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45 Cards in this Set

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aphasia --
The impairment of language that affects the production or understanding of speech and the ability to read or write.
ascites --
Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
auscultation --
The method of listening to sounds within the body with a stethoscope.
bruit --
An abnormal “whoosh”-like sound of turbulent blood flow moving through a narrowed artery.
crepitus --
A grating sensation made when two pieces of broken bone are rubbed together or subcutaneous emphysema is palpated.Crackling, grating, or grinding that is often felt or heard when two ends of bone rub together.
cyanosis --
Blue or purple skin; indicates inadequate oxygen in the blood.
delirium --
An acute confessional state characterized by global impairment of thinking, perception, judgment, and memory.
dementia --
The slow onset of progressive disorientation, shortened attention span, and loss of cognitive function.
dermatomes --
Distinct areas of skin that correspond to specific spinal or cranial nerve levels where sensory nerves enter the CNS.
ecchymosis --
Localized bruising or blood collection within or under the skin.
foramen magnum --
A large opening at the base of the skull.
Glasgow Coma Scale --
Scoring system used to determine level of consciousness.
guarding --
Contraction of the abdominal muscles in patients.
hernia --
Protrusion of any organ through an opening into a body cavity where it does not belong.
inspection --
Looking at the patient, either in general or at a specific area (ie, a patient’s overall appearance from the doorway, versus looking specifically at the chest wall for abnormalities/deformities).
Korotkoff sounds --
Sounds related to blood pressure that are heard by stethoscope.
kyphosis --
Outward curve of the thoracic spine.
lordosis --
Inward curve of the lumbar spine just above the buttocks. An exaggerated form of lordosis results in the condition known as swayback.
mottling --
A blotchy pattern on the skin; a typical finding in states of severe protracted hypoperfusion and shock.
murmur --
An abnormal “whoosh”-like sound heard over the heart that indicates turbulent blood flow around a cardiac valve.
occiput --
The most posterior portion of the cranium.
opthalmoscope --
An instrument used to look into a patient’s eyes and view the retina and aqueous fluid; consists of a concave mirror and a battery-powered light that is usually contained in the handle.
otoscope --
A tool used to the ears of a patient; consists of a head and a handle. The head contains an electric light source and a low-power magnifying lens.
pallor --
palpation --
Physical touching for the purpose of obtaining information.
parasthesias --
Tingling or sensory change.
pathologic fracture --
A fracture that occurs in an area of abnormally weakened bone.
percussion --
Gently striking the surface of the body, typically overlying various body cavities to detect changes in the densities of the underlying structures.
perfusion --
The delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells, organs, and tissues of the body. Also involves the removal of wastes.
physical examination --
The process by which quantifiable, objective information is obtained from a patient about his or her overall state of health.
physiologic fracture --
A fracture that occurs when abnormal forces are applied to normal bone structures.
primitive reflexes --
Reflex reactions such as Babinski, grasping, and sucking signs normally found in very young patients.
pulse oximetry --
An assestment tool that measures oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in the capillary beds.
rales --
Rattling, bubbling, or crackling lung sounds.
reflexes --
Involuntary motor responses to specific sensory stimuli, such as a tap on the knee or stroking the eyelash.
rhonchi --
Lung sounds that resemble snoring.
rubor --
Redness; one of the classic signs of inflammation.
rubs --
Lung sound produced by a partial loss of intrapleural integrity, when an abnormal collection of fluid has accumulated between a portion of the visceral and parietal pleura, resulting in “pleuritic” pain and a perceived rub on auscultation.
scoliosis --
Sideways curvature of the spine.
stridor --
A harsh, high-pitched, crowing inspiratory sound, such as the sound often heard in acute laryngeal obstruction.
tenting --
A condition in which the skin slowly retracts after being pinched and pulled away slightly from the body; a sign of dehydration.
turgor --
Loss of elasticity in the skin.
vasoconstriction --
Narrowing of the diameter of a blood vessel.
vasodilatation --
Widening of a blood vessel.
visual acuity (VA) --
The ability or inability to see, and how well one can see.