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35 Cards in this Set

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(aaniyah)Pots, pans. One of the plurals of إناء. When you need to boil camel, you put it inaa’ (in a) pot or pan. Sometimes you have to put aaniyah (a knee) in pots and pans like that knew my friend got at the Moroccan restaurant. And no awaanin (a whining) when you get pots, pans of camel knees.
(ajhiza)Apparatuses, outfits, gears, appliances. Plural of جهاز (jihaaz). When the dancer's couch couldn't equip her to do jazz hands, he decided to shoot her, but he needed an apparatus, gear, but he didn't know where to get one. Ha (ه), he laughed, the G has on "ajhiza" (at the hiza).
(argifah)Flat loafs of bread, rolls, buns. One of the plurals of رغيف (ragiif). If someone tries to give you some nasty flat bread or roll, hide it under the ragiif (rug if) you don’t like it. Even if they’re like argifah (our gift) are these flat breads and rolls Seriously, slip those nasty flat breads, rolls under the rug (rug) if you’re not a faan (fan) You can clean the ruguf (rug off) latter.
(amlaaH)Salts. Plural of ملح (milH). When the waiter asks you if you want some of that salt from the salt milH (mill), you should reject those salts. Say, “amlaaH (um لا no).
(awaanin)Pots, pans. One of the plurals of إناء. When you need to boil camel, you put it inaa’ (in a) pot or pan. Sometimes you have to put aaniyah (a knee) in pots and pans like that knew my friend got at the Moroccan restaurant. And no awaanin (a whining) when you get pots, pans of camel knees.
إناء ج آنية , أوان
(inaa’, aaniya, awaanin) Pot, pan. When you need to boil camel, you put it inaa’ (in a) pot or pan. Sometimes you have to put aaniyah (a knee) in pots and pans like that stew my friend got at the Moroccan restaurant. And no awaanin (a whining) when you get pots, pans of camel knees.
(baqduunis, baqduunas)Parsley. Food purests that think you should want to eat everthing on your plate hate parsley. They tell the waiter, take baqduunis (take it back without this).
(tawbala) To spice, season, spice, season. If your food isn’t good, needs spicing, seasoning, the Italians use a tawbala (tub of olive) oil.
توبل السلطة
(tawbala al-salTah)Salad dressing. For salad dressing, put a tawbala (tub of oil) oil on you salTah and it will be good.
(THuum, nomen unitatis ة ؤممذ)Garlic. Garlic makes the little Italian guy with a lisp go THuum (zoom with a lisp).
جهاز ج جهازات أجهزة
jihaaz jahaazaat ajhizaApparatus outfit gear appliance. جهاز ج جهازات أجهزة
jihaaz jahaazaat ajhiza. Apparatus outfit gear appliance. When the dancers couch couldn't equip her to do jazz hands he decided to shoot her but he needed an apparatus gear but he didn't know where to get one. He laughed the jihaaz (G has) an apparatus aat his house. Yeah ajhiza (at the hiza).
حلوى بعد الأكل
(Halwaa ba’d al-Akl)Desert. I don’t think they say this, it’s a description to what dessert is. It’s sweet after eating to have dessert.
حنفية ج حنفيات
(Hanafiiyah, Hanafiiyaat)Faucet, tap. It’s very important in the Hanafiiyah (Hanifi) school of thought that you have faucets, taps for washing p before prayer aat (at) the bathrooms.
حنفية ماء ج حنفيات ماء
(Hanafiiyah maa’, Hanafiyaat maa’)Tap, faucet. t’s very important in the Hanafiiyah (Hanifi) school of thought that you have faucets, taps for washing p before prayer aat (at) the bathrooms for maa’ (water) to wash up.
(dajaaj)Chicken (collective). When the cops came and found two neighbors fighting over chicken, he said, “we’ll let dajaaj (the judge) sort this out.”
(dajaajah, dajaaj (plural, collective)Hen, chicken. When the cops came and found two neighbors fighting over chicken, he said, “we’ll let dajaaja (the female judge) sort this out, which is what you do when one female chicken instead of the collective is the issue at hand.”
(ruguf)Flat loafs of bread, rolls, buns. One of the plurals of رغيف (ragiif). If someone tries to give you some nasty flat bread or roll, hide it under the ragiif (rug if) you don’t like it. Even if they’re like argifah (our gift) are these flat breads and rolls Seriously, slip those nasty flat breads, rolls under the rug (rug) if you’re not a faan (fan) You can clean the ruguf (rug off) latter.
(rugfaan)Flat loafs of bread, rolls, buns. One of the plurals of رغيف (ragiif). If someone tries to give you some nasty flat bread or roll, hide it under the ragiif (rug if) you don’t like it. Even if they’re like argifah (our gift) are these flat breads and rolls Seriously, slip those nasty flat breads, rolls under the rug (rug) if you’re not a faan (fan) You can clean the ruguf (rug off) latter.
رغيف ج أرغفة, رغفان, رغف
(ragiif, argifah, rugfaan, ruguf)Flat loaf of bread, roll, bun. If someone tries to give you some nasty flat bread or roll, hide it under the ragiif (rug if) you don’t like it. Even if they’re like argifah (our gift) are these flat breads and rolls Seriously, slip those nasty flat breads, rolls under the rug (rug) if you’re not a faan (fan) You can clean the ruguf (rug off) latter.
(zubdah)Butter. To get Jesse, we put our zub (blank) in dah (the butter) and he ate it like a dog (د).
زيت قلي
(zayt qalii?)Vegetable oil. In California, they try to stay away from all those harmful animal fats. That’s why they call vegetable oil zayt qalii (Cali as in California).
(sumuun)Clarified butters, cooking fats, ghees. Plural of سمن (samn). The fat in ghee actually comes from squeezing samn (Salmon), that why cooking fats and ghees are good when you get sumuun (some on) your fish.
(SHuwka, nomen unitatis)Fork. That kitten that pricked me got a SHuwka (shocker), when I stabbed it with a fork and ate it.
صحن ج صحون
(SaHn, SuHuun)Bowl, plate. When Greedo SaHn (saw Han as in Solo) he thought about hitting him with his plate, bowl, but then he thought, throwing planes and bowls is dumb when SuHuun (soon) you could get him with your blaster.
(SuHuun)Bowls, plates. Plural of صحن (SaHn). When Greedo SaHn (saw Han as in Solo) he thought about hitting him with his plate, bowl, but then he thought, throwing plates and bowls is dumb when SuHuun (soon) you could get him with your blaster.
صحون عميقة
(SuHuun ‘amiiqah)Bowls. Plural of صحن عميق (SaHn ‘miiq). When Greedo Sahn (saw Han, as in Solo) he thought about hitting him with his bowl, but he thought that would seem like ‘amiiq (a meek) gesture. Plus SuHuun (soon) Han will be ‘amiiqah (a meeker) guy once he gets too drunk and loses confidence.
('ilaab)Boxes, cases, cans, tins. One of the plurals of علبة. Inspired by Weird Science, the nerdy scientists decided to make Jessica 'ulba (Alba) in a box, case, can, tin. They wondered, where will we create this beautiful creature that comes in boxes, cases, cans, tins. “ulab (oww, in the lab)!,” they said, “’ilaab (a lab) is a perfect placen to build a girl that comes in in boxes, cases, cans, tins.
قدر ج قدور
(qidr, quduur)Cooking pot, kettle. Dara’s parent’s thought she was being a qidr (kidder) when they asked her what she was making in the cooking pot, kettle and she said drugs. They didn’t realize, she quduur (could do her, like get her down).
قدر سغير ج قدور سغيرة
(qidr sagiir, quduur sagiirah) Sauce pan. Dara’s parent’s thought she was being a qidr (kidder) that is sagiir (small) when they asked her what she was making in the sauce pan and she said drugs. They didn’t realize, she quduur (could do her, like get her down) in a pan sagiirah (small).
(maaliH)Salty, salt, briny. In general, you shouldn’t eat the food in the maal (mall), because iH (noise you might make if grossed out), it’s way too salty.
مبشرة ج مباشر
(mibSHara, mabaaSHir)Grater, scraper. The pro-lifer told the pro-choicer, mibShara (maybe share) with people what your people do with a grater, scraper. MabaaSHir (I am a basher) of pro-choice because of what they do with graters and scrapers.
مرق التوبل
(marq al-tawabal)Sauce. Sadly, when his sidekick maraQ (Morocco) mole died, secret squirrel wax so distraught, he made a gravy, that included tawbala (tub of olive) oil as the Italians do it.
مصفاة ج مصاف
(miSfaaH, maSaafin)Strainer, colander. When you miS (miss) the little strainer, colander thing at the toll both, you’re like faaH (blank). Seriously, when you miss those strainers, colanders, there’s maSaafin (mass f’ing as in saying the F word).
(mufatatiH)Keys, openers, triggers, releases. Plural of مفتاح (muftaaH). The young Palestinian realized that the key, opener to power, success and girls was to muftaah (move to) Fatah and pull the trigger against the Israelis. Plus, one of the main keys, openers to those things was not getting mufatih (more fatty) laying around the house.
(yaThii)Active of to cook, stew, braise, broil, fry, to bake. Active of طها Tahaa. She begged her Tahaa (Tai) boyfriend to teach her how to cook Tai food, yaThii (yet he) refused. “Tahii (Tai) food is a secret,” he said. So, she decided to Tahaaya (to hiyaa, karate noise) him until he showed her.