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18 Cards in this Set

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What is the median age of menopause in the US?
Describe what occurs in the last decade of menstrual life
1. There is a dramatic acceleration in the depletion of the primary ovarian follicles stockpile.
2. Follicles recruted during the follicular phase become less responsive to gonadotropin stimulation and produce less estrogen.
3. Thus, there is less activity of the estradiol negative feed back look and gonadotropins (primarily FSH) begin to increase before menopause
4. Later LH concentrations begin to rise
What is the ultimate result from the decreasing ovary function in menopause?
1. 95% of estradiol is secreted by the ovaries
2. The decrease and ultimate arrest in folliculogenesis results in a sharp decrease in estrogens
3. Only the less potent hormone, estrone, which derives from the perioheral conversion of androgens remains
Describe the early symptoms of menopause
1. Vasomotor hot flushes occur in 65-70% of menopausal women
a. Symptoms last 3-4 years after which they decrease in intensity
b. The result of estrogen deprivation which affects central thermoregulatory functon
2. Genitourinary changes lead to urinary incontinence and atrophy of the genital organs
a. A major problem is atrophy of the vaginal mucosa which may constrict vaginal introitus and cause dyspareuria (pain at intercourse) and susceptibility to infection
b. This is the result of decreased estrogen
Describe the later manifestions of menopause
1. Osteoporosis
a. Estrogens and androgens slow the rate of bone remodeling and protect against bone loss
b. The physiological fall in estradiol at menopause leads to increased remodeling
c. No specific symptoms occur until bone loses its structural integrity
2. Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular disease
a. Estrogens have some beneficial effects on vascular wall cells and tissues
What has short-term estrogen replacement therapy used for?
-Relief from moderate to severe hot flashes
-For symptoms of vulvar and vaginal atrophy
Describe the effect of estrogen on the skeleton
1. Stabilizes bone density and prevents further bone loss
2. Does not restore lost bone
In whom should estrogen therapy be used to prevent osteoporosis?
In women with very low levels of bioavailable estradiol who are at a greater sigificant risk for osteoporosis
Describe the effect of estrogen therapy on heart disease
No benefit vs risk in regard to protection against heart disease
Describe the effect of estrogen therapy on neurocognitive symptoms of menopause
Estrogen could potentially relieve neurocognitive symptoms (mood changes, depression, and loss of memory) that may result from estrogen deprivation and protect neurons from cell death
In whom is long term estradiol replacement therapy indicated in?
Young hypoestrogenic patients
What are the potential risks of estradiol replacement?
1. Endometrial cacner
2. Breast Cencer
3. Thrombolic events and stroke
Describe endometrial cancer from longterm estradiol replacement therapy
Unopposed estrogen treatment may increase the risk of endometrial carcinoma, since, physiologically, estrogen is a hormone which promotes endometrial proliferation and hyperplasia
Describe how to prevent unopposed estrogenic stimulation in long term estradiol replacement therapy
A progestin can be added to the long term estrogen treatment, either cyclically (as occurs in the normal menstrual cycle) or in a combined therapy
In whom in long-term HRT beneficial in?
Women at risk of osteoporosis
What alternative therapies are there for vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes)?
1. GABA analogues and other aminergic therapies
-Show effectiveness in reducing the number of hot flashes
2. Botanical products that contain or act like estrogens (phytoestrogens)
-Includes black cohosh
3. Lifestyle changes
a. Dress to avoid being too warm
b. Reduce stress
c. Avoid spicy food, alcohol, and caffeine
d. Get enough sleep
e. Be physically acid
What alternative therapies are there for osteoporosis?
1. Weight-bearing exercise
2. Stop smoking
3. Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes adequate dietary measures
4. Supplementary Ca and vitamin D intake
5. Biophosphonates such as alendronate or risedronate
-Taken up preferentially by the skeleton and suppress osteoclast-mediated bone resorption
-Effective as a non-hormonal treatment
6. SERMs
What alternative therapies are there for heart disease?
1. Lifestyle changes
a. Healthy diet
b. Maintain healthy weight
c. Be physically active
d. Quit smoking
2. Statins