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32 Cards in this Set

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hormones synth in ant pit
hormones store in post pit
hypothalamus influence ant pit
portal blood connection. Only epithelial cells that synth/secrete hormones by hypothalamus
hypothalamus influence post pit
nerve connections. Axon endings, stores/release hormones
Neuroendocrine reflex arc
OT and milk release. Touch receptors in breast send sensory info to spinal cord. Nerve tract to sensory hypothalamus. Hypothalamus release OT in post pit and blood. Through blood, hormonal OT lactates myoepithelia cells
TSH. Source. Function
Thyrotrophs. Affect thyroid activity, synth T3/T4 by increasing iodine uptake.
TRH. Source. Function
Hypothalamus. Stimulates TSH release.
T4. Source. Function.
Thyroid follicular cells. Loses iodine to become T3 b/c less functional at cellular level.
T3. Source. Function
Thyroid follicular cells. stim bone growth, myelin formation, increase O2 intake.
TGB. Function
Forms colloid at thyroid center with loose T3, T4
in blood, binds to cleaved off segments of T3,T4 from TGB
increased BMR. increase O2 uptake/pulse/clarity/irritiability/weight loss
decreased BMC. decrease O2 uptake/pulse/nerve activity. Weight gain
basal metabolic rate. lowest ATP lvl for cells to function properly. thyroid index of activity
Example of negative feedback
Reg of T4, T3 release. Low blood levels of T3, T4 stim TRH. TRH carried by hypophyseal portal veins to anterior pituitary stim release of TSH. TSH in blood stims thyroid follicle. Follicle release T3,T4 to blood. T3 inhibs TRH,TSH release
GH. Source. Function
Ant Pit. Produce IGF/somatomedins
Insulin-like Growth Factors/Somatomedins. Source. Function
Liver. Stim osteoblasts to promote bone growth AND increase prot synth AND glucose uptake/myelin formation.
Hypoglycemia effects (low blood glucose)
Stim hypothalamus to secrete GHRH. GHRH reaches ant. pit via hypophyseal portal and stims somatotrophs to stim GH. GH stims IGF. IGF stims blood glucose to normal 90mg/100mL then inhib GHRH
Hyperglycemia effects (high blood glucose)
Stim hypothalamus to secrete GHIH, while inhib GHRH. At ant. pit, GHIH inhibs GH. Slows release of blood glucose, falls to normal level. Hypoglycemia inhibits GHIH
High levels of cortisol on immune system
Decreases mitosis/number of lymphocytes, and thymus activity. Anti-inflammatory (swelling/edema)
Cortisol. Source. Effects
Hypothalamus stims ant pit to stim ACTH to stim adrenal cortex. Skeletal muscle, lymphatic, adipose tissue,liver. Increase blood sugar/aa uptake in liver/fatty acids in blood/glycogenesis,gluconeogenesis
Adrenal Medulla. Role
Release epinephrine (symp, choli) to tissue fluid and blood. Glycogenolysis, fatty acid breakdown to yield ATP. No effect on heart
High levels of cortisone on CRH, ACTH, cortisol
Increase cortisol. Decrease ACTH, CRH by suppressing corticotrophs (ACTH) and neurosecretory cells (CRH)
Neurosecretory neuron
secrete OT to post pit for store/release
remove pit. gland to fend tumors
excess GH and/or IGF, larger width/length of bones
decrease in GH and/or IGF, smaller bone dimensions
hypothyroid. retardation
cortisol to promote prot breakdown/glucose form/lipolysis
aldosterone to increas Na+,H2O reabs AND decrease K+ kidney reabs
TGB plus loose T4,T3 form this at follicle
zona reticularis
inner adrenal cortex. stores androgens (both)