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251 Cards in this Set

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Abduction, an
--> kidnapping
Abuse (v.)
Misbruiken, uitschelden, onteren
To hurt or injure by maltreatment; ill-use / to rape / to insult
Accomplice (n.)
Een medeplichtige
One who participates in the commission of a crime without being the principal actor.
Accountable to (adj.)
Verantwoordelijk voor
--> answerable to
Accuse sb of sth (v.)
Iemand beschuldigen van iets
--> to charge someone with sth
Accustomed to sth (adj.)
Gewend aan iets
Used to sth
Acquitted (adj.)
Proved innocent, freed of wrongdoing
Act (of Parliament) (n.)
Een wet
A law that has been officially accepted by Parliament or Congress
Adultery (adj.)
Consensual sexual intercourse between a married person and a person other than the spouse
Advocate (n.)
An individual who presents or argues another's case; one who gives legal advice and pleads the cause of another before a court or tribunal; a counselor.
Aggravated assault (adj.)
Zware mishandeling
the crime of physically attacking another person which results in serious bodily harm and/or is made with a deadly or dangerous weapon such as a gun, knife, sword, ax or blunt instrument.
Aggravating circumstances (adj.)
verzwarende omstandigheden
to aggravate --> to intensify, to increase, to complicate
Alimony (n.)
Alimentatie, onderhoudsgeld
Payment that a family court may order one person in a couple to make to the other person when that couple separates or divorces (--> maintenance)
Allowance (n.)
Loon, bezoldiging, toelage / zakgeld
An amount that is allowed or granted / A small amount of money regularly given to a child, often as payment for household chores
Amend (v.)
to alter or change by adding, subtracting, or substituting. One can for example amend a statute, a contract or a written pleading filed in a law suit.
Annulment (n.)
A legal procedure for retroactively declaring a marriage null and void; as if the marriage never took place.
Appeal to sth (v.)

In beroep gaan

To request for a higher court to review the decision of a lower court
Armed robbery (n.)
Een gewapende overval
Taking someone else’s property by threat of violence, a holdup
Arraignment (n.)
a criminal proceeding in which an accused person is called before a court to answer the charge made against him
Arson (n.)
Opzettelijke brandstichting
The crime of intentionally and illegally setting fire to a building or other structure.
Assault (v.)
Overvallen, aanranden, lastigvallen
To make a violent assault upon; attack. / to rape / to attack verbally / to harass
Attorney (n.)
A person who is legally qualified and licensed to represent a person in a legal matter, such as a transaction or lawsuit.
Bail (n.)
Security, usually a sum of money, exchanged for the release of an arrested person as a guarantee of that person's appearance for trial, to release on bail.
Bail sb out (v.)
Borgtocht voor iemand betalen
to post money to secure an accused defendant's release.
Balance sheet (n.)
Jaarverslag, balans
The statement of the financial position of a company at the end of a financial year. It shows how the company is capitalised by providing details of debt and share funding.
Barred from sth, to be (v.)
Verhinderd, versperd
To be prevented entry or exit or a course of action
Barrister (n.)
A lawyer who is authorized to appear and present cases at any court in a jurisdiction.
Bill (n.)
a form or draft of a proposed statute presented to a legislature, but not yet enacted or passed and made law.
Bill of Rights (n.)
de eerste 10 amendementen van de grondwet van de Verenigde Staten
--> the first ten constitutional amendments ratified by three-fourths of the states in 1791 in the United States of America
Bipartisanship (n.)
Een bipartite
A political situation where two opposing parties find common ground through compromise
Born out of wedlock, to be (v.)
Buiten het huwelijk geboren
Of biological parents not legally married to each other, illegitimately
Breach of contract (n.)
A failure to perform a contract
Bring a case to court (v.)
Een zaak voor het gerecht brengen
To take your case to court, so a judge can decide an outcome
Burgle (v.)
To break into a house in order to steal things
Capital punishment (n.)
--> death sentence
Chancellor of the Exchequer (n.)
Minister van Financiën
The senior finance minister in the British government and a member of the prime minister's cabinet
Charge sb with (v.)
To accuse someone of
Checks and balances (n.)
“checks and balances”
limits imposed on all branches of a government by vesting in each branch the right to amend or void those acts of another that fall within its purview.
Cite (v.)
Noemen, verwijzen, citeren
To refer to (a previous court decision or other legal precedent), as when arguing a case.
Civil wrong (n.)
Onrechtmatige daad
any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought / --> a tort
Claim damages for sth (v.)
(a demand for) a payment of to be paid to a person as compensation for loss or injury
Coercive (adj.)
Onder dwang
Violent, forcible
Come of age (v.)
Volwassen worden
reach a certain age that marks a transition to maturity, to grow up
Commencement (n.)
Aanzet, begin
--> beginning
Community service (n.)
A sentencing option for persons convicted of crimes in which the court orders the defendant to perform a number of hours of unpaid work for the benefit of the public.
Commute (to sth) (v.)
Omzetten naar
To substitute one punishment in the place of another. For example, if a man be sentenced to be hung, the executive may, in some states, commute his punishment to that of imprisonment.
Comply with (the law) (v.)
To act in accordance with another's command, request, rule, or wish
Compulsory relief (n.)
Parental authority can be ended by means of compulsory relief: parents are unable to look after the child (ex.: parent or child has mental problems, parent has been sick for a long time, child has behavioural problems,…).
Concur (v.)

Overeenstemmen (ontbrak)

A judge may file a concurring opinion, which expresses accord with the conclusionof the majority opinion but at the same time separately states the judge’s reason for reaching the same conclusions.
Conditions precedent clause (n.)

Opschortende voorwaarden (ontbrak)

Stipulates obligations on the relevant party to procure the satisfaction of the condition
Consanguinity (n.)
Relationship by blood or by a common ancestor
Consent (v.)
Toestemming geven
To give permission to do something
Consideration (n.)
The price in exchange for a promise to do something
Constitution (n.)
The fundamental law, written or unwritten, that establishes the character of a government by defining the basic principles to which a society must conform
Convict (n.)
An accused person
Corroborative evidence (n.)
bevestigend bewijsmateriaal
confirmed, convincing evidence
Counsel (n.)
A lawyer or group of lawyers giving legal advice and especially conducting a case in court.
Court of Appeal (n.)
any court of law that is empowered to hear an appeal of a trial court or other lower tribunal
Cross-party (adj.)
Over de verschillende partijen heen
denoting interaction between two or more political parties
Cross-question (v.)
During a cross-examination someone is questioned closely
Crown Court (n.)
“Crown Court”
The Higher Court of First Instance in criminal cases. It sentences defendants committed from the Magistrates’ Court, jury trials and the sentencing of those who are convicted in the Crown Court, either after trial or on pleading guilty.
Curfew (order) (n.)
A regulation or rule requiring certain or all people to leave the streets or be at home at a prescribed hour.
Custodial sentence (n.)
a judicial sentence, imposing a consisting of mandatory custody of the convict, either in prison or in some other closed therapeutic and/or (re)educational institution, such as a reformatory, (maximum security) psychiatry or drug detoxification (especially cold turkey).
Custody (n.)
Hoederecht, voogdie
The control and care of a person or property, especially when granted by a court: an adult who was given custody of the child. (to have custody of sb)
Damage (n.)
Destruction or a loss in value, usefulness, or ability resulting from an action or event
Damages (n.)
Money required to be paid as compensation for an injury or wrong
Debt (n.)
Een schuld
Something owed, such as money, goods, or services
Decree of nullity (n.)
The judgement of a court that the marriage may be treated as nothing, as if it did not exist or never happened
Deductible (adj.)
Something, such as an expense, that can be subtracted, as for income-tax purposes
Deed of sale (n.)
Akte van verkoop
An agreement between a purchaser and a vendor
Deed of transfer (n.)
A transfer deed is a document used to transfer real property from its legal owner to another party.
Defamation (n.)
Laster, eerroof
the injuring of a person's good name or reputation (cefr. libel, slander)
Defendant (n.)
Gedaagde, beklaagde
The party against which an action is brought, the accused
Definitions (n.)

Definities (ontbrak)

Defined terms
Detainee (n.)
Een gedetineerde, een gevangene
--> a prisoner
Devolution (n.)
the transfer of rights, powers, or an office (public or private) from one person or government to another lower or more local level
Dismissal (n.)
Parental authority can be ended by means of dismissal: parents mistreat, abuse or neglect the child. A dismissal is never voluntary, whereas a compulsory relief can be.
Dissent (v. / n.)
Meningsverschil, dissidentie
An explicit disagreement by one or more judges with the decision of the majority on a case before them.
Divorce (n.)
A court decree that terminates a marriage; also known as marital dissolution.
Domicile (n.)
A permanent legal residence
Draw up (v.)
To compose or write in a set form; write out
Drug trafficking (n.)
The act of buying and selling illegal drugs
Electronic tagging (n.)
Elektronisch toezicht
Electronic tagging is a form of surveillance consisting of an electronic device attached to a person or vehicle, especially certain criminals, allowing their whereabouts to be monitored.
Eligible for, to be (v.)
In aanmerking komen voor
Legally qualified, accepted
Enact (v.)
Tot wet verheffen
--> to pass (an act)
Entitled to, to be (v.)
Recht hebben op
qualified for by right according to law
Entry (n.)
The act of making or entering a record; a setting down in writing of particulars; or that which is entered; an item. Generally synonymous with recording
Exclusion clause (n.)
a term in a contract that seeks to restrict the rights of the parties to the contract
Exercise your right to speak (v.)
Uitoefenen van het spreekrecht
To make active use of your right to speak
Expense (n.)
Uitgave, besteding, onkosten
A cost (ex.: living expenses)
Fault-based system (n.)
echtscheiding op grond van bepaalde feiten
A fault-based divorce requires the party filing the papers to provide proof of fault, for ex. cruel treatment, adultery, desertion
Fee at a fixed rate (n.)
an ex gratia payment (i.e., a payment made without the giver recognizing themselves as having any legal obligation) made to a person for their services in a volunteer capacity or for services for which fees are not traditionally required
Felony (n.)
Zwaar misdrijf
One of several serious crimes, such as murder, rape, or robbery, punishable by a more stringent sentence than that given for a misdemeanor
File for sth (v.)
to submit an application or document for something
Fiduciary duty (n.)
Fiduciaire plicht
A legal obligation of one party to act in the best interest of another.
Fine (n.)
A sum of money required to be paid especially to the government as a penalty for an offense.
Fine sb for (v.)
To require someone to pay a sum of money to the government as a penalty for an offense
First-past-the-post (adj.)
Kiesstelsel waarbij een relatieve meerderheid volstaat
A party which has a majority of votes in one district gets all the votes (“the winner takes it all”)
Flout (the law) (v.)
Overtreden, inbreuk maken op
To ignore or disregard (a rule or convention, for example) in an open way
Foreign Secretary (n.)
Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken
a cabinet minister who conducts and supervises foreign and diplomatic relations with other states.
Forfeit (v.)
verbeuren, verliezen
To lose to another person or to the state some privilege, right, or property due to an error, an offense, or a crime, a breach of contract, or a neglect of duty
Foundling (n.)
A deserted or abandoned child of unknown parents
Frame (v.)
Valselijk beschuldigen
Accuse or charge someone falsely
Fringe benefit (n.)
Bijkomend voordeel
an incidental or additional advantage, esp a benefit provided by an employer to supplement an employee's regular pay, such as a pension, company car, luncheon vouchers, etc
Gratuitous violence (n.)
Zinloos geweld
An act of violence that serves no specific purpose and has no real cause
Guardian (n.)
One who is legally responsible for the care and management of the person or property of an incompetent or minor.
Guilty of sth, to be (v.)
Schuldig zijn aan iets
Responsible or an offence or wrondoing / Found to have violated a criminal law by a jury or judge
Hand down (a decision) (v.)
Toestaan, verlenen, uitspreken
To make and pronounce an official decision
Hijack (v.)
Hijacken (kapen)
To seize control of (a vehicle such as an airplane or bus) by use of force, especially as a way of reaching an alternate destination or as an act of terrorism. / To kidnap a person in a vehicle / To stop and rob a vehicle in transit / To steal goods from a vehicle in transit.
Hire (v.)
to acquire the temporary use of (a thing) or the services of (a person) in exchange for payment
Home Secretary (n.)
Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken
Head of the national department responsible for the maintenance of law and order, immigration control, and all other domestic affairs not specifically assigned to another department
The killing of one person by another, regardless of intention or legality
House of Commons (n.)
The part of the British parliament whose members are elected by the people
House of Lords (n.)
The part of British parliament whose members are not elected but have positions because of their rank or title
Illicit (adj.)
Illegaal, onwettig
--> illegal
Impediment to marriage (n.)
Een huwelijksbeletsel
an obstruction to the making of a contract of marriage by reason of closeness of blood or affinity
Impropriety (n.)
Gross indecency
Impunity (n.)
(unrightful) exemption from punishment
In lieu of (prep.)
In plaats van
--> instead of
Incarcerate (v.)
To put someone behind bars, lock someone up
Incite (v.)
Aanmoedigen, ophitsen
To urge, to provoke, to encourage
Incriminate (v.)
Verdacht maken, ten laste leggen, beschuldigen
To charge with a crime; to expose to an accusation or a charge of crime
Inculcate (v.)
Inprenten, indoctrineren
to instil by forceful or insistent repetition, to indoctrinate
Inculpate (v.)
--> to incriminate, to suggest someone is guilty
Indemnity (n.)
the act of recompensating someone for or protecting someone from any losses which have occurred or will occur.
Indicted for, to be (v.)
Beschuldigd worden van
--> to be charged with
Indictment (against) (n.)
Beschuldiging, tenlastelegging
A set of written criminal charges issued against a party, where a grand jury, under the guidance of a prosecutor, has found that sufficient evidence exists to justify trying the party for that crime.
Infraction (n.)
Inbreuk, schending
A violation of the law; The term infraction is frequently used in reference to the violation of a particular statute for which the penalty is minor, such as a parking infraction.
Infringement (n.)
Breuk, overtreding
A breach, or violation of a right, law, regulation, or contract, The term is most frequently used in reference to the invasion of rights secured by Copyright, patent, or trademark.
Inherit (v.)
To take (property) by law of descent from an intestate owner / To receive (property) by will
To exclude from inheritance or the right to inherit.
To exclude from inheritance or the right to inherit.
In-laws (n.)
A relative by marriage (ex.: mother-in-law)
Insolvency (n.)
Insolventie, financieel onvermogen
The condition of being unable to pay debts or of having greater liabilities than assets
Interpretation (n.)

Interpretatie (? Ontbrak)

Refers to specific use
Investigator (n.)
Onderzoeker, rechercheur
Someone who looks into things and tries to find out what happened
Judge (n.)
A public officer chosen or elected to preside over and to administer the law in a court of justice; one who controls the proceedings in a courtroom and decides questions of law
Judicial separation order (n.)
Scheiding van tafel en bed
a court decree requiring a man and wife to cease cohabiting but not dissolving the marriage
Juvenile court (n.)
A court having jurisdiction over matters involving children below a certain age, especially those who may be delinquent, in need of supervision, subject to adoption, or charged with committing a criminal offense, but are not be tried in adult criminal court.
Juvenile offender (n.)
Minderjarige dader
a young person who has been convicted or cautioned for a criminal offense
Land register (n.)
systems by which matters concerning ownership, possession or other rights in land can be recorded
Larceny (n.)

Diefstal (ontbrak)

The unauthorized taking and removal of the personal property of another by an individual who intends to permanently deprive the owner of it; a crime against the right of possession.
Law of succession (n.)
The law regulating the inheritance of property
Lay down (v.)
Toepassen, opleggen
To specify or to put into effect (lay down the law)
Legacy (n.)
Money or property given to another by will
Legal heir (n.)
Wettige erfgenaam
Relatives by blood and the surviving spouse or registered partner (if applicable)
Legatee (n.)
The inheritor of a legacy (--> an heir)
Legitimacy (n.)
Wettigheid, geldigheid
lawfulness by virtue of being authorized or in accordance with law, being within the law
Liable for sth, to be (v.)
Aansprakelijk zijn
Legally oblicated or responsible for sth
Libel (n.)
Smaad, laster
The legally indefensible publication or broadcast of words or images that are degrading to a person or injurious to his or her reputation
Limited liability (n.)
Beperkte aansprakelijkheid
Limited companies have limited liability --> the owners of the company can only lose the amount of money that they used to buy the shares. Personal assets are thereby protected when the company goes bankrupt, but money invested in the company will be lost.
Litigation (n.)
An action brought in court to enforce a particular right. The act or process of bringing a lawsuit in and of itself; a judicial contest; any dispute.
Magistrates’ Court (n.)
“Magistrates’ Court”
Court of petty sessions dealing with minor offences, lowest level of court, presided over by a tribunal consisting of justices of the peace (magistrates)
Maiden namen (n.)
The surname that a girl is given at birth and that some women change when they marry (also called birth name)
Maintain (v.)
Onderhouden, in stand houden
To keep up or carry on; continue
Maintenance (n.)
Alimentatie, onderhoudsgeld
Payment that a family court may order one person in a couple to make to the other person when that couple separates or divorces (--> alimony)
Malpractice (n.)
Manslaughter (n.)
The killing of a person without malice aforethought but with either the intention to commit an unlawful act that leads to an unintended death, or with an otherwise murderous intent that is extenuated by some partial defense, such as acting under the influence of an extreme emotional disturbance occasioned by a substantial provocation on the part of the victim.
Marital misconduct (n.)
Echtelijk wangedrag
Conduct that is alleged to have caused the erosion of the marriage, different in every state/country (ex.: adultery, addiction, economic fault,…)
Marriage by proxy (n.)
Trouwen met de handschoen / trouwen bij volmacht
A proxy wedding or (proxy marriage) is a wedding in which the bride or groom (or both) is not physically present, usually being represented instead by another person. If both partners are absent a double proxy wedding occurs.
Maternity / paternity leave (n.)
a period of paid absence from work to which a woman or man is legally entitled during the months immediately before and after childbirth
Misdemeanor (n.)
A criminal offense that is less serious than a felony and generally punishable by a fine, a jail term of up to a year, or both
Mitigating circumstances (n.)
verzachtende omstandigheden
Circumstances that may be considered to lessen the culpability of an offender
Molest (v.)
aanranden / lastigvallen
to subject someone to unwanted sexual contact / to harass someone
Money laundering (n.)
witwassen van geld
The process of taking money resulting from criminal activity and making it appear legal.
Mortgage deed (n.)
a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it
Mug (v.)
To threaten or assault (a person) with the intent to rob
Negligence (n.)
Failure to use the degree of care appropriate to the circumstances, resulting in an unintended injury to another.
No-fault approach (n.)
echtscheiding op grond van onderlinge toestemming / de echtscheiding op basis van onherstelbare ontwrichting
a no-fault divorce occurs when a couple wants to end their marriage but one party has not necessarily wronged the other. When a marriage falls apart because the parties no longer wish to be together, a no-fault divorce is appropriate.
Non-profit organisation (NPO) (n.)
Vereniging zonder Winstoogmerk (VZW)
--> an organisation that does not distribute its surplus funds to owners or shareholders, but instead uses them to help pursue its goals
Notary public (n.)
A person legally empowered to witness and authenticate documents, administer oaths, take depositions, and engage in other activities established by local law.
Nuisance (n.)
something unauthorized that is obnoxious or injurious to the community at large (public nuisance) or to an individual, esp in relation to his ownership or occupation of property (private nuisance)
Objector (n.)
Opponent, tegenstander
a person who dissents from some established policy
Offence (n.)
Overtreding, misdrijf
a violation or breach of a law, custom, rule, etc
Operative provisions (n.)


“The parties hereby agree as follows…”
Overrule (v.)
Verwerpen, terzijde schuiven
To declare (a court ruling or other precedent) as superseded and no longer accurate with regard to a legal question / To reject or disallow as contrary to rules or law (His objection was overruled by the judge.)
Overturn (a conviction) (v.)
Omver werpen, omkeren
To abolish, to annihilate, to reverse
Pardon (n.)
The action of an executive official of the government that mitigates or sets aside the punishment for a crime.
Parole (n.)
voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling
Early release of a prisoner who is then subject to continued monitoring as well as compliance with certain terms and conditions for a specified period.
Pass a sentence (v.)
Vonnis uitspreken
To pronounce a punishment given to a person convicted of a crime
Pass off (as sth else) (v.)
Iets/zich voordoen als
To offer, sell, or put into circulation (an imitation) as genuine (ex.: pass off glass as a gemstone) / To present (one's self) as other than what one is (ex.: He tried to pass himself off as a banker.)
Peer (n.)
Lid van het Hogerhuis
Members of the House of Lords
Perjury (n.)
A crime that occurs when an individual willfully makes a false statement during a judicial proceeding, after he or she has taken an oath to speak the truth.
Persecute (v.)
To oppress or harass with ill-treatment, especially because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs. / To annoy persistently
Plaintiff (n.)
--> claimant, complainant / the party that institutes a suit in a court
Plea-bargain (n.)
het bepleiten van strafvermindering in ruil voor schuldbekentenis (ook wel “plea-bargaining” genoemd)
The agreement to plead guilty, especially to a lesser criminal offense, in exchange for some concession from the prosecution, such as dismissal of more serious charges.
Prime Minister (PM) (n.)
Eerste minister
--> Premier
Private Limited Company (Ltd) (n.)
Besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (BVBA)
has shareholders with limited liability and its shares may not be offered to the general public. A private limited company is comprised by a small group, often members of a single family that wishes to limit the influence of outsiders on its company.
Probation (n.)
A criminal sentence consisting of a term of imprisonment that is suspended provided certain terms and conditions are met
Probation officer (n.)
an officer of a court who supervises offenders placed on probation and assists them
Prosecute (v.)
Gerechtelijk vervolgen
To follow through; to commence and continue an action or judicial proceeding to its ultimate conclusion. To proceed against a defendant by charging that person with a crime and bringing him or her to trial.
Prosecutor (n.)
A person who proceeds against a defendant by charging that person with a crime and bringing him or her to trial in the name of the government
Prosecutor (n.)
Officier van justitie, openbaar aanklager
One who initiates legal action against another for a crime in the name of the government
Proxy (n.)
Een gevolmachtigd tussenpersoon
A person appointed or authorized to act for another, especially a person appointed to vote as one wishes at a meeting.
Public Limited Company (Plc) (n.)
Beursgenoteerd bedrijf
differs from the Ltd in that its shares are sold to the general public via the stock market in order to raise capital. In other words, a Plc can be publicly traded on a stock exchange.
Pursue (v.)
To take action regarding (something), especially with the intention of sustained effort
Putative father (n.)
De vermoedelijke vader
one who is presumed to be the father of an illegitimate child; the supposed father
Rape (v.)
Aanranden, verkrachten
the offence of forcing a person, esp a woman, to submit to sexual intercourse against that person's will
Real estate (n.)
Onroerende zaken
Land, including the resources in and on it, and the buildings and permanent fixtures attached to it.
Recitals (n.)

Overwegingen ( ontbrak)

Background about entry into the contract, used to interpret the intentions
Reinstate (v.)
To restore to a condition that has terminated or been lost; to reestablish.
Remand (v.)
voorarrest opleggen
1) to keep a person who has been arrested in custody, normally in a remand prison, prior to a trial, conviction or sentencing.
Remission (n.)
Extinguishment or release of a debt.
Reportable income (n.)
Aan te geven inkomsten
income required by law to be reported; to make known
Repudiate (a contract) (v.)
To refuse to carry out obligations under a contract because the other party has not kept to the essential terms of the contract
Residence (n.) (--> an abode)
A person can have two places of residence, such as one in the city and one in the country, but only one domicile. Residence means living in a particular locality, but domicile means living in that locality with the intent to make it a fixed and permanent home
Restitution (n.)
Restitutie, terugbetaling, vergoeding
An act of restoration, a measure of damages (for ex. repaying the victim)
Restraining order (n.)
A court order preventing a certain action (usually approaching or talking to someone) from being taken until a full hearing can be held as to whether that action should be enjoined.
Retribution (n.)
Punishment given in return for a wrong committed.
Retroactive (adj.)
Considered to be invalid from the beginning, as if it never took place
Return a verdict (v.)
Uitspraak doen (jury)
Say whether someone is guilty or not
Sentence by default (v.)
Bij verstek veroordeeld
The act of sentencing someone when he or she is not present.
Sentence sb to (v.)
Veroordelen tot
To impose a sentence on (a criminal defendant found guilty, for example)
Separation of powers (n.)
Scheiding der machten
The independence of each branch of authority (legislative branch, judicial branch and executive branch)
Set aside (v.)
Opzijzetten, terugtrekken
To cancel, annul, or revoke a judgment or order
Set forth (v.)
To present for consideration; propose / to express in words
Set up (v.)
Installeren, inrichten, starten
To build, to create, to formulate, to launch
Share (n.)
--> stocks (AmE)
Shareholder (n.)
--> person that owns (part of) a company, because he has one or more shares.
Slander (n.)
Kwaadsprekerij, laster
Oral communication of false and malicious statements that damage the reputation of another
Smuggle (v.)
To bring in or take out something illicitly
Sole trader (n.)
a type of business entity that is owned and run by one individual and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business
Solicitor (n.)
An attorney who advises clients on legal matters, represents clients in certain lower courts, and prepares cases for barristers to present in the higher courts.
Spousal abuse (n.)
Echtelijk geweld
Any abusive, violent, coercive, forceful, or threatening act or word inflicted by one spouse on another
Spy (v.)
To look at someone and see what he/she is doing without their notice
Statute (n.)
Een statuut
A law passed by a parliament, council etc and formally written down
Stipulate (v.)
To specify or agree to as a condition in an agreement
Subpoena (n.)
Dagvaardiging (voor getuige)
An order issued under the authority of a court, commanding a person to appear in court on a particular date, usually to give testimony in a legal case.
Sue (v.)
To initiate a lawsuit or continue a legal proceeding for the recovery of a right; to prosecute, assert a legal claim, or bring action against a particular party.
Summons (n.)
Dagvaardiging (voor beklaagde)
A form of legal process that commands the defendant to appear before the court on a specific day and to answer the complaint made by the plaintiff.
Surrogacy (n.)
An arrangement whereby a woman agrees to become pregnant and deliver a child for a contracted party (-->> a surrogate)
Suspension of parental authority (n.)
Ontzetting van het ouderlijk gezag
A (temporary) stop of rights and powers that the law accords to the father and the mother with respect to the person and the goods of their minor children
Sustain (an injury) (v.)
Een verwonding oplopen
To undergo an injury
Take hostage (v.)
Iemand gijzelen
To hold one party in a conflict as security that specified terms will be met by the opposing party.
Tax avoidance (n.)
The process whereby an individual plans his or her finances so as to apply all exemptions and deductions provided by tax laws to reduce taxable income.
Tax evasion (n.)
The process whereby a person, through commission of Fraud, unlawfully pays less tax than the law mandates.
Terminate (v.)
Afsluiten, opzeggen
--> to discharge
Testator (n.)
A deceased person who has left a legally valid will
Transfer of ownership (n.)
Something you own is taken over by someone else who now legally owns it
Trespass (v.)
(gebied) overtreden
To commit an unlawful injury to the person, property, or rights of another, with actual or implied force or violence, especially to enter onto another's land wrongfully
Tried, to be (v.)
Berecht worden
An defendant is taken to a criminal trial
Under tutelage, to be (v.)
Onder curatele
The state of being under the direction of a guardian or tutor
Unenforceable (adj.)
Niet afdwingbaar
If parties perform an , it will be valid, but the court will not compel them if they do not
Unlimited liability (n.)
Onbeperkte aansprakelijkheid
if the business runs up large debts and is unable to pay them, the owners will have to pay the money back out of their own pocket, e.g., sole traders and partners have to use their own money and may even have to sell possessions such as their cars and homes to pay off the debts of their business.
Uphold (a conviction) (v.)
Bevestigen, bekrachtigen
To accept, to agree with, to back up
Veto (to)
Veto uitspreken
the power to prevent legislation or action proposed by others
Void (adj.)
Havin no legal force or validity
Warrant (n.)
A written order issued by a judicial officer or other authorized person commanding a law enforce ment officer to perform some act incident to the administration of justice.
Warranty (n.)
A representation, especially in writing, made by a seller or company to a purchaser of a product or service that a refund, repair, or replacement willbe made if the product or service proves defective or unsatisfactory, especially within a given time period.
Wind up sth (v.)
Afronden, besluiten, liquideren
to liquidate (sell or dispose of) assets of a corporation or partnership
Witness (n.)
Een getuige
a person who testifies under oath in a trial (or a deposition which may be used in a trial if the witness is not available) with first-hand or expert evidence useful in a lawsuit. A party to the lawsuit (plaintiff or defendant) may be a witness. / a person who sees an event