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165 Cards in this Set

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an obese woman has a history of palpitations that keep her up at night. She states that she has lost weight over the last few months while attending a weight loss clinic. Physical exam shows non-palpable thyroid gland, sinus tachycardia, lid stare, no exophthalmos, brisk deep tendon reflexes. what will thyroid studies show?
Increased T4
Increased Free T4
Decreased TSH
Decreased I123
the patient is taking excess hormone lead to thyrotoxicosis. This suppresses the thyroid gland so it becomes non-palpable, and the radioactive test shows decreased uptake. Also note the absence of signs of Graves disease
A 22 year old woman complains of intermittent fluttering in her chest. PE demonstrates a normal thyroid, no lid stare or exophthalmos, a regular heart rate of 108 bpm, normal DTR, a BP 100/80. A mid-systolic click and murmur is heard at the apex that increases with expiration. She is currently taking OCPs. Thyroid studies reveal?
This is an estrogen effect with an increase in TBG but not an increase in free hormone. MVP is an incidental finding
Increased T4
Increased Free T4
Decreased TSH
a 28 year old woman has complaints of chronic constipation and progressive weight gain over the last 6 months in spite of a pure vegan diet. She is currently on no prescription or OTC meds. PE exhibits a pale young woman with periorbital puffiness, dry yellow colored skin, normal sclera, normal CV and respiratory exam, delayed DTR, proximal muscle weakness. Thyroid studies reveal?
The patient has primary HYPOthyroidism. Most likely due to Hashimotos thyroiditis
Decreased T4
Decreased Free T4
INcreased TSH
a clinic physician at OSU refers a 24 year old OSU wrestler with h/o fatigue to you. PE reveals muscular individual with cystic acne. The thyroid gland and DTR are normal. Thyroid studies?
the patient is most likely on anabolic steroids, which cause a decreased TBG.
Decreased T4
Normal Free T4
Normal TSH
A pregnant woman complains of fatigue. PE demonstrates a slightly enlarged non-tender thyroid gland, normal heart rate, and normal DTRs. Thyroid studies?
the estrogen has increased TBG and total serum T4. thyromegaly is normal in pregnancy
Increased T4
Normal Free T4
Normal TSH
a 32 year old Russian student has a h/o total thyroidectomy for papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland due to radiation exposure at Chernobyl. She now complains of fatigue, muscle weakness, dry skin. PE demonstates delayed DTRs. Thyroid studies?
The patient has hypothyroidism. Note the relationship to papillary cancer
Decreased T4
Decreased Free T4
Increased TSH
What reactions characterize biochemical reactions expected in DKA who is volume depleted and hypotensive?
B-oxidation of fatty acids: no malonyl CoA to inhibit carnitine acyltransferase
Increased FA synthesis: increased lipolysis
Gluconeogenesis: initiated by glucagon
A 25 year old woman with a previous h/o head trauma now has polyuria, increased thirst, and galactorrhea. Osmolarity?
The patient has central diabetes insipidus where one would expect an increased POsm and a decreased UOsm.
Always diluting
Never concentrating urine
Iodide deficiency
Endemic goiter
- decreased synthesis of thyroid hormone
Severe hypoglycemia in young patient who is comatose
probable type I DM
insulin Rx is the MCC of reactive hypoglycemia
Ulcer overlying a metatarsal head in a diabetic
due to peripheral neuropathy
- patient cannot feel the bottom of the foot
Osmotic damage of Schwann cells
child with nuchal rigidity, petechia, and hypovolemic shock
Neisseria meningitidis
- hypovolemic shock indicates hemorrhagic infarction of the adrenal glands due to DIC
Sudden cessation of lactation in woman with a difficult delivery
Sheehan's postpartum necrosis
Pituitary apoplexy
hemorrhage or infarction of a pituitary adenoma
Neurofibromatosis patient with diastolic HTN, anxiety, sweating
there is an association with Neurofibromatosis
Patient with hypertension, normocalcemia, increased serum calcitonin
- medullary carcinoma
- pheochromocytoma
- mucosal neuromas
medullary carcinoma
primary hyperparathyroidism
Truncal obesity, purple stria, decreased cortisol post high dose dexamethasone
suppression by high dose dexamethasone is diagnostic for pituitary Cushing's
Pharmacist with hypoglycemia, increased serum insulin, decreased C-peptide.
suppression of b-islet cells
- patient is taking insulin causing suppression of b-islet cells and decreased endogenous synthesis of insulin and release C-peptide.
man with a cold thyroid nodule and palpable cervical lymph nodes
thyroid cancer with psammoma bodies
papillary adenocarcinoma
Pure seminiferous tubule failure
increased serum FSH
Normal serum LH
Normal serum testosterone
pure Leydig failure
decreased testosterone
LH increased
FSH normal
XXY genotype
increased serum FSH
increased serum LH
decreased serum testosterone
- Klinefelter's. Inhibin is decreased causing increased FSH. Testosterone is decreased and LH is increased. Testosterone is aromatized to estrogens
Impotence secondary to anxiety
Normal FSH
Normal LH
Normal testosterone
- common cause of loss of libido causing erectile dysfunction. Hormones are normal. Nocturnal penile tumescence is present
addison's disease
primary hypocortisolism
hypovitaminosis D
is the MCC of 2' HPTH due to hypocalcemia
Kallmann's syndrome
produces hypogonadism with a decrease in gonadotropins
- since GnRH is deficient in the syndrome, gonadotropins are decreased
anosmia and color blindness are also present
MCC HYPERfunctioning endocrine gland
Autoimmune disease
MCC of HYPOfunctioning endocrine gland
GnRH stimulation stimulates an FSH/LH response
hypothalamic disorder
- since the pituitary is hypofunctioning and can recover its function with appropriate stimulation
TRH stimulation: no TSH response
Secondary hypothyroidism
hypothalamic disorder would have responded
Pituitary dwarfism
no response to GH and IGF-1 to sleep and arginine infusion
Arginine stimulation
stimulates GH release
- so does hypoglycemia after giving insulin and sleep
Short ACTH stimulation test
does not distinguish between 1' and 2' hypocortisolism
Cushing's syndrome
MCC overall cause is steroids
MC pathological cause of Cushing's syndrome
pituitary Cushing's
high dose dexamethasone
distinguishes pituitary from other types of Cushing's
pituitary Cushing's shows suppression of cortisol
may interfere with hypothalamic function
- it produces granulomatous destruction of the hypothalamus
primary precocious puberty in boys
MCC is midline hamartoma in the hypothalamus
MCC of primary precocious puberty in girls
Pineal calcification
dystrophic calcification
great marker for mass lesion in brain
displaced to contralateral side of mass
Albright syndrome
Fibrous dysplasia + cafe au lait spots + precocious puberty
Paralysis of upward gaze
Parinaud's syndrome
- common problem with pineal gland tumors
Pituitary tumors
most are HYPERfunctioning
MC pituitary tumor
not large enough to produce hypopituitarism
Bitemporal hemianopia
compression of optic chiasm
usually an expanding pituitary or suprasellar mass
MCC of hypopituitarism in children
Sheehan's postpartum necrosis
MC sign is cessation of lactation
since prolactin is lost
most of the increase in size of pituitary in pregnancy is due to synthesis of prolactin
MC site is suprasellar
it is not a primary pituitary tumor
primary hypogonadism
Leydig cell failure is an example of primary hypogonadism in males
decreased testosterone decreased libido
testosterone has no effect on the parasympathetic system which is involved in erection
hormone that increases amino acid uptake in muscle
Growth hormone and insulin
- one reason for macrosomia in newborn of diabetic mothers
GH deficiency
cause of hypoglycemia in hypopituitarism
GH is a gluconeogenic hormone
GF/IGF-1 deficiency in adults
loss of muscle mass
loss of stature and muscle mass in children
pituitary dwarfism occurs in children since the epiphysis have not fused
- GF/IGF-1 deficiency
feature of hypothyroidsm since LDL receptor synthesis is reduced
importance of screening newborns for T4 or TSH
detect hypothyroidism to prevent cretinism
after birth thyroxine is the primary hormone responsible for maturation of the brain which is finished by 2 years of age
Serum TSH
best screening test for any thyroid hypo or hyperfunctioning state
it is also the most useful test in deciding if a decreased or increased T4 is related to a functional disorder or a problem with TBG
predisoposes to inappropriate ADH syndrome
- they normally have an inhibitory effect on ADH. this explains the mild hyponatremia associated with hypopituitarism
MC manifestation of GH/IGF-1 excess in children
- their epiphysis have not fused yet so linear bone growth may occur
IGF-1 related findings in acromegaly
macroglossia, enlarged hands, prominent jaw, cardiomegaly
- bone, cartilage, soft tissue growth, and organomegaly are related to IGF-1
MCC of death in acromegaly
heart failure due to cardiomyopathy
MCC of galactorrhea + secondary amenorrhea
prolactinoma is most often responsible for combination of galactorrhea and secondary amenorrhea
secondary amenorrhea in a prolactinoma
prolactin inhibits GnRH
trapping, organification, proteolysis
TSH-mediated events
the TSH is normal since the free hormone level is normal
increased T4
normal TSH
increased TBG
dopamine analogue
inhibits prolactin
- prolactinomas are not fully autonomous and can be suppressed
the metabolically active form of T4 is converted to T3 by an outer ring deiodinase
anabolic steroids
decreased T4
normal TSH
decreased TBG
includes causes of HYPERthyroidism
thyrotoxicosis includes all causes of increased hormone activity whether from gland synthesis or gland destruction/taking excess hormone/struma ovarii
TSI-IgG in Graves disease
directed against TSH receptors
stimulates increased synthesis
IgG antibody in Hashimoto's thyroiditis inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis
Serum Thyroglobulin
TBG is increased with estrogen and decreased with anabolics.
Thyroglobulin is a tumor marker for thyroid cancer and in identifying subacute painless lymphocytic thyroiditis
thyroglossal duct cyst
midline cystic mass
branchial cleft cyst
anterolateral cystic neck mass
subacute painless lymphocytic thyroidiits
commonly progresses to Hashimoto's thyroiditis
follicles are not present in the gland, it has a relationship with postpartum state and it is painless to palpation
Reidel's thyroiditis
mimics cancer owing to fibrous infiltration of muscles
it may also progress to hypothyroidism and is associated with other types of infiltrative disease
Graves disease
MCC of HYPERthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis
Graves disease
decreased colloid from increased proteolysis
Lid Stare
seen in any cause of thyrotoxicosis
exophthalmos is pathognomonic for what disease?
Graves disease
common cause of atrial fibrillation
always order a TSH in any patient with AF
b-blockers decrease the adrenergic symptoms related to excess catecholamines
toxic nodular goiter
autoimmune disease and does not have the signs unique to Graves
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
MC symptom is muscle weakness
it is caused by elevated serum CK related to a myopathy in the proximal muscles of the thigh
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
unlike Graves it produces diastolic HTN.
due to salt retention
Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves associated with myxedema
both have myxedema due to GAG deposition in the dermis
in Graves it is pretibial
Hashimoto's it is periorbital
Rx is thyroid hormone suppression
it decreases TSH which is responsible for stimulating the gland and causing the goiter to enlarge
Solitary cold nodule
indicates malignancy in men
indicates cysts in women
papillary cancer of thyroid
MC variant associated with radiation, Orphan Annie nuclei,
synthesized by C-cell in the thyroid gland
C cell hyperplasia
precursor for medullary carcinoma in the familial types of cancers
this is why family members are screened with the pentagstric stimulation test
primary malignant lymphoma
MC arises out of Hashimoto's thyroiditis
B cell type of lymphoma
lowers Et closer to the resting membrane potential to increase excitability of muscle and nerves.
raises the threshold potential of cells
Primary HPTH
MC presentation is renal stones
usually patients are asymptomatic
serum PTH is the best test to differentiate 1' HTPH from malignancy induced hypercalcemia
it is increased in primary HPTH and decreased in all other causes of hypercalcemia
hypercalcemia in sarcoidosis
due to granuloma synthesis of 1-a-hydroxylase causing hypervitaminosis D.
hypercalcemia with thiazide diuretics
increased absorption in the Na/Cl pump in the kidneys
Hypercalcemia in Graves
due to increased bone resorption
primary hypoPTH
MCC is previous thyroid surgery
autoimmune disease is 2nd MCC
similar to primary HypoPTH except the PTH is normal to increased and it is a genetic disease
autosomal dominant disease
MCC of pathological hypocalcemia in a hospitalized patient
prevents synthesis of and release of PTH producing hypoPTH
MC overal cause of hypocalcemia
MCC chronic renal failure
Hypophosphatemia in DKA
insulin Rx of DKA
drives phosphate into the cell along with glucose
decreased 1-a-hydroxylase
occurs in renal failure and produces hypovitaminosis D
Vitamin D resistant rickets
due to the inability to reabsorb phosphate in the GI and kidneys
ADrenal cushing's
lowest ACTH of all types of Cushins excluding exogenous steroids
due to increased cortisol levels
Nelson's syndrome
enlargement of sella turcica post bilateral adrenalectomy owing to hypocortisolism further stimulating ACTH synthesis in pituitary adenoma
absence of epinephrine manes it originated in the medulla since it has N-methyltransferase and other sites do not, excluding the organ of Zuckerkandl
Homer-Wright rosetts
child with HTN and an adrenal mss
histological finding that describes neuroblastoma
Acute adrenal insufficiency
MCC is abrupt withdrawal from steroids
Addison's in children
MCC is adrenogential syndrome
what does hypocortisolism lead to?
mucosal neuromas
medullary carcinoma
medullary carcinoma
Facticious hypoglycemia
decreased C-peptide
increased serum insulin
increased C-peptide
increased serum insulin
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
associated with MEN I
rash of glucagonoma is necrolytic migratory erythema
Islet cell tumors with HYPERglycemia
islet cell tumor associated with diarrhea
islet cell tumor associated with achlorhydria
problem with actual stimulation of insulin release from b-islet cells by glucose
NOT obese
may progress to type 2 DM
metabolic syndrome
associated with increased VLDL, HTN, resistance to insulin because of obesity and decreased receptor synthesis
characteristic of type 1 and represents the autoimmune and cytotoxic T-cell nature of the insulin deficiency
Type 2 DM
inability to release GLUT 4 from the golgi apparatus
this is an example of post receptor defect
recurrent blurry vision in diabetes
due to sorbitol absorbing water into the lens and altering refraction o the lens
malignant external otitis
complication of diabetes
infection with Pseudomonas aeriginosa
Rhinocerreal mucormycosis
complication of poorly controlled DM
due to Mucor invading frontal lobes in DKA
Hb A1C
best measure of long term glycemic control
evaluates 8-12 weeks
most commons in diabetes
peripheral neuropathy
non-traumatic leg amputation
chronic renal failure
multiple cranial nerve palsies
Fasting glucose > 126 mg/dL
increased sensitivity
impaired glucose tolerance
only 30% develop DM
Gestational DM
50 gram glucose challenge between 24-28 weeks is set for highest sensitivity owing to the many newborn and maternal complications associated with hyperglycemia during pregnancy. GDM only refers to diabetes that develops during pregnancy and goes away after delivery
newborn complications of maternal diabetes
Respiratory distress syndrome
open neural tube defect
neonatal hypoglycemia
must infuse glucose at birth
fasting hypoglycemia
s/s related to neuroglycopenia: the brain requires glucose in the fasting state.
S/S related to tiredness and mental status abnormalities rather than adrenergic symptoms like those seen in reactive hypoglycemia
alcohol induced hypoglycemia
decreased gluconeogenesis, decreased glycogen stores
increased NADH and conversion of pyruvate to lactate
Carnitine deficiency
all tissue are dependent on carnitine acyltransferase, b-oxidation of FAs is diminished as a fuel source, hence leaving glucose as the only fuel source for all tissues. NO ketone bodies are present since there is no acetyl CoA, the product of b-oxidation of FAs
ketotic hypoglycemia
MCC of hypoglycemia in young children
a lot of inborn errors of metabolism are in this category
Idiopathic postprandial syndrome
it is a reactive hypoglycemia that is commonly overdiagnosed since it does not usually demonstrate hypoglycemia when symptoms occur
Frequent protein feeds are recommended
insulin induced hypoglycemia
MCC of reactive hypoglycemia
dangerous bc it damages neurons
testing for fasting hypoglycemia
prolonged fasting is the best etst since symptoms are more likely to occur and blood levels are more likely to show the hypoglycemia. Must satisfy Whipple's triad symptoms: hypoglycemia and symptoms reversed with glucose
nocturnal penile tumescence
it rules out an organic cause of male impotence since it is normal for a man to have an erection while sleeping at night
inhibits the breakdown of cGMP by type 5-phosphodiesterase causing an increase in cGMP
Vascular insufficiency
MCC of erectile dysfunction in men > 50 years of age
Seminiferous tubule dysfunction
MCC of infertility in males
this enzyme is only located in the zona glomerulosa and not the fasciulata/reticularis. It is activated by ANG II
18 hydroxylase
this hydroxylase enzyme is located in the fasciculata/reticularis and not the zona glomerulosa.
17 hydroxylase
this is the strongest sex hormone in women in the reproductive period of their life
These compounds are 17-ketosteroids
this enzyme converts a 17-ketosteroid into a non-17-KS male sex hormone
oxidoreductase converts androstenedione into testosterone
this is NOT aromatization
this compound is responsible for the development of the penis and prostate gland in the male fetus
this compound is responsible for the development of the epididymis, seminal vesciles, and vas deferns
pregnanetriol is the metabolic end product of this compound, which is increased in both 21- and 11- hydroxylase deficiency but decreased in 17-hydroxylase deficiency
this compound is decreased if angiotensin II is inhibited or if the JG apparatus is destroyed
these compounds are called 17-hydroxycorticoids
this compound when decreased causes increased production of ACTH and hyperpigmentation in children with adrenogential syndrome
a deficiency of this enzyme results in newborn with HTN and male pseudohermaphroditis in male infants, owing to an absence of 17-KS, testosterone, and DHT
17 hydroxylase deficiency
a deficiency of this enzyme results in ambigious genitalia in a female newborn as well as hypotension, a decreased 17-hydroxycorticoids, and increase in 17-KS
21-hydroxylase deficiency
a deficiency of this enzyme results in ambigious genitalia in a newborn female as well as hypertension, an increase in 17-KS, and an increase in 17-OH-corticoids
11 hydroxylase
this compound is responsible for hypertension in a patient with 11-hydroxylase deficiency
11- deoxycorticosterone
this compound is responsible for the increase in 17-OH-cortocoids in 11 hydroxylase deficiency
this hydroxylase enzyme is present in the adrenal cortex as well as in the ovary and testis
these hydroxylase enzyme deficiencies result in precocious puberty in males
21 hydroxylase
11 hydroxylase