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109 Cards in this Set

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Location of the thyroid gland

In front and side of the trachea

C5-7 T1 vertebrae

Covering of the trachea

Inner true capsule- condensing fibers of the stroma of the gland contain dense capillary plexus

Outer false capsule- splitting of the pre-treacheal fascia

Suspensory ligament of berry

Thinkening of the false capsule

Connect the medial surface of the lateral lobe to the Cricoid cartilage

Attachment of the pre- treacheal facia

Hyoid bone and oblique line of the thyroid cartilage

External features of the thyroid

Two lobes from the middle of the thyroid cartilage to the 4th or 5th 6th ttacheal ring

isthmus joining them across the midline at the 2nd 3rd and 4th trachea rings

Weight of the thyroid

25 gram

Weight increases in woman pregnancy and menstruation

Medial surface of the thyroid gland

Nerve external and recurrent laryngeal

Muscle inferior constrictor cricothyroid

Artery superior and inferior laryngeal

Tube treaches and esophagus

Cartilage thyroid and cricoid

Anterior-lateral surface or superficial surface of the thyroid

Skin and superficial fascia

Steenocledomastoid with deep cervical fascia



Superior belly of the omohyoid

Pretreacheal fascia

Posterior lateral surface of the thyroid

Carotid sheet and its content

Apex of the thryoid gland

Bounded by inferior constrictor (medically) and sternothyroid (laterally)

Superior thyroid artery and external laryngeal nerve runs close to each other

Base of thyroid gland

4th or 5th t racheal ring

Inferior thyroid artery and recurrent laryngeal nerve

Anterior border of the thyroid

Anterior descending branch of the superior thyroid artery

Posterior border of the thyroid gland

Inferior thyroid artery

Anastomosis of the inferior thyroid and superior thyroid

Parathyroid gland

Thoracic duct on the left side

Levator glandular thyroideae

Extend from the istmus to the hyoid bone

Nerve external laryngeal

Anterior surface of the isthmus

Sternohyoid and sternothyriod

In deep cervical fascia and anterior jugular vein

Posterior surface of the istmus

2nd and 3rd treacheal ring

Superior border of the isthmus

Anastomosis of the surperior thyriod arteries

Arterial supply to the thyroid

Superior thyroid artery from the th first ECA divide in anterior and posterior branches

Posterior branch anastomosis with the ascending branch of the inferior thyroid

Inferior thyroid branch of the thyrocervical trunk of the 1st part of the subclavian give off 4-5 glandular branches one supply the parathyroid gland

Middle cervical ganglion

Anterior to the nerve

Veins to the thyroid

Superior thyroid vein- drain in the internal jugular vein ot common facial vein

Middle thyroid vein- internal jugular vein

Inferior thyroid vein- left brachiocephalic vein

Sometimes a 4th vein drain in the internal jugular vein

Lymphatic drainage to thyroid

Superior- jugulardigastric nodes

Inferior- pre-tracheal nodes

All deep cervical nodes

Nerve to thyrode

Parasympathetic- vagus/recurrent laryngeal

Sympathetic- 3 cervical ganglion

thyroidea ima artery

Present in 3% of ppl

From the brachiocephalic trunk or arch of the aorta or right common carotid

Applied anatomy of the thyroid

Ligate the superior thyroid artery close to the gland

Ligate inferior thyroid artery away from the gland

Parathyroid gland

Posterior to the lobe of the thyroid writhing false capsule

Superior parathyroid

Inferior parathyroid

Weighs 50mg

Superior parathyroid gland

Posteriormidial to the thyroid

At C6

Dorsal to recurrent laryngeal nerve


4th pharyngeal pouch

Inferior parathyroid gland

Below the inferior thyroid artery at the lower lobe of the thyroid

Above the inferior thyroid artery behind and outside the false capsule

Writhing the true capsule


3rd pharyngeal pouch

Blood supply to the parathyroid gland

Inferior thyroid artery and anastomosis between the superior thyroid

Veins and lymph same as thyroid

Nerve supply to parathyroid gland

Superior and middle cervical ganglion

Pyramidal lobe

A small portion of gland substance that projects upwards from the isthmus to th left of the midline and represent a development of glandular tissue from the caudal end of the thyroglossal duct


Pars anterior

Pars intermedius ; infront and side of nuerohypophysis

Pars tuberalis surround the infundibulum

Functions of the hypothalamus

Ventro medial lobe- satisfactory parasympathric

Dorso Lateral- hunger feeding sympathetic

Development of the adenohypophysis

Ectoderm of the stomatodeum

3rd week

End of 2nd month it loosen its connection from stomatodeum

Delopmeny of the nurohypophysis

Nuero ectoderm from the diencephalon


Oxytocin and ADH


Outpoching of the neuropore

Prosencephalon forebrain become telencephalon and diencephalon

Mesencephalon midbrain

Rhombencephalon hindbrain

Diencephalon give rise to





Formation of the pineal gland

Epithalamusn epiphysis

Hypophysis cerebri pituitary gland

Located in the hypophyseal fossa

In the floor of the third ventricle is the Salk of the pituitary gland the infundibulum


Sits in the sella turcica

Pineal gland

Calcified with age

Produce melatonin

Increase in darkness decrease in light


Connects hypophysis to hypothalamus

Pars tuberalis surrounds it

Pars anterior cells


Chromophil- acidophils (alpha cells)

Basophils (beta cells)


Smaller that basophils


Contain somatotrophs (growth hormone) inhibition somatostatin

Mammotrophs ( secrete prolactin) inhibition dopamine


Thyrotroph - thyroid stimulating hormone

Gonadotrophs - FSH LH

Corticotrophs -


Contracted the smooth muscles of the Uterus

Participate in milk ejection reflex

C cells parafollicular cells

Release calcitonin

Decrease calcium absorption

Inhibiting reabsorption of bone

C cells parafollicular cells

Release calcitonin

Decrease calcium absorption

Inhibiting osteoclast reabsorption of bone

Two type of parathyroid cells

Chief cells - stimulate osteoclasyic bone reabsorption intestinal calcium uptake and calcium reabsorption in thr kidney

Oxophilic cells -

Venous drainage to the hypophysis

Cavernous sinus which drain in the internal jugular vein contain nerve 6

Glabrous skin

Sole and palm

No hair follicles or sebaceous gland

Origin of the skin

Ectoderm - epidermis

Mesoderm - dermis

Neural crest -pigmented system

Substances develope feom skin


Lacrimal glands

Paratid gland

Function of hypothalamus

Cardiovascular system- posterior and lateral pre optic opposite effects

Anger- lateral hypothalamus

Sexual drive- anterior and posterior hypothalamus

Venous drainage for the supra renal glands

Right- IVC

left-left renal vein

Epithelium of the thyroid

Choroidal epithelium follicular cells

Simple cobiodal

Foramen of Monroe

Leads in the third ventricle

Relation of the hypothalamus

Superior thalamus

Lateral internal capsule

Medial 3rd ventricle coverwd by ependyma

Posterior subthalamus

Anterior lamina terminalis

Artery to the hypothalamus

Superior hypophysial artery of the ICA

Major afferent of the hypothalamus

Fornix- from hippocampus

Stria terminalis- from amygdaloid

Medial forebrain bundle- skeletal area

Ventral amygdalofungal fibers- amygdala

Periventricular fibers

Pallido hypothalamic

Autonomic ascending input

Major efferents of the hypothalamus

Mamillothalamic tract

Mamillotegmental pathway



To subthalmic nuclie

Projection to neocortex

Paraventricular fibers

Stria terminalis


Tuber cinereum

Between optic chiasma and mamilary body

Laterally internal carotid grove

Medial eminence

No blood brain barrier

Below the infundibulum

Bone behind the pituitary

Dorsum sellae

Development of the supra renal gland

Cortex- intermediate mesoderm 5th week

Medulla- Neuro ectoderm

Superarenal glands

Lies anteriorsuperior to the upper part of the kidneys

Right supra renal gland

Pyramidal in shape

Lies on the diaphragm

Anterior- medial IVC

Bare area of the liver

Inferior- peritonium of the hepatorenal pouch

Left supra renal gland

Crescentic shape

Lies over the medial border of the left kidney above the hilium

Upper part is covered by peritonium

Lies on the left crus of the diaphragm

Inferior- body of the pancreas and splenic vessels

Blood supply to the supra renal gland

Inferior phrenic artery- 2 or 3 branches superior supraadrenal artery

Aortic artery- middle supraadrenal artery

Renal artery- inferior supra renal artery

Veins of the supra renal

Left vein- connect with the inferior phrenic vein to drain in the left renal vein

Right vein- IVC short 6mm

Lymph drainage to the supr renal gland

Para aortic nodes

Nerves to the supra renal gland

Preganglionic sympathetic via celiac plexus

Content of the cavernous sinus

Nerve 3- occulomotor

" 4-trachular

" 5-ophtalmic maxillary

" 6- abducent

Relation of the pineal

Anterior- 3rd ventricle

Posteroinferiorly- superior cerebellar cistern

Superioly- vein of Galen internal cerebral vein stria modulates splenuium of corpus callosum

Inferior- superior colliding of the midbrain


Blocks gonadotrophin

Blood supply to the pineal gland

Choroidal artery

Pars nervosa

Contain pituracytes

Sinusoidal space

Herring body

Two types of hypophysis




Smaller than adenohypophysis

Pars nervosa posterior to the nurohypophysis

Infundibular stem

Median eminence

Relations to the hypophysis

Superior- Diaphragma sellae

Infundidibular recess of the t hired ventricle

Optic chiasma

Anterior communicating artery

Inferior- hypophysial fossa

Lateral- cavernous sinuses and its contents

Artery to hypophysis

Superior spit in the midial eminence supply the adenohypophysis infundibulum and ventral hypothalamus and inferior hypophysial nurohypophysis artery of the ICA


Ventral part of the diencephalon

Floor of the third ventricle

Below the hypothamic sulcus


In relation to the posterior part of the roof of the third ventricle

Form the pineal gland

Cells of the pineal gland

Pinalocytes and astrocyte

Cells of the pineal gland

Pinalocytes and astrocyte

Blood supply to the pineal gland

Pineal arteries of the posterior choroidal arteries

Nerve supply to pineal gland

Superior cervical ganglion

Foramen caecum

Remittance of the thyroglossal duct

Parathyroid production starts

12th weeks

Formation of the zones of the supra renal gland

Zona glomerulosa proliferate to form the other two zones at 12 year its gully develops

3rd pharyngeal pouch

5th week thymus and inferior parathyroid gland

Development of the hypothalamus



Mamilary body

Short term memory


Dives in the hypothalamus

Divide the hypothalamus into a lateral and medial zone

Then David it to a pre optic 1nucleus supra optic 4 nuclei tuberal 3 nuclei and mamilary region 2 nuclei anterioposterior

Connects the hippocampus to the mamilary body

Supraoptic nuclei


Anterior nucleus




Tuberal region nucleus



Arcuate (infundibulum)

Mamilary nucleus


Mamilary nucleus

Pre optic region

Pre optic nucleus

Release GnRH

Supraoptic region function

Paraventricular and supra optic

Water balance

ADH and oxytocin

Diebetes insipidus

Corticotropin releasing hormone in response to stress

Anterior nucleus

Parasympathric activity

Heat lost

Suprachiasmatic nucleus

Control melatonin

Circadian rhythms

Tuberal region function



Too much stimulation cause obesity and savage behavior



Destruction result in obesity

Arcuate nucleus

Hypothalmic releasing factors

Mamilary region function

Mamilary nucleus

Hemorrhagic lesions

Posterior nucleus


Heat gain

Cricothyroid muscle

External laryngeal nerve

Lengthen vocal cord and high pitch

Cutting of the recurrent laryngeal nerve

No abductors of the vocal cord

Germ layer

Endoderm- pouches

Mesoderm- arches

Ectoderm- cleft

Cavernous sinus

Between the supraorbital fissure and the foramen labrum

Contain internal carotid artery

Nerve 3 - occulomoter

4- tracular

5- maxillary and ophthalmic

6- abducent

Posterior perferating substance

Behind the mamilory body

Rathicks pouch

Persistent after birth cause cyst

Lamina terminalis

Represent the closing of the neural pore 24 days

Vein to the posterior hypothalamus

Inferior hypophysial vein

Delphia nodes

Infront thyroid

Fascia covering the suprarenal glands

Jarotors fascia

Distence of the supra renal glands
