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43 Cards in this Set

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Do endocrine glands have duct systems?


What three hormones come from the thyroid glands?

Triiodothyronine, thyroxine, calcitonin

What makes the thyroid unique among other endocrine glands?

The prohormone of T3/T4 is not stored in the cell, but in follicles on the apical side of cells

What kind of tissue compose the lining of the thyroid follicles?

Simple cuboidal epithelial cells

(unless active, then columnar)

What is stored in the follicles of the thyroid?


What cells are found in between thyroid follicles?

What do they produce?



What do thyroid follicular cells do when thyroid hormone is in high demand?

They form pseudopodia on their apical side to engulf vesicles of thyroglobulin from the follicular lumen, cleave it, and release T3 and T4 on the basal side capillaries.

Between thyroxine and triiodithyronine, how many iodide molecules does each have?

Thyroxine - T4

Triiodothyronine - T3

What amino acid residue in thyroglobulin has iodide put onto it?


How is thyroglobulin broken down into T3 and T4 after endocytosis from the apical side?

The vesicle fuses with a lysosome that digests it.

Between T3 and T4, which is more abundant?

More potent?

T3 = more potent

T4 = more abundant

What two names are used to refer to the cells that produce calcitonin in the thyroid?

C- cells

Parafollicular cells

How many parathyroid glands are usually embedded in the thyroid?

Posterior or anterior surface?



What cells make up the parathyroid gland?

Chief cells (produce PTH)

Oxyphil cells (function unknown)

What hormones does the adrenal cortex secrete?


What are the two functions of corticosteroids?

- Regulate carbohydrate metabolism

- Regulate electrolyte balance

What does the adrenal medulla produce?

Norepinephrine and epinephrine

What are the 3 zones of the adrenal cortex?

- Zona Glomerulosa

- Zona Fasciculata

- Zona Reticularis

What type of hormone is produced in the Zona Glomerulosa?

What is the main hormone?



What regulates mineralocorticoids?


What cells do mineralocorticoids target?

Cells of the renal tubules

Which is the biggest zone of the adrenal cortex?

Zona Fasciculata

What fenestrated blood vessels are arranged longitudinally in the zona fasciculata?

Sinusoidal capillaries

What type of hormones are secreted by the zona fasciculata?


What are the cells in the zona fasciculata that produce glucocorticoids called?


What induces the release of glucocorticoids from the zona fasciculata?


What are the general function of glucocorticoids?

metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and protein

What 2 hormones do the cells of the zona reticularis secrete?

glucocorticoids and androgens

What is the embryonic origin of the adrenal medulla?

Neural crest cells

What are the 2 cell types in the adrenal medulla

What are their functions?

Chromaffin cells - produce catecholamines

Sympathetic ganglion cells - post-ganglionic neurons

What part of the brain controls the secretion of catecholamines from the adrenal medulla?


What 2 arterioles branch off the subcapsular artery that supplies the adrenal gland?

- Cortical arteriole

- Medullary arteriole

Which of the 2 arterioles that branch off the subcapsular artery sets up a fenestrated capillary bed to supply the three layers of the adrenal cortex?

Cortical arteriole

Which of the 2 arterioles that branch off the subcapsular artery supplies a capillary bed for the zona reticularis and adrenal medulla?

Medullary arteriole

What vein drains the adrenal arterioles?

Medullary vein

What do chromaffin cells need to convert NE to Epi?

Steroids from the adrenal cortex

What cells make-up the endocrine pancreas?

Islet of Langerhans cells

What hormones do Islet of Langerhans cells produce? (3)

- Insulin

- Glucagon

- Somatostatin

What cells are located in the periphery of the islet and what do they secrete?

Alpha cells - glucagon

What is the function of glucagon?

To increase blood glucose

What cells are in the center of an Islet and what do they produce?

Beta cells - insulin

What cells are located amid alpha and beta cells of pancreas Islets of Langerhans? What do they produce?

Delta cells - somatostatin

What is the function of pancreatic somatostatin?

To inhibit both glucagon and insulin by paracrine fashion