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20 Cards in this Set

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Adrenal Cortex: hormones
Glucocorticoids: esp cortisol
Mineral Corticoids: esp Aldosterone
Sex Steroids: estrogens and androgens
Cushing Syndrome: General
*Due to exogenous glucocorticoids
* ACTH Dependent or Independent
*Primary Hypothalamic-pit dz w/ hypersecretion of ACTH= pit gland w/ ACTH prod Adenoma
* Primary Adrenocortical hyper/neoplasia
*Ectopic ACTH secretion by nonendocrine neoplasms: small cell CA lung, medullary CA thyroid, panc tumor
Cushing syndrome: ACTH DEp vs Independent
ACTH Dependent = cushing dz, ectopic corticotropin syndrome (ACTH secreting lung CA,etc)

ACTH Independent: adrenal adenoma, adrenal carcinoma, macronodular hyperplasia, primary pigmented nodular adrenal dz, McCune Albright Syndrome
Cushing Syndrome: Morphology
MORPH: exogenous glucocorticoids: suppression of endogenous ACTH--> BL atrophy of adrenal cortices.
* inc ACTH by pit/ectopic: stim of adrenals--> BL hyperplasia,
*Primary adrenocrortical neoplasm: benign or malig
*pit gland: crooke's hyaline change= replacement of ant pit cells with basophilic cells from high levels of endo/exogenous glucocorticoids
*hypothalamic-pit origin: arises from ACTH-secreting pit adenoma/ACTH cell hyperplasia
Cushing syndrome
Clinical Features
HTN, weight gain, truncal obesity, moon face, buffalo hump, dec musc mass, hyperglycemia, glucosuria, polydipsia, cutaneous striae on abd, osteoporosis, inc risk infx, hirsutism, menstrual abnorm, mental disturb
cushing syndrome: lab findings
* inc 24hr free crotisol level
* loss of norm diurnal pattern of cortisol secretion
* pit cushing syndrome: suppressible by HIGH dose of desamethasone
* Adrenal cushing syndrome: low serum ACTH, sx NOT suppressible by high doses of dexamethasone
* Ectopic Cushing: sx NOT suppressible by high dose dexamehtasone
Primary hyperaldosteronism
*Na retention, K exretion, HTN, hypokalemia, NO inc renin levels
* usu casued by BL idiopathic hyperaldosteronism assoc w/ BL nodular hyperplasia adrenal glands (patho unclear)
* other causes: adrenocortical neoplasms = CONN SYNDROME (single aldosterone secreting adenoma- adult women) & glucocorticoid remediable hyperaldosteronism (uncommoen cause of familial hyperaldosteronism)
*MORPH: aldosterone secreting adenoma=usu solitary, small, bright yellow w/ uniform cells, if tx w/ spironolactone get SPIRONOLACTONE BODIES (laminated cytoplasmic inclusions). Adenoma do NOT suppress ACTH secretion. BL idiopathic hyperplasia= diffuse & focal.
Secondary Hyperaldosteronism
* in response to activation of renin angiotensin syst. INCREASED PLAMSA RENIN.
* areteriolar nephrosclerosis & renal artery stenosis--> dec renal perfusion
* arterial hypovolemia & edema--> heart fail, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome
* preg: cause estrogen induced inc in plasm renin substrate
* most common cause of secondary htn
*contrib to enothelial dysfxn by dec glc-6-P dehydrogenase levels--> reduces endoth NO synth --> oxidative stress
* cardio prob, hypokalemia --> neuromusc manifest, weak, paresthesias, visual disturb, tetany
Adrenogenital Syndromes
* produced by congenital adrenal hyperplasia
*defect in enz involved in cortisol synth
* defect in 21-hydroxylase deficiency -->inc secretion of ACTH & testosterone synth
*ACTH regulates adrenal formation
Adrenocortical insufficiency
*Primary Adrenal dz
* dec stim of adrenal due to deficient ACTH
* Patterns: primary acute adrenocortical insufficiency, primary chronic adrenocortical insufficiency (addisons), & secondary adrenocortical insufficiency
Primary Acute Adrenocortical Insufficiency
* Rapid withdraw of Steroids/fail to inc steroids doses during periods of stress
* massive adrenal hemorrhae: newborns after difficult delivery w/ trauma & hypoxia
* pt on anticoags
*bactermic infx: waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome
Addison Dz
* autoimmune adrenalitis: irreg shrunken glands
* tb, fungi = granulomatous inflam
* met neoplasm: adrenal enlarged w/ infiltrating neoplasm
*CLINIC: weakness, fatigue, NVD, wt loss, hyperpigment (inc ACTH precurser hormon stim melanocytes), hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, volume depletion, HoTN
Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome
Overwhelming infx caused by NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS septicemia (aslo caused by pseudomonas, pneumococci, H influenza)
* rapid progressive, HoTN, shock, DIC, rapid developing adrenocortical insufficiency w/ massive BL adrenal hemorrhage
* children
*adrenals form sacs of blood,
*Abrupt and devastating clinical course
adrenal medulla path
MEN syndromes
* 30/40 yo w/ HTN, tachycardia, MI, CVA, inc urinary excretion of VMA
*well demarcated, well vascularized w/ fibrous tissue, hemorrhage, necrosis, cysts
*rule of 10!!
*divided into small nests = zellballen
*25% have germline mutation
* malig inc when assoc w/ SDHB, SDHC & SDHD: encode prot in Mito e- transport, loss of fxn= tumorigenesis
*NO histo behavior that predicts clinical behavior.
* Inc mets/agressive = inc mitoses, necrosis, spindle cell
*benign tumors may met, may nuc pleomorphism, giant cells, mitotic figures, capsular invasion
*aggressive tumors may have cell monotony
*Malig dx based on METS
*common, solid childhood tumor, < 5yo. most in adrenal area or post mediastinum
* large, soft, necrosis, hemorrhage
*small cells in solid sheets/nests,
HOMER-WRIGHT PSEUDOROSETTES: cells gather around ephil fibrils
*prod catecholamines, urinary VMA
* met
Multiple endocrine neoplasm
Type 1
*wermer syndrome
*abnorm in parathyroid (hyperplasia &adenomas) , panc (gastrinomas,insulinomas, microadenomas), pit (prolactinoma, somatotropin secreting tumor)
*cause: germline mut in MEN1 tumor suppressor gene, encode MENIN
*clinic: hypoglycemia, peptic ulcer, nephrolithiasis
*sipple syndrome
*medullary carcinoma of thyroid
*parathyroid hyperplasia
*linked to RET protooncogene
*medullary CA of thyroid, more aggressive than 2A
*ganglioneuromas of skin, resp tract, GIT
*marfanoid habitus