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53 Cards in this Set

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State which Gyn cancer is most commonly occuring in US women
endometrial ca
State whether the incidence of endometrial ca is increasing or decreasing
has been increasing over the past 20 years
Discuss the cure rate of endometrial ca
cure rate is very high because these tumors tend to be well differentiated and localized
List and discuss the risk factors for endometrial cancers and give the peak age of incidence
Most commonly affects postmenopausal women: 75% of cases occur after 50, only 4% before 40 and peaks at 58-60
list the most common symptoms for the Gyn ca discussed
abnormal bleeding, occurs 80% of pts.
-other symptoms- leg and back pain, bladder or rectal symptoms, weight loss, and general weakness
Give the most common histological type of cancer for each of the areas discussed
endometrial- adenocarcinoma
vaginal- epidermoid squamous carcinoma (90%)
fallopian tubes- adenocarcinoma
vulva- squamous cell
State the definitive procedure for diagnosing carcinoma of the endometrium
-history- including menstration, hormone ingestion, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and infertility
-pelvic exam
-fractional D & C (dilation and curettage)- provides tissue for bx, specimans from endocervix and endometrial cavity
Give the most reliable prognostic factor for endometrial ca
Fractional D & C
Give the name of the grading system most commonly used for endometrial ca and state which grade is the worst in terms of cure
Broder's Grading:
Grade I- well differentiated
Grade III- poorly differentiated
Discuss treatment of the various ca discussed
endometrial- hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy, w/wo RT, adj RT
Vaginal- RT** then surgical excision of vagina if RT fails
fallopian tubes- surgery
vulva- surgery (vulvectomy +RT)
Discuss "heyman's capsules vs tandum and ovoids. Discuss their use
Heymans capsules are preloading stainless steel cylinders with retention wires attached to the ends. Usually 10-15 capsules, advantage is if uterine cavity is distorted or enlarged. disadvantage- preloaded and capsule can easily perforate uterus if pushed thru fundus wall 6000-7000 cGy
Discuss the role of hormonal therapy in tx of gyn ca
-endometrium- hormonal-progestin for regression of mets to lung in 1/3 pts, chemo- for poorly differntiated tumors, adriamycin and 5FU
Endometrium is disease of _____, and cervix is disease of ______
inner city
Generally endometrium are _____________ women
affluent, obese, nulliparous white women
The use of oral ______ containing ____ and ____ combo actually reduces endometrial ca by _____
Predisposing factors for endometrial ca (4)
1. family history of
2. race- Japan-rare, black less common
3. endometrial hyperplasia- may be precurser
4. functional ovaian tumors- related estrogen secretion
Spread of endometrial ca
local invasion
-directly to myometium to lung or bone thru blood vessels and lymphatic system.
Spread- upper lesions drain to
Spread- lower lesions drain to
inguinal nodes
What is the least frequent of all malignant female genital tract
fallopian tube
Spread- fallopian tube ca to
pelvic peritoneum, including broad ligament and omentum
distant spread to intestine, lung, and liver
How do you diagnose vulvar ca
Biopsy- Keyes cutaneous punch
How does vulvar ca spread
primarily- lymphatic dissemination
or direct
Endometrial ca is probably linked to
aging population, high calorie and high fat diets
Predisposing factors of endometrial ca include
-Stein-Leventhal syndrome (pollysystic ovaries)
-history of irregular periods
-menopause beyond age 52
most common endometrial histology is
endometrial adenocarcinoma mainly spreads by
local invasion
What % of endometrial ca are at stage I
Heyman's capsules are used for ____ ca
all boost are ___-__ Gy
45-50 Gy
The overall 5 year survival for endometrial ca is ____ and are at stage
stage I
At what age do most vaginal ca occur
over the age of 50, with the 6th and 7th decades being the most common time of presentation
Over __% of all vaginal tumor are
epidermoid squamous carcinomas
Vaginal ca occurs most commonly on the
posterior wall of the uper third of the vagina
What is the best way to detect vaginal ca
pap smear
Vaginal ca may spread by ____ and to where
direct extention along the vaginal wall to involve the cervix or vulva
In squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina mets to the ___ or ____ tend to occur late
lungs or supraclavicular nodes
What is considered to be the tx of choice for vaginal ca
Rates for vaginal ca are up to ___% for stage I
The etiology of fallopian tube ca is ____ however may be linked to (3)
What is the most common histologic type of primary ca of the fallopian tube
Where is the most freq site of spread of fallopian tube ca
pelvic peritoneum, including the broad ligament and omentum
What is the primary tx of ca of the fallopian tube
Fallopian tube ca has no 5 yr survival rate
because of limited cases
What is the median age for insitu of the vulva
48 yrs
Most cases of invasive ca of the vulva are seen after age
Etiology for vulva include (7) and which is most important.
Diabetes *** most important
-cadiovascular disease
-venereal disease (genital warts)
-Ca of breast, endometrium, and cervix also
What is the most common histology of vulvar ca and what %
90% are squamous cell
What is the most common symptom of the vulva
presence of mass or growth
Vulvar ca spread primarily by
lymphatic dissemination or direct
What is the tx of choice for vulvar ca
surgery- radical vulvectomy w/ node dissection, RT is seldom used alone
What is the major prognostic factor for vulvar ca
lymph node involvement
The overall 5 yr survival rate for pt with squamous cell ca of the vulva is about __%