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25 Cards in this Set

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Mono lake and law used to defend it (precedent?)

Public Trust Doctrine!

-The Public Trust Doctrine protects navigable bodies of water for the use and benefit of all the people

-“The public trust is an affirmation of the duty of the state to protect the people’s common heritage of streams, lakes, marshes and tidelands.” The ruling took both public need and environmental need into consideration.

Swainson Hawk, stuff about Novartis

-Largest corporation in the world at the time, specialized in pharmaceuticals

-Argentine gov afraid to step in and ask Novartis to remove MCP from circulation because of their hand in healthcare

Standard of proof for criminal vs. civil cases

-Criminal: Standard of proof needed to convict: beyond reasonable doubt

-Civil: standard of proof: preponderance of evidence

What are facilitators?


-Act as a mediator

-Do their work at the table

-Work out logistics

-Make sure there is a recorder

-Enforces ground rules

What are mediators?

-intervenes to assist two or more disputants negotiate w/each other to reach a settlement of their differences in a mutually satisfactory solution

-Neutral in dispute resolution case

What did the mediators do in Nahal Tzalmon?

-They held a dinner to encourage bonding

-Shuttle diplomacy, caucuses

-Created small groups of similar interests

When mediation is used instead of facilitation

When parties are already quite polarized and recognize a need for more significant intervention

Stems from blown up situation

concern with interests

What is arbitration?

The private, judicial determination of a dispute, by an independent third party

Litigation "stuff"

Concerned with "rights" according to the law

-An adversarial process in which the parties have lawyers who do battle for them.

-Solutions imposed by 3rd party neutral DMers (judge/Jury)

What is the brown act?

Open meetings:

-Proper notice

-public officials do not have authority to decide what the public gets to know

-cannot have serial meetings

What are the two serial meetings?

Daisy Chain

Hub and Spokes

When a majority of members are present?


What is Accommodation?

more concerned with meeting the needs of others than the needs of self

-appropriate when:

-not important issue to you

-when you value relationship

-when there are other conflicts (reciprocity)

What is Compromise?

Equally concerned with own needs and needs of others

-Can be an outcome of negotiation

-Not good: when one side is unreasonable

Types of power and its influence:

Hierarchical, financial, cultural, legal, knowledge, access to resources, media, physical force

Roles of science: How it fits in

Defines the issue

-scope/magnitude of environmental threat

-primary causes

-ideas on the type of action required to address it

fact finding


How science didn't help in the overpopulation of deer:

Even though forestry management principles and ecology proved that the deer were negatively impacting human drinking water and forest regeneration, value conflicts caused science to be irrelevant.

physiological/neurological effect of anger

Intense anger causes "emotional flooding"

cognitive narrowing (black and white thinking)

Brain activity transfers from frontal lobes to amygdala (fight or flight)

Increase heart rate/blood pressure/flush

What is slash and burn?

when criticized, attack your critics! Discredit them!

What is SLAPP?

Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation

-Company will accuse of slander

-Discourage other side from fighting

Binding Arbitration:

Decision is final

Non-binding arbitration:

Either party may reject the arbitration and demand a trial instead

What is a BATNA?

Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement


What is APA?

Administrative procedure act

-Governs internal procedures of administrative agencies, including how they interact with the public

Ways mediators break the ice:

Trust building exercises

dinner together

keep culture in mind, idfk