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37 Cards in this Set

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How do you treat a pale patient?
Oxygen, treat for shock, ALS transport
How do you treat a flushed patient?
Oxygen, cool if hot, monitor for anaphylaxis
What is anaphylaxis?
Hypersensitivity reaction to a previously encountered antigen; results in vasodialation and hypotension
If both pupils are dilated, what is possible cause?
Brain injury, drug use, or eye drop use.
If pupils do not equally react to light, suspect?
Drug use or inadequate oxygenation of the brain.
If pupils are unequal, suspect?
stroke, brain trauma or an artificial eye.
What is the systolic pressure?
The higher number; represents pressure when heart beats in the vessell.
What is diastolic pressure?
The lower number; represents pressue in vessell when heart relaxes.
What is hypotention?
Low blood pressure; Cause: shock
What is hypertention?
High blood pressue; Cause: Stroke or drug use
What does SAMPLE stand for?
Sign and Symtoms
Past Pertinant History
Last Oral Intake
Events Preceding
What are the four categories that describe repiration quality?
Normal, noisy, labored, and shallow
What is the normal adult heart rate?
60-100 BPM
What is the safest and most effective way to lift a heavy object?
Power lift
What is Fowler's position?
Head is elevated to 45-60 degrees; most common for respiratory distress.
What is Semi-Fowler's position?
Head is elevated to 30 degrees
What is tidal volume?
Amount of air taken into the lungs with a single inspiration and subsequently exhaled.
What is minute ventilation?
Refers to the tidal volume of an average breath multiplied by the number of times the individual breaths over 1 minute.
What are rales?
Fine crackling sounds
Normal respirations for infants, children, and adults?
Infants: 25-50
Children: 15-30
Adults: 12-20
What is epistaxis?
A nose bleed.
What is Newton's Law of Motion?
An object in motion stays in motion and a body at rest will stay at rest until acted on by an outside force.
What does AVPU stand for?
Alert, verbal stimuli, painful stimuli, and unresponsive
What does DCAPBTLS stand for?
Deformities, Contusion, Abrasions, Punctures, Burns, Tenderness, Lacerations, and Swelling.
What are the patient responses and scores for eye opening on the Glasgow Coma scale?
Spontaneously: 4
To Speech: 3
To Pain: 2
None: 1
What are the patient responses and scores for verbal reponse on the Glasgow Coma scale?
Oriented: 5
Confused: 4
Inappropriate words: 3
Incomprehensible words: 2
None: 1
What are the patient responses and scores for motor response on the Glascow Coma scale?
Obeys Commands: 6
Localizes Pain: 5
Withdraws to Pain: 4
Flexion to pain: 3
Extention to pain: 2
None: 1
What is JVD, and what does it stand for?
Jugular vein distention; trachea is moved away from the midline
What is paradoxical movement?
Unequal movement of the chest
What does OPQRST stand for?
Onset - Activities before the problem began
Provocation - Makes it better or worse
Quality - description of the problem
Radiation - moves into another area of body
Severity - intensity of pain; 1-10 scale
Time - how long problem has existed
What are the "5 rights" before administering any medication?
1. Right Patient
2. Right Time
3. Right Drug
4. Right Dose
5. Right route
What medications can an EMT-B administer?
Activated charcoal, oral glucose, and oxygen.
What is diffusion?
Movement of gas from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
What is hypoxia?
Lack of oxygen
What is hyperventalation?
Breating too quickly
What is dypsnea?
The sensation for the patient that they are unable to breathe adequately.
Dyspneic patients breathe at an abnormally _____ rate.