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43 Cards in this Set

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levels in SIADH


plasma is low even though urine is high

Bartters - etiology and levels

defective Na resorption in ascending

HIGH urine Cl (>20)
Raas activates, low K and acidosis

Diabetic neuropathy drug - 2 kinds

amitriptyline - can worsen urine or cardio symps

then try gabapentin

Symps of thyrotoxicosis, reason for

weight loss, tachycardia, high BP

due to hyperdynamic circulation

Acromegaly - symps and test, COD

high, refractory BP, carpal tunnel - tinel/phalen

Dx: measure GH after glucose load(nl goes down)


Causes for thyrotoxicosis and decreased I uptake - 2

painless / subacute thyroiditis - MC post partum

de quervains/granulomatous - PAINFUL

Tx for acute hyperthyroid, and long term

beta blocker now

radioablate if not prego

PTU if prego

levels in Osteomalacia, Pagets, Osteoporosis

Malacia - LOW Ca/P, HIGH PTH

Pagets - NORMAL ALL, alk phos elevated

Porosis - labs are all typically normal - low DEXA

never give steroids to osteoporosis pt

Tx for DKA, what to monitor

normal saline and insulin

watch the anion gap and pH (ketones change too slow)

Best tx for diabetic nephropathy prevention -

control the BP! give ACEi

Causes for hypoK, alkalotic, normal BP - 4

vomiting - urine Cl <20

diuretic abuse

Bartter - Cl >20

Gitelmans - defect Na/Cl, low blood Mg

Loss of ____ in chronic diarrea (two things)

potassium and bicarb = metabolic acidosis


hyper PTH, pancreatic CA, pituitary adenoma

MEN 2a

pheochromo, medullary thyroid CA, hyperPTH


pheochromo, medullary thyroid, neuromas, marfan

Causes of thyroid nodule - 3 top

colloid (benign)

follicular adenoma

papillary CA (MC cancer)

Pseudohypoparathyroidism - levels

HIGH PTH and Phos, low Ca

X-linked hypophos rickets levels

LOW PHOS(renal loss), normal otherses

Test for hyperaldosterone

PA/PRA ratio

give salt - excretion of aldos should decrease

ratio usually >30

Source of DHEAS

only from adrenals

Demeclocycline action on kidney

inhibits ADH action (takes days)

Untreated hyperthyroidism leads to - 2things

bone loss


Symps of high calcium

constipation, polyuria, abdominal pain


Immobilization Ca levels, etiology, tx

Hypercalcemia after a few days

increased osteoclastic activity

can use bisphosphanates

Pheochromocytoma treatment, problems

beta blocker only will INCREASE BP rapidly

use an alpha too, or both - labetalol

DM neuropathy gastric presentation, tx

constipation/paresis -

use dopamine agonist or bethanechol


Drug to increase appetite in anorexic

megestrol acetate

Choriocarcinoma marker

embryonal/yolk sac


chorio - betaHCG

embryonal - AFP

seminoma - PLAP, otherwise normal

First test for addisons disease

cosyntropin test(ACTH stimulation)

cortisol will normally increase in 60mins

Cushings screen/test - 2

low dose dexamethasone test

24 hours free cortisol level

Congenital hypoplasia of parathyroids - 2

DiGeorges -

candidiasis / APECED

dose spacing of viagra and BPH pills

don't take both within 4 hours

Lab levels in pagets - what is raised

hydroxyproline and urinary N telopeptide

Papillary CA pathology -

psammoma bodies, ground glass, pale nuc



som = too much INLN at night, LOW at 3am

dawn - too little, HIGH at 3am(due to decreased insulin sensitivity and GH)

Tx of Nephri DI - 3 things

if hypotensive - normal saline

if normal - 0.45% saline

if lithium - give amiloride(prevents buildup)

Sick euthyroid levels

low T3, normal others. IL1/6?

test for diabetes -

8hr fasting (screen)

functional hypogonadism - signs

SIGNIFICANT disease, low test/FSH/LH

GnRH is not being released

metastasis to bone - leads to

hypercalcemia, due to CYTOKINES

Odd patient preference in DI

prefer COLD beverages

Best test for proteinuria in DM

microalb/Cr RATIO (detects down to 30)

dipstick only to 300(macro)

malacia bone defect:

rickets -

pagets -

Ost imperfecta


malacia = defect mineralization

rickets defect mineral of bone AND cartilage

pagets - defect remodeling, localized

OI - defect collagen 1 formation

porosis - loss of bone MASS