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160 Cards in this Set

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Actions: stops bleeding, tonifies SP, opens chest, calms shen

Indications: menorrhagia, uterine bleeding, blood in stool/urine, epistaxis, ab distention, diarrhea (esp. acute), anorexia, indigestion, chest oppression, agitation, mental disorders, insomnia, d/d sleep.
SP 1
Actions: Expels wind, brightens *eyes, stops lacrimation

Indications: eye pain/itching/redness/swelling, lacrimation, vision problems, facial paralysis, twitching eyelids, *eye sx
ST 1
Cheng Qi
Actions: clears heat, opens orifices, opens channel, revives consciousness, promotes lactation, benefits the breast

Indications: h/a, sore throat, mouth ulcers, febrile diseases, red eyes, epistaxis, loss of consciousness, insufficient lactation, breast abscess, neck/shoulder pain
SI - 1
Actions: clear heat, dispels wind, brightens eyes, benefits throat, calm shen, revive consciousness

Indications: sore throat, toothache(lower jaw). febrile diseases, loss of consciousness, local pain/ numbness- finger, hand, along channel, open meridian
LI 1
Actions: tonifies SP, harmonizes MJ, clears heat.

Indications: ab pain/distention, constipation, excessive appetite, febrile diseases, agitation, local pain of big toe/ball of foot
SP 2
Actions: activates LU qi (D&D fx), stops cough and wheezing, clears LU, clears heat, resolves phlegm, invigorates qi, alleviates pain

Indications: cough, asthma, dyspnea, fullness/phlegm in chest, pain between scapulas, phlegm, emotion, stress, shoulder ROM, smokers cough (when people stop smoking), local LU point
LU 1
Zhong Fu
Actions: opens chest, opens channel, benefits the shoulder

Indications: chest pain/constriction, rib/cardiac pain, ROM of shoulder jt., arm/elbow pain.
HT - 1
Actions: expels wind, brightens eyes

Indications: eye pain/redness, facial paralysis, deviation of eye/mouth, twitching eyelids, roundworms in bile duct
ST 2
Si Bai
Actions: tonifies SP, resolves damp, harmonizes MJ, regulates qi.

Indications: ab pain/distention, diarrhea, constipation, dysentery, n/v, borborygmus, lethargy, heavy limbs, fatigue, hemorrhoids, local pain of toe/ball/arch of foot
SP 3
(Great White)
Actions: *clear heat, expel wind, benefit throat

Indications: sore throat, T/A (lower), febrile disease, blurry vision, epistasis, facial rash, local pain/arthritis of finger
LI 2
Actions: clears heat, benefits the throat, opens the channel, alleviates pain

Indications: h/a, febrile diseases, tinnitus, sore throat, ear infection, red eyes, hemoptysis, dark/scanty urine, pain/numbness of the finger/hand/upper back
SI - 2
Actions: increases LU D&D fx, clears chest, stops cough, clears LU heat

Indications: cough, asthma, dyspnea, chest oppression, joint sx, local pain- chest, neck, shoulder, upper back
LU 2
Yun Men
Actions: tonifies SP, harmonizes MJ, opens Chong Mai, regulates xue/menses, regulates qi, dispels damp.

Indications: ab pain/distention, n/v, diarrhea, dysentery, anorexia, edema, blood in stool, uterine bleeding, all menstrual conditions, local pain in arch/heel/sole/ankle of foot.
SP 4
(Grandfather's Grandson)
Actions: expels wind, relieves swelling, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: facial paralysis/swelling, t/a, eye movement problems
ST 3
Ju Liao
Actions: expels wind, clear heat, brightens eyes,

Indications: redness/swelling/pain/itching eyes, lacrimation, blurry vision, photophobia, night/color blindness, decreased visual acuity
UB 1
Jing Ming
Actions: *clear heat, dispel wind, brighten eyes, benefits throat, dispel fullness, tx diarrhea

Indications: sorethroat, t/a, eye pain, local pain/numbness- finger, hand, channel
LI 3
Actions: tonify SP, resolve damp

Indications: ab distention, lethargy, diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, hernia, pain/rigidity of tongue, pain/ROM of ankle
SP 5
Actions: regulates LU qi, promotes LU descending fx, clear LU heat, calm shen- po (not a big shen pnt)

Indications: asthma, cough, dyspnea, epistaxis(nose bleeds), local pain- upper arm, shoulder
LU 3
Tian Fu
Actions: opens the Du Mai, clears wind-heat, clears heat, calms the shen, opens the channel, alleviates pain, benefits occipate/neck/upper back

Indications: deafness, tinnitus, ear infections, redness/pain of the eyes, sore throat, hoarse voice, epistaxis, febrile diseases, chills/fever, night sweats, malaria, dark/scanty urine, lower back pain, epilepsy, agitation, mania, pain/stiffness of the neck/upper back, h/a, pain/contraction of hand/arm
SI - 3
(Back Stream)
Actions: expels wind, opens channel, benefits tendons/muscles, alleviates local pain

Indications: deviation of mouth, local facial pain/numbness, *drooling, eye movement problems
ST 4
Di Cang
Actions: tonify SP, resolves damp, moves LV qi, harmonizes MJ/LJ, regulates menses, induces labor, tonifies KD, tonifies qi/xue/yin, calms shen, invigorates/cools xue, opens channel, alleviates pain.

Indications: ab full/distention/pain, n/v, diarrhea, borborygmus, anorexia, edema, fatigue, heavy limbs, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, menorrhagia, infertility, transverse presentation of fetus, delayed/prolonged labor, retention of placenta/dead fetus, postpartum fatigue/dizzy, impotence, seminal emission, hernia, urinary dysFx, dizzy, insomnia, empty heat Sx, local pain/muscle dysFx of lower leg
SP 6
(3 Yin Meeting)
Actions: dispels wind, release exterior, regulates sweating, clear heat, regulates face, descends qi, restores qi or yang, opens channel, alleviates pain, *induces labor

Indications: h/a, sorethroat, t/a, sinus sx, epistasis, facial edema/pain, deafness, eye pain/redness exterior sx/condition, pain/numbness- hand, arm, neck, head, body, clear general shi in body
LI 4
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: ROM/pain of shoulder/arm, rib/cardiac pain
HT - 2
Actions: expels wind, stops swelling

Indications: facial paralysis/pain/swelling, t/a (upper/lower), lock jaw
ST 5
Da Ying
Actions: tonifies SP, resolves damp.

Indications: ab distention, borborygmus, diarrhea, edema, paralysis/pain of lower leg
SP 7
Actions: descends LU qi, regulates qi and xue, alleviates pain locally

Indications: cough, asthma, dyspnea, fullness in chest, local pain of upper arm
LU 4
Xia Bai
Actions: clears damp-heat, stops swelling, opens the channel, alleviates pain

Indications: h/a, neck pain/stiffness, jaw pain, febrile diseases, jaundice, contraction of fingers, pain of hand/wrist, arthritis (local)
SI - 4
(Wrist Bone)
Actions: clear heat, dispels wind, release exterior, brightens eyes, benefits throat

Indications: t/a, h/a, sore throat, eye pain/redness/swelling, *local pain of wrist
LI 5
Actions: invigorates qi/xue, regulates menstruation, moderates acute conditons, stops pain, harmonizes SP, resolves damp. **No bu SP**

Indications: irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, ab masses (fem.), ab pain/distention, n/v, diarrhea, edema, anorexia, dysuria, seminal emissions
SP 8
Actions: expels wind, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: *jaw pain, facial paralysis, t/a, lock jaw, mumps, *tmj
ST 6
Jia Che
Actions: expel wind, clear heat, brighten eyes, move obstruction, alleviates pain

Indications: h/a, sinus inflammation, redness/swelling/pain/itching eyes, lacrimation, blurry vision, twitching eyelids, decrease visual acuity, glaucoma, hemorrhoids
UB 2
Zan Zhu
Actions: descends LU qi, clear LU heat, resolve LU phlegm or dampness, opens channel, relaxes sinue, alleviates local pain

Indications: cough, asthma, dsypnea, hemoptysis, phlegm/fullness in chest, sore throat, tidal fever, mastitis, pain or limited ROM- shoulder, elbow, arm, infantile convulsions
LU 5
Chi Ze
Actions: tonifies SP, resolves damp, opens water passages, benefits LJ

Indications: Ab pain, distention, nausea, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, dysuria, incontinence, seminal emissions, leucorrhea, genital pain, dysmenorrhea, low ab/back pain, knee pain
SP 9
(Yin Mound Spring)
Actions: clear heat, dispels wind, *opens/regulates LU water passages

Indications: sore throat, eye pain/redness, deafness, tenitis, t/a(lower), epistasis, sinus sx, *edema, *ascites (interstitial fluid in abdomen), *scanty urination (fluid imbalance), local pain- wrist, arm
LI 6
Actions: clears heat, clams shen, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: swelling of the neck/sub-mandibular region, lockjaw, febrile diseases, redness/pain of the eyes, mania, pain/ROM of the wrist/hand
SI - 5
Actions: open channel, alleviates pain

Indications: deafness, tinnitus, otorrhea(ear goo), ear itching/pain, lock jaw, tmj, facial paralysis/pain, t/a, *ear and jaw sx
ST 7
Xia Guan
Actions: invigorates xue, moves blood stasis, cools xue, benefits skin, tonifies xue, regulates menses

Indications: Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, dark/clotted menstrual blood, postpartum xue/qi xu, urticaria, eczema, herpes zoster, heat rash, local pain of thigh/knee
SP 10
Actions: clears heat, alleviates pain, benefits throat, *harmonizes ST and intestines(digestive)

Indications: h/a, facial edema, t/a, sore throat, ab pain, borborygmus, bloating(ab), local pain- shoulder, arm
LI 7
Actions: clears heat, clams shen, transforms phlegm, opens channel, benefits the arm

Indications: cardiac pain, chest congestions, hypochondriac pain, h/a, red eyes, palpitations, restlessness, pain/spasm of arm, hand tremor
HT - 3
(Little Sea)
Actions: regulates and descends LU qi, clear LU heat, stops bleeding, moistens LU

Indications: cough, asthma, dsypnea, chest pain, sore throat, hemoptysis, local pain of elbow and arm, shi strong cough, allergy reaction point
LU 6
Kong Zhui
Actions: clears heat, opens water passages

Indications: pain/urinary dysfunction, enuresis, inguinal pain, pain/ROM of lower limbs
SP - 11
Actions: expels wind, alleviates pain, clear heat, brightens eyes

Indications: *h/a (strong), eye pain (bursting), eye swelling, blurry vision, lacrimation, hemiplagia(1/2 side body paralysis)
ST 8
Tou Wei
Actions: benefits the eyes, opens the channel, alleviates pain

Indications: blurry vision, shoulder/elbow/arm pain
SI - 6
Actions: clear heat, expels wind, harmonizes SI

Indications: Ab pain/distension(lower), borborygmus, diarrhea, h/a, local pain/ROM of lower arm
LI 8
Actions: regulates qi/xue, stops pain, clears heat, drains damp

Indications: lower abdominal/inguinal pain, hernia, urinary dysfunction
SP - 12
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain, harmonizes LI

Indications: local pain/ROM- elbow and arm, ab pain, borborygmus
LI 9
Actions: expel wind, clear heat, brighten eyes

Indications: h/a, dizziness, nasal congestion, epilepsy, agitation, giddiness
UB 3
Mei Chong
Actions: *regulate qi and xue (in and out of head), stops pain, benefits throat, stops swelling

Indications: *dizziness, h/a, flushed face, *hyper/hypotension, sore throat, goiter, swollen throat
ST 9
Ren Ying
Actions: regulates qi, stops pain

Indications: lower abdominal/inguinal pain, hernia, constipation
SP - 13
Actions: opens channel, regulates qi and xue, harmonizes ST and intestines, *bu qi

Indications: pain/ROM arm and shoulder, t/a, facial pain/swelling/paralysis, ab pain, diarrhea, n/v, *any digestive problem, strong connection with ST 36
LI 10
Actions: clears heat, opens the exterior, clams shen, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: h/a, dizziness, febrile diseases, chills/fever, neck pain/stiffness, mania, fright, restless organ syndrome, pain/contraction of the elbow/finger
SI - 7
Actions: descends LU qi, benefits throat

Indications: sore throat, cough, asthma, dsypnea
ST 10
Shui Tu
Actions: warms center (tonifies MJ), regulates/descends qi

Indications: pain around the navel, diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal distention, constipation, hernia
SP - 14
Actions: activates LU D&D fx, clear LU, open nose, release exterior, expel wind, circulates wei qi, opens ren meridian, regulates water passages, benefits UB, opens channels, alleviates pain

Indications: cough, asthma, dsypnea, sinus congestion, stiff neck, h/a, chills/fever, migraine, toothache, facial paralysis, local pain/weakness of wrist/hand
LU 7
Lei Que
Actions: tonifies HT, clams shen, opens channel, benefits tendons (local)

Indications: cardiac pain, restlessness, sudden loss of voice, spasmodic pain/ROM of arm/elbow.
HT - 4
Actions: descends qi, benefits throat

Indications: sore throat, asthma, dyspnea, goiter, local neck pain, cough
ST 11
Qi She
Actions: moves qi, regulates intestines, tonifies SP, resolves damp

Indications: abdominal pain/distention, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, heavy limbs
SP - 15
Actions: *clear heat, cool xue, expels wind, resolves damp, regulates qi and xue, opens channel, benefits joints, best pnt to clear heat

Indications: fever, sore throat, red eyes, t/a, *any heat condition, skin rash/infection, *any skin condition, local pain/numbness/ROM- elbow, arm, shoulder, ab pain, n/v diarrhea, disentary, chronic constipation
LI 11
Actions: clears heat, stops swelling, clams the shen, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: h/a, swelling in the throat/cheek/gums, toothache, dizziness, epilepsy, agitation, pain in the neck/shoulder/arm/elbow
SI - 8
(Little Sea)
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: local pain/numbness/ROM- *elbow, arm, *elbow pnt
LI 12
Actions: regulates intestines

Indications: abdominal pain/distention, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation
SP - 16
Actions: Descend LU qi, stop cough and wheezing

Indications: cough, asthma, dsypnea, fever, sore throat, chest pain, wrist pain
LU 8
Jing Qu
Actions: expel wind, clear heat, clear head, brighten eyes

Indications: h/a, sinus congestion, epistaxis, blurry vision, decrease visual acuity
UB 4
Qu Chai
Actions: *descends rebellious qi, opens chest

Indications: cough, asthma, dyspnea, sore throat, local pain- chest, shoulder, *meeting pnt of 6 fu except UB

CI pregnancy
ST 12
Que Pen
Actions: Disperses stagnation, promotes digestion

Indigestion: fullness/pain in the chest/hypochondrium/abdomen, indigestion, borborygmus
SP - 17
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain, stops cough, resolves phlegm

Indications: *local pain/numbness/ROM- elbow and arm, cough, scrofula(infection in throat glands)- phlegm, nodule, damp-heat in throat
LI 13
Actions: clears wind, benefits the shoulder, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: pain/ROM of the shoulder joint region/arm/elbow, chills/fever
SI - 9
Actions: descends qi, opens chest

Indications: fullness of chest, asthma, cough, hiccups, chest/rib pain, *local pnt
ST 13
Qi Hu
Actions: opens chest, descends qi, benefits the breast, promotes lactation

Indications: fullness/pain in the chest/hypochondrium, s.o.b., cough, phlegm rattle in the throat, hiccups, mastitis, insufficient lactation
SP - 18
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain, resolves phlegm, benefits eyes

Indications: *local pain/numbness/ROM- *shoulder and upper arm, scrofula, local pain/swelling/redness- eyes
LI 14
Actions: tonifies HT, clams shen, benefits the tongue, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: palpitations, fright, depression, agitation, eye pain, blurry vision, sore throat, sudden voice loss (by heat), aphasia with tongue rigidity, local pain of wrist/hand
HT - 5
(Penetrating Inside)
Actions: descends qi, opens chest

Indications: fullness/pain chest, cough
ST 14
Ku Fang
Actions: opens chest, descends qi

Indications: fullness/pain in the chest/hypochondrum, cough, s.o.b.
SP - 19
Actions: Bu LU qi and yin, promote LU descending fx, regulates vessels, bu zong qi, opens channels, alleviates pain- bu LU xu

Indications: Asthma, cough, dyspnea, weak breathing/pulse, fatigue, palpitations, hemoptysis, sore throat, local pain- wrist, hand, arm, shoulder, chest, SOB
LU 9
Tai Yuan
Actions: opens channel, benefits the shoulder

Indications: pain/swelling/ROM of the shoulder joint region/upper arm
SI - 10
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain, dispels wind, regulates qi and xue, resolves phlegm, disperses masses

Indications: local pain/ROM- *shoulder and arm, *skin rash, urticaria(itching), scrofula
LI 15
Actions: opens chest, descends qi

Indications: fullness/pain in the chest/hypochondrium, cough, hiccups, s.o.b., phlegm in the chest
SP - 20
Actions: descends qi, opens chest, alleviates pain, benefit breasts

Indications: cough, wheezing, fullness/pain in chest, breast pain/abscess
ST 15
Wu Yi
Actions: expel wind, subdue yang, clear heat, clear head

Indications: h/a, heavy head, blurry vision, epilepsy, convulsions
UB 5
Wu Chu
Actions: stop cough/wheezing, alleviates pain, benefits breast

Indications: cough, asthma, dsypnea, fullness/pain in chest, breast pain/abscess
ST 16
Ying Chuang
Actions: regulates qi/xue, opens the connecting vessels, opens the chest, descends qi

Indications: pain/aching of the whole body, joint pain/weakness, heavy/fatigue/soreness of the 4 limbs, fullness/pain in the chest/hypochondrium, cough, asthma
SP - 21
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain, regulates qi and xue, opens chest, descends rebellious qi

Indications: local pain/ROM- *shoulder and scapular region, cough, scrofula
LI 16
Ju Gu
Actions: opens channel, benefits the shoulder/scapula

Indications: pain in the scapular region, neck/shoulder stiffness, chest congestion, cough with stubborn phlegm
SI - 11
(Heavenly Gathering)
Actions: clear LU heat, benefits throat

Indications: cough, sore throat, hemoptysis, loss of voice, fever, hot palms, agitation, local pain- thumb, hand (harmonizes HT & SP)
LU 10
Yu Ji
Acitons: tonifies HT, calms shen, clears empty heat, stops sweating

Indications: cardiac pain, palpitations, agitation, hysteria, sudden voice loss, epistaxis, hemoptysis, night sweats, steaming bone disorder (strong empty heat)
HT - 6
Actions: none

Indications: none

CI: needling, moxa, tx at all
ST 17
Ru Zhong
Actions: opens channel, benefits the shoulder/scapula

Indications: pain/ROM of the shoulder/scapular region, pain/numbness of the upper arm
SI - 12
Actions: benefits throat

Indications: sudden loss of voice, sore throat, goiter
LI 17
Tian Ding
Actions: expel wind, clear heat, clear head, brighten eyes

Indications: h/a, blurry vision, nasal congestion, dizziness
UB 6
Cheng Guan
Actions:clear heat, benefits throat, opens oraphises (shen), revives consciousness, opens meridian

Indications: Sore throat, fever, asthma, cough, epistaxis, mania, loss of consciousness, childhood fright (night terrors), local pain- thumb

CI: Shallow needling
LU 11
Shao Shang
Actions: opens channel, benefits the shoulder/scapula

Indications: local pain/obstruction of the neck/scapular region
SI - 13
(Crooked Wall)
Actions: stop cough, benefit throat, resolve phlegm, disperses masses

Indications: cough, wheezing, phlegm in throat, sudden loss of voice, goiter, scrofula
LI 18
Fu Tu
Actions: tonifies HT, calms shen, tonifies HT yin, clears heat

Indications: cardiac/chest pain, palpitations, insomnia, irritability, hysteria, amnesia, epilepsy, mania, dementia, turrets syndrome, sore throat, hemoptysis, yellow sclera, 5 palm heat
HT - 7
(Spirit Gate)
Actions: regulates breast/lactation, opens chest, stop cough/wheezing

Indications: breast pain/abscess, insufficient lactation, cough, wheezing, fullness/pain chest
ST 18
Ru Gen
Actions: clears wind, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: shoulder/scapula pain, neck stiffness/pain/ROM, chills/fever
SI - 14
(Outer Shoulder Transport Point)
Actions: harmonizes middle jiao, descends qi

Indications: epigastric pain/distension, n/v, borborygmus, anorexia
ST 19
Bu Rong
Actions: expel wind, clear heat, open nose, clear head

Indications: h/a nasal congestion/discharge, anosmia, epistaxis, giddiness, loss of consciousness
UB 7
Tong Tian
Actions: expels wind, opens nose

Indications: nasal congestion and discharge, epistasis, anosmia (loss of sense of smell), deviation of mouth, loss of consciousness
LI 19
He Liao
Actions: clears heat, descends LU qi, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: cough, asthma, hemoptysis, shoulder/scapula/neck pain
SI - 15
Actions: harmonize middle jiao, descends qi

Indications: epigastric pain/distension, anorexia, n/v, locat pnt- upper GI
ST 20
Cheng Man
Actions: clears HT heat, clams shen, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: chest pain, palpitations, agitation, febrile diseases, palm heat, disuria, enuresis, red/itching of external genitalia, pain/contraction of hand/little finger
HT - 8
Actions: dispels wind, *opens nose

Indications: *nasal congestion/discharge, anosemia, epistasis, facial itching/swelling, deviation of mouth, *sinus pnt
LI 20
Ying Xiang
Actions: clears heat, calms the shen, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: sore throat, sudden loss of voice, goiter, deafness, tinnitus, mania, pain/ROM of the neck/shoulder
SI - 16
Actions: harmonizes middle jiao, descends qi, stops vomiting, relieves pain

Indications: epigastric pain/distension, n/v, reflux, borborygmus, slippery (phlegmy), diarrhea, anorexia, best local ST pnt upper GI
ST 21
Liang Men
Actions: expel wind, clear heat, clear head, brighten eyes, transform phlegm, calm shen

Indications: dizziness, tinnitus, blurry vision, n/v, mania
UB 8
Luo Que
Actions: regulates qi and intestines

Indications: abdominal pain/distension, constipation, anorexia, diarrhea, edema
ST 22
Guan Men
Actions: clears heat, disperses swelling

Indications: sore/obstructed throat, goiter, swelling of the cheek, inability to open the jaw, wheezing, deafness, tinnitus, pain/ROM of the neck
SI - 17
Actions: calm shen, harmonize middle jiao

Indications: mania, agitation, depression, abdominal pain, diarrhea, poor digestive fx
ST 23
Tai Yi
Actions: clears heat, clams shen, opens the orifices, revives consciousness

Indications: rib/chest/cardiac pain, palpitations, febrile diseases, agitations, mania, loss of consciousness, aphasia, pain/contraction of hand/arm
HT - 9
(Little Rushing)
Actions: calm shen, harmonizes St and intestines

Indications: mania, epigastric pain, n/v
ST 24
Hua Rou Men
Actions: expels wind, alleviates pain, clears heat, reduces swelling

Indications: facial pain/paralysis/swelling, deviations of the mouth/eye, toothache, red face, yellow sclera
SI - 18
Actions: regulates middle jiao/intestines, clears heat, regulates qi, resolves damp, moves stagnation

Indications: abdominal pain/distension, diarrhea, disentary, borborrygmus, *constipation, edema, painful * menstrual dysfunction, luekorrhea, painful urination, *digestive sx
ST 25
Tian Shu
Actions: expel wind, alleviates pain, brighten eyes

Indications: h/a, stiff/painful neck, aversion to wind, c/f, eye pain, nasal congestion, dizziness
UB 9
Yu Zhen
Actions: regulates qi, stops pain

Indications: abdominal pain/distension, dysmenorrhea, hernia
ST 26
Wai Ling
Actions: regulates qi, benefits the ears

Indications: deafness, tinnitus, ottorrhea, ear pain, pain/ROM of the jaw, toothache
SI - 19
(Listening Palace)
Actions: Regulates qi, benefits KD

Indications: lower abdominal distension/pain, dysuria (painful urination), hernia, seminal emissions, premature ejaculation, irregular menstruation, *reproductive fx
ST 27
Da Ju
Actions: expel wind, clear head, open oraphises, calm shen, open channel, alleviates pain

Indications: h/a dizziness, nasal obstruction, stiff/painful neck, sore throat, eye pain/redness, shoulder/back pain, mania, won't stop talking
UB 10
Tian Zhu
Actions: regulates lower jiao, *opens water passages, regulates menstruation, stops pain

Indications: urinary retention, edema, lower abdominal distension, dysmenorrhea, infertility, hernia
ST 28
Shui Dao
Actions: expel wind, open exterior, nourish xue, benefit bones, stop cough

Indications: h/a, pain/stiffness of neck/upper back, c/f, cough, dyspnea
UB 11
Da Zhu
Actions: warms lower jiao, benefits menstruation, *relieves xue stasis

Indications: lower abdominal pain, irregular *menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, *infertility, *uterine masses(fibroids), uterine prolapse, luekorrhea, endometriosis, *female reproductive disorders
ST 29
Gui Lai
Actions: expel wind, release exterior, bu LU, strengthen wei qi

Indications: common cold/flu, c/f, h/a, cough, dyspnea, sinus congestion, discharge, pain/stiffness of neck/upper back
UB 12
Feng Men
Actions: regulates qi and lower jiao, *regulates chong mai

Indications: abdominal pain/distension, borborygmus, hernia, swelling/pain of external genitals, irregular menstruation, impotence, infertility, irregular menstrual bleeding, *running piglet qi
ST 30
Qi Chong
Actions: bu LU qi and yin, descend LU qi, clear LU heat, release exterior

Indications: cough, asthma, dyspnea, chest pain/congestion, tidal fever, night sweats, pain/stiffness upper back
UB 13
Fei Shu
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: pain/numbness/atrophy/ROM of *thigh and leg
ST 31
Bi Guan
Actions: regulate the HT, calm shen, soothe LV, regulate qi, open chest, descend qi

Indications: chest pain/congestion, palpitations, cough, vomiting, restlessness, agitation
UB 14
Jue Yin Shu
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: paralysis/ROM/bi syndrome *leg and knee, lumber pain/stiffness
ST 32
Fu Tu
Actions: bu HT, calm shen, open chest, regulate qi, clear heat, invigorate xue

Indications: chest pain/congestion, cough, palpitations, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, anxiety, panic, mania, dementia, epilepsy, night sweats, nocturnal emissions
UB 15
Xin Shu
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: pain/numbness/ROM *thigh, knee, lower leg
ST 33
Yin Shi
Actions: regulate qi, open chest

Indications: chest pain/congestion, epigastric pain, ab pain/distension, borborygmus
UB 16
Du Shu
Actions: harmonizes ST, descends rebellious qi, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: epigastric pain/distension, reflux, mastitis, local pain/numbness *knee and lower extremity, *any digestive sx
ST 34
Liang Qiu
Actions: invigorates xue, dispels xue stasis, bu xue, clear xue heat, stop bleeding, open chest/diaphram, descend rebellious qi

Indications: chest pain/congestion, epigastric pain/fullness, hiccups, reflux, vomiting, hiatal hernia, hemoptysis, vomiting blood, bleeding skin eruptions, tidal fever, night sweats, arthritis
UB 17
Ge Shu
Actions: opens channel, stops swelling/pain

Indications: pain/swelling/ROM *knee, numbness/swelling lower leg, best knee pnt
ST 35
Du Bi
Actions: benefit LV, regulate qi, bu LV xue, calm internal wind, clear heat, disperse damp heat, benefits eyes

Indications: hypochondriac/chest/ab pain/distension, cough with blood tinged sputum, blurry vision, red/irritated eyes, night blindness, jaundice, irritably/anger, mental disorders, epilepsy, back pain in any location
UB 18
Gan Shu
Actions: *bu ST and SP, resolve damp, regulate intestines, dispels cold, bu qi and xue, firms jing, regulates ying and wei, clears heat, brightens eyes and calms shen, raises yang and revives consciousness, opens channel and stops pain, shao yang disorders

Indications: *any digestive sx, severe depletion of qi and xue (post-partum, chronic illness, emaciation, exhaustion, etc.), mastitis, beriberi, dizziness, cough, asthma, edema, hypertension, febrile disease, insomnia, agitation, mania, *local pain- knee and lower leg, *tonification point
ST 36
Zu San Li
Actions: clear LV/GB damp heat, clear GB heat/shi, regulate qi, harmonize ST, open diaphram

Indications: jaundice, bitter taste, insomnia, hypochondriac/chest pain, tidal fever, steaming bone disorder, pulmonary TB
UB 19
Dan Shu
Actions: regulates ST, SP, intestines, clears damp-heat, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: abdominal pain/distension, *diarrhea, dysentery, *constipation, borborygmus, asthma, post-stroke paralysis, local pain/numbness/ROM- *lower leg, *digestive pnt
ST 37
Shang Ju Xu
Actions: Bu SP, resolve damp, raise SP qi, control xue, harmonize qi xue ying, regulate middle jiao

Indications: ab pain/distension, anorexia, diarrhea, dysentery, xue in stool, vomiting, jaundice, edema, lassitude, fatigue, profuse menstruation, middle/lower back pain
UB 20
Pi Shu
Actions: open channel, alleviates pain

Indications: pain/ROM lower leg, *shoulder pain, abdominal pain
ST 38
Tiao Kou
Actions: regulate ST, transform damp, harmonize, middle jiao, descend qi

Indications: epigastric pain/distension, indigestion, anorexia, hypochondriac pain, n/v, borborygmus, diarrhea, jaundice
UB 21
Wei Shu
Actions: *regulates ST and SI, clear damp-heat, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: lower abdominal pain, lumbar pain radiating to testes, diarrhea, mastitis, numbness/pain/ROM lower extremities
ST 39
Xia Ju Xu
Actions: regulate water passage, promote urination, regulate qi, resolve damp

Indications: ab distension, borborygmus, indigestion, n/v, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, difficult urination, low back pain, h/a, alternating c/f, bitter taste
UB 22
San Jiao Shu
Actions: transforms *phlegm and dampness, clears chest, stops cough/wheezing, clear heat, calms shen, open channel, alleviates pain

Indications: *phlegm, pain, congestion in chest, cough, asthma, h/a, dizziness, n/v, constipation, mania, epilepsy, numbness/pain/ROM, lower extremities, *ST pnt
ST 40
Feng Long
Tonifies & benefits the KD: Qi, Yang, Yin and Jing. Tonifies xue. Benefits the bones. Regulates the water passages. Benefits urinaiton. Warms and benefits the uteurus. Strengthens the lower back. Brightens the eyes. Benefits the ears.

fatigue/exhaustion. Difficult, frequent, dribbling urination. nocturnal/seminal emission, impotence, infertility, sexual dysfunction, irregular menstruation, leucorrhea, asthma/cough/dyspnea, edema, diarrhea, cold limbs, deafness/tinitius, back, knee, & ankle pain/weakness, night blindness blurry vision, dizziness
Kidney Transport Point
Kidney Back Shu
Benefits/regulates lower jiao
opens the channel
regulates Qi and Xue

Lower back pain
irregular menstruation
(Sea of Qi Shu Point)
Actions: Regulates the intestines, transforms, stagnation, opens the channel, strengthens the lower back

Indications: diarrhea/constipation, borborgymus, abdominal distention/pain, lower back pain/weakness

Notes: A good point for lower back pain. A good point for diarrhea and constipation (connection with ST25). Good for menstrual pain that refers to the back.
Actions:strengthens the lower back, regulates the lower jiao

Indications: lower back pain, sciatica, abdominal distention/pain, diarrhea, frequent or difficult urination

Note: Good local point for lower back problems
Origin Gate Transport Point
Regulates Intestines, promotes separation of pure from impure,
drains dampness, clears damp heat

Indications: diarrhea, dysentary, lower abdominal pain and distention, hernia, enurisis, hematuria (blood in the urine), seminal emissions, leucorrhea, lower back pain, sciatica

Note: Important point for sacral
Actions: Regulates the UB, Opens the water passages, Clears damp heat from the lower jiao, Moves stagnation, Benefits the lower back

Indications: Difficult Urination, Urinary retention, Frequent urination, Seminal emissions,
Itching/pain in the external genitals, diarrhea, constipation, stiffness/pain of the lower back
UB28 – Pangguanshu
Actions: Benefits the lumbar region, Warms Yang, Dispels cold.

Indications: dysentary, diarrhea (cold type), hernia, stiffness/pain of the lower
Middle Spine Back Shu
Actions: Warms yang, regulates the menses, opens the channel. benefits the lumbar region

Indications: lower back pain, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea,
seminal emissions, difficult urination, tenesmus (urge to go poo), rectal prolapse
White Ring Shu
Actions: Regulates the lower jiao, Regulates menstruation, opens the channel, benefits the lower back.

Indications: irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea,
leucorrhea, difficult urination, lower back pain, rectal prolapse
Upper Bone Hole/Crevice
Meeting point of UB and GB (deadman)
Actions: Regulates the lower jiao, Regulates menstruation, opens the channel, benefits the lower back

Indications: lower back pain/weakness, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, hernia, seminal emissions, impotence, painful urinary dysfunction, diarrhea

Note: Most frequently used
and important of Baliao (the
sacral foramen points)
2nd Bone Hole/Crevice
Meeting Point of UB & GB
Actions: Regulates the lower jiao, Regulates menstruation, opens the channel, benefits the lower back

Indications: lower back pain, irregular menstruation, leucorrhea, diarrhea, constipation, difficult urination
Middle Bone Hole/Crevice
Meeting Point of UB, GB (and LVR in some texts)
Regulates the lower jiao, Regulates menstruation, opens the channel, benefits the lower back

Indications: Lower back pain, Lower abdominal pain, irregular menstruation, leucorrhea, constipation, diarrhea
Lower Bone Hole/Crevice
Meeting Point of UB & GB
Clears damp heat
regulates the lower jiao

Indications: diarrhea, dysentary, hemorrhoids, leucorrhea, impotence, lower back and coccyx pain
Meeting of Yang
Actions: opens the channel, alleviate pain, regulates the lower jiao

Indications: lower back and gluteal pain, sciatica,
motor impairment of the lower
limbs, difficult urination, constipation
Receive Support/Hold and Support
Actions: open channel, alleviates pain

Indications: lower back pain, muscular atrophy, pain, and
motor impairment of the legs
Gate of Abundance
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: numbness of the gluteal region, contracture of the popliteal region
Floating Cleft
Actions: Harmonizes the SJ, Opens the water passages, opens the channel, alleviates pain

Indications: Lower back pain, Lower abdominal distention, urinary dysfunction, edema, knee pain.
Supporting Yang
Lower He-Sea of the San Jiao
Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain, clears heat, cools the blood

Indications: lower back pain
pain and motor impairment of
the hip, leg, and knee, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, febrile disease, difficult urination, nose bleed, itching

Note: Used mostly for lower
back pain.
Bend Middle
He-Sea Point (Earth)