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42 Cards in this Set

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weeks 1-6

primordial germ cells form in yolk sac -> migrate to gondal/genital ridge -> epithelial proliferation -> primitive sex cords

two ducts

mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts

week 7

phenotypic sexual differentiation begins

week 12

external genitalia development

week 20

phenotypic differentiation complete

what does SRY encode?

testes determining factor (TDF)

Sertoli cell development

TDF stimulates primitive sex cords

Sertoli cells

surround primordial germ cells, secrete androgen binding protein, secrete Mullerian inhibiting substance (paramesonephric degeneration)

Leydig cell development

TDF -> mesenchyme b/t sex cords

what do leydig cells do?

secrete testosterone (maintain mesonephric ducts), 5 alpha reductase makes DHT from testosterone (develop external male genitalia)

teste descent

begin in abdomen -> go to scrotum; gubernaculum shortens & guides; peritoneum evaginates as processus vaginalis -> becomes tunica vaginalis


urethral folds fail to fuse, urethral orifice opens on ventral surface of penis


urethral orifice opens on dorsal surface of penis; a/w exstrophy of the bladder


failure of testes to descend, incr. risk of testicular carcinoma

what is most important in female development?

lack of Y chromosome + presence of maternal estrogen!

primitive sex cords in females

original degenerate; second migration wave forms primordial follicles (contain primary oocytes) -> form ovaries

somatic support cell fate in females

follicular cells

no sertoli cells in females so...

no MIS => paramesonephric ducts remain => migrate toward midline & fuse => form broad ligament, oviducts, uterus, upper vagina

no testosterone in females =

mesonephric ducts degenerate

what does mother's estrogen do?

develop female external genitalia

uterine fusion problems

can lead to problems w/ implantation or menstruation

what does mesonephric duct form in males?

epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct

urogenital fold fate - females

labia minora

urogenital fold fate - males

ventral penis

labioscrotal swelling fate - females

labia majora

labioscrotal swelling fate - males


gubernaculum fate - females

ovarian ligament (superior), round ligament of uterus (inferior)

gubernaculum fate - males

gubernaculum testes

male pseudohermaphrodism

XY genotype + female phenotype; failure to make adequate tes. or DHT, complete androgen insensitivity, loss of MIS receptor

failure to make adequate test. or DHT

5 alpha reductase deficient, 17 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase => underdeveloped external genitalia & normal internal structures

complete androgen insensitivity

mutated androgen receptor, doesn't respond to test. = female external genitalia, rudimentary vagina & tests in abdomen

female pseudohermaphrodism

XX genotype + male phenotype; congenital adrenal hyperplasia

21-hydroxylase deficiency

elevates androgens = masculinization of female fetus; no cortisol or aldo produced

Diethylstilbestrol (DES)

synthetic nonsteroidal estrogen given to women in 1940-1970 - daughters exposed in utero at risk for vaginal tumors, clear cell carcinoma (T shaped uterus), sons developed hypospadias, cryptorchidism, incr. testicular cancer risk

bicornuate uterus

partial fusion of paramesonephric ducts

didelphys uterus

lack of fusion of paramesonephric ducts = double uterus

unicornuate uterus

failure of paramesonephric ducts to develop

upper vagina derivation


lower vagina derivation


remnants of mesonephric duct in females

epoophoron, Paraoophoron, Gartner's cyst

development of prostate gland & bulbourethral gland

derived from endoderm

remnants of paramesonephric ducts in male

appendix testis & prostatic utricle