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19 Cards in this Set

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Intracellular receptors
lipid soluble, steroid hormones diffuse through lipid bilayer.
HRC--HRE--change in protein prod.--promote metabloic activities

ex. Testosterone or TH
1. Binds to Beta cell membrane
2. converted to ATP
3. calls depolarize closing K channels and opening Ca.
4. insulin relased though vesicle
5. insulin binds to alpha receptor
6. Beta units activated
7. triggers activities
helps maintain blood glucose levels btwn meals and when fasting

Stim= GnRH
Inhib= estrogen, testoesterone
stimulates release of steroid hormones by adrenal cortex. Increases BG, lipolysis, and antiinflammatory

Stim=CRH. fever, hypoglycemia

as cortisol increases, CRH and ACTH decrease
decrease water lost at kidneys. resorption of H20. Raises BP.

stim= high osmolality of blood or low blood volume
inhib= adequate hydration of the body and by alcohol
stimulates thyroid gland to secrete T3 and T4.

stim=TRH and pregnancy and cold temp
inhib= GHIH
stimulates muscle contraction in uterus, promoting labor and delivery. stimulates contraction of mammary glands and ducts
stim= impulses in responses to stretching and suckling
inhib= lack of appropriate neural stimuli
TH formation
Thryoglobulin. Iodinde ions are absorbed thought the GI and sent to follicle cells in thyroid. They are then pumped into the cells by active transport. Iodide is converted into iodine by peroxidase. Iodine attaches to tyrosine. They undergo oxidation reactions.
TH transport
T3,T$ relased from colloid into follicle cell. Enzymes break down thryroglobulin. AA and T3, T4 enter cytoplasm. Diffuse though capillaries and enter the bloodstream. then attach to thryoxin and other plasma proteins.
Cell surface receptors
water soluble! (PTH and glucagon)
ex. g protein

decrease rate of glucose utliization, increase FFA mobilization. Increase rate of protein synthesis.

Indirectly= IGF and somatostatin
alpha glucosidase
slows down glucose absorption and breakdown

ex. arcarbose
Blood supply of thyroid
superior thyroid artery (external carotid)
inferior thyroid artery
superior and middle thyroid vein
inferior thyroid vein
TSH on Thyroid
-stimulates iodide pump
-increase iodination tyrosine to form TH
-increase proteolysis
-increase size, number, and secretory activity of thyroid cells
Insulin and Fat
inhibits lipase. promotes fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis. stimulate glucose uptake by adipose cells
cause additional insulin release by pancreas
DDP 4 enzyme inhibitors
work on Beta cells to secrete more insulin
metformin. prevent liver from producing glucose