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18 Cards in this Set

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What is a whole health system that addresses underlying energy imbalances in the body?
Polarity therapy
What are the benefits of polarity therapy?
-Polarizes positive and negative currents in the body(yin/yan)
- it helps to restore balance and sense of well-being
-it relaxes muscles and tissues, so it helps to relieve pain and tension
-provides space for re-connection and re-establishing normal flow of energy in the body
What are the three types of touch?
Sattvic, Rajasic, Tamasic
What is Sattvic touch?
Gentle, activates parasympathetic nervous system and is calming and creates a safe place for the client
What is Sattvic touch?
Gentle, activates parasympathetic nervous system and is calming and creates a safe place for the client
What is Rajasic touch?
A vibrating, rocking, rhythmic pressure, gently stimulating and relates to yang or positive energy
What is Sattvic touch?
Gentle, activates parasympathetic nervous system and is calming and creates a safe place for the client
Generally used to begin and end sessions and it helps to integrate deeper work
What is Rajasic touch?
A vibrating, rocking, rhythmic pressure, gently stimulating and relates to yang or positive energy
Generally used in congested areas and can be used to stimulate areas too painful for deep touch
What is Tamasic touch?
Deep and focused, penetrating and dispersing and relates to yin or negative energy
It is used to stimulate movement and can affect fascia, muscles and bones
Who started polarity therapy in the U.S?
Dr. Stone, in the 1970's
What sides of the body are positive charge?
Right and back
What sides of the body are negative charge?
Left and front
What fingers are positively charged?
3 and 5
What fingers are positively charged?
3 and 5
What fingers are negatively charged?
2 and 4
What finger is neutral/grounding?
What finger is neutral/grounding?
What are the five elements connected with the fingers?
Thumb(1)- Ether
Pointer(2)- Air
Middle(3)- Fire
Ring(4)- Water
Pinkie(5)- Earth