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53 Cards in this Set

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What is BMI and what are the values?

BMI = weight/height^2

- Underweight: <18.5

- Normal: 18.5-24.9

- Overweight: 25-29.9

- Obese: > 30

What is Globesity

- The fact that the world is increasing in obesity

- In Canada 60% are overweight or obse

Pathway from obesity > increase in adipose tissue

- Increase FFA > increase in FFA use, TG storage, and lipid by-product formation > lipoprotein > pancreas (beta cell failure) or insulin resistance > Type 2 diabetes

- Increase Inflammation > increase in insulin resistance > Type 2 diabetes

Describe cancer and its steps

Cancer is a result of genetic mutations.

- De-differentiates: no longer functions

- Proliferative: grow uncontrollably, don't respond

- Can not repair damage

- Resistance to apoptosis (cell death)

Insulin (growth factor) in cancer

- stimulate growth

- suppresses apoptosis

Estrogen (growth factor) in cancer

- stimulate breast tissue growth

- post-meno, breast tissue tumours

- bound to sex hormone binding protein (SHBG), making it less bioavailable less stimulation

- free estrogen floats in the blood since not bout to SHBG (liver does not release) more stimulation

What is Gall Bladder Disease?

- too much cholesterol made in the liver

- solid cholesterol in the gallbladder

- may occur due to rapid weight loss, which increases cholesterol synthesis

What is Sleep apnea?

- sleep interruptions

- fat around neck results in a blocked airflow

Joint disorder (2)


- cartilage breakdown

- weight increase pressure on joints


- uric acid deposits in joints

- increase insulin resistance

What is weight stigmatization?

- negative attitudes or mistreatment towards a group, mostly those who are obese

5 steps to converting food to ATP

1. Glycolysis: glucose to pyruvate to acetyl-coA

2. b-oxidation: FA to acetyl-coA

3. AA are deaminated

4. Breakdown glucose, FA, aa enter citric acid cylc

5. Energy from electrons used to make ATP

Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) (3)

1. Basol metabolism: involuntary actions 600-75%. Basal metabolic rate decreases with weight loss

2. Physical activity: voluntary activities. NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenenis: fidgeting)

3. Thermic effect: energy required for digestion, absorption, and storage (fat to carb to protein, in %) 10%

Energy Stores

1. Glucose, 24hr supply to maintain function of the brain

2. Triglycerides used for 2 months

Major and minor contributors to storing kcalaories as fat

1. Glucose to acetyl-coA = minor

2. aa to acetyl-coA = minor

3. Fa to FA to trigyclerides = MAJOR

When are dietary fats stored?

When there is a POSITIVE energy balance

What is and what factors contribute to the EER (Estimating Energy requirements)?

- Amount of energy required by DRIs to maintain body weight

- Age

- Sex

- Physical Activity

- Height

- Weight

The difference between lean and fat tissue

Lean: fat-free mass, example muscle and bone

Fat: more fat, seen in babies, adult women, and men

Loss of muscle mass with aging is called...


3 limitations of BMI, and how to improve it

1. works well with body fat %, but not perfect

2. if you have high % lean body mass, high BMI

3. not good for pregnant or lactating women

Include waist circumference

What is visceral fat and what does it do?

- linked to central obesity

- increase T2D and insulin resistance

- release protein to promote inflammation

Waist circumference comparison

- White larger than Asian

- HC > Canadian Medical

- NH > WHO

What is Hunger?

- signals sent that one should acquire and consume food

What is Satiety?

- the feeling of fullness

- determines when next meal will start

What is Satiation?

- the feeling of fullness while eating

- tells you when to stop

Set-point theory

- pre-determined body weight that tends to be defended

- if you lose weight and reach a normal BMI, the body cannot tell that difference to being a normal weight and going underweight

Laval University Study

- twins both at the same thing

- if genes were a factor then the twins would have a similar weight gain



- from the stomach

- stimulate eating

- high before a meal and low after a meal

- ghrelin resistance = in obese, levels don't decline as much and results in prolonged eating

Cholecystokinin, and name others


- when chyme enter small intestine

- suppress eating

- others: Peptide PYY, and G1P-1 (insulin release)



- released by adipose tissue

- act on hypothalamus of brain

- more fat = more leptin

- leptin is present = reduce food intake

- leptin is absent = increase food intake

- leptin resistance: insensitive to STOP eating signal

- obese individuals have high leptin



- acts on hypothalamus of brain

- reduce food intake

- no insulin = EXTREME HUNGER

- insulin resistance: suppress the "stop eating" signal

Thrifty metabolism

- no single thrifty gene, but many work together to change the metabolism

Adaptive Thermogenesis

- how it occurs

- change in BMR (lean vs obese)

- maintain set-point

- overeating = increase in EE

- undereating = conservation of energy

- futile cycling: opposing metabolic pathways occur simultaneously

- uncoupling of electron transport chain from ATP synthesis: heat instead of ATP, in brown adipose tissue

- decline in BMR: more pronounced in obese individual

- incline in BMR: more pronounced in lean individual

*NEAT included in energy balance regulation*

Futile cycling

- opposing metabolic pathways occur at once

- contributes to adaptive thermogenesis

Achieving body weight

- reduce weight by 10% in 6 months: improve in lipids, bp, and blood glucose

- rate of loss must be gradual to avoid muscle loss

- successful weight loss if after 2 years weight is kept off

- must alway assess and take measures

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


A- Antecedent: leads you to the behaviour

B- Behaviour: how you react

C- Consequence: body change, mentally


- acts on small intestine

- prevent fat absorption

- TG ends up in the feces

Gastric Bypass

- reduce stomach size so there is less absorption

- small intestine bypassed

What is dumping syndrome?

- food enters small intestine too fast and causes symptoms

- must eat small meals slowly

- must take micronutrient supplements

Direct Calorimetry

- determine energy in a food

- burn it in a calorimeter

- expensive + impratical

Indirect Calorimetry

- compare O2 to CO2

- impractical

- mouthpiece

- measure PA + BMR

PA (Physical Activity) Value

- variable in EER equations

- use weight and height to calculate

Bioelectric impedance analysis

- current through body, and calculate resistance

- fat is a poor conductor

- affected by water, GI tract, and bladder must be empty

Skinfold thickness

- measure subcutaneous fat with calipers from subscapular area

- noninvasive

- difficult in eldery/obese

Underwater weighing

- difference between body weight underwater and on land to estimate bone density

- sit on scale, expel air, and lower into water

- can't use on kids or frail adults

Dilution methods

- water is in lean tissue, not fat

- inject an isotope into the blood sample to calculate lean tissue

- total weight - lean weight = body fat

- expensive, invasive, injections

- more for research

Radiologic Methods (3)

1. CT scan to visualize

2. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA): low X-rays to measure body composition

3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): magnetic fields to create an image

What happens to leptin levels during weight loss


What happens to leptin resistance during weight loss?


An increase in food intake causes decreases in _______ _______

Energy expenditure

What is atherogenic lipid profile

Blood lipids that increase heart disease

- increase in LDL and TV

- decrease in HDL

A decrease in body weight makes you more sensitive to _______


Uncoupling of electronic transport chain from ATP results in ________ energy expenditure


Regular _______ increase _________

exercise, resting energy metabolism