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81 Cards in this Set

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rounded upper portion of the uterus
cervix (Cx)
narrow lower portion of the uterus
a 3" tube that connects the uterus to the outside of the body
fold of the mm found near the opening of the vagina
rectouterine pouch
pouch btwn the posterior wall of the uterus and the anterior wall of the rectum (aka Douglas cul-de-sec)
Bartholin glands
pair of mucus-producing glands on ea. side of the vagina and just above the vaginal opening
mammary glands, breasts
milk-producing glands of the female. Ea. breast consists of 15-20 divisions/lobes
mammary papilla
breast nipple
pigmented area around the breast nipple
vulva, external genitals
two pairs of lips (labia major & minora) that surround the vagina
highly erogenous erectile body located anterior to the urethra
pelvic floor in both the m & f. In females it usu. refers to the area betwn the vaginal opening and anus
absence of menstrual discharge
Bartholin adenitis/bartholinitis
cervicitis, colpitis/vaginitis, endocervicitis, endometritis, mastitis, myometritis, oophoritis, perimetritis, salpingitis, vulvovaginitis
inflammation of a Bartholin glands, cervix, vagina, inner lining of the cervix, inner lining of the uterus, breast, uterine muscle, ovary, surrounding the uterus, uterine tube, vulva & vagina
painful menstrual discharge
blood in the uterine tube
water in the uterine tube
closure of the uterus
rapid flow of blood from the uterus at menstruation (& btwn, increased amt)
rapid flow of blood at menstruation (increased amt)
rapid flow of blood from the uterus (btwn cycles)
scanty menstrual flow (less often)
pus in the uterine tube
hernia of the uterine tube
growth of the endometrium into the musclar portion of the uterus
breast cancer
malignant tumor of the breast
cervical cancer
malignant tumor of the cervix, which progresses from cellular dysplasia to carcinoma; linked to papilomavirus infection
endometrial cancer
malignant tumor of the endometrium (uterine cancer)
abnormal condition in which endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus in various areas in the pelvic cavity, incl. ovaries, uterine tubes, intestines, uterus
fibrocystic breast d.
disorder characterized by one or more benign cysts in the breast
fibroid tumor
benign fibroid tumor of the uterine muscle (aka myoma of the uterus or leiomyoma)
ovarian cancer
malignant tumor of the ovary
pelvic inflammatory d. (PID)
inflammation of the pelvic organs that can be caused by many diff. pathogens; if untreated spreads upward may result in infertility & fatal septicemia
prolapsed uterus
downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina (aka hysteroptosis)
toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
severe illness characterized by high fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, and myalgia, followed by hypotension and rarely shock & death
vesicovaginal fistula
abnormal opening btwn the bladder and the vagina
cervicectomy, hymenectomy, hysterectomy, hysterosalpingooophorectomy, oophorectomy, salpingectomy, salpingo-oophorectomy, trachelorrhaphy, vulvectomy
excision of the cervix; hymen; uterus; uterus, uterine tubes, & ovaries; ovary; uterine tube; uterine tube & ovary; cervix; vulva
colpoperineorrhaphy, colporrhaphy, episiorrhaphy, perineorrhaphy, trachelorrhaphy
suture of the vagina and perineum; vagina; vuvla; perineum; cervix
episioperineoplasty, mammoplasty
surgical repair of the vulva & perineum; breast (to reduce, enlarg, lift, or reconstruct)
incision of the hymen
surgical fixation of the uretus
surgical removal of the breast
creation of an artficial opening in a uterine tube (performed to restore patency)
anterior & posterior colporrhaphy (A&P repair)
when a weakened vaginal wall results in a cystocele and a rectocele (corrects protrusion of the rectum and bladder against the vagina)
surgical removal of a cone-shaped area od a cervix; used in tmt fro noninvasive cervical cancer (aka cone biopsy)
dilation and curretage (D&C)
dilation (widening) of cervix and scraping of endometrium w/ an instrument-curette. Used to daignose d, correct bleeding, to empty uterine contents
endometrial ablation
procedure to destroy or remove the endometrium by use of laser or thermal energy; used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding
laparoscopy/ laparoscopic surgery
visual examination of the abdominal cavity, accomplished by inserting a laparoscope thru a tiny incision near the umbilicus; used for tubal sterilization, hysterectomy, etc.
excision of a fibroid tumor (myoma) from the uterus
sentinel lymph node biopsy
injection of blue dye and/or radioactive isotope is used to identify the sentinel lymph nodes (most likely to contain metastases of breast cancer); nodes are removed and microscopically examined
stereotactic breast biopsy
technique that combines mammography and computer-assisted biopsy to obtain tissue from a breast lesion
tubal ligation
closure of the uterine tubes for sterilization by cutting, tying, or cauterizing (aka tubal sterilization, tying of the tubes)
uterine artery embolization (UAE)
minimally invasive procedure used to treat fibroids of the uterus by blocking arteries that supply blood to thefibroids; first arteriogram is used to identify the vessels, then tiny gelatin beads are inserted into the vessels to create blockage that stops bleeding and causes the fibroids to shrink
radiographic image of the uterus and uterine tubes (after injection of contrast agent)
radiographic image of the breast
radiographic imaging of the breast (aka digital mammography)
sonohysterography (SHG)
process of recording the uterus by use of sound (ultrasound procedure)
instrument used for visual examination of the vagina (and cervix)
instrument used for visual examination of the Douglas cul-de-sac
instrument used for visual examination of the uterus
visual examination of the Douglas cul-de-sac
visual examination of the uterus
surgical procedure to remove fluid from the Douglas cul-de-sac (rectouterine pouch)
CA-125 (cancer antigen-125 tumor marker)
blood test used in the detection of ovarian cancer; also used to monitor and treatment and to determine the extent of the d.
Pap Smear
cytological study of cervical and vaginal secretions used to determine the presence of abnormal or cancerous cells
transvaginal sonography (TVS)
ultrasound procedure that uses a transducer placed in the vagina to obtain images of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, and uterine tubes; use to diagnose masses such as ovarian cysts or tumors, to monitor pregnancy, and to evaluate ovulation fro tmt of infertility
physician who studies and treats d. of women (femal reprod. sys)
gynecology (GYN)
study of women; branch of medicine dealing w/ d. of female reprod. sys.
pertaining to d. of women
white discharge from vagina
pain in the breast
sagging breast
beginning of menstruation
pertaining to the vagina
pertaining to the vulva and vagina
difficult or painful intercourse
abnormal passageway btwn two organs or betwn an internal organ and body surface
hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
replacement of hormones to treat symptoms associated w/ menopause (aka estrogen replacement therapy)
cessation of menstruation, usu. around ages of 48-53 yrs. old
syndrome involving physical and emotional symptoms occuring in the 10 days before menstruation; incl. nervous tension, irritability, mastalgia, edema, headache
instrument for opening a body cavity to allow visual inspection