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48 Cards in this Set

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(physics) a stress that produces an elongation of an elastic physical body; "the direction of maximum tension moves asymptotically toward the direction of the shear"
A puling force.
Stress characterized by pulling apart.
Force that tends to pull the particles of a body apart
The act of pressing together.
The pushing together on two ends.
A type of stress that involves the pushing together of two ends.
The strain produced by twisting.
Torsion refers to the twisting of a structural member loaded by torque, or twisting couples.
the force that results in a twisting action on a member
Sheer Stress
Combines tensionand compression. (compression on top and torsion on bottom)
Any compression stress with support on one side.
Cross Bracing
Bracing beams that fit together and support the bridge to keep it from shifting and buckling.
A system of bracing by the use of ties.
any of various structural frames based on the geometric rigidity of the triangle and composed of straight members subject only to longitudinal compression, tension, or both: functions as a beam or cantilever to support bridges, roofs, etc.
a bridge structure that transports water from one place to another.
a conduit that resembles a bridge but carries water over a valley
A bridge or channel for conveying water, often over long distances.
Cantilever Bridge
A structure at least one portion of which acts as an anchorage for sustaining another portion which projects beyond the supporting pier.
A bridge with rigid arms extending from both sides of a base, the inner ones usually supporting a central span.
A cantilever is a structure or beam that is unsupported at one end but supported at the other, like diving boards.
Suspension Bridge
A bridge with its deck supported from above by large cables or chains hanging from towers.
Cable Stayed Bridge
A bridge whose deck is directly supported from pylons by straight cables without vertical suspenders.
Bascule Bridge
A form of moving bridge in which a hinged counterweight at one end of a span falls, causing the deck to rise.
hazards are dormant or potential, with only a theoretical risk of harm, however, once a hazard becomes 'active', it can create an emergency situation
When hazards start to effect people in a significant way.
When danger has become a reality and is causing damage and devastation in it's wake.
Primary effect
The primary effects of a tornado might be: buildings and cars destroyed, trees uprooted, deaths. The primary effects of a flood might be: houses destroyed, roads out, power out, ton's o mud. The primary effects of an earthquake might be: initial shaking, tsunamis, volcanoes, destroyed pipes, cracked earth.
Secondary effect
Ask yourself "Is this effect the result of another effect?" Tornado: no electricity in homes, rampant animals, homeless people, debris. Flood: no drinkable water, mold, mosquito infestation. Earthquake: fires, landslides, loss of power and water, debris, panicked people.
Tertiary effect
The legislature and cultural changes that come from it. Tornado: building codes, mandatory storm shelters advances in forecasting disaster plans, movies and books... Flood: flood insurance, building codes, songs, art. Earthquake: Aquist Priolo act(no building on fault lines), economic depression, memorials built.
Pre-event planning and other actions, which lessen the effects of potential disasters.
(remedy disaster and reduce effects)
A watershed is the area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off of it goes into the same place.
Watershed originally meant the dividing line (a drainage divide), on opposite sides of which liquid or frozen water from precipitation flows in opposite directions.
Watershed originally meant the dividing line (a drainage divide), on opposite sides of which liquid or frozen water from precipitation flows in opposite directions.
Contingency plan
A plan that lays out what to do in a possible event or occurrence or result that hasn't happened yet.
Flood Stage
When water is so high that it starts to do significant damage.
# The level at which a stream, river, or other body of water begins to or will begin to leave its banks
Flood stage is the point at which the surface of a river, creek, or other body of water has risen to a sufficient level to cause damage.
Man-made swamp that slows down and filters water.
Bioswales are landscape elements designed to remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water
An embankment to prevent inundation
A protective barrier built along the banks of a stream to prevent flooding.

A natural or artificial bank that constrains the flow of water to a channel.
Storm drain
An opening leading to an underground pipe or open ditch for carrying surface runoff, separate from the sanitary sewer or wastewater system
A drain that carries away unwanted rain, drainage or surface water.
A system of gutters, pipes, or ditches used to collect and carry stormwater from buildings or land surfaces to streams, lakes, or other receiving waters
First flush
the initial flush of storm water that picks up all the yucky stuff (human residue). It is transferred to water purifier facilities.
A closed conduit used for the conveyance of surface drainage water under a roadway, railroad, canal, or other impediment.
Any pipe, duct or structure to facilitate drainage or transfer of surface water, storm water or other forms of runoff water. A culvert may be a freestanding structure or part of another structure such as a roadway, bridge, alley, private road, driveway, or parking lot.
Detention basin
usually dry, A type of flood control structure designed to reduce downstream stormwater runoff by routing it to a temporary storage area
Reservoir designed to reduce or slow the rate of flow in an open drainage facility.
Retention basin
usually wet, A basin designed to hold water which then slowly percolates into the ground or evaporates.
a storage site similar to a detention basin but the water in storage is permanently obstructed from flowing downstream
Plate Tectonics
The theory that the earth's surface is divided into a few large, thick plates that are continually moving.
Movements of the Earth's crustal plates, which result in changes in the position, size, and shape of continents and oceans.
The study of earthquakes and the structure of the Earth, based on data from seismic waves.
Richter scale
Earthquakes are measured and reported in the Richter Scale. It is a logarithmic scale which means that a Richter 3 is 10 times greater than a Richter 2, and a Richter 4 is 100 times as great as a Richter 2.
a scale that tells what people actually feel and observe when an earthquake occurs; based on observed effects, not on mathematics
a subjective measure of the strength of an earthquake. It measures the degree of intensity.
a scale for measuring the magnitude of an earthquake, ranging from 1 to 12.
Normal Fault
(no overhang) an inclined fault in which the hanging wall appears to have slipped downward relative to the footwall
Thrust Fault
(overhang) a geological fault in which the upper side appears to have been pushed upward by compression
Straight-Slip fault
(sliding past)
Tropical Storm
the early stages of a hurricane
Storm Surge
An abnormal rise in sea level accompanying a hurricane or other intense storm, and whose height is the difference between the observed level of the sea surface and the level that would have occurred in the absence of the cyclone.
A large wave caused by a hurricane
Coriolis effect
The tendency of moving fluids (such as air and water) on Earth's surface to be deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. Caused by Earth's rotation.
due to earth spinning - Northern hemisphere, spin is anti-clockwise - Southern hemisphere spin is clockwise
A hurricane that forms in the Western Pacific Ocean.
A name given to the tropical cyclones of the China Sea and the west part of the North Pacific Oc

# A typhoon is a large and powerful tropical cycle with extreme winds. They typically occur in areas around the Western Pacific Ocean or the Indian Ocean.
Gulf Stream
A warm surface ocean current which originates in the Gulf of Mexico and flows north–east across the Atlantic. It influences the climate of the UK and north–west Europe by bring within humid mild air.
(A breeding ground for hurricanes)
High pressure and low pressure systems
HP-a large mass of air with high atmospheric pressure at the center
LP-a large mass of air with low atmospheric pressure at the center
Building safety
don't build buildings with anchored bases. Use base isolation.
elevated building foundations.
the force over an area applied on an object in a direction perpendicular to the surface.
How does an airplane wing displace air?
When an airplane wing moves, it displaces air in two ways;one air pocket travels over the wing and the other goes under. The top air pocket must travel faster due to the nature of displacement. (the top pocket must travel very fast to fill the vacuums that the slow bottom pocket tries to create
The rate at which things flow.
a dynamical system that is extremely sensitive to its initial conditions
The Butterfly Effect
the phenomenon whereby a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere
In fluid dynamics, turbulence or turbulent flow is a fluid regime characterized by chaotic, stochastic property changes. This includes low momentum diffusion, high momentum convection, and rapid variation of pressure and velocity in space and time.
Brownie in Motion
Brownian movement: the random motion of small particles suspended in a gas or liquid