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44 Cards in this Set

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Sinic hedgehog gene
produced at base of limbs
involved in patterning along anterior-posterior axis
Wnt-7 gene
produced at apical ectodermal ridge
necessary for proper organization of dorsal-ventral axis
FGF gene
produced in apical ectodermal ridge
stimulates mitosis of underlying mesoderm, providing lengthening of limbs
Homeobox gene
involved in segmental organization
Week 3
gastrulation, primitive streak, notochord
Week 4
heart begins to beat, upper and lower limb buds begin to form
Week 8
fetus moves, looks like a real baby
Week 10
Genitalia have sex characteristics
Surface ectoderm unique tissues
lens; epithelium of oral cavity; sensory organs of ear, retina, olfactory epithelium; salivary, sweat, mammary glands, enamel, distal male urethra
Neural crest unique tissues
pia and arachoid, bones of skull, odontoblasts, laryngeal cartilage, aorticuopulmonary septum
Mesoderm unique tissues
spleen, serous linings of body cavities, CV structures, lymphatics, blood, urogenital structures, kidneys, adrenal cortex, dura mater
Alkylating agents effect on fetus
absence of digits, multiple anomalies
Maternal diabetes effect on fetus
caudal regression syndrome, transposition of the arteries, decrease in surfactant production, transient hypoglycemia
Vitamin A effect on fetus
spontaneous abortions, cleft palate, cardiac abnormalities
MOA of Fetal Alcohol syndrome
inhibition of cell migration due to disruption of retinoic acid and sonic hedgehog pathways
Decidua role in imunosuppression of mother against fetus
secretes prostaglandins to inhibit T-cells and prevent an immune response against the fetus
Vitelline duct (omphalomesenteric duct)
connects yolk sac and midgut and obliterates at 7th week
persistence of the vitelline duct leads to meconium discharge from umbilicus, or partial persistence becomes Meckel's diverticulum
connects the bladder and the yolk sac
persistence of the urachus leads to urine discharge from umbilicus
Right ventricle and smooth parts of left and right ventricle
Bulbus cordis
Portion of the left ventricle
Primitive ventricle
Trabeculated left and right atrium
primitive atria
Coronary sinus
left horn of the sinus venosus
Smooth part of right atrium
Right horn of the sinus venosus
Right common cardinal vein and right anterior cardinal vein
Neural crest migration abnormalities
persistent truncus arteriosus, tetralogy of fallot, transposition
Neural tube defect markers
Increased AFP and AChE
Dandy-Walker malformation
large posterior fossa, absent cerebellar vermis w/ cystic enlargement of the 4th ventricle
can lead to hydrocephalus and spina bifida
Arnold-Chiari Malformation
Type 1: only cerebellar tonsils herniate through foramen magnum, usually asymptomatic, but can lead to hydrocephalus
Type 2: cerebellar tonsillar herniation through foramen magnum w/ aqueductal stenosis and hydrocephaly. Often presents w/ syringomyelia, thoracolumbar myelomeningocele
Treacher Collins syndrome (mandibulofacial dysostosis)
abnormality of the 1st branchial arch neural crest cells to migrate -> mandibular hypoplasia, facial abnormalities
Congenital parhyngocutaneous fistula
persistence of cleft and pouch leads to fistula between tonsillar area and cleft in lateral neck
2nd branchial pouch
epithelial lining of palatine tonsils
3rd branchial pouch
Dorsal wings: inferior parathyroids
Ventral wings: thymus
muscles of tongue
derived from occipital myotomes
Genioglossus: protrudes tongue, palatoglossus: retracts and raises tongue to roof of mouth, hyoglossus: retracts and depresses tongue, styloglossus: elevates and retracts
Derived from septum transversum (becomes central tendon), pleuroperitoneal folds, body wall, and dorsal mesentery of esophagus (becomes crura)
Abdominal herniation: incomplete development may lead to left posterior hernia w/ hypoplasia of thoracic organs due to space compression
Vascular accident leading to apple peel atresia
jejunal, ileal, colonic atresia
Interim kidney for 1st trimester
Genes involved in early kidney development
Lim2 and Pax-2
Aortic branch and corresponding vertebral levels
Celiac (T12), SMA (L1), renal artery (L1), testicular artery (L2), IMA (L3), Bifurcation of abdominal aorta (L4)
Mesonephric duct
develops into male internal structures: seminal vesicles, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, ductus deferens
Genital tubercle
male: glans penis and corpus cavernosum and spongiosum
female: glans clitoris, vestibular bulbs
Urogenital sinus
Male: bulbourethral glands of Cowper, prostate gland
Female: greater vestibular glands of Bartholin, Urethral and paraurethral glands of Skene
Urogenital folds
Male: ventral shaft of penis
Female: labia moniora
Labioscrotal swelling
Male: scrotum
Female: Labia majora
due to faulty positioning of genital tubercle. Associated w/ bladder extrophy
as opposed to hypospadias, which is due to failure of the urethral folds to close