to suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount [= plunge]<b>plummet from something to something</b>* Profits plummeted from 瞿49 million to 瞿11 million.
shrink, shrunk
V. to become smaller, or to make something smaller, through the effects of heat or water:* I'm worried about washing that shirt in case it shrinks.
N. a decorative edge of hanging threads on a curtain, piece of clothing etc*Ross: they had some with fringe all down the sides.
N. [especially American English] a woman who works at home cleaning and cooking etc and does not have another job [= housewife]
V. to hit a child on their bottom with your open hand, as a punishment [= smack]
Adj. a haunted building is believed to be visited regularly by the soul of a dead person:* a haunted house
Adj. of various different types:* paintbrushes in assorted sizes* assorted vegetables
V. 1. to make beer:* Every beer on the menu was brewed locally.3. to make a drink of tea or coffee:* freshly brewed coffee
N. someone who is walking past a place by chance:* They sell drinks to passersby.
Adj. too ready to believe what other people tell you, so that you are easily tricked:* Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists.
N. a small round cake, sometimes containing dried fruit, which is usually eaten with butter:* tea and scones
N. a specially shaped piece of wood or metal that you use for hitting the ball in games such as tennis, that has a circle filled with tight strings at one end:* a tennis racket
N. a list of all the things in a place<b>inventory of</b>* We made an inventory of everything in the apartment.
V. to drink something slowly, taking very small mouthfuls:* She was sitting at the table sipping her coffee.
N. a long narrow structure that slopes down, so that things or people can slide down it from one place to another:* a rubbish chute
V. to accidentally hear what other people are saying, when they do not know that you have heard:* I overheard part of their conversation.
Adj. having such strong opinions about a group of people that you are unwilling to listen to anyone else's opinions:* a bigoted old man
tough call
a difficult decision
Adj. [especially spoken] of very bad quality [= awful, terrible]:* What lousy weather!
Adj. someone who is suave is polite, confident, and relaxed, sometimes in an insincere way:* a suave and sophisticated gentleman
N. a pipe or passage under the ground that carries away waste material and used water from houses, factories etc
N. 蝎曉?嚗移瘨?
N. the small amount of light in the sky as the day ends
V. to twist your body from side to side because you are uncomfortable or nervous, or to get free from something which is holding you [= wriggle]:
N. [American English] a meal in which everyone who is invited brings something to eat:* Can you bring a salad? It's a potluck.
N. a party that you give to celebrate moving into a new house:
N. a small animal or insect that destroys crops or food supplies:* a chemical used in pest control
N. a small piece of thick rough material which covers part of a floor:* Wipe your feet on the mat.
N. an alcoholic drink that people drink before a meal
N. the main dish of a meal, or a dish served before the main course - used in restaurants or on formal occasions:* an entr矇e of roast duck
N. 擙芷?
N. ?菔
Adj. smooth, shiny, and soft:* women in tight, satiny dresses
V. to say something which seems to mean something unpleasant without saying it openly, especially suggesting that someone is being dishonest [= imply]
Adj. clothes, carpets etc that are threadbare are very thin and in bad condition because they have been used a lot:* a threadbare old sofa
V. to talk too proudly about what you have done, what you own etc - used to show disapproval [= boast]:
N. the large muscle on the front of your upper arm:* He had an eagle tattoo on one of his biceps.
V. to stick out in a rounded shape, especially because something is very full or too tight* Chandler: What about my pinchable butt and my bulging biceps?
N. 頩血?
V. to pretend something, especially in order to achieve what you want in a difficult or dangerous situation:* You wouldn't really tell her. You're bluffing!
Adj. with a particular smell, especially a pleasant one:* scented soap
N. someone who lives in a house, room etc and pays rent to the person who owns it
N. someone who is good at doing repairs and practical jobs in the house
N. [informal] someone who spends as little money as possible - used to show disapproval: 撠除擛? The cheapskate didn't even pay for the cab.
faux pas
N. an embarrassing mistake in a social situation* that's not the only faux pas in the interview.
maroon (n.)
N. a dark brownish red colour
N. 1. ??(NI)2. 蝢????
N. 蝢???閫′撟?
N. a field with wild grass and flowers
N. [informal] prison
N. [especially American English] the crime of murder
N. [informal] a man who has a lot of sexual partners and who is very proud of his sexual ability 蝔桅收
N. 3. [AE] the main police station in a particular area of a town or city*phoebe: what precinct are you with?
Adj. ?亙???
N. 憒戊
N. Adj. someone who is trying to avoid being caught by the police
V.2. if something disperses or is dispersed, it spreads in different directions over a wide area:
N. [old-fashioned]a woman who is sexually immoral
Adj. [formal] 憟質迄閮?very willing to take disagreements to a court of law - often used to show disapproval:* a litigious society
V. ??郊
V. [literary] to wish that you had not done something [= regret]:* She learned to <b>rue the day</b> she had met Henri.
N. a pattern of crossed lines and squares, used especially on cloth
late husband/wife * Mrs. Moore's late husband
N. ??擃?
V. to secretly damage or destroy equipment, vehicles etc that belong to an enemy or opponent, so that they cannot be used:* Every single plane had been sabotaged.
V. to press something into a flatter shape, often breaking or damaging it [= flatten]:
[law] money, land, or a written contract, etc that is held by someone who is not directly involved in an agreement while the agreement is being achieved
Adj. 1.tasting like cheese or containing cheese:2.[informal] cheap and not of good quality:
Adj. a place that is cosy is small, comfortable, and warm:
Adj. simple, old-fashioned, and not spoiled by modern developments, in a way that is typical of the countryside:
N. a small object used as a decoration [= ornament]:
pull strings
to secretly use your influence with important people in order to get what you want or to help someone else:
Adj. very strange and difficult to explain:* an uncanny coincidence
Adj. having a very strong effect or felt very strongly:
Adj. having no smell
N. ?脩
N. ??璈?
out of the blue
[informal] if something happens out of the blue, it is very unexpected
Adj. 2. seeming to enjoy things that are cruel or shocking, in a way that is not normal:
V. to decide not to use a plan or system because it is not practical:
V. if a plan or action backfires, it has the opposite effect to the one you intended:
V. to talk for a long time in a way that does not seem clearly organized, so that other people find it difficult to understand you:
N. a hole in the ground that soldiers use to fire from or hide from the enemy
N. someone who believes that wars are wrong and who refuses to use violence
N. someone or something that brings bad luck, or a period of bad luck that results from this:
Adj. a purebred animal has parents that are both the same breed
Adj. spending or costing a lot of money, especially more than is necessary or more than you can afford:
N. someone's minions are the people who just obey their orders and do unskilled work - used humorously:
N. to argue when you are trying to agree about the price of something
V. 閫??
N. a type of expensive cloth with a soft surface on one side: 憭拚?蝯?
N. 瘞?(Ne)
Adj. ??
Adj. very angry
Adj. something that is chilling makes you feel frightened, especially because it is cruel, violent, or dangerous:
N. 銝毀
N. a sudden small movement of wind, air, or smokeRachel??? Now, you'll feel a small puff of air in each eye.
<b>in medical/advertising etc parlance</b>expressed in the words that a particular group of people would use:*In SQL parlance, anything that is not a keyword or an identifier is a literal.
N. a dangerous action that is done to entertain people, especially in a film: ?寞?
hair that grows on a man's upper lip
N. a large amount of money that you can win in a game that is decided by chance:
V. if a bird or aircraft swoops, it moves suddenly down through the air, especially in order to attack something:
N. a very large house
V, N. to draw shapes, lines, or patterns without really thinking about what you are doing:
V. 曌?
N. a small church, or a room in a hospital, prison, big church etc in which Christians pray and have religious services
Adj. easy to understand or be certain about [= definite]:* There is not always a clear-cut distinction between right and wrong.
N. [informal] ?
V. ?凋噶頠?銵?
N. 摰輸?
N. someone who is always moving from one job or place to another with no real purpose
V. [informal] to use something for the first time:* We haven't christened the new garden chairs yet.
Int. used to show your approval when someone, especially a performer, has done something very well:
N. [A.E] 敺葦
drag something out
to make an event or situation last longer than is necessary:* Neither of them wanted to drag the divorce out longer than they had to.
back out
to decide not to do something that you had promised to do: ??* It's too late to back out now.
Adj. someone who is impulsive does things without considering the possible dangers or problems first:
Adj. extremely clever or skilful* I think that's a brilliant idea.
Adj. very unusual or strange:
N. a short humorous performance or piece of writing
plague (v.)
N, V, to cause pain, suffering, or trouble to someone, especially for a long period of time
sudden death
N. 1. ?香2. 撟單?????撠梯?
N. 茶托
Adj. easily damaged or broken [= fragile]:
N. ??
Adj. [informal]behaving in an angry way because you are feeling nervous and worried
N. objects made out of baked clay:Native American pottery
N. someone who mixed and sold medicines in the past
N. someone whose job is to prepare medicines in a shop or hospital
N. a type of heavy sticky earth that can be used for making pots, bricks etc
N. ?嗉?
N. an Italian food made from flour, eggs, and water and cut into various shapes, usually eaten with a sauce:
N. [literary] existing a long time ago:* in days of yore* Rachel: It's from yore. Like the days of yore.
rip somebody/something off
2. to steal something3. to take words, ideas etc from someone else's work and use them in your own work as if they were your own ideas [= plagiarize]
decibel (dB)
N. thin dry branches or reeds that are woven together:* a wicker basket
N. the set of tools and machines that you use for a particular scientific, medical, or technical purpose [= equipment]:
N. [A.E informal] 隞踹?? cheap copy of something expensive
N. the process by which rock or soil is gradually destroyed by wind, rain, or the sea: 靘菔?
V. N. ???
N. [American English]long heavy curtains
V.1. ??. ?迭
N. [informal] the good or bad feelings that a particular person, place, or situation seems to produce and that you react to
Adj. [informal]behaving in a way that is traditionally typical of men, for example being strong or brave, or not showing your feelings - used humorously or in order to show disapproval:
pick on somebody/something
to behave in an unfair way to someone, for example by blaming them or criticizing them unfairly:
N. [informal]a badly behaved child:* a spoiled brat
V. to move, fall, or be thrown suddenly forwards or downwards
Adj. 蝛箏???
delivery room
N. a speech or piece of writing in which you praise someone or something very much, especially at a funeral
N. [informal] a group of three people or things
N. a very old car in bad condition
N. a natural skill or ability
N. 餈賣???
N. ?貊???
N. a very soft substance that is almost liquid, made by crushing plants, wood, vegetables etc:
N, V, A, Adv ?潛蔗
N. <b>the sanctity of life/marriage etc</b> the quality that makes life, marriage etc so important that it must be respected and preserved:
N. V. an occasion when something suddenly breaks apart or bursts
N. a plant or animal that lives on or in another plant or animal and gets food from it
N. 撠?
Adj. false or not real, and intended to deceive someone [= fake]:
N. an animal that kills and eats other animals
Adj. someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age
V. N. to travel in a curved path around a much larger object such as the Earth, the sun etc:
N. ?? (')
N. 蝒??
V. if an animal mauls someone, it injures them badly by tearing their flesh:
Adj. a chronic disease or illness is one that continues for a long time and cannot be cured
N. very great tiredness [= exhaustion]
N. ??, ????
N. ??
N. [B.E] 銵?咱
address somebody as something
to use a particular title or name when speaking or writing to someone
inside track
N. a position that gives someone an advantage over the people they are competing against:
level with somebody
to speak honestly to someone, after hiding some unpleasant facts from them:* She decided to level with him and tell him how she felt.
N. 1.??風甈?.??
V. to remember or imagine something that happened in the past so clearly that you experience the same emotions again:
N. a long dress that a woman wears on formal occasions
Adj. always looking attractive in photographs:
V. if something is interspersed with a particular kind of thing, it has a lot of them in it:
jog somebody's memory
to make someone remember something
N. the main bad character in a film, play, or story
Adj. very private and quiet
Adj. revealing clothes allow parts of your body to be seen which are usually kept covered
N. a thin book giving information or advertising something:* a holiday brochure
N. 1. the outside of something, especially a building2.<b>calm/cool etc exterior</b> behaviour that seems calm, unfriendly etc but which often hides a different feeling or attitude:
N. the stage of physical development during which you change from a child to an adult and are able to have children: ???
slumber party
a children's party when a group of children sleep at one child's house
N. someone who has mysterious powers, especially the ability to receive messages from dead people or to know what will happen in the future
N. a piece of jewellery like a small crown, that a woman sometimes wears on very formal or important occasions:
Adj. [informal]extremely beautiful or attractive:
N. 瘥?瑽?
N. ?窄??
Adj. [informal] certain to succeed:* Monica: I only know of two surefire ways to shut a man up.
goose bumps
Adj. [informal]tending to cry a lot
open bar
N. [American English]a bar at an occasion such as a wedding, where drinks are served free
N. a formal agreement between two groups, countries, or people, especially to help each other or to stop fighting:
1. [informal] a relationship or business that is on the rocks is having a lot of problems and is likely to fail soon [= in trouble]:2. <b>scotch/vodka etc on the rocks</b> [informal] an alcoholic drink that is served with ice but no water
V. to make clothing out of wool, using two knitting needles
Adj. very unusual or surprising:
Adj. [technical]made of the solid substances that settle at the bottom of the sea, rivers, lakes etc:* sedimentary rock
N. a feeling of worry, shock, or fear:
V. N. to give someone a sign that it is the right moment for them to speak or do something, especially during a performance:
V. to laugh quietly 蝡?
Adj. [formal]remaining after a process, event etc is finished:
V. to gradually come to an end or to stop for a period of time:* The conversation lapsed.
cardinal (adj.)
Adj. very important or basic:* Having clean hands is one of the <b>cardinal rules</b> when preparing food.
Adj. reasonable and likely to be true or successful
N. [informal] a stupid person
Adj. admired as one of the best and most important:
gold digger
N. [informal]an attractive woman who uses her looks to get money from rich men
V. to turn under the edge of a piece of material or clothing and stitch it in place 蝮恍?
V. to cook the outside of a piece of meat quickly at a high temperature, in order to keep its juices in:*Joey: If you sear the stems of the flowers first in a frying pan.
N. 獢敹
be the apple of one's eye
to be loved very much by someone:* Ben was always the apple of his father's eye.
N. 瘚瑞馭
N. a small piece of old cloth, for example one used for cleaning things:
lodge (v.)
V. to become firmly stuck somewhere, or to make something become stuck* The fishbone lodged in her throat.
N. V. 1, a written request signed by a lot of people, asking someone in authority to do something or change something 隢?2. [law] an official letter to a law court, asking for a legal case to be considered
on the grounds of
a good reason for doing, believing, or saying something
Adj. through or into a vein * intravenous drug users
consummate (v.)
V. [formal]to make a marriage or relationship complete by having sex
N. valet parker 瘜?撠?
Adj.someone who is mischievous likes to have fun, especially by playing tricks on people or doing things to annoy or embarrass them:* Their sons are noisy and mischievous.
tuck (v.)
V. push something, especially the edge of a piece of cloth or paper, into or behind something so that it looks tidier or stays in place 憛? Jack tucked his shirt in.
N. something that makes you feel better when you are sad or disappointed 摰
N. ???勗??犖
Adj. unfriendly and deliberately not talking to other people ?瑟???
Adj. saying things that are the opposite of what you mean, in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed: 隢瑕??
pick your teeth, pick your nose
Adj. clever at getting what you want, especially by tricking people [= cunning]:* a wily politician
a special honour in a competition for work that was of high quality but did not get a prize
honorable mention
wrap (n.)
the end of a day's filming:* OK everybody, it's a wrap!
by someone's permission or kindness, rather than by paying them:
(by) courtesy of somebody* photographs supplied courtesy of Blenheim Palace
be on the house
if drinks or meals are on the house, you do not have to pay for them because they are provided free by the owner of the bar, restaurant etc
N. someone who is not physically strong
N, V. ??
N. a piece of thick cloth or wool that covers part of a floor, used for warmth or as a decoration
N. a problem that delays or prevents progress, or makes things worse than they were
lame #2
Adj.1. unable to walk properly because your leg or foot is injured or weak:2. a lame explanation or excuse is weak and difficult to believe
N. 鈭€?
Adj. someone who is bookish is more interested in reading and studying than in sports or other activities:
V. [formal] to do or give something, because something similar has been done or given to you:
V. ?貊
at stake
if something that you value very much is at stake, you will lose it if a plan or action is not successful:* They have to win the contract - thousands of jobs are at stake.
V. 1. to injure a muscle or part of your body by using it too much or making it work too hard:2. to try very hard to do something using all your strength or ability*Monica: I wouldn't want my best guest to strain her eyes!
Adj. left alone without anyone in charge:
N. small sticks, leaves etc that you use to start a fire
Adj. ???扯€€??
Adj. feeling angry and upset about something that you think is unfair [= bitter]
N. [literary] the part of your body below your waist and above your legs, which includes your sexual organs
N. ?€憭慰
N. when someone behaves in a rude way because they think they are very important:
N. a very small piece of dry food, especially bread or cake:* Coat with bread crumbs and bake.
N. a piece of furniture with doors, and sometimes shelves, used for storing clothes, plates, food etc
Adj. extremely bad, especially in a way that is frightening or upsetting [= horrific]:
V. to express feelings of great sadness about something:
蝡嗥?? Historically, Unicode and ISO 10646 were developed by competing groups, but thankfully they realized that they needed to work together and they now coordinate with each other.
N. the way in which shops and businesses try to sell their products:* Rachel: he wants me to be the new merchandising manager for polo retail.
N. someone who is in a coma has been unconscious for a long time, usually because of a serious illness or injury
steer clear of
steer clear (of somebody/something) [informal] to avoid someone or something unpleasant or difficult:
Adj. something that is spontaneous has not been planned or organized, but happens by itself, or because you suddenly feel you want to do it:
V. to talk or think about pleasant events in your past
get/have cold feet
[informal] to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do something you planned to do:* The plan failed after sponsors got cold feet.
N. official orders or laws stopping trade, communication etc with another country, as a way of forcing its leaders to make political changes ???嗉?
embark on/upon something
to start something, especially something new, difficult, or exciting* Rachel: So I would like to raise my glass to Monica and Chandler and the beautiful adventure they are about to embark upon together.
V. to calculate a total number
a part of a long dress that spreads out over the ground behind the person wearing it:
train* a wedding dress with a long train
Adj.1. vintage wine is good quality wine made in a particular year2 old, but high quality:* vintage cars
N. [American English]one of four pieces of elastic fixed to a woman's underwear and to her stockings to hold them up [= suspender British English]
擛? (暻亦?蝔格?撟喟???
Dewey decimal systemDewey Decimal Classification
be a hotbed of something
a place where a lot of a particular type of activity, especially bad or violent activity, happens: 皞怠?
Adj. 1. related to the nose: 曌餌?2. a sound or voice that is nasal comes mainly through your nose: 曌駁??
V, N. ?游?
neutral (adj.)
V, N. to run very fast for a short distance
N. referendum
Adj. teaching or relating to the skills you need to do a particular job:* vocational qualifications
V. to teach someone to think, behave, or feel in a particular way over a period of time
N. immigrant
Adj. shaggy hair or fur is long and untidy:
V. 1. 瘛寞香2. if a loud noise drowns out another sound, it prevents it from being heard:
Vt. [formal]if something or someone repulses you, you think that they are extremely unpleasant [= disgust]:
mug shot
N. a flat outdoor area next to a building or on a roof, where you can sit outside to eat, relax etc
Adj. to be completely lacking in something:
Adj. [law] relating to young people who are not yet adults: ??撟渡?
N. illegal or immoral behaviour or actions, especially by young people:
Adj. relating to dogs
N. someone who is sent away from a place because it is dangerous, for example because there is a war
Adj. completely stupid or unreasonable [= ridiculous]
N. threads tied together at one end and hung as a decoration on clothes, curtains etc 瘚?
crime wave
N. a sudden large increase in the amount of crime in an area:
(every) now and then/now and again
pipe down
to stop talking or making a noise, and become calmer and less excited:
Adj. too silly and repeated too often to be funny or interesting:
N. a set of clothes worn together, especially for a special occasion:* a cowboy outfit
N. an object that is attached to a wall and holds candles or electric lights
N. a window in the roof of a building
Adj. extremely happy or enjoyable:
Adj. very tired or bored, especially because you have been doing something for a long time:
Adj. done or said without any preparation or planning
also <b>tarp</b>a large heavy cloth or piece of thick plastic that water will not pass through, used to keep rain off things
V. to cook something slowly in liquid:
Adj.1. having an extremely close friendship:2. very detailed knowledge of something as a result of careful study or a lot of experience:
C.N. a hard layer of dried blood that forms over a cut or wound while it is getting better
N. a condition caused by extreme cold, that makes your fingers and toes swell, become darker, and sometimes fall off: ?
Adj. impossible to remove or forget [= permanent]:
sweet tooth
N. [informal]someone who always says clever things or always has the right answer, in a slightly annoying way
Adv. in the proper or expected way:* Here are your travel documents, all duly signed.
Adj. unable to think clearly or move steadily, for example during a fever or after drinking alcohol [= dizzy]:
Adj. made of lace or looking like lace:* lacy underwear
N, V. 隡?
N. ??????
N. ??* an open letter to the members of the European Parliament.
V. to run or fly somewhere so fast you can hardly be seen* Two jets streaked across the sky.
N. the front part of your leg between your knee and your foot ??
N. a large metal container used for waste in the US [= skip British English]
bungee jumping
n. 2. an arm or leg 4. a large branch of a tree
N. a space or room just below the roof of a house, often used for storing things:
C.N. a place that is connected with a holy event or holy person, and that people visit to pray ?
Adj.1. land or soil that is barren has no plants growing on it2. [old-fashioned] unable to produce children or baby animals - used of a woman or of female animals
N. ??嚗???
report card
N. ?蜀??
N. a machine designed to burn things in order to destroy them
V. [formal] to lie or lean back in a relaxed way
N. [American English] a young man whose job is to take away dirty dishes from the tables in a restaurant
Adj. N, 摮岫??
V. [informal] to keep, use, or have all of something that should be shared: 雿
N. a type of small, less powerful motorcycle with small wheels
Adj. [informal] 憭芷??芯縑?oo confident about yourself and your abilities, especially in a way that annoys other people:
N. a type of thick skirt made of tartan (=material with a pattern of lines and squares) that is traditionally worn by Scottish men ??剔?函鋆?
N. [formal]someone who is officially kept in a prison, usually because of their political views
N. the period of time after something such as a war, storm, or accident when people are still dealing with the results
C.N. 2. [American English] raised area at the door of a house, usually big enough to sit on * Joey: Do not take a nap on this stoop or you can wake up with your shoes gone.
N. <b>be on the verge of something</b> to be at the point where something is about to happen:
N. [American English formal]the support that you give a particular shop, restaurant etc by buying their goods or using their services *Thank you for your patronage. 雓??“
N. 蝟撚maple syrup
Adj. behaving in a polite, kind, and generous way, especially to people of a lower rank:
C.N. [American English] ?餌?
N. ??擳?
V. to show your money, success, beauty etc so that other people notice it - used to show disapproval: ?怨€€
N. the feeling of being very worried about something [= concern] ??
Adj. an event that is imminent, especially an unpleasant one, will happen very soon
Adj.an eminent person is famous, important, and respected
N. ??
Adj. including a very wide variety of things:
N. a large farm building for storing crops, or for keeping animals in
Adj. someone who is domineering tries to control other people without considering their feelings or ideas - used to show disapproval:
luncheon meat
V. ??..??
N. ?€??
Adj. food that is perishable is likely to decay quickly:
Adj. using rude words or movements that make you think of sex: 銝???
Vt. to officially make someone a priest or religious leader
N. a minister of a Christian church ?批葦
bode well/ill (for somebody/something)
to be a good or bad sign for the future:*The opinion polls do not bode well for the Democrats.
day off
N. a day when you do not go to work, school etc because you have a holiday or because you are sick:
N. a round wooden or metal container with a flat top and bottom, used for storing beer
C.N. a situation in which there is great destruction and a lot of people die
N. ?餌?瘜?
N. [informal]something that someone does deliberately to make someone else sexually interested in them:
Adj. quick and full of energy
used on invitations to ask someone to reply
N. a hole or pipe through which gases, liquid etc can enter or escape from an enclosed space or container:
V. 蝘?
N. a young actress who plays small parts in films and hopes to become famous 撠戊??
horse around/about
[informal] to play roughly ?⊿洹
V. 1. to compete against someone in order to gain something2. to argue or state that something is true
N. [formal]if a group of people give someone an ovation, they clap to show approval:The Chancellor's entrance was greeted with a <b>standing ovation</b> (=everyone stood up).
Adj. 1. misty weather is weather with a lot of mist:???. [literary] if your eyes are misty, they are full of tears, especially because you are remembering a time in the past:瘛偌餈瑟???
Adj. very excited, happy, and pleased
N. a small group of soldiers which is part of a company and is led by a lieutenant ??
N. the shape made by the upper edge of a piece of woman's clothing around or below the neck:
N. ?瑕?
V. 隤芣?璆?. to pronounce words clearly and carefully2. [formal] to express an idea clearly and exactly:
N. ??
V. to perform official duties, especially at a religious ceremony
V, N. ?質?
N. 2. a small drop of liquid such as water or blood:
<b>a plethora of something</b> [formal]a very large number of something, usually more than you need:
N. a small fridge in a hotel bedroom, in which drinks are kept
salt shaker
morning sickness
N? very large room used for dancing on formal occasions
V. to pull a vehicle or ship along behind another vehicle, using a rope or chain: ??
Adj. extremely large [= huge]
N. 1. an area for birds or animals where they are protected and cannot be hunted [= refuge] 璉脫??. a peaceful place that is safe and provides protection, especially for people who are in danger [= refuge] ?輸?€
Adj. practical and direct in a sensible honest way
V. to breathe in air, smoke, or gas
N. when the army of one country enters another country by force, in order to take control of it ?乩噩
Adj. bread or cake that is stale is no longer fresh or good to eat
V. to force someone to do something
N. an image, for example of an unborn baby inside its mother's body, that is produced by a special machine
N. a shop that sells high quality cheeses, salads, cooked meats etc
Vt. [formal] to remove a dead body from the ground, especially in order to check the cause of death [= dig up]
stroke (v)
V. to move your hand gently over something:
Adj. making you feel worried and not confident:* Some people find interview situations very intimidating.
n.[C]1. ?職(F7職)52. d職?;(繚&amp;y織)職I?
"a.1. Q-?織;=-+織;=8?織[(+at/for)][+to-v]2. @罈AQ
"C.N., Adj.someone who likes doing dangerous things?礙
Adj. [only before noun] intended to be used or accepted for a short time only, until something or someone final can be made or found?an interim report ?He received an interim payment of 瞽G10,000. ?He was appointed president until an interim government was established.
"a.1. r織,?rW織,??織a provisional governmentro?n.1. @職A(??%?竅
ad.1. 繳翹,?繳翹Henceforth his life would never be the same again.?繳翹織Ok7=翻藩?}0S2
n.1. $?;:?2. 禮3. k?Under the auspices of the IETF, leading HTTP implementers collected the common, and commly used, features of many leading implementations.
"a.1. 羸?織;羸W織She showed her daughter's picture with maternal pride.穢'??礙羸?織 ?O/*瞿?織?w?礙;22. 羸?0矇織;羸+織3. 羸穠瓊織?礙
"a.1. ?織2. &gt;?織3. &gt;?5織n.1. &gt;?5;??疆?礙
"n.1. ?簧N瞿D(T7k)?礙
n.1. @A(a??罈織?簧N)
by day
"1. 簫YThey travelled by day and stayed at hotels by night.A簫Y
"a.1. =?織,??織This is a really filthy oven.I獺O22. ?織,;q織The guy is always telling filthy jokes.I?I1_K;q織A癒23. ??織;?織?礙
n.1. (W)??:4;???4[the S]*2. @罈A穠 ,穠0[C]罈: He made his own testament. 羶穠 *3. y&gt;,y[C][(+to)]The building is a testament to their success.I0*羅_A@?織y&gt;24.  瞽&gt;[C]5. @A(礙7:M?織)?4
a.1. 矇?織;翹?織The film was a thorough success.I+癒瞽?瞼W織@?2You must promise me to take a thorough rest.???羅A矇?A?0;22. ?繹織;翹織織3. q瓊織,矇]矇n織[B]4. (礙)q6`織
a.1. =&lt;織;??織Even if a particular Web site architecture does not require the coordinatin of disparate systems like application server products advertise,...
n.1. E?,? [U][(+to-v)]Don't give in to temptation.簣??? 22. ? ?,E??Human nature makes it hard to resist the temptation to reuse passwords on multiple Web sites.
"n.[C]1. Q穡,W藩[(+of)]Myriads of mosquitoes from the swamp invaded our village every twilight.藩Y籀?Q穡繙""?穫?` 繞疇瞽AA織??22. Q穡織礙(F?)a.1. Q穡織,W藩織2. 4^4S-9織"
a.1. ?B織;?織A vigilant police force helps to control crime.0_??織?繙=9?穫f??2
Vi.if an animal growls, it makes a long deep angry soundgrowl at? The dog growled at me.
Adj. [formal]the salient points or features of something are the most important or most noticeable parts of it?the salient points of the report
"Adj. [only before noun]making you worry or feel pain slightly all the timenagging feeling/doubt/suspicion etc ? There was still a nagging doubt in the back of her mind.? Lee had a nagging pain in her back.?礙
"a.1. Q繳織2. ?織;??織?礙
"n.[C]1. (?瞿,?y織):?,?2. (???f織)?=3. 羸=:??礙
"n.1. ??繙2. 9;?藩獺3. -;X{4. 織瞽;?:X織nfvt.1. 7...nb9;繙... 2. 織瞽?礙
"A walkie-talkie is a small portable radio which you can talk into and hear messages through so that you can communicate with someone far away. N-COUNT ?礙
n.[C]1. 羸??;瞼2. b藩織??3. (+?罈?織)?繹,6}[(+of)]CNN: implying it may have nuclear arms in its arsenal.
"n.1. (?織)""?`;(=?織)R`[C]I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos.A??;OkX f""?`織?&lt;??B?織?2穠!: For many Americans, being behind the wheel is like their natural habitat."
"n.1. ^?[M][(+of)]There are many species of chrysanthemum.繳獺簽^繡J22. @OA^[M]The giant panda has become an endangered species.W繙?""@繞0^E繭?織?23. @罈A??[M]4. 礙?[the S]"
N. ?舀
C.N. [formal] a very clear sign that a particular situation or feeling existsmanifestation of? These latest riots are a clear manifestation of growing discontent.罈: As you try to do this, you'll often find simpler, nastier looking manifestations of the same error.
vi.1. ?n.1. ?織礙;?瞿?織礙
a.1. n織,?8J織,穡?織a crafty politician1穡n織o?the more you put into crafty thinking, the more you'll find.
"a.1. ?織,聶y織,聶W織2. ?織;?織,瓣織3. 瞼職織;繡礙織4. @A瞼簫織What a magnificent day!繳YYS簫瞼繞!5. 瓣織,J織;繙瓣織?礙
n.1. ?d;???
{?, ?...d:{?
"vt.1. 繙...4$;簪j$2. 瞻C,56;織5[(+out/up)]We can straighten out the matter there.AAX?繙罈繭織52Let's straighten up the room.AA繙o?瞻60;W23. 簪i?;簪簫y[(+out)]vi.1. 繙$;j禮繞[(+up)]2. i?;簫y[(+out/up)]?礙
n.[C]1. ?(?);?U
"vt.1. K(u罈);? 2. ?(+癒y)?簽簫vi.1. K ,? 2. (?+癒y)?簽簫Richard is going to narrate in the new radio play.67XI;?織?繚]+簽簫2?礙
a.1. S~m織;YS織On realizing that they cannot achieve this mission, many testers become demoralized.
vt.to show that an idea or belief is false?His claims were later debunked by fellow academics.book:This chapter debunks some popular testing myths.
Vi. V簣=繒to keep moving your hands or feet, especially because you are bored or nervous?The kids had started to fidget.fidget with?Stop fidgeting with your pens!
ad.1. 礙礙簷`2. 簷簡`a.1. 簷簡織
fall for
"1. '0He really fell for the new girl in school.!!`?穡Q?繞織瞿OhE繞2She fell for him at first sight.穢=0罈H繭22. :...織礎Many people fell for his tricks.aJ礙:繞織礎2?礙
"vi.vt.1. ?u??Xv??禮繳(v簽)?礙
"n.1. ?,羸O[U][S1][(+to)]She has an aversion to animals.穢=?O`?22. &gt;?織礙(F罈?)[C]?礙
n.1. 疆穩[U][G]2. 疆穩繒[U]
poultryThe farm breeds a wide range of poultry.I;璽d,:4^疆穩2
"n.1. h?,hv;=m[U]God will live for all eternity.:M7h?22. (竄翹織)hF;繞F[U]3. (l~)Qr?織0疇r?[S]4. hv織O6[P]?礙
n.1. ?W,?簫礙2. @A羹繫&lt;3. @=A羹繫&lt;Z4. &lt;W05a.1. ?W織2. 羹繫&lt;織;羹繫&lt;Z織
"N.1. (),y織)?[C]2. ?;)?[U]*3. {?,*?[C]Grandpa takes along a cane when he goes out for a walk.jj*禱??rm簣fi{?2?礙
"a.1. 9S織;?織It's damp and cold. I think it's going to rain.YS繪繪癟2A;簣;22. 繡繡織,??織n.[U]1. S,?2. (V?)?;9S3. @A繡繡,??vt.1. 簪?2. 簪??;?f;}~?礙
on the map
"1. 羸簣織;*=織The discovery of ancient paintings on the walls of the church put the little village on the map.X?2織v:竅.繞織簽?,簪?;?繙*繞=2?礙
a.1. &amp;]織;&amp;-織CNN: Schwarzenegger, vying to replace California Gov. Gray Davis during the recall election Tuesday ...
V. [formal] 責備 to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong
a.1. ]y織;瞿織;翹q織Verification of goodness is a mediocre project manager's fantasy, not your task.
n.1. (X'???j*織)?y2. 翻2d:-:-;織?Watch a radar screen and look for a certain blip.
ad.1. 瓊?,?a His van allegedly struck the two as they were crossing a street.
"vi.1. ?瞿?vt.1. ?(瞿)?2. X瞿繞?3. 簪=n.1. 瞿&lt;?;=?礙
drop off
"1. ?...;繳Please drop me off at the bank.羶?AX簞
"A playpen is a small structure which is designed for a baby or young child to play safely in. It has bars or a net round the sides and is open at the top. 1. @?A (?竅?X?\??織)z2=4  ?礙
"a.1. C~""織,織2. 6織,6?織;$?織,瞻}(織3. ?織;?E禮織4. ?羅Wg織,xk織vt.1. 簪;簪6vi.1. 繙;繙6?礙
go with
"1. d?2. 7...(}Do you think this hat would go with my new dress??礙?Im?翹A織??=(}臘?3. 7...434. 6?...織??礙
"n.1. (;d?y?礙*?織)*???礙
a.1. 簪?織n.1. 簪??;簪?X禮
"n.[C]1. W5,Wv[(+of)]Wool is packed in bales.繙 ??@W522. 0W5(FWv)織藩vt.1. 7...?@W5(FWv)?礙
"n.[U]1. (?,?X織)簧yTom has hit the hay.?繹""禱?礙繞2She advised that he should make hay while the sun shone.穢(?繙r?(簣Z簫Wr簧y)22. ?}n5;Rvi.1. 瞽y簧"
a.1. a禱O礙織,禱X織[(+with)]My fingers were numb with cold.A織{7羸%繞22. ?v織,竅S織vt.1. 簪a禱O礙,簪禱X2. 簪?v,簪竅S
"a.1. 繚""織People who have never gone to school are usually illiterate.?Z:~穡織礙簞簞=?122. Z?璽織;?*{織3. ?繚J_織n.1. 繚"";Q織礙[C]an adult illiterate=??織@瞻礙"
a.1. ??織;F?織[Z]2. ?織;?}織,瞿矇織[Z]*3. ??織,y繚織4. ?*織,*織織This chapter is superficial.
n.1. ?I簪,?I簪[U]The box is made of cardboard.I獺?_?簪I-織2a.1. ?I簪-織;q&lt;?織2. =O織,= f織;?羶織,?9!?織,?*織
"n.1. k簽,?簽;藩[C][U]2. k?,??[U]3. @`Ak?[U]vt.1. k;?...織藩2. k.;k穫3. @`Ak??礙
"n.1. (?F?穡X織)?WQ罈2. FS;?罈3. ?g簽{x???礙
n.1. @A?7My little pinkie got caught in the door.A織?7?簞n`2
split up
If two people split up, or if someone or something splits them up, they end their relationship or marriage. Research suggests that children whose parents split up are more likely to drop out of high school. I was beginning to think that nothing could ever split us up. I split up with my boyfriend last year. PHR-V-RECIP-ERG The form split is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle of the verb
n.1. ??; ;Fk2. 9? As you will see in the next few pages, the breadth of Joy's interests and expertise is exceeded only by the piquancy of his opinions.
N. the results of a particular event, especially when they are unexpected:
n.1. ?fPa.1. ?f織;f?織 As long as e-mail is free, you're going to get a lot of spam because there's no disincentive to send it.
N. [plural] [formal] the problems and troubles affecting someone?the country's economic woes Is it really fair to blame Microsoft for so many of the Net's woes?
vt.1. X...:?穫2. X(瓣羸?簽).F?vi.1. ?@?織F? The result is a system encrusted with multiple layers of things that weren't really designed in so much as bolted on.
n.1. @?A羹?;x?2. @穡A羹;h羹? Describe the trajectory of your career and where it might lead next.
n.1. (瓣羸織)癒?[U]2. 癒?織罈?[C]Icy roads are a peril to motorists.??織?= 礙q6癒?23. ??[U]vt.1. 簪9癒?,簪?糧;癒繳 But Sept. 11 rang a bell louder than any bell I could possibly ring about the perils of the world.
=amusement arcade 電動遊樂場
n.1. @職A@A?穢R
Adj.stand-up comedy involves one person telling jokes alone as a performance?a stand-up comedianJoey: He sounds like a standup guy.
ph.1. @職A(b7簧簷織)禮7聶,?7聶
lip balmJoey: I put on a shiny lip balm.
at a price
1. 繡織);3織)lYou can have your food sent up to your hotel room -- at a price.?J獺?R?礙繙?1`繭Xo?繞2Chandler: but it came at a price.
n.1. Q織礙;=穡Q?織礙
"vt.1. A...
n.1. 簾A,W[U][C][(+for)]Squirrels have an aptitude for storing food.簧P9???織W22. Y繩,}-;~?[U][C][(+for)]He skipped the fourth grade because of his aptitude.Y繩?~?9瞻J#`繞?瞻J23. ?礎;??[U]Ross: With an aptitude for science.
a.1. 9O-?織2. 9疆?織n.[C]1. 疆?,疆?2. 穠矇Ross: That's a really pretty name for an industrial solvent.
"n.1. V穠;V穠:;V穠:織
n.1. (X繞F簧y織)?,@[C]a brick kiln?vt.1. 繙...nX??(F簧)Ross: I have my own kiln.
come around
ph.1. V?;???癟The patient came around the next morning.\翹YI;繭礙V?繞~繞22. ??;i繙羶dIt was not easy for John to come around.?4 i繙羶d_=矇C織2Rachel: I'm really coming around on the name Ruth.
U.N. [formal] ?0behaviour that shows respect and is correct for a particular situation, especially a formal occasion? He was disciplined for breaching the Senate's rules of decorum.Monica: but this is completely unacceptable bath decorum.
Adj, Adv,a process that is piecemeal happens slowly and in stages that are not regular or planned properly:? The buildings have been adapted in a piecemeal fashion.? a piecemeal approach to the problem罈: A system is developed piecemeal, as a collection of processes and modules.
a.worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of youJerry's pretty self-conscious about his weight.The young girl felt very self-conscious about the large mole on her chin.?}瞻E H= !;$:織0vWO`繡= X2
"a.1. 簪礙穩_織;簪礙繳e=繒織If you describe something as unnerving, you mean that it makes you feel worried or uncomfortable. It is very unnerving to find out that someone you see every day is carrying a potentially deadly virus. ADJ  = disconcerting ?礙
concession stand
ph.1. ?T,vTRoss: when you beeped me, I was on the line at the concession stand at the movie theater.
bobby pin
ph.1. 0^n
Adj. dK織shabby clothes, places, or objects are untidy and in bad condition because they have been used for a long time?Hugh's jacket was old and shabby. ?a shabby little restaurant
n.1. @FAS[U]
calciumYou need calcium in your food to grow strong, healthy bones.礙繞?穫禮?5*翹?癟,?織?0簣9S2Joey: I've thrown back a lot of orange juice with calcium, though.
N.1. @?A (m?y織)?簫簿,m&lt; 2. @?A (繳y織)?簫簪 3. @?A @W繚A ?禮,w?禮,(繭b*l?織)w?? 罈:They would raise their visors and show their faces.
a.1. 9...簾A織,C穫...織[F][(+to)][+to-v]Mother is prone to headaches.A羸??h] 22. ?織,?A;織He was lying prone on the couch, fast asleep.X禮禱:,????23. 簾?織;?織All inmates remain on the ground in the prone position.
n.1. 穡羸:Q[C]
n.1. ??; ?[C]The damaged craft was hauled to the hangar.=繞織 ??b繞 ??2
n.1. 羶#?
n.1. (繚y織)??,疇?,k[the S][(+of)]2. 織,?Fvt.1. ?7,W?_;?&gt;[+that]2. 瞽a,?a[Y][+to-v]The letter purported to be from the governor.a,瞽繞 禮23. ?F,?bWhat does this metric purport to measure?
n.1. 罈vt.1. 繙...??(F?)b禱 design pattern mania where someone on the team has read GOF and hence decided to shoehorn as many design patterns as possible into their design.
n.1. 獺籀;獺?[U][(+for)]His boss highly appreciates his zeal for his work.織:(q6S織?獺繭2
n.1. (簿繭簽X織)禮;(?罈)簿?[C]
It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire.??-禮獺繞A簫禮0疇r?2 A questionnaire is a written list of questions which are answered by a lot of people in order to provide information for a report or a survey. Headteachers will be asked to fill in a questionnaire.
vt.1. K?,K [O]He wrenched the knob off when he was trying to open the door.罈簞r繙簞繙{ 繞;繞2n.1. K?[C][(+at)]2. ?癟[C]Joey: I want just one moment of relief from the gut wrenching pain of knowing that's never going to happen.
a.1. ?f=織;6?織2. ?f織3. Ka織,KE織
a.1. 繚&amp;織;?繚&amp;織2. (+癒1+?y)H4織;H織n.1. H4癒w;(+?y織)H4簸[C]Rachel: Ross, we actually watched the documentary together.
a.1. 9穩藩織Ross: She's emotional, but ballsy.
barge in
1. ?The talkative woman is always barging in other people's conversation.?;Jd織?礙m_Kd2The door burst open and the children barged in.簞簣f?罈,0????b繞2Rachel: I'm so sorry to barge in on your Valentine,
n. cinema film showing a particular event ? old footage from the First World WarChandler: It's ironic how footage of something being born can make you want to kill yourself.
vt.1. u@,6?[(+from)]oust a rival from the committee7瞼{?3]?*禱2. ??CNN: Voters go to the polls to decide whether to keep Democrat Gray Davis as governor or oust him and pick one of 135 candidates
Adj.not easily noticed?The staff are trained to be unobtrusive.
V. to make someone feel annoyed or impatient, especially by doing something many times or for a long period of time:
"vt.1. ??;疇?;?羸This action infringed the constitution.I^
Adj.attractive or interesting?The city offers an appealing combination of sporting and cultural events.?It creates an atmosphere which visitors find so appealing .
n.1. y?,yiO[U]2. y?z[C]3. ?,?[C]*4. @職A@A`;?繫=[the S]They considered this an invasion of their turf.A翻礙?9疇?繞A織`25. -?d;-?[the S]CNN: with the company's first step onto turf ruled by Japan's Nintendo meeting a mixed response.
N.power and control over someone or somethinghave/keep a grip on something ? StalinIs determination to keep an iron grip on Eastern EuropeCNN: as it seeks to break the grip on a market dominated by Nintendo's GameBoy.
n.[C]1. 穡繪2. N@, 瞼,]籀vt.1. ?...繒穡繪[H]vi.1. ?穡繪y*2. 穠?穫[W][(+on/upon)]The fate of the project hinges on the decision of the council.I5;織簫{穠穫3織穠?2 This is a very big investment for Nokia and it was prepared so thoroughly that it does not hinge on one day
Adj.an action, event etc that is decisive has a big effect on the way that something developsdecisive factor/effect/influence etc ?Women can play a decisive role in the debate over cloning. decisive action/steps ?We will take decisive steps towards political union with Europe.
vt.1. ?8;繩?;A...?R(F?)The rich alumnus endowed the college with half of his fortune.I}羹9織Q羶繙礎0z織?R?8?IpW穡22. 繡[H][(+with)] Alfred Nobel, the wealthy Swedish industrialist and inventor of dynamite who endowed the prizes, left only vague guidelines for the selection committee.
n.[U]1. 癡2. @A禮96癡W織罈;禮9?X癒?織礙(F?)vt.1. X癡6d;癡簸a.1. @職A@AZ 織;2癒癒織
ph.1. 穡9??翹(=????織)A?\?
exit pollCNN: based on statewide exit polls.
1[uncountable and countable] a system of voting, usually in secret, or an occasion when you vote in this way?The party leader is elected by secret ballot . Workers at the plant held a ballot and rejected strike action.2.[countable]a piece of paper on which you make a secret votesynonym ballot paperOnly 22% of voters cast their ballots .3.the ballotthe total number of votes in an election?He won 54% of the ballot
keypalsomeone with whom you regularly exchange e-mailsee also penpal If your daughter is interested in having a keypal next year, please have her get in touch.
n.1. 0簣,繭簣W[U][S1][(+of/for)]2. 繭0簽[C][(+of/for)]Television is considered a necessity by a lot of people.aJ礙翻礙+?_0&amp;Ok繭0簽23. 繭f(W)[U][S1]4. ??; [U] Food, air, water are all necessities for us.?1穠S1d-_AAOk織繭0簽2
a.1. 5?C簷織,&gt;?織lucid instructions5?C簷織7j2. ]?5?織;?5&gt;織lucid intervals?5?O?
Adj. [formal]if a statement is cogent, it seems reasonable and correctcogent argument/reason/case etc ?a cogent argument for banning the drug
Band-Aid [countable]1trademark especially American English a piece of thin material that is stuck to the skin to cover cuts and other small woundsBritish Equivalent: plaster2a Band-Aid solution to a problem is temporary and will not solve the problem - used to show disapprovalThis idea is criticized by some as a Band-Aid solution.
relating to money, taxes, debts etc that are owned and managed by the governmenta fiscal crisis fiscal policy/measure sound (=good) fiscal policy a fiscal matter
Vt. [formal] to read something, especially in a careful way?She leant forward to peruse the document more closely.
V.to talk or complain in a loud excited and rather confused way because you feel strongly about somethingrant about?She was still ranting about the unfairness of it all.?Why don't you stop ranting and raving for a minute and listen?
Adj. ;WFA織having a confident character and enjoying the company of other people-opposite introverted
"vt.1. ?癟(穠?y);?(y);繡The grant has been repealed.瞽5 ? ""?繡22. n繫;V?n.1. ?癟;?[U][C]Many voted for the repeal of that property law.aJ礙??:@??5?R2CNN: Gov.-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger says his first action upon taking office will be repealing the car tax, one of the factors in Gray Davis' demise as California's leader."
a.1. (??H?)9E??X??:織;(??)9?^?H織2. Fu織;繡:織
n.1. @A繚?簽{?罈Chandler: we should come up with some kind of order, like alphabetically or by genre.
ph.1. Rw
maternity leaveJoey: I figured it was something about maternity leave.
down payment
ph.1. 6On織]n
"vi.1. v瞿,vB[(+on/over)]2. 9
a.1. dr?織2. ?9繙?織3. 瞽~5織n.1. r??礙2. ?~5someone who has been given an important prize or honour, especially the Nobel PrizeNigeria's Nobel laureate, Wole SoyinkaNobel laureate in economic science
N.underwear that women wore in the past, like loose trousers that end at the knees
n.1. 獺繒[U]2. 獺繒??[P]3. (o?=yX織)獺繒o[U]4. k簪,i[U]5. @職A@AsS;k?;繩S[U]vt.1. (X獺繒o)?(?=y):oChandler: did he put a little starch in you bloomers?
1[uncountable] eager interest and enjoymentzest forShe had a great zest for life .
int.1. (?j=/1EAy)?n.1. ?瞽vi.1. 竅*?瞽vt.1. ?( 礙)2. A...?B繩Ross: Hopefully this time Mom won't boo you.
worth one's salt
1. a禮織Any engineer worth his salt should know how that machine works.+?0}a禮織;[-羅瞽??*??_簡?羸?織2Joey: any actor worth his salt can cry on cue.
n.1. @A?h
n.1. ?P瞽2. Q/?P瞽vi.1. (?)P;繞a.1. S羹礙織
[uncountable] old useborn out of wedlockif a child is born out of wedlock, its parents are not married when it is bornRoss織穩: While we think it's simply marvelous that you're having this baby out of wedlock...
Who's Who
trademark a book produced every year in the UK that contains an alphabetical list of famous and important people, such as politicians, writers, and entertainers, and provides information about their achievements, their families etcIn Who's Who, Mortimer lists his hobbies as gardening and listening to opera.
"n.1. Y?0;
hail from
Someone who hails from a particular place was born there or lives there. (FORMAL) I hail from Brighton. The band hail from Glasgow.
vt.1. 簪6癡;簪(竅vi.1. 6癡;(竅
C.N.a passage which goes down through a building or down into the ground, so that someone or something can get in or outmine/elevator/ventilation etc shaft ?a 300-foot elevator shaftJoey: and made my character fall down the elevator shaft.
keep in check
1. ?fPlease keep your voice in check.羶繳~繳簞2
n.[U]1. (?n織)?,=瞽2. ?瓊,?The company has launched a campaign of publicity for a new car.?(礙糧織?罈簫繳W??瓊23. ?瓊簽;z;?瓊繚(F+癒y)His job is producing publicity for the child welfare organizations.織+ _礙?聶Yt???瓊??24. ?罈d8Rachel=Joey?: the publicity would be really good for you career.
n.[U]1. ?;繭??The surface of the water is full of foam.d?-_?22. (?y織)W?3. ???;???;???vi.1. 禮?;(?y)??2. @簫?;(竅Br)n? *
role model
ph.1. ?S瞽;Q繫someone whose behaviour, attitudes etc people try to copy because they admire themI want to be a positive role model for my sister.
"n.[C]1. o;o:;癒禱(矇?)2. n3f?3. ""禮uf?,?r,:O(=regimen)The baby's regime included two naps a day.I`?織Ok聶罈50Y???Q2H5Joey: Do you have some kind of a fitness regime?"
vt.1. z,7;z@We whittled a wooden horse.AAz@0iX?22. zK,za[(+away/down)]Profits are whittled down by the ever-rising cost of energy.-?@\織=癟:w簪Y?;}2
n.1. 癡?d[U]
Triage is the process of quickly examining sick or injured people, for example after an accident or a battle, so that those who are in the most serious condition can be treated first. (MEDICAL) Our people are starting the triage process so they can treat the most seriously wounded. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n
a.1. Q瓊織2. Q織
U.N. [informal]alcoholic drink?a bottle of boozeon the booze?He's been on the booze (=drinking too much alcohol) for five days.
vt.1. jI,繫I2. 簪'
small talk
1. ?繩;z疆hWe stood around the fire, making small talk.AA X?@?=zY2She loves to have some small talk with the neighbors.穢??7`uz疆h2Phoebe=Monica?: One less person we have to make small talk with.
n.1. 羸癒繙2. @k!A繹
the lead
the first position in a race or competition? She was in the lead from start to finish. ? The Canadians went into the lead after only 30 seconds.
a.1. ?羸織;_5織;癒織,禱簽織 A taxing task or problem is one that requires a lot of mental or physical effort. They were comparing notes on each other's progress towards solving that most taxing of all puzzles: the riddle of the human genome. It's unlikely that you'll be asked to do anything too taxing. ADJ-GRADED  = demanding Rachel: but my God a long lunch with her is taxing.
position paper
ph.1. 羶d瞽&gt;?;?罈(
"a.1. 翻織;?o織She was in complete charge of all monetary matters affecting the household.穢?:??079 疆 織?o罈?22. ??織;?f織The monetary unit in the US is the dollar.職;織???}_""s""2"
"vt.1. 簪聶?;?[(+from)]His behavior alienated his friends.織
a.1. ?織;?X(F禮?)穫?羶?織;繞 ?羶織2. ?]81-P織ad.1. ?`2. ??]81-P&lt;=wF?`
Adj.bad-tempered and easily annoyed? Mina's always a bit grumpy first thing in the morning.
n.1. (09'羶織)`?Fs2. Fs?繳
n.[C]1. KkThe revolution overthrew the monarch.Id?簫?+繞Kk22. 0癒禱53. 罈,W罈Joey: Which monarch has ruled Great Britain the longest?
Adj.deliberately nasty to someone in order to hurt or upset them-synonym vicious?She was spiteful and unkind, both to Isabel and to her son.?a spiteful remark
Adj.very bad or of bad qualitysynonym terrible?The reunion was an abysmal failure. Joey=Monica?: Your food is abysmal.
cash register
ph.1. . H4?;f簞?
a.1. 籀繕(-)織;籀繕瞽織2. 5?織3. /&lt;jc織4. Q?織,?羅?織I saw the boy stealing money; but he is so brazen that he tried to say that I had stolen it.A;罈?;g?X禮R;v?Q?`1F$`A?:2How can you believe such a brazen lie??&gt;-(簡??Q?織:0?vt.1. 簪繙?Q?2. ??羅??(F=繕)[(+out)]Rachel: You didn't see how brazen she was.
get/build somebody's hopes up
to allow someone to believe that what they want to happen is likely to happenDon't get your hopes up . There'll be a lot of people applying for the job.
come off
[informal] to be successful?It was a good idea, but it didn't quite come off. ?The performance on the first night came off pretty well .
"C.N. pilot study/project/scheme etca small study, project etc which is carried out as a test to see if an idea, product etc will be successful?a pilot scheme which could be extended to other areas 1. @礙A  ,
n.1. ??;????52. O{
off the markon the mark
If something is off the mark, it is inaccurate or incorrect. If it is on the mark, it is accurate or correct. Robinson didn't think the story was so far off the mark. He's right on the mark about movies being out of step with American culture. PHR: usu v-link PHR
n.1. jI;Ip[S]Their independence was a sham.A織?羶_0;Ip22. ?簫;w[U]3. w織癒簪,G簽[C][S1]4. w?5,I?[C]5. (*]X織)?獺??(F繙?)[C]a.[Z]1. ?w織,w織2. /P織,? 織3. Q織
Adj. [formal]directly relating to something that is being considered-synonym relevant?He asked me a lot of very pertinent questions .pertinent to?The last point is particularly pertinent to today's discussion.
"vt.[(+for)]1. ?a,?M;a,""?2. O, On.[U][S][(+for)]1. a?,? ;a?,?MWould you accept this as a little recompense for all the trouble you have taken?羶?f;I;,?礙=??織0?M22. O, O"
"n.1. 繫i;簫P;""2. y&gt;_w reviewers can't be expected to uncover falsifications in reported results."
vt.1. ?b,@b[(+to)][+that]Did she confide her plans to you?穢繙穢織8糧zd?繞臘?2. 7...G,7...G[(+to)]vi.[(+in)]1. @b?繹2. +,$
Adj.violent and cruel in a way that hurts someone physically?a vicious murder ?a vicious killer ?Keep away from that dog, he can be vicious.
"n.1. ?(\d!織?},0?_6~F1.829?j)[C]vt.1. \藩...織!?2. ?\;穡Your behavior is difficult to fathom.?織
a.1. n瞼織;?瞼織
vt.1. v簸
be/run/go counter to something
=&gt;to be the opposite of somethingSome actions by the authorities ran counter to the president's call for leniency
street smarts
ph.1. @A臘2?糧]??O?織-?;繒臘2F{織簾&gt;穢$
starting block
ph.1. @A禮 ?
vi.1. (=?y)2 ,q22. (罈?y)q?,8*His business is flourishing.織O?8繞23. (礙)?9?;?穫* rO4. {N瓊x
Adj.able to understand situations or behaviour very well and very quickly, especially so that you can get an advantage for yourselfsynonym clever?an astute politicianastute investments
.1. *&gt;;??,i*[U]He laid the groundwork for a good command of French at high school.X]穡?;繞繡簫織繚*&gt;2Constant practice is the groundwork for success in playing the piano.簣x?0{簫,d,?h$}_i\2
vt.1. 羶;瞿` ?
n.1. @FA?F?2. j簸(F籀b)P
vt.1. 簪繒?;簪??2. 簪瞿?;簪翹3. 簪n6?,繫I[(+into)]vi.1. 瞿?;??;Kan.[S]1. ?r瞿?,?r瞿?[(+in)]This is just the lull before the storm.I _瓣?}織?r瞿?22. ?rvrO Watch out that you do not fall in a lull period
Adj. Adv.done or given without payment--synonym free?Medical advice was provided gratis.
N. L瞿?a substance used to make food or drink taste sweeter?No artificial sweeteners are used in this product.
"n.[C]1. {瓊;瓊P,d?;
n.[C][U]1. 簫;W翻;W簫瓊The recent flooding in the south was a calamity.0 ?矇織Zd_0d簫22. (W織)=穡;
vt.1. 簫S;S_2. ?瞿?;?7n.1. 5[織罈?;?[織癟
"n.[C]1. 礎籀;?]礎籀織0繳;$?簫]The archer's shot was a perfect bull's-eye.4{織?0??]礎籀2Only one bullet hit the bull's-eye. 90v?x繳]礎籀22. 罈?織 瞼,]籀簣3. 繳]簣瓊織癒(F
n.1. @A(R穫職;繳];織)k禮[C]2. k禮?(?)[U]3. 禮?禮(F??)[C]
"n.1. (""礙X)3羅f?vt.1. X3羅f??g"
V.if someone prowls, they move around an area slowly and quietly, especially because they are involved in a criminal activity or because they are looking for something?gangs of teenagers prowling the streets[L?] I prowl the rooftops and alleyways at night...
a.1. ;織
test run
ph.1. (W-)??;?繳Ross: but I did test runs!
vt.1. $W;簪?iThe cat dilated its eyes.??Wl?2vi.1. $W;?i2. 瞿 ;`?[(+on/upon)]
n.1. @?AQ;繒j
n.1. @A?繹2. ~簷Janice: This should be easy. I have a very wide pelvis.
n.1. (h7穡)q?;in2. @?A??vt.1. X??It's the baby's buttocks.
n.1. (T7??簪織)*簿罈,罈;(織)i罈[P1]Slippers are usually worn indoors.罈Jh_X??簪織2vt.1. X簿罈?Rachel: I don't see you weeping because you put your slippers on the wrong feet.
1. 竅??,璽??They have two nurseries in their house.A疆9??竅??22. ??p3. 3;:?d;?q?d4. ?繙;羶O`
n.[C]1. X礎;?礎2. 簞Q,礙羸a織礙(F繹H)Are we the puppets of fate?AA-簫{織*x臘?Phoebe: I like to think of myself as the puppet master of the group.
C.N. ?3a performance of music or poetry, usually given by one performer?a piano recitalrecital of?a recital of classical favourites
vi.1. ?瞼;R瞼
n.1. ?繙?[C]They issued a pamphlet concerning the worsening environment.A*繞0\9 ?糧F織?繙?2
bar none
used to emphasize that someone is the best of a particular groupHe's the most talented actor in the country, bar none.
utter (adj.)
Adj. [only before noun]used to emphasize how great or complete something is?That's utter nonsense ! ?This company treats its employees with utter contempt .[罈] The only remarkable memory is their utter surprise when I said ....
Vt. [literary]to put on a hat, coat etc
n.1. 瞿?5;??52. @職A??礎d3. ???
"n.1. ??;'0(?),'(?);""7 織=?;@籀A0?(E禮繙{W簧織?)fetish  1 fetish fetishes  If someone has a fetish, they have an unusually strong liking or need for a particular object or activity, as a way of getting sexual pleasure. ...rubber and leather fetishes. ...fetish wear for sexual arousal. N-COUNT: oft n N"
n.1. 羸4;羸P[C]2. 羸4y;羸4獺[C]3. P藩,B癒;禮l?[C]4. @O6A羸4(?X),\-織羸羅[C]5. 羸羅-?[P]a.1. 羸4織;羸?X織2. @O6A羸4?X織3. @穡AZ織4. @+?A繞?織
a.1. ?織;穡?織2. ?織Ross: does it look like I'm having trouble with my misshapen claw?
N. [formal] an opinion or feeling you have about something?Similar sentiments were expressed by many politicians. popular/public sentiment (=what most people think) ?He was more in touch with public sentiment than many of his critics.
v.1. ?y`(;X...:?簡?(F簡?)2. y繚`瞼?n.1. ?y織v[U][S]2. yy@織癒簪;簡?織?; ?織?簽[C]
n.1. S?穡2. S?簸{
U.N.the most important thing needed by an organization, relationship etc to continue to exist or develop successfullylifeblood of?Communication is the lifeblood of a good marriage.
N.1. (yX織)??;(羹?羅yX織)簿?[U][C]I'll take both kinds of salad dressing.?^?羅?A-簣22. a special piece of material used to cover and protect a wound? The nurse came to change his dressing.
"n.1. JR;JX[U]My folly has cost me dearly.A織JR簪A=a?羸22. R罈,J
n.1. @?Ad
C.N. 0nan amount of money that is paid back to you when you have paid too much tax, rent etc?You may be entitled to a tax rebate.
"n.1. :!,:&gt;[C]His spine developed a slight curve.織:!9~""22. (1=?織)j,[C]3. l:繞禮織`f[C]4. (:[C]5. ?S,繩S[U]"
Vi.to be unable to swallow and feel as if you are about to bring up food from your stomach?The foul smell made her gag.gag on?He almost gagged on his first mouthful of food.Chandler: you said that without gagging.
n.1. ?? ?[
security blanket
ph.1. 繒?(????穡繡?繳e)2. f?礙繒?O織?繒織?Ross: I seem to remember someone bringing his security blanket to college!
n.1. 矇,矇?[C]The girl broke out in a rash today.繳Y,I瞿??:*繞矇?22. 0;?6竅織0Sb(J7=9織罈?)[S][(+of)]Ross: but the baby with the rash came in after me.
vt.1. 羸=,k?;簪[?;[?Our plans for a picnic were thwarted by the rain.AA織臘@8糧[2
"n.1. @?A1?;1?6[U][C][(+of)]There is an ellipsis of ""that"" in that sentence.?;?1?繞""that""2"
n.1. S?繒2. @職A?罈~繳
compactRoss: Do you have a compact in your purse?
breed (n.)
C.N.a particular kind of person or type of thing? Real cowboys are a dying breed (=not many exist anymore) .Ross: We are a rare breed.
vt.1. ?I;瞽.;g.2. 簿b(瞿W);Uk(??)Monica: I just got to Chandler's room and I caught him molesting himself!
Adj.1.having very extreme and unreasonable opinions?a group of rabid right-wing fanatics2.a rabid animal is suffering from rabies
n.1. 瞼?2. 瞼?Phoebe: That woman has the nose of a bloodhound.
n.1. (禮;1YSy織)簷瓣2. 簡,g簡3. @SA}q;(Sy織):qChandler: I soiled myself during some turbulences.
n.1. I,I簪獺;OI璽矇?[C]2. 0I(FI簪獺y)織藩[C][(+of)]3. (-Iy織)織I簪[U]4. 礎籀簫;?]礎籀織0羸[C]vt.1. XI(FI簪獺y)vi.1. -?I(FI簪獺y)
n.1. ?
will power
ph.1. ??; f?Monica: So what? Don't you have any will power?
vt.1. ?K`簽獺;?獺`?She likes to cuddle her doll.穢???獺穢織;332vi.1. ~?;B=`穫???n.1. 簽獺,?獺[S]
C.N. [American English] someone who is in charge of an apartment building and is responsible for making repairs in it
n.[C]1. 癟,??;(d?y織)?癟2. 癟3. (O繭y矇?織)[癟vt.1. 簪0癟,簪??;?癟(d?y)2. 簪(X?, ?)RO)3. G職,D`4. [癟(O繭y)vi.1. 繙@??;RO癟2. (d?y)C?癟;(O繭y)C癟[Q]Ross: I would, but I bruise like a peach.
n.[C]1. @k職A翻],羶?2. (S???織)簪,Ross: Meanwhile the faucet fills the apartment with water.
vt.1. 礙?(F\)2. ?瓣`=Phoebe: you don't have to manhandle me.
beauty parlor
ph.1. 職矇?
Adj. 簾+織extremely beautiful and very delicately made?the most exquisite craftsmanship
n.1.  Chocolate comes from the cacao tree.
n.1. #矇[U]This land is rich with petroleum.IwO` R#矇2
vi.1. 糧=;F#;-獺-.She was reading by the flickering light of the candle.穢O?糧=織y簞(22. ?;*;繞y3. ()璽繭簞4. @職A@A?B;w?Bvt.1. 簪F#;簪糧==?;簪-獺-.2. 糧=織y?jn.1. 糧=;F#;-獺-.[the S]2. E織?;糧.[the S]3. @職A@A+癒[P]4. @職A@A+癒-w?[P][G]
vt.1. -:;?:;繕~I had to walk very fast to overtake you.礙繞?:?,A=?=??繡22. 簣f疇瞽;繳B[H][(+by/with)] Smart phone sales are predicted to overtake PDA sales this year.
a.1. @罈AX 矇&lt;?;@羶織2. @O6A?OW織CNN: Bryant denies the charge, saying it was consensual sex.
n.[C]1. ????織礙;A罈?z2. ??
Qalimon.[C]1. W罈?~繳;W~繳a bulletproof limousine0KbxW罈?~繳2. @職A(?d1繳 y?1繭?織)?罈$Monica: Are we gonna take a limo?
"a.1. ??癒織2. ??織?礙
"n.1. 穡?
"a.1. W?織2. 6穠織;9穠?織;X?{織?礙
Adj. unusual or strange and often amusing:
n.1. ?4瞿W;繡礙穫瞿瞽 Joey, a womanizing actor currently on the soap opera LDays of Our LivesM
n.1. @A?
"n.1. 疇穫[U][C]2. 疇穫On[C]He has paid off the mortgage.""穡織疇穫On23. 疇穫?[C]4. 穫礙=疇穫簽織:Y[U][C]vt.1. 疇穫[(+to/for)]2. @A...?,繙...a"
n.1. 職矇Rachel: Because I was giving a makeover to that stupid hippie?
a.1. .織,??織;?0織2. ?織; 簫=織;簷織織 If you say that someone or something is pretentious, you mean that they try to seem important or significant, but you do not think that they are. His response was full of pretentious nonsense. This pub was of a very different type, smaller, less pretentious. ADJ-GRADED disapproval
a.1. ?:織,?h織;8~織He arrived with his customary promptness.藩?h?S?r`?2It is customary to tip the waiter.?翻5?禱_0^22. @罈A?:織;9?罈織n.1. (繩?1臘2y織)?_[C]Chandler: I think it may be customary to get a beer.
n.1. (X織)??繒[U]
Adj.polite in a formal but not very friendly way? Try at least to be civil.Mike: if you can't even be civil to the woman I love...
vt.1. (x獺FV?)u?(?)2. /...u?lr3. X?(lr)CNN: Milingo, who claims to be able to heal the sick spontaneously and exorcise demons, ...
"n.1. ?V2繙[C][G]The orchestra played a Mozart symphony.2繙D繞0??]穢織?/""2He is a violoncellist in a symphony orchestra._?/2H]織W d{22. (繚d]織)2繙][C]3. ?V2?[C]4. @職A(繚d織)C;?};(0C}矇織)]y?}[C]"
n.1. ??
n.1. @職A簽[U]
C.N.any type of woven cloth that is made in large quantities, used especially by people in the business of making clothes etc?Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton.
n.1. @`A#??,#?#[U]limestone caves#??N
n.[C]1. @FA@?A6?The haemoglobin molecule contains only four atoms of iron.p5羶簫6? [9 ;e??22. ??v?
vt.1. A...?竅;礙...?繩;a?[O9]Critics acclaimed the new play.穢?疆A ?I??b22. (?竅瞽)?x;簽羶[O9]vi.1. ?竅;?繩n.1. ?竅;?繩;a?[U]
a.1. 職穡織The professor advanced a new aesthetic theory.?}?繡 *繞?織職穡622. 職織;?織3. 職織;禮9職?瞿織n.1. 職穡;職穡I?;職簸[U]
vt.*1. ?;[vi.1. ?,[[(+at)]n.[C]1. Z?;{;翹,?f[P1]2. ?;[[S1]*3. @?A8?;8??簪;禮羸??Z4. @職A@A繳U ],癒?
"n.1. ?;+繚[U]She wrote plays in verse.穢X?繚\22. ?,?
n.1. (ma)疆?
n.1. C?罈a.1. C?織ad.1. C?`Amy: it was your fat friend's brother with that bad afro,
n.1. ?繙[C]2. ?繙 ?[U]
vt.1. ?禮;簸,簪?竅2. 簸禮...織繭簧3. ?vi.1. 簸,竅?2. ?繞Chandler: By the way, that fight was totally arousing.
vi.1. 簸 ,簸穫[(+for/over)]We mourn for our fallen soldiers.AA簸穫??織瞼22. =?vt.1. 礙...簸 ;A...翹簸2. 璽簸`?Phoebe: It's all right. You can mourn.
Vt. ?瞼to angrily criticize someone, especially a child, about something they have done-synonym tell off?Do not scold the puppy, but simply and firmly say 'no.'[Monica]: I've lost the will to scold.
ad.1. 瞻(7rk)[Z]The lecture started at three o'clock sharp.DK穫9瞻罈羶2
vt.1. 簪RO;E禮Pity engendered love.??RO繞K繭2vi.1. RO;E禮Nonetheless, a well-designed inspection process can find errors that would be missed by other methods and can engender great trust.
vt.1. f瞽(繙l);f瞽(``)織繙l;f?2. 瞽?,?`Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year.繳瞻AA?(繡-瞽?}Y?2vi.1. f瞽;f?2. ?`a羅;?`aOIEEE TSE:There is no need to wait for the code to be complete to reap the benefits of inspection.
n.1. _?;*羅?;?織*&gt;2. $?3. 瞿IEEE TSE: The research articles in the TSE provide the theoretical underpinnings of these suggested improvements
C.N. [formal]a long speech or piece of writing that complains about a situation, or says that bad things will happen  ?The talk is not a jeremiad against model checking.
N. ??a set of firm beliefs held by a group of people who expect other people to accept these beliefs without thinking about themreligious/political/ideological etc dogma?the rejection of political dogma
Adj.done very quickly without much attention to details
"n.1. Q/,Q;/P;簫P[U]I learned the song by imitation.AJ~Q/穡3繞I_
n.[U]1. 竅瞼the fermentation of wine?織竅瞼2. g;簡Mike: So with the exception of the fermentation process, beer and ale are basically the same thing!
n.1. (E簿) w[C]vi.1.  w;? wvt.1. X w{hPhoebe: He sprang to his sleigh,
pep talk
ph.1. @AC%WK癒;D?The sales manager gave the salesmen a rousing pep talk before the sale.K)罈羶{},? ?6A^?K癒,簸%S2The coach gave the team a pep talk before the big game.W-{},?$A繙K癒,?A?S2
n.1. (&amp;-]織)\翹=,?羸[C]Ten runners-up will each receive a sweatshirt.q}\翹=7藩礙瞽?0&amp;{?2Joey: Is Wendy a runner up Miss Oklahoma?
"n.1. J;J
n.1. (?)簾?[;(??()38
vt.@繚A1. 簽禮,_1,y(k?1穡?y)The ideas she espoused were incomprehensible to me.穢y織I?簸%A0繭=J
Adj.showing that something is definitely trueopposite inconclusiveconclusive proof/evidence/findings etc ?The investigation failed to provide any conclusive evidence.
Adj. [formal]1. F織;F繞織2. Q 織
V, N. bA;?m
"a.1. ""u織n.1. 竄5 Faculty Nobel Laureates deceased or no longer at UC Berkeley"
n.1. $羶,~$[U]2. *羶,*P[U]3. *羅?[C]4. @?A籀禮[C][U]Monica: Well, I've just lost my erection.
Adj.attractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success?She led an exciting and glamorous life. ?the most glamorous neighborhood in the cityJoey: I've gotta tell you being on TV isn't as glamorous and exciting as you think.
"vi.1. ?';禮&amp;;z?vt.1. ?禱(r?y)?礙
[informal] verb to do something badly, because you have been careless or because you do not have the skill to do it properlyThe builders really botched up our patio. a botched investigationJoey: I know you botched that operation on purpose.
Adj. A?織very concerned about small, usually unimportant details, and difficult to pleasefussy about?Leonora was fussy about her looks.
n.1. ??
a.1. =?O織;9I?癟織Mike: You can't keep a rat in your apartment. They are extremely unsanitary.
Vi.to look at someone in an unpleasant way that shows that you think they are sexually attractiveleer at?She was sick of old men leering at her.
a.1. @職A簣?b?織;簣p織Ross: Just forget about her. OK? She's off limits.
stable boy
C.N. [American English]a man or boy who works in a stable
a.1. ???織;??織[(+with)]I was too preoccupied to hear the bell.礎rA*?`#?籀罈,?9簫罈簞d/22. ?fx?9織Chandler: I'm sorry. I got a little preoccupied.
a.1. ?v織,?v織2. (1=?)#F織,繙@#]織 If you are petrified, you are extremely frightened, perhaps so frightened that you cannot think or move. I've always been petrified of being alone. Most people seem to be petrified of snakes. ADJ-GRADED: oft ADJ of n/-ing, ADJ that  = terrified
a.1. E^織cultivated landE`2. m)織,?臘O織3. ):@織;9?:織;繚繭織
hay hever
ph.1. ?y獺2. 獺繒繩
n.1. @=A獺繒[U]vt.1. ?...瓊繡獺繒
"n.[C]1. 礙?;礙簿This country has just carried out a census.I;;疆??b
drug dealer
ph.1. 簽?簽?,??
Adj. N.relating to or made for children who are 11 or 12 years old:? preteen clothing
N. [technical] 繙?a change in the usual shape of something, especially one that makes it worse, or the process of changing something's shape
Hiding a message within an image, audio or video file.
"vt.1. 簫?罈?(礎y),罈""X2. 罈羶 繳;E?; *;罈羶&gt;[(+to)]3. X簪?$W(FR)[(+out)]vi.1. @禮A(i)簣f?y[(+to)]n.[C]1. 簪?;{簫;$穠?2. (繒X織)?羅3. 簫?,l?4. ((=brooch)system security might be broached by means of a data file."
Vt.to protect someone against a disease by putting a weak form of the disease into their body using a needle
a.1. ??織;?織;?]礙瓊織an insidious foe??織瞼礙2. (簾繭y)==礙??繚織;獺?織
n.1. 7癟?(0^繕? ?)2. ?6?V(/)
n.1. 簫=;簫=2. (ma)穡?X?;???
a.1. B??織;=繕織2. 璽?織Chandler: Just give me a second to get all huffy and weird like you!
n.[C]1. 9,9
n.[C]1. 7(i) 簸The boy scraped the skin off his knuckles.Ig?禱繞7簸:織?22. ( 瓊穡織)? 簸3. (?X織)?;t4. (穡繪織) 簸;穡繪?8vt.1. X7 簸瞽?(F繳,?y)Phoebe: Your knuckles are kinda hairy too.
phone/ring/call in sick
(=phone to say you are not coming to work because you are ill) He was upset because it was the first day of the sale and Astrid had called in sick.
break the ice
[informal] to make people feel more friendly and willing to talk to each other:* Sam's arrival broke the ice and people began to talk and laugh.* Ross: you break the ice with some kind of jokes so that they know you're the funny one
a.1. ?(瓊繳W織Chicken pox is a contagious disease.d_0^J~?(&lt;瓊繳織簾繭22. (-)f?(瓊繳?織3. ???(瓊繳繭礙織4. (O繭y)O繳W織;3C&amp;織
"n.[C]1. "",;(礎1.織竅"")2. ?f簫E繳((簡?{{?)3. ?f繳Chandler: It's like a baby caterpillar chasing its mama!"
vt.1. (X^0y)8(yy)2. 8(y?y):織ymow the lawn?y?瞽yvi.1. 8y(F?y)
vt.1. ?,?,[(+from/out/off)][O1]He plucked her a rose.?繞0e??獺?穢22. ...織 Has the goose been plucked??織 繒繞?9?Chandler: well I earned mine by plucking the eyebrows of my father...
a.1. ?禮@W織
n.1. @?ApX4?(癟?M癒)
in the field
=&gt;work or study that is done in the field is done in the real world rather than in a class or laboratoryin the fieldHis theories have not yet been tested in the field.
a.1. hu織;禮O織They hoped to live in perpetual happiness.A&lt;KOkXhu穡聶{]22. @AQA?織;S翹=癟織I'm tired of your perpetual nagging.A=?QA?織^??繞23. Q?O織;r?織4. ?罈獺織n.1. @=A ?罈獺織?繚;J瞻O=?
"n.[C]1. ?H,?H;S繳Residues of pesticides can build up in the soil.?H織礙""?3XO]}獺禮繞22. @FA.S,?H?3. @罈A(O疇1=51穠8y翹織)?H?R"
bank statement
"ph.1. (簞
hardware store
ph.1. ? ?
give in
"1. ??He has given in to my views.""??,?繞A織;22. x?Monica: So you gave in and decided to call someone?"
a.1. W織;W織;Q繙Q?織;Q?織John felt an immense gratitude to Wilson.4 瞼礙O簸1n?2The Atlantic Ocean is immense.W簪;?JQ繙22. @A?h簫織,瞼?織
ad.1. Q??`;?0$`穠!:Americans almost unanimously believe that the family is one of the most important parts of life.
go under
1. dRThe firm will go under unless business improves.I疆?(簣dR繞,??? 簫y2Ross: her Internet Compay went under
n.1. ?2. ??Monica: I don't need to eat the cake, I'll just smell the icing
Adj.expressing strong opinions publicly, especially about things that you disagree withsynonym outspokenvocal in?Foley has been particularly vocal in his criticism of the government.vocal opponent/critic/supporter etc ?She was a vocal opponent of the plan.Chandler: Well, the gay community is a lot more vocal than the dead community.
n.1. (h7穡)D?;D1;?Chandler: That people are gonna post condolences on a website?
n.1. H,z[C][(+of)]2. 繞禮,?z[C]Rachel: Then what's that big lump under your covers?
n.[C]1. 璽癟5;簸穫5;1?52. ?罈*?5
n.1. @A??罈 i2. (k?瞼?穠瞽X織)k?S3Chandler: At least he died doing what he loved...watching blimps
n.1. *H;H*[C]2. F*=?織罈{(Fp?y)[the S]
n.1. (穩(織)羅?;簡??(簪翹礙'羅?羅?,??3禮0疇5簡?O)Monica: I thought we could use some extra luck so I brought a wishbone home from work.
a.1. _織2. C?繚織
n.1. z繚礙
n.[C]1. (o?y織)??瞽2. E織~?瞽vi.1. (o?y)??`2. 繭`~瞽?癒vt.1. 繭`~瞽?int.1. @!A@A(?j?M1=(18y)D,?
booked solid
The show's booked solid (=all the tickets have been sold) until February.Monica: We're booked solid for the next month!
a.1. 0織織;O織織The deposit is refundable.y 穡織2refund 0n罈: The customer service representative will often allow them to exchange the item or return it for a full refund.  &lt;?f= 礙Jh3?A v簽F_?}0R2
in good standing
1. 繩l翹?織;Pl織They are psychiatrists in good standing.A_8l織簾?繭?O2Phoebe: And tell them that in 2 weeks I will once again be a masseuse in good standing!
wound up
ph.1. (X???)繳e織;8?織Chandler: I'm sorry, he's a little bit wound up,
1. something that makes a place comfortable or easy to live inThe hotel is in the city centre, close to shops and local amenities. houses that lack basic amenities (=basic things that people need, such as heat and running water)n.1. (?糧y織)B?,??,Z繭3. (hX7)簿Y]穩,繚F]穩,聶Y]穩Ross: This is a nice hotel, you know, plenty of amenities,
a.1. :織;??織;?j??織;I織2. @職A81織[Z]a complimentary ticket8h
Toiletries are things that you use when washing or taking care of your body, for example soap and toothpaste. N-PLURAL
n.1. b?a.1. ?織;b織
vt.1. w0J,w?;臘8(?Q繡禱5)a.1. ?織;f?織;癟^=?礙f?5織an upscale neighborhood繡禱npMonica: but my restaurant is sort of an upscale place.
factor in
ph.1. 7...=?1G?礙羸簣P(T7?@\F8糧r)Chandler: Oh, I didn't factor in the room tax.
a.1. =?織,S翹織,1翹=癟織Her incessant complaining is tiresome to everyone.穢?翹?繞織獺X簪藩;礙-??2The incessant noise of the traffic gave us not a moment's peace.?J繳K=?織?W瞽簪AA?=`wk繒2
do away with
1. ?...;??...They decided to do away with the rule.A穠??I?聶w22. 礙繒...
"C.N. [especially American English]a short period of time between the parts of a play, concert etcsynonym interlude?礙
n.[C][U]1. (mF疆??織)F繩2. (;礙FH?織)繩?;禮O=翹;]eHow did he start his feud with his neighbor?_&gt;S翹`u罈羶]e禮繞織?vi.1. F?繩;禮O]U;]e[(+with)]NYTIME: The longstanding feud during their three-year championship reign seemed to be over.
vt.vi.1. ]癟
V. [formal]to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not think they are very good or important:
n.1. @OFA?*繚NYTIME: The Food and Drug Administration banned the sale and use of a newly detected steroid yesterday .
n.[C]1. @hA(??)h2. @OA`h3. h,h籀,]籀;禮These councils would form the nucleus of a future regime.I?37@礙0;Z繞o:織h籀2
C.N. ?疇a picture, shape, or object that is used to represent a country, organization etcemblem of?The national emblem of Canada is a maple leaf.
Adj.1. something that is scratchy feels rough against your skin:? a scratchy woollen jumper2. a scratchy voice or musical sound is rough and not smooth and pleasant:? a scratchy old recording of some folk songs Wei: The 1)speaker at this drive-thru is so 2)scratchy. I can barely understand it.  ?繚J I疆?繞O織=K?0$9??瞽2A簧~-簫=簷?X?簸穫2
n.1. @Aqs穠[C][P1]I went to hospital to have my tonsils out.A禱????qs穠2
"n.1. @A
torn up
"tear up1. ?d;?職She tore up the letter and threw it into the waste basket.穢?職繞,繙糧?XI=2?礙
"n.[C]1. @A]?He rubbed his sore scalp.9??穫 織]?22. (?織)]?3. (?\繒礙?""礙竄瞼礙]:?;?礙`Y簽織)f]?4. `Y簽5. @k職A@A(y{B瞽?織)?}Y?Phoebe: Time for your scalp massage!"
n.1. @A82. (e,?y織)穢,簣?3. kP?
n.1. @OFA穩*繚
C.N. wShe used to wear a wig.穢~禱dw2
Adj.very offensive, unpleasant, or rude?She's really obnoxious. ?an obnoxious idea ?obnoxious odours A: Nobody likes obnoxious people. ?9礙??&gt;?織?I2
n.1. j,jr[U]How many acupuncture points are there in the human body?礙9JA瞻}?
"n.1. q
n.1. /;6
n.1. ?^2. '?;繡簾
a.1. FsbB織2. ?礙織The soldier received no staggering wound from any of the three shots.9羸]織+?0羸-?簪I;瞼`簸穫?礙織羸癟23. W織;(織
n.1. o繭Monica: Do you or any of your blood relatives have diabetes?
U.N. ?a disease that makes your toes, fingers, and knees swollen and painful
@A=nymphomanian.1. @?A瞿?簷;瞿瞽繭簷
Vt.to feel anxious or worried about something that is going to happen or may happen:? I've got an interview tomorrow and I'm dreading it.dread doing something ? I'm dreading going back to work.Phoebe: Are you sure? Because I'm really dreading going to this party.
n.1. (??織,?職織)?Rachel: when I signed up for Dino Week, nobody said anything about it being monsoon season
"n.1. X[U]vt.1. XX??[(+up)]?礙
a.1. `桭Chandler: I'm so glad we've got adjoining rooms!
n.1. @A?
n.1. y?
vt.1. (??1a禮1?4y)?a(:Y1=簫1O簫y)n.1. ?a織癒簪;?f?;? [C]a.1. @繚A?&lt;?a織;??f織[F][(+to)]Mike: he or she forfeits the point.
n.[C]1. (??:織)dvt.1. 簪禮d(FS)My feet were blistered.A織瞿:禮繞2Chandler: Your hand is blistered.
Vi. 繳簫to deliberately listen secretly to other people's conversations? There was Helena eavesdropping outside the door.Phoebe: I'm not gonna do this. I'm not gonna eavesdrop on my friend.
n.[C]1. ?f矇pPhoebe: Her name's Precious? is she a purebreed or did you pick her up at the pound?
"n.1. 瓊@0????織?,""繒瞿""?Chandler: the cornrow's really a solution for you frizzy hair problem."
vt.1. =(??y)織繙Constant rubbing had frayed his shirt cuffs.=癟織d繞織???2n.1. =?Chandler: Some of these look a little frayed.
vt.1. ?,s,?;?癟;?@[(+off/away)]The mouse gnawed the cheese.1P?~瞿?22. 繡G;??;疇?[(+away)]3. 簪?!,?vi.1. s,?[(+at/into/on)]2. 繡G;疇?[(+at/into)]3. ?!,?[(+at)]Monica: Yeah I tried to gnaw myself free.
vt.1. 罈...織.?2. 瞻C,56;穠(.Ky)Chandler: Now that I untagled you, how about you do a little something for me?
n.[C]1. (Yk?繳!;;?y織)k?2. (*??織)?3. (?簞?織)W?(4. (簪;羶織)?,k?羶?((礎穫];?羶織?)5. 獺???
a.1. i!簡*織2. 矇]矇n織3. @QAO繳織
Adj.1. very unpleasant and shockingsynonym terrible?She suffered appalling injuries.2. very badsynonym atrocious?The weather was absolutely appalling .
Adj.emeritus professor/director etcor professor/director etc emeritusa professor, director etc who is no longer working but has kept his or her previous job title as an honour
vi.1. ?;Z簫Turtles like to bask in the sun.禮???穫簫y]2A: Lizards and snakes like to bask in the sunlight. Ud翹繩??Z簫2B: So do I, for that matter. A???Z簫2
den mother
ph.1. (職;竅瞻?羸?繙{)瞿C&gt;2. 禮礙Chandler: Yeah, in fact my father was a den-mother.
n.1. @職A(??R-)o`R?0礙Frank: She's gonna be a doctor or a realtor.
a.1. Z?礙?;!k??織;Z簸禮礙A獺繭織NYTIMES: New fall TV seasons is mostly underwhelming.
n.1. 瞼2. .f;?3. g?(*羅)4. 1?;b?vt.1. 5=?( `p)(h7offSX)NYTIMES:..., when a driver breached his security cordon.
pit somebody/something against somebody/something
[phrasal verb]to test someone's strength, ability, power etc in a competition or fight against someone or something else? We'll be pitting our team against the champions.NYTIMES: File Sharing Pits Copyright Against Free Speech
n.1. 瓊禱r;簾b?2. 瓊禱r?[a treatment for feet and toenails, to make them more comfortable or beautiful Monica: Chandler gets pedicures!
n.pl.1. 穢翹繒Amanda: But first things first: touch my abs. I don't exercise at all!
a.1. 竅9織;99瞿織a musty room0;99瞿織o?2. 瞿?織;~r織3. 瞽=織,?9k?織
a.1. F瞽織,jc織2. Fk織3. g繪織;~?織4. 0l織n.1. F瞽;F]vi.1. 竅F瓊jc織瞽#;F瞽繙(F?癒)Telephones shrill uselessly in deserted offices.X穠Q0礙織???,+癒d?f竅*F瓊jc織/瞽
n.[C]1. d;?d;瞻dHe pointed the nozzle of the fire distinguisher at the flames.7繭??織瞻d=??`22. @AkRoss: Wait a minute, there's two sets of nozzles, which one is it?
Adj. [formal] a venerable person or thing is respected because of their great age, experience etc - often used humorously?venerable financial institutions ?the venerable guitarist Pat Martino ?a venerable tradition
n.1. 禮?,W矇[U]2. 禮?織8繡;?簽;8n[C]3. ~ ; ; ? [C]They would offer a bounty of $100,000 for the capture of the murderer.A?*q\s y/w{24. f@;?R[C]
a.1. ? 織2. 藩?0S織;n織n.1. ? ?[C]
a.1. V?織,?羶=繒織Don't get antsy, kids. We'll reach the amusement park soon.??A,U籀U,AAa`z2B繞2Rachel: People are getting a little antsy waiting for Emma to wake up from her nap.
a.1. R翹織ad.1. XR翹Joey : Riding the storm out: coping with postpartum depression.
"n.1. ?4,??[C]The government has signed a treaty with Washington.o?""7 Cm422. 4?,??,?4[U]$臘848Treaty of Paris9"
a.1. ??疆?Ok織2. (7?)?瓣:繞織$d:Generally demesticated animals depend on humans for food and shelter, and thus lose the ability to live on their own.
V.1. to understand or explain something that is mysterious or complicated ?Detectives are still trying to unravel the mystery surrounding his death.2. if you unravel threads, string etc, or if they unravel, they stop being twisted together Chandler: and things kind of unraveled because of you.
C.N.1. 礎,?-Rossh: Last winter I went up on a church lawn and drove right through a manger scene.
nighty night
mess with
1. );?瓣=繕Don't mess with me!U)A!Joey: I'm not gonna mess mess with Jack.
n.1. (U礙=繞d織)禮繩W2. ?簫;?簫織?簽;?bJoey?0礙: and you need to have a monologue prepared.
draw strawsPhoebe: Let's just draw straws.
4a4}&lt;@?&lt; !
On your mark, Get set, Go!
a.1. Uk織;?織The police seized a quantity of obscene publications.??f繞0W穢?*x?22. 礙?織,職織Rachel: We still have the stupid obscene cake.
a.1. ??織2. 簫?7 織Ross: I apparently can turn phallic cakes into woodland creatures.
ph.1. @職A?u?禮?
stuffed animal
n.[C]1. 7瞽5;簽?52. 0禮;7瞽?;簽??4. ?w;?uO6i;(禮癡??繙織)聶w;簽聶w
C.N.1. (?y織)?;(.X織)獺?;瞻礎?6. @禮A簸;禮羹Bad boy2:speed 17 knots.
C.N.a large public meeting, especially one that is held outdoors to support a political idea, protest etc? About 1,000 people attended the rally in Hyde Park.Bad boy2: Why didn't you say there was a rally?
"n.[C]1. 礙The slave catcher shouted: ""Stop, you Negro.""?3 瞻癡織礙W瞽繙?: "" ,?I l2""2. 禮9 礙p癒織礙a.1. 礙織2. 瞽織"
vi.vt.1. K~繭繳e織?;^?聶Q,繫=yBad boy2: de-escalate the situation.
C.N. [American English] 羸?someone in the army who is trained to give medical treatment Bad boy2: Get some medics over here.
C.N.a small flying insect that bites Bad boy2: Like a fucking gnat at a barbecue.
Adj. a wry expression or wry humour shows that you know a situation is bad, but you also think it is slightly amusing?'Was it as bad as you expected?' Travis gave a wry smile.
vi.1. ?K,?;?m,d=[(+away/down)]2. ??,?m;??Without patriotism the nation will rot.?9K;簾?,;疆a簣??
a.1. W穢簿簿織;W??織Cartman: That's why my mom got me a pot-bellied pig.
pull up
1. A:羅;2. (簪)?;繞The driver pulled up at the gate.(?XW簞}?;繳?2
a.1. 穠?瞽=織,a穠織[Z]Her younger daughter was mentally retarded.穢織竅瞿_0;a穠?2 Kyle: this is the new retarded kid.
C.N.a very large farm in the western US and Canada where sheep, cattle, or horses are bredMr. Garrison:you boys might want to visit the Genetic Engineering Ranch outside of town for some help.
n.[C]1. The short-distance runner wishes he could run as fast as the ostrich.I} {O&lt;K !- ?藩0S22. \織礙; 礙=??癒?簿簪罈癒?織礙
n.[C]1. sgja5;h2. @A礙?瞿羅?5,羅??5vt.1. 1繚,5;j?[(+into/out of)]
"n.[C]1. ,?-;""d-4. g5. @SA~繳-6. ~g;~gO,??職疇?矇?B: Shot of Fluffy drinking from a trough labeled ""BEER"""
vt.1. ,羅(y)[H][(+with)]2. ? ]...{X3. /;繹x[H][(+with)]4. 礙...???,簪矇C?矇?BJesus:Yea, the way is paved with gold for ye who seek truth andV
a.1.  繞織?矇?B: rats drag away Kenny;s charred corpse.
vt.1. R(瞼);O璽Terrance:Fosey and I have spawned a creature genetically far superior to man.
n.1. ?羅9&gt;禱Amy: did I buy a falafel from you yesterday?
A thesaurus is a reference book in which words with similar meanings are grouped together. N-COUNT Ross: Why don't you use your Thesaurus?
a.1. 繭U,簫織,羹&lt;??織A desperate man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.0;?簫{?礙繞?` !織織簸穫罈-??*繞2Phoebe: Isn't that a little desperate?
menstrual cramps
ph.@?A(瞿W) ?
n.1. @=A] ;]獺[C]2. [瞽[U]3. a?,?[P1]a.1. [瞽織
a.1. Xn?n:禱織Ross: Please tell me those are clip-ons.
Cardiovascular means relating to the heart and blood vessels. (MEDICAL) Smoking places you in serious jeopardy of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. ADJ: ADJ n
live up to something
[phrasal verb]if something or someone lives up to a particular standard or promise, they do as well as they were expected to, do what they promised etc?The bank is insolvent and will be unable to live up to its obligations. ?The film has certainly lived up to my expectations .
a.1. ?簞織;$穡織;?簞t 織
vt.1. 7癟({瓊y);簪?j=?;簪癟?[H]She was mutilated in the accident and now has only one leg.穢X?Q罈u]$?,.X 90?簪繞22. 簸;(J~Z?y)簪((oy)_d職 Kyle: Yeah, they abduct people and they mutilate cows.
vt.1. [繳`?,????2. 簿?d穫vi.1. [繳`?癒,??Stop mumbling, for goodness sake.;X1Yj?:,U翻??繞2n.1. [繳織癒,??[C] Kenny mumbles something and then squeezes his coat tighter.
vi.1. 簣fyA;y~;矇AThe car swerved to the right.繳?簣fyA#矇22. 羹[(+from)]vt.1. 簪簣fyA;簪y~2. 簪羹[(+from)]n.[C]1. yA;矇A2. 織;??矇?B: The bus swerves flinging kids into one side of the bus.
Vt.to make a process or action happen more quicklysynonym speed up?strategies to expedite the decision-making process
U.N.a feeling of anxiety or fear about something that is going to happen? With some trepidation , I opened the door.
n.a.1. @A}G穠(織)Mr. Garrison: Oh, really, Kyle? What is it this time? Another prostate tumor?
n.1. @A$穡 Stan: It's the alien anal probe. It's shooting fire from Cartman's rectum.
n.1. ?P簸{?矇?B: Conductor: No, no, no. Don't try any of that cow hypnosis on me, all right? 'Cause it's not gonna work.
vt.1. =簪翻..._ !織;V翻;瞽&gt;翹...癟? 簷[W]She disowned any hand in the matter.穢V翻{~?&amp;罈2The man was so cruel that his friends disowned him.??IZ?羸,;羶A-翹癟? 簷2Kyle: Please, chef, if I don't get out of school and get my little brother back from the aliens, my parents are gonna disown me.
fire drill
"ph.1. 繡bC$2. ?簫簪C$;繡bD3. (Z穠Z
n.1. ;穢;?簿繡疆織?[U]I am afraid that I should find it drudgery to teach music to beginners.A?E3礙??M穡5#2_;?簿繡疆織?2
vi.1. (y)羶;($w ?)??X穠]The helicopter hovered over the house.$w ???X?o?:穠22. ?繙;??3. f?,??[(+between)]n.1. 羶;?繙,f?[U]?矇?B: Spaceship hovers over them
ad.a.1. ??,禮?2. 糧0,糧糧竅y3. 8?;簸2;獺繪 Cartman farts fire, setting the cat ablaze
n.1. 禮 (F!@)瞽]翹* 瞽??織瞿?[C]?矇?B: Blonde and a brunette walk over to Chef.
vt.1. 簪禮礙;簪^?;穠繙[(+up)]vi.1. 礙禮;^?;穠繙[(+up)]Her little mouth puckered up and tears filled her eyes.穢織?d$0?,l??2n.1. 礙;;礙f[C]?矇?B: They both look at each other like they're going to kiss.Wendy pucker up.
n.1. ?y`,n?d[C][U]Sheep are grazing in the lush green pastures.繙X?U?織?d:3y2vt.1. (?,繙)3(y);n(?,繙)3(y)
Adj.relating to a particular race, nation, or tribe and their customs and traditions: Oook: Then we should have the chef of the school cafteria sing a song, and play up the ethnic diversity of our town.
U.N. [formal]if you do something for someone's delectation, you do it to give them enjoyment, pleasure, or amusement Chef: And if I sing to her, maybe I can lure her into a night of exotic delectation.
n.1. (摁N)N;NMr. Garrison: It, it wasn't fair. She had choreography. How could we compete that?
Adj. 1.extremely good to eat or drink 職瞿織a luscious and fragrant dessert wine2 [informal] very sexually attractive ?her luscious bodyMayor: Whatever. Now, I'm going to have you luscious little youngsters do a play about the history of South Park.
Vt.to do something that takes people's attention away from someone else who is more important?All the big-name stars were upstaged by 12-year-old Katy Rochford.Mr. Garrison: Oh, that's perfect. You see Mr. Hat, we don't have to kill her. We can just upstage her.
n.1. (?, ?[U]2. (?1羹?[U][C]3. (?疇5, 疇5[U]Cartman:Intelligent and friendly on rye bread with some mayonnaise.
n. (=teepee)1. (職;?\繒礙織)C@?c'?矇?B: Teepee falls on Kenny.
fill out
1. 繙?/Her cheeks have filled out.穢織?`繙??/繞22. ?Cartman:Yeh, I'm really starting to fill out nicely.
a.1. :6織,?6織,瞻6織Jimbo:That looks really nice on you. The lacquered black really matches your eyes.
get to the bottom of
1. 45...織O(The police are eager to get to the bottom of this mystery.?矇U7`#45I0??罈&amp;織O(2Wendy:I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.
n.[C]1. 簿)2. ?籀R?矇?B:[Shot of Book Depository, with vultures circling]
n.[C]1. {:,癒:,癒8We drove up a hillside and finally stopped on a high ridge.AA簿?癒?簞:罈,0翹?X0;織癒::22. ()禮織)繞禮;(k)簣;`vt.1. 簪@:簸;:;?vi.1. @:簸
a.1. w??羹織They became hysterical after the accident.罈u竅O翹A繙?w??羹22. 繭?h簸織3. @A瞼A織
n.1. ?;FU;xOFZZ織FU翹 ?[C]
a.1. `7織;`7&lt;E禮織[South Park Center for Seismic Activity]
vi.1. ?翹?,?);z?He dozed off during the sermon.X簫x?r?繞03?)2vt.1. X翹?]?~(r?)[(+away)]n.1. 翹?,w [S]
n.1. {瓣x2. 繭?x
a.1. ??織,繭~m織,SB織He was dejected to learn that he had failed the examination.?3?=繳l,簿簡]?S2
vt.1. N?;瞽?The house was engulfed in flames.Io???N?繞2The flood engulfed the farms and destroyed the crops.ZdN?繞璽d,簸繒繞繙l2?矇?B: But now, a ticking timebomb of hot lava waits to engulf these people
n.[C]1. ?繙2. @YA(W)簫繙(O)?[the S]Uncle Jimbo:Wait, there's a ram! It's coming right for us!
"n.A large wading bird with very long legs and neck, and a long straight bill. 瓣2A machine for raising heavy weights. 禮羸?2罈J a traveling crane +禮羸?2(~禱?: craned; ~禱翹@?: craned; .Xb
n.1. ?籀
ad.a.1. =X+癒禱`(織)
toll-freecall toll-free, 02xxxxxxxx.
V.to drop a ball after catching it?Quarterback Rattay was hit and fumbled the ball.?矇?B: Cartman runs into Kenny, fumbling the football
[intransitive] to breathe quickly with short noisy breaths, for example because you have been running or because it is very hotHe came in panting after running up the steps. He was panting for breath . The dog lay panting on the doorstep.?矇?B: Dog whimpering and panting
1an opinion that is stated publiclystance onWhat is your stance on environmental issues?stance againsta strong stance against abortiontake/adopt a stance The President has adopted a tough stance on terrorism.2a position in which you stand, especially when playing a sporta fighting stance ?矇?B:Jesus: My son, a lot of people have wondered what my stance on homosexuality is.
someone who is not accepted by the people they live among, or who has been forced out of their homeSmokers are often treated as social outcasts.?矇?B Big Gay Al: Have you been outcast?
1to treat a group of people unfairly or cruelly, and prevent them from having the same rights that other people in society havenative tribes oppressed by the authorities2to make someone feel unhappy, worried, or uncomfortableThe gloom in the chapel oppressed her.?矇?B: Big Gay Al: Come on in little fellow, nobody will ever oppress you here.
繪booby trap [countable]1a hidden bomb that explodes when you touch something else that is connected to itHe lost both legs in a booby trap bomb blast.2a harmless trap that you arrange for someone as a joke ?矇Jimbo:Well Ned, we always kidnapped Middlepark's mascot. But this year we're gonna booby-trap it instead.
C.N. [spoken informal]a man?There's a fella outside who wants to see you.?矇big gay al:Hi little fella, how are you doing today?
humming bird
adj.politically correct used to describe language, behaviour, and attitudes that are carefully chosen so that they do not offend or insult anyoneIt's not PC to describe people as disabled.?矇Phil:Now Frank, that's not very PC. You're gonna get us in trouble again.
1to eat something quickly because you are very hungryThe boys devoured their pancakes.?矇:Rats come in to devour Kenny's corpse.
n.1. @A??r織7羸;??織?H
revolvera type of small gun. The bullets are in a case which turns around as you fire the gun, so that when you fire one bullet the next bullet is ready to be fired
an object with a sloping surface that you put an open book or notes on while you are speaking to people in public ?矇: Mr. Garrison pounds on the lectern.
wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole
wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole S?-=#? pole _&lt;/?=&lt; ten-foot pole 瞿_??:織?M&lt;q!~禮織/?=&lt;wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole8瞿簪Xq!~禮織/?-=3? &amp;罈?9&lt;Ec7?=33? 罈?F=?? 罈2That car is so ugly I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole, much less buy it.I繳???簣簫&lt;AS?-=#?&lt;$U?_癟糧繞2 Mr. Garrison: Uh, Stan, I'm not touching that one with a twenty foot pole.
moon v.
informal to bend over and show your buttocks as a joke or a way of insulting someone ?矇: He moons the crowd.
a toilet that is in a small plastic building that can be moved ?矇: Sounds of abdominal pains as people line up to the porta-potties.
haze (n.)
smoke, dust, or mist in the air which is difficult to see throughhaze of?a haze of cigarette smoke?The sun was surrounded by a golden haze.?矇: From a misty haze emerges an incredibly haggard looking ghost of a man.
a.1. ?瓣織,?矇?簽織As she got older she got haggard.??瞻??W,穢繙??矇?簽2There was a drawn and haggard look about his eyes.織l?b*璽&lt;繪?瓣織?瞽2?矇: Grandpa: My name's not Billy, grandpa. And what's wrong with you? Why do you look allhaggard?
n.1. @?A`t織繙糧?矇 Great-Grandpa: I asked you to kill me Billy, but I was wrong. And now I'm forced to spend eternity in limbo.
If you receive reimbursement for money that you have spent, you get your money back, for example because the money should have been paid by someone else. (FORMAL) She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses. It can take up to six months before reimbursements are paid. N-VAR Bad boy2: Is it possible we could discuss potential reimbursement...
adj. Pertaining to the bronchi or the bronchia. @A_S挬K6_S挬2
bronchialW&amp;G: KAREN: [ENTERING] I know. I'm late. My driver had another bronchial incident.
C.N.someone who knows a lot about something such as art, food, or music? a wine connoisseurconnoisseur of? Fry was a connoisseur of Renaissance art.
n.The act of driving or pushing along. ?b2Something that propels. ?b?2 ?矇Z穠礙: Propulsion systems stable... No problems with MirV
A mortician is a person whose job is to deal with the bodies of people who have died and to arrange funerals. (mainly AM) N-COUNT  = undertaker
C.N. a long rubber or plastic tube which can be moved and bent to put water onto fires, gardens etc ?矇 Marty places a hose into Kenny, green embalming fluid flows in.
v.t. To preserve (a dead body) from decay by preservatives. ?(}?)簪=?K2 ?矇 Worcestershire sauce falls over and pours into embalming fluid.
U.N. [American English] a short period of time between lessons at a school when children can go outdoors and playBritish Equivalent: break ?Her favorite things at school are music and recess. ?矇 Kyle: I'm gonna make a new costume during recess. I can still win that candy.
A pail is a bucket, usually made of metal or wood. (mainly AM; ALSO BRIT, OLD-FASHIONED) N-COUNT  ?矇 Stan: Plastic pumpkin pailsV.
v.i.To issue with violence and rapidity. 瞻*K(*2罈J Oil gushed out from the broken pipe. 矇?d簷織??瞻*2To flow abundantly. ?*2罈J He could not speak, but the tears gushed into his eyes. =-0?&lt;v竄繪/lf2 ?矇 Mr. Torres is gushing blood.
v.t.To strip; despoil; also, to undress. ?禱K??K(繪7)[?2To overthrow. ?+2To throw into disorder. 4簡K簪'簡2 n.Disordered or insufficient dress. ??=瞻2Confusion; disorder. '簡KQ聶2 ?矇 Mayor McDaniels stands up, her blouse in disarray.
v.t.To cut off the head of. ??2 ?矇 Hotline Voice: The regular sauce, the first thing you need to do is make sure that you do not just go out and start decapitating zombies left and right.
v.t.To set on fire. ?K籀K簪??2罈J We ignited the dead leaves with a match. AAX?$籀???y2To heat strongly. 簪竅獺2 ?矇 Damien ignites a football
jungle gym?矇 A jungle gym is torched.
Ferris wheel8竅&gt;礙 G.W.G. Ferris9 or big wheel
When there is a weigh-in on the day of a boxing match, each competitor is weighed to check their weight before the match. N-COUNT: usu sing  ?矇 Stan: Well, come on, we, we have to at least have to see the weigh-in
v.i.To give like for like, esp. evil for evil. ?織?Ka?2罈J to retaliate for a wrong ?繩2 He retaliated by putting salt in her coffee. X穢織???簫&lt;?礙a?2 ?矇 See, no, no matter how mean the other kids are to you, just don't retaliate.
v.t.To leave; desert; abandon; depart from. ?K繫K繫K?2罈J He has decided to forsake the city and live on a farm. 穠?罈臘2`璽繙禱2To renounce; forswear. n繫K??罈J His wife persuaded him to forsake his smoking habits. 織禱?(??穩?織?2 ?矇 Jesus: I have been forsaken!
v.t.To entreat earnestly and humbly; beg; pray. 繩rK簸rKxr2罈J She implored his mercy. 穢r織簸?2 She implored him to go. 穢簸r禱2 ?矇 Jesus: I implore you all, don't bet on the dark one, it is a bet that you will never win.
"n.The disciple who betrayed Jesus; hence, one who betrays another under pretense of friendship. @?AfW(*f
mellow (somebody) out
to become relaxed and calm, or to make someone like this ?矇 Stan: Whoa dude, you need to mellow out.
n.A ring or circle of light around the sum or moon, caused by refraction., 繡(8{繡)2The bright ring represented in pictures as surrounding the heads of saints and other holy persons. (????1?1?]:織)yZ2The glory given by imagination to a person or thing highly prized. #藩]?? 礙[ ?] {?y2 ?矇 Jesus removes his halo.
n.Meal made from oats. ?繒2Porridge or pudding made from the meal. ??2 ??: At room temperature, P.A.S. looks like oatmeal.
V. 羶繒to walk with slow heavy steps, especially because you are tired or it is difficult to walk?We trudged home through the snow.
chameleonJoey: I can do anything, I'm a chameleon!
"v.i. To make an agreement or bargain; insist. 2??4K4?K512罈J The contract stipulates for the use of seasoned timber. ?4聶?簣X簧織X?2 v.t. To arrange or settle definitely; specify, as part of an agreement. &gt;簫聶?(穫8&lt;])2罈J He stipulates payments in gold. A4?籀 n2 ?礙
Adj.morally good or correct-opposite unethical?I don't think itIs ethical for you to accept a job you know you can't do. ?ethical investment policies (=investing only in businesses that are considered morally acceptable)[LOST] Charlie: he broke up with me. And besides, he's a very ethical man.
pack (n.)
C.N.a group of wild animals that hunt together, or a group of dogs trained to hunt together?a wolf packpack of ?矇 A pack of wild turkeys burst into the classroom.
The Nativity is the birth of Jesus, which is celebrated by Christians at Christmas. They admired the tableau of the Nativity. ...the Nativity story. N-SING: the N  ?矇 The curtain opens, revealing a Nativity Scene
n.Skin-tight garment used by dancers and acrobats. (N5F穢簞?D5p?{)繳??2 ?矇: Mr. Garrison: Ok children, does everybody have their leotards on?
v.t.To put to death by nailing the hands and feet to a cross; torture. 竄穫q?疆:K穩禮A2To subdue, as the passions. 繳f(簡繭)2To be very cruel or unpleasant to (someone or something) esp. by unfair public attack. ?繕K?繳(T7=?瞿織?罈?繳)2罈J crucified by public opinion `o織?繳2 bad boy2: last supper. It was the last time they were all together before Jesus was crucified.
n.Plastic surgery on the nose usually for cosmetic purposes also called nose job. k織瞻?{?K繞k2a nose job2
n.The act of expanding, or increasing in size or bulk; also, the state of being so increased. ?iKiWK?W2A prominence. 繞禮K簣禮2An abnormal enlarged part of the body, as from inflammation. 5?K?2 ?矇Tom:Yes, I think once the swelling goes down, you'll really notice a difference.
n.A person who betrays a cause, a trust, or his country, esp. one who commits treason. ;5K ?K繙簸5K羹5K(T7);繳2罈J turn traitor 繙簸2?矇 Hakim:I am Hakim Korashki, of the mighty nation of Iraq. This woman is a traitor to our government.
"n.An oriental sword with a curved blade. (]癒織0^)?3~0K""翻K~0Kz8?02 ?矇 Ms. Ellen takes a scimitar from one of the soldiers."
Full-blown means having all the characteristics of a particular type of thing or person. Before becoming a full-blown director, he worked as the film editor on Citizen Kane. ADJ: ADJ n
Vi.to feel an emotion, especially anger, so strongly that you are almost shakingsynonym fumeseethe with?He was seething with anger.?I was absolutely seething.?矇The boys laugh and Barbra seethes.
adj.Tending to promote health of body or mind, or good morals. 8~?O織K籀b?籀?癟織2Characteristic of, or suggesting, health. ?癟織2 Chandler: But other than that, whlesome building.
n.A yielding of the mind or will. 簪.Ka2Concord; agreement. &lt;?K0$K:@2w?Jby common consent ?0$&lt;?2 give [refuse] one's consent?羅[?]2 Silence gives consent.繒瞿_翻2 with one consent?0$&lt;?KQ??2(=by common [general] consent) v.i.To comply; yield. 簪.K=?2罈J The firm will consent to your taking a leave of absence. ?(3qa?羶w2To give permission; agree. &lt;?K:@2罈J Father consented to my leaving home
Vt.to involve something as a necessary part or result:? A new computer system entails a lot of re-training.? Some foreign travel is entailed in the job.
under the weather
informal slightly illYou look a bit under the weather.Liane Cartman: Ooooh, he's just been feeling under the weather.
adj. something that is riveting is so interesting or exciting that you cannot stop watching it or listening to it--synonym fascinating?a riveting performance?His story makes riveting listening.
a la
in the same style as someone or something elsedetective stories a la Agatha Christie#Valgrind was first released in early 2002 as a monolithic memory checker for C and C++ programs, a la Purify.
Vt.1.[written] to organize an important event or a complicated plan, especially secretly?The riots were orchestrated by anti-government forces. ?a carefully orchestrated promotional campaign2. to arrange a piece of music so that it can be played by an orchestra
A gavel is a small wooden hammer that the person in charge of a law court, an auction, or a meeting bangs on a table to get people's attention. `Let's take a ten-minute recess', the judge said, pounding his gavel. N-COUNT: usu sing, oft poss N  ?矇:The judge hammers her gavel.
adj.Made prisoner; held in bondage. ??織K簣織2w?Jhold sb captive ? 礙2 n.One who is taken prisoner, esp. in war. ?K(`r{)?2 ?矇Terrance:No, it's Sally, she's being held captive in Iran.
Vt. [formal]to hate a kind of behaviour or way of thinking, especially because you think it is morally wrong? I abhor discrimination of any kind.
C.N.1. a large pile of something 2. 投手丘
N.the continuous firing of guns, dropping of bombs etc, especially to protect soldiers as they move towards an enemybarrage of?a barrage of anti-aircraft fire
Adj. an endemic disease or problem is always present in a particular place, or among a particular group of people ?Violent crime is now endemic in parts of Chicago.
n.An implement with teeth or tines for gathering together loose matter, or for makin soil loose and smooth. I2 v.t.To gather, smooth, or loosen with a rake. II?KI瞿KI62罈J to rake up leaves I?iy2 to rake a flower bed I6獺32
C.N.a building for public events, especially sports and large rock music concerts, consisting of a playing field surrounded by rows of seats? the new Olympic Stadium?矇:Everybody in the stadium puts on a gasmask.
Adj. '織 People who are superstitious believe in things that are not real or possible, for example magic. Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck. A: This house is haunted.I?o?Wl2B: You are so superstitious!?O織繡'1
"Grand Justice W??礙?;`}0織A??羶&lt;羶?羸f=H穫瞿&lt;m癒??璽聶? =W?1羶?
Optimism is the feeling of being hopeful about the future or about the success of something in particular. The Indian Prime Minister has expressed optimism about India's future relations with the USA. ...a mood of cautious optimism. N-UNCOUNT  = confidence != pessimism
Adj. [formal]more important than anything else? During a war the interests of the state are paramount, and those of the individual come last. ? WomenIs role as mothers is of paramount importance to society.
A stethoscope is an instrument that a doctor uses to listen to your heart and breathing. It consists of a small disc that is placed on your body, connected to a hollow tube with two pieces that the doctor puts in his or her ears. N-COUNT ?矇:Nurse Goodly holds a stethoscope in her mouth.
If a group of people practise cannibalism, they eat the flesh of other people. They were forced to practise cannibalism in order to survive. N-UNCOUNT  ?矇Sid:Uh, it's only been like four hours. Aren't you resorting to cannibalism a little quickly?
anesthesia Doc: Not until you wake up. The anesthesia is going to put you fast asleep.
Adj.provocative behaviour, remarks etc are intended to make people angry or upset, or to cause a lot of discussion Y}w瞼: I'd prefer a less provocative title.
Vi.to demand something loudlyclamor for?The audience cheered, clamoring for more.clamor to do something?All his friends were clamoring to know where he'd been.Y}?瞼: These attacks have every nation clamoring for the very weapons that it'd sell them.
n.A right or privilege that has always accompanied a certain office or position; esp. a special right or privilege belonging to kingship. (hX?穡)穢:(7 ^禮}?`}!繞5&lt;T7繚?{穢:)2 adj.Pertaining to such a right. 穢:織2 Y}?瞼:hpl: Am I late? A: A woman's prerogative.
The decor of a house or room is its style of furnishing and decoration. The decor is simplemblack lacquer panels on white walls.Y}?瞼: Charming decor.
n.One who excites fear by exaggerating bad news or foretelling calamities. 癒0瞿簫5KW??Z5(簡繚W繡?F@0簫翻7}y)2 Y}mina: Don't be such an alarmist.
n.A small party of soldiers assembled for dill, inspection, etc. K?繙2Any small group of persons engaged in a common effort. ?t2罈J a squad of police ?繙2?X?Jsquad car ?聶繳2squad leader @羸A禮2
n.Raised platform for an orchestra conductor or a public speaker. 7 KK 2
Vt. [American English] to give someone below you in rank the authority to do your work for a short time, usually because you are unable to do it
nightstick?矇Cartman:Do I get a nightstick? Barbrady:Sure, nightsticks for everybody!
v.t.To give the forms of (a verb) covering the various changes according to voice, mood, tense, number, and person. @繚A?繙F2罈J It is important to learn to conjugate irregular verbs. 穡3=聶w?織繙F_(礎羸簣織2 v.i.To unite sexually. ?}2 adj.Combined in pairs. @=織2Of words, similar in origin. @繚A&lt;??織2?矇 Mr.Garrison: [in barbrady's thoughts] Conjugate the verb. Conjugate the verb.
A euphemism is a polite word or expression that is used to refer to things which people may find upsetting or embarrassing to talk about, for example sex, the human body, or death. The term `early retirement' is nearly always a euphemism for redundancy nowadays. N-COUNT: oft N for n
Wrath means the same as anger. (LITERARY) He incurred the wrath of the authorities in speaking out against government injustices. N-UNCOUNT: oft with poss
If you are disgruntled, you are cross and dissatisfied because things have not happened the way that you wanted them to happen. Disgruntled employees recently called for his resignation. Party members are disgruntled at the way the campaign is being handled. ADJ-GRADED: oft ADJ by/at/over n  = discontented
Vt. to give someone a severe punishment after deciding they are guilty of a crimecondemn somebody to something? He was found guilty and condemned to death .
C.N.a large area of land in a hot country, where crops such as tea, cotton, and sugar are grown? a rubber plantation
be at odds
a) to disagreebe at odds withBriggs found himself at odds with his colleagues.be at odds over/onThe two politicians were at odds over what was the truth.
n.A round, bulging cask or vessel, of greater length than breath, and having flat ends or heads. 礎2The quantity which a barrel should contain. 0礎{矇藩2 ??: The offshore discovery tested at 8000 barrels per day of crude oil.
"Adj.be a household name/wordto be very well known?Coca Cola is a household name around the world. 穠!: The names of American superstars like basketball great Michael Jordan have become household words the world over.  0?職;織繕J&gt;O&lt;藩_s3礙??竄""?@繞?F
N.be a byword for somethingto be so well known for a particular quality that your name is used to represent that quality?His name has become a byword for honesty in the community.??: It wasn't long ago that Bangkok was a byword for air pollution.
Adj. [formal]harmful or poisonous-synonym toxic?noxious fumes
adj.Of breathing. 竅h織2?X?Jrespiratory organs 竅h??2respiratory center 竅h]N2respiratory system 竅h+癒2
n.Child in the uterus after the third month of gestation. (9;8:{)臘?2Embryo in the uterus or egg after it is clearly defined. 臘2 ?矇禮:you see a dead fetus sticking out of the right side of her head.
V. EE?To move slightly and jerkily.2 ?矇Kyle:And when she moved up and down, the little fetus jiggled.
"adj.Lawful; clean according to Jewish dietary law. 8織K8穫fZ""聶織K5?織2 n.Kosher food; a kosher shop. 8穫fZB罈織??n?^?織?F2 ?矇Mr.Mackey:Do we have to eat Kosher stuff?"
If something is subsumed within a larger group or class, it is included within it, rather than being considered as something separate. (FORMAL) After that the two alliances might be subsumed into a new European security system. With unification, East Germany was subsumed by capitalist West Germany. VB
n.The act of keeping back or withholding. k?K??2Confinement; restraint. ?K繡穫2Delay. m!2 ?矇:Mr.Garrison:Well that's it! All of you have detention for the rest of the week!
Someone or something that is omnipotent has complete power over things or people. (FORMAL) Doug lived in the shadow of his seemingly omnipotent father. ...the omnipotent power of an author. ADJ  = all-powerful ?矇Producer: Oh J, you are so omnipotent and yet so naive.
U.N. [formal]immoral behaviour involving drugs, alcohol, sex etc?a life of debauchery?矇Jesus:Uh, we'll find out more about this debauchery when we return.
v.t.To surpass; excel. ~K繕繙2罈J He tried to outdo his opponents. ??~礎={2 EZtalk: A: Your party has been wonderful.?織n=繕?織1B: Well, next yearIs will outdo this one, so come back!&gt;瞻3繳瞻$&lt;p簣繞籀??1
werewolf n.Person changed or capable of being changed into a wolf but retaining human intelligence. ,礙?瓊?]繙礙,織礙&lt;v9礙{穠??2 EZtalk: werewolf (n.) ,礙A: Your dad is so hairy.?hO_ hh織2B: I used to joke that he was a werewolf.A1罈?A?_,礙2
"v.i.To flow gently; exude. q*K""*2罈J Perspiration oozes through the skin. ? ??""*2 The water oozed from between the pipes. d?d??*2To escape slowly and quietly. ???away?? n.A gentle or imperceptible flow, as of a stream through sedges or sweat from pores. q*K""*K6羹2罈J That which oozes. ""*?2A tanning infusion made of oak bark, sumac, etc. ^?X織穡璽2 EZtalk: A: Stuff is oozing all over the streets.9癒簪q?/?-_1B: I think oil is leaking from someone's car.A#_ 礙織繳??矇W2"
adj.Used in ordinary conversation; informal. 簫癒織K?織2
pertain to something [phrasal verb][formal] to relate directly to something?legislation pertaining to employment rights
Vt.to make a bad situation worse? The recession has exacerbated this problem. ? I don't want to exacerbate the situation.Paper: However, using such an approach would only exacerbate the problem.
If you are stymied by something, you find it very difficult to take action or to continue what you are doing. (INFORMAL) Companies have been stymied by the length of time it takes to reach an agreement. Relief efforts have been stymied in recent weeks by armed gunmen. VB: usu passive  = foil Paper: This will stymie our bytecode rewriting tool, because ....
If you downplay a fact or feature, you try to make people think that it is less important or serious than it really is. The government and the press are trying to downplay the violence which broke out yesterday. ...to downplay the dangers of nuclear accidents. VB  = play down
C.N.a place where an organized meeting, concert etc takes placesporting/conference/concert etc venue ?The first thing to do is book a venue .
U.N. [formal]anxiety or unhappiness about somethingdisquiet over/about/at? public disquiet over deaths in police custody
N.permission given by a company to someone who wants to sell its goods or services?a franchise holderEZtalk: franchise (v., n.) 繡7穢a?癟:A: How did your family get so rich??疆_&gt;穫$羹織OB: They opened a McDonalds franchise.A?罈繞疆?礎2
sundae  A sundae is a tall glass of ice cream with whipped cream and nuts or fruit on top. ...a chocolate sundae. N-COUNT: usu n N 穠!: They sit down and order two giant sundaes.
Vt. to talk about how good or important something is and try to persuade other people about this? Alexander has been preaching patience. preach the virtues/merits/benefits of something ?a politician preaching the virtues of a free market穠!: But despite this seeming emphasis on health, a large number of Americans don't practice what the experts preach.  =~H?A;禮繞l~繡羸??癟&lt;繡J職;礙V=??8疆織(&gt;?2
v.t.To place side by side; put close together.
"v.t. &amp; v.i.To provide with parts, devices, or equipments not available at the time of manufacturing. b
Adj.air that is hazy is not clear because there is a lot of smoke, dust, or mist in it? hazy sunshine
Vt.if ideas, beliefs, emotions etc permeate something, they are present in every part of it?Racism continues to permeate our society. ?An emotional intensity permeates every one of O'Connor's songs. [Windows] Segments permeated nearly every aspect of Win16 programming,...
Adj.complicated and difficult to understand? long paragraphs and convoluted sentences ? The argument is rather convoluted.
n.The diameter of a round body. C{$?2Esp. the inside diameter of the barrel of a gun, cannon, or the like. ??1by{??2Mental capacity or intellectual power;(a person's) importance. }-K穠?K? 礙織?羸簣W2Paper: The degree to which hardware and operating systems support for debugging strongly influences the caliber of service that a debugger can provide.
ferret somebody/something ? out
[phrasal verb]to succeed in finding something such as a piece of information, that is difficult to find?ItIs been difficult for reporters to ferret out the facts in this case. ?Uncle Vernon ferreted out the laundry box from under the stairs. Paper: The study concentrates on types of support that make overall debugger performance efficeient and that support debugger features for ferreting out hard-to-find bugs.
Adj.if something is slick, it is done in a skilful and attractive way and seems expensive, but it often contains no important or interesting ideas?a slick Hollywood production ?slick advertising ?The presentation was very slick.
"n.The sudden sliding of a mass of snow and rock, or the like, down a mountain slope. 癒YK Y?簣fa癒: ;{ 61#zy??2Anything that overwhelms by sudden and resistless force. ?hX?穡?簣f?#織繳BW罈?K?l Y\?繳;KK#?繞2罈J an avalanche of woe 簣f?#織璽 2 ?矇Ms.Crabtree sees a sign blocking the road that says ""Road closed due to avalanche."""
"n. The shore, as of an ocean. 癡?簡禮癡?2v.t.To drive ashore; run aground. :癡K!*2罈J The ship was stranded on the rocks. IiX1#:!*2 To leave in a state of embarrassment or difficulty. 簪?穫 糧K簪?{Q?2罈J He went away leaving his family stranded. ?罈繞&lt;?;疆礙0
Jell-O  Jell-O is a transparent, usually coloured food that is eaten as a dessert. It is made from gelatine, fruit juice, and sugar. (TRADEMARK) (AM; in BRIT use jelly)
sleepyhead (n.) ??lA: IIm so exhausted.A繕_2B: Since when did you become a sleepyhead????r繙@0;??l繞O
The onset of something is the beginning of it, used especially to refer to something unpleasant. Most of the passes have been closed with the onset of winter. With the onset of war, oil prices climbed past $30 a barrel. N-SING: usu the N of n, also no det  Paper: They involve repeated restarts of the program and a manual binary search to find the onset of the error.
Adj. [literary] heavily loaded with something, or containing a lot of somethingladen with?The tables were laden with food.??:Stalls laden with delicious Chinese food line the streets.
Adj. [only before noun]relating or belonging to a very large city?a metropolitan area of South Australia
Adj.very fashionable and expensive, and showing good judgement of what is attractive and good style?Margaret was looking very chic in blue. ?a chic restaurant
flock (v.)
Vi.if people flock to a place, they go there in large numbers because something interesting or exciting is happening there flock to/into/down etc? People have been flocking to the exhibition.??: People flock to Chinatown to see the dragon dance and ...
N. a false belief about yourself or the situation you are in? I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me.
[?] ??? = remoteGRACE: It's tempting, but I think I'll watch ER here.WILL: Another night alone with my clicker.
n.A short negligee jacket for women. 瞿XF??2A short sleeveless under-garment for women. 瞿XQ???2 GRACE: Yeah. I got a great camisole.WILL: Yeah? Sexy?
n.Two-way telephone system for local use. @A??簪X織?=K?2  An intercom is a small box with a microphone which is connected to a loudspeaker in another room. You use it to talk to the people in the other room. N-COUNT  W&amp;G: WILL'S SECRETARY (OVER THE INTERCOM): [BUZZ] Will, it's Grace on line one.
pick up the pace
pick up the pace ?O?  pick up 9&lt;?K?O=織?M&lt;&lt; pick up pace a_&lt;?O?&lt;?:U礙=2  Could you pick up the pace a little? We're late.?=OAA瞽`繞2W&amp;G: [THE TELEPHONE RINGS]KAREN: I'm serious, Grace. Pick up the pace.[RING...]GRACE: I'm serious, Karen. Pick up the phone.
"eightish""-ish"" may means ""about the stated number; approximately"" Come at eightish. (=Come at about eight o'clock."")W&amp;G:Jack: What time tomorrow?WILL: 8:00-ish."
C.N.a thin sharp point of something such as a fork that has several points?sticking out like the prongs of a garden forkW&amp;G: GRACE: I know. I'm going to break up with him. It's just time. Our relationship has reached a fork in the road, and...ending it with Danny is the right...prong.
If you describe someone as laid-back, you mean that they behave in a calm relaxed way as if nothing will ever worry them. (INFORMAL) Nothing worried him, he was really laid back. Everyone here has a really laid-back attitude. ADJ-GRADED  穠!: Americans are fairly laid-back, both in styles of dress and in language.  職;礙=_X簪?織?lF_?0:&lt;-_?hE6 X織2
n. The part of a word which can be clearly spoken by a single effort of the voice. #簸2 Such a part separated from the rest of the word. ?簸?7礎#簸65?2 The slightest bit or expression. w?禱02 穠!: Sounds or syllables that are not stressed are shortened or combined with other sounds.  =_羸#織竅#F_#簸&lt;Jh3?^F_翹礎糧織#(S2
Vi.to feel embarrassed by something that you have said or done because you think it makes you seem sillycringe at?She cringed at the sound of her own voice.?It makes me cringe when I think how stupid I was.穠]: School teachers probably cringe at this kind of pronunciation.  穡Q織1[A=IS織竅#?E_=???2
Genocide is the deliberate murder of a whole community or race. They have alleged that acts of genocide and torture were carried out. N-UNCOUNT  NYTime: Any court to try Saddam Hussein will have a head start, thanks to efforts over the past decade to prove he was responsible for genocide.
Adj. bad-tempered, unhappy, and silent? Daniel seems very morose and gloomy.[W&amp;G]: WILL: I can't. Before my brother married Ginny, he asked me what I honestly thought of her. Well, I told him. She's morose and controlling and icy.
3 The patrons of a place such as a pub, bar, or hotel are its customers. (FORMAL) He spent the night at the Savoy: like so many of its patrons, he could not resist the exclusively English cooking. N-COUNT  = client W&amp;G: (WILL and GRACE are drinking. There are lots of patrons present.)
Adj.1. based on guessing, not on information or facts highly/purely/largely speculative ? a purely speculative theory about life on other planets2. bought or done in the hope of making a profit later ? speculative investments
C.N. [American English] 穡職a public competition for young women in which their appearance, and sometimes other qualities, are compared and judged--synonym beauty contestPhoebe: Well, I wanna enter her in a baby beauty pageant.
@職A,?-K瓣?-2?= spelling match?
spelling beeRoss: You won an adult Thanksgiving day spelling bee.
Adj.unpleasantly wet and soft?The ground was soggy from the rain. ?The sandwiches have gone all soggy .Monica: No! Everything's cold. The turkey's dried out and the stuffing is all soggy.
bulldozerChandler: Oh, I left them on my bulldozer.
V. [law especially American English] 禮dto officially charge someone with a criminal offenceindict somebody for something? He was indicted for vehicular homicide in 1987.
Adj.extremely important and needing to be done or dealt with immediately?It is imperative that politicians should be good communicators.it is imperative (for somebody) to do something?It is imperative to meet face to face with the client. ?It is imperative for us to remain on good terms.罈:This keeps everything aligned on 4-byte boundaries, which is imperative for processor performance.
If you forego something, you decide to do without it, although you would like it. (FORMAL) Keen skiers are happy to forego a summer holiday to go skiing. VB also forgo.  = do without Hackproof:For instance, one of the more common modern compiler optimizations is to forego using EBP as a referenceinto the stack, and to use direct ESP offsets.
adj.Lacking in kindness; cruel; brutal. =簽x織K?籀穡織K?羸織2
n. A room directly beneath a roof; an attic. ?CK2C2
wipe the slate clean
to agree to forget about mistakes or arguments that happened in the past W&amp;G:Will: Reason number one: You just got out of a relationship, and you need to wipe the slate clean.
adj.Fragrant; spicy. ?瓊織K?簽織2 n.A plant, herb, or drug yielding a fragrant smell, as ginger, cinnamon etc. 瓊?{=???1繒ry?2 W&amp;G: when my wife and I are having a problem, I light some candles, get out some nice aromatic oil, then rub it u.
stumble on/across/upon something
to find or discover something by chance and unexpectedly=synonym come acrossResearchers have stumbled across a drug that may help patients with Parkinson's disease.
Vt. [formal] to take someone else's power, position, job etc when you do not have the right to?There were a couple of attempts to usurp the young king.罈: If another application has usurped the CPU, the CPU cannot process ...
v.i.To strike together with force; come into conflict; clash. (?K疇(K?簣2罈J The brothers' political views usually collide. AtO織o禱簸Jh-3?簣2
n.The act of enduring with patience. 羸@K羸2Direction or relative position. 矇AK矇}2w?Jbeyond (past) all bearing Q羸2 bring (sb) to (his) bearings簪? 礙?=$?2 get (find) sb's bearings礙?矇AK6?.X}?2
Adj.known and understood by only a few people who have special knowledge about something?the esoteric world of scientific supercomputing[Hack Proof]:Now, clearly, the RUN key is a common place for security-savvy people to look, but it could have easily been something else more esoteric.
"Adj.[usually before noun] a monumental achievement, piece of work, etc is very important and is usually based on many years of work?a monumental contribution to the field of medicine ?Charles Darwin's monumental study, 'The Origin of Species'罈: LCandy Lin is the best student I've ever had. She will undoubtedly make a 2)monumental 3)contribution to the entire world.M &lt;?!簡_A?~0簫織穡O2穢??7=?F
Adj. [formal]causing harm or damage-synonym damagingdetrimental to?Smoking is detrimental to your health.?the detrimental effect of pollution on the environmentHack Proof:In this chapter, we explored what a buffer overflow is, and how it is detrimental to the security of your systems.
"N. [formal][+ of] when several guns are fired during a battle or as part of a ceremony 罈: Edsger W. Dijkstra's note in the March 1968 ""Communications of the ACM,"" ""Goto Statement Considered Harmful,"" fired the first salvo in the structured programming wars"
n.A dictionary, esp. of Latin, Greek, or Hebrew. ?穡K?T7羅1繚1&lt;繚F&lt;_繞繚織??穡2Specialized vocabulary. 8簞??2Inventory of the morphemes. ??繹2
Adj.using words in a clever and amusing way?witty remarks ?Laura's very witty.
an article in a newspaper about the life of someone who has just died
N. when people remember and give honour to someone who has diedin remembrance of something?a service in remembrance of those killed in the war?a Holocaust remembrance
V.to quickly push something or someone with your finger or a pointed object-synonym poke?'Don't go to sleep,' she said, prodding me in the ribs.prod at?Theo prodded at the dead snake.
determiner.very many - used especially when you are annoyed there are so many?There seemed to be umpteen rules and regulations to learn. ?She'd called the apartment umpteen times, but never got an answer.
Vi. [informal]to tell someone something that should be kept secretblab to? This is not something you go blabbing to your friends about.罈: If someone finds a bug in a software product, they should not go blabbing it to the world, they should contact the maintainers of that software ...
Adj.determined not to change your opinion or a decision that you have made?She begged me to change my mind, but I remained adamant .adamant that?Michael Jackson is adamant that he will not tour this year.罈: I adamantly do not support hiding or denying vulnerabilities.
v.i.To roll to and fro, as a wave. 繞2To rise and fall, as the stock market. :;?簡?疇??{2d?罈J The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather. \ 織)R??SI&lt;2To shift back and forth uncertainly. * =?罈J All year she has fluctuated between optimism and despair. 0瞻瞻穢X2簸翹?K{?繡?=?2
Vt. [formal]to spread information or ideas to as many people as possible?Her findings have been widely disseminated .
1.the intricacies of something the complicated details of something ?the intricacies of private banking2[uncountable] the state of containing a large number of parts or details designs of amazing intricacy and sophistication
Vi. [formal] to become less strong or decrease?We waited for the storm to abate.(H) ab(=), ate(3), =3_礙繞KE羸藩
Vt.to help someone do something wrong or illegal 罈:abetted the thief in robbing the bank.
C.N.1. [formal] someone who serves a leader or believes in their ideas2. someone who helps a priest at a religious ceremony
*?(H) ad+age(r), *?X=&lt;r-??禮3?
v. uS
1 arid 簧織 Arid land is so dry that very few plants can grow on it. ...new strains of crops that can withstand arid conditions. ...the arid zones of the country. ADJ-GRADED: usu ADJ n   2 arid  If you describe something such as a period of your life or an academic subject as arid, you mean that it has so little interest, excitement, or purpose that it makes you feel bored or unhappy. She had given him the only joy his arid life had ever known. ...the politically arid years of military dictatorship in the 1960s and '70s. ADJ-GRADED: usu ADJ n
2 If someone in a position of authority will brook no interference or opposition, they will not accept any interference or opposition from others. The Chinese leadership has said it will brook no interference in China's internal affairs. The army will brook no weakening of its power. VB  = tolerate, allow
 If someone condones behaviour that is morally wrong, they accept it and allow it to happen. I have never encouraged nor condoned violence. I couldn't condone what she was doing. VB: oft with brd-neg  !=condemn
U.N.1.a bitter green-brown liquid formed in the liver, which helps you to digest fats 穩q2.[literary] anger and hatred
a pattern that looks like a line of z's joined together a zigzag path along the cliff
hippo n.Hippopotamus. @A瓊?2
Hygiene is the practice of keeping yourself and your surroundings clean, especially in order to prevent illness or the spread of diseases. Be extra careful about personal hygiene. N-UNCOUNT  = cleanliness
"Vt. to take care of your own appearance by keeping your hair and clothes clean and tidy?Her hair is always perfectly groomed.穠!: Grooming and personal hygiene have been around for ages.  0矇瞻?翹;礙?O織K礎""?
n.A toothed instrument to separate, adjust, or confine, the hair; also, a toothed ornament for the hair. K瓊K?.X織繳?]%2  v.t.To dress (the hair) with a toothed instrument. ?瓊?瓊2罈J The mother combed the child's hair. 羸?瓊6??織]2
N. ?=a strong feeling in society that being in a particular situation or having a particular illness is something to be ashamed ofthe stigma of alcoholism/mental illness etc ? The stigma of alcoholism makes it difficult to treat.
Adj.dealing with problems in a sensible, practical way instead of strictly following a set of ideas?Williams took a more pragmatic approach to management problems.
"n.A height of land lying between areas drained by different river systems; a divide. 6d礙K6d2An area drained by a single river or lake system. ??p
orthodontist  An orthodontist is a dentist who corrects the position of people's teeth. N-COUNT
Adv.without realizing what you are doing-synonym accidentally?Viruses can be spread inadvertently by email users.?Robinson's name was inadvertently omitted from the list.
C.N.a meeting, argument, fight etc that will settle a disagreement or competition that has continued for a long timeshowdown with?a showdown with the striking workers ?Britain has a World Cup showdown with Australia next month.
"If someone disbands a group of people, or if the group disbands, it stops operating as a single unit. All the armed groups will be disbanded. The rebels were to have fully disbanded by June the tenth. V-ERG  = break up 罈: ""a majority of the XFree86 core team has voted in favour of my proposal to disband the core team""."
adj.Incapable of erroring. =3?_織2罈J The predictions of the weather bureau are not infallible. S?p織YS@a&lt;V??Q_?2Not likely to disappoint; never failing. =$礙aK織K?織2罈J A man is infallible whose words are always true. 0?織礙_?織2
Adv. [sentence adverb]used when you admit that something is true?Granted, the music is not perfect, but the flaws are outweighed by the sheer joy of the piece.[Phrack]: Granted, it was *data* based overflow (not stack-based) but, on the other hand, .....
v.t.To bring or send (goods) to or from a country, without paying duties. 簽{??K?簽2To carry or introduce secretly. nfK禮禮f?2罈J It's a serious crime to smuggle an animal into Britain. 簽f??!;_05羸?2
If someone yearns for something that they are unlikely to get, they want it very much. He yearned for freedom. I yearned to be a movie actor. VB  = long
"v.i.*To obey; be faithful. 瞼繡K穫2罈J Do your best and abide by the event. 礙罈簫Y簫2 to abide by one's promise. 5繡.02 v.t.To put up with; tolerate. 羸K矇羸2罈J I cannot abide to be thwarted. A=-羸?礙簷62To wait for. y繕2罈J I abide my time. Ay繕r?2To accept without objection. 翹??2 Gra: President Chen Shui-bian (瞿dq) reassured the US government yesterday he would abide by his ""five noes"" promise"
Vi. [formal]if objects or ideas coalesce, they combine to form one single groupcoalesce into/with?Gradually the different groups of people coalesced into one dominant racial group.
n.A spectator; a casual or detached observer. 簽簸52
n.Work requiring much walking and moving from place to place, as a newspaper reporter. 0h 簪{?&lt;簡??H5{?Z?2 CSI: JIM BRASS: I hate the legwork.
v.i.To delay; be slow in going. ?KG?2罈J The last guests lingered until 2 a.m. 0翹0穢?礙G?`xL?H}罈2To remain alive, though suffering, dying, or the like. =&amp;??K聶簿?穫簾繭?Kf繭&amp;瞻2罈J The wounded man lingered for hours. 癟5=&amp;穡?r2 CSI: BRASS lingers in the doorway.
n.A strong, offensive odor; disgusting smell; stink. ?hX?穡?SK2 CSI: JIM BRASS: You got the sleeping bag for easy cleanup, the bathtub to catch the bullet, open window so the stench alerts the neighbors
n.The resting stage in the life of the higher insects, during which the larva changes to the adult. )2
"n.That branch of zoology which treats of insects and their habits. 6""穡2A book or treatise on this subject. 穫6""穡{(}F繚2"
"n.A sample; a part which shows the quality and character of the whole. S\K穩SKI\2罈J a specimen of stone #]I\2 He is a fair specimen of the manners and morals of the time. _礎
C.N. 繹 a small creature like a worm that is the young form of a fly and lives in decaying food, flesh etc CSI: JIM BRASS: That's a maggot, and he stinks.
Vi.to move your face or body away from someone or something because you are in pain, frightened, or upsetflinch at? She flinched at the touch of his hand.CSI: SOUND CUE: (on tape) GUNSHOT (They flinch at the sound.)
electric shaver
adj.Easily broken; fragile; breakable; not tough or tenacious. C職織K6a織K=5羹織2
A loophole in the law is a small mistake which allows people to do something that would otherwise be illegal. It is estimated that 60,000 shops open every Sunday and trade by exploiting some loophole in the law to avoid prosecution. N-COUNT: oft N in n
Adj.serious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of someone's behaviour:? sterner penalties for drug offences
Adj.enough in quantity or of a good enough quality for a particular purposesynonym sufficientopposite inadequate?Farmers have been slow to make adequate provision for their retirement.?Some creams we tested failed to give adequate protection against UV light.
adjourn (v.) A3&lt;??A: We will adjourn this meeting until tomorrow.AAA3&gt;Y翻&gt;2B: Good, this way we all have more time to think.簫&lt;ISAA-9J0r?M3繞2
Vt. 簾to put something into a liquid and lift it out againdip something in/into something ? He dipped his hand in the water.? Dip the strawberries into melted chocolate.

v.t.To spatter or toss about. *K?2罈J to splash water ?d2 The carriage, splashing mud, drove away. 繳 ~r? *2To spatter or soil with water, mud, etc. *?K?2罈J The automobile splashed her dress. 簫繳*?穢織?=2To cause to look as if splashed; decorate with spots. 瓣K?.2罈J a robe splashed with gold 瓣9 {禮翻2 穠!: Men may splash on after-shave lotion or manly-smelling cologne.  gw羸0?^=dF_gW翻dX羅:2
n. {;
armpit穠!: Many of them regularly shave their legs and armpits.  繡J礙3?O`^?簪翹{;織
If you are amenable to something, you are willing to do it or accept it. The Jordanian leader seemed amenable to attending a conference. I never had a long-term relationship as I wasn't good enough, or interesting or amenable enough. ADJ-GRADED: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ to n/-ing  = agreeable
adj.Pertaining to, or like, a horse. ?織K?l?織2 n.Horse. ?2
V.to kill some animals of a group, usually the weakest ones, especially so that the size of the group does not increase too much CNN: China plans to cull 10,000 civet cats and close wildlife markets after tests carried out in Hong Kong suggest a link to a possible SARS case, state television reports.
To rebrand a product or organization means to present it to the public in a new way, for example by changing its name or appearance. There are plans to rebrand many Texas stores. VB 罈: After Microsoft acquired Connectix in early 2003, they began to improveand rebrand their virtual machine technology.
personal organizer
brush up, brush up on
If you brush up something or brush up on it, you practise it or improve your knowledge of it. I had hoped to brush up my Spanish. Eleanor spent much of the summer brushing up on her driving. PHR-V 罈: If you are familiar with VMWare, then you are familiar with the virtual machine environment. If not, then you should probably brush up on this technology because ...
Adj.importanta prominent Russian scientist play a prominent part/role (in something) ? Mandela played a prominent role in the early years of the ANC.
?疆 also coat hanger, clothes hanger [countable]a curved piece of wood or metal with a hook on top, used for hanging clothes on #She took off her jacket and hung it on a hanger.
Adv.appearing to have a particular quality, when this may or may not be true-synonym apparently?seemingly unrelated bits of information
"Vt, C.N. [informal] to change something in order to improve it and make it seem more modern?Many older companies are revamping their image.Slashdot: In a major revamp, Yahoo will also add personalization and customization features to extend the usefulness of searches and expand its use of ""paid inclusion."""
n.Close watch; oversight; inspection. ;繡K?K?2  Surveillance is the careful watching of someone, especially by an organization such as the police or the army. He was arrested after being kept under constant surveillance. Police swooped on the home after a two-week surveillance operation. Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment. N-UNCOUNT
junkie, junky
C.N. [informal]1 someone who takes dangerous drugs and is dependent on them2 a TV/sports etc junkie someone who likes something so much that they seem to be dependent on it - used humorously: ? a technology junkie
To be disruptive means to prevent something from continuing or operating in a normal way. Alcohol can produce violent, disruptive behavior. The process of implementing these changes can be very disruptive to a small company. ADJ-GRADED
even now/then
In spite of what has happened#Even now I find it hard to believe that he lied. #They invested in new machinery and equipment, but even then the business was still losing money.
adj.Foreboding evil; threatening. &amp;v織K=?織2  If you describe something as ominous, you mean that it worries you because it makes you think that something unpleasant is going to happen. There was an ominous silence at the other end of the phone. The rolls of distant thunder were growing more ominous. ADJ-GRADED  = menacing
C.N.an idea, method, or quality that is typical of a particular person or thinghallmark of?These hotels still offer the sort of service which were the hallmark of the grand days of travel.?The explosion had all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack. ?Their performance did not bear the hallmark of European champions.罈: Palm OS 6, shipped December 29, 2003, combines the flexibility, simplicity and ease of use that we believe are the hallmark of today's versions of Palm OS with the emergent operating system requirements that meet the demands anticipated for tomorrow's smart mobile devices.
1. be on a par (with something) to be at the same level or standard#The wages of clerks were on a par with those of manual workers. #We will have Christmas decorations on a par with anything on show at the MetroCentre.4. the number of strokes a good player should take to hit the ball into a hole in the game of golf I?簪?The last hole is a par five.
Adj.moving or reacting more slowly than normal? Alex woke late feeling tired and sluggish. ? Economic recovery has so far been sluggish.
interj.An exclamation expressing unhappiness, sorrow, or regret. 竅191(?j=2&lt;璽簸1羶 {O~?)2
the state of being admired and respected for being important or for doing something important#He acquired kudos just by appearing on television.#Kudos to Ms. Peters for her hard work on tonight's program.
V.to hate someone or something very much-synonym detest?He loathes their politics.loathe doing something?I absolutely loathe shopping.
A safari is a trip to observe or hunt wild animals, especially in East Africa. He'd like to go on safari to photograph snakes and tigers. N-COUNT: also on N   Safari park 臘O?B(?=禱?&lt;z?0?繳籀簸5)2
in the hot seat
also on the hot seat [American English informal] in a difficul position where you have to make important decisions, answer questions etc罈: Eric was really in the hot seat after his mother caught him lying to her.簧Y{?穩穩竅.?:{翹&lt;禱?O_W繞
N, V.a feeling of dislike for someone because you cannot forget that they harmed you in the pastgrudge against? Is there anyone who might have had a grudge against her?
If you describe a person or thing as flashy, you mean they are smart and noticeable, but in a rather vulgar way. (INFORMAL) He was much less flashy than his brother. ...a flashy sports car. ADJ-GRADED disapproval  flashy (a.) 獺藩織A: Look at her clothes.;;穢織?=2B: Wow, they're so flashy!繩&lt;簫獺藩1
authentic (a.) O織&lt;?`織A: It's hard to find authentic Sichuan food in Taipei. GO簧`O?織  2B: I know, I know.A?&lt;A?2
Vi. to walk or dance with high steps or large movements, especially in a confident wayprance around?We used to prance around our bedroom pretending to be pop stars.Trev: I don't want to go watch 4)a bunch of 5)Irish people 6)prance around on stage.  D?JA=#;0?Kn]礙XN :#繞#禱2
U.N. [formal] the end of something that used to existdemise of?the imminent demise (=happening soon) of the local newspaper
adj.Fourfold; four times as great or as many. =織K 羸織2Taken by fours or in groups of four. ;0t織K0Q ;織2 n.A sum or quantify four times as great as another. =穡v.t.To multiply by four.  ?2 v.i.To increase fourfold. ?? =2  罈: The most important thing that IPv6 does is quadruple the size of the Internet address field from 32 bits to 128 bits.
If someone is an aficionado of something, they like it and know a lot about it. I happen to be an aficionado of the opera and symphony, and I love art museums. You are obviously a jazz aficionado. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n  = buff
[American English] someone who gives a lot of support to a person, organization, or an idea?a dance organized by the school's booster club罈: But what IPv6 boosters won't tell you, unless you press them, is that ...
n.A misleading effect presented to the eye on oceans, deserts, or plains, by which the inverted images of distant objects are seen, the objects so reflected being frequently quite out of sight. 禮23C2Something illusory. 竄#K織#K穠]C?2 罈: But the apparent security that NAT provides is a mirage.
N.a set of beliefs on which a political or economic system is based, or which strongly influence the way people behave? the ideologies of fascism and communism ? a new ideology based on individualism
"v.t.To renew the youth of; cause to feel young again. 簪瞻EK簪??k?K1織2罈J The long rest and new clothes had rejuvenated her. 禮r?織A?翹?織??簪穢??繞k?2 罈: A set of practices called ""corporate venturing"" can rejuvenate big companiesDtransforming large, lumbering organizations into nimbler and more innovative beasts."
N. the rate at which a substance is taken into the body, a system etc? the uptake of sugars by the blood
Adj. [only before noun]doing something as much as possible-synonym keen?an avid collector of old jazz records?an avid reader
N.when you provide something that someone needs now or in the futureprovision of?the provision of childcare facilitiesprovision for?provision for people with disabilities?He made provisions for his wife and his children in his will.罈: since the processor's native page table/directory entry format has no provision for such a feature, it is a non-trivial task.
Adj. [formal]a feeling that is palpable is so strong that other people notice it and can feel it around them--opposite impalpable?There was a palpable sense of relief among the crowd.
"v.i.To grow less; decrease. KAK?(T78&lt;0)(away)2罈J The moon is waning. 8?h?2To decline in power or importance; fail. ??K?a2罈J Many great empires have waned. aJWM;""???2To approach the end. ? r?2罈J The day wanes. 簫72 n.The decrease of the visible bright part of the moon from full to new. 8?(瞿a/8&lt;繙礙?8)2Decrease in power or importance; gradual failure. ?mK繡繡2A period of decline. ?mO2w?Jon [in] the wane (a)(8?)罈羶?j2(b)X??]2 wax and wane ?K繡禮2罈: Clearly, interest in developing in Perl is not on the wane."
Adj. 繞礎#織someone who is inscrutable shows no emotion or reaction in the expression on their face so that it is impossible to know what they are feeling or thinking? He stood silent and inscrutable.
"more than is normal or reasonable--unduly worried/concerned/anxious etc ?She doesn't seem unduly concerned about her exams.?It didn't trouble me unduly.罈: ""Red Hat, the Linux company, is not unduly worried by Novell's recent acquisition of SuSe Linux..."""
1 cement  Cement is a grey powder which is mixed with sand and water in order to make concrete. Builders have trouble getting the right amount of cement into their concrete. N-UNCOUNT   2 cement  Cement is the same as concrete. ...the hard cold cement floor. N-UNCOUNT  = concrete
U.N.1.a mixture of cement or lime, and sand and water, used in building for holding bricks or stones together 2. a heavy gun that fires bombs or shells in a high curve 繳b?A cameraman was killed when his vehicle came under mortar fire . ?a mortar attack
???M?繞e?織? {Mto bite the hand that feeds you
"v.i.To break a law, rule, etc.; sin. ?K?聶K??2 v.t.To break, sin against, or violate. ?()K??K?()2罈J to transgress a law ??罈2To pass, or go beyond, as a limit. 繕~K繙*(
money-back guarantee 罈: In America, customer service continues long after the sale. Many products come with a money-back guarantee.  X職;&lt;??= X@?{翹羸1翹?u&lt;繡J?簽-_y0n織
Adj, N. [British English]happening or done only once, not as part of a regular seriesAmerican Equivalent: one-shot ?It's yours for a one-off payment of only 瞽G200.罈: Peter Seebach discusses how new tools are developed and how to make a one-off program into a utility you'll be using for years to come.
V. ?to rise and float in the air by magic, or to make someone or something do this 簽? magnetic levitation, aka MagLev罈: The Guardian reports on the launch next week of the world's fastest train, 430kph, in China, which uses magnetic levitation technology.
If you refer to someone as a hotshot, you mean they are very good at a particular job and are going to be very successful. ...a bunch of corporate hotshots... She's a hotshot broker on Wall Street. N-COUNT: oft N n 罈: I was an undergraduate senior at the time and thought I was a hotshot C programmer.
n. = doubtIncredulous, doubting, or critical state of mind. '?F穢T織籀{2Doubt or denial with regard to a religion, esp. Christianity. '?FV???(T7*??)2Doctrines and beliefs of the skeptics. '?穡n織?繳 2
pony up (something)
[phrasal verb]to find or produce a particular amount of money? All investors had to pony up a minimum of $5000.罈: SCO wants every Linux user to pay up for this alleged use of its intellectual property, and the firm is threatening to sue anyone who doesn't pony up.
C.N.a list of the names of people on a sports team, in an organization etcon a roster?The club has outstanding players on the roster.roster of?The campaign has a roster of 500 volunteers.罈: The OSDL's roster includes: Cisco (Nasdaq: CSCO), Dell (Nasdaq: DELL), ....
"n.Revelation; discovery; disclosure. ?jKbjK?j2Grand or violent event resembling those described in St. John's book. @?A?j4]p 織?Fd?K@jF
C.N. 簪?_a place where people or animals can live peacefully or go to in order to be safehaven for?The riverbanks are a haven for wildlife.?St Ives, a haven for artists and hippies
[only before noun] formalbelieved or accepted by most people#the putative father of her child罈: I can't think of any real security reasons for alerting the entire nation, and any putative terrorist plotters, that the Administration believes there is a credible threat.
If you overstay your time, you stay somewhere for longer than you should. Up to forty per cent of the students had overstayed their visas. VB: no passive  = outstay
Adj.making you feel that something evil, dangerous, or illegal is happening or will happenthere is something/nothing sinister about somebody/something ?There was something sinister about Mr Scott's death.?There is a sinister side to these events.?He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.?a sinister atmosphere
U.N., V.when someone tries to get money from you or make you do what they want by threatening to tell other people your secrets
n. One who practices any art, study, or sport for pleasure but not for money. ?HK簫5(= R礙織5)2罈J This tennis tournament is only for amateurs. I;璽3VI- ??H5籀-2 One whose work lacks professional finish. ?8?W礙K&lt;=8{礙2罈J Whoever fixed your car must have been an amateur. 6?繳?織礙0?繡=8?(?98?簾?)2  adj.Of, relating to an amateur. ?H織2罈J He is an amateur golfer. _;?Hn[3穡{2
v.t.To move or incite to effort. CK簸%2罈J Men are actuated by various motives. 礙??4^?pC2 What actuated him to kill her? ??礙竄穢?OTo put into motion. 罈2罈J The connecting rod actuates the driving wheels of a locomotive. S簪?e?繳織瓊Z2
n.That which sharpens or makes into powder, as a millstone. D5KD?禮(簡#)2A molar tooth. ,?2
n.The male of pig. @A??2The wild hog. @A臘?2
v.t.To place alone, or in a separate situation. 簪??2To separate by, or enclose in, a material that will not conduct electricity, heat, etc. @6A簪?2罈J Our house is insulated so that it keeps warm inside in winter. 礙AA織o?]9???&lt;p?Yr??-1??2
"n.A narrow crack or opening; a gap. 簷[K簷2A means of evasion or escape; loophole. ?NKa2罈J a chink in the law 罈:織?N2w?Ja [the] chink in (sb's) armour @A( 礙織)aK(b?]織)?N2(~禱?: chinked; ~禱翹@?: chinked; .Xb
adj.Exposed to wind and cold; unsheltered. 瓣b穫?織K?穫織2Piercing; cold; cutting. j?織K癟織KF瓊織2罈J a bleak wind j?織癟?2(Of persons) gray and cheerless. (7礙)?繒織K?a織2
N. 織瞽 when someone uses another person's words, ideas, or work and pretends they are their own?The journal accused the professor of plagiarism.
adj. extremely stupid or sillysynonym ridiculous ?What an asinine remark!
adj.Ineffectual; useless; fruitless. Qx織KQX織K?織2Of no importance; worthless. =羸簣織KQ)l織2 罈:resistance is futile.
"v.t.To mark by pressure. ?2To stamp, as letters and words on paper, by means of inked types. 羶?K??2罈J The postman imprinted a postmark on the letter. %穫&amp;:羶%c2To impress deeply, as on the mind. ?k(籀])2罈J imprinting her smile, her look upon his memory 7穢織?A&lt;穢織QS?XH疆2 n.An impression, impress, or mark left by something. ??K?HK?2The publisher's or printer's name, usually with time and place of issue, on the title page or at the end of a book. 竅
"C.N.a type of court that is given official authority to deal with a particular situation or problem?The case of your redundancy will be heard by an independent tribunal. Gra: The top surviving leader of the Khmer Rouge, admitting he made ""mistakes,"" says he is willing to face an international genocide tribunal but denies that millions died during the group's reign of terror."
Adj.old and no longer used-synonym outdated-opposite modern?archaic words
Adj. [formal]showing that something is likely to be successfulopposite inauspiciousauspicious start/beginning? SaccaniIs excellent recording is an auspicious start to what promises to be a distinguished musical career.
Vt.to separate different ideas or pieces of information that have become confused together? It's very difficult to disentangle fact from fiction in what she's saying.
N, V.a large number of things that are scattered somewhere in an untidy way-synonym junkclutter of?the clutter of soaps, shampoos and towels in the bathroom?Could you get rid of some of that clutter in your bedroom?
Adj. [formal]done in a sensible and careful way? a judicious choice
adj. 簣f織
Adj. [formal]rich and successful?a prosperous landowner
C.N.a short description of the main parts of the news, on the radio or on televisionsynonym summaryround-up of?First, with a round-up of the dayIs local news, hereIs Paul Kirby.
Adj.consisting of short stories based on someone's personal experience?His findings are based on anecdotal evidence rather than serious research.
consonantA consonant is a sound such as `p', `f', `n', or `t' which you pronounce by stopping the air flowing freely through your mouth. Compare vowel. N-COUNT
A parenthetical remark or section is put into something written or spoken but is not essential to it. Fox was making a long parenthetical remark about his travels on the border of the country. ADJ: usu ADJ n
k1&lt;?? (H:X}???k1) If you preside over a meeting or an event, you are in charge. The PM presided over a meeting of his inner Cabinet... The presiding officer ruled that the motion was out of order. VERB: V over/at n, V-ing
pensionSomeone who has a pension receives a regular sum of money from the state or from a former employer because they have retired or because they are widowed or disabled. ...struggling by on a pension. ...a company pension scheme. N-COUNT
C.N. E臘羶[British English] the metal lid over the front of a car職?: hood ?I'll need to check under the bonnet.
A reef is a long line of rocks or sand, the top of which is just above or just below the surface of the sea. 1 An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay. N-COUNT
N.--be to/of no availif something you do is to no avail or of no avail, you do not succeed in getting what you want?We searched the whole area but all to no avail. Robbie had disappeared.
U.N. 2#1職#small stones, used to make a surface for paths, roads etc?a gravel path gravel pit (=a place where gravel is dug out of the ground)
?I v.1 If someone or something hampers you, they makes it difficult for you to do what you are trying to do. The bad weather hampered rescue operations... VERB: V n   2 A hamper is a basket containing food of various kinds that is given to people as a present. N-COUNT   3 A hamper is a large basket with a lid, used especially for carrying food in. N-COUNT
C.N. [formal]an unofficial title or name [= nickname]
V.1.to completely understand and begin to use new ideas, information etc hf6--synonym absorb?It will take time to assimilate all these facts.2. if people assimilate or are assimilated into a country or group, they become part of that group and are accepted by the people in that groupassimilate into?Refugees find it difficult to become assimilated into the community.
adj. ??You use haughty to describe someone's behaviour or appearance when you disapprove of the fact that they seem to be very proud and to think that they are better than other people. He spoke in a haughty tone. ADJ: usu ADJ n disapproval
n. g?
n. :
Vi.to shine softly-synonym glimmer? His teeth gleamed under his moustache.gleam with? The wooden panelling was gleaming with wax polish.
, ?&amp;#
C.N.a small house in the country:? a country cottage? We're staying in a holiday cottage in Dorset.
n. ??
adj. 9竅織
adj. ??織V. 簿?
2 瞻*,?*(?1?)If a machine or chimney belches something such as smoke or fire or if smoke or fire belches from it, large amounts of smoke or fire come from it. Tired old trucks were struggling up the road below us, belching black smoke... Suddenly, clouds of steam started to belch from the engine. VERB: V n, V from/out of n  = emit
v. n. ]e
C.N. (an object shaped like a wheel that you wind thread, wire etc around
C.N.someone who is often asked to give their opinion publicly of a situation or subjectpolitical/media/TV etc pundits ? If you believe the fashion pundits, we'll all be wearing pink this year.
C.N.someone whose job is to carry people's bags at railway stations, airports etc
n. 疆
A girder is a long, thick piece of steel or iron that is used in the framework of buildings and bridges. N-COUNT
If something foreshadows an event or situation, it suggests that it will happen. The disappointing sales figures foreshadow more redundancies... VERB: V n
1 If you say that something someone says or does is contrived, you think it is false and deliberate, rather than natural and not planned. There was nothing contrived or calculated about what he said... It mustn't sound like a contrived compliment. ADJ disapproval  = artificial !=spontaneous  2 If you say that the plot of a play, film, or novel is contrived, you mean that it is unlikely and unconvincing. The plot seems contrived. ADJ disapproval
N.something that causes trouble or makes people unhappybe the bane of something/somebody?Drugs are the bane of the inner cities.?Her brother is the bane of her life .
n.The science of antiquities, esp. the study of prehistoric remains or the relics of the early races of mankind. ?穡K3穡2Same as archeology. ?? archeology2
C.N.1. an activity that a lot of people are doing?The keep-fit bandwagon started rolling in the mid 80s.2. climb/jump/get on the bandwagonto start doing or saying something that a lot of people are already doing or saying - used to show disapproval?I don't want to look as if IIm jumping on a green bandwagon.
V. [formal]to officially introduce someone into an important place of honour at a special ceremonyinduct somebody into something?Barry was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 1987. 罈: IEEE INDUCTS 260 NEW FELLOWS FOR 2004
N, V,a fault in the way someone speaks which makes them pronounce 's' sounds as 'th':? She speaks with a slight lisp.
v. [transitive] to praise something or someone in order to persuade people that they are important or worth a lothis much touted musicalw:be touted as something罈:Nell is being touted as the next big thing in Hollywood.
"adj.Grown to maturity or perfection; ready for harvest. ?織K禮@織Kf瞽織2罈J rip grain or fruit @獺織p?F?2Brought to a state most fit for use; mellow. ??X;?織KH職瓊繚織2罈J ripe wine 繚?2Full developed; matured. 竅璽翹?織K@?織2罈J rip wisdom @?織穠?2*Ready to act; prepared. ??簫織2罈J He is ripe for the trouble. ""?瓊羅I;
Adj.clearly refusing to do what someone tells you to do?Mark smashed a fist on the desk in a defiant gesture.
Vt. [law]to promise to pay someone if something they own is damaged or lost
V.fizzle out [phrasal verb]to gradually stop happening, especially because people become less interested?Their romance just fizzled out.罈: SCO Group's legal moves over Linux will fizzle, but...
Adj. [literary]a situation or experience that is surreal is very strange and difficult to understand, like something from a dream? The house was a surreal mixture of opulence and decay.
Adj.weak and unable to move well or think clearly because you are ill or very tired?I felt really groggy after 15 hours on the plane.
n.Words, often obscene, scrawled in public places. (簡?X?癒dp織)繚?K?92
v.i.To cease; stop. 禮AK??2罈J I told them not to do it anymore, and he desisted. Azd=簣翻??罈&lt;簿??2
Vt. [formal] to state publicly that you do not approve of something-synonym condemn
C.N.a club at an American college or university that has only male members W穡織tO3
v.i.To prosper. q?2罈J Now that the highway is finished, the shopping center should thrive. fO?翹@繞&lt;v?]籀羅瞽q?禮繞2To grow vigorously; increase or flourish. SSA?Kq}Kq 2罈J Children thrive in the country air. ?AX9?穠S織:璽;1@禮2
1food that is cooked slowly in liquid in a covered dish in the oven chicken casserole2a deep covered dish used for cooking food in an oven
hopscotcha children's game in which each child has to jump from one square drawn on the ground to another 罈:Little girls played tag and stoop-ball, hopscotch, skipped rope; big girls sat under the pine tree and whispered.
Vt.to make a deep hole or cut in the surface of something?He took a knife and gouged a hole in the bottom of the boat.
A zine is a magazine about a particular subject, written by people who are interested in that subject rather than by professional journalists. N-COUNT  = fanzine
Vt.to love someone very much and feel very proud of them? Betty adores her grandchildren.
d Effluent is liquid waste material that comes out of factories or sewage works. (FORMAL) The effluent from the factory was dumped into the river... N-MASS  = waste
C.N. [formal]the place where someone lives? Military service entails frequent changes of domicile.
Vi, 簽a&gt;罈: He commentates on the basketball game. 簽a&gt;Ids3-He commentates for the ESPN. 礙ESPN礙簽a&gt;
"n.W], Vt. XW]罈: He tacks the picture on the door. XW]繙FX簞:H: tac/k =&gt; touch/ =&gt;W],X繞癒簪瞿RO""?("""
"U.N. (=礙)C 11$the ability to be careful about what you say or do, so that you do not upset or embarrass other people?With great tact, Clive persuaded her to apologize.罈: He deals with the problem with tact. 繡1$`?6I
"V. (=?h) ?W罈: a child with a distended belly. 0;???W織??H: dis/tend =&gt; away/stretch =&gt;?uS&lt;""&amp;h罈繞"""
Vt. i?罈: He wants to exterminate the rats in his house. #礙y疆]織1PH:ex/term/in/ate =&gt; out/end/ =&gt; 簪??*p
y To attest something or attest to something means to say, show, or prove that it is true. (FORMAL) Police records attest to his long history of violence... I can personally attest that the cold and flu season is here... VERB: V to n, V that
?h&gt;?If you detest someone or something, you dislike them very much. My mother detested him... Jean detested being photographed. VERB: V n/-ing, V n/-ing  = loathe H: de/test =&gt; away/witness =&gt; y?&lt;=#禱;
"V. 罈(3)If someone convenes a meeting or conference, they arrange for it to take place. You can also say that people convene or that a meeting convenes. (FORMAL) Last August he convened a meeting of his closest advisers at Camp David... Senior officials convened in October 1991 in London. VERB: V n, V H: con/vene =&gt; together/come =&gt; ""0禮~繞"" }-罈3"
Vt. [formal]if you are assailed by unpleasant thoughts or feelings, they worry or upset you?Carla was suddenly assailed by doubts.
"n.The cry of a hen or goose. (羸1?織)??瞽2Loud laugh. WA2Chatter; idle talk. zYK?繩2w?Jcut the cackle @!A@A???癒(礎9羸簣
When people squabble, they quarrel about something that is not really important. n.A noisy quarrel; wrangle; dispute. K]eK]'2 v.i.To wrangle or dispute in a noisy manner. W瞽]2罈J The squabbled over who would pay the check. A礙繞?c&lt;]2
n.A long, straight iron lever, flattened at one end. ewK?羸2
n.A leopard, esp. the black variety of southern Asia. 穢2
If somewhere is jam-packed, it is so full of people or things that there is no room for any more. (INFORMAL) His room was jam-packed with fruit, flowers, gifts etc. ADJ: oft ADJ with n  = packed  Morley:This place is 1)jam-packed! Wow! How can we get through everybody?  ?6JI`矇6繞1繩1AA簣&gt;穫J~I?礙O
C.N.a large supply of things that is kept ready for use in the future-synonym storestockpile of?a stockpile of nuclear weapons
adj.Of or representing two parties. ?織2Same as bipartizan. ?? bipartizan2罈J a bipartisan diplomacy ?0$_1織F?o?2
v.t. to express in a shorter, clearer, or different way what someone has said or written?To paraphrase Finkelstein, mathematics is a language, like English.罈: A format string vulnerability found in wuftp, paraphased for brevity.
"v.i.To walk through water, mud, snow, or other substance that hinders progress. 羶繒(穫d1F ])2罈J Cattle waded across the river. ??繒d~瓊2To move or proceed with difficulty or labor. 癒}bK?`b
v.t. To humor or pamper; treat too tenderly. 礙KK ?2罈J His parents coddled him because he was an only child. 織f羸礙K&lt;礙_?O?2
stash (v.)
v.t.To put away for future use. @Af禮繞?X2罈J The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter. 簧P繙s藩禮繞??YX2
Vi. ?簣if two armies, groups etc clash, they start fighting - used in news reports ?Troops clashed near the border.clash with ?Police have clashed with demonstrators again today.
"vt.(7b)1z(?)罈: Please pare the apple. 羶7;?z?.H:par/e =&gt; part/ =&gt; 禱?=繭簣織""6"""
n.One who begins a suit in a court of law. @罈A?zK禮d礙2
v.t.To strip or deprive of furnishings, equipment, means of defense, etc. ?禱?K繹?]?K??b??2To demolish. 簸2
C.N. [American English] someone who knows a lot about a particular subjectfood/fashion/sports etc maven ? A food maven could also be called a gourmet.
C.N.a statement or idea that you accept as true and use as a base for developing other ideas?The idea that there is life on other planets is the central premise of the novel.premise that?the premise that an accused person is innocent until they are proved guilty
v.i.To step aside. ?0?2 v.t.To dodge by stepping aside; avoid. 璽簪K簪}2罈J to sidestep a responsibility 3簪?+2
Vt. 癡nto make a liquid such as water or alcohol more pure by heating it so that it becomes a gas and then letting it cool. Drinks such as whisky are made this way? distilled water
Adv. [literary]because it is necessary
v.i.To brag; speak of oneself or one's belongings in loud and vain terms. @疆Ai?K 繚2罈J He boasts of his ancestors. i?織?x2To exult. 簸翻2
V.if plants wither, they become drier and smaller and start to die
n.Man's soft felt hat. @職Ag?織?m2
n.A place; locality. `矇Kdp2In plane geometry, any line or surface containing all points which satisfy given conditions and only such points. @穡A羹2Linear position of a gene on a chromosome. @O?A繳瞽:*織?G}?2
A schematic diagram or picture shows something in a simple way. This is represented in the schematic diagram below. ADJ: usu ADJ n
adj.Owing money. P疇織2Being under obligation; owing gratitude. 9? 織K??織2罈J I am much indebted to him for his kindness. ?織?&lt;A!礙O簸2*w?Jbe indebted to sb for sth O簸( 礙織??)KP( 礙...R)2
If someone is accomplished at something, they are very good at it. (FORMAL) She is an accomplished painter. ADJ
Adj.?穡6織&lt;?穡矇織  Pedagogical means concerning the methods and theory of teaching. (FORMAL) ...the pedagogical methods used in the classroom.
(7穡: curriculums, curricula )n.A prescribed regular course of study in a university, school, etc. 璽;2罈J The school curriculum includes cooking and sewing. 穡Q璽;5) 繳[92 the curriculum of arts 繚 璽;2
A contractor is a person or company that does work for other people or organizations. (BUSINESS) ...a major US defense contractor. N-COUNT: oft n N
a bottomless hole
sth that causes physical or mental suffering
C.N. [British English] 痧a bar fixed on the front and back of a car to protect it if it hits anythingAmerican Equivalent: fender
such that has more than one meaning (e.g. about a phrase)
to take possession of sth
annex it
chem: such that is related to water (e.g. an ... solution of potassium permanganate)
fig: quality or atmosphere of particular type (e.g. an ... of officialdom)
lit: an extreme greed
lit: warlike
exercises to keep fit, strong and healthy
a person or animal that captures another
to invent sth (e.g. a story or plan)
concoct it
to prepare sth by mixing things together (esp. sth unusual)
concoct it
to hang or swing loosely
to take sth away from sb, or to prevent sb from having it
deprive (sb of sth)
such that works hard in a careful and concientious way (e.g. about a worker)
form: to undress
such that is quiet and easily controlled; amenable (e.g. about an animal)
such that is full of pain and grief; mournful (d*)
a long period of time when no rain falls
to greatly astonish
to erase or remove sth
efface it
to make sth clear; to explain
elucidate it
to fill sb with great delight; to charm
enchant sb
form: to try hard to do sth; to strive
endeavour itendeavor it
to publicly support or approve of (sb or sth)
endorse (sb or sth)
to capture the complete attention or interest
to make use of sth in an unfair or selfish way (e.g. of an opportunity)
exploit it
such that covers or includes a great area
to praise sth enthusiastically
extol it
such that can be easily damaged
a thing or person that deceives people in an illegal or dishonest way
Adj.clothes, colours etc that are gaudy are too bright and look cheap - used to show disapproval癒翹gaudy jewelry
such that looks deathly white, pale, and ill (e.g. about a person) (g*)
to complain about sth in a bad-tempered, muted way; to whinge
to trouble or annoy sb
harass sb
a person whose views are in disagreement with those of the majority
an obstacle; obstruction
a defect that prevents fluent speech (e.g. lisp or stammer)
(speech) impediment
lit: never satisfied
Adj. willing to do dangerous things or go to dangerous places - often used humorously:* intrepid explorers
very angry; incensed
a danger (e.g. of a loss, harm , etc.)
C.N. especially American Englisha piece of rope, leather etc fastened to a dog's collar in order to control it
a lazy person; an idle
very profitable (e.g. business)
Adj. shining in a soft, gentle way:
form: to say unpleasant and untrue things about sb; to slander
malign sb
to interfere
meddle (in sth)
to repair sth
mend it
U.N. [literary] happiness and laughter癒翹 Her body began to shake with mirth.
a feeling of sickness (as if one is going to vomit)
to fail to give proper care and attention to sth
neglect it
such that occurs, is done or active by night (e.g. about a bird); a night-time
such that is extremaly fat (e.g. of a person)
Adj.no longer useful, because something newer and better has been invented癒翹 obsolete weapons
to sit somewhere (esp. on sth high or narrow)
to spread through every part of sth (esp. of a smell)
such that is unreasonably angry and upset (esp. in a childish way)
to plunder (esp. in wartime)
Adj. [formal]doing something that you have no right to do and that seems rude
such that is rejected as invalid (esp. by legal procedure)
instance of satisfying sth (esp. sb's thirst)
to renovate and redecorate sth
refurbish it (usu. be refurbished)
happiness, joy
such that does not speak much; reserved [r*]
Adj.1.careful, thorough, and exact癒翹a rigorous analysis of defence needs 癒翹the rigorous standards required by the college2. very severe or strict癒翹rigorous army training
state of being round
act of rescuing sth (oft. a ship or its cargo) from loss
the operative word
used when you repeat a word from a previous sentence to draw attention to its importance? The new system offers fast solutions. Fast being the operative word.
to break into many pieces
such that is avoided, or kept away from (e.g. about disliked person)
Adj.unclear because someone does not give enough detailed information or does not say exactly what they mean癒翹 The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan.vague about癒翹 Julia was vague about where she had been and what she had been doing.
such that occurs casually
to struggle
following (adj)
to yield
Adj [formal] speaking very little, so that you seem unfriendly
to fall short of sth (e.g. expectations)
Adj. [formal]not active because you are lazy or sleepy癒翹a torpid mind
Adj.someone who is treacherous cannot be trusted because they are not loyal and secretly intend to harm you癒翹a sly and treacherous woman 癒翹a treacherous plot to overthrow the leader
repo man
C.N. [American English] [informal] someone whose job is to repossess (=take away) cars that have not been paid for
a beginner
Adj.a non-binding agreement or decision does not have to be obeyed? The industry has signed a non-binding agreement to reduce pollution.
instance of being vain
when hell freezes over
[informal not polite] Z簫?簪繙*繞used to say that something will never happen
to defend with success
vindicatecf. convict
pale and sickly
a trick
to shrink into ridges (e.g. a forehead)
N. 簷獺a state of great anxiety or excitement, in which you cannot control your behaviourfrenzy of?a frenzy of religious feeling
"n.A study of the origin of words. ??穡2The account or history of such origin. ??""K???&gt;2"
boiled eggv`6礙?? hard-boiled eggz? soft-boiled egg
n.A wide-mouthed vessel shaped like a cone and used for pouring liquids into small openings. ??2The smokestack of a steamship or steam engine. ??K? 2Funnel-shaped part. ??簸織癒簪2Flue for ventilation. J??2 v.t.To pour through a funnel. 簪q~??2罈J He funnelled the oil into the bottle. X??7矇Bb&amp;?2To channel; concentrate. &gt;AK繹]2罈J They funnel most of their income into investments. A7WJ穡織f?/禱?繩2 v.i.To pass through or as if through a funnel. J~??Klq?~??\`J~2罈J The large crowd funnelled out of the gates after the basketball game. W穢織?nXs3-翹 簞?*2
v.t.To indicate by marks, lines, or a description, the limits of; point out; distinguish. IjK7*KpU2罈J These X-marks on the drawing designate all the possible entrances to the castle grounds. IF:織aJXH?Ij*p9b?臘Q?B織`矇2To name; nominate. 簫=K7=2罈J Mr. Walsh was designated chairman of the fund drive. 1n?xO?+簫礙* n{織k]2 I am designating you to act for me while I am away. A=Xra?6A2 adj.(Placed after the noun) chosen for an office but not yet installed. (?穫=?{翹)?7n&lt;JZa禮織2?X?Jdesignated hitter @A(3)7??繳{2
n.A frame or tripod as for holding a blackboard or picture. ?疆K 簪疆2
tba is an abbreviation for `to be announced'.tba is sometimes written in announcements to indicate that something such as the place where something will happen or the people who will take part is not yet known and will be announced at a later date. July 24: Australia v New Zealand (venue TBA).
U.N. W??Zanxious behaviour or activity that is usually about unimportant things?James said he'd better be getting back or there'd be a fuss . ?The Steamatic enables you to clean any carpet with the minimum of fuss .
Vi.rave about/over somethingto talk about something you enjoy or admire in an excited way-synonym enthuse?Now I understand why travelers rave about Lapland.?The customers were raving over our homemade chili.
keep somebody on their toes
to make sure that someone is ready for anything that might happen罈:They do random checks to keep workers on their toes.
V. to say something, especially about something you have just noticed:
continental breakfast
?b?@(繭[??繳O(織@)2 A continental breakfast is breakfast that consists of food such as bread, butter, jam, and a hot drink. There is no cooked food. N-COUNT
old timer
C.N.[especially American English] an old man
Adj.ambient temperature/light etc[technical] the temperature etc of the surrounding areaambient music/soundsa type of modern music or sound that is slow, peaceful, and does not have a formal structure
hunker down
[phrasal verb]to bend your knees so that you are sitting on your heels very close to the ground-synonym squat
Someone or something that is sturdy looks strong and is unlikely to be easily injured or damaged. The camera was mounted on a sturdy tripod. ADJ  = robust
"v.t.To give up a claim to; forego. n繫K羶繫2罈J The lawyer waived the privilege of cross-examining the witness. 罈[n繫?y礙織:Y2To dispense with; defer. }?K&amp;2罈J It's a very serious problem and we can't waive it aside as though it were no concern of ours. ?_;瓣羸
1. if you renounce an official position, title, right etc, you publicly say that you will not keep it any more
n.The act of plunging or the state of being plunged into a fluid. ??K穡?2Absorption, as in a task. 繒~K8籀2Baptism by submerging the whole person in water. 穡?2?X?Jimmersion heater 穡穫d]{+獺?(7t穫+}織竅獺?穫璽])
C.N. Za machine part consisting of a wheel or bar with teeth on it, which allows movement in only one direction
"n.Tendency not to move; lack of activity; sluggishness. WKjkK瞽=2That property by virtue of which matter tends to remain at rest, resting, or, if moving, to move uniformly in the same straight line unless it is acted upon by some outside force. @6A?W2??5v?&lt;5簡QF?k?{&lt;wv?礎$矇AyOb
n.The willful breaking of an oath or solemn promise. ?羸?02The willful giving, under oath, of false testimony. @罈A簫y2
Adj. [formal]providing instructioninstructional programmes/materials/techniques etc ? a free instructional video.
N. V.]&lt;???
n. 簞:織礙??
n.Clothing or dress. ?=K=2v.t.To clothe. 簪?K?2罈J The queen came out, appareled in her finest clothing. 繚&gt;簪?穢0職織?=*.2To fit out. }?2罈J ships appareled for fight ?`{?2To adorn. .2?X?Japparel department (v?{)=2
v.t.To inoculate with a vaccine, as that of cowpox, in order to prevent an attack of smallpox. ^K?^?(against)2 n.A vaccinated individual. ??^?5K??@b52 罈:Three international health organizations yesterday urged countries in Asia where avian influenza is spreading to consider large-scale vaccination programs to protect billions of healthy birds.
C.N.a difficult situation or problem, especially one in which you cannot decide what to doin a quandary? Kate was in a quandary over whether to go or not.
stub out
(繙??)4? When someone stubs out a cigarette, they put it out by pressing it against something hard. Signs across the entrances warn all visitors to stub out their cigarettes. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron)  = put out
N.somebody's namesakeanother person, especially a more famous person, who has the same name as someone?Like his famous namesake, young Washington had a brave, adventurous spirit.[罈] Like its ancient namesake, a Trojan virus arrives in someone's e-mail loking like a gift, a JPEG picture or a video, for example, but actually bearing dangerous cargo.
N.an angry protest by a lot of ordinary people?The closure of the local hospital has caused a huge public outcry .outcry against/about/over?a national outcry about the lack of gun control laws
n.Neglect or failure to do something required. 聶-K穠?2Something left out. 1?KZ簸2?X?Jsin of omission =?礙{?(=簡癒5?{簽簸y)2
lion's share
If a person, group, or project gets the lion's share of something, they get the largest part of it, leaving very little for other people. Military and nuclear research have received the lion's share of public funding. N-SING: usu the N of n 罈: Present-day disassembler are rather intelligent, and perform the lion's share of work when recognizing the key structures.
sardinen.A small fish of the herring family, good for food when preserved in oil. ?1?2 One of several related fishes. 簧^( ??{02罈J packed like sardines ?藩?1?0S2
1 To justify a decision, action, or idea means to show or prove that it is reasonable or necessary. No argument can justify a war... Ministers agreed that this decision was fully justified by economic conditions. VERB: V n, V n   2 To justify printed text means to adjust the spaces between the words so that each line of type is exactly the same length. (COMPUTING) Click on this icon to align or justify text. VERB: V n
U.N.a feeling of extreme unhappiness?Luke's behaviour caused his parents great distress.in distress?The girl was crying and clearly in distress.
An appreciable amount or effect is large enough to be important or clearly noticed. (FORMAL) ADJ: usu ADJ n  = significant
"n.The moral sense or consciousness within oneself which determines right and wrong. Y?K?籀2罈J My conscience forbids me to do wrong. A織?籀=aA?罈2Conduct in accordance with one's sense of right. ??籀p
v.t. &amp; v.i.To change for the better; improve; correct. ?Ki?Ki2罈J I would advise you to amend your manners. A(?i??織{?2To change formerly or with authority. ??i?2罈J In 1865 the Constitution was amended to outlaw slavery in the United States. 0???瞻職;??i璽&lt;&gt;?繫瞻礙?2
adj.Inharmonious; jarring; full of noise and strife. =翹織K]'織K8 織K?簣織2Out of harmony. @2A=翹織2
n.A meeting of the leaders or members, as of a political party, to discuss party policies. @職Ao穢3?2v.i.To hold a caucus. @職A罈o穢3?2
Adj.almost impossible to see or notice?Such changes are imperceptible to even the best-trained eye.
"n. The beginning ; commencement; first stage. 罈K罈羶KM?2 罈J The movement was successful from its inception. {(
N.a small tree with smooth shiny dark green leaves that do not fall in winter 8rilaurels [plural] honours that you receive for something you have achieved ?0?academic laurels
adj.Out of the common course of nature. ?~;h織KZ?織2Having the qualities or appearance of a monster; teeming with monsters. 藩Z?織Ku/Z?織2Enormous; huge. W織K瞼W織2罈J a monstrous fire W?2Horrible; hideous; causing disgust. ?h?瓣2
v.t.To make certain; find out; determine definitely by test or examination. 礙?K?K&gt;Ky2罈J I ascertained that he was not here. A礙?=XI2
Vt. [formal] 聶to tell someone severely that they have done something wrongadmonish somebody for (doing) something?The witness was admonished for failing to answer the question.
n.A precious stone, with colors in stripes, clouds, etc. ??2A boy's playing marble. (???=)x2A small size of type, approximately 5 1/2 point. 0^????2?X?Jagate line 8?zW?織?}2
n.Member of a municipal governing body; councilman. @職A2o??K2?
n.A movable cover for an opening, as of a box; top. 羶2The cover of the eye. l?Kl穫2
N.[singular] a strong feeling that you like and understand someone or somethingaffinity with/for/between?his remarkable affinity with animals
Adj. +W織behaving in an unreasonable way, especially by deliberately doing the opposite of what people want you to do?He gets perverse satisfaction from embarrassing people.
U.N. [formal] ? 簷the relationship between a cause and the effect that it has
Adj.not special or interesting in any waysynonym ordinary? a run-of-the-mill performance罈: Low-power, low-cost, and with roughly 45 times the data trasmission speed of run-of-the-mill Wi-Fi.
Vt.to stop someone from doing something, by making them realize it will be difficult or have bad results?The company's financial difficulties have deterred potential investors.
繫iIf someone tampers with something, they interfere with it or try to change it when they have no right to do so. I don't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence... VERB: V with n
v.t. To postpone or delay intentionally and habitually. (礙u?F?W織)m!2 v.i. To put off doing something, especially out of laziness. 羅羅(Jh礙禮&amp;)2
once and for alla) if you deal with something once and for all, you deal with it completely and finally Let's settle this matter once and for all.b) British English spoken used to emphasize your impatience when you ask or say something that you have asked or said many times before  Once and for all, will you switch off that television!
beauty is in the eye of the beholderused to say that different people have different opinions about what is beautiful
C.N. [formal] ?禱a small gift of money given to someone for a service they provided-synonym tip
Adj.fraught with problems/difficulties/danger etcfull of problems etc?Their marriage has been fraught with difficulties.罈: The MSASN1 library is fraught with integer overflows.
??swath1. a long thin area of something, especially land swathe of The bomb had left a swathe of the town centre in ruins. A swathe of sunlight lay across the floor.2. a long thin area of grass or plants that has been cut down We cut a swathe through the dense undergrowth.3.cut a swathe through something to destroy a large amount or part of something
lose ground
to become less successful compared with someone or something you are competing with The Indian team seem determined to regain the ground they lost in the last game.
n.A temporary delay in carrying out the sentence of a judge. A2Warrant granting such delay. A2A temporary relief from pain or escape from danger. ?K( )K?[(癒?)2 v.t.To grant a delay of punishment to. @罈A繹繡A2罈J At the last moment the prisoner was reprieved for three weeks. X0翹0k?礙瞽A9;OO2To free temporarily from pain, danger, or the like. ?}穫( 1癒?y)\((from))2
&lt;穩O織An embryonic process, idea, organization, or organism is one at a very early stage in its development. (FORMAL) ...Romania's embryonic democracy. ...embryonic plant cells. ADJ: usu ADJ n
C.N.a short attempt at doing a particular job or activity, especially one that is very different from what you usually doforay into?It will be my first foray into local government. ?Wright is about to make his first foray into the music business.
n.A large South American vulture of the highest Andes. (?職bR{)p)2 k:kevin mitnick織?
"Vt. [usually passive]to make someone or something famous for a long time, especially by writing about them, painting a picture of them etc? Dickens' father was immortalized as Mr Micawber in 'David Copperfield'.罈: kevin mitnick: The first hacker to have his face immortalized on an FBI ""Most Wanted"" poster."
whiz (n.)
C.N. [informal] someone who is very fast, intelligent, or skilled in a particular activity?a math whiz罈:kevin mitnick : He also appeared on ABC's Alias as a CIA computer whiz.
n.A support or stay. !K_!2Property. @癒?A?禮2*罈: Mitnick was only allowed to use prop computers. Propeller. @穠A礙羶#v.t.To support by placing something under or against; sustain; stay; hole. _1K_?K?12罈J Use this chair to prop the door open. XI繙5??&lt;?簞罈?2To rest against a support. _1K?12罈J She propped up his spirits. 穢CN?織簾?2
O?h 1 A mothball is a small ball made of a special chemical, which you can put among clothes or blankets in order to keep moths away. N-COUNT   2 If someone in authority mothballs a plan, factory, or piece of equipment, they decide to stop developing or using it, perhaps temporarily. (JOURNALISM) ...the decision to mothball the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, for safety and political reasons... VERB: V n
Vt. ??EQto use a legal process to send someone who may be guilty of a crime back to the country where the crime happened in order to judge them in a court of lawextradite somebody to/from Britain/the US etc ?They are expected to be extradited to Britain to face trial.
If something is astounding, you are shocked or amazed that it could exist or happen. The results are quite astounding. ADJ  = amazing, astonishing 罈: Not only is he respected for his astounding skills as a programmer, but Raymond is also valued as a fierce defender of the Open Source Movement
adj.Pertaining to death. 竄?織2Deadly; fatal. $簫織2
n.A version; translation. +?2The act or style of performing, representing, or interpreting. DK?.K?羶2罈J the rendition of a piece of music #2{D2
reel (n.)
n. Any of various devices consisting of a revolving frame for winding yarn, rope, or the like. 瞽?K瞽(KQ繳2 A bobbin. @!A(2 v.t. To wind on a frame or bobbin. ?穫Q繳F(:2 To draw in by winding. 瞽f((in))2罈J to reel in fish 7?羅禮2 W&amp;G: GRACE: Yes, yes, yes! That is exactly right! Oh, my god, I feel like the miracle worker. [PUTS KAREN'S HAND TO HER FACE AND NODS, IMITATING THE MIRACLE WORKER] Good, Karen, good! KAREN: All right, honey, Reel it in. I get it.
Vt.to make someone feel upset and angry because of something that is unfair? It really galled him to see Anita doing so well now.
n.Any of a genus (Luffa) of plants of the gourd family with white flowers and large fruits; also, its fruit. 瞽 2The fibrous skeleton of the fruit of a loofah used as a sponge. 瞽 ?2 W&amp;G: GRACE: Loofah. [WILL HANDS GRACE THE LOOFAH SPONGE.]
A supremacist is someone who believes that one group of people, usually white people, should be more powerful and have more influence than another group. ...a white supremacist group. N-COUNT: oft N n   white supremacist8簫礙#:k?9
Trev:Trinny 3)knows this town like the back of her hand.  D?JD?=I;`矇?簡7翹2
"O"" 1 A galaxy is an extremely large group of stars and planets that extends over many billions of light years. Astronomers have discovered a distant galaxy. N-COUNT 簞瓊+  2 The Galaxy is the extremely large group of stars and planets to which the Earth and the Solar System belong. The Galaxy consists of 100 billion stars. N-PROPER: the N   3 If you talk about a galaxy of people from a particular profession, you mean a group of them who are all famous or important. He is one of a small galaxy of Dutch stars on German television. N-SING: N of n  = array (c) HarperCollins Publishers."
Vi. [written]to stick out from somewhereprotrude from?The envelope was protruding from her bag.
[singular] someone who can do many different types of work, but who often is not very skilled at any of them
adj.Glowing with heat; white with intense heat; brilliant; shining; clear. 獺竅y織K簫獺織K&gt;?織K竅y織K5&gt;織2?X?Jincandescent lamp 簫獺+繪2
n.A silver-white metallic element (Mg; at. no. 12; at. wt. 24.305) that burns with a brilliant light. @FA簡(sPV? MgK??聶 12K??藩 24.305)2?X?Jmagnesium light 簡y(繪)2magnesium oxide WF簡2magnesium pemoline @2A簡??(X繞j簸??+癒織?)2
"n. A farming implement for turning up the soil in preparation for planting. 簣2 Any implement that works in a similar way. l簣{禮2罈J a snowplow 簣K禮 ?2w?Jput one's hand to the plow ?{?2 under the plowE^]2 v.t.To turn up with a plow; till. 簣EKE2罈J We will plow the field soon after the last frost. 0翹0Q;L翹&lt;AAaE`2 To cut a way through (water). d(?)}
adj.Wordy; full of words; using too many words. ?禮織KJ0織KX50織2
adj.Having holes resulting from wear; torn. 簪d織Kd職織2罈J a ragged coat d職{F?2Clothed in tattered garments. ???h織2罈J a ragged fellow ?=?h{礙2Rough; jagged, as a stone. 籀=z織K)(=瞿織(簡#)2w?Jon the ragged edge X?h癒?織簸{;2 run (sb) ragged@職A簪( 礙)_?簾璽?K簪~穫簡?[羸]&lt;繳e2?X?Jragged edge (?簸織繙K?糧繙K0F繙K繙2
adj.Careless in matters of duty, business, etc.; neglectful. =?織K聶-織2w:remiss in parents who are remiss in their dutieswit was remiss of somebody to do something It was remiss of the social services not to notify the police.
n.A large catlike beast of prey, with a beautiful spotted skin of yellow and black. @A穢2Some similar animal, such as the jaguar, cheetah, or ounce. 穢??(職b穢1??穢1 穢y)2w?JA leopard never changes its spots. @*A?癒Ci&lt;\W+2
adj.Producing abundantly; fruitful; reproductive; characterized by great resourcefulness of thought or imagination; inventive. JR織K??織KJ穠織K羹瞼P?織2Capable of developing or reproducing. @O?A-O禮織K-O璽織2Promoting productiveness. ~%OR織2?X?Jfertile egg 簾瞼2the fertile Crescent ?糧z8~(?瞽G`?~織zC?`pK]癒繚&gt;織竅?`)2
The ramifications of a decision, plan, or event are all its consequences and effects, especially ones which are not obvious at first. The book analyses the social and political ramifications of AIDS for the gay community. N-COUNT: usu pl, oft with poss
癒0瞿簫Sensationalist news reports and television and radio programmes present the facts in a way that makes them seem worse or more shocking than they really are. ...sensationalist headlines... ADJ disapproval
"n.A game of cards played by one person. (0礙??{)I
Adj. [spoken informal] 8織1.legal or allowed by official rules ?Don't worry, the deal's strictly legit.2. honest and not trying to deceive people ?Are you sure he's legit?
N, V.the worry, disappointment, or unhappiness you feel when something unpleasant happenswith/in dismay? They stared at each other in dismay.[Prison break] 瞿?m癒: My family and i are more than dismayed by judge kessler's decision to allow the exhumation of my brother.
U.N.written language in its usual form, as opposed to poetry
V. [formal]liken somebody/something to somebody/something phrasal verbto say that someone or something is similar to another person or thingsynonym compare? Critics have likened the new theater to a supermarket.
n.A wrong naming or name. ?aK_?織=a2 Herbal `tea' is something of a misnomer because these drinks contain no tea at all. N-COUNT: usu a N in sing
[singular] formala mixture of different thingsmelange of? The population is a melange of different cultures.
C.N.an unusual or unexpected feature that something has?one of the many idiosyncrasies of English spelling罈: It is often difficult for a retargetable compiler to generate code as efficient as that of an ordinary compiler because special cases and machine idiosyncrasies are harder to exploit.
U.N. bdthe small drops of water that form on outdoor surfaces during the night
pan (v.)
Vt. [informal] to strongly criticize a film, play etc in a newspaper or on television or radio?The movie was panned by the critics.
Vt. [formal] to pay attention to someone's advice or warning* If she had only heeded my warnings , none of this would have happened.
C.N.someone in the past whose job was to make written copies of official documents
adj.Furnishing aid or help; supplementary. ?織KD?織2Of or pertaining to a subsidy, or grant of money. ? 織2Secondary; subordinate. Q簣織Kt?織n.One that gives aid or supplies; a helper. ?5K??5K?{2Company owned by another company. t??(2
adj.Being more than is needed or wanted; excessive; needless. JH織K~?織K=繭簣織2
take the plunge
to decide to do something important or risky, especially after thinking about it for a long time We took the plunge and set up our own business.
Adj.very easy to notice-opposite inconspicuous?The notice must be displayed in a conspicuous place.?a bird with conspicuous white markings?I felt very conspicuous in my red coat.
n.An appeal for aid or protection. ?$Kr?2罈J to have recourse to the law d(罈2The person or thing to which one turns for aid. r?F?$織=?2罈J His purse was a recourse for all the needy. 織R5s?礙{p$2Liability of the endorser of a negotiable instrument. @罈A羶rO織:K-R:2w?Jhave recourse to r?穫...K?X....(礙{疇)2 without recourse(a)@vA@罈A=?O織羶r(羹(礙pX織繚?)2(b)=r?穫((to))2
Adj. [formal]worried about something that has happened or will happen?William looked a little perturbed.
v.t.To crush; silence; disconcert. @A繳職K簪K簪?&amp;2罈J The police squelched the uprising before it became violent. ?矇X瓣繙?簸繪}a繙糧?繳;繞繞2罈:This problem is exacerbated if the script writer decides to squelch all script output until the final line to keep the user from beingdistracted. v.i.To splash through water, slush, or mire. (Xd1])?*&lt;~2
V. to become unsteady and then fall over, or to make something do thistopple over? A stack of plates swayed, and began to topple over.
n. 繫?a small axe with a short handle
Adj.not true, or not real?a fictitious address ?The author fills this real town with fictitious characters.
C.N.1.a large group of insects, especially bees, moving together2.a crowd of people who are moving quicklyswarm of?Swarms of tourists jostled through the square.
If an electronic measuring device gives you a readout, it displays information about the level of something such as a speed, height, or sound. The system provides a digital readout of the vehicle's speed... N-COUNT
n.Colorless flammable gas C3H8 found in natural gas and petroleum, used as a fuel. @FAI'26??礙C3H82  Propane is a gas that is used for cooking and heating. ...a propane gas cylinder. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n
n.Anything that cannot be done without; a necessity. 繭0簽K簣&amp;2罈J Fresh air is a requisite of life. ??穠S礙O簫{簣P2 adj.So needful that it cannot be done without; necessary. 繭0織K0簣織2罈J a requisite amount of food 繭0織?藩2 Decision is a quality requisite for a commander. 穠癟礙7H繭禮織}-2
N.the effects of an action or event, especially bad effects that continue for some timerepercussion for?The collapse of the company had repercussions for the whole industry.
anything but
?;V=罈:Maria is anything but stupid!
Vt.to use your power, influence etc in order to make something happen? They exerted considerable influence within the school. ? Environmental groups are exerting pressure on the government to tighten pollution laws.
n.The study of the existence, nature, and powers of God, esp. as affecting man; the science of religion. ?穡2A coherent body of theological doctrine; theological theory or system. ?穡6K?穡穡62罈J natural theology f?穡2
n.Fragments; rubbish. 職wK??2Loose pieces of rock at the base of a mountain. @`A(癒瞿;織)??2罈J A landslide brings down tons of debris. 癒Ynf;W藩織職?#2
v.t.To beat; batter. @職A@A繹?2罈J I'll clobber you if you don't do what you are told. w簡?=?Y?織?&lt;A3羸?2To defeat; trounce. 簪??2To attack fiercely and continually. g簽S翹?繳2罈J The government's going to clobber the unions if they don't agree to the new prices and incomes plan. w簡3=&lt;??織?)翹p?8?,o?7簣瓣璽?繳A2
n.A plot; a secret combination of persons, as for an unlawful purpose. ?0K繹0K?礙?2Group of conspirators. ?0H2Agreement between two or more persons for the performance of an unlawful act. @罈A癒02?X?Jconspiracy of silence [=竅]??2
adj. Pertaining to, or imparting, motion. @6A織K{織2罈J the kinetic theory (of gases) S{2 kinetic energy. @6A-2?X?Jkinetic theory (of gases) @6A(S)?2
N. [formal] a particular quality in someone's character
Adj. [formal]relating to the way that a book, magazine etc is written?a detailed textual analysis of the Bible
n.A fictitious story, esp. one intended to teach a useful or moral truth, in which, usually, animals talk and act like human beings. 繳0(h?礙F???&gt;)2A myth or legend. ?癒K瓊w2A fictitious statement, specif. a lie. ?羶{罈&lt;穢7:癒2Plot of a dramatic or epic poem. @Ab繚1?織繭簸2Idle tale. 穠繩K癒 v.i.To write or tell stories of one's own invention; lie. ?:K?羶2 v.t.To pretend; relate falsely. ?羶K??2
n.Sleeplessness; chronic wakefulness. @?AaPKaP繩K禮O織aP2罈J Insomnia is often caused by overwork. aPh羸~?p$2
N. [formal]in the vicinity (of something)in the area around a particular place?The stolen car was found in the vicinity of the station.
Adj.if you are equivocal, you are deliberately unclear in the way that you give information or your opinion-synonym ambiguous?His answer was equivocal.?She was rather equivocal about her work.
n.The North American reindeer. @A(G職b)瓣簪2 罈:繙織瓊?:Never try to milk a caribou.
knock it off
[spoken] used to tell someone to stop doing something, because it is annoying you 繙織瓊?: Knock it off. We'll just make another basket.
n.A large North American deer resembling the European elk. @A(職b)罈2 繙織瓊?]織??禱簪
C.N.a young insect with a soft tube-shaped body, which will later become an insect with wingssynonym grub
Vi.to twist your face in an ugly way because you do not like something, because you are feeling pain, or because you are trying to be funnygrimace at?She grimaced at her reflection in the mirror.?She sipped the whisky and grimaced.CSI: She looks around and grimaces at the various items on the shelves.
n.A burial place; cemetery. ?`K瓊d2 CSI: GIL GRISSOM: Sorry. Welcome to Forensics. Gil Grissom. I'm your supervisor on graveyard.
C.N. [technical] an official written statement saying that a right, legal process etc can be waived CSI: GIL GRISSOM: Of course you do. Then if you'll just sign these waivers for personal injury or death while in the line of duty, we can begin our shift.
tread (n.)
Noun. the pattern of lines on the part of a tyre that touches the road CSI: CATHERINE WILLOWS: Why don't you print that tread and see how good you are?
N. [literary] a family relationship? the ties of kinship罈:Throughout history, various tribes have adopted symbolic totems that represent the continuation of their ancestral kinships.
adj.Ample; plentiful; more than enough. ?織K?羹織Ku瓊織2罈J an abundant supply u6織??2 an abundant harvest ?f2 There is abundant proof. 9u瓊織y2Amply supplied. 羹穫2罈J The river is abundant in shrimp. I?瓊織??繡J2
adj.Internal; not foreign. ;?織K?;F織2罈J an intestine war ?`2 n.The bowels. 穡K?2罈J large intestine W穡2 small intestine ?穡2
trace element
1. a chemical element that your body needs a very small amount of to live2. a chemical element that only exists in small amounts on Earth
v.t.To dig or hollow out; scoop or cut into. F?K?穠K?簪Kc2罈J The workmen excavated dirt and rocks with a steam shovel. 礙癡簫?O翹#]2To bring to light by digging. 竅?2罈J to excavate the ruins of ancient cities 竅?臘{穠2
foot locker
a large strong box that you keep your things in, used especially by soldiers
n.A small, egglaying, water mammal of Australia, having a ducklike bill; the ornithorhynchus, or duckbill. X穠KXd穡2
adj.Pertaining to the stomach. 籀織2  gastric fluid 籀?2gastric fever 籀獺2gastric juice 籀璽2
n.A substance that causes fermentation, as yeast, mold, etc. 竅瞼?K瞼羸2Fermentation. 竅瞼2Excitement or agitation. 簸Kg2罈J He was in a ferment of anger. W礙簸B2v.t.To produce fermentation in. 簪竅瞼2To excite. 簫2罈J The rebel leaders tried to ferment a revolution by blaming the government for the lack of food in the country. T簡織H&gt;5;?j?繞??o?&lt;V1FC?簫2
n.A ferment formed in the gastric juice of the stomach. @OFA籀璽PK籀羶簫礎2A preparation of this substance, used in medicine to aid digestion. ?籀?2Also, pepsine.
n.An American mammal which, when pursued, ejects an offensive liquid. \2Contemptible person. ?I織礙v.t.To beat (an opponent in a game) very badly. (X-]) 繳(繙{)2w?JLet every man skin his own skunk. @*A4礙 糧簞} 2
n.An animal akin to the squirrel, rat, and beaver, covered with spines or sharp quills. @A??Kj?2
C.N. [British English]a group of people who travel with an important person?the president and his entourage
N. 1. the act of suddenly taking control of something, especially by forceseizure of? the Fascist seizure of power in 19223. a sudden condition in which someone cannot control the movements of their body, which continues for a short timesynonym fit? He had an epileptic seizure .
put a damper on something
to make something less enjoyable, active, or great than it could have been?A couple of knee injuries put a damper on his football career.
adj.Logically connected and developed; consistent. ?6S?織K}翹0$織2w?Ja coherent argument 9?6織?2
adv.Besides; further; also. ?FK&lt;DK繪K翻52 You use moreover to introduce a piece of information that adds to or supports the previous statement. (FORMAL) She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing her strangely... ADV: ADV with cl (not last in cl)
adj.Not pointed or acute. =F瓊織K=織2Dull; stupid. 瞽=織KJX織2罈J an obtuse person X礙2(Angle) greater than 90 degrees. =織(W穫90?織)2?X?Jobtuse angle @穡A=2obtuse leaf @=A=y2obtuse triangle @穡A=9?2
"adj. Affected with, or causing, nausea or vomiting. bD織K?D織K$D織2 Fastidious; squeamish. 繕織K~穫`織2 Presenting difficulties; delicate. 8?籀?6織K{織2 Same as queazy. ?? queazy2 罈J a queasy question ?6{
?}?  A nightcap is a drink that you have just before you go to bed, usually an alcoholic drink. Perhaps you would join me for a nightcap? N-COUNT CSI: NICK STOKES: Did you two have a nightcap?
Vt. to gently bite someone in a loving way?He began to nibble her ear affectionately.CSI: next thing I know, she's nibbling on my earlobe and ...
V.to gently rub or press your nose or head against someone to show you like them?Evan leaned forward and began nuzzling her shoulder.nuzzle against?The horses were nuzzling up against each other.CSI: (The BRUNETTE stands in front of him and takes off her top. He starts to nuzzle her breast. She waits.)
interj.(Expressing encouragement or admiration) Bravo; That's the boy! @職A@A簫??(簸1?~?)2
羅獺 1 A swab is a small piece of cotton wool used by a doctor or nurse for cleaning a wound or putting a substance on it. N-COUNT   2 If you swab something, you clean it using a wet cloth or a tool called a mop. I noticed a lone man in the cafeteria swabbing the floor as I passed. VERB: V n CSI: NICK STOKES: I'll swab your gums see if we can find out what made you pass out.
A follicle is one of the small hollows in the skin which hairs grow from. N-COUNT   hair follicle 繳2 CSI: WARRICK BROWN: Look at the end of the follicles.
S繳A sac is a small part of an animal's body, shaped like a little bag. It contains air, liquid, or some other substance. The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs. N-COUNT
V. [informal] to suddenly pull something quickly and with forceyank something out/back/open etc?One of the men grabbed Tom's hair and yanked his head back. ?Nick yanked the door open.CSI: WARRICK BROWN: That's pulp when the human hair is yanked out like this.
v.t.To pollute or make impure. ?繳K42罈J The river was contaminated with waste from the factory. I?瓊??*織??繳繞2 CSI: HOLLY GRIBBS: Ma'am, I told you, if you let them in it will contaminate the scene.
Vi. [formal]to happen after or as a result of somethingensue from ? problems that ensue from food and medical shortagesCSI: WARRICK: I understand that. But the evidence is telling us something different. So I'm going to ask you again, just one more time -- before you shot the deceased did a struggle ensue?
v.t.To cry out sharply; utter with a sharp, shrill cry. FK竅*F瓊{瞽2 v.i.To utter a sharp, shrill cry; scream. 竅*F瓊{瞽K??2罈J The girl shrieked when she saw the mouse. ?瞿?0罈`1P&lt;aF禮繞2 n.A piercing scream; a shrill outcry. FKF瞽2
n.A handle, esp. of a sword or dagger. 繫K0翻織繫2w?J(up) to the hilt 翹?`K矇?`2 CSI: LIQUOR STORE OWNER: (screaming) This is my popsicle stand -- I'll defend it to the hilt if I have to!
n. A physical collapse. ?=_2 Failure of a machine to continue working. ??u?2 Decomposition. @FA6K2 CSI: GREG SANDERS: In 20 seconds, this'll give us a complete chemical breakdown right down to the atom.
N. 0?w?a set of artificial teeth worn by someone who does not have their own teeth any longersynonym false teeth
have/take a gander at something
[spoken] to look at something
sworn statement/evidence/testimony etc
a statement etc that someone makes after officially promising to tell the truthCSI: WARRICK BROWN: I have a sworn statement stating he never wore the victim's shoe.
n.The application of scientific techniques in collecting and analyzing physical evidence in criminal cases. A罈穡(8簞YX 穡矇f繹76???禮y織穡)2
Vi. ?vto look at something for a long time, especially with your mouth open, because you are very surprised or shocked-synonym staregape at?What are all these people gaping at?
v.i.To utter words in a low voice with lips almost closed; murmur. ~瞽[繳竅0K糧糧`?2罈J She's muttering to herself. 穢糧糧 ?2To sound with low, rumbling noises, as thunder. 竅*~繒繞繞瞽(簡'瞽)2 v.t.To utter low and indistinctly. 竅[繳=5{?K~&lt;[繳`?2 n.Indistinct utterance; a murmur; a grumble. ~?K糧糧K獺X2
adj.Contrived. ?~]8織K??織2 CSI: PAUL MILLANDER: A staged suicide?. You're kidding, right? I swear on my kids I've never seen that man before in my life.
V. it transpires that[formal] if it transpires that something is true, you discover that it is true?It now transpires that he kept all the money for himself.
n.One who has dropped out, as from school. ]D0穡織礙2A person who drops out of conventional society. 0瓊癒n3織礙2A spot on a magnetic tape from which information has disappeared. (簽f:)??a2罈: Hoff, a 20-year-old software developer and college dropout, is the son of a former DEC computer repairman
Adj.1. frightening and terrible-synonym horrific?a horrendous experience2. [informal] extremely unreasonable or unpleasant? The traffic was horrendous.
Adj. 穡?織someone who is cunning is clever and good at deceiving people in order to get what they wantsynonym crafty? a cunning opponent
n.A form, as of sand or metal, in which anything is cast or shaped. Q?Kt罈2The shape in which a thing is cast; form. t@織?簸KQ罈2 v.t.Make or form into shape. ?P2罈J He molded clay into busts. X藩O-?z?藩2 Hardship molded his character. 糧?P繞織;W2
do time
1. to spend a period of time in prison Paul was doing time for burglary.CSI: KRISTY HOPKINS: You wanna give me 20 bucks?NICK STOKES: You wanna do time?
C.N. a pink or red mark on the skin, or a coloured mark on something CSI: NICK STOKES: You know, I just came from a trick roll downtown. The victim's mouth had similar blotching.
out cold
1.[informal] unconscious He drank until he was out cold.  You were knocked out cold (=hit on the head so that you became unconscious) .
adj.Confused; befuddled. @A繳?織K'繳織2Dizzy; faint. @A]?l獺織KY織2 CSI: (Cut to: A car driving down the Las Vegas Strip. Inside the car, KRISTY HOPKINS drives. She starts getting woozy, then passes out.)
C.N.a set of beliefs or principles?Marxism has never been weaker as a political creed . ?a religious creed ?people of all colours and creeds CSI: We handle each case objectively without presupposition regardless of race, color, creed, or bubble gum flavor.
C.N.a small piece cut from something bigger?hedge clippingsCSI: ?;繞織瞿7bGIL GRISSOM: May I see where you discarded the clippings?HUSBAND: I flushed them down the toilet.
N. 禮a pair of glasses made of glass or plastic with a rubber or plastic edge that fit against your skin and protect your eyes
Adj. [formal]seeming to be true or correct, but actually false?a specious argument
n.Integrity; faithfulness; honesty; loyalty; reliability. ?$KK?K籀K?2Exactness. 簾?K礙2Ability with which an electronic device accurately reproduces sound. 瓊OW2?X?Jhigh fidelity ?瓊OW2
C.N. 矇Gan unfair criticism that is intended to make people dislike someone or somethingslur on/against?Milton regarded her comment as a slur on his country.?How dare she cast a slur on (=criticize) my character?
n.An aromatic herb. @=A繕K[72
n.A plant of the parsley family, bearing aromatic seeds. @=A簫K?簫2
butt in
1. to interrupt a conversation rudely Stop butting in!2to become involved in a private situation that does not concern you
n.One who seeks to arrange marriages for others. ?礙2
1.to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially so that you look confident or proud W&amp;G: KAREN: no. Honey, you don't just saunter out like that. You're not Merv Griffin.
?1.a large piece of furniture with doors, and sometimes shelves, that you hang clothes in !?X: wardrobe
v.t. To pierce with, or as with, a horn. jKj簪2罈J The bull gored him. ??j癟繞2 W&amp;G: WILL: I'm sorry. I was gored by the comfy chair.
adj.Comfortable. @AB?織2
V. [technical] to use the energy that comes from sexual feelings to do something, such as work or art, that is more acceptable to your society [big bang] penny?拍?銝???
"n.Words, looks, or acts intended to cause the subject of them to be laughed at comtemptuously. b4(U礙織癒?1/{F
1 a slow love song2 a short story in the form of a poem or song W&amp;G: JACK: I want to sing a ballad.
adj.Rising against authority. 簡織2 n.A rebel. ?2
adj.Not authorized or allowed; illegal. Z瞽繹織K?織K?織2罈J illicit trade in drugs ??\2Not confirming to law. =?罈織K=8織2罈J an illicit dealer =8{v礙2
n.Poliomyelitis. ??禱*2 罈: On Feb. 23, 1954, Dr. Jonas E. Salk developed a vaccine for polio.
v.t. &amp; v.i.To sack or plunder, as a captured city. G?K??(簡k{{臘)2罈J Vikings looted the Saxon coastal town. ??礙f??{?織簿禮-22To carry off by force. f?2 n.Booty thus taken. ???K`Y簽2Valuables. @A瓣羸簽2Money. @AR2
n. ?織`?繳British Equivalent: buggyBritish Equivalent: pushchair
[vi.] if people or businesses prosper, they grow and develop in a successful way, especially by becoming rich or making a large profit Businesses across the state are prospering.
"n. (9
1.to look at something with your eyes partly closed in order to see better 繚l ?Anna squinted in the sudden bright sunlight. --squint at ?Stop squinting at the screen - put your glasses on.
v.t.To acknowledge or attest (a document) officially as a notary. (hX?)?yKy&gt;2罈J Many documents must be notarized before they become legally effective. aJ繚&amp;繭8?~?y}9罈:織x?2 W&amp;G: WILL: You know, you realize this is not legally binding until it's been notarized.
Adj. (r??)癟癟翹翹` stopping and starting often and for short periods-synonym sporadic ?The weather forecast is for sun, with intermittent showers.
&lt;softysomeone who is easily affected by feelings of pity or sympathy, or who is easily persuaded HeIs a real softie.
"@VA""羸2 a mineral that separates easily into small flat transparent pieces of rock, often used to make electrical instruments"
have affair (with sb)
?F繭He had an affair with his boss that lasted six years.
duck (v.)
1 also duck down[intransitive and transitive] to lower your head or body very quickly, especially to avoid being seen or hitIf she hadn't ducked, the ball would have hit her.
stun gun
a weapon that produces a very strong electric current and can be used to make animals or people unconscious
X#]羸1[transitive] informal to hit someone very hard with your hand closedIf you don't shut up, I'm going to thump you! She thumped the table with her fist.
@A禮穠K禮( a North American animal that has thick fur and a wide flat tail, and cuts down trees with its teeth
A book or piece of paper that is dog-eared has been used so much that the corners of the pages are turned down or torn. ...dog-eared copies of ancient history books. ADJ
C.NA stand-off is a situation in which neither of two opposing groups or forces will make a move until the other one does something, so nothing can happen until one of them gives way. The State Department was warning that this could lead to another diplomatic stand-off.
information which is false or which emphasizes just one part of a situation, used by a government or political group to make people agree with them the spreading of political propaganda
lingua franca
[C.Noun] 癒J?0 a language used between people whose main languages are different English is the lingua franca in many countries.
v.t.To see as distinct from other objects; discriminate, as a difference in quality, kind, etc. ?UK?5(簡4^簽 1^?y)2罈J She could discern a faint light at the end of the forest. 穢;?罈i?織]90?a織y2To distinguish mentally, or with the eye. N繒K;52
adj.Ambitious. 9W織2 n.One who seeks to attain, or is ambitious for, some high object, position, or honor; a candidate. 'W5Kr}5KI 52
"1 [singular] the most important, noticeable, or attractive part of somethingcentrepiece ofThe centrepiece of Bevan's policy was the National Health Service.2. @
1. a preponderance of something if there is a preponderance of people or things of a particular type in a group, there are more of that type than of any other 罈:There is a preponderance of female students in the music department.2. a preponderance of the evidence 罈:law most of the evidence in a law case
n.A memorial to, or biography of an individual. 罈?K瓊H2A history written from personal experience and knowledge. 疆42
n.A young unmarried woman. Z?A瞿2
[informal adj] Uk織2  --a raunchy magazine --The show was quite raunchy.
[informal Noun] NU3a party or other occasion when people meet to say goodbye to someone who is leaving罈:The department gave Tom a send-off he won't forget!Phoebe:So this is my big sent off in a married life?
estimated time of arrival: the time when a plane, ship etc is expected to arrive
be on a roll
[informal] to be having a lot of success with what you are trying to do Midvale High was on a roll, having won their last six basketball games.Friends?穠?k1礙:Joey, you are ... almost on a roll there.
[informal Noun] 0ssThe car cost him fifteen grand.
n.A circular building, esp. one with a dome. (9C2織)C?*羅2A large round room. C?W#2罈J the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington 職;;3{C2W#2
"v.i. ?I?罈{b
n.something you add to the end of a speech or book to change it or give more informationaddendum to罈: an addendum to section 4
n. @A(繭簡K?&lt;2
common room
穡Q]織A?zY? A common room is a room in a university or school where people can sit, talk, and relax. (mainly BRIT) N-COUNT
v.i.To agree or unite in action or opinion. &lt;?K0$2罈J I concur with you in your views. A&lt;??織;2To happen at the same time; coincide. &lt;r竅O2罈J Everything concurred to produce the desired effect. p9織罈繭&lt;r竅O&lt;RO@O織??2
1. to cut a body into pieces or tear it apart2. formal to divide a country, area, or organization into smaller parts CNN: Video of the scenes showed several bodies -- many dismembered and burnt beyond recognition.
n. #
adj.Having inventive skill; clever. 9竅&gt;}-織2罈J an ingenious inventor x織竅&gt;疆2 My brother was not strong at books, but very ingenious in building machines. AOO=織簞(&lt;v織穫-P??2Skillfully made. ?織K簾織2罈J A speedometer is an ingenious device. O?8_0^簾織?&amp;2
adj.Easily broken; delicate. Cd織K6a織2Flimsy; tenuous. 織a織2
"Adj. covered with a lot of a liquid? Come on in - you're drenched!drenched in/with?I was drenched in sweat.chips drenched in vinegar[罈] slashdot: NASA Says Mars Once ""Drenched With Water"""
n.Boldness; daring. 繩?KW穩2Presumptuousness; impudence. 穩W織礙K?2 --have the audacity to do something 罈:I can't believe he had the audacity to ask me for more money!
1. to keep being unable to make a final decision about something--dither over/about/between He accused the government of dithering over the deal. Stop dithering , girl, and get on with it!
n.A wild or domesticated ox of central Asia, with long hair hanging from its shoulder and sides. @A?2
v.i.To lean or tip; fall partly to one side. 簾瞻K簾?2罈J The boy tilted back in his chair. I???X5羹:2
U.N.the condition of being dirty and unpleasant because of a lack of care or money? We lived in squalor for a year and a half.
1. @?A $y0,p礙0 ( ?1if:YXO 羶1*?矇A繳瞿?織0? )
n.Harsh or bitter derision or irony. '2A bitter, cutting remark. F織癒2
V.to move quickly with short steps, especially because you are in a hurry?People were scurrying off to work.
1a period of time when a soldier or someone working in another country can return to their own country-synonym leave?a young soldier home on furlough3 [American English] a short period of time during which a prisoner is allowed to leave prison before returningMorton stabbed the man while on furlough .
1. { ( q?F0 Sicily &amp;礙i`@羶織羸n3繹t?,翹@礙?WY翹職;礙]籀織;???t? )
1 very shocking and immoral? a heinous crime2 [American English spoken informal] extremely bad? The food in the cafeteria is pretty heinous.
1[uncountable] insincere or dishonest words or behaviourHe dismissed the Prime Minister's comments as 'pure humbug'.
more or less
almost? a place where the ground was more or less flat ?They've settled here more or less permanently.
Adj. strange, unfamiliar, or a little surprising:* There was a peculiar smell in the kitchen.
--be an indictment of somethingto be a very clear sign that a system, method etc is very bad or very wrong?The fact that these children cannot read is a damning indictment of our education system.2[law especially American English] an official written statement charging someone with a criminal offence3[aw especially American English] the act of officially charging someone with a criminal offence 禮d
1 over the side of a ship or boat into the waterOne of the crew fell overboard and drowned.  Man overboard! (=said when someone falls off a boat)---go overboardto do or say something that is too extreme for a particular situationI hope politicians will not go overboard in trying to control the press.---throw something overboardto get rid of an idea, system etc that is considered to be useless or unnecessary
1 in tattersa) if a plan or someone's reputation is in tatters, it is ruinedTonight, the peace agreement lies in tatters. His credibility is in tatters after a series of defeats and failures.b) clothes that are in tatters are old and torn2 clothing that is old and torn synonym rags
not confused or shocked by a difficult situation or by something bad that has happened--unfazed byThe Prime Minister appeared to be totally unfazed by the protesters.
N. if you have a penchant for something, you like that thing very much and try to do it or have it often:
Adj. [only before noun]former? Neil McMurtry, a one-time bus driver, is the lead singer.
periodic sentence
is a sentence with its main clause at the end, following all subordinate clauses and other elements: That night, in the rain and the wind, when we could see no lights in the town, we slipped away.
[transitive] formal to produce a smell, light etc, or to show a particular quality 竅*He emanates tranquility.--emanate from something phrasal verb to come from or out of something Wonderful smells were emanating from the kitchen.
1. relating to sound and the way people hear things 簫礙織2. an acoustic guitar or other musical instrument does not have its sound made louder electronically
Countable N.1. @?A @WO6A 簣( ( ??`(neuron)(??織?8 )
1. @?A A藩簾+簽,A藩羸x 2. @罈A 羸?;??
1 [usually plural] one of a pair of long sticks that you put under your arms to help you walk when you have hurt your leg {;織 ?--on crutches (=use crutches) I was on crutches for three months after the operation.* 2 something that gives someone support or help, especially something that is not really good for them  As things got worse at work, he began to use alcohol as a crutch.
1. when an event or person is given so much attention by newspapers, television etc that everyone has heard about it ~?a&gt; ? The trial was given saturation coverage by the press. ? saturation advertising3. technical the degree to which something has been mixed into something else -8?Keep saturation below 80%.
1 a trained worker who works for someone else2 an experienced worker whose work is acceptable but not excellent
a leather object for carrying a small gun, that is worn on a belt {羸罈
1. @罈A 6On 罈: They're letting me pay for the washing machine by monthly instalments .2. @?A (6OS9(: 翹{)0O,0  in [by] installments 6O竅?[*x]. A: How many installments do you have left on your car??織繳癡織?簧OOB: One a month for the next year.&gt;瞻0瞻瞻藩;80Q2
1 a particular style of cooking ? French cuisine ? vegetarian cuisine -- cuisine of the traditional cuisine of the Southwest2 the food cooked in a particular restaurant or hotel, especially when it is very goodEnjoy the delicious cuisine created by our award-winning chef.
up front
[?]a) money that is paid up front is paid before work is done, or before goods are supplied We need two hundred pounds up front.b) directly and clearly from the start It's important to tell potential clients this up front.罈: . You can pay it all 2)up front, or in monthly 3)installments.  瓊x5&lt;F_986O2
to completely get rid of something such as a disease or a social problem i?--eradicate something from something ?We can eradicate this disease from the world. ?an attempt to eradicate inflation  ?This problem has now been completely eradicated.
a knee-jerk reaction, answer etc is what you feel or say about a situation from habit, without thinking about it -synonym automatic?A victim's knee-jerk reaction to the crime is often revenge.
n. 羸??
"n. q
1 [transitive]to persuade someone to help you to do somethingenlist somebody's help/services etc ?He has enlisted the help of a sports psychologist for the team.?The public are being enlisted to help.2 [intransitive,transitive usually passive] to join the army, navy etc --enlist as He enlisted as a private. --enlist in At the outbreak of war, he was enlisted in the army.
1 a bicycle built for two riders sitting one behind the other ??瞿?繳2 --in tandem doing something together or at the same time as someone or something else ?The two companies often work in tandem.---in tandem with ?The group operated in tandem with local criminals.
Adj.helping you to deal with a problem quickly and effectively although sometimes in a way that is not morally right ? This solution is politically expedient but may well cause long-term problems.expedient to do something ? We think it is expedient to make a good-will gesture to the new administration.
"[countable Noun]a way of speaking or moving that is typical of a particular person 0
courage shown when you are in great pain or experiencing a lot of trouble 5羸= ?Winnie is a woman of quiet fortitude who has endured a lot of suffering.
the periodic table
1 a dictatorial government or ruler has complete power over a country ?簽織dictatorial regimes2 a dictatorial person tells other people what to do in an unreasonable wayProfessor Clement's dictatorial attitude
Vt. [informal]to say unkind things about someone you know
v.i.To fall in small drops; trickle. $;K$q2罈J Water dribbles from eaves. d?{g$;2To drool. qd2罈J The baby is dribbling. &amp;&amp;Xqd2To keep a ball in motion. {32
1 [informal] a secret warning or piece of information, especially one given to the police about illegal activities 繹zThe arrests came after a tip-off from a member of the public.2 [American English informal] something that shows you that something is true, even though you did not expect it to be trueThe fact that he hasn't called should be a tip-off that he's not interested.3. s3織#3
n. ??
American English: jump ropeBritish Equivalent: skipping rope
n. ?瞿M
1. a glass container for measuring time in which sand moves slowly from the top half to the bottom in exactly one hour ??2. hourglass figurea woman who has an hourglass figure has a narrow waist in comparison with her chest and hips
Adj.showing in a gentle way that you love someone and care about them-synonym loving--affectionate towards ?Jo is very affectionate towards her. ?an affectionate hug
[?, Noun] a clever but dishonest way to get money ??? He got involved in a credit card scam.
1. @礙A 聶#(( )?5 ( Matthew, Mark, Luke, John ) 2. @礙A 聶#瓊?5
defray costs/expenses 6T罈癟formal to give someone back the money that they have spent on something?The proceeds from the competition help to defray the expenses of the evening.
to compete very hard with someone in order to get something--vie forSimon and Julian were vying for her attention all through dinner.--vie withThere are at least twenty restaurants vying with each other for custom.--vie to do somethingAll the photographers vied to get the best pictures.
n, adj. !5
[literary] a sailor
V.1. to push something somewhere roughly ? She thrust a letter into my hand. ?He thrust me roughly towards the door.2. to make a sudden movement forward with a sword or knife--thrust at?He skipped aside as his opponent thrust at him.
to worry about something, especially when there is no need ?Don't fret - everything will be all right.--fret about/overShe's always fretting about the children.--fret thatmen of fifty, fretting that they're no longer young
happening or existing in many places, and therefore not special or unusual? Car thefts are commonplace in this part of town.
N. a very quiet place not influenced by outside events or new ideas - used to show disapproval:
if a word connotes something, it makes you think of qualities and ideas that are more than its basic meaning?The word 'plump' connotes cheerfulness.
karaoke?Or endless nights singing karaoke with the client at the only bar in town.
grin and bear it
to accept an unpleasant or difficult situation without complaining, usually because you realize there is nothing you can do to make it better 羸@ A: I really have to go to the bathroom.AO織?禱簽p2B: Just grin and bear it and you can go after the show ends.羸?W&lt;?y?D??翻禱2
under one's breath
in a quiet voice so that no one can hear you ~瞽?癒? 'Son of a bitch,' he muttered under his breath.
1. @罈A (T7 0繹H織)?,??,?w a principle or belief, especially one that is part of a larger system of beliefs--central/basic/fundamental etc  ?tenet one of the basic tenets of democracy--tenet ofthe main tenet of his philosophy
C.N. [formal] v(a condition that you ask for before you will agree to somethingwith the proviso that?The money was given to the museum with the proviso that it is spent on operating costs.
1 to improve your skill at doing something, especially when you are already very good at it?He set about honing his skills as a draughtsman. ? finely honed (=extremely well-developed) intuition2[formal] to make knives, swords etc sharp Y
= draughtsman !?[countable]1 someone whose job is to draw all the parts of a new building or machine that is being planned ]8[2 someone who draws well
1 [informal] strong criticismLilley has taken a lot of flak for his views on drugs.2 bullets or shells that are shot from the ground at enemy aircraft
an increase in the level of something, especially in business activity :7&lt;簫y--upturn in?an upturn in the housing market?an economic upturn
Adjrefusing to consider someone or something seriously 癟織1-?織--dismissive of ?Some historians have been dismissive of this argument.--dismissive gesture/wave/shrug etc  ?Cath spread both hands in a dismissive gesture.
behaving in a way that shows you think you are more important than other people - used to show disapproval 織 :W織&lt; ?織? a self-important, pompous little man
joking or humorous [formal] 竅織? He sounded in a jocular mood.
1.using dishonest tricks and deceiving people in order to get what you want see also deceitful? a devious politician2[formal] not going in the most direct way to get to a place ??織?a devious route
1clear and directan outright refusal an outright attack on his actions2complete and totalan outright victory an outright ban on the sale of tobacco3the outright winner/victorsomeone who has definitely and easily won
in the light of sth
in the light of something!?=in light of something if you do or decide something in the light of something else, you do it after considering that thing?In light of this tragic event, we have cancelled the 4th of July celebrations.
and so on/forth
used at the end of a list to show that you could continue it in a similar way?You can do things for your health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle, not smoking and so on.
parking/speeding ticket
when someone argues about small unimportant details or tries to find small mistakes in something [] i r?? Soames was getting impatient with his daughter's constant nitpicking.
1 a small plant, usually with three leaves on each stem. If you find one with four leaves, it is thought to bring you luck /a four-leaf clover2. in cloverinformal living comfortably because you have plenty of moneyThe money kept him in clover for years.
C?礎{? 繳礎{JHold handrail
1.be inundated (with/by something)to receive so much of something that you cannot easily deal with it allsynonym swamp ? After the broadcast, we were inundated with requests for more information.2. formal to cover an area with a large amount of watersynonym floodThe tidal wave inundated vast areas of cropland.
collagena protein found in people and animals. It is often used in beauty products and treatments to make people look younger and more attractive
1[uncountable and countable]a thin layer of wood or plastic that covers the surface of a piece of furniture made of cheaper material, to make it look better
1. @罈A O{穡
[formal] =business attire
1.the quality that something has when it is difficult to see through =?&gt;see also opaque2.the quality that something has when it is difficult to understand
= bookie t] A bookmaker is a person whose job is to take your money when you bet and to pay you money if you win.
V.to annoy someone, especially by asking them many times to do somethingShe'd been pestered by reporters for days.--pester somebody for somethingI can't even walk down the street without being continually pestered for money.--pester somebody to do somethingThe kids have been pestering me to buy them new trainers.
Adj. confused?muddled thinking ?The situation today is very muddled.
a small port or area of water where people keep boats that are used for pleasure
a piece of clothing which has been used by someone and then given to another person?She refused to wear hand-me-downs. ?hand-me-down clothes
1.[intransitive and transitive] if a train derails or something derails it, it goes off the tracks [羹2.[transitive] to spoil or interrupt a plan, agreement etc?a mistake that might derail the negotiations
1. something strange that happens by chance --quirk of ?Years later, by a strange quirk of fate , she found herself sitting next to him on a plane.2. a strange habit or feature of someone's character, or a strange feature of something ?Like every computer, this one has its little quirks.
1.involving all the members of a committee, organization etc ?The conference ended with a plenary debate. ?plenary session ?W32.plenary powers are complete powers with no limitHe was given plenary powers to negotiate with the rebels.
C.N. [literary] a large heavy book
1 a rope or wire high above the ground that someone walks along in a circus--walk a tightropeto be in a difficult situation in which something bad could happen if you make a mistake I feel as though I'm walking a tightrope between success and failure.
to illegally force someone to give you something, especially money, by threatening themextort something from somebody?Rebels extorted money from local villagers.
N.[formal] ?A??--plebiscite ona plebiscite on independence
--the cosmos 繚?the whole universe, especially when you think of it as a system
1. @罈A @?A W簾 a disease that is common in hot countries and that you get when a type of mosquito bites you
C.N. 2. a set of pictures or other pieces of work that an artist, photographer etc has done ?YouIll need to prepare a portfolio of your work.Joey, GinaJoey簧織?0礙羶i?f??]: Just show her my portfolio, IIm sure she will be impressed. 3. a group of stocks owned by a particular person or company?an investment portfolio
[formal]the most basic parts of a subject, which you learn first *&gt;&lt;*\6synonym basics--rudiments ofthe rudiments of windsurfing
1. the yellowish liquid part of blood that contains the blood cells2 [technical] the living substance inside a cellsynonym protoplasm3 [technical] a gas that contains about the same numbers of positive and negative electric charges and is found in the sun and most stars +oPDP(Plasma Display Panel) +o?x
in a pinch
==at a pinch [!?]used to say that you could do something if necessary in a difficult or urgent situation?There's space for three people. Four at a pinch.?If you're in a pinch, I'm sure they'd look after Jenny for a while.
the arrival of large numbers of people or large amounts of money, goods etc, especially suddenly--influx ofa sudden influx of cash--massive/great/huge etc influx a large influx of tourists in the summer
1. palatable food or drink has a pleasant or acceptable tasteopposite unpalatablea very palatable wine2. an idea, suggestion etc that is palatable is acceptableopposite unpalatable--palatable to ?織They changed the wording of the advertisement to make it more palatable to women.The truth, as always, is slightly less palatable.
hit the hay
[informal] to go to bed
1. [uncountable] the belief that after someone dies their soul lives again in another body Z$2. [countable] the person or animal that contains the soul of a dead person or animal--reincarnation ofShe thinks she is a reincarnation of Cleopatra.
a male chicken[!?] cock
1. [intransitive and transitive] if a part of someone's body twitches, or if they twitch it, it makes a small sudden movement ? His mouth twitched slightly, and then he smiled. ?He twitched his eyebrows. ? A織/#l?X# My left/right eye twitches. 2.[transitive] to move something quickly and suddenlySarah twitched the reins, and we moved off.
1. a large amount of something that you swallow quickly, or the action of swallowing 0W--gulp ofHe took a huge gulp of brandy.--in one gulp/at a gulp Charlie drank the whisky in one gulp.2. a large amount of air that you breathe in quicklygulps of fresh air
a small pool of liquid, especially rain water ?d??Children splashed through the puddles.--puddle ofHe had fallen asleep, his head resting in a puddle of beer.
[iterary] to live in a particular placeThey dwelt in the middle of the forest.--dwell on/upon something phrasal verbto think or talk for too long about something, especially something unpleasant ?That is not a subject I want to dwell on.
N. loyalty to a leader, country, belief etcallegiance to?You owe allegiance (=have a duty to give allegiance) to your king.--swear/pledge allegiance ?I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
not involved in a particular situation, and therefore able to give a fair opinion or piece of advicesynonym fairopposite biased?We offer impartial advice on tax and insurance.?an impartial inquiry into the deathsan impartial observer
[formal] r繭to speak in support of someone, especially in order to try to prevent them from being punished --intercede withMy good friend, Senator Bowie, interceded with the authorities on my behalf.
if a country or state secedes from another country, it officially stops being part of it and becomes independent [&lt;?羶--secede fromBy 1861, 11 states had seceded from the Union.
[職?] @?A ? @=?A j the sharp needle-shaped part of an insect's or animal's body, with which it stings you
1 [羸罈] ?0 to move away from the enemy after being defeated in battle?The rebels retreated to the mountains.?They were attacked and forced to retreat.
1[intransitive and transitive] to plant or scatter seeds on a piece of ground ?^Sow the seeds in late March.--sow something with somethingThese fields used to be sown with oats.
1. @?A W? ( wheat, rye )
--detract from something [phrasal verb]to make something seem less good?One mistake is not going to detract from your achievement.
used to describe something that continues for a long time, especially if it takes longer than usual, necessary, or expectedsynonym lengthy--protracted negotiations/discussions/debate etc ?the expense of a protracted legal battle
extremely unpleasant or ugly?a hideous dress ?hideous crimes ?Dinnertime that day was hideous.
N. =/1=瞿 a belief that you have been treated unfairly, or an unfair situation or event that affects and upsets you?anyone who has a legitimate grievance against the company ?a means of overcoming genuine grievances
to put or pack something tidily away in a space until you need it againsynonym stash?I stowed my bag under the seat.?equipment stowed away in a closet
Adj.ordinary and not interesting or excitingsynonym boring?Initially, the work was pretty mundane.?The mundane task of setting the table can be fun on holidays.
a list of special words and explanations of their meanings, often at the end of a book
V??繳 v.
to burn the surface of something slightly, or to be burned slightly V?The flames had singed her hair.
V. to push someone or something in a rough or careless way, using your hands or shoulders * He shoved her towards the car.
the place where the tops of your legs meet the front of your body
adj. [formal] thinking carefully about something before doing it, in order to avoid risksynonym cautious ~羸織?The governor was usually circumspect when dealing with the media.
Vt. to dislike and have a low opinion of someone or something? She despised her neighbours.
C.N1.a very impressive show or scene?a multimedia dance and opera spectacle
1. to cut up the body of a dead animal or person in order to study it2. to examine something carefully in order to understand it ?books in which the lives of famous people are dissected3. to divide an area of land into several smaller pieces ?fields dissected by small streams
done or kept secret?a clandestine affair ?clandestine meetings
1. @?A (簫繳1 ?織)0f[簪];(?繳1\簣y織)羶簪;(iy織)羶d簪
con artist
[informal]someone who tricks or deceives people in order to get money from them ?$礙織nicholas cage
single somebody/something out
to choose one person or thing from among a group because they are better, worse, more important etc than the others
to get back an amount of money you have lost or spentsynonym recover?The movie will have to be a huge hit to recoup its cost.?He was desperate to try and recoup his losses.
1[formal] to push or force something out through a hole2[technical] to force plastic or metal through a hole so that it has a particular shape
adj. [formal] unnecessarily complicated and difficult to understand?Maths is a mix of abstruse theory and detailed calculations.
v. [formal] ?if something obtrudes, or you obtrude something, it becomes noticeable where it is not wanted
adj. [literary] not controlled and too extreme or violent?unbridled greed
a very slight, hardly noticeable difference in manner, colour, meaning etc?He was aware of every nuance in her voice.--nuance of?the painting's delicate nuances of color, tone, and texture ?subtle nuances of meaning
C.N.a strange feeling that something, especially something bad, is going to happenpremonition of?a premonition of death
play sth by ear
a) to decide what to do according to the way a situation develops, without making plans before that time? We'll see what the weather's like and play it by ear .b) if someone can play a musical instrument by ear, they can play a tune without looking at written music
Vt. 簪?禮if someone is reinstated, they are officially given back their job after it was taken away [CSI] WARRICK BROWN: I don't want any personal time. I want to help. You're the boss now. You can reinstate me.
N. Adj.a medicine that you put onto a wound to stop it from becoming infected?He dabbed the cut with antiseptic. ?Mint is a mild antiseptic.
[countable]someone whose behaviour is considered to be morally unacceptable
C.N.a badge or sign that shows what official or military rank someone has, or which group or organization they belong to?the royal insignia ?military insignia
@FA V ( ?sP,V? Ti, ??聶穡22 )
"1. careful about what you say or do, so that you do not offend, upset, or embarrass people or tell secretsopposite indiscreet i0~
N. [informal] someone who is mentally ill and who may behave in a violent or strange way ??繭
--far/further/farthest afieldfar away, especially from home?They were exporting as far afield as Alexandria. ?students who come from further afield .
1. @?A ?{ ( K?*?礙X?z羅@織C2?{ )
[職?]unpleasant or morally unacceptable?The club has an unsavoury reputation.? There were a lot of unsavoury characters (=unpleasant people) around the station.
mete something ? out
[phrasal verb]if you mete out a punishment, you give it to someone
1. an important official who represents his or her government in a foreign country W簪--ambassador tothe US ambassador to Spain2. someone who represents a particular sport, business etc because they behave in a way that people admire--ambassador forHe has made some good films and he is a good ambassador for the industry.#;繳?
1. @?A (?r!瞿織)瞿#;(+織)E簿職?
1.[usually plural] a small part of something that remains after the rest of it has been used, destroyed, or eaten--remnant ofThe remnants of a meal stood on the table.2. a small piece of cloth left from a larger piece and sold cheaply
1. to avoid a problem or rule that restricts you, especially in a clever or dishonest way - used to show disapproval 璽簪?The company opened an account abroad, in order to circumvent the tax laws.2. to avoid something by changing the direction in which you are travelling ??? We went north in order to circumvent the mountains.
"1. @?A @WA 穢,;穢 2. @?A (6""y織)穢"
1.to have a higher rank than someone else in the same group2.to be more important than something else CSI: SARA: (envious) You're doing audio? I wanted that.NICK: I outrank you.
N. a flat hard area near a house, where people sit outside
V[formal] to ask someone, in a very emotional way, to do something for yousynonym beg 繩r--entreat somebody to do somethingHis friends entreated him not to go.
behaving in an unfair or dishonest way?unscrupulous employers?Morgan admitted that some of his actions may have been unscrupulous, but he denied doing anything illegal.
[informal] V1. to get money from someone by deceiving them IRcon somebody out of somethingHe conned me out of 瞽G300.2. to persuade someone to do something by deceiving themcon somebody into doing somethingYou had no right to con me into thinking I could trust you.
V.1. to make a process start, especially one relating to law or politics ?Charles instigated a programme of reforms.2. to persuade someone do something bad or violent ?He accused union leaders of instigating the disturbances.
N. 羶瓊1.[singular] your first involvement in a particular activity, from which you can develop and become stronger--toehold inThe company has gained a toehold in the competitive computer market.2. [countable] a place on a rock where you can put your foot when you are climbing
Adj. very careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctly?He kept meticulous accounts. ?Their planning and preparation were meticulous.
--the gistthe main idea and meaning of what someone has said or written--the gist ofThe gist of his argument is that full employment is impossible.Don't worry about all the details as long as you get the gist (=understand the main meaning) of it.
when you clean a house thoroughly, usually once a year?Judith's busy doing the spring-cleaning .
adj. [formal] more than is reasonable, suitable, or necessary? De Gaulle felt that America had undue influence in Europe. --undue pressure/stress/strain etc ?Exercise gently and avoid putting yourself under undue strain.?The kick should be taken without undue delay .
1. O羹,$羹 ( 59羹1瞼羸羹1?羹y )
picket fence
1. @?A @*A %4 [countable][American English] a fence made up of a line of strong pointed sticks that are fixed in the ground
=speedometer an instrument in a vehicle that shows how fast it is going
Adj. annoying or difficult in a way that makes you feel worried, tired etc:
N. a feeling of doubt or fear about what might happen or about whether something is right--misgiving about?Despite her misgivings about leaving the baby, she decided to accompany her husband.--grave/serious/deep misgivings ?Some politicians have expressed grave misgivings about the scheme.?Opponents of nuclear energy have deep misgivings about its safety.?She eyed the distant shoreline with misgiving.
1.a man who people in the Christian, Jewish, or Muslim religion believe has been sent by God to lead them and teach them their religion x ? the prophet Elijah
2.[formal] relating to the people or animals that have existed in a place or country from the earliest timessynonym indigenous
"1.an idea, subject, or image that is regularly repeated and developed in a book, film, work of art etc k
1.very powerful or impressive, and often frightening?The building is grey, formidable, not at all picturesque. ?The new range of computers have formidable processing power.2. difficult to deal with and needing a lot of effort or skill--formidable task/challenge ?the formidable task of local government reorganization
1--of your own volition[formal] if you do something of your own volition, you do it because you want to, not because you are forced to?Helena left the company of her own volition.2.[formal] the power to choose or decide something without being forced to do it
1.[transitive] to bring something back after it has not been used or has not existed for a period of time?Local people have decided to revive this centuries-old tradition.
border on sth
to be very close to being something extreme?His confidence bordered on arrogance.
--a modicum of something[formal] a small amount of something, especially a good quality?a modicum of common sense? However, remote attacks tend to be technically more complex, requiring more than a modicum of engineering skill.
adj.1.seeming not to care or worry about the effects of what you dfo?a blithe disregard for the facts2.[literary] happy and having no worries
1.[singular] something that is hard work and physically or mentally tiring? I find the journey to work a real grind. ?workers emerging from their daily grind in the factory2.[countable] [American English informal] a student who never does anything except study
the feeling you have when you are bored, or the quality of being boring?a game to relieve the boredom of a long journey ? the sheer boredom of being in jail--boredom withhis boredom with life in a small town
notch (v.)
v.to achieve something, especially a victory or a particular total or score?The Houston Astros have notched up another win .
v. 瓊?&lt;瓊:[law] to order someone to come to a court of law and be a witness?James was subpoenaed as a witness.
Adj. [formal]1 --prodigal son/daughtersomeone who leaves their family and home without the approval of their family, but who is sorry later and returns2spending money, wasting time etc in a careless way ?繡織synonym extravagant ?a prodigal lifestyle
1. @?A @FA V ( 09SsP;V? He, ??聶?2 )
1.[technical] not producing a chemical reaction when combined with other substances ?inert gases2[literary] not moving, or not having the strength or power to move ?He lay, inert, in his bed.3 not willing to do anything ?The government was perceived to be inert and inefficient.
1. @?A Ww??,??(z) ( iceberg )
not usual or normalsynonym abnormal?aberrant behaviour
1. a feeling of great respect and liking for someone or something ?He felt great awe for the landscape. with/in awe Kate gazed at the statue with awe.2--be/stand in awe of somebodyalso --hold somebody in aweto admire someone and have great respect for them and sometimes a slight fear of them?All of the neighbours were a little in awe of my mother. ?The villagers hold them in awe and think of them as gods.
a loquacious person likes to talk a lotsynonym talkative
V.1. [transitive] also muster up somethingto get enough courage, confidence, support etc to do something, especially with difficultysynonym summon (up)--muster (up) the courage/confidence/energy etc to do something ?Finally I mustered up the courage to ask her out.
1the most successful point in the development of somethingsynonym peakopposite nadir--reach its zenith/be at its zenith ?The Roman Empire reached its zenith around the year 100.2[technical] the highest point that is reached by the sun or the moon in the sky
the crime of deliberately making something burn, especially a building a?? The school was destroyed in an arson attack.
1. @?A ??? ( 簡P1簧Py )
Adj. ordinary and not interesting, because of a lack of new or different ideas
something that is edible can be eaten?These berries are edible, but those are poisonous.
[American English] ?bheavy cotton trousers with a piece covering your chest, held up by pieces of cloth that go over your shoulders
V.to say something in a loud whisper?'Get out!' she hissed furiously.hiss at?She hissed at me to be quiet.
not good at doing somethingopposite capable, skilful?inept leadership?He was criticized for his inept handling of the problem. --politically/socially inept Blake was intellectually able but politically inept.
V. to crush something, especially a food that has been cooked, until it is soft and smooth ?Mash the bananas.
relating to the very decorated style of art, music, buildings etc, that was common in Europe in the 17th and early 18th centuries?furnished in a baroque style ?elaborate baroque facades --baroque music/architecture/paintings etc
a statement that is clearly true, so that there is no need to say it?His speech was just a collection of cliches and truisms
--advert to something [phrasal verb]to mention something
V. [formal] to fasten or stick something to something else--affix something to something? A label must be affixed to all parcels.
N. [formal]1. the quality of expressing something in very few words Q?see also brief ? Letters published in the newspaper are edited for brevity and clarity.2. the quality of continuing for only a short time ?see also brief ? the brevity of her visit
V,N [formal] the act of expressing strong disapproval and criticism ?pass a vote of censure J~=+x.  ? censure sb for committing a fault ?? 礙?_.
N. a loud unpleasant noise that continues for a long time--din of?The din of the engines was deafening.--above the din?Ged was trying to make himself heard above the din.
a book, poem, or film that tells a long story about brave actions and exciting events?a Hollywood epic
C.N. [formal]something you say that is intended to be funny, not serioussynonym joke ? I wasn't sure whether to treat her words as a jest.in jest? His serious face told me that he was not speaking in jest.
1[uncountable] the study of the history of families2[countable] a drawing or description that explains how each person in a family is related to the others
F CSI:JACK GARRIS: Are you ordering me not to pay the ransom?
1 a small mark or spot--fleck of? a black beard with flecks of gray2. a small piece of something--fleck of? flecks of sawdust
1. @?A @FA `F? a very strong poison
very unpleasant or shocking, and involving someone being killed or badly injured?Police described it as a particularly gruesome attack. ?Spare me the gruesome details.
a hit-and-run accident is one in which a car driver hits someone and does not stop to help?hit-and-run driver
1. @?A @A ?,,?a繳, ( R穫G職簪Wy?,? 繒? )
[law] a serious crime such as murder
Vt. [law]if the police or law courts impound something you have or own, they keep it until it has been decided that you can have it back [= confiscate]:* He sued the police after they impounded his car.
Adj. feeling silly, happy, and excited, or showing this feelinggiddy with?Sheila felt giddy with excitement.
duct tape
1. @?A X繞繹繒??F穠簿??織簞瞽?3
1. @`A ?4B
1 to try to say what will happen or what someone will do before they do it @0I'm not going to try and second-guess the committee's decisions.2[American English ]to criticize something after it has already happened 罈翹穢?The decision has been made - there's no point in second-guessing it now
1. @礙A 癒?,癒&lt;??5
vet (n.)
1[countable] a funny drawing of someone that makes them look silly 'j?--caricature ofcaricatures of politicians.
1. a young tightly rolled up flower or leaf before it opens--rose buds in bud (=having buds but no flowers yet)--come into bud (=start to produce buds)
Adj. able to, or intended to cure illness? the spring's alleged curative propertiesnoun [countable] This herb was once thought to be a curative.
Adj. venomous snake, insect etc produces poison-synonym poisonous
1. @罈A 礙癒8穡;礙穡
Chile;穫 cl
whipping boy F scapegoat
adj. [formal] present everywhere at all times Qp=X
crown jewel
[C.N]1.--the crown jewelsthe crown, sword, jewels etc worn by a king or queen for official ceremonies2.the best or most valuable thing that a person or place has? Innsbruck's crown jewel is the old town centre.Book: The buffer overflow remains the crown jewel of attacks.
--do something with impunityif someone does something bad with impunity, there is no risk that they will be punished for it? It's astonishing that these criminals are free to walk the streets with impunity.
N. <b>the upshot (of something)</b>the final result of a situation:
confused and worried by something that you do not understandsynonym puzzled ?The student looked at him, perplexed. ?Perplexed investors tried to work out what the deal meant.
steering wheel
1.[literary] a violent storm2.--a tempest in a teapot[American English] an unimportant matter that someone has become upset aboutHaley dismissed the lawsuit as a tempest in a teapot.
Adj. [informal especially American English]annoying?Those pesky kids!
V. to leave out the sound of a letter or of a part of a word?Most English speakers elide the first 'd' in 'Wednesday.'
1. @?A @WA 繩;?8繩;k繩 your sinuses are the spaces in the bones of your head that are connected to the inside of your nose?blocked sinuses ?a sinus infection
[intransitive and transitive]to let liquid fall in drops $;?The tap's dripping. ?Her boots were muddy and her hair was dripping. --drip blood/water/sweat etc ?John came in, his arm dripping blood. --be dripping with blood/sweat etc ?The hand that held the gun was dripping with sweat.
N. [informal] sleepWe'd better get some shut-eye .
N. [formal]1--also sexual intercourse the act of having sex2an exchange of ideas, feelings etc which make people or groups understand each other better ?social intercourse
a white substance with a strong smell, used especially to keep insects away O?
1.a wheel with small bits sticking out around the edge that fit together with the bits of another wheel as they turn around in a machine ?Z2.one of the small bits that stick out on a cog3--a cog in the machine/wheelsomeone who only has a small unimportant job in a large business or organization
1. @罈A 繭6穡;繭6;繭簸 the study of the causes and effects of illnesses
N.1. a false idea or belief, especially one that a lot of people believe is truesynonym misconception ?It's a common fallacy that a neutered dog will become fat and lazy.2.[formal] a weakness in someone's argument or ideas which is caused by a mistake in their thinking
N. [formal] the beginning or origin of something--genesis of?the genesis of the myth
V. if you internalize a particular belief, attitude, behaviour etc, it becomes part of your character 簪?籀F?At the end of colonial rule, many of the people had internalized foreign values.
1.[uncountable and countable] a dark image, shadow, or shape that you see against a light background--silhouette ofa dark silhouette of domes and minarets--silhouette againstSoon the bombers would return, black silhouettes against a pale sky.--in silhouetteThe old windmill stood out in silhouette.l罈: You were in silhouette.
rifle (v.)
also rifle through [transitive] to search a place or container quickly because you are looking for something, especially something to steal ?Sally rifled through her wardrobe looking for a dress. ?The killer had rifled his wallet and stolen 瞽G200.W&amp;G: JACK: I don't know. Maybe it's because you're rifling through his stuff?
old coot[American English informal] an old man who you think is strange or unpleasant ?a miserable, mean old cootW&amp;G:Karen: First, you marry for money, and then, you find yourself loving the old coot.
1[intransitive and transitive] if a dog wags its tail, or if its tail wags, the dog moves its tail many times from one side to the other F(n$)2[transitive] to move your finger or head from side to side, especially to show disapproval ? 'You naughty girl!' Mom said, wagging her finger at me.
1.[formal] a book that contains a complete collection of facts, drawings etc on a particular subject? a cricketing compendiumUSENIX:Compendium of Best Papers
V. ?I to make it difficult for someone or something to move forward or make progress?Storms at sea impeded our progress .
a tendency to behave in a particular way or suffer from a particular illness--predisposition to/towards?a predisposition towards alcoholism
n. OH
someone who wants to end a system or law
1.to search very carefully and thoroughly through an area, a document etc--scour something for something?Her family began to scour the countryside for a suitable house.
a part of every living cell that is shaped like a thread and contains the genes that control the size, shape etc that a plant or animal has 繳瞽
1the custom of being married to only one husband or wife 0[0禱fsee also bigamy, polygamy2when a person or animal has a sexual relationship with only one partner?Monogamy is rare in most animal groups, but is common among birds.
1. a prolific artist, writer etc produces many works of art, books etc ?Handel's prolific output of opera
N. a party for children in which they stay the night at someone's house
1.[literary] not showing any emotionssynonym hard, icy--flinty look/stare ?Duvall gave him a flinty stare.2. like flint or containing flint
mantis F praying mantis
adj. something that is abhorrent is completely unacceptable because it seems morally wrongsynonym repugnant--abhorrent to?The practice of killing animals for food is utterly abhorrent to me.
V. 1.[formal] to give someone or something a less important position than before 疆禮--relegate somebody/something to something?Women tended to be relegated to typing and filing jobs.
PE = physical education sport and physical activity taught as a school subject? a PE teacher
not hold water
if an excuse, a statement etc does not hold water, it does not seem to be true or reasonable? His explanation of where the money came from just doesn't hold water.
nest egg
an amount of money that you have saved so that you can use it for something special in the future? They had to use part of their retirement nest egg to pay for their son's college fees.
1. --spate of somethinga large number of similar things that happen in a short period of time, especially bad things? a spate of burglaries TV:With Taiwan's recent 1)spate of scams,
1. someone who is versatile has many different skills ?a very versatile performer ?a more versatile workforce2. having many different uses ?The potato is an extremely versatile vegetable.
writ large
[literary]a) very easy to notice ?I could see the curiosity writ large on Rose's face.b) in a very clear strong form ?This is an example of bureaucracy writ large.
a small open boat used for pleasure, or for taking people between a ship and the shore ?w
V.t. [formal] to prevent or avoid a problem or the need to do somethingsynonym eliminate ?The new treatment obviates the need for surgery.
1.the ability and right to decide exactly what should be done in a particular situation T癟?--at somebody's discretion(=according to someone's decision) ?The awards are made at the discretion of the committee.?Promotions are left to the discretion of the supervisor.
U.N. [technical] the additional effectiveness when two or more companies or people combine and work together
1.the main part of a ship that goes in the water iwooden-hulled/steel-hulled etc (=having a wood, steel etc hull)2.the outer covering of seeds, rice, grain etc p穫
1. a small tower on a large building, especially a castle2. the place on a tank from which guns are fired
?soldiers who fight on foot ?瞼an infantry regiment
1. @礙A @羸A H ( army )
1. @?A @羸A x :罈; an ammunition belt xfammunition boots 羸X罈ammunition industry 羸0?.
V. [formal] to suggest that something might have happened or be true--postulate that ?It has been postulated that the condition is inherited.
Adj. 1.fluorescent colours are very bright and easy to see, even in the dark ?y ?a fluorescent pink T-shirt2.a fluorescent light contains a tube filled with gas, which shines with a bright light when electricity is passed through it
1.a language that is a mixture of two other languages, which people who do not speak each other's languages well use to talk to each other2 --pidgin English/French etcEnglish, French etc that is mixed with the words or grammar of another language
gladiatora soldier who fought against other men or wild animals as an entertainment in ancient Rome
1.[uncountable] large guns, either on wheels or fixed in one place2.--the artillery the part of the army that uses these weapons Matrix 3: My men have fortified the entrance with enough artillery to make our last stand.
1.[intransitive] to do something or be involved in something in a way that is not very serious --dabble in/at/with ?people who dabble in painting as a way of relaxing
Vt. [formal] to deliberately make something unclear or difficult to understand 罈: IOCCC,
?a strong substance that can bend, which is around the joints in your body and in your outer ear
Adj. [tech] 繭礙織connected with the sense of smell?the olfactory cells in the nose
Adj. relating to the heart?cardiac surgery --cardiac arrest/failure (=when the heart stops working)
N. [formal] a scale of related things on which each one is only slightly different from the one before S翹?The Creole language is really various dialects arranged on a continuum. ?All the organisms in an ecosystem are part of an evolutionary continuum.
the level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together, who belong to the same team etc S?A win is always good for morale. --low/high morale ?low staff morale ?The failed coup caused a dramatic loss of morale within the army.
1.a sudden and sometimes violent attempt by citizens or the army to take control of the government o繙 ?Haiti's first elected president was deposed in a violent military coup .?a coup attempt by junior officers?He evaded capture after the failed coup .
1. a small container or piece of equipment that you put inside something to make it work ? computer game cartridges ?an ink cartridge for a printer2. a tube containing explosive powder and a bullet that you put in a gunsynonym shell
1.[intransitive] to not want to do or try something, because it seems difficult, unpleasant, or frightening--balk at ?Many people would balk at setting up a new business during a recession.  ?Westerners balk at the prospect of snake on the menu.3.[intransitive] [American English] in baseball, to stop in the middle of the action of throwing the ball to the player who is trying to hit it ?{???聶
the thigh bone
1.a flat part on the body of some large sea animals such as seals, that they use for swimming2.a large flat rubber shoe that you wear to help you swim faster 罈
being planned or happening--moves/plans/changes afoot ?There were plans afoot for a second attack.CSI: The game is afoot.
time and a half
U.None and a half times the normal rate of pay?We get time and a half for working on Sunday.
amino acids
one of the substances that combine to form proteins X*穡
a gas that has no colour or smell, and that forms most of the Earth's air. It is a chemical element: symbol N ^
1[countable] also beehive 2a small box where bees are kept, or the bees that live in this box
1.the hard pointed mouth of a birdsynonym bill
photosynthesis [U.N]the production by a green plant of special substances like sugar that it uses as food, caused by the action of sunlight on chlorophyll (=the green substance in leaves)
= caviare ???the preserved eggs of various large fish, eaten as a special very expensive foodcaviare and champagne
an organ of the body which produces a substance that the body needs, such as hormones, sweat, or saliva 穠??the pituitary gland
1[uncountable] a game between two teams of 11 players in which players try to get points by hitting a ball and running between two sets of three sticks 簪32[countable] a small brown insect that can jump, and that makes a rough sound by rubbing its wings together 羶簸
a grey, green, or yellow plant that spreads over the surface of stones and trees `?&lt;J
a very simple plant without stems or leaves that grows in or near water 禮+
1.a round hole in the ground made by something that has fallen on it or by an explosioncraters on the moon's surface 2. the round open top of a volcano ?癒
N.1.the hard brown outer surface of bread?sandwiches with the crusts cut off4. the hard outer layer of the Earth `穫?deep within the Earth's crust
C.N.something that is very useful and makes your life a lot easier or better?The bus service is a real boon to people in the village.
V. if ice or snow thaws, or if the sun thaws it, it turns into wateropposite freeze ?The lake thawed in March.
a very large city that is the most important city in a country or area?The city has become a huge, bustling metropolis.
1an old object or custom that reminds people of the past or that has lived on from a past time 穠? ?Roman relics found in a field--relic ofthe books and photos, relics of Rob's university days Everything in the house seemed old and untouched, like relics of an ancient time.
a painting that is painted on a wall, either inside or outside a building 簽?
1.[countable] a large round shape that rises above the surface of something ?the hump of a hill3.[countable] a raised part on the back of a camel
U.N, the quality of not being too proud about yourself - use this to show approval I?synonym modesty
V. to talk quickly in an excited and unclear way - used to show disapproval ?The tourists were jabbering away on the bus.
V.t ?f1u?to officially take private property away from someone, usually as a punishment? Miss Williams confiscated all our sweets. ?Many opposition supporters had their goods confiscated.
when someone writes or prints untrue statements about someone so that other people could have a bad opinion of them--for libel?Holt sued the newspaper for libel .--a libel action/case/trial (=a court case against someone for libel) ?restrictions on press freedom, such as libel laws[罈] The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.
1.the sweet liquid that bees collect from flowers 獺L2. thick juice made from particular fruit ?mango nectar3. the drink of the gods, in the stories of ancient Greece
an official whose job is to discover the cause of someone's death, especially if they died in a sudden or unusual way ?}??The coroner recorded a verdict of death by natural causes. ?The coroner's court heard how Mr Banner had been shot twice in the head.
1.if a bone or other hard substance fractures, or if it is fractured, it breaks or cracks ?The immense pressure causes the rock to fracture. --fracture your leg/arm/hip etc ?He fractured his right leg during training.CSI: Her skull is fractured.2. if a group, country etc fractures, or if it is fractured, it divides into parts in an unfriendly way because of disagreementsynonym split ?The opposition has been fractured by bitter disputes.
Vt. 簪[, 1. to move a bone out of its normal position in a joint, usually in an accident ?I dislocated my shoulder playing football.
C.N. a sudden feeling that you would like to do or have something, especially when there is no important or good reason--on a whim ?I didn't leave just on a whim (=for no good reason) .CSI:JUDGE COHEN: Judges aren't appointed on a whim. I owed the family.
1. A2. a period of time, during which an employer can see if a new worker is suitable ?XO?a three month probation period --on probation?Some people are appointed on probation.3.[American English] a period of time in which you must improve your work or behave well so that you will not have to leave your job?I'm afraid I have no choice but to put you on probation .
someone who can do something very well, especially a musician
U.N. something that makes you suffer - used humorously ?Sewing is relaxation for some, purgatory for others.CSI:WARRICK: Hey, Grissom. You got a second? Uh, I'm in purgatory. Need some guidance.
Vt. 1. to give a person or other living thing the food and other substances they need in order to live, grow, and stay healthy ?The cream contains vitamin A to nourish the skin.  ?a well nourished baby
a chemical substance that is produced in a plant or animal, and helps chemical changes to take place in the plant or animal 瞼羸
if you are on good, bad etc terms with someone, you have a good, bad etc relationship with them--be on good/bad/friendly etc terms (with somebody) ?By now, Usha and I were on familiar terms .
N. a piece of writing, film, play etc that uses this type of criticism 隢瑕雿?
curb (v.)
Vt.to control or limit something in order to prevent it from having a harmful effect?measures to curb the spread of the virus
Vt. [formal] to reduce or limit somethingThe new law will curtail police powers. severely/drastically curtail Budget cuts have drastically curtailed training programs.
Vi. [American English] to deliberately hit the ball a short distance in a game of baseball (繳?
ozone layer
2. a word or phrase representing a rule or principle which someone often uses, but which other people often find annoying or boringThe Treasury Secretary has stuck to his mantra that 'a strong dollar is in America's interest'.
U.N. the ability to understand a situation only after it has happened 罈翹(?--with/in hindsight ?With hindsight, I should have seen the warning signs.--the benefit/wisdom of hindsight ?With the benefit of hindsight, it's easy to criticize.
[formal] N. ?
usually --mull something ?overto think about a problem, plan etc for a long time before making a decision ?He's mulling over the proposals before making any changes.  ?The company is mulling over a share offer.
a musical instrument like a long black tube, that you play by blowing into it and pressing keys to change the notes ?W?
Adj. positive and making you feel that good things will happenopposite downbeat ? an upbeat message罈:But Intel is still upbeat about its Wi-Fi investment overall.
V. 4疆FASTEN簸to fasten a buckle or be fastened with a buckle?Amy buckled the belt around her waist.buckle something on/up/together ?Lou was buckling on his revolver.?矇:Jimbo: Buckle your seat belt Ned.
the Stars and Stripesthe national flag of the US
N. 1.a Christian religious ceremony in which someone is touched or covered with water to welcome them into the Christian faith, and sometimes to officially name them G?
for good
permanently?The injury may keep him out of football for good. WeiJWe're gonna put you behind bars 2)for good.  ?繚JAA3??瞽0Y?織?2
N. salt, pepper, spices etc that give food a more interesting taste 簿瞿? A: Good seasonings are the key to good cooking. 簫織簿瞿?_簫) 織 瞼2
1. metal that is rusty is covered in rust ? a rusty nail ?a new metal that will never go rusty*2. if you are rusty, you are not as good at something as you used to be, because you have not practised it for a long time ?My French is a bit rusty.?矇:Band Director: Ok children, I'm sure we're a little rusty.
stainless steel
sooner or later
used to say that something is certain to happen at some time in the future, though you cannot be sure exactly when ??His wife's bound to find out sooner or later.?矇:Lifeguard: Eric, you have to get in the deep end sooner or later.
U.N. a situation in which you have a lot of problems that seem to be caused by bad luck ?his courage in the face of adversity?矇:Mayor: My god it's beautiful. It never fails to amaze me how I managed to overcome adversity.
long wooden benches arranged in rows, where you sit to watch sport @職A ({d織)bY;
V. [formal] to suggest to someone that they have sex with you ?Here, prostitutes constantly proposition tourists.?矇:Mr.Garrison: Are you propositioning me?
someone, especially a woman, who earns money by having sex with people 瓊
black powder that is produced when something is burnt ???矇:He sees everyone with soot on their facs, and it appears to him like they're black too
Vt. to cut off someone's head as a punishment ?? ?Charles I was beheaded in 1649.
Vi. to walk with difficulty, especially because your legs or feet hurt ? He hobbled into the room on crutches. NBA: The Wolves could've despaired when Sam Cassell hobbled off the court in the game's first minute.
2 If a number of similar things are for sale at a certain price apiece, that is the price for each one of them. Entire roast chickens were sixty cents apiece. ADV: amount ADV  = each NBA: Instead, they banded together and earned an 89-71 victory over the Lakers on Sunday, knotting the West finals at one win apiece.
U.N. a quality or feeling that seems to surround or come from a person or a place --aura of ?The building retains an aura of mystery .
Adj. an elusive person or animal is difficult to find or not often seen ?She managed to get an interview with that elusive man.
Vto push or knock against someone in a crowd, especially so that you can get somewhere or do something before other peoplejostle for ?Followers of the president jostled for position in front of the TV cameras.
N. the life that some people believe people have after death  A: Where do you think we go in the afterlife? ?礙?AA竄翹3禱 ?O
grow on
"if something grows on you, you gradually like it more and more?I hated his music at first, but it grows on you. Mom's choice of music is strange, but it has grown on me.穩穩??織#2簫禮繞繡Z&lt;=~A""?hh??:繞2"
Better safe than sorry.
put two and two together
to guess the meaning of something you have heard or seen?I saw him leaving her house and I put two and two together. Jimmy put two and two together and realized his girlfriend is going to break up with him.9瞿i罈繞?8?癟&lt;&gt;簫瞿;羶簣6{繞2
"[American English]
1American English 繪median strip 6?&amp;a narrow area of land that separates the two sides of a big road in order to keep traffic travelling in different directions apartBritish Equivalent: central reservation
car pool
a group of people who agree to travel together to work, school etc in one car and share the cost 癒?
Adj. strange and unusual?outlandish clothes ?Her story seemed so outlandish.
haze (v.)
[American English] to play tricks on a new student or to make them do silly or dangerous things, as part of joining the school or a club at the school CSI:NICK Does your fraternity practice hazing?
charter (n.)
N. a statement of the principles, duties, and purposes of an organization? the freedoms embodied in the UN charterCSI:MATT DANIELS: Yeah, I mean, it took a long time for Phi Alpha to get its charter.
N. formal the art of writing by hand, or skill in this art (1v ?children practicing their penmanshipCSI:formal the art of writing by hand, or skill in this art children practicing their penmanship
N. the act of stopping someone from going to the school where they were studying or from being part of the organization where they worked @*?The headmaster threatened the boys with expulsion.--expulsion of ?the expulsion from the Communist Party of its former leaderCSI:MATT DANIELS: (insistent) State passed a law: No Hazing. It's six months in jail plus expulsion.
N.[medical]a bruise or bruising
2.[usually plural] one of the two fairly flat areas on each side of your forehead Z簫瞻CSI:DR. JENNA WILLIAMS: I'll start at the top. Head contusion, right temple.
N. a small sharp piece of wood, glass, or metal, that has broken off a larger piece 職w ?I've got a splinter in my finger. --splinter of ?splinters of glass
Adj.[medical]relating to the lungs, or having an effect on the lungs 礙織
the tube through which air passes from your mouth to your lungs S?
1.a structure that is built over and into the water so that boats can stop next to it or people can walk along it 穫] ?a yacht moored at a pier ?strolling along Brighton PierCSI:GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk along the pier toward the front of the restaurant.
C.N. a terrible or painful experience that continues for a period of time --ordeal of ?She then had to go through the ordeal of giving evidence.CSI:GRISSOM: Mr. Barger, this is a time when you ought to let us do our job. You've been through a terrible ordeal.
keep somebody posted
[spoken] to regularly tell someone the most recent news about something CSI: You've asked us to keep you posted and I promise we will keep you posted.
V. to die or make someone die by preventing them from breathing ??,疆竄?The animal seizes its prey by the throat and suffocates it to death. ?One of the puppies suffocated inside the plastic bag.
C.N.[usualy plural]one of the large sloping pieces of wood that form the structure of a roof?The club was packed to the rafters (=very full) .
[law] the crime of killing someone illegally but not deliberately ~a礙礙 ?She was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter.CSI: KYLE TRAVIS: It'll be manslaughter, not murder. And me and Matt wind up with community service.
--the Magi [plural] the three wise men who brought gifts to the baby Jesus, according to the Christian religion
1.someone who believes in the ideas of a great teacher or leader, especially a religious one --disciple of 簞?&lt;? He was also an avid reader and a disciple of Tolstoy.2. one of the first 12 men to follow Christ
1.a determined attempt to change something because you think you are morally right --crusade against/for ?He seems to be running a one-man crusade against cigarette smoking.2. also Crusade one of a series of wars fought in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries by Christian armies trying to take Palestine from the Muslims
study hall[American English] a period of time during the school day when students must go to a room to study, instead of going to a lesson *Susan: Don't you have a study hall at 10:00?*70繳J?Aq織rI=_9 r?臘O
to deliberately encourage people to fight, argue etc ?They were charged with inciting racial hatred.--incite somebody to do something ?a person who incites others to commit an offence--incite somebody to something ?There was no evidence that he had incited members of the group to violence.
tit for tat
N. [informal] something bad that you do to someone because they have done something bad to you
Adj. altruistic behaviour shows that you care about and will help other people, even though this brings no advantage for yourselfopposite selfish?Were his motives entirely altruistic?
C.N. a song or poem praising God, especially in the Bible
Adj. with a strong and unhealthy interest in unpleasant subjects, especially death --morbid fascination/curiosity  ?a morbid fascination with instruments of torture
1.strict, cruel, or determined, without ever stopping?her relentless determination to succeed ?a regime that was relentless in its persecution of dissidents2. something bad that is relentless continues without ever stopping or getting less severesynonym endless ?the relentless crying of a small baby ?a family facing relentless financial problems
a pair of special glasses, that you hold up to your eyes to look at objects that are a long distance away ?K?synonym field glasses
a serious illness caused by bacteria that enter your body through cuts and wounds and make your muscles, especially your jaw, go stiff d癟?synonym lockjaw
give/quote somebody chapter and verse
to give someone exact details about where to find some information
V. if a metal object clangs, or if you clang it, it makes a loud ringing sound ?The gates clanged shut behind her.CSI: GRISSOM checks the gasoline can. It clangs hollowly.
V. [transitive] to let someone have or do whatever they want, even if it is bad for them ?His mother spoiled him, indulging his every whim.CSI: GRISSOM: Just indulge me, please?
C.N. an agreement between enemies to stop fighting or arguing for a short time, or the period for which this is arranged ?`?? ?They agreed to call a truce .--truce with/between ?There was an uneasy truce between Alex and Dave over dinner.CSI: GRISSOM: Look ... could we have a truce?
N. the way in which the careful design of equipment helps people to work better and more quickly 礙穡 ?We were very impressed with the machine's ergonomics.
1.[uncountable and countable] the way in which the level of your voice changes in order to add meaning to what you are saying, for example by going up at the end of a question #織? ?intonation patterns
vicious circle Fvicious cycle [singular]a situation in which one problem causes another problem, that then causes the first problem again, so that the whole process continues to be repeate
1.[countable] a job that is available for someone to start doing ?There are still two vacancies on the school board.--vacancy for ?We have no vacancies for photographers at the moment. ?The council is making every effort to fill the vacancies .  ?information about job vacancies
[technical] a very small piece of matter that has the same mass as an electron but has a positive electrical charge ?+?
U.N. something you write or say that has no meaning, or is very difficult to understandsynonym nonsense ?You're talking gibberish !
Adj. unusual and attractive, especially in an old-fashioned way ?a quaint little village in Yorkshire
an insect that eats and destroys wood from trees and buildings 簫+?矇:FF Director: Yes, and the town after, and the town after that. Like termites, we will move this festival from town to town, until we have used it up.
to hide something, especially by making it look the same as the things around it, or by making it seem like something else 簫--camouflage something with something ?I saw a truck, heavily camouflaged with netting and branches. ?The strain she was under was well camouflaged by skilful make-up.
--vouch for somebody/something1.to say that you firmly believe that something is true or good because of your experience or knowledge of it?I'll vouch for the quality of the report. I read it last night. ?'Where were you on the night of the murder?' 'In bed with flu. My wife can vouch for that .'2.to say that you believe that someone will behave well and that you will be responsible for their behaviour, actions etc ?Why don't you phone my office? They'll vouch for me.
a tube that allows someone who is swimming to breathe air under water?This is the best snorkel at that price.?矇:Cartman: What are you doing in the sewer with a bunch of snorkel stuff on?
all the animals and plants in a particular area, and the way in which they are related to each other and to their environment
1.someone who shows people to their seats at a theatre, cinema, wedding etc
1.when a group of people all want to do the same thing at the same time ?a stampede to buy shares in high-tech companies2when a group of large animals or people suddenly start running in the same direction because they are frightened or excited ?a cattle stampede?矇:All of a sudden, everyone rushes out of the theatre in a stampede, and kills him
C.N. one of the ten rules given by God in the Bible that tell people how they must behave
a small table beside a bedBritish Equivalent: bedside table
Adj. 1.done in a hurry, especially with bad resultssynonym hurried ?He soon regretted his hasty decision.a hasty breakfast2.--be hastyto do something too soon, without careful enough thought?Let's not be hasty - sit down for a momen
Adj. behaving calmly and not seeming interested in anything or worried about anything ?'Has he got a girlfriend?' Jill asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
Adj. 1.showing pleasure and pride because of a victory or success ?I feel exhausted, but also triumphant.  --triumphant look/smile/expression etc ?a triumphant grin2.having gained a victory or success ?the triumphant army ?The Nationalists emerged triumphant from the political crisis.
Vt. to find out information slowly and with difficultyglean something from somebody/something?Additional information was gleaned from other sources.
drawbridgea bridge that can be pulled up to stop people from entering a castle, or to let ships pass
Adj.making you feel that things will not improvesynonym depressing ?The report paints a gloomy picture of the economy.
1. done slowly and with a lot of ceremony ?the stately progress of the procession2.impressive in style and size ?stately buildings
C.N. a place in a town or village where boats can be tied up or can stop to load and unload goods
a raised road or path across wet ground or through water
Adj. 1.relating to a god or religion?a sacred vow ?the miraculous powers of sacred relics ?Certain animals were considered sacred.--sacred to ?The land is sacred to these tribesmen.
#}a sharp pointed object coming up from the floor of a cave, formed by drops from a stalactite
Adj [tech] relating to a period of 24 hours, used especially when talking about changes in people's bodies?the body's circadian rhythm
Adj. lofty ideas, beliefs, attitudes etc show high standards or high moral qualities - use this to show approval ?lofty ideals of equality and social justice  ?He had set himself the lofty goal of reaching the world's top five.
[prefix] like something else or trying to be something else?a quasi-scientific approach ?a quasi-governmental organization
V. 1[transitive] formal if you replicate someone's work, a scientific study etc, you do it again, or try to get the same result again ?There is a need for further research to replicate these findings. 2.[intransitive and transitive] technical if a virus or a molecule replicates, or if it replicates itself, it divides and produces exact copies of itself ?the ability of DNA to replicate itself
{ 4#M癒? ( 羸M50繙羸M??,0繙K,4#]?繙K4;,翹?癒r??*4# )  X職; V8 織M癒?a? camcorder_ camera recorder {?
"Adj. something bad that is blatant is very clear and easy to see, but the person responsible for it does not seem embarrassed or ashamed ?a blatant abuse of power  ?blatant discrimination[CNN] a&gt;職羸?繕:羅{`, The report states ""numerous incidents of sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses were inflicted on several detainees."""
1[uncountable] goods that are carried by ship, train, or aircraft, and the system of moving these goods ?{?freight services  ?We'll send your personal belongings by air freight and your furniture by sea freight.
C.N. 1.if you have a facelift, you have an operation in which doctors remove loose skin from your face in order to make you look younger2. work or repairs that make a building or place look newer or better ?The new owner had given the pub a facelift .
ad nauseam
Adv. if you say or do something ad nauseam, you say or do it so often that it becomes annoying for other people 礙????D`;簪礙O`OS` ?Look, we've been over this ad nauseam. I think we should move on to the next item.
to express doubt about or opposition to a plan or suggestion?They demurred politely, but finally agreed to stay.罈:Sun Demurs On Open-Source Java
a long sharp tooth of an animal such as a snake or wild dog F?
strike/touch a chord (with somebody)
to do or say something that people feel is familiar or true?Many of the things she says will strike a chord with other young women. ?He knew that what he was saying had touched a chord.
V.[formal] to put new supplies into something, or to fill something again?More vaccines are needed to replenish our stocks.
[int.] a Hebrew word used to say hello or goodbye
Adj. [informal] of bad quality or unpleasant ?We were staying in this really crummy hotel.  ?a crummy job
Adj.--telltale signs/marks etcsigns etc that clearly show something has happened or exists, often something that is a secret?They examined the child carefully, looking for telltale signs of abuse.
V. to walk with heavy steps or to put your foot down very hard, especially because you are angrysynonym stamp ?Alex stomped angrily out of the meeting.--stomp on?Rogers was injured after being stomped on by another player.罈: If we overflow a local variable we end up stomping on the canary value.
矇?矇Doctor: You know, most people don't realize chickenpox is actually a form of herpes.
N. 1.a part of a city where people of a particular race or class, especially people who are poor, live separately from the rest of the people in the city. This word is sometimes considered offensive ?Ap ? unemployment in the ghetto
say grace
V. [formal] to give someone something of great value or importance 繡--bestow something on/upon somebody ?honours bestowed on him by the Queen?矇:Kenny's Dad: Lord....we thank you for this staggering payload of frozen waffles that you have bestowed upon us.
side disha small amount of food such as a vegetable that you eat with a main meal
[informal] a stupid person
Vi. to suddenly move forward and attack someone or something, after waiting to attack them?The cat was hiding in the bushes, ready to pounce.--pounce on ?Kevin pounced on Liam and started hitting him.--pounce on somebody/something phrasal verb1.to criticize someone's mistakes or ideas very quickly and eagerly ?Teachers are quick to pounce on students' grammatical errors.
an event or situation that is a complete failure?the debacle of the 1994 elections
V. [formal] to be sorry for something and wish you had not done it - used especially when considering your actions in a religious way--repent of?He repented of his sins before he died.
"an insect that lives mainly in Asia and Africa and flies in a very large group, eating and destroying crops ?""&lt;獺R ?a swarm of locusts"
V. to do something that is morally wrong or illegal? Who could have perpetrated such a dreadful crime?
N. 1.a family of young birds all born at the same time 2.a family with a lot of children - used humorously--brood of ?Mary has a whole brood of grandchildren.
Vt 穡to make a list, group, or quantity smaller by getting rid of the things that you do not need or wantsynonym whittle down ?We need to winnow the list of candidates to three.--winnow somebody/something ? out phrasal verbto get rid of the things or people that you do not need or want from a group
1.the outer seed covers that are separated from grain before it is used as food p穫,?
Vt [formal] to prove that a statement or a charge made against you is false synonym refute
U.N. the crime of deliberately damaging things, especially public property
Adv. 1.for a very short timesynonym briefly ?She was momentarily lost for words. ?Jimmy paused momentarily. 2. [American English] very soon ?Mr Johnson will be with you momentarily.
pistona part of an engine consisting of a short solid piece of metal inside a tube, which moves up and down to make the other parts of the engine move
a very strong wind that moves very fast in a circle @A 翻瞽?,羶? ( g獺f~S繳X?簪?a? hurricane, X簪Z瞿;翹];禮a? typhoon,X??;a? cyclone )
Adj. ?m織having an immoral way of life, for example drinking too much alcohol or having sex with many people
V. 1. [formal] to wake someone who is sleeping deeply ?? ?His banging roused the neighbours.  --rouse somebody from sleep/dreams etc  ?A persistent ringing roused Christina from a pleasant dream.
heave to
if a ship heaves to, it stops moving ?lwZ: Heave to and take in sail.
N. delicate designs or decorations made of gold or silver wire ?silver filigree jewellery ?lwZ織翻: That's gold filigree laid into the handle.
V. --redeem yourselfto do something that will improve what other people think of you, after you have behaved badly or failed?He spent the rest of the game trying to redeem himself after a first-minute mistake.?lwZ: One good deed is not enough to redeem a man.
疆PERSONAL POSSESSIONS簸[formal] the things that someone ownssynonym belongings ?Don's few personal effects were in a suitcase under the bed.
Adj. extremely bad, immoral, or cruel?It's despicable the way he treats those kids. ?a despicable act of terrorism ?a despicable crime
a man whose testicles have been removed, especially someone who guarded a king's wives in some Eastern countries in the past Z
N. a popular and fashionable style, activity, method etcsynonym fashion--vogue for ?the vogue for large families in the pre-war years--be in vogue/be the vogue ?Short skirts are very much in vogue just now. ?Suntanning first came into vogue in the mid-1930s.
N. 1 a light that is put somewhere to warn or guide people, ships, vehicles, or aircraft
N. a structure used for killing criminals by hanging them from a rope ?A疆
V. to build a barricade to prevent someone or something from getting in ?During the riots, some of the prisoners barricaded their cells. --barricade somebody/yourself in/into something ?Shopkeepers had to barricade themselves in.?lwZ: Governor , barricade yourself in my office.
N. a piece of jewellery or a small pretty object that is not valuable ?lwZ禮 i禮: How does a maid own a trinket such as that?
N. ea flat part at the back of a ship or aircraft that can be turned in order to control the direction in which it moves
1[countable usually plural] the broad bottom part of a ship
N. a position in which you turn your body upside down, with your head and hands on the floor and your legs and feet in the air?Can you do a headstand ?
V. [formal] to eat dinner?He was dining with friends at the Ritz.
N. a piece of metal shaped like a large coin, worn as jewellery on a chain around the neck?a silver medallion
Vt. if the sun or wind parches something, it makes it very dry
maroon (Vt)
to be left in a place where there are no other people and where you cannot escape?The car broke down and left us marooned in the middle of nowhere?lwZd{: When a pirate's marooned, ...
N.  a flat floating structure, usually made of pieces of wood tied together, used as a boat
Vt. to be in charge of a group of workers and check that a piece of work is done satisfactorilysynonym supervise ?A team leader was appointed to oversee the project.
N. 2a reduction in the amount of something--dent in ?The trip made a big dent in our savings.  ?Eight years of effort have hardly put a dent in drug trafficking.
cling to something
phrasal verb1.to continue to believe or do something, even though it may not be true or useful any longer
Adj. something that is latent is present but hidden, and may develop or become more noticeable in the future
Adj. [formal]making you anxious?a worrisome problem
as for somebody/something
used when you are starting to talk about someone or something new that is connected with what you were talking about before?Kitty's got so thin. And as for Carl, he always seems to be ill. ?You can ask the others, but as for myself, I'll be busy in the office.
hunger strike ???A: I'm joining the hunger strike tonight.A簣籀?繳?織???2B: Make sure you eat a lot of food before you go.?0簫X禱{}x3繡J?2
Adj. being part of the nature or character of someone or something?the intrinsic interest of the subject --intrinsic to?Flexibility is intrinsic to creative management.
Plato(?427-347BC) an ancient Greek philosopher, who had a very great influence on European philosophy.
2[countable] a point where two or more motorways or main roads meet Mr. Lin: All right, we're on 605 going south. Watch for signs for the I-10 interchange.?xOJ簫繞&lt;AA.XX605?:簞??2?;`?-10O??羅?織I翹2
Adj. 6.疆PICTURE/SOUND簸 a picture or sound that is crisp is clear synonym sharpan? old recording that still sounds remarkably crisp
Vt. E?to move something or someone a short distance by gently pushing ?She nudged the glass towards me. ?David nudged me out of the way.
swear by something
phrasal verbto have great confidence in how good or effective something is?He swears by vitamin C pills.
1.[singular] the most successful, powerful, exciting etc part of something ?the pinnacle of academic achievement--pinnacle of?She had reached the pinnacle of her political career.
Adj. an idea, remark etc that is germane to something is related to it in an important and suitable waysynonym relevant--germane to?an article which is germane to the subject being discussed罈:However, source code analysis can be applied to bothprogramming languages, albeit using different diagnostic techniquesto find germane bugs.
fess up
to admit that you have done something wrong, although it is not very serioussynonym own up ?Come on, fess up! Who ate that last cookie?
"N. a liquid that is put into someone's rectum to make their bowels empty
plough through sth , plow through sth(職?)
to read all of something, even though it is boring and takes a long time?Most staff will never want to plough through the manuals that come with the software.? PREfast plows through source code, one function at a time, and looks for coding patterns and incorrect code usage that may indicate a programming error.
the frontier
N. an area where people have never lived before, that not much is known about, especially in the western US before the 20th century?a novel about a family's struggle on the American frontier ?space, the final frontier
C.N. 1.a group of stars that forms a particular pattern and has a name O??a star in the constellation of Orion2.a constellation of something[literary] a group of people or things that are similar?a constellation of ideas
[medical] something such as a hard mass of blood or a small amount of air that blocks a tube carrying blood through the body C?
blow sb? away
"to make someone feel very surprised, especially about something they like or admire?It just blows me away, the way everyone's so friendly round here.?礙
N. the person who makes sure that the players obey the rules in sports such as tennis, baseball, and cricket
C.N.[formal] a trick or plan to deceive an enemy or gain an advantagesynonym ploy
1. @?A ]繹? ( XLFHG簸-織癡n? ) 2. @?A @職A ( 7)?
Adj. 1forming the greatest or most important part of something k簣織 ?Oil is Nigeria's staple export. ?a staple ingredient of comedy2--staple dieta) the food that you normally eat
V. [American English] 8X??9簡} to go down a cliff or rock by sliding down a rope and touching the rock or cliff with your feetBritish Equivalent: abseil
V. 禮dto charge someone with a crime and try to show that they are guilty of it in a court of law ?Shoplifters will be prosecuted. --prosecute somebody for (doing) something ?Buxton is being prosecuted for assault. --prosecute somebody under a law/Act etc  ?The company is to be prosecuted under the Health and Safety Act.
4.[uncountable] a period of time during which people are trained and prepared for a new job or course of study ???OF?礙翻??糧織C$  ?This is orientation week for all the new students.
C.N.1.a confusing and difficult problem ?the conundrum of our purpose on earth
pet peeve
[American English] = pet hate [British English]something that you strongly dislike because it always annoys you?TV game shows are one of my pet hates.
Adj. having a strong determined character and being willing to argue with people - use this to show approval ?DiFranco charmed the audience with her feisty spirit.
Adj. having an important influence on the way someone or something develops--formative years/period/stages etc (=the period when someone's character develops) ?He exposed his children to music throughout their formative years. --formative influence/effect etc ?International politics were a formative influence on the British labour movement.
a rich person who gives a lot of money to help poor people x織疆
--hanker after/for something [phrasal verb]to feel strongly that you want something?She hankered for a new life in a different country. ?holidaymakers who hanker after the sun
2.also sift throughto examine information, documents etc carefully in order to find something out or decide what is important and what is not?Police are sifting through the evidence in the hope of finding more clues.

corporal punishment
1.considering a person or thing as a whole, rather than as separate parts?a holistic approach to design ?8
"1.a Christian ceremony in which prayers are said for someone who has died @Yk?A 繒r
U.N. 2.a system or set of processes for doing something--machinery of ?the machinery of government--machinery for (doing) something ?The company has no effective machinery for resolving disputes.
Adj. still existing in spite of being very old ?Few of the manuscripts are still extant.羸?:extinct
U.N. [literary]a force which is believed by some people to control what happens in our lives and to protect us?divine providence
Vt. to arrange laws, principles, facts etc in a system
Adj. 1.rich and with a high social position ?well-to-do families
--a blow-by-blow account/description etcan account that includes all the details of an event exactly as they happened ?Jenny bored us with a blow-by-blow account of her holiday.
1--a moot point/questionsomething that has not yet been decided or agreed, and about which people have different opinions ?Whether these controls will really reduce violent crime is a moot point.
Adj. better than people think or say ?a much underrated novel
Vt [formal]1. to put yourself or something else between two other things ?She interposed herself between the general and his wife.2. to say something when other people are having a conversation or argument, interrupting them ?'That might be difficult,' interposed Regina.
Adj. very careful and thorough ?The work had been done with painstaking attention to detail.  ?Chris described in painstaking detail what had happened.
prep, adv [formal]in spite of something ?Notwithstanding differences, there are clear similarities in all of the world's religions.  ?Fame and fortune notwithstanding, Donna never forgot her hometown.
be at a premium
if something is at a premium, people need it or want it, but there is little of it available or it is difficult to get?During the Olympic Games, accommodation will be at a premium.
Vt. [formal]to have a very strong desire to have something that someone else has ?The Michelin Awards are coveted by restaurants all over the world.
Adj. very large or great in a surprising or impressive way--prodigious amounts/quantities of something ?Some galaxies seem to release prodigious amounts of energy.?the artist's prodigious output
Adj.[technical] in the simplest mathematical form
Adj.1.someone who is principled has strong opinions about what is morally right and wrong --principled stand/opposition/objection etc  ?He took a principled stand against the legislation.2.based on clear and definite ideas ?an attempt to reduce prison sentences in a principled way
Adj. fairly large--sizeable amount/number ?a sizeable amount of money --sizeable proportion/portion/minority (of something) ?Part-time students make up a sizeable proportion of the college population.
C.N. a wild plant like a mushroom, that can be poisonous x
biennial, biannual
Adj. very annoyingsynonym infuriating?maddening delays
[American English]money given by the government in the US to people who need financial helpsynonym welfare--on the dole?people on the public dole
H 璽
Adj. very quiet and gentle and unwilling to argue with people ?He was always so meek and mild .
"in the Bible, a set of eight statements made by Jesus which list the types of people who are ""blessed"" (=especially loved by God) . Each statement starts with the words ""Blessed are..."", for example ""Blessed are the poor in spirit""."
a competition or game in which people buy numbered tickets and can win prizes?a woman selling raffle ticketsMikeJHe did. I went to a 2)raffle for the chance to meet him.?{J繞~2礙繞9?3罈&lt;A織 禱籀?穩~k2
as (of) yet
used when saying that something has not happened up to now?We've had no luck as yet. ?on an as yet undecided date罈: We discovered a new , as yet unknown vulnerability.
1.--righteous indignation/anger etcstrong feelings of anger when you think a situation is not morally right or fair?He was full of righteous indignation about the attack.2.[formal] morally good and fair?a righteous God
foil (Vt)
to prevent something bad that someone is planning to do?A massive arms-smuggling plan has been foiled by the CIA.
?A: I love to eat Popsicles on hot days.A??XW獺Y3?2B: Not me. They're too sweet.A=??2糧AZL繞2
Vi, N. to hang down or bend in the middle, especially because of the weight of something 銝?
N. something you put on top of food to make it look nicer or taste better:* a pizza with extra toppings
on the side
c) food that is served on the side is ordered with the main dish in a restaurant, but is not usually part of that dish?I'd like eggs with toast on the side.*TrevJThanks. And I want it in a cup, with a strawberry 5)shake 6)on the side.D?JJM2A簣X??&lt;F繞0?y?礎D2
formal1a short description in a book or play showing the typical features of a person or situation2a small picture or design at the beginning or end of a book or chapter
C.N. 1.a talk given as part of a Christian church service, usually on a religious or moral subject --give/preach/deliver a sermon (on something) x?&lt;K? ?The vicar gave a sermon on charity.
someone who looks for gold, minerals, oil etc Z?5
Vi.to flow slowly through small holes or spacesseep into/through/down etc?Blood seeped down his leg.
1.to completely cover the whole surface of something with something else, often in a way that seems unnecessary or unpleasant--smother something with/in something ?noodles smothered in garlic sauce
Adj. involving ideas, information, or people from different subjects or areas of study 穡 織?an interdisciplinary research centre
[formal]liquid that appears on your skin when you are hot or nervous ?synonym sweat?He wiped the beads of perspiration (=drops) from his brow.
rattle sth off
to say several pieces of information or a list quickly and easily from memory?An officer rattled off some statistics about the aid program.
psych somebody up
if you psych yourself up or if someone psychs you up, you get mentally prepared before doing something so that you feel confident
U.N 1.a feeling of being comfortable, healthy, and happy--well-being of ?We are responsible for the care and well-being of all our patients.
Adv. if one person does something single-handedly, they do it without help from anyone else ?She brought up three children single-handedly.
1.a part of a tube or pipe that opens and shuts like a door to control the flow of liquid, gas, air etc passing through it 簫簞1k簞 ?heart valves
1.one of the long thin parts of a sea creature such as an octopus which it uses for holding things ({
C.N. [informal]something good that happens because of luck?He agreed that the second goal was a fluke.
(go) back to the drawing board
if you go back to the drawing board, you start again with a completely new plan or idea, after the one you tried before has failed?The current system just isn't working - we need to go back to the drawing board and start afresh.罈: Sardonix has conceded that the project has largely been a failure, putting open-source security auditing back on the drawing board.
[formal]1.an idea that is nebulous is not at all clear or exactsynonym vague?'Normality' is a rather nebulous concept.罈: The project aimed at finally making real the nebulous claim that open-source software is more secure than closed-source, because anybody can audit the source code of the program for security issues.
sex appeal?She's young and pretty and full of sex appeal.
1.[uncountable and countable] a statement or opinion judging the worth, value, or condition of somethingappraisal of ?`?It needed a calmer appraisal of her situation. ?a critical appraisal of the existing facilities
Adj. big, bright, or very easy to noticesynonym flashy?a splashy orange shirt罈: he asserted that security researchers were only interested in finding splashy bugs and posting them to security mailing lists.
Adj. attracting a lot of public attention, usually deliberately?a high-profile public figure
[informal] having or showing unusual ways of getting sexual excitement?kinky sex videosChandler簧`{?: I can be kinky.
1.a performance by a musician or a group of musicians playing modern popular music or jazz, or a performance by a comedian--do/play/have a gig ?The band are doing a gig in Sheffield on Nov 12.Phoebe?mike礙簸穫?繞: He has a gig.
2.[singular] a big difference between two people, groups, or things--chasm between ?the chasm between rich and poor
Adj. 1.a spurious statement, argument etc is not based on facts or good thinking and is likely to be incorrect?He demolished the Opposition's spurious arguments.
Vt.1.to completely destroy a building?The entire east wing of the building was demolished in the fire. 2.to prove that an idea or opinion is completely wrong?He demolished my argument in minutes.
either way
a) used to say that something will be the same whichever of two things happens or is trueYou can get to Edinburgh by train or plane, but either way it's very expensive.罈: A sound model would presume each conditional could execute either way.
[American English informal] an act of stealing something very valuable from a shop, bank etcsynonym robbery ?a jewelry heist罈:Groklaw Debunks SCO's ELF Heist
C.N. someone who illegally punishes criminals and tries to prevent crime, usually because they think the police are not doing this effectively
Vt. 1.to confuse and surprise people by being unexpected?His amazing recovery confounded the medical specialists.
tease something ? out
1.to succeed in learning information that is hidden, or that someone does not want to tell you--tease something ? out of ?I finally managed to tease the truth out of her.
a sore area on your skin or inside your body that may bleed or produce poisonous substances @?A ?= ?stomach ulcers
Adj. 1.complicated and difficult to understand?the byzantine complexity of our tax laws
1.to kill someone by pressing their throat with your hands, a rope etc 竄
1.a group of ships, or all the ships in a navy ?繙?the US seventh fleet
1.if trees blossom, they produce flowers 罈獺?The apple trees are just beginning to blossom.
a) the Mediterraneanthe sea that is surrounded by the countries of southern Europe, North Africa, and the Middle Eastb) the area of southern Europe that surrounds the Mediterranean Sea
Adj. feeling extremely happy and excited?an ecstatic welcome from the thousands who lined the streets
giving strong loyal support to another person, organization, belief etc罈: But after a few years of diving, he witnessed changes that turned him into a staunch conservationist.
1.if something such as an event or a message resonates, it seems important or good to people, or continues to do this 癒$--resonate with?an idea that resonates with many voters2.to make a deep loud clear sound that continues for a long time
1.[countable] a long and carefully organized journey, especially to a dangerous or unfamiliar place, or the people that make this journey ?簣???an expedition to the North Pole another Everest expedition--on an expedition?He went on an expedition to Borneo.
a long piece of clothing worn by Muslim women in some countries, which covers the head, face, and body, with only a small square to see through
riddle (v)
1to make a lot of small holes in something?Two gunmen riddled the bus with gunfire.
Adj. crazy or silly?You're completely cuckoo!
a short pole that is wide and flat at the end, used for moving a small boat in water #
stool pigeon
athlete's foot
1.a strong desire or feeling of duty to do a particular kind of work, especially religious work?Helping the poor was her calling in life.
Adj.1.relating to your sense of touch (礙織 ?tactile sensations2.a tactile person likes to touch people, for example when talking to them
1. the small pointed part of a record player, that touches the record a2.a thing shaped like a pen, used for writing on wax, making marks on metal, writing on a special computer screen etc (?v
Adj. 1.a cramped room, building etc does not have enough space for the people in it?The kitchen was small and cramped.
U.Ncareful and thorough examination of someone or something--careful/close scrutiny ?Careful scrutiny of the company's accounts revealed a whole series of errors.?Their activities have come under police scrutiny.
C.N.someone's child or children - often used humorously?a young mother trying to control her offspring
Adj.someone with thinning hair is losing their hair
[literary] a woman's beautiful long hair
U.N.an attractive shiny appearance?Her thick, black hair shone with lustre.
V. [informal]to spend more money than you can usually affordsynonym splash out--splurge (something) on something ?Within a couple of months I'd splurged about 瞽G2,500 on clothes.
Vt. 2簫to make something pale or white, especially by using chemicals or the sun?She bleached her hair blond. ?The wood had been bleached by the sun .
an imaginary creature that looks like a very small human being, has magical powers, and likes to play tricks on people
V.1.to cover or be on top of something ?be overlaid with something ?The wood is overlaid with silver.
N. [technical]a statement in which you say the same thing twice using different words in a way which is not necessary, for example, 'He sat alone by himself.'
--somebody's dulcet tonessomeone's voice - used humorously ?Basil's dulcet tones could be heard in the corridor.
1. a long narrow passage on a train or between rooms in a building, with doors leading off it--in the corridor?We had to wait outside in the corridor until our names were called.--down/along the corridor?She hurried down the corridor.?Go down here and the bathroom's at the end of the corridor.
V. 0Rto give someone their money back, especially because they are not satisfied with the goods or services they have paid for I took the radio back, and they refunded my money .
1. @`A ?l ( 癟; Bavaria ??,癟;?織k簣臘2,???= )
C.N. a very small room in a house where food is kept
N.when soldiers, sailors, etc refuse to obey the person who is in charge of them, and try to take control for themselves 繙--mutiny against?He led a mutiny against the captain.
N. a slight pain you get when something sharp goes into your skin ?I didn't feel the prick of the needle.?lwZ: Just a prick of the finger. A few drops of blood.
N. [formal] a situation in which two people, ideas, or statements agree with each other--be in accord with something ?These results are in accord with earlier research.--in perfect/complete accord  ?It is important to the success of any firm that its partners should be in complete accord.?lwZ,li禮: We have an accord.
a piece of tight-fitting underwear that women wore especially in the past to make them look thinner 繳?Q?lwZ,瞿k: Try wearing a corset.
C.N. a set of stories, poems, songs etc by different people collected together in one book 穡繹synonym collectionan? anthology of American literature
[medical]a medical reason for not giving someone a particular medicine or drug 簣羹
2. @?A (繙羅繙繳織)?R,?R;8? a ring formed by the end of a piece of rope, which closes more tightly as it is pulled, used especially for killing someone by hanging them
C.N. a lucky or successful situation where people can make a lot of money?2002 will be a bonanza year for the computer industry. ?an amazing cash bonanza
Adj.1.tired and almost asleepsynonym sleepy ?The drug can make you drowsy.
V.2.--be reconciled (with somebody) 翹簫to have a good relationship again with someone after you have quarrelled with themJonah and his youngest son were, on the surface at least, reconciled.
Adj.feeling or showing strong sexual desire?She ignored his lustful glances.
Adv. [formal]up to this time?a species of fish hitherto unknown in the West
??the part of a woman's or female animal's body where her baby grows before it is bornsynonym uterus
guinea pig
V.1.to try to persuade someone to do something such as buy something from you, vote for you, or work for you - used in news reports ?the Party's efforts to woo working class voters2. [old-fashioned] to try to persuade a woman to love you and marry yousynonym court
N. [formal]a particular point in an activity or period of time?At this juncture , I suggest we take a short break. ?The talks are at a critical juncture (=very important point) .
a very young child who is just learning to walk
[American English] someone who tries to sell things in a way that is too forceful and not honest - used to show disapproval
the activities of someone who pretends be a doctor
red flag
[American English] something that shows or warns you that something might be wrong, illegal etc
1. a formal written statement describing someone's character and abilities2. something that is given or done to someone to thank or praise them, or show admiration for them ?a testimonial dinner in honour of Senator Frank Flint
a short story based on your personal experienceThe book is full of amusing anecdotes about his life in Japan.
centenariansomeone who is 100 years old or older
fine print
職?: fine print, !?: small printall the rules and details relating to a contract or agreement--read/check the small print ?Always read the small print before you sign anything.
bottom line
1--the bottom lineused to tell someone what the most important part of a situation is, or what the most important thing to consider is?The bottom line is that recycling isn't profitable. ?In radio you have to keep the listener listening. That's the bottom line.
choppy water has a lot of waves and is not smooth to sail on?The small boat bobbed about on the choppy water.
Vt. ~-%K2[transitive] to let someone have everything they want, or always let them do what they want ?Penny was overindulged by her parents.
Vt.to look after someone very kindly, for example by giving them the things that they want and making them feel warm and comfortable ?She spent her childhood as the pampered daughter of a wealthy family.--pamper yourself ?Pamper yourself with a stay in one of our luxury hotels.
Adj.[formal] ill and not likely to get better ??:care for aging, ailing parents.
bad rap
--a bum/bad rap[especially American English informal] unfair treatment or punishment?Cleveland always gets a bum rap in the press.
rife with something
full of something bad or unpleasant?The crowded factories are rife with disease.
U.N.the condition of being mentally healthy?I began to doubt his sanity.?She wondered if she was losing her sanity .
2[intransitive and transitive] to try to fit two or more jobs, activities etc into your life, especially with difficulty--juggle something (with something)?It's hard trying to juggle a job with kids and the housework.
Adj. [only before noun]producing or relating to very good food and drink 職織?a gourmet cook ?gourmet dinners
N. [especially American English] 繪?a strong alcoholic drink such as whiskysynonym spirit
scrambled eggeggs cooked in a pan after the white and yellow parts have been mixed together
someone who is trained to give people advice about what it is healthy for them to eat and drink :穡疆
spicy, hot
Adj.food that is bland has very little taste 瞿織?a bland diet
Adj. 瞿?籀織?tangy orange cake
hit the spot
[informal] to have exactly the good effect that you wanted, especially when you are hungry or thirsty
out of this world
[informal] extremely good, enjoyable etc?The graphics and sounds are out of this world.
the sport or activity of making a boat move through water with oars Bi-
a narrow sword with a sharp point, used in the sport of fencing 瓊翻
1.a piece of cloth or plastic tied under a baby's chin to protect its clothes when it is eating
1.[intransitive and transitive] if someone or something deflects something that is moving, or if it deflects, it turns in a different direction 簪yA ?Connor deflected the blow with his left forearm.
U.N. 繳翻
the area at the back of your eye that receives light and sends an image of what you see to your brain ?璽?
Adj.having no worries or problems?He thought back to the carefree days of his childhood. ?a carefree attitude
box-office bomb
a group of companies or organizations who are working together to do something?a consortium of oil companies ?The aircraft will be built by a European consortium.
Vt. [formal] to complain or say that you are disappointed about something?He was bemoaning the fact that lawyers charge so much. --bemoan the lack/absence/loss of something ?an article bemoaning the lack of sports facilities in the area
V.[usually passive] to decorate something with flowers, flags etc--deck something (out) with something?The street was decked with flags for the royal wedding.
N.a set of papers containing detailed, usually secret information about a person or subjectsynonym file--dossier on?A firm of detectives produced a dossier on his activities.
claims adjuster
be snowed under
[informal] to have more work than you can deal with--be snowed under with?I found myself snowed under with work.
Vi. [formal]to officially begin studying at a university or, in the US, at a school or college--matriculate at?Aged only 15, he matriculated at the University of Leipzig.?matriculated students
ward (v.)
to do something to try to protect yourself from something bad, such as illness, danger, or attack?Don't forget insect repellent to ward off the mosquitoes. ?a spell to ward off evil spirits
N. [informal] a situation that is disappointing or annoying 礙=9織罈&lt;B??It was a real bummer being ill on holiday.
職?: turn signal!?:indicator
sportsmanshipbehaviour that is fair, honest, and polite in a game or sports competition?His sportsmanship and style of play is refreshing. --good/bad/poor sportsmanship (=good or bad behaviour in a sport) ?We try to teach the kids good sportsmanship.
1. b1?[countable] a group of things that are fastened, held, or growing together--bunch of?I'll send her a bunch of flowers . ?He had a bunch of keys on his belt. ?a bunch of grapes
1.also grapevine ?4a plant that produces grapes2. a plant with long thin stems that attach themselves to other plants, trees, buildings etc 
1. not expressed in a direct waysynonym indirect?an oblique reference to his drinking problem3. --oblique line/stroke etc ?織 ?a sloping line etc
earthlinga human - used in science fiction stories
Vt.1.to destroy something or someone completely?Just one of these bombs could annihilate a city the size of New York.
Adj --a gangland killing/murder/shooting etca killing etc relating to the world of organized and violent crime?Sharp may have been the victim of a gangland revenge killing.
smoking gun
something that shows who is responsible for something bad or how something really happened
2[intransitive] if a person or animal grunts, they make short low sounds in their throat?Grunting with effort, she lifted me up.
--at/from the outsetat or from the beginning of an event or process?It was clear from the outset that there were going to be problems.
at once
a) immediately or without delay?Now, go upstairs at once and clean your room! ?When I saw him I recognized him at once.b) together, at the same time?I can't do two things at once! ?Don't all talk at once.
Adj. [informal] very hot, especially so that you feel uncomfortable?a roasting hot day
C.N.the amount of food that someone gives you or that you takesynonym serving ?a double helping of pie A: Billy was kicked out of an all-you-can-eat restaurant.Y?3`-織@#??*繞繞2B: Was that after he went back for his twelfth helping??_X\q翹Q禱/ {翹臘O
the ropes
a) all the things someone needs to know to do a job or deal with a system?I spent the first month just learning the ropes . ?He works repairing streets, and knows the ropes when it comes to safety. ?Miss McGinley will show you the ropes and answer any questions.
1.a public place where alcoholic drinks were sold and drunk in the western US in the 19th centurysynonym bar ?W
U.N. a feeling of satisfaction with a situation or with what you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things - used to show disapproval?Doctors have warned against complacency in fighting common diseases. ?Despite yesterday's win, there is clearly no room for complacency if the team want to stay top of the league.
Adj.rude and not respectful, especially to someone who is older or more importantsynonym cheeky?He was always asking impertinent questions.?You are an impertinent young woman.
Adj.unwilling to tell people about your plans, intentions, or opinions--cagey about?He was very cagey about the deal.
follow suit
to do the same as someone else has done?Budget companies have been so successful that other airlines have had to follow suit and lower their fares.
kick back
to relax?Your waitress will take your order while you kick back and enjoy the game. TrevJYeah, baby! I'm gonna kick back all the way to Orlando.  D?J?1A0B=`?]J繞2
stray dog (n.) q?A: Why does Taipei have so many stray dogs? G&gt;穫9?穫Jq?OB: Because people stop taking care of them and let them go.礙W疆=:an?A?2
1.hair that is spiky is stiff and stands up on top of your head ?short black spiky hair2.having long sharp points  ?a spiky cactus
suit yourself
[spoken] used to tell someone they can do whatever they want to, even though it annoys you or you think they are not doing the right thing ?簿??'Mind if I sit here?' he said gently. 'Suit yourself.'
chill out
[intransitive] [informal] to relax completely instead of feeling angry, tired, or nervous 癟??'Hold it! Just chill for a second, won't you!'? I spent the afternoon chilling out in front of the TV.
"a substance that gets rid of the burning feeling in your stomach when you have eaten too much, drunk too much alcohol etc (T7禱籀繭織)穡[?] ?礙
umbilical cord
son of a gun
used to express surprise Monica繙瞿`簫=@erica: Son of a gun, it is.
glove compartment
a small cupboard in a car in front of the passenger seat, where small things such as maps can be kept
1. @?A 簿
a skin disease of animals that makes them lose their fur ?
a built-up area has a lot of buildings and not many open spaces?He was fined for speeding in a built-up area.
Vi. [informal] ?獺?kif two people smooch, they kiss and hold each other in a romantic way, especially while dancing
C.N. [formal] @\a judgment about the future, based on information or experience--prognosis of?a hopeful prognosis of the country's future development
Adj.making you feel worried or unhappysynonym harsh?When he lost his job, his future looked grim.
Int. ?瞽used to represent the sound that a pig makes
to take an examination again because you have previously failed it 羸3
run for
[especially American English] &amp;穡to try to be elected in an election?Salinas is running for a second term as President.
civil service

mudslide (n.) O#q&lt;}矇A: Why don't you have a place to sleep tonight?礙簸穫?繳??`矇?礙OB: A mudslide destroyed my home.O#q繙A疆簸繞2
to officially force someone to leave a school or organization 罈?--expel somebody from something?Two girls were expelled from school for taking drugs.
U.N. a lot of dirtsynonym filth?The walls were black with grime.
adj.seeming to offer hope of success or happiness?a company that sees a rosy future for itself ?Letters to relatives in Europe painted a rosy picture of life in the United States.
Adj.full of liquid, gas, food etc, so that you look or feel much larger than normal?a red bloated face ?I feel really bloated after that meal.
Adj. [informal]seeming bad or dishonestsynonym suspicious?There's something very fishy about him.
C.N.someone who is not generous and does not like spending money ?Sl
expectant mother/father
a mother or father whose baby will be born soon
C.N. 瞿oXy?wan X-ray picture of a woman's breasts used to check for signs of cancer
Int. [informal]used to show annoyance?Rats! I forgot to buy any bread.
V. ??to shake for a short time because you are afraid or cold, or because you think something is very unpleasant?Maria shuddered as she stepped outside.
C.N. [formal]a conference
V [spoken]to keep sniffing in order to stop liquid from running out of your nose, especially when you are crying or you have a cold? For goodness' sake, stop sniffling!
V.to stick to someone or something, or seem to surround themcling to/around etc?His wet shirt clung to his body. ?The smell of cigarette smoke clung to her clothes.
not to be outdone
in order not to let someone else do better or seem better than you?Not to be outdone, other computer manufacturers are also donating machines to schools.
wax Fearwax
Adj. [formal]spending a lot of time sitting down, and not moving or exercising very much--sedentary life/job/lifestyle etc ?health problems caused by our sedentary lifestyles
gutter (v.)
V. [literary] if a candle gutters, it burns with an unsteady flame
Adj. [literary] evil or bad
cut/give somebody some slack
[spoken] to allow someone to do something without criticizing them or making it more difficult?Hey, cut me some slack, man, I'm only a few bucks short.
C.N.a very small mark, spot, or piece of something--speck of?a speck of dust
U.N.very small pieces of wood that are left when you have been cutting wood
C.N.a long narrow piece of wooden board, used especially for making structures to walk on?a long plank of wood ?a bridge made of planks
V.to step heavily on something, so that you crush it with your feet--trample on/over/through etc?There was a small fence to stop people trampling on the flowers.
a wild plant which has leaves with sharp points and purple or white furry flowers
V.to refuse to obey a law or rule, or refuse to do what someone in authority tells you to do?people who openly defy the law
N. [formal] 瓣an attempt by a large group of people within a country to take control using force and violencesynonym rebellion--insurrection against?an armed insurrection against the party in power
Vt.to be better or more impressive than someone or something else?Several new players outshone the veterans.
let something ? out
to make a piece of clothing wider or looser, especially because it is too tight 4
Adj. not strict in the way you punish someone or in the standard you expect
call on
V. Z&lt;簣r
in somebody's shoes
in someone else's situation, especially a bad one?I wouldn't like to be in his shoes when his wife finds out what happened. ?Anyone in her shoes would have done the same thing. ?Don't be cross with them. Try to put yourself in their shoes (=imagine what it would feel like to be in their situation) .
food for thought
something that makes you think carefully?The teacher's advice certainly gave me food for thought.
scratch the surface
to deal with only a very small part of a subject or problem--scratch the surface of?I think we have only scratched the surface of this problem.
and how!
[spoken] [old-fashioned] used to say 'yes' strongly in reply to a question?'Was Matt drunk?' 'And how!'
with flying colours
if you pass a test with flying colours, you are very successful in it
Adv. [formal]before this time?In recent years we have seen greater emphasis than heretofore on the voice of the consumer.
U.N.when people carry small boats over land from one river to another
Adj.a door that is ajar is slightly open
Adj.1. slightly crazy2--drive somebody bonkersto make someone feel crazy or very annoyed?Thinking about the whole problem has driven me nearly bonkers.
Vt. u@*糧to make someone leave a country and return to the country they came from, especially because they do not have a legal right to stay--deport somebody from/to something?He was deported from Ecuador when his visa expired.
a child who behaves badly but whom you still like Sl
a thing such as a knife, spoon etc that you use when you are cooking @禮?kitchen utensils A: Please pass the utensils. 羶繙@禮??A2B: Here you go. /禱2
C.N. [especially American English] ?-?a member of an organized criminal groupsynonym gangster A: Why can't I hang out with Jimmy? 礙簸穫A=-9瞿*禱?OB: Because he's a mobster.礙_;?n-?2
Adj. C籀織 able to burn easily--combustible material/gas etc
C.N.1.someone that you feel sorry for ?He was a lonely, miserable wretch.2.someone you are annoyed with ?Stop pulling my hair, you wretch!
C.N.an improvement or increase in the level of something--upswing in/of?an upswing in economic growth
U.N. 穩2a way of removing fat from someone's body, using suction
Adj. 竅職織a part of your body that is inflamed is red and swollen, because it is injured or infected?an inflamed eye
C.N.the small bone at the bottom of your spine n?synonym tailbone
not one/an iota
not even a small amount:* It won't make an iota of difference.
U.N. [formal] the plates, glasses, knives etc used when eating a meal
I, for one, ...
used to emphasize that you believe something, will do something etc and hope others will do the same?I, for one, am proud of the team's effort.
V.--wreak havoc/mayhem/destruction (on something)to cause a lot of damage or problems?These policies have wreaked havoc on the British economy.
Adj. [formal]not fair or reasonablesynonym unfair?unjust laws
think on your feet
to think of ideas and make decisions very quickly?In this job you need to be able to think on your feet.
at the drop of a hat
immediately and without pausing to think about what you are going to do?Some of these corporations threaten to sue at the drop of a hat.
it's six of one and half a dozen of the other
[spoken] used to say that both people or groups who are involved in a situation are equally responsible for something bad that happens?In any family quarrel, it's usually six of one and half a dozen of the other.
Adj.happening or done in a way that is not planned or organized--a haphazard way/manner/fashion ?I continued my studies in a rather haphazard way.?Educational provision in the country is haphazard.
V.to prevent someone from saying what they think in publicsynonym gag?an attempt by the government to muzzle the country's media
quark[technical] a very small part of something, which is smaller than an atom
1. g]#
life guardsomeone whose job at a beach or swimming pool is to help swimmers who are in danger
women's underwear
pipe dream
a hope, idea, plan etc that is impossible or will probably never happen?In many parts of the country, democratic elections are simply a pipe dream.Stuck on you: Maybe this is a pipe dream.
Vi. [informal] to look at something for a long time, in a way that looks stupidsynonym stare
N. [American English informal]a) someone's group of friends - used especially by young people Stuck on you: And bring the posse.
plastic surgery
the medical practice of changing the appearance of people's faces or bodies, either to improve their appearance or to repair injuries 瞻罈{?
"a small organ near your bowel, which has little or no use ""穡?Christine had to go into hospital to have her appendix out (=have it removed) ."
Vt. ?癟to damage a joint in your body by suddenly twisting itsynonym twist?I fell down the steps and sprained my ankle .
C.N. [formal] D an actor - sometimes used humorously?a distinguished thespian
double entendre
C.N.word or phrase that may be understood in two different ways, one of which is often sexual
C.Nsix cans or bottles of a drink, especially beer, sold together as a set?There's a six-pack in the fridge.
Adj.[not before noun] someone who is run-down is tired and not healthy?You look a bit run-down.
U.N. [informal]a strong alcoholic drink, such as whisky
V. to try to persuade people to support a political party, politician, plan etc by going to see them and talking to them, especially when you want them to vote for you in an election: ?巨
N.a list that shows which films, television programmes etc are the most popular?CBS will end the series if it continues to drop in the ratings.
field trip
C.N.an occasion when students go somewhere to learn about a particular subject, especially one connected with nature or science?a geography field trip
[uncountable]the soft fatty substance in the hollow centre of bones ?繳synonym bone marrow?a bone marrow transplant
the Big Dipper[American English] a group of seven bright stars seen only from northern parts of the worldBritish Equivalent: the Plough
Taurus[uncountable] the second sign of the zodiac, represented by a bull, which some people believe affects the character and life of people born between April 21 and May 21
Adj.unable to think clearly, especially because of a shock, accident etc?Dazed survivors staggered from the wreckage.
Adj. [spoken]very unpleasant, especially to look at, taste, or feelsynonym yucky?There was some icky black stuff between the tiles.
N. #a type of Japanese poem with three lines consisting of five, seven, and five syllables
[uncountable and countable] a piece of writing, music etc or an action that copies someone or something in an amusing way Q/b4--parody of?a brilliant parody of classical dance
V. [spoken] ooto pass water from your body - used by or to childrensynonym urinate
C.N. [literary] the scenery behind something that you are looking at--backdrop to?The sea made a splendid backdrop to the garden.?矇:Director: Hold it! Cut! Can we get some more light on that backdrop?
--catch somebody red-handedto catch someone at the moment when they are doing something wrong?Earl was caught red-handed taking the money.
V. [informal] to do too much of something, such as eating or drinking, in a short period of time--binge on?Whenever she's depressed she binges on chocolates.
pig out
[informal] to eat a lot of food all at once--pig out on?I found Sam in front of the TV, pigging out on pizza and fries.
[medical]containing or consisting of salt?saline solution
N. an idea, plan, organization etc that someone has thought of without any help from anyone else--brainchild of?The festival was the brainchild of Reeves.
[countable] a small bed for a baby, especially one that moves gently from side to side Fs?She rocked the cradle to quieten the child.
V.to make someone leave their home for a new place, especially when this is difficult or upsetting?He rejected the idea of uprooting himself and moving to America.
Adj.crazy or unusual in a way that is amusing?zany comedian Vic Reeves
soccer mom
N. [American English]a mother who spends a lot of time driving her children to sports practice, music lessons etc, considered as a typical example of women from the middle to upper classes in US society
N.news, music, writing, work etc that is not serious or important?a magazine full of pop and fashion fluff
Adj. existing everywhere?the pervasive influence of television ?the all-pervasive mood of apathy
V.to control the supply of something because there is not enough?Fuel was rationed during the war.
N. a very exact clock, used for scientific purposes
[American English] '?38[Certified Public Accountant an accountant who has passed all his or her examinations
C.N. 獺one of the coloured parts of a flower that are shaped like leaves?rose petals ?The flower has seven petals.
C.N [formal] a small hole or space in something
Adj. ?籀i~織someone who is wary is careful because they think something might be dangerous or harmful--be wary of (doing) something?I'm a bit wary of driving in this fog.
N.[singular]something that makes it easy for you to guess something--be a clear/dead giveaway (=make it very easy to guess something) ?He'd been smoking dope; his glazed eyes were a dead giveaway.
C.N. 0$a very small round mass of a liquid or sticky substance--blob of?a blob of honey
Vi [written] kbto play in an active happy way?Lambs frolicked in the next field.
Vt. 6if something baffles you, you cannot understand or explain it at all?The question baffled me completely.
Adj [formal] 癒O織a symbiotic relationship is one in which the people, organizations, or living things involved depend on each other
at times
sometimes?Life is hard at times.罈: At times, you need a way to ...
a slew of something
[informal] a large number of things?a whole slew of cheap motels
Vt.to give someone a false idea about something?Her pleasant manner belied her true character.
Adj.menial work is boring, needs no skill, and is not important?a menial job ?She did menial tasks about the house.
C.N. [formal] 繭ua short period of time that you stay in a place that is not your home?a brief sojourn in Europe
with aplomb
[formal]in a confident and skilful way, especially when you have to deal with difficult problems or a difficult situation?Ms Sharpe handled their questions with great aplomb.
V.to wave your arms or legs in an uncontrolled way?He flailed wildly as she tried to hold him down.--flail around/about?James flailed about in the shallow water.
be on the loose
if a criminal or dangerous animal is on the loose, they have escaped from prison or from their cage
C.N.someone who believes that people cannot know whether God exists or not
Adj.an impending event or situation, especially an unpleasant one, is going to happen very soon--impending danger/doom/death/disaster etc ?She had a sense of impending disaster. ?impending changes in government legislation
little by little
gradually?Little by little he became accepted by the family.
big shot
[informal] W?someone who has a lot of power or influence in a company or an area of business?His father's a big shot and he thinks he is, too.
wet blanket
[informal] ?癟d織礙&lt;糧8織礙someone who seems to want to spoil other people's fun, for example by refusing to join them in something enjoyable that they are doing
be selling/going like hot cakes
?癟if things are selling like hot cakes, they are very popular and people are buying a lot of them very quickly?Copies of the book are selling like hot cakes.
teacher's pet
[informal] a child who everyone thinks is the teacher's favourite student and is therefore disliked by the other students
Adj.an irrefutable statement, argument etc cannot be proved to be wrong, and must be accepted--irrefutable evidence/proof/facts ?irrefutable proof of his innocence
C.N.a person, team etc that is weaker than the others, is always expected to be unsuccessful, and that is often treated badly?Crowds often feel sympathy for the underdog .
jot something ? down
[phrasal verb]to write a short piece of information quickly?Let me jot down your number and I'll call you tomorrow.
N. [informal] a short film that advertises an event or product?a promo video
N.[countable]a piece of flat metal, wood, or stone with writing on it, used as a prize in a competition or attached to a building to remind people of an event or person?The team's coach was given a plaque.
the long hair on the back of a horse's neck, or around the face and neck of a lion
C.N.a small imaginary creature with magic powers, which looks like a very small person
C.N k?one of the two holes at the end of your nose, through which you breathe and smell things?The smell of gunpowder filled his nostrils.
[countable] the long nose of some kinds of animals, such as pigs
V.if you rattle something, or if it rattles, it shakes and makes a quick series of short sounds?Bottles rattled as he stacked the beer crates.
[formal]to laugh because you are amused or pleased about something?Harry chortled with delight.
^繒[transitive] to remove something from a surface using the edge of a knife, a stick etcScrape the carrots and slice them thinly.--scrape something away/off?The earth was scraped away to uncover a trap door.
[formal] kthe most important character in a play, film, or storysynonym main character
chamber music
classical music written for a small group of instruments ?2
"a long piece of music in which a large group of people sing ?繚 ( ??u罈礙k
Adj. 礙?織concerned with improving bad living conditions and preventing unfair treatment of people--humanitarian aid/assistance/relief ?Humanitarian aid is being sent to the refugees.
"N. h?繚穫[""] all the plays, pieces of music etc that a performer or group knows and can perform--in somebody's repertoire?The group include some techno in their repertoire.--repertoire of?a wide repertoire of songs"
a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley ?瓊
[formal] 穠Rmoney or property which you arrange to give to someone after your death?a bequest of $5000
C.N. 0藩a large group of families that often share the same name?the Campbell clan
U.N.1.an influence that makes something happen or makes it happen more quickly--impetus for?The report may provide further impetus for reform.?The discovery gave fresh impetus to the research.2. [technical] the force that makes an object start moving, or keeps it moving 藩
[technical] @`A `? ( `h7`穫{?織6 ) the part of the Earth around the central core
a deep narrow valley with steep sides -gsynonym gorge
a deep narrow valley with steep sides -g
C.N. [formal] a building, especially a large one?Their head office was an imposing edifice.
Adj. not knowing about or not noticing something that is happening around you [= unaware]
down jacket
N. (a piece of jewellery that you fasten to your clothes, usually worn by womenAmerican Equivalent: pin
polka dot
C.N. C獺;one of a number of round spots that form a pattern, especially on cloth used for clothing?a white scarf with red polka dots
Adj. ?;織having lines or bands of coloursynonym stripy?a blue and white striped shirt
N. a piece of material that covers the inside of something, especially a piece of clothing?a jacket with a silk lining
N. [formal] 簿瞿?a powder or liquid, such as salt or ketchup, that you use to give a special taste to food
Adj. 3-織completely full, so that you cannot eat any more?No, no dessert, I'm stuffed.
up the wall
[spoken] very angry or annoyed?That noise is driving me up the wall (=making me annoyed) .
get on somebody's nerves
[informal] if someone gets on your nerves, they annoy you, especially by doing something all the time?She's always moaning. It really gets on my nerves.
C.N. A?#a public room in a hotel or other building, that is used by many people as a place to relax?the television lounge
C.N.1.someone whose job is to look after or help customers in a public place ?繕 ?a carpark attendant2. someone who looks after a very important person, for example a king or queen
U.N. d?the pipes that water flows through in a building?We keep having problems with the plumbing.
C.N. ? ?a long specially prepared hard surface like a road on which aircraft land and take off
N. Q羹+繳a bus that uses power from electric wires above the street
N.--the lowdown (on something/somebody)[informal] the most important facts about something?Ryan gave me the lowdown on the meeting.
V.to decide that something will be used for a particular purpose or have something done to it in the future--earmark somebody/something for something?85% of foreign aid is earmarked by Congress for specific purposes.
N.a building, statue, or other large structure that is built to remind people of an important event or famous person?He erected a monument on the spot where his daughter was killed.--monument to?a fitting monument to the men who died in the battle
N. [informal]any type of exercise that makes the heart stronger and healthier, for example running?a combination of cardio, weight training, and kung fu
N. 繡Y&lt;]繡
Adv.--keep/stay abreast of somethingto make sure that you know all the most recent facts or information about a particular subject or situation?It's important to keep abreast of the latest developments in computers.
N.a way of writing about or thinking about a subject that is based on a particular opinion or set of ideas?The article had an anti-union slant .
"N. 聶""[countable] a short piece of music written as an introduction to a long piece of music, especially an opera"
frontal attack/assault
a) a direct attack on the front of an armyThe minefields make an all-out frontal attack almost impossible.b) an attack or criticism that is very strong and directAfter the election, the party launched into a frontal assault on the British media.
nothing could be further from the truth
used when you want to say that something is completely untrue?People often described him as a bitter academic, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Adj.very thin, especially in a way that is unattractive?Some supermodels are far too skinny.
Adj. 1. very shocking and extremely unfair or offensive?outrageous prices 2. extremely unusual and slightly amusing or shocking [Grey] Omely: We're gonna cut out half a girl's brain and it's going to work. It's outrageous.
sit around
to spend a lot of time sitting and doing nothing very useful Qp罈罈?We sat around for a bit, chatting.
hail (v.)
[transitive]to call to someone in order to greet them or try to attract their attention?She leaned out of the window and hailed a passerby. --hail a cab/taxi ?The hotel doorman will hail a cab for you.
Adj. [informal]slightly drunk
Adj. ??織having strong religious beliefs, and showing this in the way you behave?He was a quiet, pious man.
work a crowd
CN?n&lt;繕?nif an entertainer or politician works a crowd of people, they entertain them and get their interest or support?She really knew how to work a crowd.
primary (n.)
primary election M穡
Adv. [formal]high up in the air--hold/bear something aloft ?He emerged, triumphantly holding a baby aloft.
Adj. 獺繪織&lt;獺繭織1. showing strong positive feelings about an activity and determination to succeed at it ?an ardent supporter of free trade2. literary showing strong feelings of love ?an ardent lover
Adj. 禮羸織relating to the navy or used by the navy?a naval officer ?naval battles
big cheese
[informal]an important and powerful person in an organization - used humorously
take somewhere by storm
瞽瞽a) to be very successful in a particular place?The new show took London by storm.罈:The Firefox NYT ad campaign is taking the world by storm.b) to attack a place using large numbers of soldiers, and succeed in getting possession of it
N.a period of physical exercise, especially as training for a sport?a daily workout in the gym
C.N. [technical] v?a plant such as a bean plant that has seeds in a pod (=a long thin case)
come up with something
1.to think of an idea, answer etc ?Is that the best excuse you can come up with?  ?We've been asked to come up with some new ideas.2. [informal] to produce an amount of money ?We wanted to buy the house but we couldn't come up with the cash.  ?How am I supposed to come up with $10,000?
"V. ??1""?to secretly join an organization or enter a place in order to find out information about it or harm it?Police attempts to infiltrate neo-Nazi groups were largely unsuccessful.--infiltrate into?Rebel forces have been infiltrating into the country."
nicotinea substance in tobacco which makes it difficult for people to stop smoking
U.N.a soft whitish substance that becomes hard when it dries and that is used to fix glass into window frames
Adj. [informal] friendly?You and Eric have become quite chummy, haven't you?
N.an official stopping of an activity for a period of time--moratorium on?a moratorium on nuclear testing罈:GRACE: I am putting a moratorium on us, because if I'm having fun with you, there is no room in my life to be having fun with someone else.
Vt. [formal] to prove the truth of something that someone has said, claimed etc?Katzen offered little evidence to substantiate his claims .罈W&amp;G AUDITOR: How do you substantiate the $2,000 for magazine subscriptions?
C.N. (l#?=織)瞿繳?S?b a piece of clothing like a shirt and a pair of trousers joined together, worn especially by women
Adj. if speech, writing, or an idea is intelligible, it can be easily understood?His reply was barely intelligible.
C.N. l01*?a well-known phrase or saying, especially one that gives a rule for sensible behaviour
tread water
a) to stay floating upright in deep water by moving your legs as if you are riding a bicycleb) to make no progress in a particular situation, especially because you are waiting for something to happen?All I could do was tread water until the contracts arrived.
staging area
N. 1. @`A @羸A 繹?繕簫`p a place where soldiers meet and where military equipment is gathered before it is moved to another place
V.to deliberately make something such as a feeling or activity last longersynonym lengthen?I was trying to think of some way to prolong the conversation.
1. @?A @A ?繳 the bag of skin that contains a man's testicles
[countable] American English a noisy outdoor event at which you can ride on special machines and play games for prizes
C.N. 1. @罈A ?&amp;簞3 ( 5&gt;Q翻臘?1X?R???y ) a type of entertainment in which cowboys ride wild horses, catch cattle with ropes, and ride in races
N.the way someone walks?a slow shuffling gait
V. 癟礎1癟?to gradually stop feeding a baby or young animal on its mother's milk and start giving it ordinary food--wean somebody off/from something phrasal verbto make someone gradually stop doing something you disapprove of
dwarf (v.)
to be so big that other things are made to seem very small?The cathedral is dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers.罈: BT dwarfs mainstream traffic like Web pages.
V. [formal]to offer something to someone, especially by holding it out in your hands?Sarah took the glass proffered by the attendant.--proffer somebody something?Poirot proffered him a cigarette.
N. a group of three people or things--trio of?He was met by a trio of smiling executives.?a classical guitar trio (=three musicians playing together)
N. [British English]two weeks?a fortnight's holiday ?in a fortnight's time ?a fortnight ago
V. [American English]it behooves somebody to do something[formal] used to say that someone should do something because it is right or necessary, or it will help them
--allude to somebody/something phrasal verb[formal] to mention something or someone indirectly?Rick didn't want to discuss his past, though he alluded darkly to 'some bad things that happened.'
of sorts/of a sort
used when something is not a good or typical example of its kind of thing?I had a conversation of sorts with a very drunk man at the bus stop.罈: Taint checking is not a panacea, but merely an antibiotic of sorts.
C.N. \xsomething that people think will make everything better and solve all their problemssynonym cure-all--panacea for?There is no panacea for the country's economic problems.
Adj.--resounding success/victory/defeat etca very great or complete success, victory etc?The show was a resounding success.
Adj.a fledgling state or organization has only recently been formed and is still developing?a fledgling republic
U.N. [literary] too much pride
V. [formal] ?繳1.to end a situation in which people are behaving violently or protesting, especially by using forcesynonym put down --quell the violence/disturbance/riot etc  ?Police used live ammunition to quell the disturbances.2. [literary] to reduce or stop unpleasant feelings such as fear, doubt, or worry ?'Jerry?' she called, trying to quell the panic inside her.
[countable] @0a statement that something will happen in the future, especially one made by someone with religious or magic powers--prophecy (that) ?The prophecy that David would become king was fulfilled .--prophecy of ?the prophecy of Isaiah
N. 禱;繭a very serious infectious disease in which the flesh and nerves are gradually destroyed
V.--gnash your teeth ??7?to be very angry or unhappy about something, or to move your teeth against each other so that they make a noise, especially because you are unhappy or angry
V.to illegally make or sell alcohol, or to illegally make or sell copies of software or recordings 罈:A Florida firm claims to have found a solution for the movie industry to prevent bootlegging in theaters.
stem cell[technical] a special type of cell in the body that can divide in order to form other types of cells that have particular qualities or purposes
prep. X...{?while noisy, busy, or confused events are happening - used in writing or news reports?The dollar has fallen in value amid rumors of weakness in the US economy. ?Demonstrators ripped up the national flag amid shouts of 'Death to the tyrants!'
C.N. 簿瞽a thin, curved board that an artist uses to mix paints, holding it by putting his or her thumb through a hole at the edge
C.N. 職wa sharp piece of broken glass, metal etc--shard of?a shard of pottery
V. 簣疆to take someone away by forcesynonym kidnap?She was abducted late last night.
V. [formal] . to decorate something--adorn something with something?church walls adorned with religious paintings
Adj. =礙?織not sure whether you want or like something or not--ambivalent about?We are both somewhat ambivalent about having a child.--ambivalent attitude/feelings etc
[countable] 繹Ha large business organization consisting of several different companies that have joined together?an international conglomerate --industrial/financial/media etc conglomerate
V. [formal] X~to make someone or something lose its value or people's respect?The medical profession has been debased by these revelations.--debase yourself?actors who debased themselves by participating in the show--debase a currency/coinage (=reduce its value)
V. 9?a place where goods are stored until they are needed?the company's distribution depot ?a fuel storage depot
V.to trick a person or organization in order to get money from them--defraud somebody of something?She defrauded her employers of thousands of pounds.?He faces charges of theft and conspiracy to defraud (=a secret plan to cheat someone, made by two or more people) .
V.1. if a tyre, balloon etc deflates, or if you deflate it, it gets smaller because the gas inside it comes out opposite inflate nS4. [technical] to change economic rules or conditions in a country so that prices fall or stop rising  ??繳^
N. $?a straight line from one side of a circle to the other side, passing through the centre of the circle, or the length of this line--3 inches/1 metre etc in diameter ?Draw a circle six centimetres in diameter.--diameter of?The diameter of the Earth is about 13,000 km.
V.1[transitive]to officially allow someone to leave somewhere, especially the hospital or the army, navy etc, or to tell them that they must leave?Hospitals now tend to discharge patients earlier than in the past. *?2. to send out gas, liquid, smoke etc, or to allow it to escape q*--discharge something into something?Sewage is discharged directly into the sea.3. [formal] to fire a gun or shoot an arrow etc?A soldier accidentally discharged his weapon.
"a short sentence written on a statue, or used as an introduction to a book ?繚&lt;
N. @?A 瞽w a medical condition affecting your brain, that can make you suddenly become unconscious or unable to control your movements for a short time
Vt. [formal] 簪ywto put someone or something into a high rank or position
Vt. 簸Bto make someone very annoyed by continuing to do something that upsets them?It exasperates me to hear comments like that.
Vt. }?to give someone permission not to do or pay something--exempt somebody from something?Charities are exempted from paying the tax . ?a document that exempts the owner from liability in case of accidents
繡bC = fire hydrant
[ (H)a colourless gas that is the lightest of all gases
N. 繚ea way of describing something by saying it is much bigger, smaller, worse etc than it actually issynonym exaggeration?It was not hyperbole to call it the worst storm in twenty years.
[uncountable] technical p繳a medical condition in which your blood pressure is too high
Vt.1.to destroy something completely so that nothing remains 繡繭 ?Hiroshima was nearly obliterated by the atomic bomb.2.to remove a thought, feeling, or memory from someone's mind 繡??Nothing could obliterate the memory of those tragic events.
Adj. A*織determined not to change your ideas, behaviour, opinions etc, even when other people think you are being unreasonablesynonym stubborn?He was the most obstinate man I've ever met.
V. [formal]1. if a belief, custom, situation etc prevails, it exists among a group of people at a certain time --prevail in/among etc ?I admired the creativity which prevailed among the young writers.2.if a person, idea, or principle prevails in a fight, argument etc, they are successful in the end?Justice will prevail.
Adj. ?織a precocious child shows intelligence or skill at a very young age, or behaves in an adult way - sometimes used to show disapproval in British English?a precocious child who walked and talked early
U.N 瞽K&lt;=Kthe respect and admiration that someone or something gets because of their success or important position in society--prestige of?the prestige of having your work shown at a top London gallery?The king wanted to enhance his prestige through war.
Vt. [formal] ??to speak to someone severely about something they have done wrongsynonym reprimand--rebuke somebody for doing something?Members of the jury were sharply rebuked for speaking to the press.
V. [formal] 7癟to cut through something completely, separating it into two parts, or to become cut in this way?Martin's hand was severed in the accident. a severed rope
Vt.1.if a part of an animal or plant secretes a liquid substance, it produces it 6羹 ?The toad's skin secretes a deadly poison.2. [formal] to hide something 獺藩 ?The money had been secreted in a Swiss Bank account.
Vt. [formal] ?繞&lt;d1. to try to destroy the power and influence of a government or the established system ?an attempt to subvert the democratic process2. to destroy someone's beliefs or loyalty
Adj.1. always obeying another person and doing everything they want you to do - used when someone seems too weak and powerless--subservient to?Don remained entirely subservient to his father.2[formal] less important than something elsesynonym subordinate--subservient to?the rights of the individual are made subservient to the interests of the state
C.N. [medical] 繩I?an illness which consists of a set of physical or mental problems - often used in the name of illnesses?people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome
C.N. 繹Ha group of people or companies who join together in order to achieve a particular aim--syndicate of?a syndicate of banks
U.N. 籀+O羅a way of communicating in which thoughts are sent from one person's mind to another person's mind
Y獺a serious disease that causes spots which leave marks on your skin
someone who is sent with an official message or to do official work F?簪5synonym envoy?Japan is sending two emissaries to Washington to discuss trade issues.
N. [formal] ?j??something you do to show respect for someone or something you think is important?The film pays homage to Martin Scorsese's 'Mean Streets'.
V. (瞽織羸繙)G?(?k禮織臘2)if soldiers sack a place, they go through it destroying or stealing things and attacking people?Alaric the Goth advanced toward Rome, which he sacked in AD 410.穢K:: Your mem sacked the temple of Apollo.
spoil (n.)
[formal]a) the things that someone gets by being successful ?They tried to take more than a fair share of the spoils.b) things taken by an army from a defeated enemy, or things taken by thieves `Y簽 ?the spoils of war/victory etc
Adj. [literary]very strong and powerful, or very big and impressive?the mighty Mississippi river a mighty army
[literary]a snake, especially a large one
a sharp powerful curved nail on the feet of some birds that catch animals for food 織YZ
Vt.to destroy a large part of something?The population has been decimated by disease.
Vt. k6to spoil or damage something holy or respected
Sparta ( Peloponnesus z&amp;:織&lt;臘?, Laconia 織?-,?$??羸罈C$翹?璽?= )
Adj.very brave, especially in a difficult situationsynonym courageous?Tarr threw himself in front of a train in a valiant effort to save the child.
so be it
[spoken] used to show you do not like or agree with something, but you will accept it?If that means delaying the trip, so be it.
N. [formal] a secret trick or slightly dishonest way of doing something, or the use of this--by subterfuge?Sereni was lured to Moscow by subterfuge.
Adj. r90竄織not able to live for everopposite immortal?Her father's death reminded her that she was mortal.
N. disagreement among a group of people ?罈6?--dissension in/within/between/among?This move sowed dissension within the party ranks.?The Labour Party was torn by internal dissensions .
C.N. @va sign of what will happen in the future?The car won't start. Do you think it's an omen? --a good/bad/ill omen ?The mist seemed like a bad omen and SaraIs heart sank a little.
U.N. Y&gt;the time of day when light first appears?We arrived in Cairo at daybreak.
V.--consort with somebodyto spend time with someone that other people do not approve of?a man who regularly consorted with prostitutes
C.N. ?穫oa book with empty pages where you can stick pictures, newspaper articles, or other things you want to keep
V.to say publicly that someone or something will be good or important--be heralded as something?When it opened, the hospital was heralded as a new way forward in nursing care.
C.N. [formal] ?繳?a substance that makes something dirty?environmental contaminants
Adj. gradually increasing - often used about things that cause problems or trouble?There was mounting pressure on him to resign. ?There's mounting evidence of a link between obesity and some forms of cancer.
Adj. g?織having a very powerful effect or influence on your body or mindsynonym powerful?potent drugs?a potent symbol of oppression
elaborate (adj.)
Adj.1.having a lot of small parts or details put together in a complicated way ?pure silks embroidered with elaborate patterns2. carefully planned and organized in great detail ?a very elaborate telecommunications network
Adj.the focal thing is the one that people pay most attention to?This issue has now become the focal centre of interest.
Vi. to go around searching for food or other supplies--forage for?People are being forced to forage for food and fuel.?In the summer, the goats forage freely (=in any place they want to go) .
V. \藩to measure or calculate something by using a particular instrument or method?The thermostat will gauge the temperature and control the heat.
Adj. [formal] ? 織 something that is obligatory must be done because of a law, rule etcsynonym compulsory, mandatory--it is obligatory for somebody (to do something) ?It is obligatory for companies to provide details of their industrial processes.
Adj. =瓊織a meagre amount of food, money etc is too small and is much less than you need ?a meagre diet of bread and beans --meagre income/earnings/wages etc  ?He supplements his meager income by working on Saturdays.
Adj.extremely small ?You only need a minute amount.  ?Her handwriting is minute.
champ (n.)
[countable] informal ?羸a champion?the world cham
C.N. T穠an official decision made in a court of law, especially about whether someone is guilty of a crime or how a death happened?The jury has retired to consider its verdict .
Adj. 瞿yk?織based on the belief that everyone is equal and should have equal rightsan egalitarian society
V.if a bird or insect flutters, or if it flutters its wings, it flies by moving its wings lightly up and down?A small bird fluttered past the window.
V.to take someone or something quickly away from a place--whisk somebody/something away/off?The waitress whisked our coffee cups away before we'd had a chance to finish.
paparazziphotographers who follow famous people in order to take photographs they can sell to newspapers
N.2. a big house in the country with a large garden3. a house in a town ?Victorian villas
N.a rich and powerful person in industry or businesssynonym tycoon--steel/oil/shipping etc magnate  ?a powerful media magnate
lavish (v.)
Vt.to give someone or something a lot of love, praise, money etc--lavish something on/upon somebody ?He lavished attention on her.--lavish somebody with something ?Hug your children and lavish them with love.
Adj. [formal]very beautiful, with a lot of decoration, and made from expensive materialssynonym luxurious?evening dresses in opulent fabrics
N. 繒.?a type of plaster that is used especially to cover the outside walls of buildings
N.a short bar hanging from two ropes high above the ground, used by acrobats
rocking chair
N. headwaters
N.a large knife with a broad heavy blade, used as a weapon or a tool?a machete attack
N. [especially American English] bushes, small trees etc growing under and around larger trees in a forestsynonym undergrowth
V.if a car, train etc chugs somewhere, it moves there slowly, with the engine making a repeated low sound--chug along/up/around etc ?The boat chugged out of the harbour.2. [American English informal] to drink all of something in a glass or bottle without stopping [Joey] Alex chugs all the wine in her glass
C.N. _qa stream or river that flows into a larger river
C.N. i?? ( 7?X0:0?h?織?y )the leaves and branches of trees, that make a kind of roof in a forest?the forest canopy
V. [written]to walk quickly with long steps
Vi.to fall down quickly and suddenly, especially with a rolling movement--tumble over/backwards/down?She lost her balance and tumbled backwards. ?A few stones came tumbling down the cliff.
Vi.to stop developing or making progress?Growth is expected to stagnate next year. ?His career had stagnated.
Vi.to have a strong bad smellsynonym stink ?This room absolutely reeks.--reek of ?He reeked of sweat.
mild winter
Adj.seeming to be the reason for or the purpose of something, but usually hiding the real reason or purpose--ostensible reason/purpose/aim ?The ostensible reason for his resignation was ill health.
Antioxidanta substance in some foods that cleans the body and protects it from cancer
free radical [technical]an atom or group of atoms with at least one free electron, which combines with other atoms very easily?It is thought that free radicals can damage cells.
load up on something
to get a lot of something so that you are sure you will have enoughsynonym stock up (on)?People were loading up on bottled water.
Adj.derogatory remarks, attitudes etc are insulting and disapproving ?Their conversation contained a number of derogatory racial remarks .
U.Na feeling that someone or something is not important and deserves no respect--contempt for?The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.
Adj. Adv.continuing without becoming any weaker or less violent?The storm continued unabated throughout the night.? his unabated ambition
Adj.a tongue-in-cheek remark is said as a joke, not seriously?I love that kind of tongue-in-cheek wit.
Adj.someone who is pompous thinks that they are important, and shows this by being very formal and using long words - used to show disapproval?He seems rather pompous. ?the book's pompous style
U.N. H?0$loyalty and general agreement between all the people in a group, or between different groups because they all have a shared aim? an appeal for worker solidarity --show/express/demonstrate your solidarity (with somebody)? I come before you today to express my solidarity with the people of New York.
Vt.1. to do something better than someone else or be more successful ?We outstripped all our competitors in sales last year.2. to be greater in quantity than something else ?Demand for new aircraft production is outstripping supply.
from time to time
sometimes, but not regularly or very often?These food safety scares happen from time to time.
Adj. [formal] dealing with things that are important or real--substantive matters/issues ?The State Department reported that substantive discussions had taken place with Beijing.
U.N. ?W繚humorous acting in which the performers fall over, throw things at each other etc?a slapstick comedy
Adj. ;q織sexually offensive?off-color jokes
C.N. 繡?something that you do because you think it is enjoyable or interesting? Reading was her favourite pastime.
toll on
a very bad effect that something has on something or someone over a long period of time?Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health. ?a heavy toll on the environment
U.N. [formal] great skill at doing something?his physical prowess ?military prowess
off the wall
[informal] very strange or unusual, often in an amusing way?Some of Krista's ideas are a little off the wall.
C.N. something that causes a lot of harm or suffering--scourge of?the scourge of unemployment ?the scourge of war罈:Sure, spam is a scourge.
V. [American English] to sell or obtain things in an illegal or dishonest way?thieves hustling stolen goods on the streetIt is shameless for perfectly healthy people to hustle disability support.?癟織礙竄?H?? ?&lt;O_?Q?z2
C.N. someone who likes to talk about how great and important they think they are
Vt. 禮to raise, lift, or pull up something, especially using ropes?The crew hurried to hoist the flag.
Vt.to treat someone rudely, especially by ignoring them when you meet?the boys who had snubbed her in high school
Vi.to walk with short steps, with your body moving from one side to another - used especially about people or birds with fat bodies and short legs
U.N. k:the power that an independent country has to govern itselfthe defence of our national sovereignty
N.a situation in which two people or groups try very hard to get or keep the same thing?There was a constant tug-of-war between the military and the President.
Vt. 簿to accept someone's opinions and try to do what they want, especially when their opinions or needs are different from yours?We've made every effort to accommodate your point of view.
Adj.something that is sublime is so good or beautiful that it affects you deeply?The view was sublime. ?Her songs are a sublime fusion of pop and Brazilian music.
V. 疇?&lt;qato gradually reduce something such as someone's power or confidence?Our personal freedom is being gradually eroded away. ?Repeated exam failure had eroded her confidence.
Adv. [written]--start/begin anewto begin a different job, start to live in a different place etc, especially after a difficult period in your life?I was ready to leave everything behind and start anew in California.
Vi.if similar things diverge, they develop in different ways and so are no longer similar?The two species diverged millions of years ago. ?Global growth rates are diverging markedly.
C.N. @?A n簪 a flat piece of wood, metal etc used for keeping a broken bone in position while it mends
Adj. [literary]too strange or mysterious to be understood
C.N. [law] 羸?someone who is guilty of a serious crime?By law, convicted felons (=criminals who are sent to prison) may not own or use guns.
Adj.overt actions are done publicly, without trying to hide anything-opposite covert?an overt attempt to silence their political opponents?Overt race discrimination is illegal.
U.N. [formal] laziness
U.N. [formal] the bad habit of eating and drinking too much
Adj. [American English]--op-ed page/articlea page in a newspaper that has articles containing opinions on various subjects, or one of these articles
Vt.if you amass money, knowledge, information etc, you gradually collect a large amount of it?For 25 years, Darwin amassed evidence to support his theories. ?He amassed a fortune after the war.
V.to flow out of something quickly in large quantities, or to make something flow out in this way ?Factory chimneys spewed fumes out into the sky.--spew from/into/over etc ?Brown water spewed from the tap.
Vt.to gain an advantage over someone by using your intelligence-synonym outsmart
--teem with somebody/something to be very full of people or animals, all moving about?The island was teeming with tourists.
C.N. [formal] a remark or idea that is often repeated?Our proposal met with the constant refrain that the company could not afford it.
Adj. 穡?織relating to the medical care and treatment of sick animals?veterinary medicine
N, Adj. ;菕Csomeone who is unable to move the lower part of their body, including their legs
N. ?1.a very thin piece of skin that covers or connects parts of your body ?Loud noise can damage the delicate membrane in the ear.2. a very thin layer of material that covers something
C.N.1. a line in the form of a curve that winds around a central point, moving further away from the centre all the time 礙羶2. a process, usually a harmful one, in which something gradually but continuously gets worse or better in/into a spiral ?Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline. downward/upward spiral  ?The company is in a downward spiral.
N.a gaggle of tourists/children etca noisy group of people ?a gaggle of teenage girls
N. ?fa complicated official system which is annoying or confusing because it has a lot of rules, processes etc ?the reduction of unnecessary bureaucracy
N. 6} an amount or share of something such as money or time that is given to someone or something, or the process of doing this ?The budget allotment for each county is below what is needed. allotment of ?the allotment of shares in the company
Adj. ?織tacit agreement, approval, support etc is given without anything actually being said?a tacit agreement between the three big companies
N. [informal] bad behaviour that is not very serious, or slightly dishonest activities?She wouldn't put up with his shenanigans. ?financial shenanigans
take a back seat (to somebody/something)
to have less influence or importance?Foreign policy will take a back seat to domestic problems for a while.
U.N. +礙_?the practice of unfairly giving the best jobs to members of your family when you are in a position of power ?allegations of nepotism and corruption
bay (Vi)
if a dog bays, it makes a long high noise, especially when it is chasing something-synonym howl ?dogs baying at the moon
C.N.a very slight smell of something whiff of ?a whiff of tobacco
Adj.complicated and difficult to understand-synonym obscure?The laws on intellectual property are murky.?the murky waters (=complicated subject) of sexuality and jealousy
C.N.an exact copy of a picture, piece of writing etc
Vt.to take something away from someone with a quick, often violent, movement-synonym grab?The thief snatched her purse and ran.snatch something away/back from somebody?Keith snatches toys away from the other children.I.Robot: How many robots snatch purses?
C.N.a large hall or open place in a building such as an airport or train station I.Robot: Please use the elevators for direct access to the main level concourse.
Vt. [formal] to explain something to someone enlighten somebody as to/on/about something ?Baldwin enlightened her as to the nature of the experiment.I.Robot, smithX礙礙.d&lt;.d礙:Enlighten me.
Int. used to describe the sound of something suddenly hitting something else very hard?Wham! The car hit the wall.
Vt.to put one picture, image, or photograph on top of another so that both can be partly seensuperimpose something on/onto something ?A photo of a cup of cappuccino had been superimposed on a picture of Venice.
N. ??an unreasonable dislike and distrust of people who are different from you in some way, especially because of their race, sex, religion etc - used to show disapproval?Women still face prejudice in the workplace.It takes a long time to overcome these kinds of prejudices.
C.N.someone who chooses to live alone, and does not like seeing or talking to other people?She became a recluse after her two sons were murdered.
U.N.when the police, army, etc watch a person or place carefully because they may be connected with criminal activitiessurveillance of?24-hour surveillance of the building
C.N. ???an instrument used for keeping a room or a machine at a particular temperature
C.N.a death in an accident or a violent attack?a 50% increase in the number of traffic fatalities
N.the way you position your body when sitting or standinggood/bad etc posture ?Poor posture can lead to muscular problems.
U.N. [formal] nearness in distance or timeproximity to?We chose the house for its proximity to the school.
Vt. to stop using a ship, weapon, or nuclear reactor and to take it to pieces
gag order
簣瞽 ( ?簣?a&gt;?X6x&amp;織簫 )
Vt. [formal] ^?if the police apprehend a criminal, they catch him or her-synonym arrest?The police have failed to apprehend the culprits.
N. an occasion when a new product is made available for people to buy or use-synonym launch?Sun had to cancel the intended roll-out of the 514 model.
Vt.to make something less attractive or enjoyable-synonym spoil?Their wedding was marred by the death of Jenny's mother a week earlier.
beat it!
[spoken] used to tell someone to leave at once, because they are annoying you or should not be there I.Robot]smith?罈
Adj.not likely to happen or to be true-synonym unlikely-opposite probablea ?It seems highly improbable that he had no knowledge of the affair.
N. [technical or formal]someone's mind, or their deepest feelings, which control their attitudes and behaviour ?Freud's account of the human psyche ?A characteristic of the feminine psyche is to seek approval from others.
C.N. a situation in which one person or group tries for a long time to harm another personvendetta against?the victim of a political vendetta
Vt. N.to stop a machine doing something that it does by itself?Can you override the automatic locking system?
C.N. [formal] a gun ?He was charged with illegal possession of a firearm.
N. 8 a metal that consists of two or more metals mixed together?Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
C.N. [technical] @A 獺?;簷 the bone between your shoulder and elbow
U.N. ?fthe scientific study of the way in which information is moved and controlled in machines, the brain, and the nervous system
C.N. [American English] a very large heavy truck consisting of two connected parts, which carries goods over long distances
Adj.able to bend without breaking or cracking? a shoe made of soft, pliable leather
"C.N. ?
castI.Robot, smith: What hospital are you going to? I'll come sign you and your buddy's casts.
Adj.a derelict building or piece of land is in very bad condition because it has not been used for a long time
N. 疇簣a law that forces people to stay indoors after a particular time at night, or the time people must be indoors?The government imposed a night-time curfew throughout the country.罈I.Robot: A curfew is in effect.
on a silver platter
if something is given to you on a silver platter, you do not have to make any effort to get it?He had a scholarship handed to him on a silver platter.
wage (Vt)
to be involved in a war against someone, or a fight against somethingwage war (on somebody/something) ?The police are waging war on drug pushers in the city.
C.N. 瞼a soldier standing outside a building as a guard
Adj. 癟禮Q繭cruel and not feeling any pity?How can you be so heartless?
N. H7&lt;H
at somebody's disposal
available for someone to use?Tanner had a lot of cash at his disposal .
N. q?a situation in which you are forced to leave your country and live in another country, especially for political reasonsin exile?a writer now living in exile?He went into exile to escape political imprisonment.
C.N. [American English informal] Rwhen someone gets money from another person by using threats?a Mafia shakedown
N. 繳&lt;??:last name, family name
U.N.the right to use an official power to make legal decisions, or the area where this right existsjurisdiction over somebody/something?The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures.罈Bourne id, Broune3b職;W簪X&lt;W簪X礙=???: You have no jurisdiction here.
C.N. the height of an object or place above the seaaltitude of?We're flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet.
flat out
[informal]a) as fast as possible?Everyone's working flat out to finish on time.
out of it
[informal]b) unable to think clearly because you are tired or drunk, or have taken drugs?You were really out of it last night. What were you drinking?
[British English] O?a very wide road for travelling fast over long distances, especially between cities
C.N. Z瞿?a building or room, usually in a hospital, where dead bodies are kept until they are buried or cremated-synonym mortuary
C.N. (?y織)?(`p)when the police watch a place secretly and continuously in order to catch someone who is doing something illegal
C.N. H罈Xthe building in which a consul lives and works
N. 聶-a mistake in which you forget something or do not notice something?I assure you that this was purely an oversight on my part.
Adj. [American English] sad and serious&lt;?grave?They sat in sombre silence.?We were all in a somber mood that night.
C.N. ?8a union of two or more political parties that allows them to form a government or fight an election togethercoalition of?a coalition of democratic forces? an emergency meeting of the three coalition parties
Adj. N. someone who behaves as if they were more important than they really are and who shows a lack of respect towards people who are more experienced or older?a cheeky young upstart
Adj. a簣織unable to control the passing of liquid or solid waste from your body
Vt. [technical] to make a musical recording sound better or a film look better by using a computer to improve the original?an album with 15 digitally remastered songs
C.N.a robot that looks completely human
C.N. ??an open space that is completely or partly surrounded by buildings?the castle courtyard
Adj.feeling unpleasantly wet, cold, and sticky?Get your clammy hands off me!
Adj. ?織1. remarks, jokes etc that are vulgar deal with sex in a very rude and offensive way2. not behaving politely in social situationssynonym uncouth ?vulgar behaviour
V. to think about something seriously for a period of timesynonym consider?Jack went on vacation to contemplate his future.contemplate what/whether/how etc ?She sat down and contemplated what she had done.
crunch (the) numbers
to do a lot of calculations in order to find an answer?The computer will crunch all the numbers to determine the final score.罈,K+?=羶:The computer crunches through millions of positions and evaluates all of them to pick the best move.
V.to interrupt and try to embarrass someone who is speaking or performing in public
Adj.having so many different parts that it is difficult to understandsynonym complicated?The plot was so involved that very few people knew what was going on.Joey;Gina: That must be a pretty involved course. How you doin'? How you doin'? How you doin'?
worked up
Adj. [informal] 簸very upset or excited about somethingworked up about/over?You shouldn't get so worked up about it.Joey?Alex_supera?5?:I am really worked up right now!
(out) in the open
information that is out in the open is not hidden or secret?By now the whole affair was in the open. ?She never let her dislike for him come out into the open.Joey, Alex?Joey羅?穢_super: Well, now you know, it's out in the open.
C.N. 疆?a frame or shelf that has bars or hooks on which you can put things?a wine rack ?a magazine rack罈: hat rack
back story
C.N. the things that happened to a character in a book or film before the beginning of the story being told in the book or film?The back story of why she hates her father is a bit too contrived.
C.N. 穡?someone who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn a particular skill or job?She works in the hairdresser's as an apprentice. ?an apprentice electrician
Adj.a man who is chivalrous behaves in a polite, kind, generous, and honourable way, especially towards women
U.N. [technical] ?Ythe process of buying something such as raw materials or currency in one place and selling them immediately in another place in order to make a profit from the difference in prices
C.N. #the time when the sun is furthest north or south of the equatorthe summer/winter solstice (=the longest or shortest day of the year)
swing by (something)
to visit a place or person for a short time?I'll swing by the grocery store on my way.
C.N. s簪the board behind the basket in the game of basketball
sell somebody/something short
to not give someone or something the praise, attention, or reward that they deserve?Don't sell yourself short - tell them about all your qualifications.Joey, Miachael翻礙?礙3(Alex_瞿羶&lt;Alex: Would you stop selling yourself short like that?

billiards F pool
V.1. if two feelings, sounds, smells etc mingle, they mix together with each otherAdd the mint and allow the flavours to mingle.mingle with?Her perfume mingled with the smell of woodsmoke from the fire.2. if you mingle at a party, you move around the room and talk to lots of different peoplemingle with?She was eager to mingle with the other guests.Joey, Michael?&gt;織簞(!2: Look, this isnIt one of those book clubs where people just come to mingle.

motiona proposal that is made formally at a meeting, and then is usually decided on by voting?The motion was defeated by 201 votes to 159.JoeyMichael4??織簞(!2瞿?43&lt;Michael: I want to. I canIt go against the rules without a motion being passed.
C.N. [American English] a rule made by an organization to control the people who belong to it Joey,Michael#簣i簞(3織聶w:Michael: Like, maybe we could strike the No Dating rule from the bylaws.
buckle down
[phrasal verb]to start working very hard JoeyX簞(3織(h=翹:Joey: Five minutes left, I gotta buckle down...hey little snail!
somebody/something to be reckoned with
someone or something that is powerful and must be regarded seriously as a possible opponent, competitor, danger etc?Barcelona will be a force to be reckoned with this season. ?The principal was certainly a woman to be reckoned with.Joey繒?Michael: In like 5 years, you are gonna be a force to be reckoned with.
C.N. / Dan actor who learns a part in a play so that they can act the part if the usual actor is ill [Joey] MichaelJoey??織?,Joey: Ah, I didnIt get it. IIm gonna be the understudy.
complex (n.)
a group of buildings, or a large building with many parts, used for a particular purpose?The town has one of the best leisure complexes in the country. ?a three-story apartment complex[Joey]Alex??9礙簣o?,Joey: Ah, did you mention thereIs a celebrity living in the complex?
C.N. ?4簧
職?:gift certificate!?:gift token
Adj.expressing your opinions honestly and directly, even when doing this might annoy some people?an outspoken critic of the education reforms
cheat sheet
read for something
[phrasal verb] ?to say some of the words that are said by a particular character in a play, as a test of your ability to act [Joey] Joey: Uh, hi, IIm here to read for the part of Outraged Man.
Adj. ~簿not intended to attract a lot of attention to an event, subject, or thing?They want the funeral to be as low-key as possible. ?a low-key military operation
tough something ? out
[phrasal verb] 羸@to deal with a difficult situation by being determined, rather than leaving or changing your decision?She told herself to be brave and tough it out .
vocal cords
V.[formal]to drink something, especially alcohol - sometimes used humorously?Both men imbibed considerable quantities of gin.
in a heartbeat
[American English] very quickly, without delay?Things can change in a heartbeat.[Joey] Michael: Just think about everything sheIs done for you. She found you this place. She- she made it into a home. If the situation were reversed, sheId do it for you in a heartbeat.
C.N. ?簪the part of the back of your leg between your knee and your ankle
C.N. ??a metal pipe or tube that lets smoke or heat from a fire out of a building [Joey] JoeyIalex織1???@繞Joey: Yeah, the flue seems to be all clogged up and I was hoping to light a fire.
Adj. 簡?織having many sexual partners?the risks of promiscuous sexual behaviour[Joey]JoeyAalex織1?羶=礎Q穢?織?:Joey: Well, I was, but I was kicked out of the business for being too promiscuous.
C.N.a thick pile of pieces of paper or thin materialwad of?a wad of dollar bills[Joey] Joey?alex織1?竅.?繞0HaIX?@:?Joey: How on Earth did a wad of newspaper get up there?
] d
N. [informal] =?a name, especially one that you choose for yourself or give something - used humorously
sleep on it
[spoken] to not make a decision about something important until the next day
Adj. [informal]stupid or silly?A goofy grin apread across her face when she saw the card.[Joey] Joey-Alex 穫穢1?=織;, Alex: Okay, well, he thinks youIre goofy.
snap judgment/decision
a judgment or decision made quickly, without careful thought or discussion [Joey] Alex羶織1?, Alex: Well he makes snap judgments about people, and he saw you as this out of work actor who sits in the Jacuzzi all day and plays with toys.
Adj.always wanting to find out things that do not concern you, especially other people's private affairs?Don't be so nosy! It's none of your business. ?a nosy neighbor[Joey] Joeyalex&gt;穫?織罈, Alex: The walls are thin and IIm a little nosy.
C.N. [literary] the sound of a bell being rung slowly because someone has died
N.a loud unpleasant mixture of soundscacophony of?a cacophony of car horns罈:record the cacophony of keystrokes
Adj.grandiose plans sound very important or impressive, but are not practicalgrandiose scheme/plan/idea etc ?grandiose schemes of urban renewal罈:lowing the president's grandiose plans to send astronauts to the Moon and Mars in future years
the Milky Waythe pale white band of stars that can be seen across the sky at night
V.to reduce the amount of something that is present or available?Salmon populations have been severely depleted .罈:depleted batteries
conk out
[phrasal verb]if a machine or car conks out, it suddenly stops working?Our car conked out on the way home.罈:before Hubble conks out
get cracking
[informal] to start doing something or going somewhere quickly?I think we need to get cracking if we're going to catch this train.罈:Unless those show astonishing progress, NASA should get cracking on an astronaut flight to the Hubble
now that
now also now thatbecause of something or as a result of something?Now that we know each other a little better, we get along fine. ?I'm going to relax now the school year is over. ?Now that I think of it, I acted the same way when I was his age.
N.a lot of activity, advertising, or discussion relating to an event?The deal was announced with much fanfare.罈:Microsoft quickly provided a fix and the issue passed without much fanfare.
here you are/here you go
[spoken] used when you are giving something to someone?Here you are, a boxful of tools. ?'Here you go.' Callum handed her a glass of orange juice.
V, N. `&lt; it is drizzlingif it is drizzling, light rain and mist come out of the sky?The rain isn't too bad - it's only drizzling.
N. [formal] ?the pay you give someone for something they have done for you?high rates of remuneration
around-the-clock / round-the-clock
Adj. happening all the time, both day and night?round-the-clock medical care
Vi. +簧to search for something by moving things around in a careless or hurried wayrummage in/through etc?Looks like someone's been rummaging around in my desk.[Joey] Gina?Michaelf繞0;繞/織獺?, Michael rummages through the box
N. q5?-{a sports competition with 10 different events[Joey] Joey?Mic?繞繡J{~籀&lt;Gina: Heh, Michael into sports? Those are academic decathlon trophies.
"C.N. ""the shape of the outer edges of something such as an area of land or someone's body?the contours of the hills ?the contours of her face[Joey] Gina織;羶X礎0礙, Donna: (Sexy voice) This mattress clings to the contours of my body.."
break dance
Adj.used to emphasize how bad something is?The rumours will do untold damage to his reputation. ?The floods have caused untold misery to hundreds of homeowners.
C.N. [informal American English] someone, especially a student, who plays a lot of sport and is often considered to be stupid [Joey] Gina羶=??3織?翹, Joey: SheIs right. We actually went to school with a bunch of jocks, you know, and those guys are no where now. Except for the three guys in the NBA.
tsunami F tidal wave
Adv.on or towards the shore of a lake, river, sea etcsynonym onshorecome/go ashore ?Seals come ashore to breed.?Several dead birds had been washed ashore.
C.N. ?Ian object that floats on the sea, a lake etc to mark a safe or dangerous area 罈: There are no buoys in the Indian Ocean and thatIs where this tsunami occurred
Adj.matching something in size, quality, or length of timecommensurate with?Salary will be commensurate with age and experience.
pull out all the stopsto do everything you possibly can to make something happen and succeed?The hospital staff pulled out all the stops to make sure the children had a wonderful day.[Joey] Joey?=:Dono織1?, Gina: Joey, wait. If you really want this, you have to fight for her. You have to pull out all the stops.
in unison
if people speak or do something in unison, they say the same words at the same time or do the same thing at the same time:
talk your way out of something
[informal] to escape from an bad or embarrassing situation by giving explanations, excuses etc?She's good at talking her way out of trouble.[Joey] Joey翹Mic?Alex_礙繡?}??罈?, Alex: No, thatIs because I talked my way out of tickets using my intelligence.
V, N. exhibitto show something in a public place so that people can go to see itsynonym show?Her paintings have been exhibited all over the world.
Adj. [American English] a coed place, team etc is used by or includes people of both sexes [Joey] HowardX翹?*T&lt;Howard: Yep. Gotta make room for the new Howard. IIm on Atkins, I joined a coed softball league, so look out world!
in the dark
[informal] knowing nothing about something important, because you have not been told about it?We're in the dark just as much as you are. ?College officials were kept in the dark about the investigation.[Joey] Gina?穢3Ron, Joey: Okay, you think you can keep him in the dark the whole time IIm gone?
C.N. 7^the place on the surface of the Earth that is right above the point where an earthquake begins inside the Earth
V, N. ?$synonym stutter?Whenever he was angry he would begin to stammer slightly.?Ben stammered out an apology.
at cost
@\)?His uncle's a car dealer and let him buy the car at cost (=without making a profit) .[Joey] GinaX職瞽?Alex, Gina: I rock. I just got Blondie a new stereo system at cost, with free instillation, plus a trade discountV from a gay dude.
U.N. [written]angerraise/arouse/draw somebody's ire (=make someone angry) ?The proposal has drawn the ire of local residents.
Vi.if something such as a door, wooden floor, old bed, or stair creaks, it makes a long high noise when someone opens it, walks on it, sits on it etc?The floorboards creaked as she walked across the room. ?The door creaked open.罈: But my head is gray and my joints are starting to creak, ...
V, Nto carry people or things a short distance from one place to another in a boat or other vehicleferry somebody/something (from something) to something?The ship was used to ferry supplies to Russia during the war.ferry somebody/something across something?ferrying passengers across the Channel罈: According to BBC News, Russia has announced that it will no longer ferry US astronauts to space for free.
W d
Adj.worried or nervous especially because you are expecting something bad to happensynonym anxious
C.N. 癒?
Vt. if something engrosses you, it interests you so much that you do not notice anything else?The scene was stunning, and for a time engrossed all our attention.engross yourself in something?Take your mind off it by engrossing yourself in a good book.
Adj.more than enoughample time/evidence/opportunity ?You'll have ample time for questions later.
C.N. [formal] the complete opposite of somethingantithesis of?This is not democratic. It is the antithesis of democracy.
C.N, Va collection of things that someone hides somewhere, especially so they can use them laterhoard of?the discovery of a hoard of gold coins
capitalize on something
[phrasal verb] =take advantage ofto use a situation or something good that you have, in order to get an advantage for yourself?Ecuador has capitalized on its natural beauty to attract tourism.
Adj.small, pretty, and delicate?a dainty gold chain a child with dainty features
Vt. [formal]to include a wide range of ideas, subjects, etc?The study encompasses the social, political, and economic aspects of the situation.
N. 繡La period of time, especially during the night, when you stay awake in order to pray, remain with someone who is ill, or watch for danger?Eva and Paul kept a constant vigil by their daughter's hospital bedside.
C.N.an extremely large and dangerous fire - used especially in news reportsraging/blazing inferno ?Within minutes the house had become a raging inferno.
Vt. [informal] to cheat someone, especially by taking their moneysynonym swindlebilk somebody out of something?Consumers were bilked out of more than $15,000.
C.N.a word or phrase that is made by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase?'Silent' is an anagram of 'listen'.
Adj. N.used to refer to popular music that is performed by new bands or singers, and produced by small independent companies?indie music ?an indie band
U.N. ?簸the formal rules for polite behaviour in society or in a particular group?strict rules of professional etiquette罈: While we are enjoying the conveniences cell phones bring us, we should also watch our cell phone etiquette.
like a cat on hot bricks [American English] British English like a cat on a hot tin roofso nervous or anxious that you cannot keep still or keep your attention on one thing
throw a match/game/fightto deliberately lose a fight or sports game that you could have won?He was allegedly offered 瞽G20,000 to throw the match.
bristle with something
[phrasal verb]to have a lot of something or be full of something?a battleship bristling with guns
Adj. [formal]very old-fashionedsynonym outdated?antediluvian ideas about women
C.N. a famous actor, singer etc who is very attractive to women [Joey] Joey?0礙?簧簫?, Bobbie: Ooh, thereIs the fiery Latin heartthrob that I took a chance on.
moral supportencouragement that you give by expressing approval or interest, rather than by giving practical help?Dad came along to give me some moral support.[Joey] Joey??*竅禱??, Joey: Thanks, Michael. I got a strong little girl vibe from you. Alright, thanks you guys. IIm gonna go get this part. I still gotta go pick up your mom. SheIs coming with me for moral support. Alright, wish me luck.
chemistry between
if there is chemistry between two people, they like each other and find each other attractive?It was obvious that there was a very real chemistry between them.[Joey]??簣?, Casting Director: ThatIs right. We cast her in the part. WeIre gonna see if you two have chemistry.
grass roots
Adj, N. *?織the ordinary people in an organization, rather than the leaders ?We are hoping for full participation at grass roots level.
Adj. [informal] very good, especially in a way that makes you feel happy and excitedsynonym great?That's a terrific idea!?The actress who played the lawyer was terrific.
bite your tongue
to stop yourself saying something because you know it would not be sensible to say it?I wanted to argue, but I had to bite my tongue.[Joey] Gina翻礙穡職?簸穫W=繞&lt;Joey: (Gasps) You bite your tongue.
Adj.a degrading experience, event etc is unpleasant and makes you lose respect for yourselfdegrading to?Pornography is degrading to women and to the men that look at it.?the degrading treatment that the prisoners receive in jail[Joey]簣礎穡職?&lt;Alex: My sister did pageants. I find them degrading to women.
Vi.to be friendly with someone, especially if you have been ordered not to be friendly with themfraternize with?The troops were forbidden to fraternize with the enemy.[Joey]Gina?Joey礎穡職?3繡罈籀&lt;Joey: No, no, no. The rules say I canIt fraternize with the girls.
Vi.to be silently angry and refuse to be friendly or discuss what is annoying or upsetting you - used to show disapproval?Nicola sulked all morning.[Joey]Mic#o禱;(&lt;=#XVegas?&lt;Gina: No, youIre not going anywhere. Now stop sulking and take off that stupid hat.
assumed name
C.N.if you do something under an assumed name, you do it using a name that is not your real namesynonym pseudonym?He's been living in Peru under an assumed name.[Joey]?Mic繡9?&lt;3XVegas? ?{, Michael: DonIt use my real name. IIm here under an assumed name.
Adj.probably dishonest or illegal?a shady character ?She's been involved in some shady deals .[Joey]Gina?MicO織XVegas? ?{&lt;Gina: Oh my god. You have been lying to me and doing shady things in Vegas?
Adj. informalstrange or frightening in a way that makes you think of ghosts?a spooky old house ?spooky stories ?The candlelight created a rather spooky atmosphere.[Joey]Mic?`:9JAR&lt;Joey: ThatIs spooky.
C.N.a statement that you are not responsible for or involved with something, or that you do not know about it - used especially in advertising or legal agreements
a multitude of somebody/something
[formal or literary] a very large number of people or things?I had never seen such a multitude of stars before. ?a multitude of possible interpretations
severance pay/package
money or other things that you get when you have to leave a company because your employer no longer has a job for you?Employees will get two weeks of severance pay for every year of service.
C.N. earth and straw that are made into bricks for building houses
C.N. a small bush with several woody stems
N.1. a thick sticky liquid that comes out of some trees i22. a type of plastic 8@i2
cut to the chase
[informal] to immediately start dealing with the most important part of something [Joey]Xd翹Miss Reno]E, Joey: Ah. Okay, this small talk isnIt working. IIll cut to the chase.
U.N. 簣簧(?1W)the practice of not having something you enjoy, especially alcohol or sex, usually for reasons of religion or health
it takes two to tango [spoken]used to say that if a problem involves two people, then both people are equally responsible [Joey] 穡職-?礙 #??穡職? &lt;Joey: Well, it takes two to tango.
Adj.relating to sex or dishonest behaviour - used to show disapproval?a sleazy lawyer[Joey] GinaJoey穡職? 織罈?6?簡?, Joey: Oh, well it turned out Miss Laughlin, that contestant I slept with, was even sleazier than me.
C.N. v簽禮a ticket that can be used instead of money for a particular purpose?he voucher can be used at most major supermarkets. ?irst prize is a 1000 travel voucher.[Joey] Gina?繞R#簣m , Pit Boss: Wait a minute. YouIre not going anywhere.[Gina looks scared]Pit Boss: Vwithout your breakfast voucher.
N. V. Qxa piece of plastic, metal, or paper in which designs or letters have been cut out, that you put over a surface and paint over, so that the design is left on the surface
Adj. 9?=?織able to express your ideas and opinions well, especially in a way that influences people?an eloquent appeal for support
Adj. 簸SK織looking or feeling bright and cheerful in a way that seems suitable for celebrating something?The atmosphere was festive and jolly. ?John was obviously in a festive mood .[Joey] AAlex ?,Joey: Ok now, uh, I just have a few simple ideas on how to make the apartment more festive.
Adj. g繩織compulsive behaviour is very difficult to stop or control, and is often a result of or a sign of a mental problemcompulsive gambling/overeating/spending etc ?Compulsive overspending in these days of credit cards has become more common.[Joey]繒繒d礙簸穫簣/?I{, Lauren: Oh, IIm a little compulsive, especially when I get nervous.
blow somebody's mind
[spoken] to make you feel very surprised and excited by something?Seeing her again really blew my mind.[Joey] 繒繒d?/`\0繹繚\&lt;Lauren: Anyway, youIll do great. And we just got the first script, and itIs amazing. ThereIs some twists in here thatIll blow your mind.
C.N. `羹a very small living thing that can make you ill?Put disinfectant down the toilet to kill any germs.[Joey] 繒繒d=#/繚\, Lauren: No, itIs because you got your germs on it and I donIt want it back.
C.N.a thick warm jacket with a hood [Joey] Joey,Gina,Mic0禮禱A??i&lt;Joey礙?繡獺, Michael: Then take off the hat and the parka.
fortified wine
???4? ( ?9簫]` ?簾?穡{? ) wine such as sherry or port that has strong alcohol added
Adj. 瞽繭織an erotic book, picture, or film shows people having sex, and is intended to make people reading or looking at it have feelings of sexual pleasure [Joey]H5Katie織 簫&lt;Katie: IIm into erotic art.
"N.the way someone or something is described or shown in a book, film, play etcportrayal of?the newspapers' portrayal of Islamic culture[Joey]H5Joey 穫b繚織8?
"C.N.an old man who is respected as the head of a family or tribe[Joey]H5Joey 穫b繚織8?
Vt. 繹?(癡x)to remove the fuse from a bomb in order to prevent it from exploding [Joey] Gina?繚\簡?? Joey: Uhh.. ooh, IIm up on a cliff. And IIm defusing a bomb!
Adj. 疆疆=2織if someone is glum, they feel unhappy and do not talk a lotsynonym gloomy?Anna looked glum .?After dinner, Kate lapsed into a glum silence .[Joey]v?Xbd&lt;Charlie#簣繒?, Charlie: Why so glum, chum?
C.N. Y}a young person who has a great natural ability in a subject or skillchild/infant prodigy ?Mozart was a musical prodigy.
Adj. uS織an inflatable object has to be filled with air before you can use it?an inflatable mattress[Joey]W疆#簣?Joey????, Gina: We couldnIt get you everything on your list, but we got you an inflatable snowman.
spike (v)
to secretly add strong alcohol or a drug to someone's drink or foodspike something with something?The orange juice had been spiked with gin.[Joey]W疆?Joey????, Gina: Here, have some eggnog.Joey: Oh.Gina: I spiked it with The Fist.
C.N.a written statement of exactly how much money something will costquotation for?Ask the builder to give you a written quotation for the job. ?a quotation for car
Adj.be conducive to something[formal] if a situation is conducive to something such as work, rest etc, it provides conditions that make it easy for you to work etc?an environment conducive to learning
C.N. }the difference between the amount you have and the amount you need or expectshortfall in?Parents have been asked to pay 瞽G30 each to cover the shortfall in the budget.shortfall of?an estimated shortfall of about 瞽G1 million
C.N. [informal] an offensive word for someone who is extremely stupid
"C.N.a room where the directors of a company have meetings [CBS 60min] ""Our boardroom table was also our ping pong table,"" recalls Brin."
"Adj.if someone's appearance or their clothes, hair etc is dishevelled, they look very untidy?Pam arrived late, dishevelled and out of breath.[CBS 60min] He describes the dress code as, ""disheveled students."""
C.N.someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order to make money, often in a way that involves financial risks
Adj. 穠]織1. from a plane ?an aerial attack ?aerial photographs ?an aerial view of the Three Gorges Dam project2. in or moving through the air [CBS 60min] Google executive Marissa Mayer showed us how Keyhole can find an aerial photo of almost any address.
cut and dried
Adj.a situation, decision, result etc that is cut and dried cannot now be changed?I don't think the plan is as cut and dried as people think.
surface (v.)
Vi.if information, feelings, or problems surface, they become known about or easy to noticesurface in?Rumors about the killings have begun to surface in the press.?the jealousy that had surfaced in her
Vt.to refuse to consider someone's idea, opinion etc, because you think it is not serious, true, or important?The government has dismissed criticisms that the countryIs health policy is a mess.dismiss something as something?He just laughed and dismissed my proposal as unrealistic.?It's an idea that shouldn't be dismissed out of hand (=dismissed immediately and completely) .罈: The check is insufficient, but still present, and if you make a cursory examination of the code, you might simply dismiss the check as being valid.
Adj.able to learn easily and think quicklysynonym cleverAmerican Equivalent: smart?He always was the brainy one, except at maths.
Adj.someone who is introverted is quiet and shy and does not enjoy being with other peopleopposite extrovert, extroverted
C.N.someone who is good at entertaining people and getting a lot of public attention?He is the band's best showman.
V. if something such as wood smoulders, it burns slowly without a flame
Adj.old-fashioned?That dress looks a bit dated now.
Adj.something that is crucial is extremely important, because everything else depends on itcrucial to?This aid money is crucial to the governmentIs economic policies.
C.N. psynonym chemist?an all-night pharmacy
Kuala Lumpurthe capital and largest city of Malaysia, established in the 19th century and an important business and industrial centre
Adj.an indistinct sound, image, or memory cannot be seen, heard, or remembered clearlyopposite distinct?She muttered something indistinct.?My memory of what happened next is indistinct.
Adj.showing that you will only do something if it will gain you an advantage - used to show disapproval?self-serving politicians
play something ? up
to emphasize something, sometimes making it seem more important than it really is?Play up your strongest arguments in the opening paragraph.[24] David#簣1~簿, PATTY: Play it up, inspire people.
the cold shoulder
(give somebody/get) the cold shoulderto behave in an unfriendly way towards someone that you know [24] Kim: ...is she still giving you the cold shoulder?
get hold of somebody
get hold of somebodyalso get a hold of somebody[American English] to find and speak to someone about something?I must get hold of Vanessa to see if she can babysit.[24] +癒簧jack*禱, Jack: Get a hold of the others and bring them in.
C.N.if you have a hunch that something is true or will happen, you feel that it is true or will happenhave a hunch (that)?I had a hunch that something like this would happen.[24] JackTony繙David織繩???簫&lt;TONY: Bad time to play a hunch.
U.N.a feeling of excitement or anxiety when you do not know what will happen nextin suspense?They kept us in suspense for over two hours.
my bad!
[American English spoken informal] used to say that you have made a mistake or that something is your fault [24] Rick?Kim織hh竄繞: Hey, my bad.
Adj.a bumpy surface is flat but has a lot of raised parts so it is difficult to walk or drive on itsynonym unevenopposite smooth?a bumpy road?The ground is bumpy in places.[slashdot] while the renegotiation process may be a bit bumpy, it's likely that Java will continue to be ported to FreeBSD.
C.N. 禮?a large sea animal with two long tusks (=things like teeth) coming down from the sides of its mouth
C.N. ?8an instrument in an aircraft that tells you how high you are
U.N. 籀竅獺an unpleasant burning feeling in your stomach or chest caused by acid from your stomach
Adj. [formal]an inexorable process cannot be stopped?the inexorable decline of Britain's manufacturing industry ?the seemingly inexorable rise in crime
Vt.to say something clever and amusing?'Giving up smoking is easy,' he quipped. 'I've done it hundreds of times.'
C.N.a poem or song written in order to praise a person or thingode to?Keats' 'Ode to a Nightingale'
better off
Adj.happier, improved, more successful etcopposite worse offbetter off with/without?I think she's better off without him.be better off doing something (=used to give advice or an opinion) ?He'd be better off starting with something simpler.
C.N.1. [technical] the lower part of the bowels, in which food is changed into waste matter W穡2. ??
Vi. (X?)Oto throw something with a lot of force, especially because you are angry?Demonstrators were hurling bricks through the windows. ?He hurled a chair across the set, smashing lamps and vases.
C.N.something or someone that is dangeroussynonym threatmenace of?It's the only way to deal with the menace of drug dealing.menace to?That man's a menace to society . He should be locked away.?the growing menace of oil pollution at sea
Adj.a relationship that is platonic is just friendly and is not a sexual relationship?a platonic friendship
Adj.made to seem like something more important?Many bosses view secretaries as no more than glorified typists.罈:Like a lot of people, I for one am tired of playing Microsoft's silly little game. Update this, patch that, buy our new operating system that turns out to be nothing but a glorified service pack.
C.N. 瞻4. [especially American English] a room in a house where people relax, watch television etc
Vt.to remove everything that is bad or immoral from a person's character, an organization, or a place - used especially in news reportscleanse somebody/something of something?The mayor was elected on a promise to cleanse the city government of corruption.
Vt. nto free someone from feelings or conditions that make their life unhappy or difficultliberate somebody from something?women's freedom to pursue careers liberated from childcare?the liberating power of education
C.N. 籀{a particular attitude or way of thinking, especially one that you think is wrong or stupid?a get-rich-quick mentality ?I can't understand the mentality of the people who are behind this kind of violence.
N. [law]all of someone's property and money, especially everything that is left after they diesomebody's estate?The property is part of the deceased's estate.
shotgun wedding ??shotgun marriage
C.N. [formal] the most successful part of somethingsynonym apex?His political career reached its apogee in the 1960s.
Adj. [formal]imaginary or not really possible
I read the magazine from cover to cover (=all of it) .
C.N. [informal]a car made by BMW
U.N.a feeling that something is not true or does not exist?The reaction to the murders was one of shock and disbelief.in/with disbelief?Rosie stared in disbelief.
Vi.to look at someone in an angry way?Patrick scowled, but did as he was told.[Joey]Alex??織 ?繞繹矇翹&lt;Gina織簫3, (Gina stops reading her magazine and scowls)
chihuahuaa very small dog with smooth hair, originally from Mexico
tell somebody/something apart
[phrasal verb]if you can tell two people or things apart, you can see the difference between them, so that you do not confuse themsynonym distinguish?It's almost impossible to tell the twins apart.
C.N.a large amount of something such as letters or questions that someone gets at the same timesynonym flooddeluge of?Viewers sent a deluge of complaints about the show.
C.N. [especially American English]a situation in which streets in a city are so full of cars that they cannot move [ Gra] The Taiwan Railway Administration said yesterday that it will try to ease the traffic gridlock during the Lunar New Year by offering advance bookings
C.N.a request that is urgent or full of emotionplea for?a plea for help?Caldwell made a plea for donations.[slashdot] FBI Warns: Many Tsunami Relief Pleas Are Fake
Vt.to make a written agreement official by signing itratify a treaty/an agreement/a decision etc ?We hope that the republics will be willing to ratify the treaty.
en masse
Adv.if people do something en masse, they do it together?The management team resigned en masse.
U.N.the desire to harm someone because you hate themwith malice?His eyes gleamed with malice.
Adj.deliberately harming someone or damaging something for no reason?an act of wanton aggression ?a wanton disregard for life
gut (v.)
Vt.to completely destroy the inside of a building, especially by fire?The building was completely gutted by fire.[24] Georgek?&gt;: And if he gets elected, this place gets gutted.
N. athe process of getting official permission or approval for something?She'll race if she gets medical clearance from her doctor. ?Morris did not have a security clearance .
C.N. [informal] someone who is silly or stupid, and who is easily deceived [24] Georgew?+癒: Right, you stupid chump.
Adj.behaving as if you want to keep something secretsynonym secretive?There was something furtive about his actions.
point man
N. [American English]someone with a very important job or a lot of responsibility for a particular subject in a company or organizationpoint man on?the administration's point man on health care[24] Jack繙Mason4B翹?:Mason was the point man on his bust last August.
C.N.a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal, but that has not been provedallegations of corruption/fraud/misconduct etc ?Mr Singh has strongly denied the allegations of sexual harassment.[24] 礙I穡礙=+癒?:You air that allegation, or anything remotely like it....
C.N.a victory in an election in which one person or party gets a lot more votes than all the others?a landslide election victoryby a landslide?The SNP candidate won by a landslide .
N.a large group of people of the same kind, especially girls or young womenbevy of?a bevy of beauties
C.N. [taboo] 聶B a very offensive word for someone who is very short because their body has not grown normally. Do not use this word. [??] It's Godzilla vs. Mozilla, and Mozilla is a midget.
C.N. [old-fashioned]someone that you think is not worth respecting or paying attention to, especially because they are small or young [??] `mozilla , Yet the pipsqueak is pulling off a feat that would have seemed preposterous a year ago.
Adj. [formal]completely unreasonable or sillysynonym absurd?The whole idea sounds absolutely preposterous!
be toast
[informal] to be in trouble because of something you have done?If you challenge her, you're toast.[24] k瞿??z??;罈繳織gO&lt;?h_? , KIM: I'm serious. You two are toast.
chime in
[phrasal verb]to say something in a conversation, especially to agree with what someone has just said?'We'll miss you too,' the children chimed in.
sitting duck
someone who is easy to attack or easy to cheat?Out in the open, the soldiers were sitting ducks for enemy fire.[24] k?翹kXWC?3簫, k??:We were sitting ducks.
C.N.a small floor that is built between two other floors in a building?A young woman was sitting at a desk on the mezzanine floor.[24]k翹k?X3簫, k:Across the mezzanine there's a corridor that leads to a service exit.
U.N.language that is used to persuade or influence people, especially language that sounds impressive but is not actually sincere or useful?The speech was dismissed by some people as merely political rhetoric .rhetoric of?the rhetoric of socialism
Adj. (罈)6織a bouffant hair style is one in which your hair is raised away from your head at the top
U.N. [technical]1.the science of describing an area of land, or making maps of it `?穡2.[+ of] the shape of an area of land, including its hills, valleys etc `?
Adj. ??k織not active or not growing at the present time but able to be active lateropposite activelie/remain dormant ?The seeds remain dormant until the spring.?a huge dormant volcano
N. 0?&lt;穡?a ceremony that is always performed in the same way, in order to mark an important religious or social occasion?ancient pagan rituals
C.N. ? rOthe time when someone or something was most popular, successful, or powerfulin somebody's heyday?a picture of Greta Garbo in her heyday
C.N. (i?F{:織).藩 a wooden model of a woman that used to be placed on the front of ships
Vt. [literary] ???to steal from a place or people using force, especially in a war
U.N.decoration on an object that makes it look attractive?a bronze plate with gold ornamentation
N. =?8&lt;=?簿the fact that something is strange, unusual, or unsuitable in a particular situation?The incongruity of her situation struck Gina with unpleasant force.incongruity between?He didn't see the slightest incongruity between the idealism of his plays and his own morals.
Adj. 簸2織showing or encouraging anger or excitement?a fiery speech
Adj. 竄翹織happening, printed etc after someone's death?a posthumous collection of his articles
C.N.the top or highest point of something such as a hill or a wavecrest of?It took us over an hour to reach the crest of the hill.
C.N.a narrow crack in the surface of something, especially in rock?small creatures that hide in crevices in the rock
C.N. (Fa very steep side of a high rock, mountain or cliff?A loose rock tumbled over the precipice.
Adj. ?繙織much more important, more powerful, or better than any others of its kind?his pre-eminent position in society
Adj.not enough?The story has received scant attention in the press. ?They produce goods with scant regard for quality.
Adj.1.using a lot of energy and strength or determination?Your dog needs at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise every day.2.strong and healthy?a vigorous young man
Adj.vivid colours or patterns are very bright?his vivid blue eyes
C.N.the amount of a medicine or drug that you should take at one time, especially regularlyhigh/low dosagedosage of?He was recommended a high dosage of morphine.
Adj. be privy to somethingsharing in the knowledge of facts that are secret?Colby was privy to the committee's decisions.[24] 礙I穡礙1v穢`?9簸穫癒?, 穢?:Well, I'm not privy to that kind of information.
stash (n.)
C.N.an amount of something that is kept in a secret place, especially money, weapons, or drugssynonym horde?Mike went into the bedroom to check on his stash.stash of?a stash of drugs[24] Janet織{簷繡 &lt;Dan:I'm not wasting my stash on her.
V.to laugh at a person or idea, and talk about them in a way that shows you think they are stupid--synonym make fun ofscoff at?David scoffed at her fears.
be seeing somebody
to be having a romantic relationship with someone?Is she seeing anyone at the moment?[24]k:Yes. When my wife and I were separated,I was seeing Nina.
put a/the lid on something
[informal] to do something that finally stops something or ruins or ends someone's plans or hopes?Let's put a lid on all these rumours.[24] 礙I穡礙織;羶:I'll put a lid on Kingsley, at least until the polls close.
V. [formal] to say publicly that you no longer have a political or religious belief that you had before
Adj. ?Q[Q織talking continuously in an excited or anxious way, especially because you are ill?He suffered an attack of malaria and was delirious.[24]k Myer礙??, You're delirious!
N. [formal] a memo
C.N. 簣{an official order to stop trade with another countrysynonym boycott, sanctionsembargo on/against?an embargo on wheat exports?an embargo against the country
Adj. Adv.1. a boat that is adrift is not fastened to anything or controlled by anyone 2q織?Several of the lifeboats were still afloat a month after being cast adrift .[v_穢] ?禮: I felt adrift in a sea of randomness, desperate and absurd, devoid of purpose, lost.2. someone who is adrift is confused about what to do in their life 2繳織?a young woman adrift in London
U.N. [technical] 分泌乳汁 the production of milk by a woman or female animal
Adj. ???織affecting your mind in a way that you are not conscious of?a subliminal message ?subliminal advertising (=with hidden messages and pictures in it)
Vt.to defend or support a law, system, or principle so that it continues to exist?a committee that aims to uphold educational standards[ Gra] European Parliament votes to uphold arms-sale ban
not add up
"[phrasal verb]a) if a set of facts does not add up, it does not provide a reasonable explanation for a situation?He was troubled by a feeling that things just didn't add up.[24] Tony竅.繭?=?9
manifest (n.)
a list of passengers or goods carried on a ship, plane or train?the ship's cargo manifest
with (all) due respect
[spoken] ?A??used when you disagree with someone or criticize them in a polite way?Dad, with all due respect, was not a very good husband.[24] 礙I穡礙?藩Y?#?q?O`15&lt;繒?礙?:With all due respect, this one's different.
shack up
[phrasal verb]to start living with someone who you have sex with but are not married to - used to show disapprovalshack up with?She had shacked up with some guy from Florida.[24] Mason=Myer?: To sum it up, Jack leaves his wife.....shacks up with you for a while
be going places
[informal] to start becoming successful in your life?William is a young man who is definitely going places.[24] Mason?Myers???織rI, You were going places. Everybody knew it.
lap dog
C.N.someone who is completely under the control of someone else and will do anything they say - used to show disapproval [24] Mason ?Myer_:Jack's flunky. His lap dog.
for God's sake
[spoken] used to emphasize something you are saying when you are annoyed?For God's sake, shut up!
Vt.if a new idea, product, or method supersedes another one, it becomes used instead because it is more modern or effectivesynonym replace?Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases.[24] Myer=Jamey?9;礙織罈簣繹&lt;Jamey?:But doesn't Mason supersede Jack?
dredge something ? up
[phrasal verb]to pull something up from the bottom of a river, lake etc [slashdot] The following page features numerous great pictures of bizarre and creepy deep-sea creatures which have been dredged up by the recent tsunami and presented by normal divers.
tell somebody ? off
[phrasal verb]if someone in authority tells you off, they speak to you angrily about something wrong that you have done
C.N.someone who leads a group that is doing something illegal or wrong?the ringleader of a new international drugs ring[nytimes] Ringleader in Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Is Sentenced to 10 Years
C.N.something that is useless, especially because it does not work correctly?Several of the fireworks were duds.
premiere C.N, V.the first public performance of a film, play, or piece of music?Rossini's work had its premiere at the Paris Opera. ?a movie premiere ?the play's world premiere (=the first performance in the world)
practical joke
a trick that is intended to give someone a surprise or shock, or to make them look stupid [Joey]Xdeep power?P3&lt;9瞿OAMic]E, Joey: Relax, relax, Michael. SheIs already into you. Okay? And IIve looked around. It doesnIt seem to be a practical joke, so, I say go for it.
Adj. ?織bent, twisted, or not in a straight lineopposite straight?Your tie's crooked.[Joey]Xdeep power?Pparty, Joey?繒繒璽簪?繡2?Lauren: Thanks, I guess. You look really nice too, except that, um, your bow tieIs a little crooked and if you donIt fix it, I may have to leave this conversation.
shooting star
C.N. qOa piece of rock or metal from space, that burns brightly as it falls towards the Earthsynonym meteor
Int. [American English informal]hello [Joey] (Cut to Joey walking past Alex and Carol dancing)Joey: Howdy boys.
live a lie
to pretend all the time that you feel or believe something when actually you do not feel that way?I knew that I could not continue to live a lie.[Joey] Alex瞿&lt;礙簸穫??繞=-礎;羶, Carol: WouldnIt you feel like youIre living a lie?
thick and fast
arriving or happening very frequently, in large amounts or numbers?Entries have been coming in thick and fast.[slashdot] I've recently finished a CS/SD degree at uni and the interviews are starting to come thick and fast.
V. [to use a needle and thread to make or repair clothes or to fasten something such as a button to them?I learned to sew at school.sew something on something?Can you sew a patch on my jeans?
N. [formal] a feeling of hatred towards someoneenmity between/towards?the enmity between the two communities
U.N. [formal]hard unpleasant work done over a long period?a life of toil[Bible] through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.
C.N. [formal] a piece of clothing?She pulled the garment on and zipped it up. garment industry/factory/district etc ?She works in the garment district of Manhattan.[Bible] The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.
Vi.to delay a discussion, decision etc by talking a lot and refusing to answer questions [24] Mason#簣?=Jamet羹 Jack:Then the next thing you know, Jack's gone......Nina's stonewalling
in the hot seaton the hot seat
[American English informal] in a difficult position where you have to make important decisions, answer questions etc[24] MasonX?=Jamey羹 Jack: ...Nina's stonewalling, and you're in the hot seat. Sound familiar?
Adj.dead on arrival used when someone is said by a doctor to be dead when they are brought to a hospital[24] 礙瞿??繒禮, MEDIC: Call it in as a D.O.A.
X職;&lt;?矇X瞼? 0A罈x&amp;r?9+?R&lt;繭w{礙9礎礙v繳==瞿&lt;簿?r7瞽=gWQ=?簫=礙&lt;John Doe=&lt;瞿WQ=?w礙&lt;Jane Doe=&lt;礙John翹Jane_職;gW翹瞿W0?}織=?2
C.N. a group of people with animals or vehicles who travel together for safety, especially through a desert
N. ??礙also liaison officer[countable] someone whose job is to talk to different departments or groups and to tell each of them about what the others are doingliaison to?Renee Ball, liaison to the State Parks Authority[24]k#簣?=??罈羹?, I told you, you'd get a call from Sealey, our liaison to the PD's office.
N. [informal]have/get the hots for somebodyto be sexually attracted to someone [24] 簣ZW穡ORick?A ?j?瞿O&lt;B?:If you had the hots for her, then you should've done something.
blow the whistle on somebody
[informal] to tell someone in authority about something wrong that someone is doing?He blew the whistle on his colleagues.[24]Mason k:Why'd you blow the whistle on your agents last year?
cut the crap
[spoken not polite] used to tell someone to stop saying things that are completely wrong ?Just cut the crap and tell me what really happened.
C.N. 繙tan escape or an attempt to escape from prison, especially by several people
N. [formal]serious trouble or a serious problem?Even close friends were unaware of the tribulations she faced.
Adj.strange and frightening?the eerie sound of an owl hooting at night
U.N.a feeling of satisfaction and excitement, often because something bad has happened to someone elsesynonym delight?Manufacturers are rubbing their hands with glee as they prepare to cash in.
C.N. Qqt h[a unit for measuring liquid, equal to two pints.
home in on something
[phrasal verb]1.to aim exactly at an object or place and move directly to it?The bat can home in on insects using a kind of 'radar'.2.to direct your efforts or attention towards a particular fault or problem?He homed in on the one weak link in the argument.
at the mercy of somebody/something
unable to do anything to protect yourself from someone or something?After the boat's motor failed, they were at the mercy of the weather. ?She was completely at his mercy.
cock (v.)
Vt.1. to lift a part of your body, or hold a part of your body at an angle?She cocked her head and considered the offer. ?He cocked a quizzical eyebrow at her.2. to pull back the hammer of a gun so that it is ready to be fired ?簪?
U.N. [formal]when someone is not drunk?John had periods of sobriety, but always went back to drinking.
Adj. Adv.happening away from a particular place, especially a place of workopposite on-site?the off-site disposal of harmful waste?A small team worked off-site on the project.
Adv, Adj.a greater distance than before or than something else; a comparative form of 'far'synonym further?We decided not to go any farther.
C.N. ~?a substance that causes an allergy
Vt. Fcalkto fill the holes or cracks in a ship with an oily or sticky substance in order to keep water out
Adj. also bleary-eyedunable to see very clearly, because you are tired or have been crying?Steve emerged from his room, unshaven and bleary-eyed.
C.N.a line with irregular curves?Shorthand just looks like a series of funny squiggles to me.
Adj.behaving too confidently and speaking too loudly - used to show disapproval?Brash noisy journalists were crowding around the ambassador.
Vi.to put the engine of a vehicle into a lower gear in order to go slower
the lay of the land
a) the situation that exists at a particular time?Get the lay of the land before you make any decisions.
take something with a pinch/grain of salt
[informal] to not completely believe what someone tells you, because you know that they do not always tell the truth?Most of what he says should be taken with a pinch of salt.
be all for (doing) something
support something very much ?I'm all for giving people more freedom.
C.N.a serious book or article about a particular subjecttreatise on?a treatise on medical ethics
V. Z?to cut off someone's arm, leg, finger etc during a medical operation?Two of her toes were amputated because of frostbite.
from afar
[literary]from a long distance away?I saw him from afar.[??] Toshiba Corp. has developed new software that allows mobile phones to work all the functions of Windows-running personal computers from afar, including editing documents, rebooting and sending e-mail.
C.N. [formal] a mixture of different thingsamalgam of?an amalgam of different styles
go off on somebody
[phrasal verb]to criticize or speak to someone in a very angry way [24] k#罈?礙&lt;?瓊 礙瞿??織Ud k:I heard you went off on him before.
Adj. 璽F織&lt;禮 F織extracurricular activities are not part of the course that a student is doing at a school or college [24]k#罈?礙&lt;?瓊 礙瞿??織Ud:No more extracurricular activities.
turn up
[phrasal verb]to be found, especially by chance, after having been lost or searched for?Eventually my watch turned up in a coat pocket.[24] Janet織f?繒?k1v:She'll turn up.
"U.N. 羶 money left with a court of law to make sure that a prisoner will return when their trial starts?Carpenter is free on bail while he appeals his conviction. ?Carter has been refused bail and will remain in custody. ?The judge ordered that Jones be held without bail .[24]?禮?礙???""?;, ?:I'm not leaving until Penticoff is behind bars without bail."
be through (with somebody/something)
[informal]a) to have finished doing something or using something?I'm not through just yet - I should be finished in an hour. Are you through with the computer yet?b) to no longer be having a relationship with someone?That's it! Simon and I are through. I'm through with you![24] 礙瞿??織UdA禮??: Sergeant, excuse me, but if our federalcolleagues are through with Penticoff......I'd like to start processing him into the system.
V.if two or more things interlock, or if they are interlocked, they fit firmly together?a puzzle with 500 interlocking pieces[24]k礙礙?:Kneel up against that wall, interlocking fingers behind your head now.
Vt.if someone in authority, especially the army, requisitions a building, vehicle, or food, they officially demand to have it during an emergency such as a warsynonym commandeer?The building was requisitioned as a military hospital for the duration of the war.[24] Jack簣繞0 $7?簣?`??&lt;=Myer?: Don't let anyone know I requisitioned this for personal use.
C.N. [informal] a helicopter $7??There was a police chopper waiting for us.
U.N. [informal] B?special treatment to help people stop drinking alcohol or taking drugssynonym rehabin detox?She spent a month in detox.
V. if a country mobilizes or mobilizes its army, it prepares to fight a war [24] Jack??織繒?礙?:Thanks for mobilizing on such short notice.
keep your own counsel
[written] to keep your plans, opinions etc secret [24] 礙I穡礙 ?1v=zd繭:You keep your own counsel, Sherry. You always have.
"Adj.relating to, or caused by your job?occupational pension schemes ?an occupational health centre[24] k1v?&gt;kah織
pick something clean
to remove all the meat from a bone when you are eating [24] 礙I穡礙織?穡???繡?翹:They'll pick you clean, then go to work on the bones.
textbook (adj.)
Adj.used to describe something that is done exactly as it should be done, or happens exactly as it should happentextbook case/example ?The advertising campaign was a textbook example of how to sell a product.[24] 礙I穡礙織?穡?:So I'd say you're textbook unelectable.
Adj.behaving in a stupid and offensive way which shows that you do not understand or care about other people's feelings?a crass remark ?an act of crass stupidity[24] 礙I穡礙?簡?W疆?織疆礙?藩?y&lt;?穡?:I don't want to seem crass, but the important thing is you didn't cover it up.
hard sell
N. [American English] if an idea is a hard sell, it is difficult to get people to accept it [24] 礙I穡礙?W疆3ASI穫羸簣織罈-?繩XC&lt;?穡MIKE: I'm not saying it's not a hard sell.
be instrumental in (doing) something
[formal] to be important in making something happen?He was instrumental in developing links with European organizations.[24]+?k?:Palmer was absent from the rally.He was represented by his children Nicole and Keith,who've been instrumental in bringing the younger voterinto this election.
N. I穡礙繩lthe position of being one of the people who are competing in an electioncandidacy for?The local party supported her candidacy for the post of [24] 礙I穡礙織1v#簣禱15H5:I'm just trying to save our son and your candidacy.
C.N.a smaller road that leads off a main road?I missed the turn-off to the farm.[24]礙X??k翹Myers罈繳: Stay on Jefferson.In about three miles you'll see a turn-off.
U.N. informalconversation about things that are not very important?boring social chit-chat[24] 礙???籀k礙繒Myer: Enough chit-chat, Jack, just do it.
prep. [formal]used before a date to show that something happened close to but not exactly on that date?manuscripts dating from circa 1100
flak jacket
the Oval Office
the office of the US president, in the White House in Washington DC [24]Keith= 礙I穡礙?:By me being in prison and you in the Oval Office?
U.N.the crime of being disloyal to your country or its government, especially by helping its enemies or trying to remove the government using violencetreason against?Richter is accused of committing treason against the state.[24] Myer?zJamey: You'll be charged with murder and treason.
Adj. [informal]in a bad temper, especially because you are tiredsynonym bad-tempered[24] ?6:9礙f羸織罈&lt; 礙I穡礙:I'm afraid I'm intact and as grouchy as ever.
V.to change your opinion, or to make someone change their opinion?The government has refused to budge.budge on?He won't budge on the issue.[24] I穡[礙#簣k?H5?3:Isn't there anything we can do to stop her? 礙I穡礙:She won't budge.
pour scorn on somebody/somethingheap scorn on somebody/something
[American English]to strongly criticize someone or something because you think they do not deserve respect?Labour poured scorn on the Tory claim to be the party of law and order.[ Gra] Beijing heaps scorn on Zhao, US praises him
sit on something
[phrasal verb]to delay dealing with something?I sent my application about six weeks ago and they've just been sitting on it.[24] 礙I穡礙織?穡禮:I just got off the phone with Kingsley.She's going to sit on the story for now.
N. [law] [American English] driving under the influence the crime of driving when you have had too much alcohol to drinksynonym DWI?There were a large number of DUI arrests on New Year's Eve.
lay a hand/finger on somebody
[usually in negatives] to touch someone with the intention of hurting them?I swear I didn't lay a finger on him. ?If you lay one hand on me, I'll scream.[24]Myer?繞Jamey織??簣繞15穢: NINA: We're not going to lay a finger on him.
V. ?yto make a formal statement of what is true, especially in a court of law?Mr Molto has agreed to testify at the trial.testify against?Later, the witness who had testified against Muawad withdrew his allegation.[24] Tony=Jamey?=8?織翹?: TONY: Once we have you in custody......Gaines is going to do anything he can to keep you from testifying.
Adv.1.if you fall headfirst, your head goes down first, and the rest of your body follows afterwardsdive/fall/jump/plunge head-first ?I fell head-first down the stairs.2.if you do something head-first, you become involved in it too quickly, without having time to think about it carefully?a remark that sent him tumbling head-first into another controversy[firefox] We're finally diving headfirst into planning for the Firefox 1.1 release.
at the expense of somebody/something
if something is done at the expense of someone or something else, it is only achieved by doing something that could harm the other person or thing?the growth in short breaks, at the expense of longer package holidays[slashdot] News.com reports that the popularity of alternative Web browser Firefox continues to rise at the expense of Microsoft's Internet Explorer
Adj.careful to avoid danger or risks?a cautious driver ?a cautious approach to the crisis ?The air-pollution board has reacted with cautious optimism to the announcement.
if only
v?a) used to express a strong wish, especially when you know that what you want cannot happen?If only he had talked to her sooner! ?If only I weren't so tired!b) used to give a reason for something, although you think it is not a good one?Media studies is regarded as a more exciting subject, if only because it's new.
Adj. $繚織direct and honest - used in order to show approval?She answered in her usual forthright manner .
C.N.someone, especially a ruler, who uses power in a cruel and unfair waysynonym tyrant
get the door
[American English] open or close it for someone ?Here, let me get the door for you.
Adv. 繭繭only with great difficulty or effortsynonym only just?She was very old and barely able to walk.
Vt.to make a straight narrow cut in cloth, paper, skin etc?Guy slit open the envelope. ?slit somebody's throat (=kill someone by cutting their throat)?slit your wrists (=try to kill yourself by cutting your wrists)[24] Nina?JameyG? 礙, NINA: Yeah, she slit her wrists.
longitude the distance east or west of a particular meridian (=imaginary line along the Earth's surface from the North Pole to the South Pole) , measured in degrees?The town lies at longitude 12瞽X east.
latitudethe distance north or south of the equator (=the imaginary line around the middle of the world) , measured in degrees
state/frame of mind
the way someone is thinking and feeling at a particular time?What happened had a lot to do with my state of mind at the time. in a good/positive/relaxed etc frame of mind ?She returned from lunch in a happier frame of mind.[24] 礙I穡礙1v?簣Xj礙繞y+??&lt;?穡?:It might put the public in a more forgiving frame of mind.
curb (n.)
C.N. [American English] the raised edge of a road, between where people can walk and cars can drive[24] JackX3?&lt;??繳-`:OFFICER ON LOUDSPEAKER: Please pull over to the curb.
void (v.)
Vt. [law] to make a contract or agreement void so that it has no legal effect [24]Andre Gaines礙簸穫織?穠 礙I穡礙:Bad luck or bad management, we have every reason to void the contract.
Vt.to reply quickly, in an angry or humorous way?'It's all your fault!' he retorted.
Vi. [formal] to grow or develop quickly?the burgeoning market for digital cameras[spectrum] In our burgeoning technological age, the rate of change in many fields is actually increasing.
pique your interest/curiosity
[especially American English] to make you feel interested in something or someone?She was hostile to him, which piqued his curiosity.
knock on wood
[American English] used to say that you hope your good luck so far will not change
blow somebody/something ? off
[phrasal verb]to treat someone or something as unimportant, for example by not meeting someone or not going to an event?Tanya just blew me off - she said she didn't want to see me any more. ?Bud got into trouble for blowing off the meeting.[24] 礙I穡礙=#?+癒&lt;?穡?:He's your biggest contributor. You can't just blow him off.
play hardball
[American English] [informal] to be very determined to get what you want, especially in business or politics [24]Palmer織 k???織禱r[7?礙礙:I've played hardball all my life, but this....
pearls of wisdom
wise remarks - used especially when you really think that someone's remarks are slightly stupid?Thank you for those pearls of wisdom, Emma.[24] CTU織?k?=(Nina=?JackX , Nina:If you don't have any more pearls of wisdom, I'd like to get back to work.
by all means!
[spoken] used to mean 'of course' when politely allowing someone to do something or agreeing with a suggestion?'Can I bring Alan?' 'By all means!'[24]Nina=#簫?k?癒&lt;#簣?礙&lt;?k??:By all means.
U.N.the activity of collecting money for a specific purpose, especially in order to help people who are ill, old etc?an Action Pack full of fundraising ideas
C.N. [informal] something that you do to amuse yourself or as a jokeas/for a lark?I only went along for a lark.
N. [American English]a standard piece of writing or a design for something that can be easily used each time you need it, for example in business or legal documents?a boilerplate for a fax message ?lawyers selling boilerplate wills
pore over something
[phrasal verb]to read or look at something very carefully for a long time?She was poring over a book.
C.N. ?簪something that divides something else into parts?a room divider ?alphabetical file dividers
stay put
"[spoken] to remain in one place and not move?Stay put until I get back.[24] Jack簣疆簞
be on the side of the angels
to be doing what is morally right [24]JackNina??k?9?94繩, Nina: From now on, I play on the side of the angels.
out on a limb
"alone and without help or support?All the other countries signed the agreement, leaving Britain out on a limb. ?He'd gone out on a limb (=taken a risk) to help us.[24]Jack?簣疆簞
"Adj.trying extremely hard to achieve what you want?He claims he is not a driven workaholic.[24] Nina?簞
Adj.something that is erratic does not follow any pattern or plan but happens in a way that is not regular?His breathing was becoming erratic. ?She found it hard to cope with his erratic behaviour.
frame (v.)
Vt.to deliberately make someone seem guilty of a crime when they are not guilty, by lying to the police or in a court of lawsynonym set up?Needham's lawyers claimed that he had been framed by the police.frame somebody for something?The two men were framed for murder.[24] drazen#簣繡Gains織8糧: You were supposed to frame Bauer for David Palmer's assassination.
C.N.an event or situation that might happen in the future, especially one that could cause problems?a contingency plan 羅繙8糧?Add up your outgoings, putting on a bit more for contingencies.[24] Drazen??9n繫礙Palmer: We have a contingency plan. Bauer and Palmer will both be deadby the end of the day.
Adj.responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized for them [24]Palmer`QBZ&lt;瞿9*?: I'm not one to say that teachers shouldn't.....be accountable for their performance, but--
extended family
C.N.a family group that consists not only of parents and children but also of grandparents, aunts etc [24] Jack簣Ninav礙織羹?:I want you to dig deeper into Cofell's background.
pull yourself together
to force yourself to stop behaving in a nervous, frightened, or uncontrolled way?With an effort Mary pulled herself together.[24]JackXv礙籀繭竄繞翹&lt;?9R:Come on, Jack, come on, pull yourself together.
by the book
exactly according to rules or instructions?She feels she has to go by the book and can't use her creativity. do/play something by the book ?The police were careful to do everything by the book.[24]Tony翻礙?k?羅瞽=_礙,Nina: I agree. But she does things by the book.
be in the loop/be out of the loop
[informal] to be or not be part of a group of people who make important decisions [24]Tony*?NinaA?k???: If we tell her, she'll call Division.Before you know it......there's gonna be 30 people in the loop.If just one of them is another Jamey....
Vt.to be strong enough to remain unharmed by something such as great heat, cold, pressure etcsynonym resist, stand up to?This fabric can withstand steam and high temperatures.[24] Jack15簣XA=穫Alan, Alan:I'm pretty good at withstanding pain.
U.N. [especially American English] ?A璽a school subject dealing with the rights and duties of citizens and the way government works [24]Carl?:?_簣*)織, DAVID: Spare me the civics lesson.
on a ... front
in a particular area of activityon the economic/political etc front? On the technical front, there have been a number of important developments.?Excellent teamwork from our staff has brought improvement on all fronts .[24] CTU?k?簧?繞?&gt;: It's likely that Senator Palmeris still in danger......but we are making progress on several fronts.
be on the line
if something important is on the line, there is a risk that you might lose it or something bad could happen to it?From now on, all our jobs are on the line.?She knew that her whole future was on the line. put yourself/your neck on the line (for somebody) (=risk something bad happening to you)? I've already put myself on the line for you once, and I'm not going to do it again.[24]NinaJack??k?'?穢翹JackS?, Jack:I know you put yourself on the line here.
against the clock
a) if you work against the clock, you work as quickly as you can because you do not have much time?Everyone is racing against the clock to get things ready in time.[24]8糧繡&lt;Gaines?簣?{}翹DrazenK+癒&lt;Drazen:You know we're working against the clock.
C.N.a line of official cars, including a car carrying an important person, that is travelling somewhere?the President's motorcade[24] Palmer#簣礎?翹??織禱r[?癒&lt;?穡:What are you going to do, pull up to his office with your motorcade?
C.N. \:?a piece of equipment that is used by the police to find out whether someone is telling the truthsynonym lie detector?The suspect was given a polygraph test .[24] CTU?k?15Nina翹Tony&lt;?A?藩Jack2Nina:Polygraph us if you think we're lying.
N. 聶when someone goes around different parts of an area at regular times to check that there is no trouble or dangeron patrol?police on patrol in the city centre?The security forces increased their patrols in the area.[24] {;XQ+翹Gaines?: I was out patrol and I found Kevin.
hit the dirt/the deck
[informal] to fall to the ground in order to avoid something dangerous?My first instinct was to hit the dirt.[24]Jack4繳疇5繳?糧6癡, 礙?: Hit the deck!
Adj.not drunk?He's a nice guy when he's sober.
by/from all accounts
according to what a lot of people say ??It has, from all accounts, been a successful marriage.[bloglines] By all accounts, 2004 was the breakthrough year for blogs, with a recent Pew Internet &amp; American Life report showing that blog readership jumped 58% last year.
Adj. [only before noun]an inaugural event is the first in a planned series of similar events?Concorde's inaugural flight ?the inaugural match of Major League Soccer[bloglines] So take a look at the inaugural issue of the Bloglines Newsletter and let us know what you think.
C.N. [old-fashioned]a pilot ~?=JkD織&lt;?l?疆=&lt;k_翹&amp;` &amp;瞻Z穠xu
U.N.the amount of time that someone or something liveslongevity of?the greater longevity of women compared with men ?The worms have a longevity of about two years.
double back
[phrasal verb]to turn around and go back the way you have come?The driver doubled back and headed for Howard Bay.[24]GainesX;簫-礙Jack0疆: Make sure they don't double back.
Adv. [spoken informal]at the most?It should take two hours tops.[24]Jack$羸Ju3`, Green:Ten minutes, 15 tops.
shack (n.)
C.N.a small building that has not been built very well?a tin shack[24]Teri翹KimX3簫織rI'繞, TERI: That shack over there, maybe we can find it on this and see where we are.
the Internal Revenue Service ;5pthe department of the US government that collects national taxes[24]NinaX Jamey羸?織=&gt;n5: IRS records show you earn $45,000 a year.
holding company
offshore banks/companies/investments etc
banks etc that are based abroad in a country where you pay less tax than in your home country?offshore financial centres[24] NinaX-JameyR織繞?Green:-Find out where the money came from?Nina-Offshore bank account.
Vt. [formal] to criticize someone severely?'You're a fool,' she chastised herself.
Vt.to ask someone questions about a job they have just done or an experience they have just had, in order to gather information?The returning bomber crews were debriefed.[24] Teri翹Kim簣x1`??, Teri:-Jack, what's going to happen with you?Jack:-It's all right. They'll just debrief me.
house arrest
be under house arrestto be kept as a prisoner by a government, staying inside your house rather than in a prison
Adj.spoken or written in secret and intended to be kept secret?a confidential government report ?Doctors are required to keep patients' records completely confidential .
foul play
U.N.1.if the police think someone's death was caused by foul play, they think that person was murdered?The police said they had no reason to suspect foul play . ?Detectives have not ruled out foul play .2.an action that is dishonest, unfair, or illegal, especially one that happens during a sports game [24] Plamer???3&gt;?簫織O(:If there was foul play......I promise you, we'll come forward.
come forward
[phrasal verb]to offer help to someone, or offer to do something?So far, only one candidate has come forward. ?The police are appealing for more witnesses to come forward with information.
big gun
informal a person or company that has a lot of power and influence?one of the party's big guns[24] Chappelleb繞CTU簿Jack, Milo:Looks like they're bringing in the big guns.
N.something you do in order to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening?Fire precautions were neglected.take the precaution of doing something ?I took the precaution of insuring my camera.[24]TeriX???&lt;Nina礙簸穫=-?穢A$?疆&lt;NINA: Until we know what happened, we want to take precautions to keep you safe.
Adj.a scathing remark criticizes someone or something very severelyscathing attack/remark/comment etc ?a scathing attack on the Government's planned tax increases
Adj.happy, excited, and unable to think clearly, especially as a result of love, success, power etcintoxicated by/with?He rapidly became intoxicated with his own power.
V. to enjoy an experience or the thought of something that is going to happen* Survivor,Jeff: you seemed to relish the role?
a battery of something
a group of many things of the same type?a battery of medical tests
dispense with something
"[phrasal verb]to not use or do something that people usually use or do, because it is not necessary?Ann suggested that they dispense with speeches altogether at the wedding.[24]GreenXJackVD=??+癒?ZZa瞿繒&lt;Jack: Why don't we dispense with the, ""Are you all right, Jack? I feel uncomfortable"" crap?"
Adj. 9 0罈織relating to the punishment of someone who has not obeyed rules, or to trying to make people obey rules?The investigation led to disciplinary action (=things you do to punish someone) against two officers. disciplinary hearing/committee (=a meeting or group that decides if someone should be punished)[24] 簿礙簣?Tony: We have an important decision to make pretty soon about Jack Bauer. Whether or not to pursue criminal and disciplinary charges.
fair enough
[spoken] [especially British English] used to say that you agree with someone's suggestion or that something seems reasonablesynonym OK?'I think we should split the bill.' 'Fair enough.'
carte blanche
U.N.permission or freedom to do whatever you want?The new manager will be given carte blanche as long as she can increase the company's profits. ?She had carte blanche to produce a film suitable for children.[24]Palmer簣?W繪織;羶穩繳,;羶=chappele?: From now on, the Senator is to be given carte blanche.
red tape
U.N.official rules that seem unnecessary and prevent things from being done quickly and easily?a procedure surrounded by bureaucracy and red tape ?The new rules should help cut the red tape for farmers.[24] Chappel?簣r簫Palmer織癒翹&lt;Chappel=Palmer?: Thanks......for helping me cut through the red tape.
Adj.secret or hiddenopposite overt?covert operations against the government
N.an extremely cruel and violent action, especially during a war [24] PalmerJackK9瞻}織罈: DAVID: Three years ago,the CIA brought to my attention......atrocities committed by Victor Drazen in Kosovo.
ethnic cleansing
U.N.the action of forcing people to leave an area or country because of their racial or national group
Adj.not controlled by strict rules, but decided on by someone in a position of authority?the court's discretionary powers discretionary award/grant/fund etc[24] Palmer簧瞻}Ellis禱穠Drazen&lt;疆: Ellis was funded through a discretionary fund of my committee.
cut corners
to save time, money, or energy by doing things quickly and not as carefully as you should?Don't try to cut corners when you're decorating.[24] EllisJack?簣?(8?&lt;Jack: Unfortunately, over the last 12 hours I've had to cut a few corners.
Adj.calm and sensible in making judgments or decisions [24]NinaTeri?Kim3禮W織&lt;Nina:Jack says she's basically a level-headed kid.
be looking over your shoulder
to feel worried that something unpleasant is going to happen to you [24] Palmer簣翹Jack8??w{: Let's flush them out into the open and deal with them. Otherwise, you and I and our families will be looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives.
C.N.someone who does work that is secret in some way, especially for a government organizationCIA/FBI/intelligence etc operatives[24] XEllisw瓊翹&lt;Jack?+癒?@??織CTU: You've a floating NSA operative in your region. His name is Robert Ellis.
;?A?(t?)an international police organization that helps national police forces to catch criminals
tiptoe around (something)
[phrasal verb]to try to avoid dealing with a difficult or embarrassing subject or problem?They were tiptoeing around the delicate subject of money.[24] TeriX?Nina織?4癒: I don't want you to have to tiptoe around me.
Adj. also shaken up upset, shocked, or frightened by something that has happened to you?'How's Jacob?' 'Pretty shaken up, but he'll be all right.' ?He was badly shaken after the attack.[24] Palmer?+癒zdJack? !織(翻*礙{_g;羶
have/gain the upper hand
?:?to have more power than someone else, so that you are able to control a situation?Police have gained the upper hand over the drug dealers in the area.
be at each other's throats
if two people are at each other's throats, they are fighting or arguing [24]Palmer=???:We haven't had much of a chanceto talk since last night and it seems like every time we do....we're at each other's throats.
on the same page
if a group of people are on the same page, they are working well together and have the same aims?We need to get environmentalists and businesses on the same page to improve things.[24] Palmer=???:I guess you've noticed we haven't been on the same page today.
rest assured (that)
[formal] used to tell someone not to worry, because what you say about a situation is true?You may rest assured that it will be ready on time.[24]礙{Xsafe houseF?&lt;??簣礙Teri翹Kim&lt;翹DrazenK+癒:JOVAN: I'm handling the situation, Andre.Rest assured. The women will be dead soon.
U.N.also down time[informal] a period of time when you have finished what you were doing, and you can relax or do something that you had not originally planned to do?Often, during semesters, you have down time when you can do some exercise.[24]JackPalmer織(簸穫rI翻?礙{, (:We had some downtime and a few of us went out for drinks.
in the know
[informal] having more information about something than most people?People in the know say that interest rates will have to rise again soon.
Adj. formalan untenable argument, suggestion etc is impossible to defend
U.N.a situation or behaviour that is completely crazysynonym madness?It would be sheer lunacy to turn down a job offer like that.
C.N. 簽!職?癒禱a social system that gives the greatest power and highest social positions to people with the most ability
hot air
U.N. ?繚{?things that someone says which are intended to sound impressive, but do not really mean anything or are not true?The theory was dismissed as a lot of hot air.
be your own man
to behave and think independently without worrying about what other people think?I'm my own man. I say what I believe.[24] Keith=Carl?: My father is his own man and so am l. Now you can go through it with me.
N. a strong feeling that something bad is going to happen soon:* She waited for news with a grim sense of foreboding.
seal something ? off
[phrasal verb]to stop people from entering an area or building, because it is dangerous?Following a bomb warning, police have sealed off the whole area.[24] JackIC織9?9U礙, Pierce: No. We've sealed it off.
C.N.someone whose job is to help someone who has an important job, especially a politician?a presidential aide[24] 礙{Drazen??6=羅?Palmer礙簸穫=罈?&lt;Drazen:Really? She's a highly placed aide.
as good as
almostas good as done/finished etc ?The summer's as good as over. as good as dead/ruined/useless etc ?This carpet's as good as ruined.[24]Drazen?=矇a翻?_&lt;簣礙繒Palmer, ALEXIS: He's as good as dead already.
spit it out
[spoken] used to ask someone to tell you something that they seem too frightened or embarrassed to say?Come on Jean, spit it out![24] Nina?穢=#Ksafe house竅O織罈癒/Jack, Jack:If you don't tell me, I'll be distracted. So spit it out.
Adv.if you say or refuse something point-blank, you do it directly and without trying to explain your reasons?He refused point-blank to identify his accomplices. ?I told him point-blank that I didn't want to get involved.[24] Nina?Teri?翹JackX0禮&lt;Nina:She asked me point-blank. I couldn't deny it, she would have known.
be on pins and needles
[American English ]to be very nervous and unable to relax, especially because you are waiting for something importantsynonym be on tenterhooks[24] 礙{Nash&gt;穫9繳e, Nash: The polls back East close in less than an hour. We're all just on pins and needles.
come/go with the territory
to be a natural and accepted part of a particular job, situation, place etc ?礙xx, yy_}=繞織?I'm a cop - getting shot at goes with the territory.
V.if money accrues or is accrued, it gradually increases over a period of time?Interest will accrue until payment is made.[dibert] v_穢?1繹;織wO8糧&lt;1繹?: Whoa! Your're planning to take more vacation days than you've accrued.
bearer bond
=H=疇h =XH4簽9:y?織疇h2+??8D?&lt;?疇h織195&lt;繞?疇h:?;?h8interest coupon9禱?Of?&lt;`O? ?疇h\ 2
N. 穡Aall the people in a country who have the right to vote?A majority of the electorate oppose the law.[24]Sherry?竅罈3?Ak繡u}-??sS&lt;Palmer: Why don't we let the electorate decide on that.
C.N.a member or supporter of the Democratic Party of the US [24] Sherry羸=Palmer竅罈, Palmer:I don't consider telling the truthself-destructive. And how bad will it be for the Democrats...
keep something under wraps
to keep something secret?The project has been kept under wraps for years.[24]SherryMike 穫竅罈織?罈, Mike:I've seen much uglier stories kept under wraps.
there and then
also then and thereimmediately?I thought I'd have to wait, but they offered me the job there and then.
N. ?簣a fight or battlemilitary/violent/armed confrontation ?Japan seemed unlikely to risk military confrontation with Russia
rough somebody ? up
[phrasal verb] [informal] to attack someone and hurt them by hitting them [24] Teri織?O;羶X?穢?,PHIL: I don't like what I'm seeing.Looks like you've been roughed up by someone.
[American English] pieces of leather that are put beside a horse's eyes to stop it from seeing objects on either sideBritish Equivalent: blinkers
foster home
繫:疆?a private home where a child is fostered
N. '竄an illegal drug that gives a feeling of happiness and energy. Ecstasy is especially used by people who go out to dance at clubs and parties.
C.N. [American English]Fchaperonsomeone, usually a parent or teacher, who is responsible for young people on social occasions?Three parents went on the school ski trip as chaperones.[24]Mason#簣翹Jack0禮禱+, If you want to go, I'm your chaperone. You want a ride?
dressed (up) to the nines
[informal] wearing your best or most formal clothes
tell me about it
[spoken] used to say that you already know how bad something is, especially because you have experienced it yourself?'I've been so tired lately.' 'Yeah, tell me about it!'
culminate in/with something
[phrasal verb]if a process culminates in or with a particular event, it ends with that event?A series of events for teachers and students will culminate in a Shakespeare festival next year.[24]PalmerXH53:?X?90J+癒, That call has unfortunately set off a chain of eventsthat has culminated in a terrible tragedy.
Vt.to make someone seem guilty of a crimeincriminate yourself?He refused to answer questions for fear he might incriminate himself.[24]PalmerXH53::I've already handed this incriminating tape over to the Justice Department.
N.a particular typesynonym kindof that/his/their etc ilk?Irving Berlin and composers of his ilksomebody and that/his/their etc ilk?Mrs Taylor and her ilk talk absolute rubbish.
U.N.a strong feeling of being sorry that you have done something very bad?Throughout the trial, he had shown no remorse .remorse for?She felt a pang of remorse for what she had done
Adj.slightly crazy, but not in an unpleasant or frightening waysynonym nutty
exact revenge (on somebody)
if someone exacts revenge, they punish a person who has harmed them?Leonard was determined to exact revenge on his wife's killer.[24] Jack:More than that, they want to exact a revenge on me.
sure of yourself
confident in your own abilities and opinions, sometimes in a way that annoys other people?Kids nowadays seem very sure of themselves.[24] Palmera?禱?: You're an amazing woman. Smart, determined, sure of yourself.
C.N.a situation in which people behave as though something is true or serious, when it is not really true?Unless more money is given to schools, all this talk of improving education is just a charade.[24]Jack翻礙?=礙Drazen織?_9繭a)l&lt;穡t禮?:Why put you and your men through the charade of trying to kill him?
N.actions or words that express your love for someone?nicknames and other terms of endearment
Adj. [especially American English] extremely good?the company's stellar growth ?McKellen gave a stellar performance .
for starters
[spoken] used to emphasize the first of a series of facts, opinions, questions etc?Well, for starters, you'll need to fill out an application form.[24]Mason#簣簧Chappel簧=`: MASON: For starters......I sent a CTU field unit to a D.O.D. facility.
(keep your) chin up!
[spoken] used to tell someone to make an effort to stay brave and confident when they are in a difficult situation?Chin up! It'll be over soon.[24] Teri簧=`Jack翹Kim&lt;繡籀, Mason:Do me a favor. Keep your chin up.
catch up with somebody
[phrasal verb]if something bad from the past catches up with you, you cannot avoid dealing with it any longer?At the end of the movie his murky past catches up with him.[24] Patty??繞11;M穡&gt;穫=Z8,Palmer:-Yeah, it's just all catching up with me. It's been a long day.
Ko j?
hang out your shingle
[American English] to start your own business, especially as a doctor or lawyer
recount (v.)
V. [formal]to tell someone a story or describe a series of events* [slashdot] Woz has often recounted how the 1971 Esquire article 'Secrets of the Little Blue Box' set him on the road to phone phreaking.
defer to somebody/something
[phrasal verb]to agree to accept someone's opinion or decision because you have respect for that person?I will defer to your wishes.[24]XPalmer竅?YD?}&lt;Mike=Palmer?:Let me explain something to you.Once you're in the White House, everything defers to the office.
Adj.not needed enough to be kept or saved?It's a sad moment when a man loses his job and discovers that he is expendable.
preach to the converted/choir
"=""9(&lt;;織礙Ci&lt;S織#to talk about what you think is right or important to people who already have the same opinions as you [24] Nina翹MasonX]Drazen簣?CJack織罈,Nina: If we do the trade, then we know where he is.Mason: You're preaching to the choir. That's what I just said to Chappelle."
Vt.to talk to someone in a way which seems friendly but shows that you think they are not as intelligent or do not know as much as you?Don't patronize me! ?The program focuses on kids' interests without patronizing them.[24]Mason????Jack, Teri?:Stop patronizing me.You've been doing it all night.
N. <b>within/outside the purview of somebody/something </b>[formal] within or outside the limits of someone's job, activity, or knowledge
Adj.without any faults and impossible to criticizesynonym perfect?She has taught her children impeccable manners .?a bar with impeccable service[24] Victor礙?癒簪繡簫3, ?: The service was impeccable. And my compliments to the chef.
fall/collapse etc in a heap
to fall down and lie without moving?They finally collapsed in a heap on the grass.[24] Teri: I think when Jack and Kim arrive I'm just about to collapse in a big heap.
hear! hear!
[spoken] used in a discussion or meeting to say that you agree with what the speaker is saying [24] Palmer翹PattyX??瓊Patty: What are we drinking to?Palmer: To taking five minutes off, starting now.Patty: Hear, hear.Palmer: Hear, hear.
Vt.to persuade someone not to do somethingopposite persuadedissuade somebody from (doing) something?a campaign to dissuade young people from smoking
N. [formal] the way in which members of a family are descended from other members?a family of ancient lineage[slashdot] This prompted me to wonder if there was any controversy on the issue of language lineage and my searches found another page on the same topic.
be attracted to somebody
to feel that you like someone and want to have a sexual relationship with them?I'm not usually attracted to blondes.
basket case
C.N. [informal] someone who you think is crazysynonym nut case[24] MasonNina?: Listen, I need your help. Teri Bauer's a basket case.
Adj. 1 prospective employee/candidate/buyer etcsomeone who is likely to do a particular thing or achieve a particular position2. likely to happen?the prospective costs of providing pensions[24]Palmer繙Patty罈?&lt;f翹?:And don't bother to ask me or anyoneelse on my staff for a reference. Prospective employers won't like what I'll have to say.
Vi.to secretly plan with someone else to do something illegalconspire (with somebody) to do something?All six men admitted conspiring to steal cars.conspire against?There was some evidence that he had been conspiring against the government.[24]PalmerSherry???罈?Patty, Sherry?:You think everyone's conspiring against you...
N.a situation in which someone receives a lot of attention, especially from newspapers, television etcin/out of the limelight?Tad loves being in the limelight.
Vt. 羹?to feel angry or upset with someone because they have something which you think they do not deservebegrudge somebody something?We shouldn't begrudge her this success.
Adj.not injured or harmed by somethingescape/emerge unscathed ?He escaped unscathed from the accident.?The government was relatively unscathed by the scandal.[24] MASON: Palmer's still alive. The suite at his hotel blew up, but apparently he got out unscathed.
for crying out loud
[spoken] used when you feel annoyed or impatient with someone * For crying out loud, stop nagging!
blow somebody's cover
make known what someone's real job or name is?It would only take one phone call to blow his cover.[24] AndreNinaIJack瞿?竄繞, Nina?:You'll have to kill him. No mistakes.If he finds out I've lied to him, my cover will be blown.
make the first move
to do something first, especially in order to end a quarrel or start a relationship?Men say they like it when women make the first move.
on British/French/foreign etc soil
[formal] in Britain, France etc?The crime was committed on American soil.[24]礙Am癒Qa: There's a nuclear device, under terrorist control, that's on US soil.
splinter group
@oA 6簷*繞織?nU a group of people that have separated from a political or religious organization because they have different ideas [24] m癒??f癡x?, Qa5:Relatively new splinter group that goes by the name of Second Wave.
Adj.happening or moving without being stopped or having difficulty?unimpeded progress[24]m癒]癒 ?(: How do you account for three Second Wavecamps operating unimpeded in your country?
so I hear/so I've heard
[spoken] (=used to say that you have been told something or know it already) ?There's a nasty infection going round, so I hear.[24] JackX璽CTU, m癒?+癒簧Jack- I don't work for them any more, sir.m癒- So I hear.
Vt. [formal] to respect and admire someone or something very muchbe revered as something?He is revered as a national hero.
let alone
used after a negative statement to say that the next thing you mention is even more unlikely?The baby can't even sit up yet, let alone walk![Rebol] Finally, we opened the GUI builder portion of BASIC, dragged a few gadgets around, and built a few simple graphical programs. They worked fine, although they didn't do anything that was useful, let alone inspiring.
N. [written]expressions used by a particular group of peoplesynonym jargon?teenage argot
U.N. G~the process of taking harmful substances out of someone's blood using a special machine, because their kidneys do not work properly?a dialysis machineon dialysis?He has been on dialysis for the past three years.
Adj.very strange or unusualsynonym weird?Tim's designs were just far-out.
on hand
close by and ready when needed?Our staff are always on hand to help.
Vt.to write down something exactly as it was said?A secretary transcribed the witnesses' statements.
U.N. [technical]the electronic equipment used in aircraft and the science of developing it
C.N.a chemical produced by your body that reduces pain and can make you feel happier
poor (old) soul
used to show pity for someone ?The poor old soul had fallen and broken her hip.罈: I figured I could spare some poor soul from going through the same pain as I did by documenting what I found out.
Adj. [formal]arriving or done late?Do please forgive this tardy reply. ?He's been tardy three times this semester.
U.N. [formal]trouble between two or more people or groupssynonym conflictethnic/religious/civil etc strife ?a time of political strife
make inroads into/on something
b) to make some progress towards achieving something difficult?We haven't made much of an inroad into the backlog of work.[NewsForge]: Linux makes inroads on handhelds and smartphones.
C.N.the area close to or around a small fire, especially in a home?a cat dozing by the fireside
Rubik's cube
Vt. [formal] to suggest that a particular idea should be accepted as a factposit that?He posited that each planet moved in a perfect circle.
give something a whirl
"[informal] to try something that you are not sure you are going to like or be able to do?Why don't you give golf a whirl?[Linus]:""this is hopefully the last -rc kernel before the real 2.6.11, so please give it a whirl, and complain loudly about anything broken."""
Vt.to do something to show that you remember and respect someone important or an important event in the past?a parade to commemorate the town's bicentenary
Adj. n4W織a radioactive substance is dangerous because it contains radiation (=a form of energy that can harm living things)?the problem of how to dispose of radioactive waste ?a consignment of highly radioactive plutonium
U.N. ma radioactive metal that is used in the production of nuclear power, and in nuclear weapons. It is a chemical element: symbol Pu
dirty bomb
a bomb that contains a radioactive substance which makes the bomb more dangerous than bombs containing only traditional explosives
C.N.the explosive part at the front of a missilenuclear/chemical etc warhead
Vt. [technical] if someone or something is irradiated, X-rays or radioactive beams are passed through them
Joint Chiefs of Staff
@職A 籀0?禮?]3?the leaders of the four main parts of the US military forces, the Army, the Navy, the Airforce, and the Marines. Their job is to advise the US President on important military matters.
push (somebody's) buttons
[informal] to make someone feel strong emotions?Movies shouldn't be afraid to push a few buttons.
C.N. [literary]an enemy?Britain's friends and foes
Adj. [only before noun]small - usually used humorously?the pint-sized child star罈:A pint-sized linux guru who installed her first Debian server before her tenth birthday is to speak at this year's linux.conf.au
on a shoestring
[informal] if you do something on a shoestring, you do it without spending much moneyrun/operate/do something on a shoestring ?The program was run on a shoestring.
a case in point
a clear example of something that you are discussing or explaining?Williams' career is a case in point
Adj.used to emphasize that something is extremely large?a colossal statue of the King ?a colossal waste of money
Vt.to try to deal with a difficult problem?There is more than one way to tackle the problem. ?It took twelve fire engines to tackle the blaze .
fire engine, F fire truck
vet (v.)
Vt.to check a report, speech etc carefully to make sure it is acceptable?The author vets every script for the new TV series.罈:Microsoft uses its own internal tools to vet its software, find bugs and reduce security vulnerabilities.
Vt.to make someone stop doing what they should be doing, or stop talking about what they started talking about, by making them interested in something else?Don't get sidetracked by the audience's questions.
Adj.a meddlesome person becomes involved in situations that do not concern them, in a way that annoys peoplesynonym interfering?a meddlesome old woman
C.N.@A 繒 ( Adam's apple )
C.N. [formal] a good or typical exampleexemplar of?Milt's career is an exemplar of survival in difficult times.
Adj.very hungry?I'm absolutely ravenous. ?a ravenous appetite
arms procurement Has the arms procurement bill gone through yet or not?羸,x`?J~繞?O
bum (n.)
C.N. [informal] [American English] someone, especially a man, who has no home or job, and who asks people for money
lose it
[spoken informal]a) to become very angry and upset?She completely lost it with one of the kids in class.
C.N. C(,,( ( X穫 ?1??織癟7 ) a cutting tool with small teeth on its blade, used especially for cutting metal
Adj.telling the truth, even when the truth may be unpleasant or embarrassingsynonym frankcandid about?She was quite candid about the difficulties the government is having.
be a far cry from something
to be very different from something?The company lost 瞽G3 million, which is a far cry from last year's 瞽G60 million profit.
Vi.to exist in very large numbers?Rumours abound as to the reasons for his resignation. ?Examples of this abound in her book.
Adj.having a pleasant quiet voice?a soft-spoken man
U.N.work for which you are paid according to the number of things you produce rather than the number of hours that you spend working?bargaining over piecework rates
Cannes;癒?Qw`,藩瞻9?~臘;?+癒簸(Cannes International Film festival)
@`A +? ( `3:穠4 60-1000 km; 穢7 60-400 km Q+織羸4? )
C.N. [literary] a large number of people
contest (v.)
Vt. [formal]1.to say formally that you do not accept something or do not agree with it 羸=?His brothers are contesting the will.2.to compete for something or to try to win it &amp;]?His wife is contesting a seat on the council.
( ?1if竅*織)Q+r??
U.N.extreme sadness, especially because someone you love has diedgrief over/at?The grief she felt over Helen's death was almost unbearable.with grief?Charles was overcome with grief.
C.N. dOa problem or complaint that a person or organization brings to a court of law to be settledsynonym suitlawsuit against?His lawyer filed a lawsuit against the city.
V. 簿?to try to end a quarrel between two people, groups, countries etcmediate between?UN officials mediated between the rebel fighters and the government.?The former president has agreed to mediate the peace talks.mediate in?The court was set up to mediate in civil disputes.
Adj.very hard to deal with, and making you lose hope and confidence?The Eighth Army had suffered a crushing defeat . ?Failing his final exams was a crushing blow (=made him lose hope and confidence) . ?the crushing burden of debt[Joey] Alex簣?Mic翹Seth簿?&lt;Seth: Can we make this quick? Every minute I am not conducting research is a crushing blow to science.
Vt.1.to make a substance spread completely through something, or to spread completely through somethingimpregnate something with somethingThe mats have to be impregnated with disinfectant.2.[technical] to make a woman or female animal pregnant
"Adj. ?SW&lt;-""?織allowing liquid, air etc to pass slowly through many very small holes?porous material"
skim milk!?:skimmed milk
C.N. 羸?a film or television programme that is being shown again on televisionsynonym repeat?We watched a rerun of 'I Love Lucy.'
Adj.a stringent law, rule, standard etc is very strict and must be obeyed?stringent anti-noise regulations
C.N. [formal] 穠?Oa period of time when a country or organization has no ruler or leader, and they are waiting for a new one罈:We're currently in the interregnum between milestones.
glue stick
Vt. X?to feel angry or upset about a situation or about something that someone has done, especially because you think that it is not fairresent (somebody) doing something?I resented having to work such long hours.
C.N.1.someone who is lazy and has no plans in life2.someone who avoids paying their debts
C.N. ?&lt;??the nut of the oak tree [v_穢] Do you know if the parking garage accepts acorns?
"C.N. @簾?繭穡A 羸n35 ( 礙l?h&lt;禮9羸n3
C.N. [law] ???(a written statement that you swear is true, for use as proof in a court of law
without/beyond a shadow of a doubt
used to say that something is definitely true?Without a shadow of a doubt, he's the most talented player we have.[Joey] =矇罈[簣Joeyy&gt;9簫`Mic翹Seth織8YAlex: Okay. Joey, why donIt you prove to these people beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are not bluffing? Michael, letIs hold hands.

Adj.feeling as if you have no energy and no interest in doing anythingsynonym lazy?The hot weather was making us all lethargic.
U.N.extreme, often uncontrolled angersynonym rage?I was shaking with fury .?Jenny stepped forward, her eyes blazing with fury .?The report was leaked to the press, much to the president's fury.
N.a lack of somethingdearth of?a dearth of job opportunities
C.N. [informal] money that someone pays secretly and dishonestly in return for someone's helpsynonym bribe[slashdot] Is Apple receiving kickbacks to promote certain artists?
N.without more/further adowithout delaying or wasting any time?So without further ado, I'll now ask Mr Davis to open the debate.
Adj.not praised or famous for something you have done, although you deserve to be?one of the unsung heroes of French politics
C.N. Mosomeone who governs instead of a king or queen, because the king or queen is ill, absent, or still a child
C.N. [literary]a strong fast horse
take delight in (doing) something
to enjoy something very much, especially something you should not do?Chris takes great delight in teasing his sister.
Vt. [formal]to say publicly or officially that something important is true or exists?The President proclaimed the republic's independence.proclaim that?Protesters proclaimed that the girl was innocent.
C.N. [formal] a quick, clever reply to something that someone has said?a suitably witty riposte
(??1];y織)?,&amp;? a Buddhist temple (=religious building) that has several levels with a decorated roof at each level
Vt. Q/to copy someone's voice and behaviour, especially in order to make people laugh?In the film he amusingly impersonates a woman.
Vi.if a large vehicle with two parts jack-knifes, it slides out of control and the back part swings towards the front part?The truck skidded on the ice and jack-knifed.[Joey]X?`Tonight Show織:?繳, Gina;禱;繭簽 Gina: Oh, well a truck jack-knifed, fell over, spilled stuff everywhere. The driver's okay, but he's so fired.
Vt.to make a bad situation, an illness, or an injury worseopposite improve?Their money problems were further aggravated by a rise in interest rates.?Building the new road will only aggravate the situation .[Joey];繳#`簣 Tonight show.d&lt;v_羶k簸簸繞&lt; Joey: Aggracated an old injury.
Adj.someone who is bulky is big and heavy?Andrew is a bulky man.
U.N. [American English] 繳?&lt;?the hard surface of a road?As she fell off the bike, her head hit the pavement.
motorized wheelchair
Vi.to lower your body close to the ground by bending your knees completely?He crouched in the shadows near the doorway. ?Paula crouched down and held her hands out to the fire.
Adj. [technical]relating to the lower part of the back:* pain in the lumbar region
in all its/their etc glory
when something is beautiful and impressive in appearance?They spent $10 million restoring the theatre to its former glory . ?The sun emerged from behind the clouds in all its glory.罈: In case you've forgotten what the man, the myth, the legend looks like, here's a picture of him in all his mullet glory.
C.N.1.a fairly small sea fish that can be eaten2.a hairstyle for men in which the hair on the sides and top of the head is short and the hair on the back of the head is long
Adj.secret and known or understood by only a few people?the arcane language of the law
V.to break apart into lots of little pieces, or make something do this?The fall leaves crumbled in my fingers. ?臘糧 cup crumbled goat's cheese
V. N.穠Ua fight with weapons between two people, used in the past to settle a quarrel?The officer challenged him to a duel .
Adj.behaving badly, in a way that is difficult to control?a wayward teenager
dig (n.)
C.N.a joke or remark that you make to annoy or criticize someonedig at?He couldn't resist a dig at the referee. ?Here was a chance to have a dig at trade unionists.
landing strip
C.N. @`A @穠A QC ? a flat piece of ground that has been prepared for aircraft to usesynonym airstrip
wishful thinking
U.N. $籀織#when you believe that what you want to happen will happen, when in fact it is not possible?I think she rather likes me. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.
would that ...
[literary] used to express a strong wish or desiresynonym if only?Would that we had seen her before she died.
defect (v.)
V. to leave your own country or group in order to go to or join an opposing one<b>defect to/from</b> * a Russian actor who defected to the West
press the flesh
to shake hands with a lot of people - used humorously?The President reached into the crowd to press the flesh.
let's roll
[spoken] used to suggest to a group of people that you all begin doing something or go somewhere
bolt (v.)
Vi.to suddenly run somewhere very quickly, especially in order to escape or because you are frightened?The horse reared up and bolted. ?Kevin had bolted through the open window.[`u瞿Z] Matt翹;羶`臘: Oh, by the way, if things get bad, just bolt, okay?
calling card
C.N. [American English] =wa small card with a name and often an address printed on it, that people in the past gave to people they visited--British Equivalent: visiting card
pull something off
[informal] to succeed in doing something difficult* The goalkeeper pulled off six terrific saves.
goalkeeper[職?] goaltender
take five
[spoken] used to tell people to stop working for a few minutes
C.N.the last part of a piece of music or of a show, event etc?the finale of a Broadway show?a game with a dramatic finale
Adj.extremely badsynonym awful?atrocious weather?Her singing was atrocious.
cash cowsomething that a company sells very successfully and that brings in a lot of money  Movie industry is a cash cow in Hong Kong.+癒?X?__3; 羶織羸2
Adj.planning for and thinking about the future in a positive way, especially by being willing to use modern methods or ideas?a forward-looking Russian statesman
C.N.a political or government leader, especially one who is respected as being wise, and fair?a respected elder statesman
iron something ? out
[phrasal verb]to solve or get rid of problems or difficulties, especially small ones?We need to iron out a few problems first.罈: Now that itIs reached version 1.4 and that most (all?) major bugs have been ironed out, ...
C.N. z:?someone who is not serious about what they are doing or does not study a subject thoroughly
be on the rocks
[informal] a relationship or business that is on the rocks is having a lot of problems and is likely to fail soonsynonym in trouble?I'm afraid Tim's marriage is on the rocks.
Adj. [spoken]slightly annoyed or upset?I felt a bit miffed that no one had told me about the trip.
something on steroids
[American English informal] used to say that something is much bigger, stronger, more impressive etc than something else that is similar to it - used humorously?They sell cinnamon rolls on steroids.罈: mod_perl is more than CGI scripting on steroids.
Adj. =羶w&lt;F*absent without leave absent from somewhere without permission, especially from the army?Two soldiers had gone AWOL the night before.
C.N.a process by which an organization makes a lot of big changes in a short time to improve its effectivenessshakeup of?a big shakeup of the education system
charter flight C.N. an aircraft journey that is arranged for a particular group or for a particular purpose, and that usually costs less than an ordinary aircraft journey  I hope charter flights between Taiwan and China can continue in the future. &lt;KZ繞?癡5?1翹;禱2
Vi. 2?繳?}bto walk in a confident way, moving your body from side to side, especially so that people look at yousashay around/along/down etc?Models sashayed down the aisle.
U.N. [written]mental or physical suffering caused by extreme pain or worry?the anguish of not knowing what had happened to her
exhaust F exhaust pipea pipe on a car or machine that waste gases pass through
"N. 簽瞼&lt;
flounder (v.)
Vi.to have a lot of problems and be likely to fail completely?More and more firms are floundering because of the recession.
suspension bridgea bridge that has no supports under it, but is hung from strong steel ropes fixed to towers
Adj.a trite remark, idea etc is boring, not new, and insincere?Her remarks sounded trite and ill-informed.
C.N.a strongly built shelter for soldiers, usually underground
Adj.saying things that are intended to be clever and funny but are really silly and annoying?Don't be so facetious! ?facetious comments
C.N. ?d1. a cheque that someone receives as payment for their wages?a weekly paycheque2. [especially American English] the amount of wages someone earns?a nice fat paycheck
C.N. 簞a part of a camera that opens for a very short time to let light onto the film &gt;Hit the shutter when I jump. 0A#禮繞織rI翻9簞2
Adj. [formal]an egregious mistake, failure, problem etc is extremely bad and noticeable 罈: A brand-new tester just starts banging on their app without any forethought. This will find the most egregious problems but not much else.
early on
at an early stage in a relationship, process etc?I realized early on I'd never pass the exam.罈: Early on, there was a lot of concern about how quickly we could get broad distribution of the framework so that application developers could reduce or eliminate the need to redistribute it with their applications.
Adj. [informal] sexually excited?feeling horny
C.N.a very thin thread or wire?an electric filament
C.N. K?繩a raised structure inside a church at the front that a priest or minister stands on when they speak to the peoplein/from the pulpit?Rev. Dawson addressed the congregation from the pulpit.
Adj. 籀??簡織so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly?Relatives are tonight comforting the distraught parents.
get by
[phrasal verb] ~kto have enough money to buy the things you need, but no more?I don't earn a huge salary, but we get by.
C.N.someone, especially a writer, who tells funny stories
twist (n.)
C.N.an unexpected feature or change in a situation or series of eventsa new/cruel/unexpected/strange etc twist ?The robbery took a deadly new twist as the robber pulled out a gun.?an unexpected twist in the plot?By an amazing twist of fate , we met again in Madrid five years later.
C.N.something such as an organization which has developed from a larger or earlier oneoffshoot of?The company was originally an offshoot of Bell Telephones.?the Mafia and its offshoots
Adj.extremely slow?Change was coming, but at a glacial pace.
C.N. [formal] someone who has a lot of knowledge about many different subjects
C.N.a piece of equipment or machinery that looks funny, strange, and unlikely to work well?a bizarre contraption
Adj. [written]very cold
Vt. [formal]to refuse to accept or continue with somethingsynonym reject?He repudiated all offers of friendship.
C.N. ?)the opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the pastreputation for?Judge Kelso has a reputation for being strict but fair.
U.N. [formal]the process of gradually destroying your enemy or making them weak by attacking them continuously?a war of attrition 繡G`
N. ?穠when someone is killed, especially as a legal punishment?their torture and summary execution (=execution without a trial or any legal process) ?a public execution ?He was granted a stay of execution (=delay in carrying out an execution) .
U.N. ?Xa subject of study in philosophy that is concerned with the nature of existence
size something/somebody ? up
[phrasal verb]to look at or consider a person or situation and make a judgment about them?It only took a few seconds for her to size up the situation.
the gold standard
[technical] the use of the value of gold as a fixed standard on which to base the value of money
red herring
C.N. y+??織罈繭a fact or idea that is not important but is introduced to take your attention away from the points that are important
C.N.a sudden feeling of pain, sadness etcpang of jealousy/guilt/remorse/regret ?She felt a sudden pang of guilt. ?hunger pangs
Adj.including all the necessary facts, details, or problems that need to be dealt withsynonym thorough?We offer our customers a comprehensive range of financial products.?a comprehensive guide to British hotels and restaurants comprehensive review/study/survey/account etc
Vt.to give someone the official right to do or have somethingbe entitled to (do) something?Full-time employees are entitled to receive health insurance.entitle somebody to something?Membership entitles you to the monthly journal.
V.to speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand or sounds silly?I have no idea what he was babbling on about.
Adj.[only before noun]starting again, especially with increased interest or strengthrenewed interest/confidence/enthusiasm etc ?renewed concern about farming methods?The festival went ahead, despite renewed protests.
C.N.someone who publicly criticizes the government in a country where this is punished?a prominent political dissident
N. [literary]the ravages of somethingthe damage caused by something?a building that has survived the ravages of time ?the ravages of war
C.N. 簪?someone who supports fascism?The fascists came to power in 1933.
get real!
[spoken] U禱繞!used to tell someone that they are being very silly or unreasonable
Vt. +獺B籀1. to go through a place, stealing things and causing damage ?The whole flat had been ransacked.2. to search a place very thoroughly, often making it untidyransack something for something?She ransacked the wardrobe for something to wear.
Vi.to see or hear things that are not really there
Adj.a frivolous person likes having fun rather than doing serious or sensible things - used to show disapprovalopposite serious
go about something
to start to do something?I want to learn German but I don't know the best way to go about it.
Vt.to help someone to feel better and more positive?He is making a bold attempt to bolster the territory's confidence.
N.an angry feeling of extreme dislike for someone or somethingopposite love?A look of pure hatred flashed across her face.
at the end of the day
[spoken] used to give your final opinion after considering all the possibilities?At the end of the day, it's his decision.罈: because RPM is, at the end of the day, a tool to help distro makers, they sometimes add new macros and features to it and then use them in their specfiles.
N.a very big change that often causes problems?political upheaval ?Moving house is a major upheaval .罈: as of late March 2005, the 3.0 line has seen massive upheaval.
do a double take
to look at someone or something again because you are very surprised by what you saw or heard
C.N.a kitchen tool with a wide flat blade, used for spreading, mixing, or lifting soft substances
out (n.)
an excuse to avoid doing an activity or to avoid being blamed for something?I'm busy on Sunday, so that gives me an out.[Joey] 瞿H5zdW疆?=#簣:?? Gina: Joey, she just gave you the perfect out.
Adj.more powerful, more common, or more easily noticed than others?the predominant group in society ?In this painting, the predominant colour is black.
C.N.someone who works at home using a computer connected to a company's main office
Vi. [American English] to play roughly or pretend to fight?Okay, guys, slow down. No more roughhousing.[joey] H5藩 R#9?? And then weId roughhouse and build forts and then sit around the fire eating a big bowl of ice cream.
be/go on the fritz
[American English informal]if something is or goes on the fritz, it is not working correctlysynonym be/go on the blink[Joey] IIm okay. ItIs been kind of a rough night, you know? I said the wrong name up there. My sex ray is on the fritz
C.N. /a person or thing that takes the place of someone or something elsesurrogate for?Bright-light therapy is used as a surrogate for sunshine.
C.N. [informal]someone who is lazy and does not do all the work they should - used to show disapproval
Adj.expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that something will have a bad resultopposite optimistic?a pessimistic view of lifepessimistic about?He remains deeply pessimistic about the peace process.
Adj.listening to or watching someone carefully because you are interestedopposite inattentive?an attentive audience
Vt.to remove a piece of skin, bone etc from part of someone's body and put it onto or into a part of their body that has been damagedgraft something onto/to something?The technique involves grafting a very thin slice of bone onto the damaged knee.[valgrind] The resulting tool load the client at start-up, grafting itself onto the process at it does so.
N.1. a small steep waterfall that is one of several together 2. something that hangs down in large quantitiescascade of?Her hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls.
Conj.used to say that something will only be possible if something else happens or is donesynonym providing?He can come with us, provided he pays for his own meals.
beef something ? up
[phrasal verb]to improve something or make it more interesting, more important etc?a beefed-up news story ?We need to beef the campaign up.
C.N.a person, machine, or vehicle that does a lot of work, especially when it is hard or boring?The Hercules aircraft has been the workhorse of the airforce for over 25 years.
catch on
[phrasal verb]to become popular and fashionable?The idea of glasses being a fashion item has been slow to catch on.
G?an area of North Europe consisting of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland
Adv.used to emphasize a negative statementsynonym whatever?He's had no luck whatsoever.
Iwo Jima
?*&amp;an island in the Pacific Ocean belonging to Japan, where US forces won a very difficult battle in World War II. There is a statue in Washington, D.C., of US Marines raising the US flag on Iwo Jima after they had won the battle.
lobby (v.)
z?&lt;穩?繳?to try to persuade the government or someone with political power that a law or situation should be changedlobby for/against?The group is lobbying for a reduction in defence spending.
Vt. [law] x簾if a government official is impeached, they are formally charged with a serious crime in a special government court?The governor was impeached for using state funds improperly.
be second to none
to be the best?The quality of Britain's overseas aid programme is second to none.
let the chips fall (where they may)
[American English] 076礎 fto not worry about what the results of a particular action will be?I decided to tell her my opinion and let the chips fall where they may.
U.N. ?:the right to vote in national elections
U.N.the way in which a rich or powerful country's way of life, culture, businesses etc influence and change a poorer country's way of life etccultural/economic/social etc imperialism ?Small nations resent Western cultural imperialism.
be etched on/in your memory/mind
[literary] if an experience, name etc is etched on your memory or mind, you cannot forget it and you think of it often?The island remained etched in my memory.
the rumour mill
the people, considered as a group, who discuss something and pass rumours to each other?His name has come up in the rumour mill as a possible director for the project.[24] ?m癒=簣?禱r???&lt;m癒?:What you don't get, Eric, is that once the rumour mill starts, we've got two problems.
tune out
[phrasal verb]to ignore or stop listening to someone or something?A bored child may simply tune out.tune somebody/something ? out?I learned to tune out the background noise.[24] Paula瓊Eh?x&lt;#簣罈LA?, Tony:Try to tune it out, Paula. You never know how good the intel is.
Adj. [formal]happy and hopeful about the futuresynonym optimisticsanguine about?Other economists are more sanguine about the possibility of inflation.?a sanguine view[24] m癒?.簽簡?&lt;?:What can I say? I've never been sanguine about our chances of stopping it.
bark up the wrong tree
[informal] to have a wrong idea, or do something in a way that will not give you the information or result you want?The police spent three months barking up the wrong tree on the murder investigation.[24]m癒H5? ?繡?,H5=??, m癒:You're barking up the wrong tree, Ron.
U.N.when the people, especially business people or politicians, who are involved in a discussion try hard to gain an advantage for their own side - used to show disapproval?There will be no horse-trading and no electoral pacts.
Adj.willing to give information about somethingopposite unforthcomingforthcoming about?IBM is usually pretty forthcoming about the markets for its products.[24] m癒&lt;KH5=簣?x?Fk繳織繡?&lt;I've been more forthcoming with the pressand public than any politician you know.
Vi.if a price, value, or condition of something nosedives, it suddenly goes down or gets much worsesynonym plummet?Sales have nosedived since January.
who shall remain nameless
[spoken] used when you want to say that someone has done something wrong but without mentioning their name, especially to criticize them in a friendly way?A certain person, who shall remain nameless, forgot to lock the front door.
neck and neck (with somebody)
[informal] 瞿6羶瞽&lt;Vzuif two competitors or groups are neck and neck in a competition or race, they are level with each other?Opinion polls show the two main parties are running neck and neck.
Adv. [formal written]used before naming things that you have just referred to in a general way?three Greek cities viz Athens, Thessaloniki, and Patras
Adj.pleasantly different from what is familiar and boring?It made a refreshing change to talk to someone new.
for what it's worth (FWIW)
[spoken] used when you are giving someone information, to say that you are not sure how useful it is?Here's the list of names, for what it's worth.
bite the bullet
[informal] to start dealing with an unpleasant or dangerous situation because you cannot avoid it any longer?I finally bit the bullet and left.
Vt. [formal]to make a situation or the effects of something less unpleasant, harmful, or serioussynonym alleviate?Measures need to be taken to mitigate the environmental effects of burning more coal.
Vt. [formal] to let someone else have your position, power, or rights, especially unwillinglysynonym give up?No one wants to relinquish power once they have it.relinquish something to somebody?Stultz relinquished control to his subordinate.
Adj. [only before noun] relating to the medical care and treatment of old people?a specialist in geriatric medicine
dog eat dog
when people compete against each other and will do anything to get what they want?It's a dog eat dog world out there.
stiff (v.)
[informal]Vt. [American English] to cheat someone by not paying them, especially by not leaving a tip in a restaurant?I can't believe that couple stiffed me! A: You shouldn't keep stiffing the waiters.?=羅瞽-=?= O?禱2B: But they didn't give me good service._A=/?A織= 2
C.N. [literary] a small quiet place which is sheltered by a rock, a big tree etc?a shady nook
tip somebody ? off
[phrasal verb]to give someone such as the police a secret warning or piece of information, especially about illegal activities?The police must have been tipped off.[24]m癒(#簣?zCTU&lt;0;?=?If Wald's crew fails, they'll think somebody tipped off CTU.
ranking (adj.)
[especially American English]a ranking person has a high, or the highest, position in an organization or is one of the best at an activity?the panel's ranking Democrat, William Clay ?He's the ship's ranking officer (=the one with the highest rank) .[24] RayburnAlmeida繙hx織繩?瓊`NSAMr Rayburn? This is Tony Almeida.I understand you're the ranking agent on site.
let on
[phrasal verb]to tell someone something, especially something you have been keeping secretlet on (that)?Don't let on that I told you.[24] 簽疆瞼? 簣繹You could endanger yourself and your family.if you let on that anything is wrong.
Vt.to escape from a difficult or embarrassing situation, or to help someone escapeextricate yourself/somebody from something?How was he going to extricate himself from this situation?[24]( ?0;(9?9Jm癒I did. I'm sure as soon as the president can extricate himself, he'll call you.
"V.to combine things in order to make them more effective or easier to deal with?We consolidate information from a wide range of sources. ?They took out a loan to consolidate their debts.[24] Tony?Mason 穫NSA繙hx繩?f禱織
V.to increase in degree or strength, or to make something do this?In June the civil war intensified. ?His mother's death intensified his loneliness.
Adj. [formal] someone who is malleable can be easily influenced or changed by other people?a malleable child
Vt. [formal] to arrange things or put them in their places?Chinese vases are disposed around the gallery.
en route
Adv.on the wayen route from/to?a flight en route from Tokyo to Sydney[24] Jack翹礙X簫?:Fire and rescue teams are en route.
Adj. 矇繳織,d繳織moved or operated by the pressure of water or other liquid?a hydraulic pump hydraulic brakes[24] Paula?*羅?繳&lt;tony:She's bad, man. We gotta get a crane or a hydraulic lift in here.
Adj. Q繩簸織
C.N.a small folded piece of thick paper containing paper matches
"C.N.a political situation in which people protest or behave violently?There is growing unrest throughout the country. political/social/industrial etc unrest?The protests were the biggest show of social unrest since the government came to power.[24] (??p9?織礙3P@?
N. [American English informal] a very easy thing to do, or a very easy victorysynonym piece of cake?The game was a cakewalk.[24](礙????穫Q?, Eric:I don't claim this'll be a cakewalk.
have/express reservations
a feeling of doubt because you do not agree completely with a plan, idea, or suggestionhave/express reservations (about something) ?I had serious reservations about his appointment as captain.?We condemn their actions without reservation (=completely) .
extenuating circumstances/factors etc
[formal] facts or reasons which make you feel that it was reasonable for someone to break the usual rules, or make you have sympathy for someone who did something wrong or illegal [24] Jack ?(礙簸穫?9CTU聶?&lt;(:There were extenuating circumstances.
ground zero
U.N.the exact place where a bomb explodes?Buildings within 25 km of ground zero would be flattened.[24]Joe璽Xe?{?=?*繞&lt;Jack:Isn't that whatyou used to say? Who doyou think's gonna be at ground zero, Joe?
tender (v.)
Vt. [formal] to formally offer or show something to someone?As company secretary, you must tender the proposal.tender something to somebody?The seller has the right to keep the goods until payment is tendered to him.?Minton tendered her resignation on Friday.[24] m癒竅.(獺藩CTU織罈繭??, (:Sir, I think, under the circumstances,it would be best if I tendered my resignation.
Vt. [formal] ??&lt;瞿?to make someone less angry or stop them from attacking you by giving them what they want?They attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks.[24] m癒=&lt;K(?禮I don't have time to appease your guilty conscience.
collateral damage
people who are hurt or killed, or property that is damaged accidentally in a war - used especially by the army, navy etc?Hitting any non-military targets would risk 'collateral damage'.[24] EricAm癒羶礙簸穫簣?瞽CTUCollateral damage, sir. Regrettable but necessary, so that Bauer could get to Wald.
U.N. v簫the value that a company has because it has a good relationship with its customers?The sale price also covers the goodwill of the business.
love handles
commission (v.)
Vt.to formally ask someone to write an official report, produce a work of art for you etcThe report was commissioned by the Welsh Office.commission somebody to do somethingMacmillan commissioned her to illustrate a book by Spike Milligan.[24] Jack?+癒?Mason?:I found out who commissioned him to take out CTU.
N.when someone is removed from their job?Wilson was claiming compensation for unfair dismissal . ?No dismissals have been announced yet.[24](Am癒az:They're bringing him up to speed on Rayburn's dismissal.
say no more
[spoken ]used to say that you understand what someone means, although they have not said it directly?'I saw him leaving her house at 6.30 this morning.' 'Say no more!'
clamp down
[phrasal verb]to take firm action to stop a particular type of crimeclamp down on?The police are clamping down on drink-driving offenders.[24] ]癒;疆織繒?p禮=m癒?:we are doing all we can to clamp down on this kind of activity.
Adj.a paramilitary organization is an illegal group that is organized like an army?extremist paramilitary groups[24] m癒? ?]癒;疆?9? ??礙, ;繒p禮?:We don't have the resources that you do,and surely even you can't tell me that you are aware of every singleactive paramilitary compound in the US.
precedent (n.)
C.N.an action or official decision that can be used to give support to later actions or decisions?a legal precedent set/create a precedent ?UN involvement in the country's affairs would set a dangerous precedent.
U.N. ?T穡the part of medical science that deals with cancer and tumours
C.N. ?a small hard raised part on someone's skin
Adj.relating to or affecting the outer sex organs?the genital area genital mutilation
Pap smear
"C.N. [American English ] E??w[??] ( 0^羅a=[m`b
C.N.someone who is left on a lonely shore or island after their ship has sunk
plate tectonics
簪z羶P ( 翻礙`穫織繙_羶@`3??6織簧;簪z織+P@織 )
N. ?a substance which contains a weak form of the bacteria or virus that causes a disease and is used to protect people from that disease?a polio vaccine ?Doctors worried that there would not be enough vaccine for everyone who needed it.
Adj.relating to or caused by a virus?a viral infection
C.N. [technical]damage to someone's skin or part of their body such as their stomach or brain, caused by injury or illness?acute gastric lesions
C.N. 繳繙a machine that shapes wood or metal, by turning it around and around against a sharp tool
U.N. o禱?禮protection given to someone by a government because they have escaped from fighting or political trouble in their own countryapply for/seek/be granted asylum ?He has been granted asylum in France.
Vi.if a cloud or smoke billows, it rises in a round massbillow out of/up etc?There was smoke billowing out of the windows.
Adj. directly and firmly:* He turned and faced her squarely.
U.N. [medical] ?the inability to see clearly things that are far awayBritish Equivalent: short-sightedness American Equivalent: nearsightedness
the Union Army
C.N.a strong negative reaction by a number of people against recent events, especially against political or social developmentsbacklash against?The 1970s saw the first backlash against the emerging women's movement.??: The creator of the C++ programming language claims there has been a backlash against some of the newer programming languages such as Java and C#, with developers moving back to using C++.
C.N.a small sign of something such as hope or understandingglimmer of?a glimmer of hope for the future
sea cucumber
Vi. [formal] to be enough?A light lunch will suffice .suffice for?A few brief observations will suffice for present purposes.
Adj.the fallen [plural] [formal] soldiers who have been killed in a war
U.N.a feeling of great sadness, usually because someone has died or because something terrible has happened to yougreat/deep sorrow?a time of great sorrow
lift somebody's spirits
to make someone feel more cheerful and hopeful
Adj.able to be believed or imaginedopposite inconceivable ?It is conceivable that you may get full compensation, but it's not likely.?We were discussing the problems from every conceivable angle.
Adj.the utmost importance/respect/care etcthe greatest possible importance etc?a matter of the utmost importance ?I've got the utmost respect for her accomplishments.?Baldwin treated the matter with the utmost seriousness.
compound interest
C.N.a group of mountains forming one large solid shape
C.N. the people in the highest social class, who traditionally have a lot of land, money, and power?dukes, earls, and other members of the aristocracy ?the landed aristocracy (=who own a lot of land)
a group of 20, or about 20, people or thingsa score of something?Our coach was escorted by a score of policemen.??: Four score and seven years ago, ...
bring something ? forth
[phrasal verb]to produce something or make it appear?a tragic love affair that brought forth only pain
Vt.to officially state in a special religious ceremony that a place or building is holy and can be used for religious purposes?The bones will be reburied in consecrated ground .
Adj.behaving as though you think you are better, more intelligent, or more important than other people - used to show disapproval?Professor Hutter's manner is extremely condescending.
"Vt. ?""to influence someone in a way that has a harmful effect on how they think or behave?You mustn't allow your dislike of her to warp your judgement ."
in a vacuum
existing completely separately from other people or things and having no connection with them?The process of learning a language does not take place in a vacuum.
N. [formal]an act of breaking a rule or lawinfraction of?minor infractions of the rules
board something ? up
[phrasal verb]to cover a window or door, or all the windows and doors of a building, with wooden boards?The shop was boarded up.
Vi.to become worse?Ethel's health has deteriorated. ?America's deteriorating economy
Adj.very clean and tidyopposite messy?He wore an immaculate dark-blue suit.?an immaculate kitchen
C.N.a small piece of equipment that you put into your ear to hear a recording, message etc
Wisconsin職;]G0,?? Madison
snap somebody/something ? up
[phrasal verb]1.to buy something immediately, especially because it is very cheap ?People were snapping up bargains.2.to eagerly take an opportunity to have someone as part of your company, team etc ?Owen was snapped up by Liverpool before he'd even left school.
nurture (n.)
翹Y?: nature and nurture *?7?:.
C.N.a passage in a building or house that leads to many of the roomssynonym hall, corridor
Adj.a good-for-nothing person is lazy and useless?an idle good-for-nothing drunk
Adj. S翹written in a style of writing with the letters joined together?cursive script
U.N. 簫when you say words for someone to write down?There were no secretaries available to take dictation (=write down what someone is saying) .
C.N.someone who always does what a particular person tells them to do - used to show disapproval
Vt.to sell goods to people, especially goods that people disapprove of because they are illegal, harmful, or of not very high quality?They were accused of peddling drugs .?people who peddle cigarettes to young children
C.N.a careless or stupid mistake?A last-minute blunder cost them the match.
C.N. , Adj.[technical] a consonant sound that is made by completely stopping the flow of air out of your mouth and then suddenly letting it out, as when saying /b/ or /t/
Adj. C.N.[formal]making or being an 's' or 'sh' sound?a sibilant whisper
C.N. (T7?職; Mississippi 瓊# Rocky 癒8織)Wy?
Vt. ?瓊&lt;?xto give information about something to the public, so that they know about it?television's failure to publicize the unemployment issue well/widely/highly publicized (=receiving a lot of attention) ?His visit was highly publicized.
U.N.the traditional stories, customs etc of a particular area or country
Vt.to remove disease, bacteria, insects etc from somewhere using chemicals, smoke, or gas
straight face
if you have a straight face, you are not laughing or smiling even though you would like to?I found it very difficult to keep a straight face .[24] Almeida Z?[You're doing business with a known terrorist, and you sit there with a straight face
a member of a part of the Christian church that separated from the Roman Catholic church in the 16th century
north/east etc wing
疆BUILDING簸one of the parts of a large building, especially one that sticks out from the main part? the east wing of the palace?She works in the hospital's maternity wing.
Vt. [formal]to officially tell people to ignore an order, especially by giving them a different one?Terrorists tried to force him to countermand the order to attack.[24]m癒?LA織羸繙X?Countermand the evacuation.
high stakes
a) if the stakes are high when you are trying to do something, you risk losing a lot or it will be dangerous if you fail?Climbing is a dangerous sport and the stakes are high .[24] m癒?z禱?This had better not be one of your manipulations.The stakes are too high.
C.N.someone who comes from a country where Spanish or Portuguese is spoken, especially one in Latin America?In California, Hispanics make up 19.2 percent of the population.
Adj. 癟禮Q繭織so determined to get what you want that you do not care if you have to hurt other people in order to do it?a ruthless dictator ?They have shown a ruthless disregard for basic human rights.
Adj.if you are undeterred by something, you do not allow it to stop you doing what you wantundeterred by?Undeterred by his early failures, he decided to keep writing.
(every) now and then/now and again
sometimes?I hear from him every now and then.
C.N.1.a plastic container shaped like a very small tube with medicine inside that you swallow whole3.the part of a spacecraft in which people live and work?a space capsule orbiting the Earth
C.N. 5a tax on goods coming into a country or going out of a countrytariff on?The government may impose tariffs on imports.
Vt.to supply a large number of people with food
Adj. z?&gt;織not transparent, but clear enough to allow light to pass through?Blue veins showed through her translucent skin.
Costa Rica
El Salvador
C.N. 簸職a disease that causes the joints of your body to become swollen and very painful
Vt.to make something more beautiful by adding decorations to itembellish something with something?The dress was embellished with gold threads.
Vt. [formal] to act in a play, story etc?a drama enacted on a darkened stage
U.N. 羸a sport involving physical exercises and movements that need skill, strength, and control, and that are often performed in competitions?a gymnastics display ?We don't do gymnastics at school.
N.a very bad situation that someone is inplight of?the desperate plight of the flood victims?the country's economic plight
take something in stride
[American English] to not allow something to annoy, embarrass, or upset you?When the boss asked Judy to stay late, she took it in stride.
C.N. r:?a type of hospital for sick people who are getting better after a long illness but still need rest and a lot of care
Adj. [formal]bigger, better, or worse than anything else?an achievement unparalleled in sporting history
U.N.knowledge or information about a subject, for example nature or magic, that is not written down but is passed from person to person?According to local lore, a ghost still haunts the castle.
N.1.the stratosphere 瞿q? ( =q?(troposphere){:織WS? ) the outer part of the air surrounding the Earth, from ten to fifty kilometres above the Earth2. a very high position, level, or amount?oil prices soared into the stratosphere ?He's now at the top of the political stratosphere.
Adj.old and in bad condition?The buildings were in a decrepit state.
N.something that you think is extremely silly or stupidsynonym stupidity?The idiocy of his behaviour appalled her.?He smiled calmly at the idiocies of mankind.
C.N.something or someone that you use for a short time until you can replace it with something better?It's only a stopgap measure , not a long-term solution.
Adj.done secretly or quickly because you do not want other people to notice?Rory tried to sneak a surreptitious glance at AdamIs wristwatch.[罈] Wireless is definitely more dangerous than wired, because of the possibility of surreptitious access.
C.N. [technical]a criminal who starts doing illegal things again, even after he or she has been punished
before long
soon or in a short time?Before long a large crowd had gathered outside the building.?It's likely that the law will be abolished before long.
@=A wv, lv ( R穫職;?,X??織,? )
Adj. hE礙織something that is tempting seems very good and you would like to have it or do it?a tempting job offer ?That pie looks tempting.be tempting to do something?It's tempting to believe her story.
C.N.a curved shape that is wider in the middle and pointed at the ends?a small crescent of pastry topped with cheese ?a crescent moon
C.N. ?#a piece of rock or metal from space that has landed on Earth
"C.N. O""a mass of gas and dust among the stars, which often appears as a bright cloud in the sky at night"
C.N. [technical] an object in space that is similar to a star and that shines very brightly
U.N.a type of flat brown seaweed (=a plant that grows in the sea)
C.N. 媬
@A (E ( 0^@簪]Q,,@簪]織; ) a New Zealand bird that has very short wings and cannot fly
C.N. [technical] 瓊?an animal with two legs, such as a human
Adj.a repressive government or law controls people in a cruel and severe waysynonym oppressive?a repressive regime?repressive measures
Vi. [informal] ]to be too eager to obey or be polite to someone in authoritykowtow to?We will not kowtow to the government.
Adj. formalannoying?an irksome journey
Vt.to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone, especially when this is difficult?When her knock elicited no response , she opened the door and peeped in.elicit something from somebody?The test uses pictures to elicit words from the child.
Adj.relating to growing crops?arable farming ?arable land (=land that is suitable for growing crops)
C.N. ?Ha hill made of sand near the sea or in the desertsynonym sand dune
Saudi Arabia
hedge (v)
Vt.to avoid giving a direct answer to a question?You're hedging again - have you got the money or haven't you? ?'That depends on my partner,' she hedged.
Adj.doing something that is intended to make someone stop arguing with youconciliatory approach/tone/gesture etc ?Perhaps you should adopt a more conciliatory approach.?Brooks felt in no mood to be conciliatory.
Adv.for a short time
C.N. [law] an official order from a court telling someone not to do something
U.N.musical instruments such as drums, bells etc which you play by hitting them?Tonight we have Paul Duke on percussion (=playing a percussion instrument) . ?a range of percussion instruments
Vt. ?+(o?y)to remove a leader or government from power, especially by forcesynonym oust?Rebels were already making plans to overthrow the government.
Adj.full of activity or energy in a way that is exciting and attractivesynonym lively?Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.?She was sixteen, young and vibrant.
Adj.needing great strength or determination?a herculean task
liable to do something
likely to do or say something or to behave in a particular way, especially because of a fault or natural tendencysynonym likely?The car is liable to overheat on long trips.?He was liable to just show up without warning.
N.the total amount of money that a government, organization, or person spends during a particular period of timeexpenditure on?expenditure on research and development?huge cuts in public expenditure (=the amount of money a government spends on services for the public)
U.N.the leaves of a plant?dark green foliage
N.the number of people who vote in an electionhigh/low turnout ?the low turn-out of 54 percent in the March elections
N.the main ideas and aims of a political party, especially the ones that they state just before an election?a strong women's rights platform ?the Labour party platform
Adj.not exciting, impressive etcsynonym dull?a lacklustre performance
Vt. [formal] to try very hard to persuade someone to do somethingsynonym urgeexhort somebody to do something
N.the set of ideas and moral attitudes that are typical of a particular group?a community in which people lived according to an ethos of sharing and caring[Grey] A: Pain as an ethos?
be slated to do something/be slated for something
[especially American English]a) if something is slated to happen, it is planned to happen in the future, especially at a particular time?He is slated to appear at the Cambridge Jazz Festival next year. ?Every house on this block is slated for demolition.
U.N.an artificial language invented in 1871 to help people from different countries in the world speak to each other
a motley collection/crew/assortment etc
a group of people or things that are very different from each other and do not seem to belong together?I looked at the motley bunch we were sailing with and began to feel uneasy about the trip. ?His pockets contained a motley collection of coins, movie ticket stubs, and old candies.
Adj.showing the ability to make good judgments, especially about art, music, style etcsynonym discriminating?an ideal tour for the discerning traveller the discerning eye/ear (=someone who can make good judgments about art or music)
by no means/not by any means
not at all?It is by no means certain that the game will take place. ?She's not a bad kid, by any means.
Vi [formal]to do or say something quickly or without delaysynonym hurryhasten to do something?I hastened to assure her that there was no danger.
moral (n.)
C.N.a practical lesson about what to do or how to behave, which you learn from a story or from something that happens to youmoral of?The moral of the film was that crime does not pay.
C.N.a woman whose job is to serve food and drinks to passengers on a plane or ship
Vi.if heavy hard objects clatter, or if you clatter them, they make a loud unpleasant noise?The tray slipped and clattered to the floor.[Joey] Joey織?矇繙2?B7???( Puts the ring in his pocket and it clatters to the ground )
give somebody a leg-up
N. [informal]to help someone to get up to a high place by joining your hands together so they can use them as a step
U.N.a place for someone to stay, live, or work?The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation.?living accommodations for the crews
C.N. [formal] an owner of a businessproprietor of?the proprietor of a small hotel and restaurantnewspaper/garage/cafe etc proprietor
Adv.speaking in a direct honest way that sometimes upsets people?'You're drunk,' she said bluntly. ?To put it bluntly , she's not up to the job.
C.N. #簪1.something that helps you to start doing somethingspringboard forThe TV soap has been a springboard for a lot of careers.2.a strong board for jumping on or off, used when diving ( dive1(1)) or doing gymnastics
abandon (n)
U.N.if someone does something with abandon, they behave in a careless or uncontrolled way, without thinking or caring about what they are doingwith reckless/wild abandon ?They drank and smoked with reckless abandon.
fashion (v)
Vt.1.to shape or make something, using your hands or only a few toolsfashion something from something?He fashioned a box from a few old pieces of wood.fashion something into something?Jamie could take a piece of wood and fashion it into a wonderful work of art.
bulk (n)
N.the bulk (of something)the main or largest part of something?The bulk of consumers are based in towns.
Adj.not connected with or controlled by a church or other religious authority?secular education ?our modern secular society
Adj.unkind and caring too much about small unimportant things?How can she be so petty??petty jealousy and spitefulness[Joey] Joey織?矇=Gina=m: Mary Teresa: Yeah, the best looking one: Moe. I know why youIre being so petty.
C.N., V.a legal agreement which allows you to use a building, car etc for a period of time, in return for rentlease on?They took out a lease on a seven-acre field.
C.N. !?
it serves somebody right
[spoken] used to say that you think someone deserves something unpleasant that happens to them, because they have been stupid or unkind?'She kicked me!' 'Serves you right, teasing her like that.'[Joey] ?=瞽zd?矇 穫wB7&lt; Gina: Well it serves her right.
Vi. [technical] to explode inwardsopposite explode?The windows on both sides of the room had imploded.
CN. Vt [formal] 癟f?an unkind or unfriendly answer to a friendly suggestion or offer of helpsynonym snub?He received a humiliating rebuff from his manager.
N.a situation in which there is not enough of somethingscarcity of?the scarcity of employment opportunities
Adj. [formal]knowing everything?the book's omniscient narrator
nowhere near
a) a long way from a particular placeHe swore he was nowhere near her house on the night she died.b) not at allnowhere near ready/full/finished etc ?The building's nowhere near finished.?She's nowhere near as pretty as you are.
Adj.extremely happy and excited, especially because of something that has happened or is going to happen?He felt elated and mildly drunk.elated at/by?She was elated at the prospect of a holiday.
N. [technical] O?the speed of something that is moving in a particular direction?the velocity of light ?The speedboat reached a velocity of 120 mph. ?a high velocity bullet
lash out
[phrasal verb]to suddenly speak angrily to someone or criticize someone angrilylash out at?Olson lashed out at the media.
Vt.if something invigorates you, it makes you feel healthier, stronger and have more energy?At my age, the walk into town is enough to invigorate me. ?He felt invigorated after a day in the country.
give (n)
U.N. xWthe ability of a material or substance to bend or stretch when put under pressure?The rope has quite a bit of give in it.
hide (n)
C.N. 穡?an animal's skin, especially when it has been removed to be used for leather?ox hide gloves
be out of your league
to not be skilled or experienced enough to do or deal with something
fed up
Adj. [informal]annoyed or bored, and wanting something to change?She felt tired and a bit fed up.fed up with?I'm really fed up with this constant rain
Adj.classified information, documents etc are ones which the government has ordered to be kept secret
take the cake
to be worse than anything else you can imagine?I've heard some pretty dumb ideas, but that takes the cake!
C.N. }瓊a book, film etc that tells you what happened before the story told in a previous popular book or filmprequel to?'The Phantom Menace' is a prequel to 'Star Wars'.
Vt. [formal]to keep a person or a group of people away from other people?The jury were sequestered during the trial.[24]9礙( 穫? 織H5&lt;m癒?:What about him? Does anybody know we have him sequestered?
set/put something in motion
to start a process or series of events that will continue for some time?The Church voted to set in motion the process allowing women to be priests. ?Once the house had been sold, Jane set the wheels in motion (=started the process) to find somewhere smaller to live.
attach importance/significance etc to something
to believe that something is important?People attach too much importance to economic forecasts.[24]Mikem癒?&lt;Xb繞織rI;`sherry&lt;Should I attach any significance to that?
for the time being
for a short period of time from now, but not permanently?Now, for the time being, she is living with her father in Tijuana.
up to speed
having the latest information or knowledge about something?Some school officials are only now getting up to speed regarding computers. ?John will bring you up to speed (=tell you the latest information) .[24]m癒=Mike?Let's go to the OC. I'll bring you up to speed. There's a lot to cover.
C.N. formala small group of people who make secret plans, especially in order to have political power [24] Mike: Let me look into this so-called cabal against you.
walking papers
give somebody their walking papers[American English] to tell someone that they must leave a place or a job [24] Mike: I understand the president handed Eric Rayburn his walking papers.
C.N.a round metal case that contains gas and bursts when it is thrown or fired from a gun?Police fired tear gas canisters into the crowd.
build (n)
N.the shape and size of someone's body?a woman of slim build ?You're a surprisingly strong swimmer for one of such a slight build . ?I wanted a more athletic and muscular build .
champion (v)
Vt. [written]to publicly fight for and defend an aim or principle, such as the rights of a group of people?She championed the cause of religious freedom.
The restaurant is a family [concern].
C.N. a business or company?We will continue to run the company as a going concern (=a business that is financially successful) .
C.N.the bottom part of a hat that sticks out to protect you from sun and rain?an old straw hat with a broad brim
a musical instrument like a trumpet, which is used in the army to call soldiers
U.N.the ability to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or eventresilience of?the resilience of youth?People showed remarkable resilience during the war.
Adj.full of interesting or important events?She's led quite an eventful life. ?an eventful day
riddle (n)
C.N.a question that is deliberately very confusing and has a humorous or clever answer?See if you can solve this riddle .
Vt. [formal] to give someone more courage?Emboldened by her smile, he asked her to dance.
on the off-chanceif you do something on the off-chance that something will happen, you do it hoping that it will happen although it is unlikely?I just came to see you on the off-chance that Pippa might be here.[罈] The only reason I released a kernel update, was at the time, we thought there was an off-chance that there was a problem.
loom (n)
be sold on (doing) something
think an idea or plan is very good?Joe's completely sold on the concept.
Adj.believing very strongly in something - used to show disapproval?One of them is a card-carrying ecology freak.
U.N.when someone walks across a road at a place where it is dangerous to cross
Vi.to say that you disagree with an official decision or accepted opiniondissent from?Few historians would dissent from this view.?There are some dissenting voices (=people who do not agree) among the undergraduates.
C.N.a small group of people within a larger group, who have different ideas from the other members, and who try to get their own ideas accepted?struggles between the different factions within the party ?the leaders of the warring factions
static (n)
noise caused by electricity in the air that blocks or spoils the sound from radio or TV
Vi.to become ill again after you have seemed to improverelapse into?We were afraid he might relapse into a coma.
N. S?,?
U.N. 羹簸Pa substance that is produced in a woman's ovaries that causes changes in her body and prepares it for having babies
N.? 聶6繩
pedestrian (adj.)
Adj.ordinary and uninteresting and without any imagination?a painting that is pedestrian and unimaginative ?a rather pedestrian student
Adj. bA織showing that you think someone or something is stupid or silly?derisive laughter
C.N.1.a sudden feeling of slight pain?I felt a twinge of pain in my back.2.a twinge of guilt/envy/sadness/jealousy etca sudden slight feeling of guilt etc?He felt a sharp twinge of guilt for not taking the trouble to visit her.
Adj. [formal]slow in doing something
U.N. sand, mud, soil etc that is carried in water and then settles at a bend in a river, an entrance to a port etc
瓊穡p (  X?,X穫璽?織瓊穡pF8? ) a type of potassium used especially in farming to make the soil better
attorney general
C.N.the lawyer with the highest rank in some countries or in the US government @職A (??o?織)(禮 @職A (4織)?]??
make it worth somebody's while
[spoken] to offer something to someone so that they will do something for you?He promised to make it worth our while.[24] m癒穢簣翹 禮繞織H5K簸穫&lt;Sherry:I'll make it worth his while not to say anYThing.
white room
Adj.a watered-down plan, report etc has been changed so that it is less extreme or forceful than when it was first written - used to show disapproval?a watered-down version of the original[24]SherryH5?&lt; 簣=繙hx織罈?罈&lt;a3n?&lt;H5:In return for what? I get an exclusive with the president on some watered-down story?
Vt. [informal]to provide the money that someone needs for a business, a plan etcsynonym finance?a software company bankrolled by the Samsung Group
C.N. [formal] ??a connection between two things that allows people to pass ideas, news, money, weapons, drugs etc from one place to anotherconduit for?Drug traffickers have used the country as a conduit for shipments to the U.S.
sit tight
[spoken]a) to stay where you are and not move?Just sit tight - I'll be there in five minutes.
Vt.if a new idea, product, or method supersedes another one, it becomes used instead because it is more modern or effectivesynonym replace?Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases.
C.N. [American English] a raised path made of wood, usually built next to the sea
Vi.to try to find something that you cannot see by feeling with your handsgrope for?Ginny groped for her glasses on the bedside table.grope around?We groped around in the darkness.
C.N.someone who was born in or is a citizen of the same country as someone elsesomebody's compatriot?Schmidt defeated his compatriot Hausmann in the quarter final.
bill of lading
C.N. =lading[technical] a list of the goods being carried, especially on a ship
capital offence/crime
an offence that is punished by death
U.N.a generous attitude, or generous behaviour?an act of great generositygenerosity to/towards?his generosity to the poor?I shall never forget the generosity shown by the people of Bastaisk.
throw up
[phrasal verb]to bring food or drink up from your stomach out through your mouth because you are illsynonym vomit?Georgia was bent over the basin, throwing up.
N.a problem or situation that makes something more difficult to understand or deal with?The fact that the plane was late added a further complication to our journey.
press corps
C.N.a group of news reporters working at the place where something important is happening?the White House press corps
C.N.a small narrow valley, usually formed by a lot of rain flowing down the side of a hill
C.N. ?瞼a soldier who fights for any country or group that will pay him?an army of foreign mercenaries ?a mercenary soldier
Adj.extremely unlikely to be true or to happen?All this may sound a bit far-fetched, but companies are already developing 'intelligent' homes.[24] Jack:Mr President, I know it sounds very far-fetched that we got attacked by Americans,
on the sly
[informal] secretly, especially when you are doing something that you should not do?They'd been seeing each other on the sly for months.[24] m癒 Roger=?coral snake織罈, Roger?:I'd assume that this Coral Snake group,Iike many others that we see,falls under somebody's pet project,gets funded on the sly.
a large brightly coloured piece of cloth you wear around your head or neck [24] Kim織g羶簣{.: Get the bandanna out of my pocket.
C.N. Sa shaking movement of your body that you cannot control, which happens because you are illsynonym seizure?His temperature was very high and he went into convulsions .
Vt.to bring back an old activity, belief, idea etc that has not existed for a long time?The Home Office have resurrected plans to build a new prison just outside London.? another failed attempt to resurrect his career[24] Sherry `CIA90;繹J:??:It's been shut down for over 2O years. Last month, NSA was given orders to resurrect it.
someone who is directly below another person in rank, and who is officially in charge when that person is not theredeputy director/chairman/governor etc ?the Deputy Secretary of State
rub off on
if a feeling, quality, or habit rubs off on you, you start to have it because you are with another person who has it?She refused to give up, and her confidence rubbed off on the others.[24] m癒a?Sherryf繹繩:織-?, Sherry:David, I've worked with you for over 25 years.It had to rub off on me somehow.
Adj. [American English informal]relating to white people who are considered traditional and boring in their opinions and way of life?a white-bread family[24] Tony:It doesn't make sense that Syed Ali has a connection to this white-bread family.
take the bit between your teeth
[American English] to do something or deal with something in a very determined way, so that you are not likely to stop until it is done
stay the course
[informal] to finish something in spite of difficulties?Dieters should try hard to stay the course.
be somebody's forte
to be something that you do well or are skilled at?He found that running long distances was not his forte .?As a writer, her forte is comedy.
N. 癒?an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or acceptsconsensus on/about?a lack of consensus about the aims of the project
N. [law] based on something that appears to be true but is not provencircumstantial evidence/case?The case against McCarthy is based largely on circumstantial evidence.[24] m癒?礙簸穫織=-y&gt;NSA織]?9?&lt;Mike:That connection is still circumstantial.
N. 羅a false reason given for an action, in order to hide the real reasonpretext for?The incident provided the pretext for war.
Adj.so nervous or upset that you are unable to keep still or think calmly?Amanda was getting visibly agitated.
distress signal
@禮W穠A w竅?? a situation when a ship, aircraft etc is in danger and needs help?We picked up a distress signal 6 km away.
Green Beret職;穡羸穢^繙
U.N.1.羸?2.[formal] the extreme and worrying seriousness of a situationgravity of?I could not hide from her the gravity of the situation. ?The penalties should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence.[24]m癒簣Ted1?:Good. You understand the gravity of today's situation?
Adj.misplaced feelings of trust, love etc are wrong and unsuitable, because the person that you have these feelings for does not deserve them?I realized that my trust in him was misplaced. ?She stuck with him through a misplaced sense of loyalty.
N. V.an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place, often secretlyrendezvous with?He made a rendezvous with her in Times Square.?plans for a secret rendezvous
N. [formal] the reasons for a decision, belief etcrationale behind/for/of?The rationale behind the changes is not at all evident. ?The rationale for using this teaching method is to encourage student confidence.
make a point of doing something
to do something deliberately, even when it involves making a special effort?He made a point of spending Saturdays with his children. ?I always make a point of being early.
(羸X)?da place where planes can fly from, especially one used by military planes
C.N.a computer system or program that is made or written very quickly and not very well
Vi,to choose not to vote for or against something?Six countries voted for the change, five voted against, and two abstained.
Vt.to make someone extremely angry?Her actions infuriated her mother. ?It infuriated him that Beth was with another man.
繹??,繩a strong fear of being in a small enclosed space or in a situation that limits what you can do
Adj.tending to break into small thin pieces?flaky pastry ?flaky skin
be teetering on the brink/edge of something
to be very close to being in an unpleasant or dangerous situation?The country teetered on the brink of war.
N.someone who behaves in a crazy or very stupid way - often used humorously?This hotel is run by a lunatic![24] Kate ?矇矇Marie:This is what we did it for? So you could be brainwashed by some lunatic?
Vt. to repeat facts, ideas etc that you have read or heard without thinking about them yourself - used to show disapproval?She tries to get students to think critically, not just regurgitate facts.[24] JackKate?Maire=??癡xX : She's just regurgitating everything Syed Ali taught her.
wear off
[phrasal verb]if pain or the effect of something wears off, it gradually stops?The effects of the anaesthetic were starting to wear off.
Vt.to state officially that someone who has been blamed for something is not guiltyexonerate somebody from/of something?He was totally exonerated of any blame.[24]m癒翹CIA穢??:3?:What proof do you have that exonerates Sherry?
Vt.to let fresh air into a room, building etcwell-ventilated/poorly ventilated etc ?a well-ventilated kitchen[24] ??{織礙IKim``;?簪:We got a ventilation system in here and an air supply, but it still stays cold.
V.if a boat capsizes, or if you capsize it, it turns over in the water
U.N. ]technical]the variety of plants and animals in a particular place?the biodiversity of the rainforest
Adj. [only before noun]continuing for everundying love/devotion/support etc ?They declared their undying love for each other.[24] m癒?簣罈 ?禱E6hx:Whoever it is, tell him he has the undying gratitude of every citizen of this country.
bail (v)
Vi.also bail out[informal] to escape from a situation that you do not want to be in any more?After ten years in the business, McArthur is baling out.?I don't know anybody at this party - let's bail.[24]masonJack#?&lt;Jack:This is not negotiable. I'm bailing out four minutes before impact.
throw/shed/cast light on something
to provide new information that makes a difficult subject or problem easier to understand?Melanie was able to shed some light on the situation. ?These discoveries may throw new light on the origins of the universe.
C.N.the way someone's voice rises and falls, especially when reading out loud?the cadence of my mother's voice
doctor (v.)
Vt. 繫ito dishonestly change something in order to gain an advantage?He had doctored his passport to pass her off as his daughter. ?There are concerns that some players have been doctoring the ball.[24]TonyX 穫Syed Ali織4#f: Is there any chance that it could have been doctored in a way we couldn't detect?
N.a piece of information or story that someone has invented in order to deceive peoplecomplete/total/pure fabrication? Of course, it might all be complete fabrication.
U.N. [formal]the fact of being true or correctsynonym truthveracity of?Has anyone checked the veracity of these allegations?
read between the lines
to guess someone's real feelings from something they say or write, when they do not tell you directly?Reading between the lines, I'd say Robert's not very happy.
U.N.a feeling of great anger and shockThe response to the jury's verdict was one of outrage.a sense of moral outrageoutrage at/over?environmentalists' outrage at plans to develop the coastlinepublic/popular outrage ?The case generated public outrage.[25]]癒;疆??(Xhx6癡翹?+癒?m癒:The Prime Minister wanted me to express his outrage for what has occurred.
Vt. 3簪to escape from someone or something, especially by tricking themsynonym avoid?He managed to elude his pursuers by escaping into a river.
U.N. [American English]the quality of being honest and telling the truth, even when the truth may be unpleasant or embarrassing?She spoke with remarkable candour about her experiences.
speak out of turn
to say something when you do not have the right or authority to say it
aside from somebody/something
[especially American English]a) except for?Aside from Durang's performance, the actors are ordinary.b) in addition to?In the poetry competition, aside from Hass, are four other entrants.
the number below the line in a fraction 6羸
N.someone or something that is likely to cause problems for someone?A kid like Tom would be a liability in any classroom.liability to?The outspoken minister has become a liability to the government.[24] m癒X?!_=_瞽*瞼a?&lt;Mike:Mr President, your ability to analyse a situation is your strongest asset.But it's also your greatest liability.
on the payroll
if someone is on the payroll of a company, they are employed by that company?The company now has 350 people on the payroll.
blood lust
a strong desire to be violent [24] Mike?An0簣a?&lt;m癒:We're not responding to satisfy bloodlust.
Vi.to work with someone secretly, especially in order to do something dishonest or illegalcollude with?Several customs officials have been accused of colluding with drug traffickers.collude in?She knew about the plan, and colluded in [24] Mike: We're responding because three countriescolluded with a terrorist group to explode a nuclear bomb on our soil.
Adj.good at finding ways of dealing with practical problems?a woman who is energetic and resourceful
Adj.not as good as the average, and not acceptable?substandard housing
}菬the scientific study of the prevention of disease and how the body reacts to disease
V.to cut someone's hair short?Stella had had her hair closely cropped .
C.N. ?fa band of strong material in your body, similar to muscle, that joins bones or holds an organ in its place? He tore a ligament in his left knee. ?damaged ankle ligaments
Vi. [formal] to avoid giving a clear or direct answer to a question [24] MikeAm癒*0: I know you trust Jack Bauer implicitly,but to equivocate our response in a matter of this importancebecause of one man's reservations makes me very uncomfortable.
N.the place in a car where you put in a key to start the engine [24] Jack/羸7??織繳?:Turn the ignition off! Put your hands on the wheel!
N. 繹0a secret agreement that two or more people make in order to do something dishonest [24]Miche: Is that what Carrie told you? I'm in collusion with Jack?
N.small pieces of metal from a bomb, bullet etc that are scattered when it explodes?a soldier with shrapnel wounds in his chest
the Caspian Seathe largest inland sea in the world, between southeast Europe and Asia. It is surrounded by Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan.
N.a very strong belief or opinionreligious/political etc convictions ?a woman of strong political convictions deep/strong conviction ?The Dotens have a deep conviction that marriage is for life.
material (adj.)
Adj. [law] important and needing to be considered when making a decision?material evidencematerial to?facts material to the investigation
N. the buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company etc uses
Adj.a conspiratorial expression, voice, or manner suggests you are sharing a secret with someone?His voice became low and conspiratorial.?Natasha whispered to Maggie in a conspiratorial tone.
vantage point
N.a good position from which you can see something?From my vantage point on the hill, I could see the whole procession.
be breathing down somebody's neck
[informal] to pay very close attention to what someone is doing in a way that makes them feel nervous or annoyed?How can I concentrate with you breathing down my neck all the time?
N.special permission from someone in authority, especially a religious leader, to do something that is not usually allowed?Caroline's marriage was annulled by special dispensation from the church.[24] Katecoral snake0翹0;礙礙簸穫簣穢&lt;Jack:With your father's CIA connections, his company has a special travel dispensation.
V.[written] to travel from one place to anothersynonym roam?a salesman roving the country
N.a group of people trained as soldiers, who are not part of the permanent army?He joined the local militia as soon as he was 16. ?a militia leader ?a left-wing militia group
N.information about a group such as the people who live in a particular area?the demographics of a newspaper's readership[24]MikeAm癒az癒癡竅O瓣:The demographics of the area are predominantly Middle Eastern.
intern (v.)
V.to put someone in prison without charging them with a crime, for political reasons or during a war
U.N.unfair treatment of people, or violence against them, because they belong to a different race from your own?The government has promised to continue the fight against racism. ?the problem of racism in schools
U.N.strong fear or dislike of people from other countries
U.N. [formal]the act of keeping something under control, stopping it becoming more powerful etc?containment of public expenditure ?political containment of member states
Adj.violent or difficult to controlsynonym wild?unruly children?unruly behaviour
N.jugular veinthe large vein in your neck that takes blood from your head back to your heart
Vt.to give someone drugs to make them calm or to make them sleep?He was still in shock, and heavily sedated .
Vt. [formal] to tell or give someone information about somethingapprise somebody of something?The district chairman was fully apprised of all the details.
bad blood
angry or bitter feelings between peoplebad blood between?There's too much bad blood between them.
Vca unit for measuring energy or work
in question
a) the things, people etc in question are the ones that are being discussed?Where were you during the evening in question?b) if something is in question, there is doubt about it?I'm afraid his honesty is now in question.
V.to become weaker or less certain?Her voice wavered uncertainly. The students' attention did not waver .waver in?Harris never wavered in his loyalty.waver from?We were determined not to waver from our goals.
put something/somebody out of their misery
a) [informal] to make someone stop feeling worried, especially by telling them something they are waiting to hear?Go on, put them out of their misery and announce the winner.b) to kill a sick or injured animal in order to end its sufferingsynonym put down?I think you should put the poor creature out of its misery.
C.N. ???the muscle that is between your lungs and your stomach, and that you use when you breathe
U.N. ?&lt;:穡&lt;織穡the part of philosophy that is concerned with trying to understand and describe the nature of truth, life, and reality
U.N. [formal]when someone refuses to obey a person who has more authority than themsynonym disobedience?Howell was fired for gross insubordination .
sound bite
a very short part of a speech or statement, especially one made by a politician, that is broadcast on a radio or television news programme
Vt. [formal]to make you too ill or weak to live and work normally?Her mother has been incapacitated by a fall. ?an incapacitating injury
Adj.known to be definitely true?Doctors found undisputed evidence of nerve damage.
(in) one way or another
also one way or the otherused to say that someone does or will do something somehow, although you are not sure how?One way or the other he always seems to win. ?We'll find the money, one way or another.
"[American English] [formal]
compose yourself
to try hard to become calm after feeling very angry, upset, or excited?Lynn sat at the desk, taking several deep breaths to compose herself.
not mince (your) words
to say exactly what you think, even if this might offend people?Tom didn't mince words and told me straight away that I had failed.
C.N.someone who is employed by a newspaper or a television station etc to report news from a particular area or on a particular subjectpolitical/foreign/legal etc correspondent ?the political correspondent for The Times?Our correspondent in South Africa sent this report.
Vt. [formal]to provide information that supports or helps to prove someone else's statement, idea etc?We now have new evidence to corroborate the defendant's story. ?Experiments elsewhere corroborate these results.[Prison Break] 罈[:I got in touch with Crab Simmons's ex-girlfriend Leticia. She corroborated your story.
it is incumbent upon/on somebody to do something
[formal]if it is incumbent upon you to do something, it is your duty or responsibility to do it?It is incumbent upon parents to control what their children watch on TV.
C.N.someone who has extreme political or religious ideas and is often dangeroussynonym extremist?fanatics who represent a real danger to democracy?a religious fanatic
Adj.a solemn promise is one that is made very seriously and with no intention of breaking it?a solemn vow ?I'll never be unfaithful again. I give you my solemn word
U.N. [formal] when someone moves to a more important or higher position or job?his ascension to the ranks of senior management
corridors of power
the places where important government decisions are made
Vt.to force someone to do something they do not want to do by threatening themcoerce somebody into (doing) something?The rebels coerced the villagers into hiding them from the army.
cut a deal
to make a business deal?A French company has reportedly cut a deal to produce software for government agencies.
go/run like clockwork
to happen in exactly the way you had planned?The concert went like clockwork.
pump somebody full of something
[informal] to put a lot of drugs into someone's body?athletes pumped full of steroids[24] Tony繙Chappel'?, Michelle:How long can you keep pumping him full?
C.N. 0翹J?a threat saying that if someone does not do what you want by a particular time, you will do something to punish them?Well, give him an ultimatum : either he pays by Friday or he finds somewhere else to live. ?The army issued an ultimatum for all weapons in the city to be surrendered on Oct. 26.
Adj. [formal]fat
N.sudden noisy activity?They heard a commotion downstairs. ?Everyone looked to see what was causing the commotion .
Adj.able to move quickly and easily with light neat movementssynonym agile?nimble fingers?a nimble climber
N. [formal] people who have special knowledge about a particular subject, especially art, literature, or food
ramp (n)
C.N. [American English] a road for driving onto or off a large main road?Take the Lake Drive ramp at Charles Street.
C.N. HazMat hazardous materials substances that are dangerous to people's health?Paint and other chemicals can be taken to a HazMat center for disposal.
C.N.a short practice before a performance, test etc?a final run-through of the play
put/tighten the screws on somebody
[informal] to force someone to do something by threatening them?The government has started to tighten the screws on illegal share dealers.
Vt.to make something or someone seem better or more important than they really are, especially by using a particular word to describe themdignify somebody/something with something?I cannot dignify him with the name 'physician'.
C.N. Asomeone who secretly gives the police, the army etc information about someone elsesynonym informer?One of the witnesses was a paid informant for the FBI.
U.N.a very bright red colour
be home free
[American English informal] to have succeeded in doing the most difficult part of something?If I last five years with no symptoms, I'll be home free.
U.N. g&lt; ag-織!羸瞽? a shiny silver-white metal that is often combined with other metals or used to give a blue colour to substances such as glass. It is a chemical element: symbol Co
look up to somebody
[phrasal verb]to admire or respect someone?I've always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination.
C.N. ?an instrument for taking blood from someone's body or putting liquid, drugs etc into it, consisting of a hollow plastic tube and a needle
Vt. [especially American English]1.to emphasize the fact that something is important or truesynonym underline2.to draw a line under a word or phrase to show that it is importantsynonym underline
Adj.an unwavering attitude, belief, expression etc does not change* WAYNE PALMER: It's the unwavering policy of the United States to stand firm against any terrorist advance.
taper off
[phrasal verb]to decrease gradually?Profits may be tapering off in the near future.
Adj. [formal]deserving praise, even if not completely successfulsynonym praiseworthy?a laudable attempt
C.N. ?0a written statement by a political party, saying what they believe in and what they intend to do?the Labour Party's election manifesto ?The Tories are due to publish their manifesto tomorrow.
C.N.an event that is completely unsuccessful, in a way that is very embarrassing or disappointingsynonym disaster?The first lecture I ever gave was a complete fiasco .[罈] Think about the issues surrounding the Y2K fiasco.
sideline (v.)
V.if you are sidelined, you are unable to play in a sports game because you are injured, or unable to take part in an activity because you are not as good as someone else?Baggio was once again sidelined through injury.
Vi. j?to try to find out details about someone else's private life in an impolite way?I don't want to pry , but I need to ask you one or two questions.pry into?reporters prying into the affairs of celebrities
U.N. very light grey rock from a volcano that is crushed to a powder and used for cleaning
Adj.slightly fat in a way that looks healthy and attractive?a chubby six-year-old ?a baby with round chubby cheeks
V. [formal]if you devolve responsibility, power etc to a person or group at a lower level, or if it devolves on them, it is given to themdevolve something to somebody/something?The federal government has devolved responsibility for welfare to the states.
U.N.the ability to understand other people's feelings and problemsempathy with/for?She had great empathy with people.
N. V. ?y6a clear liquid that is painted onto things, especially things made of wood, to protect them, or the hard shiny surface produced by this
Vt.1. to help someone to live a healthy, useful, or active life again after they have been seriously ill or in prison:* a special unit for rehabilitating stroke patients2. to make people think that someone or something is good again after a period when people had a bad opinion of them:* The Prime Minister seems to be trying to rehabilitate the former defence secretary.
run something by/past somebody
[phrasal verb]to tell someone something so that they can give you their opinion?Let me run some figures by you. ?I just wanted to run it past you and see what you thought.
C.N.something that makes someone less likely to do something, by making them realize it will be difficult or have bad results?The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent .[24] m癒: This nation's policy of non-negotiation with terrorists has been a proven deterrent.
Vi. [formal] to accept or agree to something that you have been opposing for a long timesynonym give in?Helen finally capitulated and let her son have a car.
as opposed to something
used to compare two things and show that they are different from each other?Students discuss ideas, as opposed to just copying from books.
be out of the question
if something is out of the question, it is definitely not possible or not allowed?You can't go in that old shirt - it's out of the question.
Adj. [technical]soft and weak instead of firm?a flaccid penis
U.N. [literary]when interesting or valuable discoveries are made by accident ?In the most shocking bit of research serendipity that has ever hit me, a very similar paper by Patrice Godefroid will appear in PLDI05.
a mixed blessing
something that is good in some ways but bad in others?Having your parents living nearby is a mixed blessing.[Dibert] v_穢織瞿&lt;罈?&lt;穢r穫?=?8翹U43&lt;v_穢:I feel a mixed blessing coming my way.
a/some semblance of something
a situation, condition etc that is close to or similar to a particular one, usually a good one?She was trying to get her thoughts back into some semblance of order . ?After the war, life returned to a semblance of normality.
Adj. Adv.standing or sitting straight upsit/stand/walk upright ?The chimpanzee stood upright and grasped the bars of its cage.?Katie was still awake, sitting bolt upright (=sitting with her back very straight) staring at the television.
C.N. [formal]a very small bottle used for medicine, perfume etc
C.N. (?Wa&gt;礙穢織)?a a newspaper that has small pages, a lot of photographs, and stories mainly about sex, famous people etc rather than serious news [24] Xm癒?3&lt;={k繳m癒織瞿羶DAVID PALMER: This is outrageous. This debate is not a court of law, nor is it a tabloid paper.
@?A?pf a band of cloth that is twisted tightly around an injured arm or leg to stop it bleeding
C.N.a drug that contains opium. Opiates can be used to reduce severe pain and help people to sleep.
Adj.making someone less eager or willing to do their job?Tasks that do not challenge you can be very demotivating.
Vi. [formal]to change your attitude and become less strict or cruel towards someonesynonym give in?At last her father relented and came to visit her.
U.N. (the art of producing beautiful writing using special pens or brushes, or the writing produced this way
N.a new interest in something, especially a particular form of art, music etc, that has not been popular for a long periodrenaissance in?a renaissance in wood carving over the last few years
C.N. @?A(kt?)7w? the removal of cells, tissue etc from someone's body in order to find out more about a disease they may have?a breast biopsy
run-on sentence
C.N. [especially American English] a sentence that has two main clauses without connecting words or correct punctuation
U.N.something that is said or written that is silly or does not mean anything?Don't talk such drivel!
Adj. [formal]relating to the relationship of a son or daughter to their parents?her filial duty
C.N.a long and complicated series of events, or a description of this?The whole saga began back in May.saga of?She launched into the saga of her on-off engagement.
bank (Vi.)
if a plane, motorcycle, or car banks, it slopes to one side when turning?The plane banked, and circled back toward us.[24] CTU?X-?Jack罈織$7? CHLOE O'BRIAN: They're feeding us the stream now Chase. I'm sending it to you. He just banked, he's heading west towards downtown.
Adv.in a friendly but polite and formal way?You are cordially invited to our wedding on May 9.
Vt.to express strong disapproval of someone or something, especially in public?Amnesty International denounced the failure by the authorities to take action.denounce somebody/something as something?He denounced the election as a farce.
Adj. [formal]having no definite shape or features?an amorphous mass of twisted metal
descend/sink to somebody's level
to behave as badly as someone?If you hit him back, you'll only be descending to his level.[24] Anne?=?(籀??X?3:?:DAVID PALMER: You don't have to apologize for anything. We didn't sink to their level.
sit/be on the fence
&gt;vnto avoid saying which side of an argument you support [24] WAYNE PALMER: Well, I'm not going to lie to you, we got hit hard. Voters who were on the fence may have just fallen into Keeler's camp.
bedside manner
?O=繭礙織{?Dr. Green has a good bedside manner.l??O=繭礙{??72
Adj.not necessary or important and so easy to get rid of?Part-time workers are considered dispensable
C.N. [formal] something that happened or existed before something else and influenced its developmentprecursor of/to?a precursor of modern jazz
Adj. [literary]wearing a particular kind of clothingclad in?She felt hot, despite being clad only in a thin cotton dress.warmly/suitably/scantily clad (=dressed warmly etc)罈: The groups say many of the doctors and nurses were clad in expensive brand-name clothing, proving they are not as poor as they claim to be.
禱簸a small brown bird, very common in many parts of the world
"C.N. Fs"""
Adj. [formal]a reciprocal arrangement or relationship is one in which two people or groups do or give the same things to each other?He spoke of the necessity for a reciprocal relationship that would be useful for all sides. ?Such treaties provide reciprocal rights and obligations.
1. *(0^b穫??) a small sea animal with a hard shell that sticks firmly to rocks and the bottom of boats
Adj.not caring that other people are suffering?We were shocked at the callous disregard for human life. ?a callous attitude ?the callous slaughter of seals
N. [literary]羅?the fount of all knowledge/wisdom etcthe place, person, idea etc that all knowledge, wisdom etc comes from
Adj.fairly fat and heavy, or having a thick body?a short, stout man
N. [medical] p5a liquid containing substances that fight infection or poison, that is put into a sick person's blood
U.N.freedom to do things in the way you want toleeway in?The government does not have much leeway in foreign policy.leeway to do something?Try to give teenagers more leeway to make their own decisions.
C.N. 瓣d;F a large tool that you use for breaking up the ground. It consists of a curved iron bar with a sharp point on each end and a long handle
Vt. [formal]to say what your opinion is about somethingopine that?The headmistress opined that the trip would make a nice change.
N. ?穡簫
Adj. ?穡織showing a lot of knowledge based on careful studysynonym learned
barge (n.)
C.N. a large low boat with a flat bottom, used for carrying goods on a canal or river
principal (adj.)
Adj. most importantsynonym main?His principal reason for making the journey was to visit his family.?Teaching is her principal source of income.
N. [technical]when something is restricted or prevented from happening or developing?a marked inhibition of cell growth
U.N. [technical or literary]a soft shining light?The moonlight gave everything a strange luminescence.癟y
C.N.a strong fort (=small castle) built in the past as a place where people could go for safety if their city was attackedsynonym fortress
N. an explosive for firing a bullet or rocket
C.N. 禮a large common black and white sea bird that lives near the seasynonym seagull
the raised part of your foot between your toes and your ankle 瞿羹
the tropics
the hottest part of the world, which is around the equator 獺f?plant species found in the tropics
V.to look at someone or something for a long time, giving it all your attention, often without realizing you are doing sosynonym staregaze into/at etc?Nell was still gazing out of the window.?Patrick sat gazing into space (=looking straight in front, not at any particular person or thing) .
betel nut
V.to drink a liquid while making a noisy sucking sound
Vt. [formal] to take or collect something, especially information or support?The party garnered 70 percent of the vote.
Adj. 8@織produced by combining different artificial substances, rather than being naturally produced?synthetic chemicals synthetic fibres/materials/fabrics
charter (v.)
to say officially that a town, organization, or university officially exists and has special rights
Vt. to supply land or crops with water ??
cactus ( 礙翹)織7穡
Adj.relating to serious study of a particular subject?a scholarly journal
Adj.relating to the sky or heaven?celestial bodies (=the sun, moon, stars etc)
N. 簫?a grey metal made by mixing lead and tin?a pewter plate
U.N. 穡na style of art, literature etc that is simple, regular, and does not show strong emotions
N.a set of beliefs that form an important part of a religion or system of ideas?traditional doctrines of divine power ?Marxist doctrine
N.1. a state in which someone is delirious, especially because they are very ill?Before she died she had fits of delirium.2.extreme excitement
U.N. 'a poisonous yellowish chemical substance that starts to burn when it is in the air, and shines in the dark. It is a chemical element: symbol P
U.N.soil made of decayed plants, leaves etc which is good for growing plants
C.N. 瞻?a book produced each year containing information about a particular subject, especially a sport, or important dates, times etc?a football almanac ?a nautical almanac
N. ??#a type of smooth hard stone that makes a small flame when you hit it with steel
capillary action
[technical] the force that makes a liquid rise up a narrow tube `?X
U.N. #?a soft black substance that is a kind of carbon, used in pencils, paints, and electrical equipment
V. &lt;穩if a seed germinates, or if it is germinated, it begins to growsynonym sprout
U.N.a smooth artificial cloth used for making clothes?a rayon shirt
U.N.strong woven material in narrow bands, used for supporting seats, holding things etc
C.N.a funny or romantic musical play in which some of the words are spoken and some are sung
Adj. 2o織;2羶織relating to or belonging to the government of a town or city?the municipal waste dump ?municipal elections
U.N.the scientific study of mysterious abilities that some people claim to have, such as knowing what will happen in the future
N. Vlspecial glasses with an upper part made for seeing things that are far away, and a lower part made for reading -Adj. bifocal
N.a pleasant smellsynonym scentfragrance of?the rich fragrance of a garden flower
U.N. ??a substance with a strong smell that is used to make perfume
N. dmusic that is played in the background at the same time as another instrument or singer that plays or sings the main tunepiano/orchestral/organ/guitar etc accompaniment ?He plays folk music with guitar accompaniment.
U.N. X?2?musical instruments made of wood or metal that you play by blowing and that usually have finger holes or keys?woodwind instruments such as the flute or saxophone
U.N. Ia colourless gas that is found in very small quantities in the air. It is a chemical element: symbol Xe
U.N. '?a hard shiny white substance that is used for making expensive plates, cups etc?a porcelain vase
U.N. 礙&lt;'Oa type of white clay used in medicine
Adj. 藩璽織a thick liquid produced in parts of your body such as your nose
C.N. a camel with one hump on its back
N. `the way a surface or material feels when you touch it, especially how smooth or rough it issmooth/silky/rough etc texture ?the smooth texture of silk?a designer who experiments with different colours and textures
Vt. [formal] to go beyond the usual limits of something?The desire for peace transcended political differences.
Adj.late-breaking news concerns events that happen just before a news broadcast or just before a newspaper is printed
V. [technical] if a substance leaches or is leached from a larger mass such as the soil, it is removed from it by water passing through the larger mass?The manufacturers say that there is no danger of the aluminium leaching into the water.
Vt.1.to get back an amount of money that you have paidsynonym claim back?You may be entitled to reclaim some tax.2.to make an area of desert, wet land etc suitable for farming or building?Large areas of land will be reclaimed for a new airport.
C.N. ?w羅a natural spring that sends hot water and steam suddenly into the air from a hole in the ground
V, N. &gt;^if a part of the body atrophies or is atrophied, it becomes weak because of lack of use or lack of blood?therapy to prevent the leg muscles from atrophying
C.N. (Hf)k竅?the most important spring in a watch or clock
V.to decorate cloth by sewing a pattern, picture, or words on it with coloured threadsembroider something with something?The dress was embroidered with flowers.embroider something on something?A colourful design was embroidered on the sleeve of the shirt.?a richly embroidered jacket
U.N. ??Pthe material that the cell walls of plants are made of and that is used to make plastics, paper etc
Adj.not living?an inanimate object
flounder (n.)
?, 8
Adj. N. [especially American English] 1.relating to illegal drugs?narcotic addiction2.a narcotic drug takes away pain or makes you sleep
U.N. 穠瓊the process by which mental and physical qualities are passed from a parent to a child before the child is born
U.N. Qo?k?the political belief that there should be no government and ordinary people should work together to improve society
C.N.a picture made by cutting a design into metal, putting ink on the metal, and then printing it
V.to cut lines on a metal plate, piece of glass, stone etc to form a picture or wordsetch on?a gravestone with three names etched on it?A laser is used to etch a pattern in the smooth surface of the disc.
Adj.an exorbitant price, amount of money etc is much higher than it should besynonym astronomicalexorbitant rent/prices etc ?exorbitant rates of interest
Vt. [written]to express hatred of someone or somethingsynonym hate?The President was now reviled by the same party he had helped to lead.
U.N.the feathers covering a bird's body?the parrot's brilliant blue plumage
liberal (adj)
Adj.willing to understand and respect other people's ideas, opinions, and feelings?a more liberal attitude towards sexuality ?I had quite liberal parents.
Vt. [formal]to obtain something, especially something that is difficult to getprocure something for somebody?He was accused of procuring weapons for terrorists.
leave somebody in the lurch
to leave someone at a time when you should stay and help them
V. WFto combine with oxygen, or make something combine with oxygen, especially in a way that causes rust
U.N. ?;?? waste matter from animals that is mixed with soil to improve the soil and help plants grow
Adj.a ship that is seaworthy is in a suitable condition to sail
N.1.穡?.2. [technical] a finger or toe
瓊 (Ni)
N. oan animal that is similar to a monkey but has no tail or only a very short tail
Adj. 1*f硒
weather (v)
V.if rock, wood, or someone's face is weathered by the wind, sun, rain etc, or if it weathers, it changes colour or shape over a period of time?The brick has weathered to a lovely pinky-brown. ?Her face was weathered by the sun.
N.the reappearance and growth of something that was common in the pastresurgence of?There has been a resurgence of interest in religion over the last ten years.resurgence in?a resurgence in the popularity of 60s music
in lockstep
[American English] in exactly the same way or at the same rate
U.N.the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area?the deforestation of the tropics
C.N. [technical] Z簫 ?a small dark area on the sun's surface
N.the process of spreading things over a wide area or in different directions?the role of birds in the dispersal of seeds
N.the act of asking someone for money, help, or information
N.a natural substance that makes skin, hair, plants etc a particular colour?Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin and eyes. ?The artist Sandy Lee uses natural pigments in her work.
U.N.the condition of only just having enough money or food to stay alive?Many of the families are forced to live at the subsistence level. ?The land provided subsistence and little more.
C.N. 瓣3a large meal where a lot of people celebrate a special occasion?a wedding feast ?The king promised to hold a great feast for all his people.
Adj.an inhospitable place is difficult to live or stay in because the weather conditions are unpleasant or there is no shelter?an inhospitable climate ?He trekked across some of the most inhospitable terrain in the world.
Adj. [written]irreparable damage, harm etc is so bad that it can never be repaired or made better?Extensive mining will cause irreparable damage to the area.
Adj.happening or existing in some areas but not in others?patchy fog
Adj. [formal] if something is preordained, it is certain to happen in the future because God or fate has decided it?Is everything we do preordained?
V.to walk or travel, usually for a long time, with no clear purpose or directionroam over/around/about etc?The dogs are allowed to roam around.?Chickens and geese roam freely in the back yard.
Adv.quickly and easily?Boats are readily available to visitors. ?The information is readily accessible on the Internet.
C.N.someone's performance of a play, piece of music etcsynonym renditionrendering of?a spirited rendering of the national anthem
Vt. [formal] to guess that something is true, using the information you know alreadysurmise that?When he came in, he didn't look up, so she surmised that he was in a bad mood.
U.N. [formal]food that people or animals need in order to live?Without sustenance, the animals will soon die. ?Potatoes were their only means of sustenance.
C.N.someone who is watching an event or game?The match attracted over 40,000 spectators.
Vt. [formal]to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do itundertake a task/a project/research/a study etc ?Dr Johnson undertook the task of writing a comprehensive English dictionary.
N. [plural] [formal] =uncertainties unexpected changes in a situation or someone's behaviour, that you cannot control but which have an effect on your lifevagaries of?the vagaries of the English weather
warrant (v)
Vt.to need or deserve?This tiny crowd does not warrant such a large police presence. warrant attention/consideration etc ?Another area that warrants attention is that of funding for universities.
Adj.not based on facts or reasonopposite well-founded?Fortunately my suspicions proved groundless .?Mr Kay's lawyer said the accusations were groundless.
Adj.unfounded statements, feelings, opinions etc are wrong because they are not based on factsunfounded rumours/claims/allegations etc ?Unfounded rumours began circulating that Ian and Susan were having an affair. prove (to be) unfounded ?Sadly, my optimism proved unfounded.
Adj.very great or noticeable?a pronounced Polish accent ?This disability is more pronounced in men.
Adj. =calmvery calm or peaceful?The child's face was serene and beautiful. ?a serene mountain lake
N.a particular type of land?rocky terrain
Adj.of better quality and more expensive than other things of the same type?a deluxe hotel ?The deluxe model costs a lot more.
Vt.to produce a strong feeling or memory in someone?The photographs evoked strong memories of our holidays in France. ?His appearance is bound to evoke sympathy. ?Her speech evoked a hostile response.
N.the time at the beginning of the day when light first appearssynonym daybreakat dawn?The first boats set off at dawn.?When dawn broke (=the first light of the day appeared) , we were still 50 miles from Calcutta.
erect (v.)
Vt. [formal] to build something such as a building or wall?an imposing town hall, erected in 1892 ?Police have erected barriers across the main roads into the town.
collect call
C.N. [American English]a telephone call paid for by the person who receives it
lost cause
something that has no chance of succeeding ?Q?織罈?Trying to interest my son in classical music is a lost cause.
be up to your ears in work/debt/problems etc
to have a lot of work etc
Scotch tape
act up
[phrasal verb]1. if children act up, they behave badly?He's a tough kid and he acts up a lot.2.if a machine or part of your body acts up, it does not work properly?The computer is acting up again.
back up (?J)
if traffic backs up, it forms a long line of vehicles that cannot move?The traffic was starting to back up in both directions.
bathing suit
C.N. [old-fashioned]a swimsuit
in/into a tailspin
in or into a bad situation that keeps getting worse in a way that you cannot control?Raising interest rates could send the economy into a tailspin .
Adj. [formal]intended to be useful and practical rather than attractive or comfortable?ugly utilitarian buildings
C.N. [formal]a container for putting things in?a trash receptacle
Adj. [American English] good only in some parts, but not in other parts
Vt. 0羶to make a liquid weaker by adding water or another liquid?diluted fruit juicedilute something with/in something?Dilute the paint with a little oil.
N. [formal] a clear and detailed explanationexposition of?a lucid exposition of educational theories
N. ??n?疆someone who uses impressionism in the paintings or music that they produce?impressionist painters
U.N. @FA#za chemical that turns red when it touches acid, and blue when it touches an alkali
Adj. (?礎y)$?繡織a liquid, usually milk, that is pasteurized has been heated using a special process in order to kill any harmful bacteria in it
C.N. 小腦 the bottom part of your brain that controls your muscles
be on the edge
[informal]to be behaving in a way that makes it seem as if you are going crazy
tide somebody over (something)
[phrasal verb]to help someone through a difficult period, especially by lending them money?Could you lend me 瞽G10 to tide me over till next week?
N.a difference between two amounts, details, reports etc that should be the samediscrepancy in?Police found discrepancies in the two men's reports.discrepancy between?There is a large discrepancy between the ideal image of motherhood and the reality.
out of earshot
not near enough to hear what someone is saying?I waited for her to get out of earshot before laughing.
be particular about
very careful about choosing exactly what you like and not easily satisfiedsynonym fussy?Marty's very particular about his food.
benefit concert/performance/match
x織?Da concert, performance etc arranged to make money for charity?a benefit concert for famine relief
terminal (n.)
C.N.a big building where people wait to get onto planes, buses, or ships, or where goods are loaded?the airport's passenger terminal ferry/bus terminal
U.N.the level of business activity at which a company is making neither a profit nor a loss(the) breakeven point/level ?The firm should reach breakeven point after one year.
burn somebody up
[American English informal] to make someone very angry?The way he treats her really burns me up.
by leaps and bounds/in leaps and bounds
[British English] if someone or something increases, develops etc by leaps and bounds, they increase etc very quickly?Julie's reading is improving in leaps and bounds.
C.N.a performance of a play or film in the afternoon
save (for)
[formal]except?She answered all the questions save one.save that?Little is known about his early life, save that he had a brother.
Adj. =impressivelarge, impressive, and appearing important?an imposing building ?He's a tall, quietly spoken, but imposing figure.
V.1. to help a skill, feeling, idea etc develop over a period of timesynonym encourage, promote?The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.2. to take someone else's child into your family for a period of time but without becoming their legal parent?The couple wanted to adopt a black child they had been fostering.
Adj. = plentifulexisting or being produced in large quantities?He could drink copious amounts of beer without ill effect. ?She listened to me and took copious notes .
N. =advantageaction that is quickest or most effective in a particular situation, even if it is morally wrong?These are not politics of honest principle; they are politics of political expediency .
Adj. = vulnerable likely to suffer from a particular illness or be affected by a particular problemsusceptible to?Older people are more susceptible to infections. ?Soil on the mountain slopes is very susceptible to erosion.
C.N. [American English] the amount of money that you have, or your ability to pay for things?The aim was to provide a car for every age and pocketbook . ?Older voters are most concerned about pocketbook issues (=that concern money) .
Adj. belonging to the earliest time in the existence of the universe or the Earth
Adj. = abundant produced or existing in large quantities?He made profuse apologies . ?Profuse sweating is one of the symptoms of heat exhaustion.
be seething (with something)
if a place is seething with people, insects etc, there are a lot of them all moving quickly in different directions?The cellar was seething with spiders.
V.to become gradually narrower towards one end, or to make something become narrower at one endtaper to?His wide chest tapers to a small waist.
C.N.a large area of land?vast tracts of woodland
Adj. =chaoticfull of activity, confusion, or violence?the tumultuous years of the Civil War
Adj. }?織 avant-garde music, literature etc is extremely modern and often seems strange or slightly shocking?an avant-garde play
Adj.not covered by clothessynonym naked?a ragged child with bare feet?She felt the sun warm on her bare arms.
U.N.movement or the ability to move
Adj. [informal]if someone's behaviour is gutsy, it is brave and determined?It was a gutsy performance by McTaggart.
Adj. not afraid of taking risks and making difficult decisions?In a surprisingly bold move , he is threatening court action against the company. ?My aunt Flo was a bold determined woman. ?He had the ability to take bold imaginative decisions.
Vt. = obtain to get or achieve something that will be permanent, especially after a lot of effort?Boyd's goal secured his team's place in the Cup Final. secure a deal/contract ?The company recently secured a $20 million contract with Ford.
V.1. to say words for someone else to write down 簪簫dictate a letter/memo etc to somebody?She's dictating a letter to her secretary right now.3. to control or influence somethingsynonym determinedictate what/how etc?Funds dictate what we can do.
harness (v.)
Vt.to control and use the natural force or power of something?We can harness the power of the wind to generate electricity.
Adj.extremely worried and frightened about a situation, so that you cannot control your feelingsget/become frantic ?There was still no news of Jill, and her parents were getting frantic.
Adj. = meltedmolten metal or rock has been made into a liquid by being heated to a very high temperature?molten iron molten lava (=liquid rock from a volcano)
Adj. =questionable things that are debatable are not certain because people have different opinions about them?a debatable point
Vt.to attack a place for a long time using large weapons, bombs etc?I had been in action bombarding the Normandy coast.
piece (v.)
V.to put all the separate parts of an object into the correct order or position?He slowly pieced together the torn fragments of a letter.
trumpet (v.)
Vt. =praiseto tell everyone about something that you are proud of, especially in an annoying way?They are proudly trumpeting the fact that they are creating more jobs.
Adj. [formal]with an equally strong but opposite effect
Adj.feeling very happy and excited?Scientists are euphoric at the success of the test.
N. =bill of lading [technical] a list of the goods being carried, especially on a ship
V.if someone scatters a lot of things, or if they scatter, they are thrown or dropped over a wide area in an irregular wayscatter (something) over/around/across etc something?Scatter the onions over the fish. ?The flowers fell and scattered on the ground.
V.to become or make something become smaller or lesssynonym reduce?The party's share of the electorate has diminished steadily.?These drugs diminish blood flow to the brain.
N. [formal]something that must be done, and which is stated as part of an agreement, law, or rulestipulation that?The agreement included a stipulation that half of the money had to be spent on housing for lower-income families.
Vi.to disappear suddenly, especially in a way that cannot be easily explained?My keys were here a minute ago but now they've vanished. vanish without (a) trace/vanish off the face of the earth (=disappear so that no sign remains)
Adj.using money, time, goods etc carefully and without wasting any?A small car is more economical to run. ?good-quality clothes at economical prices
Adj. 簧瞻0%織
"C.N. $""a piece of music with three or four parts that is written for a piano, or for a piano and another instrument?a piano sonata"
V. to make someone have a particular feeling, thought etc again [= reawaken]:
Adj.2.[only before noun] biblical existing in or belonging to heaven?God's heavenly kingdom heavenly Father (=God)the Heavenly Host (=all the angels)3. [literary] existing in or relating to the sky or stars?heavenly bodies (=the moon,planets and stars)
U.N. n簪;?8簪 a material made of several thin layers of wood that are stuck together to form a strong board
C.N.a large bowl-shaped container for liquids or food?Fill the basin with the cake mixture.
as a (general) rule
something that is normal or usually true 0\繞?&lt;Jh?As a general rule most students finish their coursework by the end of May.
have come a long way
to have made a lot of progress?Computer technology has come a long way since the 1970s.
make/stage a comeback
if a person, activity, style etc makes a comeback, they become popular again after being unpopular for a long time?The miniskirt made a comeback in the late 1980s.
C.N.a person or company that makes money by buying land and then building houses, factories etc on it?a Florida property developer
Adj. [informal] 疆獺織muggy weather is unpleasantly warm and the air seems wetsynonym humid
in no time (at all)/in next to no time
very quickly or soon?We'll be there in no time.
can't make head or/nor tail of something
[informal] to be completely unable to understand something
dirt cheap
Adj. [informal]extremely cheap?Such cheap goods obviously rely on dirt cheap labor. ?I got these shoes dirt cheap.
bowa knot of cloth or string with a curved part on either side, and two loose ends, worn in the hair as decoration or for tying shoelaces?Ella wore a bow in her hair.in a bow?long chestnut hair tied back in a bow
Adj.happening in or relating to the countryside, not the cityopposite urban?a rural settingrural bus routes
U.N.skill at inventing things and thinking of new ideas
Adj.very large, solid, and heavy?The bell is massive, weighing over 40 tons. ?the castle's massive walls
Adj. [technical]relating to the Earth rather than to the moon or other planets
C.N. Psomeone who does skilled work, making things with their handssynonym craftsman
draw the line (at something)
to allow or accept something up to a particular point, but not beyond it?I don't mind doing some gardening but I draw the line at digging.
V. to move unsteadily from side to side, or make something do this:
Vi.to stand or walk moving from side to side, as if you are going to fall?She teetered along in her high-heeled shoes.
be/get carried away
to be so excited, angry, interested etc that you are no longer really in control of what you do or say, or you forget everything else?It's easy to get carried away when you can do so much with the graphics software. ?I just got carried away because it was such fun.
Vt.to sell goods or a service at a lower price than another companysynonym undersell?Online bookstores can undercut retailers by up to 30%.
the flowering of something
[formal] when something develops in a very successful way?The nineteenth century saw a flowering of science and technology.
U.N. ?禱a plant with blue flowers, used for making cloth and oil
C.N.something good to eat that is expensive or rare?Snails are considered a delicacy in France.
blurt something ? out
[phrasal verb]to say something suddenly and without thinking, usually because you are nervous or excited?Peter blurted the news out before we could stop him.
save something for a rainy day
to save something, especially money, for a time when you will need it
make yourself scarce
[informal] to leave a place, especially in order to avoid an unpleasant situation?I decided it was time to make myself scarce.
be falling apart
to be in very bad condition?Tommy's old bicycle was rusty and falling apart.
Adj. [informal]difficult to imagine and very big, strange, or complicated?a problem of mind-boggling complexity
fair (n.)
C.N. [American English] v簽?穩3an outdoor event, at which there are large machines to ride on, games to play, and sometimes farm animals being judged and soldstate/county fair
N. something that makes your life difficult or unpleasant, especially a lack of money, or the condition of having a difficult life?an economic policy that caused great hardship for many people ?Many students are suffering severe financial hardship .hardship of?the hardships of war
C.N.an area where people live which is away from the centre of a town or city?a London suburbsuburb of?a suburb of Los Angeles
Adj. 臘2織relating to towns and citiesopposite rural?unemployment in urban areas ?the deprived sections of the urban population
Adj. temperate climate/zone/region etc?a type of weather or a part of the world that is never very hot or very cold
C.N. tthe hard foot of an animal such as a horse, cow etc
faint (adj.)
Adj.difficult to see, hear, smell etc?She gave a faint smile. ?a very faint noise ?the faint light of dawn
glaze (n.)
N 羅?a liquid that is used to cover plates, cups etc made of clay to give them a shiny surface
every so often
N. &gt;禱an expression that describes something by comparing it with something else, using the words 'as' or 'like', for example 'as white as snow'
fall back on somebody/something
[phrasal verb]to use something or depend on someone's help when dealing with a difficult situation, especially after other methods have failed
be few and far between
to be rare?Jobs are few and far between at the moment.
Adj.dark with clouds?a chilly overcast day ?The sky was overcast and a light rain began to fall.
get off the ground
to start to be successful?Her show never really got off the ground in the UK.
N. O疇 a mixture of flour and water ready to be baked into bread, pastry etc
V.瞿8?Dto do something without any preparation, because you are forced to do this by unexpected events?I forgot to bring my notes, so I had to improvise.
stained glass
N. ?瞽禱糧glass of different colours used for making pictures and patterns in windows, especially in a church?stained glass windows
"N. @6A"""
N. Y繚*;S?*
@YA?the shining circle of light seen around the sun when the moon passes in front of it in an eclipse
U.N. [technical] @?A=q the movement in a gas or liquid caused by warm gas or liquid rising, and cold gas or liquid sinking
Adj.very plain in appearance, with little or no colour or decoration?In the cold dawn light, the castle looked stark and forbidding. ?the stark beauty of New Mexico
C.N. C#;?瞼#a small round stone set in the ground, especially in the past, to make a hard surface for a road
C.N. one of a pair of very long pointed teeth, that stick out of the mouth of animals such as elephants
C.N. @AO?P
plume (n.)
C.N.a large feather or bunch of feathers, especially one that is used as a decoration on a hat
orchestra section/seats
[American English] the area of seats in a theatre close to and on the same level as the stage
second hand (n.)

C.N.a statement that is not strong enough to express how good, bad, impressive etc something really is?To say the movie was bad is an understatement . ?'It wasn't very easy to find the house.' 'That's got to be the understatement of the year !'
fill somebody ? in (on)
to tell someone about recent events, especially because they have been away from a place?I think you'd better fill me in on what's been happening.
slip (n.)
C.N.a small or narrow piece of paper?a slip of paper ?an order slip?a betting slip
Adj. 繡?織 having fallen to the bottom of the sea, a lake, or a river?the wrecks of sunken ships s?unken treasure
U.N. ?hO?
Adj. [literary]dull and making you feel sad or bored?the same old dreary routine ?a dreary winter's day
U.N.a system of exchanging goods and services for other goods and services rather than using money? Trading was carried out under a barter system.
a room in a school or other institution where people can get medical treatment ? ?
N. h#balso swim/swimming trunks[plural] a piece of clothing like very short trousers, worn by men for swimming
N.2.food and drink in general?We worked all day without refreshment.liquid refreshment (=alcoholic drink - used humorously) ?I was in need of some liquid refreshment.3. the experience of being made to feel less tired or hot
be getting somewhere
to be making progress?At last I feel we're getting somewhere.
trip (v.)
V.to hit something with your foot by accident so that you fall or almost fallsynonym stumble?He tripped and fell .trip over?Clary tripped over a cable and broke his foot.trip on?He tripped on the bottom step.
beat about/around the bush
to avoid or delay talking about something embarrassing or unpleasant?Don't beat around the bush. Ask for your account to be paid, and paid quickly.
bite off more than you can chew
to try to do more than you are able to do
you're telling me
[spoken] used to emphasize that you already know and agree with something that someone has just saidI'He's such a pain to live with.' 'You're telling me!'
by and by
[old use] soon?She will be better by and by.
run out of steam
also lose steamto no longer have the energy or the desire to continue doing something, especially because you are tired?I usually just let her yell until she runs out of steam.
Adj. [American English informal] very tiredsynonym exhausted?I was really pooped by the end of the day.
N. [informal]an extremely hot day?It was a scorcher of a day.
in the pink
[old-fashioned]in very good health
be on the mend
to be getting better after an illness or after a difficult period?He's had flu, but he's on the mend. ?signs that the economy is on the mend
簽?a painting made on a wall while the plaster is still wet
mobile (n.)
k?It was Alexander Calder who originated the mobiles.k?_?禮癒WW3n癟?瞼織2
room and board
U.N.a room to sleep in, with food provided?You'll receive free room and board with the job.
V. ?to block something or become blocked?tourists whose cars clog the roads each summerclog with?Over many years, the pipes had got clogged up with grease.
like peas and carrots
take your medicine (like a man)
to accept an unpleasant situation or a punishment that you deserve, without complaining
take after somebody
[phrasal verb]to look or behave like an older relative?Jenni really takes after her mother.
N. V.half-frozen rain that falls when it is very cold?scattered sleet and snow showers
Vi. wAto smile in an unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased by someone else's bad luck or think you are better than other peopleThe boys tried not to smirk.smirk at?What are you smirking at?
smile/grin etc from ear to ear
to show that you are very happy or pleased by smiling a lot?She came out of his office, beaming from ear to ear.
Vi.to laugh quietly in a high voice, especially because you are nervous?At the word 'breast', some of the class tittered.
N. 繒Ov?a small coloured stick for drawing pictures with, made of a substance like chalk
V. 瞻*if you squirt liquid or if it squirts somewhere, it is forced out in a thin fast streamsquirt out/from/into?Water suddenly squirted out from a hole in the pipe.squirt something into/through something?Squirt some oil in the lock.
U.N. M?;藩矇 a black sticky substance that becomes hard when it dries, used for making the surface of roads
C.N.a lot of something that is produced suddenlyoutpouring of?an outpouring of creative energy
U.N. 藩 ;藩W
"Pluto \?;&lt;Z簫+0?織
U.N. hu羸O(?) a layer of soil that is always frozen in countries where it is very cold
Adj.plants that are lush grow many leaves and look healthy and strong?a lush green mountainous island ?The fields were lush with grass and flowers.
C.N. 簞FR
Adj.a place that is desolate is empty and looks sad because there are no people there?a desolate landscape
V. [?to remove dead cells from your skin in order to make it smoother
crop up
[phrasal verb]if a problem crops up, it happens or appears suddenly and in an unexpected waysynonym arise
Adj.feeling tired and not interested in things?The heat was making me listless.
U.N. [formal]lack of skill?the ineptitude of the people in charge
Get a grip
[spoken] used in order to tell someone to control their emotions?For God's sake get a grip!
V. to get better again after an illness or injurysynonym recoverrecuperate from?Coles is recuperating from a sprained ankle.
C.N.1. the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet2.an area of low land where a river spreads into many smaller rivers near the sea 9b?the Nile delta
C.N. ?0礙,??, 6礙 someone who arranges sales or business agreements for other people?a real estate broker
ring a bell
[informal] if something rings a bell, it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is?Her name rings a bell but I can't remember her face.
down the line
[informal] later, after an activity or situation has been continuing for a period of time?There may be more costs further down the line. ?Now, three years down the line, we're beginning to see the problems with the treatment.
C.N. [technical]something that causes disease in your body
Adj.showing intelligence and a clear understanding of somethingincisive remarks/criticism etc ?Her questions were well-formulated and incisive.?The error was obvious to an incisive mind like his.
out of the picture
if someone is out of the picture, they are no longer involved in a situation?Injury has effectively put Woods out of the picture as far as international matches are concerned.
U.N. 籀? a medical condition in which you have bad pains in your chest because your heart is weak
beg the question
a) to make you want to ask a question that has not yet been answeredbeg the question of?This proposal begs the question of who is going to pay for the new building.b) to treat an idea as though it were true or had been proved, when this may not be the case
Adj. ]J織&lt;]y;?織a) an intermediate class, course etc is at a level of knowledge or skill that is between the basic level and the advanced level?a book aimed at students at the intermediate level and aboveb) intermediate students, sports players etc have reached a level of knowledge or skill that is between the basic level and the advanced level?intermediate learners of English
Adj. [only after noun]in large amounts or numbers?bargains galore in the sales罈: There are options galore, and modifier strings to specially format many different types of values.
go along with somebody/something
[phrasal verb]to agree with or support someone or something?I would be happy to go along with the idea. ?Often it was easier to go along with her rather than risk an argument.
Vt.to attract someone very much, and hold their attentionbe captivated by somebody/something?He was captivated by her beauty.
Vi.if someone languishes somewhere, they are forced to remain in a place where they are unhappylanguish in?Shaw languished in jail for fifteen years.
string somebody along
to deceive someone for a long time by making them believe that you will help them, that you love them etc?He's just stringing you along.
abstract (v.)
Vt. 1.to write a document containing the most important ideas or points from a speech, article etc2.[formal] to remove something from somewhere [24]籀?:?m癒?簫yJohn Keeler: You abstracted the investigation of a Capital crime.
U.N. [formal]involvement in a crime, together with other peoplecomplicity in?Jennings denied complicity in the murder.
Adj. [only before noun]a face-saving action or arrangement prevents you from losing other people's respect?a face-saving compromise
bully (v)
Vt.to threaten to hurt someone or frighten them, especially someone smaller or weaker
not have a prayer (of doing something)
[informal] to have no chance of succeeding?He tried hard, but he didn't have a prayer. They don't have a prayer of winning.
Adj. tinted glass is coloured, rather than completely transparent
C.N. [informal]grandmother
U.N. 繪??a thick strong cotton cloth with thin raised lines on it, used for making clothes?a corduroy jacket
Adj.very sad?The music suited her melancholy mood.[Joey]=?織瞿M癒[ Sara: Yeah. That one I took in Burma. That little girl was selling gum on the street, Her eyes were so melancholy, yet so full of hope.
Adj. [informal]having a lot of courage, energy, or determination?a spunky performance ?a spunky heroine
Fjigsaw puzzle,F
one-armed bandit
C.N. 3?1~a machine with a long handle, into which you put money in order to try to win more moneysynonym slot machine
eclipse (v.)
Vt. to become more important, powerful, famous etc than someone or something else, so that they are no longer noticed?The economy had eclipsed the environment as an election issue.[罈] Since June 2000, format bugs have eclipsed buffer overflow vulnerabilities for the most common form of remote penetration vulnerability.
Vi. qd1.to produce more saliva in your mouth than usual, especially because you see or smell food2.to look at or show interest in something or someone in a way that shows you like or want them very much - used to show disapprovalsalivate at/over?The media are salivating over the story.
Adj.slightly fat in a fairly pleasant way - used especially about women or children, often to avoid saying the word fat?The nurse was a cheerful plump woman. ?The baby's nice and plump.
cub reporter
C.N. M*5織??H5a young newspaper or television reporter without much experience
Adj.causing a lot of argument and disagreement between peoplecontentious issue/area/subject etc ?Animal welfare did not become a contentious issue until the late 1970s.
Adj.made or done cheaply or carelesslyshoddy goods/service/workmanship etc ?We're not paying good money for shoddy goods.罈: the difference between quality and shoddy work
Vt.if insects, rats etc infest a place, there are a lot of them and they usually cause damagebe infested with something?The kitchen was infested with cockroaches.shark-infested/rat-infested etc ?shark-infested waters
Adj.a civilized society is well organized and developed, and has fair laws and customs?Such things should not be allowed to happen in a civilized society.
C.N. j0a long knife that is fixed to the end of a rifle (=long gun)
private (n.)
C.N. a soldier of the lowest rank
Adj.completely dark?Outside it was pitch-dark and pouring with rain.
C.N.a small container in which water or other drink is carried by soldiers, travellers etc
Vt.to turn something over so that it is upside down
C.N.a toilet that is outdoors in a camp or military area
U.N.goods that are brought into a country illegally, especially to avoid tax?a cargo of contraband
Adj. [technical]intended to prevent disease?prophylactic antibiotics
mess (n.) [羸]
C.N. a room in which members of the army, navy etc eat and drink together?We had lunch in the officers' mess .
sound off
[phrasal verb] [American English] if soldiers sound off, they shout out numbers or their names to show that they are there
N. 羸罈?a court that judges soldiers etc who may have broken military law, or an occasion when this judgment is made?Navy commanders recommended that he be tried by court-martial.
N. ?疇?=5
C.N.a legal agreement in which someone promises to pay a person or organization an amount of money regularly
V.to guess about the possible causes or effects of something, without knowing all the facts or details?She refused to speculate.speculate on/about (why/what etc)?Jones refused to speculate about what might happen.speculate that?Some analysts speculated that jobs will be lost.
C.N. 羸1.a group of soldiers living in a town or fort and defending it?The garrison was called out when news of the enemy's advance was received. ?a garrison town2.the buildings where a garrison of soldiers live
brass knuckles
Vt. [literary]to eagerly and anxiously ask someone for somethingsynonym beg
keep your eyes peeled/skinned
[spoken] to watch carefully and continuously for somethingkeep your eyes peeled/skinned for?She stumbled along, keeping her eyes peeled for a phone box.[BoB] ?禮翹瞼': Keep your eyes peeled for buidings, farmhouses, bridges, roads, trees.
Vi. N. (?)f
N. [American English informal]the right to have, use, or do something?Freshmen have first dibs on dormitory rooms.
battery [羸]
[countable] several large guns used together?an anti-aircraft battery
N.strong-smelling gas or smoke that is unpleasant to breathe in?paint fumes
U.N. [especially American English] a period of time when a doctor receives special training in a particular type of medicine, especially at a hospital
air pocket
C.N.a current of air that makes a plane suddenly move down
C.N. Q+f竅? a radio that can send and receive messages
Adj. [written]extremely largesynonym gigantic?a meal of gargantuan proportions?gargantuan task
C.Na long and difficult journey, made especially on foot as an adventuresynonym hike?a lonely trek through the forest
magazine [羸]
C.N. (羸:織)x9the part of a gun that holds the bullets
down under
[informal] in or to Australia or New Zealand
rat somebody ? out
if someone rats you out, they are disloyal to you, especially by telling someone in authority about something wrong that you have done?You can't rat out your teammates.
one of a kind
the only one of a particular type of thing ?穢織?Each plate is handpainted and one of a kind.
Vt.to make a hole or holes in something?A broken rib had perforated her lung.
Adj.bad-tempered and unfriendlysynonym sullen?a surly teenager
N. formala particular type of character which makes someone likely to behave or react in a certain waysynonym temperamentof a nervous/sociable/sensitive etc disposition (=having a nervous etc character) ?The film is not suitable for people of a nervous disposition. have a cheerful/sunny etc disposition (=have a happy character)
Vt. [formal] or [technical]to cut the organs out of a person's or animal's body
something is a go
[American English spoken] used to say that things are working correctly or that you have permission to do something?The trip to London is a go.
root something ? up
[phrasal verb]to dig or pull a plant up with its roots
Vi.if an animal or person wallows, it rolls around in mud, water etc for pleasure or to keep cool?hippos wallowing in the mud
television/sports/fresh-air etc fiend
N. ?礙someone who likes watching television, doing sports etc a lot, or more than is normalsynonym fanatic
Adj. [literary]famous and often mentioned in traditional storiessynonym legendary?the fabled Fountain of Youth
the outbackthe Australian countryside far away from cities, where few people live
fend for yourself
to look after yourself without needing help from other people?The kids had to fend for themselves while their parents were away.
C.N. ? a metal pin used to fasten pieces of metal together
V.if you scorch something, or if it scorches, its surface burns slightly and changes colour?The walls had been blackened and scorched by fire.
be big on something
[spoken]to like something very much?I'm not big on kids.
rub something ? in
[phrasal verb]to remind someone about something they want to forget, especially because they are embarrassed about it?Was he trying to rub in the fact that he didn't think much of me? ?I know I should have been more careful, but there's no need to keep rubbing it in .
lay somebody to rest
an expression meaning to bury someone, used when you want to avoid saying this directly?She was laid to rest beside her husband.
C.N. [old-fashioned] 獺獺??a man who has sex with many women, without intending to have any serious relationships
have somebody over
[phrasal verb]if you have someone over, they come to your house for a meal, drink etc because you have invited them?We must have you over for dinner before we leave.
wake (n.)
C.N.the time before or after a funeral when friends and relatives meet to remember the dead person
C.N. someone that you have persuaded to love you or to have sex with you - often used humorously?He boasts about his many conquests.
adj.angry and silent, especially because you feel life has been unfair to you?Bill sat in sullen silence and refused to eat his lunch. ?a look of sullen resentment
U.N. [literary]food or drink that tastes very good
Adj. [informal]feeling tired and anxious, for example after a journey or because you are very busy?The meeting left me feeling completely frazzled.
V. [informal]to get money or something you want by asking other people for it rather than by paying for it yourselfscrounge for?a group of children scrounging for foodscrounge something off/from somebody?I managed to scrounge some money off my dad.
C.N.someone in a hotel whose job is to help guests by telling them about places to visit, restaurants to eat in etc [LOST] Jack禱瓊b簧hhJACK: Did he rent a car from the concierge?
C.N.an elected law officer of a county in the US
a large car used to carry a dead body in a coffin at a funeral x繳
N.when someone has sex with a person who is not their wife, husband, or partner?marital infidelity
C.N. 1. an animal that eats flesh2. humorous someone who eats meat
Adj. [American English]continuing to do what you want, even after you have been told to stop - used to show disapproval?a wilful child
U.N (?I\)?-?
take a beating
to lose very badly in a game or competition?The Dodgers took a real beating on Saturday.[Desp Wife] NARRATOR: Round two was under way, and she was already taking a beating.
ingratiate yourself (with somebody)
to try very hard to get someone's approval - used to show disapproval?His policy is to ingratiate himself with anyone who might be useful to him.[Desp Wife] NARRATOR: Susan was furious at Edie for using a dog to ingratiate herself with its owner.
get off on the wrong foot
to start a job, relationship etc badly by making a mistake that annoys people
be without equal F have no equal
[formal]to be better than everyone or everything else of the same type?His paintings are without equal.
Vt. [formal]to spread an idea or belief to as many people as possible
Adj.showing a difficult or unpleasant situation as it really is?Billingham's pictures have a gritty realism which can be almost upsetting.
Adj.something that is axiomatic does not need to be proved because you can easily see that it is truesynonym self-evident
Adj.a thorny question/problem/issue etca question etc that is complicated and difficult?the thorny question of immigration policy
in your own right
used to say that you have something or achieve something on your own, without depending on other people?She's a very wealthy woman in her own right.
U.N.the way in which two people or things affect each otherinterplay of?the interplay of ideasinterplay between?the interplay between military and civilian populations
Adj.1 [formal] fitting together well2 [technical] congruent triangles are the same size and shape ?y織
Adj. Funderhandeddishonest and done secretly?They did it all in such an underhand way. ?He's been involved in some underhand dealings.
get something off your chest
to tell someone about something that has been worrying or annoying you for a long time, so that you feel better afterwards [Joey] Joey: Shh, shh. Alex is finally getting everything off her chest with Eric.
V.to speak with difficulty because you cannot stop yourself from repeating the first consonant of some words?'I'm D-d-david,' he stuttered.
[plural]chances of future success?I had no job, no education, and no prospects . job/career prospects ?Job prospects for graduates don't look good.
Vi [technical]to have sex [LOST] CHARLIE: If you guys are finished verbally copulating, we should get a move on.
V.to play an instrument such as a guitar by moving your fingers up and down across its strings [LOST] Charlie strums on his guitar.
Vt.to make someone suddenly surprised or slightly shocked?Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.be startled to do something?I was startled to see Amanda.
Adj.impatient and easily annoyedsynonym irritable?testy remarks?It had been a long day, and Sarah was getting a little testy.
C.N. [informal especially American English] a violent criminal who is paid to frighten or attack people
Adj.not knowing facts or information that you ought to know?an ignorant and uneducated man
Adj.very unfriendly and wanting to argue or fightsynonym aggressive?a belligerent attitude
cinder block
C.N. [American English] ?Sa large grey brick used to build houses and other buildings, made from cement and cinders
Vt. [informal]to pull or carry something heavy with difficulty
C.N. [informal] someone whose job is moving equipment for rock musicians
don't sweat it
[American English spoken] used to tell someone not to worry about something?Don't sweat it, I'll lend you the money.
pitch in
[phrasal verb]to join others and help with an activity?If we all pitch in, we'll have it finished in no time.
C.N. when the roof of something such as a mine falls in [LOST] SAWYER: Word from the valley is Saint Jack got himself buried in a cave-in.
sling (n.)
C.N. a piece of cloth tied around your neck to support an injured arm or handin a sling?She had her arm in a sling.
N.strong dislike or hatredsynonym hostilityanimosity between?There is no personal animosity between the party leaders.[LOST] LOCKE: Maybe someone who is profiting from our current circumstances. And from what I've seen, you and Mr. Sawyer share a certain animosity.
Adj.very light and soft to touch?a fluffy little kitten ?fluffy towels
notch (n.)
C.N. a level on a scale that measures something, for example quality or achievement?Her new book is several notches above anything else she has written. ?Jackson raised his voice by a notch. ?The Spartans turned it up a notch in the second half.[LOST] HURLEY: (shouts) I have no food, all right? And for the record, I'm down a notch on my belt.
for the record
[spoken] used to tell someone that what you are saying should be remembered or written down?For the record, the police never charged me.
be that as it may
[formal] used to say that even though you accept that something is true, it does not change a situation?'He was only joking.' 'Be that as it may, silly remarks like that can do a lot of harm.'
turn the tables (on somebody)
to change a situation completely, so that someone loses an advantage and you gain one?The tables were turned in the second half, when Leeds United scored from the penalty spot.[LOST] SAWYER: Hey, Jack, there's something you should know. If the tables were turned ... I'd watch you die.
skip town/skip the country
[informal] to leave a place suddenly and secretly, especially to avoid being punished or paying debts?Then they found that Zaffuto had already skipped town.
confidence man
peanut butter
U.N. @?Aq禱矇 a skin disease in which a person's skin becomes red and sore
Adj.amusing in an unusual way
Vt. [formal] to remove the skin from an animal or person, especially one that is dead [LOST] Would you like to see the soles of my feet? Where they flayed the skin off.
not cut it
[informal] to not be good enough to do something?Players who can't cut it soon quit the team.[LOST] HURLEY: Look, all I'm saying is if we're stuck here, then just surviving's not gonna cut it.
C.N.1 [formal] a ship or large boat?a fishing vessel2 [technical] a vein in your body?a burst blood vessel
N.the act of leaving the army, navy etc without permission [LOST] SAYID: I can't. Desertion. They would kill my family.
Vt. [literary]if something unpleasant or dangerous befalls you, it happens to you?We prayed that no harm should befall them.[LOST] RICHARD MALKIN: (from phone) If you don't do what I'm suggesting, great danger will befall you and the baby.
butter somebody ? up
[phrasal verb] [informal] to say nice things to someone so that they will do what you want?Don't think you can butter me up that easily.[LOST] SAWYER: Well, gosh, you sure know how to butter a man up, Stay-Puft.
Adj. [only before noun] [informal]talking or behaving in a crazy way?a raving lunatic
U.N. U簸
Adj. ?織
hit man
Vi.to become weaker and unable to continue in an effective way?The economy is showing signs of faltering. ?My mother's grip upon the household never faltered.
N. (癒]織)??
Vi. [formal] to do what someone else wants, or allow something to happen, even though you do not really agree with itacquiesce in/to?Oil companies have been accused of acquiescing in the pollution of the ocean.
V. to argue, especially about something very unimportant
C.N. (簪=:織)+H
sleight of hand
N.the use of quick and skilful movements with your hands when doing a magic trick, so that people cannot understand how you did the trick [LOST] JACK: No, but that was real good sleight of hand distracting me with the wallet.
as right as rain
completely healthy[LOST]JACK: That's the antibiotic I've been giving you for the knife wound in your arm. You're right in the middle of a treatment cycle now, if I keep giving you the pills, you're gonna be as right as rain.
the Jaws of Life
N.[trademark] a tool used to make a hole in a car, truck etc after an accident, so that the people inside can be taken out [LOST] SAWYER: Hope you got yourself some jaws of life back in cave town, 'cause that's what it's gonna take to pop this bitch.
V.to pull with one or more short, quick pulls?The woman gently tugged his arm.tug at/on something?Joe was tugging at her sleeve.[LOST] (Jack tugs on the case, but Sawyer doesn't let it go.)
Vi.to gradually become less and less or smaller and smaller?The elephant population is dwindling. ?His money had dwindled away.
N.all the people who read a particular newspaper or magazine regularlyreadership of?a magazine with a readership of 60,000?They are hoping that the paper will have quite a wide readership .
U.N.something that prevents or saves someone or something from danger, loss, or failurebe somebody's/something's salvation?A drug treatment program was Ron's salvation.
Adj. [formal]not satisfied with your government, leader etc, and therefore no longer loyal to them or no longer believing they can help you?the disaffected youth from poor neighborhoods
hatch (n.)
C.N. (i織)? ( ?y織)?a hole in a ship or aircraft, usually used for loading goods, or the door that covers itescape hatch (=a hole in an aircraft etc through which you can escape)
passion fruit
N. 簧??
sea urchin
due north/south/east/west
directly to the north, south, east, or west
what's what
[spoken] the real facts about a situation that are important to know?She's been working here long enough to know what's what.
C.N. [informal]someone who behaves in a crazy waysynonym idiot?He's a complete nutcase.
Adj. [informal] very drunk?Chris was plastered after five beers.[LOST] BOONE: You show up here plastered.
Adj.boring or ordinary?a prosaic writing style ?The reality, however, is probably more prosaic.[LOST] MICHAEL: Lloyd? Oh, all right, that's why you won't marry me. It's not that you think marriage is too prosaic.
Vt. [informal]to hit someone or something hardwhack somebody/something with something?He kept whacking the dog with a stick.
[spoken]a tada) a small amount?'Would you like some milk?' 'Just a tad.'b) slightly?It's a tad expensive.[LOST] CHARLIE: You know what? You boys talk about Claire all you want. I'm actually going to go spend some time with her. I get the impression she might still be a tad upset.
there is safety in numbers
used to say that it is safer to be in a group than alone [LOST] CHARLIE: Safety in numbers, right? Of course ... you have no idea what I'm talking about.
C.N. [formal] a break or interruption in an activity?Talks between the two countries have resumed after a six-year hiatus.hiatus in?a hiatus in researcha brief/short/long hiatus ?There was a brief hiatus in the war.[LOST] CHARLIE: We're in a bit of a hiatus right now.
Adj. [only before noun]extreme?If you're going for full-on glamour, add some sparkly jewellery.[LOST] HURLEY: I thought those guys had the full-on perimeter set up.
draw the short straw
used to say that someone has been unlucky because they were chosen to do something that no one else wanted to do?He drew the short straw and had to drive everyone to the party.[LOST] SAWYER: Guess old Steve drew the short straw.
Vt.[formal] to trap someone in an unpleasant or illegal situation, from which they cannot escape?Young girls were ensnared in prostitution rings.[LOST] SAYID: If we want to capture Ethan, we have to ensnare him, and the only way to do that is by giving him what he wants.
Pronoun. [spoken]me - used humorously to disagree with a negative description of yourself?Difficult, moi?[LOST] SAWYER: Help? Moi?JACK: Do you know how to handle a gun or not?
N.let bygones be bygones?to forget something bad that someone has done to you and forgive them [LOST] JACK: Yeah, I remember you shot him ... and missed.SAWYER: Yeah, well ... bygones.
appropriate (v.)
Vt. [formal]to take something for yourself when you do not have the right to do thissynonym steal?He is suspected of appropriating government funds.[LOST] HIBBS: ... all in front of their little boy. I paid Tony to pull his jacket. Turns out Frank Duckett used to be named Frank Sawyer, a name I believe you appropriated for yourself.
Adj. [informal]feeling tired, confused, or anxious because of a recent difficult experience [LOST] HURLEY: Oh, right. (He pauses and thinks about it.) Then what's the one where they're all, like, shell-shocked?
U.N. O?the feeling of being gratefulopposite ingratitude?Tears of gratitude filled her eyes.[LOST] Jack織f?CHRISTIAN SHEPHARD: And right now ... he thinks that I hate him. He thinks I feel betrayed by him. But what I really feel ... is gratitude and pride because of what he did to me.
be mooted
to be suggested for people to consider?The question of changing the membership rules was mooted at the last meeting.
U.N.1.large guns with wheelssynonym artillery2. weapons, explosives, and vehicles used in fighting
Vt. [formal]to do something that is not allowed according to a law or rulesynonym violate?Some portions of the bill may contravene state law.
stick/poke your nose into something
to become involved in something that does not concern you, in a way that annoys people?She always has to stick her nose into matters that do not concern her.[LOST] SUN: I'm sorry.MICHAEL: Don't worry. I stuck my nose where it didn't belong. It's on me.
C.N.old-fashionedan unmarried woman, usually one who is no longer young and seems unlikely to marry [LOST]SAYID: Since you bring it up, I've been worried since I first met you that you might end up being a spinster.
C.N. [technical] a rope used to raise or lower a flag or sail [LOST] JACK: (to Michael) You sold him a spot?MICHAEL: I needed a halyard to the mast.
C.N.a tall pole on which the sails or flags on a ship are hung
fit/fill the bill
to be exactly what you need?This car fits the bill perfectly. It's cheap and gets good mileage.[LOST] BOONE: Let me tell you about my sister. She likes older men -- guys that can take care of her. My guess is in this place you fit the bill.
Vi.to think about a difficult decision very carefully and with a lot of effortagonize over/about?All the way home she agonized about what she should do.
Adj.easily embarrassed in social situationssynonym shy?a bashful grin?Don't be bashful about telling people how you feel.[LOST] HURLEY: This -- this bashful beauty is my mom Carmen. Come here, ma.
scope somebody/something ? out
[phrasal verb]to look at something or someone to see what they are like?Let's go inside and scope out the menu.[LOST] HURLEY: Well, yeah. Just thought I might take a walk, uh, maybe scope out some, uh, new fishing area.
C.N.[informal] a silly or strange person - used humorously [LOST] JACK: Charlie. Have you seen Hurley?CHARLIE: Um, a couple of hours ago. He was heading out for a walk. Acting like a loon, I might add.
N. something you say or do that is insulting to God or people's religious beliefs [LOST] HURLEY: You know ... ever since I won the lottery, it's like ... we've had nothing but bad luck. Like I don't know -- the money's cursed or something.CARMEN REYES: That's blasphemy. You know very well we are catholic. We don't believe in curses.
C.N.an amount of money that you get unexpectedly?his 瞽G2 million windfall in the lottery windfall gain/profit etc (=high profits that you did not expect to make)[LOST]HURLEY織38 : You might have read about it. Eight-something people died. But the good news is we over-insured it. It's going to yield you a windfall of cash.
Adj.a spry old person has energy and is activesynonym sprightly?He's still remarkably spry.[LOST] HurleyY`禮a HURLEY: I can get out of the way. I'm spry.
in the middle of nowhere
a long way from the nearest big town?They live miles away, in the middle of nowhere.
bare your soul
to reveal your most secret feelings [LOST] CHARLIE: (upset) I bare my soul, and all I get is bloody jokes.
C.N.a very short joke or humorous remark
Adj.someone who has become institutionalized has lived for a long time in a prison, mental hospital etc and now cannot easily live outside one [LOST] FRAINEY: I lifted some hairs from her car, and matched them with your DNA samples. It's 99% certain. She was institutionalized a few times.
fair game
N. if someone or something is fair game, it is acceptable, reasonable, or right to criticize them ?舀??撠情*The young star's behavior made her fair game for the tabloid press.
house call
C.N.a visit that someone, especially a doctor, makes to a person in that person's home as part of their job [LOST] JACK: I hear you're having trouble with your head.(Sawyer removes the wet towel and looks at Jack.) SAWYER: What, now she's got you making house calls?
Adj.having a lot of money, or enough money to have a good standard of livingopposite badly-off?children from well-off families?Many pensioners are less well-off (=have less money) than they used to be.
N.the process of putting blood from one person's body into the body of someone else as a medical treatment?A blood transfusion saved his life.
Vt.to stop the flow of liquid, especially of blood from a wound [LOST] JACK: (to Kate) Okay, I'm gonna need some water. Shirts, towels -- anything that I can use to stanch the bleeding.
the proverbial something
used when you describe something using part of a well-known expression?The store had everything including the proverbial kitchen sink.
in the (right) ball park
[informal] close to the amount, price etc that you want or are thinking about?Their estimate is in the right ball park.[LOST] JACK: O-Neg is the universal donor. (Jack picks up the plastic tubing.) It's in the ballpark; it's not a match.
Adj. [only before noun] relating to a wedding or a woman who is getting married?a bridal gown[LOST]Jack織1vSARAH: It was a silly idea. I just -- I read too many bridal magazines. I think it rotted my brain.
somebody's waters break
when a pregnant woman's waters break, liquid comes from her body just before her baby is born
Adj.compelling reason/argument/case etcan argument etc that makes you feel certain that something is true or that you must do something about it?Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town. ?The court was presented with compelling evidence that she'd murdered her husband.
N. [literary]chance, or something that happens by chance [LOST] HADDAD: Perhaps it's not happenstance that you and Essam met at the mosque.
charley horse
C.N. [American English informal] 穩{ a pain in a large muscle, for example in your leg, caused by the muscle becoming tight
C.N. 繒?5someone who dies for their religious or political beliefs and is admired by people for this?St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr[LOST] Sayid織;羶 ESSAM TAZIA: The explosives? I don't know. All I know is there's going to be an operation and there is going to be a martyr.
N. [formal]an attempt by a group of people to take control of their government using force and violencesynonym rebellion[LOST]MELISSA COLE: No. (Sayid turns around back to Melissa.) We'll arrest her. Your girlfriend's an Iraqi living abroad with a record of insurgency.
C.N.someone who fights in a war
adj, adv. [technical]in or towards the back part of a boat or aircraft[LOST] LOCKE: A hatch? (Sayid cocks the gun. Locke looks at the plane.) Two hatches on a plane, Sayid. Could be forward or aft.
N. :?(:?]???H?F穡5織:a) [LOST] ESSAM TAZIA: I am not afraid to die. It's all the innocent lives. All those people. The imam preaches peace, Sayid. That every human life is sacred.
the greater good
a general advantage that you can only gain by losing or harming something that is considered less important?Some wars are fought for the greater good.[LOST] ESSAM TAZIA: You said it was for the greater good.SAYID: I'm begging you to go.
C.N.a book in which a business, bank etc records how much money it receives and spends
be on the cusp of something
to be at the time when a situation or state is going to change?The country was on the cusp of economic expansion.[LOST] LESLIE ARZT: It's been raining every afternoon. That means that we are on the cusp of monsoon season.
trade wind
N. ?a tropical wind that blows towards the equator from either the northeast or the southeast
N.a situation in which a lot of people leave a particular place at the same timeexodus of? A massive exodus of doctors is forcing the government to recruit from abroad.
be my guest
[spoken] used to give someone permission to do what they have asked to do?'Do you mind if I look at your notes?' 'Be my guest.'[LOST] JACK: Well, if you want to focus on the what if, be my guest,
Vt. [formal] 簣to put or keep someone in prisonsynonym imprison?He spent nearly half his life incarcerated in prison.[LOST] CALDERWOOD: Do you? You're not even worth what it would cost us to incarcerate you, which is why you're being deported.
for old times' sake
if you do something for old times' sake, you do it to remind yourself of a happy time in the past [LOST] KATE: I was thinking that I might go with you ... (Jack looks at Kate.) ... for old times' sake. I want to help.
C.N.a very bright light that is used to light the outside of a building or sports ground at night?The church was lit up by floodlights.under floodlights?The game will be played under floodlights.
V. [technical]to make someone who is climbing a mountain etc safe by attaching a rope to them and to a rock [LOST]Locke: I can belay you down and bring you back up just as easy.
V.to move with small movements from side to side or up and down, or to make something move like this?Henry wiggled his toes.
Vi. [formal]if a government or organization retrenches, it spends less moneysynonym economize
N.used to refer to a particular person or thing when you do not give a specific name?I'd find myself thinking, 'I wonder what so-and-so is doing?'
V.if two glass or metal objects clink, or if you clink them, they make a short ringing sound when they are hit together?Spoons clinked against the crockery.[4400] They clink their beer bottles together
C.N.someone who has an important official positionsynonym VIP?Flowers were presented to visiting dignitaries.[4400] Ryland: Our first priority is to secure Seatac airport and ground all the planes. Gather up all the foreign dignitaries in the greater metropolitan area.
C.N.a large number of bullets, rocks etc shot or thrown through the air at the same timevolley of?a volley of bullets[4400] News: There has been a launch. The US military has launched a volley of 24 type 2 missiles.
N.a building or group of buildings in which soldiers live
Vt.to send someone back to their own country?After the war, prisoners were repatriated.[4400] Sid: The word is, Egypt and China are refusing to repatriate it's citizens. India's on the fence.
Vt.if someone or something is impaled, a sharp pointed object goes through thembe impaled on something?Their heads were impaled on Charles Bridge as a warning to others.[4400] Officer: The security camera's caught everything. The guy definitely had a bug up his ass. Except, as far as we can tell, he never went inside. Kensington fell into all that glass, and impaled himself.
crash course
C.N.a course in which you learn a lot about a particular subject in a very short period of timecrash course in?a crash course in Spanish
lean on somebody
[phrasal verb] [informal]to try to influence someone, especially by threatening them?They won't pay unless you lean on them.[4400]Tom: Yeah. Look, when we get up there, I'll handle Bailey.Diana: Alright. Are we leaning on him?
Adj.a room or building that is stuffy does not have enough fresh air in it?It's getting stuffy in here - do you mind if I open the window?[4400] Ryland: Oh, I like it out here. It's much better than my stuffy office.
you have no idea (how/what etc)
[spoken] used when you are telling someone that something is extremely good, bad etc?You have no idea how worried I was.
second sight
U.N.the ability to know what will happen in the future, or to know about things that are happening somewhere else, that some people claim to have
kick in
[phrasal verb][informal] to start or to begin to have an effect?The storm is expected to kick in shortly after sunrise. ?The painkillers kicked in and he became sleepy.
U.N.informal talk, especially about things that are not serious or importantchatter of?the excited chatter of the audience?Jane's constant chatter was annoying him.[4400] Ryland:I'm telling you Tom, there's a lot of chatter in DC about putting the 4400 back in quarantine.
C.N.a small gun you can use with one hand
on the edge of your seat
waiting excitedly to see what happens next?a gripping movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat[4400] Diana: Of those 37, I was able to eliminate 24. I 'm sure you don't care how. And that left me with 13.Tom: l'm on the edge of my seat.
Vt. [medical] to treat a wound or a growth on your body by burning it with hot metal, a laser, or a chemical [4400] Knox woke up in a pool of blood, with an arrow in his chest. So he pulled it out and cauterised the wound?
Adj.making you feel happy, excited, and full of energy?an exhilarating experience an exhilarating walk
N. 繚b synonym flares
Vt. [American English informal]to give someone an unpleasant surpriseI was blindsided by his suggestion.[4400] Tom: He doesn't like her. When we were with the FBl, she disclosed the name of a juror in a prosecution. Judge declared a mistrial, three years of work down the drain.Ryland: You know, she blindsided me once. That is not going to happen again.
Vi.if a plant wilts, it bends over because it is too dry or old
U.N. formalpolite behaviour that shows that you respect someone and are therefore willing to accept their opinions or judgmentdeference toLewis was annoyed that Adam did not show enough respect and deference to him.out of/in deference to something(=because you respect someone's beliefs, opinions etc) ?They were married in church out of deference to their parents' wishes.[4400] As they drive down a road, the tree's that are lining it, bow down to them as though in deference.
trading post
C.N.a place where people can buy and exchange goods in a country area, especially in the US or Canada in the past?a remote trading post in the Yukon
C.N. 1. someone who does unskilled jobs in a hospital2. a soldier who does unskilled jobs
speak of the devilalso talk of the devil [British English][spoken] used when someone you have just been talking about walks into the room where you are
Vt.to no longer do or enjoy something that you used to do, because you have grown older and changed?Most children eventually outgrow a tendency toward travel sickness.[4400] Diana: They're the only things you'll eat. You gotta promise me that you'll outgrow this phase soon.
weather van
C.N.a metal object fixed to the top of a building that blows around to show the direction the wind is coming from
C.N. Ov a stick of coloured wax or chalk that children use to draw pictures
Adj. [ not before noun]an illness that is catching is easily passed to other peoplesynonym infectious[4400] Diana: Tess is right. Maybe crazy is catching.
take/quote something out of context
to repeat part of what someone has said or written without describing the situation in which it was said, so that it means something quite different 癟??His comments, taken out of context, seem harsh.[4400] Newscaster: The government claims that the documents are purely speculative and have been quoted out of context.
N.an extreme religious group that is not part of an established religion?Anyone who betrayed the cult could be punished by death.
drone (n.)
a male bee that does no work 繫2
Adj.happening or existing between the stars [4400] Diana: So the future sent back a schizophrenic Queen ant with a blueprint to an interstellar walkie talkie?
C.N. ?d?1.a piece of equipment used for scattering water on grass or soil2.a piece of equipment on a ceiling that scatters water if there is a fire [4400] Kyle: I don't remember any of that. Shawn: You don't? So you don't remember sitting naked in the sprinklers.
in the presence of somebody
also in somebody's presence[formal] with someone or in the same place as them?He was determined not to complain in the presence of the nurse. ?I asked you not to smoke in my presence.
Vi.to be unable to breathe properly because something is in your throat or there is not enough airchoke on?He choked on a piece of bread.?Six people choked to death on the fumes.[4400] Player 3:[Can't blame him. Six scouts. I'd be afraid I was gonna choke.]
black sheep
C.N.someone who is regarded by other members of their family or group as a failure or embarrassment?Amy's always been the black sheep of the family .
go south
[American English informal] if a situation, organization, or set of standards goes south, it becomes very bad although it was once very good?It seems like all our moral standards have just gone south.[4400] Tom: If things go south, we'll be in there like the cavalry.
C.N.1.also manor house a big old house with a large area of land around it2. the land that belonged to an important man, under the feudal system
C.N. [law] an order given by a court which tells someone not to do something[400] Diana: A 4400 selling exclusive rights to his ability. Is it legal? Nina: Our lawyers are looking into an injunction, but at the moment no legislation specifically prevents it.
let/blow off steam
to get rid of your anger, excitement, or energy in a way that does not harm anyone by doing something active [4400] Kyle: Last day's of Pompeii.Wendy: Yeah, they throw that party every year. You should go. Blow off some steam. You've earned it.
C.N. [especially American English] a small restaurant that serves cheap meals [4400] Applebaum: A lot of kids go to college when they're eighteen. Elyse had to take a job at the diner.
it's a shame/what a shame etc
[spoken] used when you wish a situation was different, and you feel sad or disappointed?'She's failed her test again.' 'What a shame!' ?It's a shame that you have to leave so soon.
noblesse oblige
U.N.the idea that people who belong to a high social class should behave in a kind and generous way towards people of a lower social class [4400] Shawn: Talk about a quick study. Third key status in less than a week, huh?Collier: Noblesse oblige, Shawn. She benefits and so do we.
golden parachute
C.N. [informal]part of a business person's contract which states that they will be paid a large amount of money if they lose their job, for example if the company is sold [4400] Tom: So Trent earned his golden parachute after all? Maybe his daughter could study chemistry in college.
pull rank (on somebody)
[informal] to use your authority over someone to make them do what you want, especially unfairly?You may just have to pull rank and tell them.[4400] Shawn: Well last time I checked, the food was free. Don't make me pull rank. Come on.
Adj.made to be used for a short time only when nothing better is available* The refugees slept in makeshift tents at the side of the road.
C.N. [American English] a school where people are trained in music or acting [4400] Father: I would have paid the whole thing if I could have afforded it. My wife, uh, she shot a video of Mike playing, sent it over to the conservatory? Next day they called back. Said our son was a prodigy.
C.N.someone whose job is to stand at the door of a club, bar etc and stop unwanted people coming in, or make people leave if they are behaving badly [4400] Danny: Trust me, there'll be no waiting tonight. I've been to this club plenty of times. I know the bouncer. He'll let us walk right in.
to your liking
[formal] being just what you wanted?I hope everything was to your liking, Sir.[4400] Collier: You're in no danger from me, Richard. All I want is to make you an offer and if it's not to your liking, then you can walk out of here, you'll never see me again.
(just) for once
used to say that something unusual happens, especially when you wish it would happen more often?Be honest for once.[4400] Richard: For once, why don't you say what you really want? To take her from us. Control us.
cut class/school
[American English informal] to deliberately not go to a class that you should go to?She started cutting classes.
Adj.would-be actor/murderer etcsomeone who hopes to have a particular job or intends to do a particular thing
Adj.not strict, and allowing behaviour that many other people would disapprove of?parents who are too permissive ?a permissive society
V. [formal]to gradually become less or weaker before disappearing completely, or to make something do this?As he thought it over, his anger gradually dissipated.[4400] Agent: This virus get's released, dissipates and then disappears within a half hour. Seen enough?
C.N. @OA??a cell like a seed that is produced by some plants such as mushrooms and can develop into a new plant
C.N.a small room or hall at the entrance to a house or apartment [4400] Richard is in the foyer of the 4400 center. He see's a man that he seem's to recognise and approaches him
get/take/demand etc your pound of flesh
to get the full amount of work, money etc that someone owes you, even though it makes them suffer and you do not really need it [4400] Diana: I took him over to the 4400 center. I think he's probably better of there, than he is at home. How does it feel, Tom? Some babies will get saved and you'll get your pound of flesh.
I wouldn't put it past somebody (to do something)
[spoken] used to say that you think someone could easily do something wrong or illegal?I wouldn't put it past him to use force.[4400] Shawn: He's not here. Where do you think i have him stashed, in the basement ?Baldwin: I wouldn't put it past you.
C.N. [American English] a small round hat that fits close to your head [4400] Kyle礙collierrd織
C.N. [informal]an organization or place where there is a lot of activity or where a lot of things are produced?Europe's industrial powerhouse[Slashdot] The revelations are a serious blow to MIT, which prides itself on its reputation as a scientific powerhouse.
Adj. [only before noun]a drop-in place is a place offering a service or support where you can go without having to make arrangements first?a drop-in advice centre[paper] .. if it can be used as a drop-in replacement for gcc and no changes to source code are need to build the executable.
live in sin
[old-fashioned] if two people live in sin, they live together in a sexual relationship without being married
C.N.a place where trouble or violence might easily develop suddenly and be hard to control?Hebron has been a flashpoint for years.
Adj. [only before noun]a runaway vehicle or animal is out of control?a runaway horse
Vt. to plan, organize, and begin an event or a course of action?The National Gallery mounted an exhibition of Danish painting. mount an assault/attack ?Guerrillas have mounted an attack on the capital.
C.N. s?2a piece of equipment used to lift a heavy weight off the ground, such as a car, and support it while it is in the air?a hydraulic jack
round somebody/something ? up
[phrasal verb]if police or soldiers round up a particular group of people, they find them and force them to go to prison?Thousands of men were rounded up and jailed.
Adj.happening or arriving late?a belated attempt to increase support
the fold
the group of people that you belong to and share the same beliefs and ideas asreturn/come back to the fold ?The Church will welcome him back into the fold.[4400]Jordan was going to initiate these tests as soon as he convinced you to come back into the fold...
Adj.shared by a group of people or animals, especially a group who live together? a communal bathroom
in lieu (of something)
[formal] instead of?extra time off in lieu of payment
Vt.to officially end a law, or change a decision or agreement [4400] Diana: At the very least, they're going to have to rescind the quarantine order.
U.N. ?4a natural form of sugar that exists in fruit
push your luck/push it
[informal]to do something or ask for something, especially something you have done or asked for before, when this is likely to annoy someone or involves a risk?If she doesn't want to go, don't push it. ?It's 26 miles, so you're pushing your luck if you try to hike it in a day.
U.N.track and field
U.N.the practice of using drugs to improve performance in a sportdoping scandal/ban/test etc ?doping offences
C.N. R5a small flat case, often made of leather, that you carry in your pocket, for holding paper money, bank cards etc
Vt.to beat a person or animal with a whip or stick?He was publicly flogged and humiliated.
C.N.a soldier who leaves the army, navy etc without permission
C.N.a supply of something, especially a product or crop, that is more than is needed--opposite shortageglut of?a glut of oil on the world market
V.to shout or demand something angrilyhowl for?Republicans have been howling for military intervention.[Rome] WAIT UNTIL CAESAR STARTS THEM HOWLING FOR OUR BLOOD.
Vi. [formal]to escape from a place where you are being keptabscond from?The boy absconded from a children's home.
C.N. ^?a male horse that is fully grown, especially one that is used for breeding
"V.to laugh at someone or shout unkind things at them in a way that shows you do not respect them?""You know I'm right!"" she jeered. ?The President was booed and jeered by a crowd of protesters."
gorge yourself (on something)
to eat until you are too full to eat any moresynonym stuff yourself?We gorged ourselves on ripe plums.[Rome] Xs13:穢?!?FOR EIGHT LONG YEARS, HE HAS GORGED HIMSELF LIKE A WOLF ON THE BLOOD OF GAUL, AND THEREBY MADE HIMSELF MONSTROUSLY RICH.
Vt.to push animals ahead of you with a sharp stick [Rome] WHEN CONFRONTED BY A HUNGRY WOLF, IT IS UNWISETO GOAD THE BEAST, AS CATO WOULD HAVE US DO.
Vi.if an animal snarls, it makes a low angry sound and shows its teethsnarl at?The dog growled and snarled at me.[Rome] But it is equally unwise to imaginethe snarling animal a friend and offer your hand as Pompey does
and such
[spoken] used to say that other people or things like the ones you have just mentioned are included?It won't be anything special - just a few cakes and sandwiches and such.
C.N. a?a machine in bars, restaurants etc that plays music when you put money in it
C.N.a person or animal that is behind the others in a group, because they are moving more slowly?Wait for the stragglers to catch up.
U.N. g&lt;BLa very poisonous chemical substance that is sometimes used to kill rats, insects, and weeds. It is a chemical element: symbol As
V. [formal] to find out something?A postmortem was ordered to try to ascertain the cause of death.
cotton candy
wing it
[spoken] to do something without planning or preparing it?We'll just have to wing it .
motor lodge
N. 簫繳繭X
C.N.1.the lower part of the leg of a chicken or other bird, cooked as food 簪2.a stick that you use to hit a drum
pit (n.)
C.N.a hole in the ground, especially one made by digging?The female digs a pit in which to lay the eggs. ?a five-foot deep pit[Lost] - Sorry, Michael.- Sorry about what? -You know, about throwing you and your friends into the pit.
Adj. ]F0織connected with the Middle Ages (=the period between about AD 1100 and 1500)?These spices were first brought to Italy from the East in medieval times. ?a medieval castle
gutter (n.)
C.N.the low part at the edge of a road where water collects and flows away?The gutters were blocked and overflowing.
read (somebody) the riot act
to give someone a strong warning that they must stop causing trouble - used humorously?If the kids don't settle down soon, I'll go up and read them the riot ac[Lost] Charlie read me the Riot Act last night for waking him.
pole position
N.the front position at the beginning of a car or bicycle race
V., N.to say things that you have not prepared or planned when you are performing or giving a speech?I never use a script; I just ad lib the whole programme.
power breakfast/lunch etc
[informal] a meal at which people meet to discuss business
Adj. [formal] showing that you hate someone?a malignant look
doe eyes
large attractive eyes?a pretty girl with big brown doe eyes[Desp wives] I hate Susan Mayer.Every time I see those big doe eyes of hers, I swear to GodI just want to go out and shoot a deer.
Adj.shy or pretending to be shy in order to attract people's interest?She gave him a coy smile.[Desp wives] Being coy is a strategy best employed by virgins at their first dance.
so there!
[spoken] used to show someone that you do not care what they think and you are not going to change your mind - used by children?I'm going to Elly's party, and you can't stop me, so there!
a close call/thing/shave
a situation in which something dangerous, embarrassing etc almost happens ?United had a close shave when Liverpool almost scored.[Desp wives] Carlos竅.繙?;織{?It's OK. It was close call, but I managed to cover.
hedge (n.)
C.N.a row of small bushes or trees growing close together, usually dividing one field or garden from another [Desp Wives]Imagine what you'd lose if he finds out you're trimming more than the hedge.
abject poverty/misery/failure etc
the state of being extremely poor, unhappy, unsuccessful etc
shrink (n.)
簾? ?[
C.N.a small object that you use in a game of golf to hold the ball above the ground before you hit it
Vt. [law] to make someone come to court to hear what their crime isarraign somebody on something?Thompson was arraigned on a charge of murder.
C.N. [formal]a long speech or piece of writing that criticizes someone or something very severelydiatribe against? a diatribe against contemporary American civilization
C.N.a large hole in the surface of a road, caused by traffic and bad weather, which makes driving difficult or dangerous
loose cannon
someone who cannot be trusted because they say or do things you do not want them to
snap out of something
[phrasal verb]to stop being sad or upset and make yourself feel better?Chantal's been depressed for days. I wish she'd snap out of it .
"C.N.an insulting word for someone who has a low rank - often used humorously [Appentice] Trump: ""Don't Negotiate with Underlings."""
pecking order
N. a social system within a group of people or animals in which each member knows who has a higher or lower rank than themselves* Nobody wants to be at the bottom of the pecking order .
C.N.something that people like or do for a short time, or that is fashionable for a short time?Interest in organic food is not a fad, it's here to stay.
N. ??d
Adv. [formal]relating to something that has just been mentioned?States differ in standards for products and the labelling thereof. ?Money, or the lack thereof , played a major role in their marital problems.
contingent (n.)
N.a group of people who all have something in common, such as their nationality, beliefs etc, and who are part of a larger group?Has the Scottish contingent arrived yet?
C.N.a slight argument between friends or people who are in lovetiff with?Dave's had a tiff with his girlfriend.
V.to say something in a way that shows you are thinking about it carefully?'Somewhere,' he mused, 'I've heard your name before.'
N.a lot of noise or angry protest about somethingbe in (an) uproar ?The house was in an uproar, with babies crying and people shouting.
C.N.someone who accepts support and help from other people, but who is not willing to give them support or help
C.N.someone who is in charge of a museum or zoo?He's Curator of Prints at the Metropolitan.
Adj, N. [formal]the foregoing (something)something that has just been mentioned, read, dealt with etcopposite following?The foregoing examples illustrate this point.?The foregoing helps to explain these results.
V.to make something seem better, larger, worse etc than it really is? I couldn't sleep for three days - I'm not exaggerating.
C.N. [American English]a prison - used especially in the names of prisons?the North Carolina state penitentiary
Your/His/Her Excellency
a way of talking to or about people who hold high positions in the state or the church?His Excellency the Spanish ambassador
U.N. 穠Ithe Japanese art of folding paper to make attractive objects
C.N. [law] a statement written or recorded for a court of law, by someone who has promised to tell the truth
Adj. [formal]inchoate ideas, plans, attitudes etc are only just starting to develop
and whatnot
[spoken] an expression used at the end of a list of things when you do not want to give the names of everything? Put your bags, cases and whatnot in the back of the car.
death row
U.N.the part of a prison where prisoners who will be punished by being killed are kepton death row? a murderer on death row[dt] ;繒p礙?z罈[: You know, when a prisoner gets close to the end of his time on Death Row, ...
give somebody/something the green light
to allow a project, plan etc to begin? The government has given the green light to Sunday trading.[dt] ??#簣礙k, 0;??: I don't got to come to you. You don't give the green light.
Adj. [literary] 織繙織having feelings that change suddenly and without warning? an actor noted for his mercurial temperament
think tank
N. 穠繳Ha group of people with experience or knowledge of a particular subject, who work to produce ideas and give adviceright-wing/liberal/economic etc think tank ?a leading member of a Tory think tank
N. ky礙
C.N. Master of Ceremonies (0someone who introduces guests or performers at a social or public occasionsynonym emcee
have/get butterflies (in your stomach)
[informal] to feel very nervous before doing something? I always get butterflies before an exam.
C.N. 竅+?a machine that produces electricity? an emergency generator
Adj.likable people are nice and easy to like? a friendly likeable little boy
Vi.[formal] renege on an agreement/deal/promise etcto not do something you have promised or agreed to dosynonym go back on? The fighters had reneged on a pledge to release foreign prisoners.
be seeing things
to imagine that you see someone or something which is not really there? There's no one there - you must be seeing things.[Prison Break]?羶竅.;?_`F:Your-Your tattoo-- it's a pattern.You're seeing things.
by and large
used when making a general statement? By and large, the new arrangements have worked well.
U.N. x?穡the scientific study of the movement of objects that are thrown or fired through the air, such as bullets shot from a gun [Prison Beak] Ballistics matched to a slug...
V, N.if a gun recoils, it moves backwards very quickly after it has been fired
Adj.slightly uncomfortable or embarrassed because you know that you have done something silly or wrong?Sam looked a bit sheepish. ?a sheepish grin
Adj.friendly and preferring to be with other peoplesynonym sociableopposite solitary
C.N.a short sleep in the afternoon, especially in warm countriestake/have a siesta ?The stores all close after lunch when everyone takes a siesta.
U.N. [technical]the natural colour of living things? The dark pigmentation gives protection from the sun's rays.
C.N.1. money or goods that are given to someone, for example because they are poor? people who have to live on handouts from the state ? a cash handout2. a piece of paper with information, which is given to people who are attending a lesson, meeting etc? Please read the handout.
V. derogate from something phrasal verbto make something seem less important or less good [Prison Break] 瞿?O翹michael織籀6?O=癒: Do you think Michael's a genius?Well, I think that word's been derogated in the media these days, but in the classic sense of the word, yes, I do.
U.N. the feeling that you deserve to be liked and respected? Work gave me a sense of dignity and self-worth.
call the shots/tune
[informal]to be in a position of authority so that you can give orders and make decisions? It was a job in which she was able to call the shots.[Prison Break] k: You and I may be stuck together in this little dance, but I call the shots.
Adj.elliptical speech or writing is difficult to understand because more is meant than is actually said? The language is often elliptical and ambiguous.
Adj.unwilling to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something? a cynical view of human nature
Vt. [formal]to prevent something from happening or prevent someone from doing something by doing something first? a measure intended to forestall further attacks[Prison break] 瞿?O: I wish I could say that this would be enough to forestall the execution.
N.someone or something that prevents you from making progress or being successful
C.N. 瓊?someone who has been sent to a foreign country to teach people about Christianity and persuade them to become Christians
Adj. [formal]feeling sorry because you have done something wrong, and are intending not to do it againsynonym repentant? a penitent expression[Lost] Eko織tO: No,for confessionto mean something, you must havea penitent heart.
Vt. [formal] to make someone or something seem small or unimportant? He tends to belittle her efforts.
pitch (n.)
N.a) how high or low a note or other sound is? Ultrasonic waves are at a higher pitch than the human ear can hear.b) the ability of a musician to play or sing a note at exactly the correct level? She's got perfect pitch .
Adj.a catchy tune or phrase is easy to remember? a catchy song ? catchy advertising slogans
Adj.having a strong influence or effectprofound effect/influence/impact/consequence etc ?Tolstoy's experiences of war had a profound effect on his work.
the culmination of something
something, especially something important, that happens at the end of a long period of effort or development? This little book represented the culmination of 15 years' work.
N, V.簪O
V, N.a rope with one end tied in a circle, used to catch cattle and horses, especially in the western US
U.N.when a person or animal is kept in a prison, cage etc and not allowed to go where they want? The hostages were released from captivity.in captivity? animals bred in captivity
U.N.a mixture of sand and water that you spread between tiles when you fix them to a wall
Adj.spread over a wide area or over a long period of timescattered over/throughout/across/around etc? Broken glass lay scattered over the floor.
C.N. [formal]the difference between two things or ideas that are completely oppositedichotomy between? a dichotomy between his public and private lives
Vt.to stop something from happening or developingopposite encourage? rules and regulations that stifle innovation? How can this party stifle debate on such a crucial issue?
Vi. [formal]to do something to show that you are sorry for having done something wrongatone for? Richard was anxious to atone for his thoughtlessness.
Adj. [formal]having plenty of money, nice houses, expensive things etcsynonym wealthy? affluent families
Adj.someone or something that is adorable is so attractive that they fill you with feelings of love? Oh what an adorable little baby!
V. [technical] if a company divests, it sells some of its assets, investments etc? pressure on hospitals to divest tobacco-related stocks
C.N.a jacket, sometimes with the special sign of a school, club etc on it
C.N. 癒繙=a small pointed beard on the end of a man's chin
Adj. [American English informal]very good or impressive? This site is the best online magazine for bad-ass biker gear.
C.N.a small restaurant or bar? a French bistro
attend to somebody/something
[phrasal verb]to deal with business or personal matters? I may be late - I have got one or two things to attend to.[Aviator] 職Z穠織1繹:I'd like to know everything there is to know about Mr. Hughes. I'd like you to attend to that for me.
C.N. [informal not polite] a woman's breast
Adj. [formal]having or showing too much interest in sex - used to show disapproval? prurient interests[Aviator] +癒: For this reason, I concluded the picture appeals only to prurient interests......and should be denied the Motion Picture Association's seal of approval.
Vt.to make something go away, especially a belief, idea, or feeling? We want to dispel the myth that you cannot eat well in Britain. ? Light poured into the hall, dispelling the shadows.
C.N. 癟if a company or government has a monopoly of a business or political activity, it has complete control of it so that other organizations cannot compete with it
N. 6?a wind that blows directly towards you when you are moving
Adj.having developed as a natural part of your character? inbred ambition
Hippocratic oath
the promise made by doctors that they will obey the principles of the medical profession
be/get carried away
to be so excited, angry, interested etc that you are no longer really in control of what you do or say, or you forget everything else? It's easy to get carried away when you can do so much with the graphics software. ? I just got carried away because it was such fun.
N. [informal] your heart
U.N.when someone is formally forgiven by the Christian Church or a priest for the things they have done wrong? Pope Leo gave him absolution.
be the spitting image of somebody
to look exactly like someone else [Grey] You're the spitting image of your mother.
C.N. [technical]a dead human body, especially one used for studysynonym corpse
trailer park
C.N. [American English] an area where trailers are parked and used as people's homes
N.offensive words or religious words used in a way that shows you do not respect God or holy things [Simple Life] We don't speak profanity.
facial (n.)
C.N.if you have a facial, you have a beauty treatment in which your face is cleaned and creams are rubbed into it
bat your eyes/eyelashes
if a woman bats her eyes, she opens and closes them several times quickly in order to look attractive to men [Desp_wife] Did you bat your eyes?
pull up stakes
[informal] to leave your job or home? We're going to pull up stakes and move to Montana.[Desp_Wife] Mike??;礙瞽禮?X.d: I got to pull up stakes before they come looking for me.
pep squad
American Englisha group of cheerleaders who perform at school sports events or pep rallies
N. [informal especially American English] a noisy argument or confused situationsynonym rumpus[Desp_wife] We were all singing carols, and the dog was howling because everybody in my familysings off-key except for me. Anyway, it was just a terrible ruckus.
Vi.if a vehicle screeches, its wheels make a high unpleasant noise as it moves along or stops? A van screeched onto the road in front of me. [Desp_wife] So, well, no one noticed when my mother went across the street to give the neighbors a gift.And the next thing we heard were brakes screeching.
in a rut
living or working in a situation that never changes, so that you feel bored? I was stuck in a rut and decided to look for a new job.[Desp_wife] Oh, mama, you're in a rut.
cave (v.)
to finally stop opposing something, especially because someone has persuaded or threatened youcave in to? The chairman is expected to cave in to pressure from shareholders.[Grey]?礎?O穢疆: I can't believe I caved.
Adj.a precarious situation or state is one which may very easily or quickly become worse? Her health remained precarious, despite the treatment. ? the company's precarious financial position
Adj.rude and not showing any respect? an insolent tone of voice ? You insolent child!
C.N.someone who tries to make people angry about a law, government etc so that they will try to change it? an idealistic young firebrand from the valleys
Adj. [formal]extremely unpleasant? an odious little man
a low shelter at the side of a sports field, where players and team officials sit [Grey] y繕 ?織繭礙: I'm not in a batters cage. I'm in a dugout, about to be traded.
C.N.a low wide container used as a toilet by someone who is too ill to get out of bed
C.N. ?繙a small thin object on which you put a glass, or cup, to protect a table from heat or liquids
a cappellaAdj, Adv.[American Idol] Okay, tonightIs third hopeful has decided against piano accompaniment and has instead chosen to sing a cappella.
on the outs (with somebody)
[American English informal] arguing or not agreeing with someone? Wilson is on the outs with his family because of his relationship with that woman.[Lost] Kate:I heard jack took your painkillers.Sawyer: Yeah, well, guess me and the doc are on the outs.
hard up
Adj.not having something that you want or need? 'How about a date with Tom?' 'No, thanks, I'm not that hard up.'hard up for? The media are obviously hard up for stories.[Lost] Kate?Sawyer?織 翹 : I know you're hard up for new reading material.
C.N. ??a small hollow place on your skin, especially one on your cheek or chin when you smile
C.N.a tube-shaped mass of cotton or similar material that a woman puts inside her vagina during her period (=monthly flow of blood) [Grey] Q穢??O: Oh, that reminds me. We are out of tampons.
be an institution
if a person, place, event etc is an institution, they have been an important part of a place for a very long time - often used humorously? The British pub isn't just somewhere to drink - it's an institution.[Grey] ChiefX羶i1 礙禮: Liz is an institution around here.
prenuptial agreement
C.N. [informal]a legal document that is written before a man and a woman get married, in which they agree things such as how much money each will get if they divorce
Vt.to kill an animal in a painless way, usually because it is very sick or oldsynonym put down? The decision to euthanase a pet is heartbreaking.[Desp_Wife] 竅JB?織羸?: Killing the wolf --it sends the wrong message to our kids,and we believe that animals should only be euthanized as a last resort.
Vt. Fto improve a picture or photograph by painting over marks or making other small changes? postcards that have been retouched to cover the grey skies[Grey]Q穢??OX羶穢織(w: It's makeup. It's retouching.
Adj.someone who is untouchable is in such a strong position that they cannot be defeated, affected, or punished? He was the boss's husband and therefore untouchable.
C.N.one of the parts of a story, idea, plan etcstrand of thought/opinion/argument ? Plato draws all the strands of the argument together.
Adj.already in use or existing for a long period of time? Competition from established businesses can be formidable.
focus group
C.N.a small group of people that a company, political party etc asks questions in order to find out what they think of their products, actions etc
[plural] the way in which things or people behave, react, and affect each otherdynamics of? the dynamics of the family? He did research on group dynamics and leadership styles.
C.N. [informal]a word for a fight between women, that some people consider offensive
C.N.a fight between armed aircraft
Vt.to damage something or make it not as good as it should be? The illness had impaired his ability to think and concentrate.
Adj. [informal] bad-tempered? I was feeling tired and cranky.
Adj.plain and simple and without any decoration? the church's austere simplicity
Adj.experienced by watching or reading about someone else doing something, rather than by doing it yourselfvicarious pleasure/satisfaction/excitement etc the ? vicarious pleasure that parents get from their children's success[Grey] Georage;Grey\0Q籀It was pretty great just to watch. Vicarious thrills, you know?
nod off
phrasal verbto begin to sleep, usually when you do not intend to and are sitting somewhere? I missed the movie because I kept nodding off.[Grey] I think maybe I did something to the heart when I was holding it. I nodded off a little, squeezed it.
V.if a tyre punctures, or if you puncture it, a small hole appears in it? A piece of glass punctured the back tyre.[Grey] My fingernail popped a glove, cut straight through. George, what if I punctured Mrs. Patterson's heart?
cold turkey
U.N.an unpleasant physical condition suffered by people who stop taking a drug that they are addicted to? addicts who are made to go cold turkey
Vt.to make a small cut in the surface or edge of something, usually by accident? He nicked his hand on some broken glass.[Grey] I popped a glove with my fingernail. I think I may have nicked her heart.
N. ?y礙someone, especially a lawyer, who has the legal power to make a signed statement or document official
U.N.solid waste from animals, especially cows
Adj. making you worry or feel pain slightly all the timenagging feeling/doubt/suspicion etc ? There was still a nagging doubt in the back of her mind.[Grey] Burke?OXK繙 .X繭礙(?織簞罈:Five years ago, as a C.T. fellow, I had a nagging feeling that I didn't check the body cavity of a lung patient closely enough before I closed.
N.severe punishment for something very serious [Grey] Burke?O: Even great doctors make mistakes, and when we do, we've got to have a chance to speak up without fear of retribution.
perk (n.)
N.something that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, such as goods, meals, or a car? theatre tickets and other perks[Grey] And still, adulthood has its perks.
green with envy
wishing very much that you had something that someone else has
for better or (for) worse
used to say that something must be accepted, whether it is good or bad, because it cannot be changed? Work is, for better or worse, becoming more flexible nowadays.
N.hair grown down the sides of a man's face in front of his ears
zip it
Fzip your lip[American English spoken informal]used to tell someone not to say anything about something, or to tell them to be quiet? You'd better zip your lip or you'll be in trouble!
C.N.a large vehicle that is decorated to drive through the streets as part of a special event? We stood and watched the Carnival floats drive past.
(just) you wait
[spoken] y??used to tell someone you are sure something will happen? It'll be a huge success. Just you wait.
be on call
if someone such as a doctor or engineer is on call, they are ready to go and help whenever they are needed as part of their job? Don't worry, there's a doctor on call 24 hours a day.
sow (n.)
C.N. 羸?a fully grown female pig
ream (v.)
Vt. [American English informal ]to treat someone badly, especially by cheating
C.N.the space going up through all the floors of a building, where the stairs go up
N. V. 癒禱to rule a nation or group of nations as their king, queen, or emperor? George VI reigned from 1936 to 1952.
N.someone's education, achievements, experience etc that prove they have the ability to do somethingcredentials for/as? She had excellent credentials for the job.
all hands on deck
[informal] &lt;籀??used to say that everyone is needed to help in a particular situation? With only half an hour to get everything ready, it was all hands on deck.
N.a small wild horse in North America Java SE 6織?
U.N.a state of confusion, excitement, or anxietypolitical/emotional/economic/religious etc turmoil ?the prospect of another week of political turmoil
place mat
N.a small amount of a drink, sometimes with bits in, left at the bottom of a cup, glass, or bottle
Vt.to cover something in water or other liquid
Adj.speaking in a rough, unfriendly voice? His manner can be rather gruff.
walk something ? off
if you walk off an illness or unpleasant feeling, you go for a walk to make it go away? Let's go out - maybe I can walk this headache off.[Prison Break] w#@: Just let me walk this off. I'll be fine.
C.N. [informal]a silly person
U.N. [formal]forgiveness and less severe punishment for a crimegrant/give somebody clemency ? She was granted clemency after killing her violent husband.[Prison break] 瞿?O: And if I'm the one asking for clemency for your brother, your brother won't get it.
Adj. extremely unlikely to be true or to happen? All this may sound a bit far-fetched, but companies are already developing 'intelligent' homes.
C.N. [American English law] a list of legal cases that will be heard in a particular court
U.N. [formal] ?羅a feeling of emotional comfort at a time of great sadness or disappointmentseek/find solace in something ? After the death of her son, Val found solace in the church.
Adj.admissible reasons, facts etc are acceptable or allowed, especially in a court of lawopposite inadmissible ? admissible evidence
U.N.speech that is complicated and can have more than one meaning, sometimes used deliberately to deceive or confuse people? legal double-talk
C.N.a small shiny flat piece of metal, sewn onto clothes for decoration
make a splash
[informal] to do something that gets a lot of public attention? Russell's new show made a big splash in New York.
Adj. [formal]determined and never giving up? an indefatigable campaigner for human rights[Grey] A: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.B: Don't go acting all indefatigable.
can of worms
a very complicated situation that causes a lot of problems when you start to deal with it? I just don't know what to do - every solution I can think of would just open up a whole new can of worms .
from the get-go
[American English informal] from the beginning? From the get-go, I knew these tapes were special.[Lost] Sawyer: I knew about the 600 grand you had tucked away from the get-go.
the weak/weakest link
the person or thing in a situation that is less strong, skilful etc than the others? Goalkeeper Gouter proved to be the weakest link.
Adj.involving immoral or dishonest behavioursordid business/affair/story etc ? The whole sordid affair came out in the press.
Vt.to make someone feel slightly nervous, worried, or upset? The sudden changes unsettled Judy.
Adj.a conniving person secretly tries to gain something or harm someone - used to show disapproval [Project Runway] Jay ? Wendy
N. [formal]less than is needed of somethingsynonym lackpaucity of? a paucity of information
critical mass
N.1. the amount of a substance that is necessary for a nuclear chain reaction to start2. the smallest number of people or things that are needed in order for something to happen or be possible? How can we get a critical mass of people involved to keep the club running?
keep (close) tabs on somebody/something
[informal] to watch someone or something carefully to check what they are doing? The police have been keeping tabs on Rogers since he got out of prison.
Vt. [formal]to decide or mark the limits of an area, system etc
C.N. [American English informal]a man, especially one who is strong
C.N.a place where weapons are stored
combination[Lost] Sayid: Does jack have the combination to the armory?
maiden name
C.N.a woman's family name before she got married and started using her husband's family name
N. ??a small tool made of two crossed pieces of metal, used to hold small things or to bend and cut wire? a pair of pliers
Adj.cruel and showing no kindness or forgiveness? a merciless attack ? a merciless killer
[Lost] Sawyer: I found a new pair of glasses damn near my prescription. ?l prescription glasses
tell on somebody
[phrasal verb] ?sb織?azto tell someone in authority about something wrong that someone you know has done - used especially by children? Please don't tell on me - my parents will kill me if they find out!
bon appetit
Int. @A(K?)9簫織bsaid to someone before they start eating a meal, to tell them you hope they enjoy their food
a (very/completely/entirely) different animal
[informal] something that is very different from the thing you have mentioned? Writing e-mail is a very different animal from all other forms of writing.
C.N. [formal]someone who does something morally wrong or illegal? The perpetrators were never caught.
err on the side of something
C.N.the metal bars and frame that hold the wood, coal etc in a fireplace
C.N. [informal] a dishonest way of obtaining money, such as by threatening people or selling them illegal goodsdrugs/gambling/smuggling etc racket ? Police believe he is involved in an international smuggling racket.
U.N.short stiff hairs that grow on a man's face if he does not shave
lighten up
[spoken] used to tell someone not to be so serious about something? You need to lighten up a bit.
C.N.a short period of time when you do a lot of one activity, especially spending money or drinking alcoholon a spree? They went on a drinking spree .? a shopping spree
Adj. [informal]something that is nifty is good because it is clever, skilful, or effective? a nifty little gadget for squeezing oranges
be foreign to somebody
[formal]a) to seem strange to someone as the result of not being known or understoodsynonym be alien to somebody? The language of finance and economics is quite foreign to me.
Adj. [formal]work or a responsibility that is onerous is difficult and worrying or makes you tired:* an onerous task
V. [literary]if something palls, it becomes less interesting or enjoyable because you have experienced it before? Gradually, the novelty of city life began to pall.
Adj. [literary]not deserving any respect at allsynonym despicable? They were portrayed as contemptible cowards.
C.N. [technical]an article from a magazine that is printed and sold separately
Adj.a highbrow book, film etc is very serious and may be difficult to understand
U.N.fine lines drawn on or cut into a surface
C.N.a violent man? He was beaten up by a gang of young thugs.
C.N. 禮臘瓊a deep wide hole, usually filled with water, dug around a castle as a defence
U.N. [formal] a seriousness of manner that people respect 罈: he think that python has the gravitas to be that language.
U.N.patience and calmness when bad things happen to you
Adj.[not before noun] liking something very muchenamoured of/with? You don't seem very enamoured with your job.
C.N.someone who is well known for going to many fashionable parties, and who is often rich? a Washington socialite
V.to fit together perfectly or to make two plans, ideas etc fit together perfectlydovetail with? My vacation plans dovetail nicely with Joyce's.[Nature] Plan your days and weeks carefully to dovetail experiments so that you have a minimum amount of downtime.
a hairline crack/fracture
a very thin crack? a hairline fracture in a bone
not remotely interested/funny/possible etc
used to emphasize that someone or something is not at all interested, funny etc? There was nothing remotely new in this idea.[Lost] BenardXn?穠?織?]&lt;=ZZ?: Well,aren't you remotely curious as to where all this came from?
gun (v.)
Vt. [American English informal] to make the engine of a car go very fast by pressing the accelerator very hard [Lost] Benard織ZZ罈繳禮X ],Benard: don't gun it. You're digging yourself in.
save the day
to stop things from going badly and make a situation end successfully? A local businessman saved the day by donating 瞽G30,000 to the school.[Lost] The harm is,you are telling these people about airplanes and satellites coming out of nowhere to save the day.
N.a period when a serious illness improves for a timein remission? The chemotherapy was successful, and she is now in remission.? The cancer has gone into remission .[Lost] Rose: I've been in remission for the last couple of years.

let's get directions.a) instructions about how to get from one place to another? A very helpful woman gave me directions to the police station.
Vi. [informal]to leave a place very quickly, especially so that you do not get caught? Scram, you two!
C.N.someone who lives alone and has a simple way of life, usually for religious reasons
Adj. } 織something that is gold-plated has a layer of gold on top of another metal
Adj.extremely unhappy and without hope? Gill had been out of work for a year and was getting very despondent.
V.to make a very loud unpleasant noise? Horns blared in the street outside. ? The radio was blaring out the latest pop songs.
Adj.a confined space or area is one that is very small? It wasn't easy to sleep in such a confined space.[Lost] Eko??籀癡癡罈簞&lt;Charlie:We're in a very confined area.
Vt. [literary] to do something to hurt or punish someone because they have harmed or offended you? He wanted to avenge his brother's death.
V. [formal] to laugh at someone or something and try to make them look stupid by saying unkind things about them or by copying themsynonym make fun of? Opposition MPs mocked the government's decision.[Batman]織1[: Criminals mock society's laws.
American Englishthe sport of walking and climbing in caves
C.N.a large hood that covers your head and shoulders? a monk in a dark habit and cowl
C.N.a large box made of wood or plastic that is used for carrying fruit, bottles etccrate of? a crate of beer
district attorney
C.N. `矇??a lawyer in the US who works for the government in a particular area and who is responsible for bringing people who may be criminals to court
C.N.a holy war fought by Muslims
C.N. especially American English informalsomeone who is easily tricked or deceived, especially so that they take the blame for someone else's crime [Prison Break] 繭ap礙: You picked the son of a company man to be our patsy?
solitary (n.)
U.N. [informal] = solitary confinementa punishment in which a prisoner is kept alone and is not allowed to see anyone else [Prison Break] 穡t禮=k?: But I need to know where you got that burn right now. Otherwise,your ass is going to solitary.
Vt. L?to search someone for hidden weapons, drugs etc by feeling their body with your hands? We were frisked at the airport - can you believe it?
U.N. [American English] meat that has been cut into thin pieces and dried in the sun or with smoke
Adj. [formal]ill and therefore unable to be present? Mrs Rawlins is temporarily indisposed.
C.N. 繭?a woman that a man has a sexual relationship with, even though he is married to someone else? The Prince had shocked society by living openly with his mistress.
Vi. [literary] to feel or show that you are very happyrejoice at/over/in? His family rejoiced at the news. ? We rejoiced in our good fortune.
C.N. +矇
C.N. 瞿?a cup made of glass or metal, with a base and a stem but no handle
C.N. [American English] a plastic and wire object that you wear in your mouth to make your teeth stay straight
C.N. [informal] an attempt to rob a place or person by threatening them with a weapon? a bank hold-up
U.N. 繙?Ia material used in the past for writing on, made from the skin of a sheep or a goat
[plural] the first letters of all your names in order? His initials are DPH: they stand for David Perry Hallworth.
U.N. the state of being evil or well known for evil things [罈] January 19, 2038 is a date which will live in infamy. It is on that day that the 32-bit integer storing the number of seconds since the beginning of The Epoch will overflow, causing death and destruction unseen by the world since the Y2K Bug
C.N. 2a small metal or plastic cap used to protect your finger when you are sewing
outlaw (v)
Vt.to completely stop something by making it illegal? The bill would have outlawed several types of guns.
Adv. [spoken informal]quickly or immediately? You'd better get back here pronto.
N. [law] the act or crime of stealing
the A-list
N. all the most popular or famous film stars, musicians etc? the Hollywood A-list ? A-list celebrities
C.N. a written record of a series of events, especially historical events, written in the order in which they happened 編年史
N.very severe pain? the agony of arthritis
Adj.showing very strong feelings or opinionsvehement opposition/criticism/hostility etc
on the rampage
rushing about in a wild and violent way, often causing damage? gangs of youths on the rampage ? Rioters went on the rampage through the town.
C.N. [癟?]somebody's doppelgangersomeone who looks exactly like someone elsesynonym double
C.N. 簞j繭礙c.f. inpatient ?繭礙
U.N.when someone laughs at someone or something or shows that they think they are stupid? There was a hint of mockery in his voice.
Adj. [literary]able to keep changing or to do many things
U.N. [formal] [癟?] 穡簫2翻 a feeling of pleasure that you get when something bad happens to someone else
Adj.dirty and untidy? a scruffy old pair of jeans ? scruffy shops
prima donna
"C.N.someone who thinks that they are very good at what they do, and demands a lot of attention and praise from other people? In my view, football players are a bunch of over-paid prima donnas.[News] One source tells the paper that Kepcher had become ""a prima donna"" as a result of her notoriety."
educated guess
N.a guess that is likely to be correct because it is based on some knowledge? Investors must make an educated guess as to the company's potential.
C.N. ?a large flat fish that has a long tail with sharp poisonous points on it
C.N. [American English] 簞繳a structure built onto the front or back entrance of a house, with a floor and a roof but no walls [Prison Break] Franklin: if she understood what I told herand if she is willing to trust Daddy... that she needs to turn on the porch light at 7:00,okay?
Vt.to remove a leader or ruler from a position of power
scoop (n.)
C.N.an important or exciting news story that is printed in one newspaper or shown on one television station before any of the others know about it? a journalist looking for a scoop
comb through something
[phrasal verb]to search through a lot of objects or information in order to find a specific thing or piece of information? We spent weeks combing through huge piles of old documents.
Vt. [technical] to shake or mix a liquid quickly
Adj. 竅織containing an alkali
Adj.frenetic activity is fast and not very organizedsynonym frantic? She rushes from job to job at a frenetic pace.
C.N.a large plane for passengers
Adj.happening very suddenly and quickly? her meteoric rise from dancer to professional actress
Adj. WO織1. a woman who is voluptuous has large breasts and a soft curved body2. expressing strong sexual feeling or sexual pleasure? a voluptuous gesture
C.N.a private room or place for sleeping on a ship
fire brigade
C.N. [American English] a group of people who work together to stop fires burning, but are not paid to do this
Adj.involving a lot of strength and effortarduous task/work ? the arduous task of loading all the boxes into the van arduous journey/voyage ? an arduous journey through the mountains
I was born and raised (=born and grew up) in Alabama.
Adj.friendly and easy to talk tosynonym pleasant? an affable guy
Vi.if a loud sound reverberates, it is heard many times as it is sent back from different surfacessynonym echoreverberate through/around etc? The bang reverberated through the house.
Adj.[not before noun]not sure whether something is good or truesynonym doubtful? I can see you are dubious; take some time to think about it.
Adj.1. eating or wanting large quantities of food ? Pigs are voracious feeders. 2. having an extremely strong desire to do or have a lot of something? a voracious reader ? Her appetite for information was voracious .
Adj.a hackneyed phrase is boring and does not have much meaning because it has been used so often
C.N. a low rank in the army, air force etc
C.N. 簾Aa tendency to prefer or agree with a particular set of beliefs, opinions etcsynonym inclination? his radical political leaningsleaning towards? a leaning towards the Right
Adj.not having enough money to pay what you owesynonym bankrupt? The company was later declared insolvent (=officially said to be insolvent) .
C.N.a small piece of news, information, or conversationsnippet of? snippets of information
lose your grip
to become less confident and less able to deal with a situation? I don't know what's the matter; I think I'm losing my grip.
Adj.thinking or worrying about something all the time, so that you do not think about other things enough - used to show disapproval? an obsessive concern with cleanliness and order
turn the corner
to start to become successful or to feel better or happier, after a time when you have been unsuccessful, ill, or unhappyWe knew Dad had turned the corner when he started complaining about the hospital food.[Lost] Jack?f?B?翹: I wonder what--what helped you turn that corner?
rhetorical question
a question that you ask as a way of making a statement, without expecting an answer
Adj. [written]easily becoming angry? an irascible old man
along/down the road
in the future, especially at a later stage in a process? You can always upgrade a bit further down the road if you want. ? Somewhere down the road, they're going to clash.
pull the plug (on something)
[informal] to prevent a plan, business etc from being able to continue, especially by deciding not to give it any more money? * The Swiss entrepreneur has pulled the plug on any further investment in the firm.
V.to try to do something difficult very quicklyscramble to do somethingThey were scrambling to give the impression that the situation was in control.
Adj.someone who is beefy is big, strong, and often quite fat
N. Athe last few words of a joke or story, that make it funny or surprising [Groundhog] k?0$?禮&lt;0Y&lt;-?礙?: I'm waiting for the punch line.
advancing years/agethe fact of growing older? Blake had grown much quieter - another sign of his advancing years.[Groundhog] kXW3W?&lt;-?礙: I like to see a man of advancing years throwing caution to the wind.
throw/cast caution to the winds
[literary] to stop worrying about danger and to take a big risk? Throwing caution to the winds, she swung around to face him.
Adj.thinking only about yourself and not about what other people might need or wantsynonym self-centred
V.if vegetables, seeds, or plants sprout, they start to grow, producing shoots, buds, or leaves? Move the pots outside when the seeds begin to sprout. ? Trees were starting to sprout new leaves.[Groundhog] I was short, and I've sprouted.
Adj.existing or popular for only a short time? Fashion is by nature ephemeral.
lay waste something
also lay waste to something[formal] to destroy or damage something, especially in a war? The island was laid waste and abandoned. ? an attack which laid waste to hundreds of villages
all the best
used to express good wishes to someone for the future? We'd just like to wish him all the best in his new job.all the best for? All the best for the New Year!
U.N. [formal]the use of clever plans or actions to deceive people? Clearly there is some chicanery going on.
V.to search through a lot of documents, lists etc in order to find out informationtrawl through? I'll have to trawl through all my lecture notes again.
C.N.a tool for clearing waste that is blocking a kitchen or bathroom pipe. It consists of a straight handle with a rubber cup on the end.
be peppered with something
if something is peppered with things, it has a lot of those things in it or on it? a speech peppered with amusing stories ? The surface of the moon is peppered with craters.
out of sorts
feeling a little ill or upset? Louise went back to work feeling rather out of sorts.
Adj. [informal]bright, fashionable, and attractive? a snazzy red jacket
C.N.a pleasant feeling that remains after a good experienceafterglow of? the afterglow of victory
the feeling that what is happening now has happened before in exactly the same way? a strange sense of deja vu
Vi, N.if a horse gallops, it moves very fast with all its feet leaving the ground together? A neighbour's horse came galloping down the road, riderless.? a galloping horse
Vt. ?to officially prevent someone from leaving a place? Two suspects have been detained by the police for questioning . ? She was detained in hospital with a suspected broken
Vi.to change what you are doing so that you are not following an expected plan, idea, or type of behaviourdeviate from? The plane had to deviate from its normal flight path.
C.N. kl?a piece of equipment that stops a movement from being too strong
Vi. [formal]to discuss something with other people, so that everyone can express their opinions and decide on somethingconfer with? Franklin leant over and conferred with his attorneys.
U.N.a place to stay? It's 瞽G90 a week for board and lodging (=meals and a room) .
C.N. 礙 someone who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so that the other side will do what the enemy demands? The group are holding two western tourists hostage (=keeping them as hostages) .? a family taken hostage at gunpoint yesterday
U.Nillegal or unfair threatsunder duressThe confession was obtained under duress.
beat the pants off somebody
[American English spoken] to defeat someone very easily in a game or competitionsynonym thrash
[written] seeming weak and uninteresting? an anaemic first novel
C.N. [informal] an idea, a plan, or a person that has no chance of success? In its present form the scheme is a non-starter.
C.N.a small pointed or thin piece that has been cut or broken off somethingsliver of? a sliver of glass ? a sliver of cake
C.N. 繩瞿one of the three sisters in ancient Greek stories who had snakes on their heads that made anyone who looked at them change into stone
C.N.also echelons? a rank or level of authority in an organization, business etc, or the people at that levelupper/higher/lower echelons? the upper echelons of government? Their clients are drawn from the highest echelons of society.
N, Adj. &lt;y 織a type of cloth that is very smooth and shiny? a red satin ribbon
U.N.formal a feeling of hatred and anger towards someone you cannot forgive because they harmed you in the pastwithout rancour? He spoke openly about the war without a trace of rancour.
Adj.determined to do something and unwilling to stop trying even when the situation becomes difficult? a tenacious negotiator
N. [formal] an important work of art by a famous writer, painter etc
Vi. [formal]to tell someone that you strongly disapprove of something they have said or doneremonstrate withThe Everton manager remonstrated angrily with the referee.
Adj.a photograph that is grainy has a rough appearance, as if the images are made up of spots
C.N.the area of hard skin around the base of your nails
U.N.strong brown paper used for making envelopes? a large manila envelope
C.N.something, especially a drink or food, made by mixing different things, especially things that are not usually combined? He sipped the concoction cautiously.
N. (璽
Adv. formal [sentence adverb]therefore
U.N. [law] illegal or dishonest activity
U.N.secret activities that are intended to damage or destroy the power or influence of a government or established system? Murray was jailed for subversion.
N. [formal] a warning or expression of disapproval about someone's behaviour
Vt. [formal]to remove a name from a list, piece of information, or book
give somebody some/enough etc rope
to give someone a lot of freedom to do something in the way they want to do it? Managers have to decide how much rope to give their subordinates.
blood drive
Int. ??=used to emphasize in a humorous way that someone has made a very good point during an argument
Adj.a man who is dapper is nicely dressed, has a neat appearance, and is usually small or thin? a dapper little man in a grey suit
odds and ends
N.small things of various kinds without much value? He didn't keep much in his desk - just a few odds and ends.
C.N. bTa wide wall or flat area built out into the water, used for getting on and off boats
V, N.the offence of going onto someone's land without their permission? He will be prosecuted for trespass.[24]Palmerm癒: Chinese won't care.He died as a result of our trespass.
Adj. [informal]used about a situation in which there is a serious risk that something bad could happen? It was touch-and-go whether the doctor would get there on time.
Adj.a black-tie event is one at which people wear special formal clothes, such as tuxedos for men
N.a small thing that you keep to remind you of someone or somethingmemento of? I kept the bottle as a memento of my time in Spain.
C.N. [American English] xa coffin
N. [American English] an occasion when former students return to their high school or college
C.N. a special hospital for people who are dying
C.N.a decorated stone box for a dead body, used in ancient times
C.N.? a form of a language that ordinary people use, especially one that is not the official languagein the vernacular ? Galileo wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience.
C.N.a clever trick used to deceive someone:? Agnes tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of the house.
C.N. [formal] something that is very large:? a trade behemoth that shipped abroad $800 billion worth of goods罈: Software behemoth Microsoft
U.N. [formal] feelings of anger between people who disagree strongly and do not like each other
Vt.to cheat someone, especially after you have agreed to do something dishonest with them
turn over a new leaf
to change the way you behave and become a better person:?I see fatherhood as a chance to turn over a new leaf.
Adj. very long and boring [= endless]:* interminable delays
Adj.extremely happy and pleased because of a success:? Radicals were jubilant at getting rid of him.? The fans were in jubilant mood as they left the stadium.
"?? The size of the units of {code} under consideration in some context. The term generally refers tothe level of detail at which code is considered, e.g. ""You can specify the granularity for this profiling tool""."
stand up to somebody/something
[phrasal verb]to refuse to accept unfair treatment from a person or organization:? He'll respect you more if you stand up to him.? Cliff couldn't stand up to bullying.
V, N 禮?
pole vault
mano a mano
Adv.with only two people involved [= one-to-one]:? He finally faced up to his father, mano a mano, telling him he was going to leave college.
ring finger
index finger
N. [formal]the responsibility for somethingthe onus is on somebody to do something ?The onus is on the prosecution to provide proof of guilt.
N. V, to do something that gives other people a bad opinion of someone or something:? The fans have done the game a great disservice.
get to somebody/something
to make someone feel annoyed or upset:? I'm under a lot of pressure at work, and sometimes it gets to me a bit.? Don't let things get to you.
deign to do something
to do something that you think you are really too important to do - often used humorously:?Travis called after her, but she didn't deign to answer.
N. [formal] something that someone expects or asks you to do for them, which is not convenient for you:? I know it's an imposition, but could I use your bathroom?
N. 簫?
N. [formal]a statement about what you think will happen in the future [= forecast]:? gloomy prognostications
Adj.holy or made holy by religious practices? The bones will be buried in hallowed ground.
Adj.pleased with a situation, especially something you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things - used to show disapproval:? There's a danger of becoming complacent if you win a few games.? a complacent attitude towards the problem
Vt. to carelessly waste money, time, opportunities etc:? The home team squandered a number of chances in the first half.
C.N., Vt ??a lock that you can put on a gate, door, bicycle etc:? He undid the padlock and eased back the lid.
N. ?the most exciting or important part of a story or experience, which usually comes near the end
smear campaign
C.N.a deliberate plan to tell untrue stories about an important person in order to make people lose respect for them - used especially in newspapers
part with something
to give something to someone else, although you do not want to:? I'm reluctant to part with any of the kittens, but we need the money.
bring something to bear
[formal]to use something, for example your power, authority, or your knowledge, in a way that will have a big effect on something or someone:? The full force of the law was brought to bear on anyone who criticized the government.
Vt.to think that something is likely to happen in the future:? The scheme cost a lot more than we had originally envisaged.
C.N.a long angry speech criticizing someone or something
C.N.someone who is a laughing stock has done something so silly that people have no respect for them:? The programme has made the U.S. a laughingstock.
C.N.a quality or an idea that a word makes you think of that is more than its basic meaning [? denotation]connotation of ? The word 'professional' has connotations of skill and excellence.? a negative connotation
Int.used to emphasize in a humorous way that someone has made a very good point during an argument
C.N. [American English informal]animals that have been killed by cars on the road
"C.N. $
C.N. if a sound or a piece of music rises to a crescendo, it gradually becomes louder until it is very loud [? diminuendo]:? The shouting rose to a deafening crescendo.? The curtains opened as the music reached a crescendo.
tap water
U.N. water that comes out of a tap rather than a bottle
V.to understand a remark or action in a particular way
beyond one's ken
if something is beyond your ken, you have no knowledge or understanding of it:? mysteries beyond our ken
a piece of the action
[informal] a share of the money from a business activity:? And will foreign firms get a piece of the action?
Adj. [formal]experiencing a lot of problems or criticism:? the country's beleaguered steel industry
see/think fit (to do something)
to decide that something is the best thing to do, especially when other people do not agree with you:? The government saw fit to ignore our advice.? Sort out the problem in any way you think fit.
wanted by a lot of people but rare or difficult to getmuch/highly sought-after ? a much sought-after defense lawyer? By the mid-1920s, she had become one of Broadway's most sought-after actresses.
bean curd
mum's the word
[spoken] used to tell someone that they must not tell other people about a secret
U.N. ?矇
Adj. too strong to be destroyed or defeated:? an invincible army? Young athletes think of themselves as invincible.
Vt.to train someone to accept a particular set of beliefs, especially political or religious ones, and not consider any others:? People were indoctrinated not to question their leaders.
U.N. 疇穫簽property or other goods that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay back the money they lend you [= security]:? We put up our home as collateral in order to raise the money to invest in the scheme.
Vt.to burn the body of a dead person at a funeral ceremony
Adj. smalla shy diminutive man
N. San occasion when your muscles suddenly become tight, causing you pain:? Maggie felt a muscle spasm in her back.
cottage industry
C.N an industry that consists of people working at home
N.a performance in which someone takes off their clothes in a sexually exciting way
don't waste your breathsave your breath
[spoken] used to say that someone will not be able to persuade someone else, so there is no point in trying:? Save your breath. She's already made up her mind.? Will he listen to me or will I just be wasting my breath?
Vt.to defeat someone completely:? We were trounced 13-0.
Adj.not being serious about something that other people think you should be serious about:? a rather flippant remark
U.N.all the plants that grow in a particular place or country:* Tourism is damaging the flora and fauna (=plants and animals) of the island.
put/throw a spanner in the works
[informal] to unexpectedly do something that prevents a plan or process from succeeding
somebody's estranged husband/wife
someone's husband or wife whom they are no longer living with, used especially in newspaper reports
Vt.to make a situation, attitude etc, especially a bad one, continue to exist for a long time:* an education system that perpetuates the divisions in our society
Adv.happening quickly:* Expansion of the company has continued apace.
U.N.a situation in which things are changing a lot and you cannot be sure what will happen:* Everything is in flux at the moment.
N.small animals, birds, and insects that are harmful because they destroy crops, spoil food, and spread disease:* The beds were filthy and full of vermin.* Foxes are considered vermin.
N.a strong feeling of love for someone or interest in something, especially a feeling that is unreasonable and does not continue for a long time
Adj.someone who is deranged behaves in a crazy or dangerous way, usually because they are mentally ill:* a deranged gunman
Adj.extremely small [= minute]:* a minuscule amount of food* Her office is minuscule.
C.N. the number of people a doctor, social worker etc has to deal with
C.N. [formal]someone who asks people for money in order to live, usually for religious reasons
reel (v.)
Vi. to be confused or shocked by a situation:* Norman's brain was reeling, but he did his best to appear calm.
the upper/middle/lower register * the upper register of the cello
be partial to something
[formal] to like something very much:* I'm very partial to cream cakes.
Vt. to fail to do something properly, because you have made stupid mistakes - used especially in news reports:* The whole police operation was bungled.* slashdot: this second article concentrates on how Microsoft bungled the transition from XP to Vista.
Adj. having a limited view of a subject, or refusing to accept or consider different ideas [= narrow-minded]<b>a blinkered attitude/approach</b>* a blinkered attitude to other cultures
Vt. if you exude a particular quality, it is easy to see that you have a lot of it: ???? She exudes self-confidence.* He exuded an air of wealth and power
Vi. to talk for a long time about unimportant things
N, V. a treatment for the hands that includes cutting and polishing the nails
Vt. to act the same part again, play the same tune again etc* Here is the first picture of Britney Spears reprising her role as Abby.
Adj. an amicable agreement, relationship etc is one in which people feel friendly towards each other and do not want to quarrel:* Their relationship hasn't always been amicable.
C.N. a system used to connect telephone calls in an office building, hotel etc, or the people who operate the system:* switchboard operators
make a pit stop
[A.E. informal] to stop when driving on a long journey, for food, petrol, or to go to the toilet
tardy bell
Adj. ???∪虜someone who is fickle is always changing their mind about people or things that they like, so that you cannot depend on them - used to show disapproval:* an unpredictable and fickle lover
Adj.doing something in a very determined way because you have very strong beliefs, aims etc [??irresolute]:* resolute opposition* resolute leadership
run along
[phrasal verb]used to tell a child to leave, or to tell someone that you must leave:* Run along now! I've got work to finish.* Oh, it's late. I'd better be running along.
V. 撘瑚犖?€?Ωformal] to expect or ask someone to do something for you when this is not convenient for them<b>impose on/upon</b>* We could ask to stay the night, but I don't want to impose on them.
tipping point
C.N. the moment when one particular result of a process becomes the most likely one, after a period when the result is not sure
N. a short time when something bad stops happening, so that the situation is temporarily better<b>respite from</b>* The trip was a welcome respite from the pressures of work.* a brief respite from persecution
Adj.[only before N] happening at the end of a long period of time or after a lot of other things have happened:* Sweden were the eventual winners of the tournament.
toll (v.)
V. if a large bell tolls, or if you toll it, it keeps ringing slowly, especially to show that someone has died
V, N. to fall somewhere, making a sound like something dropping into water
C.N. a difficult or unpleasant situation in which you do not know what to do, or in which you have to make a difficult choice:* the country's economic predicament
fast (v.)
to eat little or no food for a period of time, especially for religious reasons:* Muslims fast during Ramadan.
on tap
[informal] something that is on tap is ready to use when you need it:* We've got all the information on tap.
N. [formal]a sum of money offered to a professional for a piece of advice, a speech etc
in denial
a condition in which you refuse to admit or believe that something bad exists or has happened* His girlfriend is in denial, and refuses to admit that he will soon die.
N. someone who is not willing to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something:* Even hardened cynics believe the meeting is a step towards peace.
Adj. very serious and sincere:* Matthews was in earnest conversation with a young girl.
N. a man who shows his sexual organs to women in public
N. an area of steep ground covered with snow that people ski down:* We got to Tahoe on Friday, and hit the slopes (=skied on them) the next day.
rock the boat
[informal] to cause problems for other members of a group by criticizing something or trying to change the way something is done:* He kept his feelings to himself, not wanting to rock the boat.
brace (v.)
V. to mentally or physically prepare yourself or someone else for something unpleasant that is going to happen<b>brace yourself (for something)</b>* Nancy braced herself for the inevitable arguments.
Adj. making you feel less worried or frightened:* a reassuring smile
N. 瘥??????
N. 1 [formal] the opposite of a particular situation or feeling [= opposite]obverse of * The obverse of victory is defeat.2. [technical] the front side of a coin or medal
V. [formal] to make it difficult for you to do something or for something to happen [= burden]:
Adj. someone who is incorrigible is bad in a way that cannot be changed or improved - often used humorously<b>an incorrigible liar/rogue</b>
Adj.a plaintive sound is high, like someone crying, and sounds sad<b>plaintive cry/voice/sound etc</b>
N. when people are made to join the army, navy etc [= draft]
N. used to emphasize that people suddenly do a lot of a particular activity, especially far too much of it:* an orgy of spending
out of/from nowhere
happening or appearing suddenly and without warning:
N. 1. a fine cloth made with patterns of many very small holes 2. ?葆
a (whole) host of people/things
a large number of people or things:
measure up
to be good enough to do a particular job or to reach a particular standard:* We'll give you a week's trial in the job to see how you measure up.
Adj. very difficult and tiring:* a grueling journey
Let's hear it for sb.
N. 1. 撣?2. 瘝寧, 瘝寧撣?
N. someone who draws pictures, especially for books
N. 1. an adult female chicken2. a fully grown female bird
behaviour that seems strange, funny, silly, or annoying:
be a goner
[informal]if someone is a goner, they are soon going to die, to fall, be caught etc:
confident or relaxed enough to do or say what you want to:* uninhibited laughter
V.1. to think that something is true, although you are not certain [= assume]:2. [formal] to behave without respect or politeness by doing something that you have no right to do<b>presume to do something</b>* Even though the issue affects older 2.0.x versions, as to why he didn't find the vulnerability earlier is something we don't presume to know.
cry foul
to protest because you think something is wrong or not fair
smell a rat
[informal] to guess that something wrong or dishonest is happening
throw down the gauntlet
to invite someone to fight or compete over a disagreement
exotic dancer
a dancer who takes off her clothes while dancing
Adj. [formal]much more than is reasonable or acceptable:* The war caused an unconscionable amount of suffering.
N. anxiety about the future, especially about dealing with something unpleasant or difficult [= anxiety]:* a feeling of apprehension
1. before the time by which it is necessary for something to be done:2. after a certain period of time, especially after a gradual process of change and development:
impressive and respected:* an august institution
Adj. proving that you have done something morally wrong or embarrassing, or making it seem as if you have done so* compromising letter/photograph/picture etc
the son of a king or queen, who is expected to become the next king
crown prince
Adj. unreasonably cruel and unfair towards someone who has harmed you:
rule the roost
[informal] to be the most powerful person in a group:* His wife rules the roost in their house.
N. [written]a difficult or unpleasant situation, or very tiring work
N. a feeling of great happiness and excitement
pull somebody's leg
to tell someone something that is not true, as a joke:* I haven't won, have I? You're pulling my leg.
N. a dark reddish purple colour
on the cheap
spending less money than is needed to do something properly:
v. [informal]to complain about something in an annoying way [= whinge]
revolve around somebody/something
to have something as a main subject or purpose:* Jane's life revolves around her children.
neutral (n.)
[撘?] 蝛箸? * When you start the engine, make sure the car's in neutral.
a clear liquid that is formed in your body and passes into your blood system to fight against infection 瘛毀
be a pillar of strength
if someone is a pillar of strength, they are there to give you help and support at a difficult time:
snake oil
N. [especially American English informal]something that is claimed to be a solution to a problem, but is not effective
take something at face value
to accept a situation or accept what someone says, without thinking there may be a hidden meaning:*You shouldn't always take his remarks at face value.
Adj. if you behave in a melodramatic way, you become more angry or upset than is really necessary:
V. [written]to wave something around in a dangerous or threatening way, especially a weapon:
lump sum
N. an amount of money given in a single payment:* When you retire you'll get a lump sum of 瞿80,000.
N. [formal] a feeling of being tired, bored, and unsatisfied with your life
Adj. something that is predestined is certain to happen because it has been decided by God or fate ?賭葉瘜典???
V. if you rev an engine, or if an engine revs, you make it work faster
Adj, Adv, affecting everyone or everything in a situation or organization:* an across-the-board pay increase
Adj. divided into different levels:* graduated rates of taxation
stock car
a car that has been made stronger so that it can compete in a race where cars often crash into each other:* stock-car racing
trophy wife
[informal] a young beautiful woman who is married to a rich successful man who is much older than her - used to show disapproval
N. an attempt by a group of people to change the government, laws etc in an area or country [= rebellion]:
I rest my case
[spoken]a) [formal] used by a lawyer when they have finished trying to prove something in a court of lawb) used when something happens or is said which proves that you were right - used humorously
V. to waste time doing unnecessary things:* Stop faffing around!
V. ???槐f someone radiates a feeling, or if it radiates from them, it is very easy to see that this is how they feel:* He radiated calm confidence.
V. [informal] ?to have a secret relationship with someone who is not your regular partner:* He doesn't know Claire's been two-timing him.
N. someone who is training to be an officer in the army, navy, air force, or police
Adj. very secret and mysterious, and usually involving the work of spies:* a cloak-and-dagger operation
N. part of a river where the water looks white because it is moving very fast over rocks 皝?
take attendance
N. [informal] financial help given to a person or a company that is in difficulty
V. to bend your body forward and down:
stoop to something
to do something bad or morally wrong, which you do not normally do
v. to become longer, or make something longer than normal:
N. a whole thing that is different from all its parts, and has qualities that are not present in any of its parts by themselves:
Adj. paranormal events cannot be explained by science and seem strange and mysterious
V. if something irks you, it makes you feel annoyed
N. great strength and power:* He swung the axe again with all his might.
N. a small business, factory etc where people work hard in bad conditions for very little money - used to show disapproval 銵€瘙極撱?
N, Adj. someone who does not eat any animal products at all, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or milk 蝝?銝餌儔??
Adj. moving unsteadily from side to side:* a wobbly table
Adj. likely to suddenly become upset, excited, or angry - used to show disapproval: ?€撣貊?
N. a young person who is very successful
N. [especially American English] a food such as rice, potatoes, or bread that contains carbohydrate:
spinning one's wheel
know of
"I know him. ""???剛圾隞?""I know of him. ""?隤芷?隞?""
N. someone's cohorts are their friends who support them and stay loyal to them - used in order to show disapproval:
sow your wild oats
sow your wild oats if a man sows his wild oats, he has sex with many different women, especially when he is young
V. to give your opinion about something in a way that shows you think you are always right
V. to do something that makes people lose respect for someone or something
N. 1. money paid for murdering someone2. money paid to the family of someone who has been murdered
Adj. [informal]proud and unfriendly because you think you are better and more important than other people - used to show disapproval [= snooty]:
sine qua non
N. [formal]something that you must have, or which must exist, before something else can happen
N. Adj. [formal]someone who has been elected to an official position, especially in politics, and who is doing that job at the present time:
as the crow flies
in a straight line:* ten miles from here as the crow flies
N. an area of thick hard skin: 蝜? the calluses on his hands
grapple with something
to try hard to deal with or understand something difficult:* The Government has to grapple with the problem of unemployment.
give somebody a (good) run for their money
to make your opponent in a competition use all their skill and effort to defeat you:
Adj. [formal]coming into existence or starting to develop:
Adj. [formal] recondite facts or subjects are not known about or understood by many people [= obscure]
N. a circle made from leaves or flowers that you put on the place where a person is buried:
Vt. 撠梯 to hold an official ceremony when someone starts doing an important job in government
Adj. informal
1 having unattractive soft loose flesh rather than strong muscles: * a flabby stomach