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27 Cards in this Set

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Emerging adulthood


Developed countries increasingly see period of emerging adulthood between adolescence and young adulthood

20’s used to be period of settling into adult roles/responsibilities; work, marriage, parenthood, etc rather then age

1960’s US adults

Marrying aged 21-23 adults marrying aged 21-24; currently 28-30

Because of culture change in pre sex marriage and women doing their own thing which made them less dependent on men and college.

Social changes leading to emerging adulthood

Technology Revolution

Change in manufacturing technologies which helped the economy.

Past ~50 years shift from manufacturing economy to knowledge economy

Knowledge economy: economy based on information, technology, and decides; most news jobs require people to have education/training beyond high school

Rise in tertiary education (I.e. post high school education)

This Delays marriage/parenthood until education complete

Sexual Revolution

FDA approval of birth control pill in 1960

Shift in cultural attitudes around sex; greater acceptance of premarital sex

Young adults now able to have sexual relationships shops prior to marriage, reducing motivation to marry early

Women’s movement

1950’s/60’s had few jobs opportunities for women, not economically viable to remain single

Few women in tertiary education; often used as way to find a husband

Huge social pressure to marry

Women now have wide range of educational, job options, no longer dependent on marriage for economic survival

Females typically outperform males academically; holds cross-culturally and across numerous subjects, grade levels

Engineering, some STEM fields still make dominated but equal number of men and women obtaining law, business medical degrees

Dramatic drop in social pressure to marry young

Youth movement

1950’s saw adulthood as positive, adolescents eager to “settle down”, assume adult roles/responsibilities

Marriage, parenthood, large families, home ownership job stability and seen as desirable, obtainable achievements

Cultural and economic shifts

Early marriage, parenthood, large families now seen as thing to avoid

Changes to typical career structure; move between several jobs rather than “climbing the ladder” in one organization

Housing prices, student loans

Traditional roles/responsibilities seen as loss of freedom, opportunities; desire to explore before settling down

Characteristics of emerging adulthood

Identity exploration

Try our options in diffrent areas of life (love, work, etc) before making long term decisions

Develop better understanding of themselves, their abilities, limits, beliefs/values, how they it into broader society around them

Identity exploration increasingly shifting out of adolescence into emerging adulthood


Exploring options leads to many shifts, changes in life

Job changes; May work in very different felids

Pursuing education, changes in major/minor

Several relationships

Move often; highest rates of changing residence between 18-29

Over half of young adults move back in with parents at least once

Self focus

Not selfish; developing sense of self sufficiency

Self sufficiency perceived as necessary development before committing to lasting romantic, work obligations

Developing knowledge, skill, self understanding that will beneficial later in life

Gaining experience in independent decision making, both for major life decisions and day to day choices

Feeling in between

Cross culturally, emerging adults report feeling of being in transitional life stage

“Do you feel you have reached adulthood?” Typically answer “in some ways yes, in others no”


Many options remain open

Many dreams/goals haven’t run up against obstacles/resistance in real-life yet

Leaving parental home creates new opportunities for self-determination, reinventing self inventing self outside of parental influence

If coming from troubled home situation, may create sense of relief, chance to recover, change trajectory of life

Cultural context

Cultural variation between developed countries in emerging adulthood

Emerging adulthood longest in individualistic European countries

Identity exploitation in collectivistic countries happens in narrower boundaries created by obligations to others, especially parents

Parental opinions on work, education, relationships, living location carry more weight for emerging adults in collectivistic cultures

In US/Europe, financial independence rates as most important criteria for becoming an adult

In East Asian cultures, begin fable to support parents financially rated as one of most important criteria

Emerging adulthood in developing countries

Globalization of world economy leading to shifts in developing countries

Increasing number of people obtaining tertiary education, marrying later in the urban middle class in developing countries

Urban/rural divide in emerging adulthood

More likely to experience emerging adulthood in urban setting; marry later, obtain more education, have greater employment opportunities available

Youth in rural areas more likely to move from adolescence directly go young adulthood; marry earlier, have less education, few jobs options outside of agriculture

Physical functioning

Have reached adult height, puberty complete

Strength and endurance continue to improve but height doesn’t

Peak of physical functioning

Peak performance in most sports in the 20’s most athletes are 18-29

But it depends somtimes like swimming is late teens while golf is late 20’s

Lowest risk of illness

Most health issues stem from behavioural factors. But sport contribution goes down so it’s other things. It’s a varity of deaths like motor and drug issues

V02 max (ability of the body to take in oxygen and transport it to various organs; also called maximum oxygen uptakes) which peaks at 20’s

Cardiac output (quality of blood flow from heart) peaks at 25.

Peak in reaction time

Grip strength increases with a decline


Delayed sleep phase syndrome: pattern of sleeping much longer weekends, holidays than on school/work days; impedes academic/job performance, creates lingering sense of sleepiness

Sleep debt: sleeping less than needed during week, then trying to make up for lost sleep during time off; negative impact on cognitive and emotional functioning

Poor sleep habits contribute to risk of depression, anxiety; implementation memory, attention, critical thinking

Changes in morningness/eveningness over lifespan due to hormonal changes

Children inclined to morningness, then shift towards eveningness in adolescence, peaking around 20/21

Issues with schedules being set by older adults with greater morningness than college students

Good sleep habits is sleep hygiene

Social control and risky behaviour

Social control: restraints on behaviour imposed by social obligations and relationships

Low social control, parental control in emerging adulthood; contributes to high rate of risky behaviour

Substance abuse peaks in emerging adulthood;

Marjijuana and binge drinking is used more with college students and with men. Substance use

Spanish 24 year olds binged drinked 31% for men in the past 30 days while women it’s 18%

European cultures as well. They think it’s harmless. But has consequences to crimes, pregnancy and car crashes

Propensity and opportunity gives them a chance as they can buy it legally now. Unstructured socializing is what it’s called as it’s driving and messing around with buddies and parties. Jackson zhou smokes.

Adult stuff declines unstructured socializing

unsafe driving peaks at 16-24. It’s the biggest cause of death to motor accidents then other age groups. Some countries try to limit access to cars in developed countries.

Inexperience is high but drops after a year. But their are other factors because 24 old does as well. They take more risks in lane changing and don’t yield to pedestrians. Text and drive

They drive under the influence 21-24 and half of college students say they have done it once in the last year. Young people also wear less seatbelts which make them twice as likely to die and 3 times likely to get injured.

The boys will approve it as well. And promote the aggression.

PARENTAL involvement can help but no studies have been done yet. BUT best thing to remove dangers for novice drivers is graduated driver licensing programs

The graduated driver licensing is affective.

Deviant/risky behaviours due to combination of propensity (i.e. motivation to engage in behaviour) and opportunity

Substance abuse, risky behaviours decline in life to late 20’s as more responsibilities taken on, unstructured socializing decreases

Resilience and protective factors

Resilience: overcoming adverse environmental cirumatances and achieving healthy development despite those circumstances

Positive outcomes can be expectIona achievements or lack of problems

Protective factors: characteristics of young people that are related to lower likelihood of problems despite experiencing high risk circumstances

Major protective factors include:

1) one caring adult

Helps with self image even with parents vad and Oviedo. A mentor ID good for future planning and goals.

2) high intelligence

Better at dealing with environment

3) healthy school environment

More time spent in school so it can overcome rough home life. which can be a protective factor so it can stop delinquency even with a bad social class.

4) religious beliefs/practices

They participate more during merging adult hood

5) playful competence (realistic goal setting, dependability, and self-control

For many factors

Self esteem

Self esteem improves in emerging adulthood

Have finished awkward livery phrase, become more comfortable with own physical appearance (no more akward stage)

Greater acceptance from parents as conflict in relationship decreases; have achieved greater autonomy and improvement.

Can now exert control over social contexts; pick environments you feel comfortable in

Leaving schools basically and being with certain people and places.

Identity development: Erikson’s theory

Erik Erikson’s theory argued key areas in which identity are formed are love, work and ideology (personal beliefs/values)

It was a crisis with establishing a clear and definite identity it experiencing identity confusion, which is a failure to from a stable and secure identity. You must learn

1. Own abilities and interests, 2 identifications as in identity traits you want to become a version that has the traits you want. 3 they look at opportunities that are available which some are realistic and some are restricted (discrimination or too big).

Recognized “prolonged adolescence” of identity development in the 1960’s

Most adolescents gave not finished forming clear identity, continues in emerging adulthood

Build identity by;

1-assessing own abilities, interests

2- reflect on identifications accumulated during childhood; identify with loved ones (parents, friends, etc) and create own identity by integrating parts of loved ones behaviour and attitudes info own personality

3- assess opportunities available to them in society

Identity Status model: model for classifying identity formation based on Eriksons model; includes four categories, achievement, moratorium Foreclosure and diffusion

Diffusion: person not exploring identity options or potential choices, not making lasting commitments to certain roles/responsibilities No exploration, and not committed

Moratorium: actively trying out different personal, occupational, ideological possibilities, but not committing to any of them yet. (Yes exploration, but not committed)

Foreclosure: committing to roles/responsibilities without a prior period of exploration; often due to strong parental influence on identity; viewed as harmful by Erikson (No exploration, but committed

Achievement: commuting to roles/responsibilities after a period of identity exploration (moratorium); viewed as ideal outcome by Erikson (Yes exploration and committed)

Studies look at 12-18 and fount that although the proportion of adolescents in the diffusion category decreases with age and the most adolescence in the achievement category don’t know what their identity is by emerging adulthood

His theory seems to apply now more with the later decades. (Think of college)

Identity development: criticisms of of Erikson

Eriksons model based on white, middle-class adolescents in US, Canada, Europe

Assumed independent sense of self, considerable personal freedom in deciding on options in life (e.g. love, work, etc)

Indians have arranged marriages. But they find it normal. Dating isn’t even allowed disproving Erik.

Males typically have more options for identity exploration in developing and traditional cultures compared to females

Ideological explorations relatively recent trend, limited largely to Western cultures; historically, people expected to adopt beliefs of their parents/culture without question

Also globalization bicultural identity seems to influence others. Like how Indians are electricians but still like to go into their traditional Indian marriages

In truth

The self is known as interdependent in most cultures defined as in relation to others rather than as independent .

Bicultural identity formation

Bicultural identity: identity with two distinct facets; such as one for local culture and one for global culture, or one within personal ethnic group and one for majority culture

Become more acutely aware of being part of minority group within a majority culture during adolescence, emerging adulthood

More aware of stereotypes, prejudices held by others, ways these may be impacting them

Identify exploration can bring conflicted between majority and minority cultures to the fore front

Phinnys model of four ways of reacting to challenges of bicultural identity formation:

Assimilation: largely abandoning minority culture and adopting values/life style of majority culture (American and is called the Melting pot)

Biculturalism/integration: forming dual identities, one based on minority culture, other based on majority culture, and moving back and fourth between them based on the situation (most popular for Mexican and Asians.)

Separation: rejecting majority culture and largely limiting interaction to other members of minority culture (important to blacks)

Marginalization: rejecting both minority and majority culture; both identify with parental culture, but also don’t feel accepted by majority culture

Assimilation, biculturalism appear to be linked to higher self esteem

Strong ethnic identity related to better overall well being, academic performance, lower rates of risky behaviour in minority adolescents

Latino kid had higher ethnic identity when not whey ethnic people.

Assimilation and bicultural have higher self esteem

Ethnic identity can help with academic achievement and lower frisk of risk behaviour

Family relationships

They ussualy move out in western cultures because of independence, copartenr.

But those who stayed were irritated by them. Maybe because you appreciate them more.

Less parent/child conflict since not sharing living space; emerging adult has more control over amount of time spent with parents

More control of when they talk to them and how frequent which helps how much you like them

Greater cultural emphasis on mural support within family linked to more emerging adults living at home

Blacks, Asians and Latinos stay home but blacks is highest (economic like blacks and Latinos. But also because of emphasis on family closeness, some may like it and Latinos may like their children to be virgins.)

~40% of American emerging adults who leave, move back in with parents at least once. It could be for dropping/graduation from college, those who go out for independence seem to have too much responsibility with bills, divorce and coming home is attractive.

Can result in tension if parents do not treat them like adults rather than adolescents

Some may like to come home with parents tearing them knowing they are mature. They may not be use to taking care of kid’s agian and they treat them like kid’s agian. (Gives ambivalence.)

Often have mixed feelings about moving back home

Europeans like to stay home. Many reasons have this because like university kids stay home cause of finances. Also culture like it like Italy 94% live with parents.

Older you get they understand that your parents are normal people and you become less egocentric

Sibilings spend less time but have more emotional time and they had a more mature perception. They understand their perspective better

Love and sexuality

Emerging adulthood sees emotional “recentering” away from parental family to friends, romantic partners

They become the big part of life

They think they want a quality like caring, trusting and attractive (guys) but;

Prefer partners who are simialr in terms of personality intelligence, social class, ethnic background, religious beliefs, and physical attractiveness

Intimacy is important

Similarities reduce likelihood of conflict allow partners to validate each others views, preferences consential validation

Higher divorce rate in cohabiting couples

Couples who cohabit more accepting of divorce, less religious, more skeptical of institution of marriage; may also marry out of “inertia of cohabitation

Good way to perdict to prevent divorce

Europe southern are living at home as they are religious. Super rare in Asian cultures.

Tertiary education: college, university and training programs

Tertiary education: post secondary

100 years ago only 10% did in developed countries and most didn’t not go through secondary education and were mostly men

Cause women were not cognative inferior but now women are more likely to get it

It’s growing around the world too

Europe university ussualy lasts 6 or more years simialr to American advanced (masters or doctoral) but now it’s more American with seprate bachlors and masters and doctoral degrees. To shorten the time spent in university.

US, Canada and Japan are different to European because the outset for specialization is different courses that don’t relate to occupation. (Electives)

Japan is more relaxed and undemanding compared to the stressful work and Highschool getting into college part. Long hours and mandatory hours socializing in works. Fun is better as college grades matter little and performance is relaxed so they hang out and walk around. hW is half on middle school. It’s the only time they can chill. Average of 6 years for a degree. But half do not graduate and some take longer as they switch majors or take a entership. Financial concerns have increased as they are 4times higher in all schools.

Financial school are more loans then grants so they work.

Blacks have a lack of money so they usually don’t get a degree.

They are paid by gov in developed countries. They loose tax revenue from emerging adults would be contributing if their time and energy edge devoted to working full time.

It’s good for economics so it’s worth it. That’s why they pay lots for it. Emerging adults that have it have higher warnings and higher occupation status and career attainment. Americans who have one get more money. And are likely to be employed. Are pleased more now then back then. 80% we’re happy 76% who took interest in academic progress. 78% had instructors who had “greatly influences” academic career small colleges the higher satisfaction

Whole 84% are think it’s worth it. 7% do not as they don’t get a job in the first year

Tertiary education (possible) digital future: Online learning

University is 1000 years old and is basically the same.

People like online learning as 1/3 enrolled and is a few years old. A millions students. The instructors can talk any time. Lively discussion can go on throught the week. The assessment of exams can be done when they feel ready for it. Collab learning is much easier

It is a new way to learn away from tradition using simulations, gaming and multi user virtual entertainments

Cheaper (even in developing countries) to the point that it can help with things that were not available before.

Not much search has been done yet. Personal motivation and discipline is needed which many do not have the responsibility.

90% who sign up fail (do not make past “aardvark” in the encyclopedia. Also many do not know if they actually understand the material and evaluation and assement (how to know they ain’t cheat). It’s possible in traditional so it’s possible online.

Also interpersonal relations can help with working with others, identity, time management so you can figure out your abilities which is unknown for online.

Blended learning: both online and face to face so it can help. Electronic things help as it can give feedback as active learning can help learn easier

Tertiary education (possible) digital future: Online learning

University is 1000 years old and is basically the same.

People like online learning as 1/3 enrolled and is a few years old. A millions students. The instructors can talk any time. Lively discussion can go on throught the week. The assessment of exams can be done when they feel ready for it. Collab learning is much easier

It is a new way to learn away from tradition using simulations, gaming and multi user virtual entertainments

Cheaper (even in developing countries) to the point that it can help with things that were not available before.

Not much search has been done yet. Personal motivation and discipline is needed which many do not have the responsibility.

90% who sign up fail (do not make past “aardvark” in the encyclopedia. Also many do not know if they actually understand the material and evaluation and assement (how to know they ain’t cheat). It’s possible in traditional so it’s possible online.

Also interpersonal relations can help with working with others, identity, time management so you can figure out your abilities which is unknown for online.

Blended learning: both online and face to face so it can help. Electronic things help as it can give feedback as active learning can help learn easier

Finding work

Most emerging adults want personal fulfilment in a job with congestive challenges.

Want to do, what am I best at and what I enjoy.

Transition to work

Adolescence they change occupation dream as they know themselves better (seek identity based work). The average American has 8 different low paying jobs between 18-30.

Emerging adults they try jobs and degrees to see. Meandering, drifting or even floundering. Emerging adults found their jobs by saying they-fell into it” also drifting shows jobs you dislike so you avoid them. So you find one you like accidentally

People who go straight into workplace find it hard to find a stable job, the less identity work. Lack of tranning, credentials are at a bad position. They have a decline earning and diminished expectations and hasn’t improved in the last century.

Levy and Mitane looked at common skills required for jobs after High school.

1. Reading at a 9th grade level or higher;

2. Doing math at a 9th grade level or higher

3. Solving semistructured problems

4. Communicating orally and in writing

5. Using a computer for word processing and other tasks

6. Collaborations in diverse groups

While they do end up learning these skills at the end of Highschool.

They still do not learning them adequately. Almost half of 17 year olds cannot read and do math that is needed in jobs and those who do go to college.

Computer skills in school do not give them for the new economy.

China had less educational paths then US. India uses recourses yo help adolescents in numeracy and literacy because it’s the weakest education system

All countries is a shared awareness that economy of the future is knowledge economy and our recourses to them


Some cannot find jobs as emerging agitate are the highest unemployment rate. School is considered a focus so it don’t count. Caring for children do not count.

Half of high school drop outs 18-21.

-Higher risk for depression especially with less parental support.

- ethnic groups in blacks are lower. Because they have diffrent emolument jobs are diffrent as factories aren’t their as they are now needling basic math knowledge and computer skills.

Eriksons theory- ethnic identity

We start to become aware what it means to be apart of a minority group. They also know what stereotypes, and prejudices that others hold.

When they enter new social context like college wor work it’s shown. They meet other ethnic groups. It’s clear in love because minority groups do not like others. So they may only want a certain group like some do not like sex.

Phunny found there are 4 ways of dealing with it.

Gender development: culture beliefs and stereotypes

Important time because people become involved in work. So you will see roles and aspirations.

People are less likely to see as women should work at home, make bad politicians, belief working mothers can have a good relationship with mother.

1/4 still have believes about gender roles (not like cultural) so guy works while woman should care for household and kids

Social psychologist look at stereotypes. Especially in emerging adulthood

They look at sterotypes on work. They evaluate women work performance as lesser.

They saw a lot of articles and they made identical articles made by a woman and male. The women rated male articles better even when talking about women topics.

They can be harmful for high status in gender incongruent like a women leading engineer.

They rate who those who a guy who acted stereotypically and counter stereotypically. And they liked the candidate with sterotypes.

Religious development

In a longitudinal 5 year study Their was a decline in religiosity in behaviour and believes. Only 30% attended once a month. Only half attended went one year or less. 44 % say it’s really important. 75% say they belive in god super low compared to before

Most make a “make your own approach” in their believes. They think it’s less doctrine and they can say they are catholic or Muslim but do not participate in it. 35% never attended religious services. They had 4 categories of religious

Agnostic/atheist: (40%) you know but but agnostic is you know you can’t prove it. Religion does not effect their lives and is irrelevant

Theists: (15%) think their is something out their but are not sure to believe

Liberal believers (30%): they only take what appeals to them. They add other elements of sources other religions and popular culture

Conservative believers (15%): those who hold go a traditional conservative faith

Comes with positive characteristics. Lower risk behaviour. Blacks cope with stress and anxiety better with religion. Blacks are more religious. Europeans are less religious only 24% have traditional.

Religious development

In a longitudinal 5 year study Their was a decline in religiosity in behaviour and believes. Only 30% attended once a month. Only half attended went one year or less. 44 % say it’s really important. 75% say they belive in god super low compared to before

Most make a “make your own approach” in their believes. They think it’s less doctrine and they can say they are catholic or Muslim but do not participate in it. 35% never attended religious services. They had 4 categories of religious

Agnostic/atheist: (40%) you know but but agnostic is you know you can’t prove it. Religion does not effect their lives and is irrelevant

Theists: (15%) think their is something out their but are not sure to believe

Liberal believers (30%): they only take what appeals to them. They add other elements of sources other religions and popular culture

Conservative believers (15%): those who hold go a traditional conservative faith

Comes with positive characteristics. Lower risk behaviour. Blacks cope with stress and anxiety better with religion. Blacks are more religious. Europeans are less religious only 24% have traditional.

Political development

Canada, Europe and America have extremely low voting rates showing emerging adults still don’t give a ****.

Even lower with all including previously.

They see politicians as distrustful and irrelevant. Low trust is consistent in all countries in adolescence to emerging adulthood.

But they still want to improve the community like they try to help more then other generations. 84% had helped in volunteer and 20% are in politics.

Americans also spent a year or two in volunteer programs.

They choose important things to them that they can see progress. Protests.

They are more followers then leaders. Like cultural Revolution in China.

So they like extreme political movements

Terriost attacks were made by old guys but done by young.

It may be because they have fewer social ties and obligations because children are limited and adults have people dependent on them. Social control is high and freedom is high.

People want to see a ideological frame work which helps with discomfort the ideological explainations.

Why is it only a small%?


It’s important as they move away from home. So they rely on it even when they move back.

But when looking for support they may no longer go to parents.

Emerging adulthood have more disclosure memories then shared activities compared to Early adolescence.

Gender difference was sharing activities are for boys and disclosure for girls

Going out, drink, substance, media like watching tv and playing, exercise, but it declines as they form romantic relationships

Love and sexuality: sexuality and STI’s

18-23 are likely to have one partner in the past year. But in older groups they have more or fewer sexual partners

1/4 say they have no sex in the past year

1/3 say they had two partners

At 18 half have had intercourse and at 25 they all had

Those who have it late are active abstained because they choose to. Because they don’t want STI’s, pregnancy, religious or they just haven’t found one person.

They hook up 80% have hooked up. 60% have friends with benifits. Young men have this recreational sex. They want it with two diffrent partners in the same day and with someone they knew for a few hours. Have sex with they don’t love. 50% of males while 1/3 of girls say it’s fine say loveless sex is fine

Americans are ambivalent to premarital sex which 10% of sexually active emerging adults report never using contraception and 35% are inconsistent or ineffective with it. As romantic relationships they use to oral stuff because it shows trust and it feels good. It’s highest in Australia and European and North America. Boys may in Chile and Brazil over exaggerate the body count and girls my underexagerate theirs. Asians say no.

Sexual transmitted infections

When they hook up have a lot of partners. Which is the peak for STI’s. One half of STI’s are highest at 15-24.

Emerging adults who are committed eventually break up. But have a lot of diffrent people can have it.

Annoying like crabs and deadly aids. Clamydia and HPV make it likely for infertility and their are treatments so they can get vaccinated.

Heroes cannot he cured.

Botswana has 22% of 15-49 infected which is the highest. But even in other countries in Africa it declines. It declined 35% like having multiple sexual partners have stopped.

Media use

People call them digital natives.

12 hours per day, electronic, texting, tv, music (not much music studies tho), most importantly social media

Facebook is really big. Most used for others 2 billion users. 18-29 year olds use it.

Other apps are battling it as Snapchat is more personal as the time limit thing.

They present identity play in choosing how to present themselves when figuring out who they are.

Social media is ussualy for connection with old friends and making new ones. Cause they leave home so this stage it’s important.


It’s super popular now. I’m France they send 40 text a day which is more then adults.

It enhances social relationships. A hour increase seems to increase 15 minutes of real life. Most stay in contact with family this way and 51% say they get a lot of support this eay.

Those who move away they rely on it {almost} every day. It gives them time to run their lives

Cultural focus: they use to learn, keep contact and find friends.