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16 Cards in this Set

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most common cause of hyperpituitarism?
anterior pituitary adenoma
most common cause of hypopituitarism?
anterior pituitary adenoma
most common cause of diabetes insipidus?
head trama damaging hypothalamus commonly seen when a basal skull fracture is present
most common cause of SIADH?
ectopic ADH production
most common suprasellar mass lesion?
describe the pathology of a GH adenoma?
GNAS1 gene mutation leads to a GHRH receptor which has a defective alpha subunit making it resistant to GTPase which is normally responsible for stopping the pathway --> increased HG hormone production
if you had to do imaging on the pituitary, what type would you most likely use?
MRI post-gadolinium enhancement
what are the top 3 most frequent pituitary adenomas and give the percentages?
1. Prolactin 30%
2. GH 20%
3. Null cell 20%
describe the microscopic appearance of a pituitary adenoma?
monotonous cells with no acinar grouping or reticulin framework
interestingly the Prl-cell adenoma does not directly cause hyperprolactinemia seen with the lesion, what does?
the tumor compresses dominergic neurons that control release of prolactin and cause incontrolled release from normal prolactin secreting cells in the pituitary (causing them to hypertrophy)
treatment of prolactinomas is?
treat anything smaller than 1 cm with bromocriptine and then surgury if it is larger than 1 cm or surgery fails
what test would you perform on a person you suspected to have a GH adenoma?
a somatomedin C test (IGF-1) in stead of the actual GH which fluctuates more
what is the treatment for a GH adenoma?
surgical excision and somatostatin analogues to suppress GH and therefor IGF-1 levels
what type of adenoma would you be concerned about if you saw clacifications on microscopic stains?
whats the difference between cushings syndrome and cushings disease?
syndrome = increased cortisol secreting
disease = ACTH producing tumor is the cause of increased cortisol
what is sheehans syndrome?
ischemic nercrosis of anterior lobe after traumatic birth