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41 Cards in this Set

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chorion is the portion of
fetal membrane that eventually forms the fetal side of the placenta.
Chorion is formed by
extraembryonic mesoderm
and the two layers of trophoblast
It is formed by extraembryonic mesoderm(visceral)  and the two layers of trophoblast and surrounds the embryo and other membranes.
It is formed by extraembryonic mesoderm(visceral) and the two layers of trophoblast and surrounds the embryo and other membranes.
The chorion is divided into the smooth chorion and the villous chorion. The villous chorion forms the ___________ =
The chorionic villi emerge from the chorion, invade the
The chorion undergoes rapid proliferation and forms numerous processes, the chorionic villi, which invade the+
uterine decidua.
The chorion contains _____ ______
chorionic villi,

These villi are snipped or suctioned off for study in the procedure.

Since the chorionic villi are of ______ ________
fetal origin,

examining samples of them can provide the genetic makeup of the fetus.
CVS (chorionic villus sampling)

The test can be done before amniocentesis, about __ - __ = wks
6-11 weeks

10-12th week, after a missed period.
- the functional layer of the endometrium in a pregnant woman. is aka =
refers to the gravid endometrium
________ is the term for the endometrium during a pregnancy

, which forms the maternal part of the ____________ =

, which forms the maternal part of the ____________ =
The three regions of the decidua are named according to their relation to the implantation site
decidua basalis
decidua capsularis
decidua parietalis

The decidua basalis is the part of the decidua deep to the conceptus that forms the maternal part of the placenta

The decidua capsularis is the superficial part of the decidua overlying the conceptus

The decidua parietalis is all the remaining parts of the decidua
the part of the decidua deep to the conceptus that forms the maternal part of the placenta
decidua basalis
decidua basalis
umbilical cord comes from the same zygote as the fetus

Umbilical Cord normally contains =
two arteries

one vein
umbilical cord develops from and contains remnants of the
yolk sac and allantois

and is therefore derived from the same zygote as the fetus).
umbilical cord
forms by the ______ week of fetal development,
5th wk

replacing the yolk sac as the source of nutrients for the fetus.The
, the umbilical vein continues towards the transverse fissure of the

One of these branches joins with the

The second branch (known as the
hepatic portal vein (connecting to its left branch

ductus venosus
the majority of the incoming blood (approximately 80%) to bypass the liver and flow via the
left hepatic vein

into the inferior vena cava, which carries blood towards the heart.
The two umbilical arteries branch from the
the internal iliac arteries, and pass on either side of the urinary bladder before joining the umbilical cord.
, the umbilical vein and ductus venosus close up, and degenerate into fibrous remnants known as the 
, the umbilical vein and ductus venosus close up, and degenerate into fibrous remnants known as the
round ligament of the liver

the ligamentum venosum



fetal canal connecting the bladder with the allantois, persisting throughout life as a cord (median umbilical ligament).
Development of Placenta

By the end of the __ wk =
, the anatomical arrangements necessary for physiological exchanges between the mother and embryo are established.
Development of Placenta

A complex vascular network is established in the placenta by the end of the
which facilitates maternal-embryonic exchanges of gases, nutrients, and metabolic waste products.
4th wk
Chorionic villi
cover the entire chorionic sac until the beginning of the __ wk =

As this sac grows, the villi associated with the decidua capsularis are compressed, reducing the blood supply to them.

These villi soon degenerate, producing a relatively avascular bare area, the ______ ________ =
smooth chorion.
smooth chorion.
This bushy part of the chorionic sac is the  ______  ________ =
This bushy part of the chorionic sac is the ______ ________ =
villous chorion.
villous chorion.
The fully developed placenta covers ____ to _____ % of the decidua
15 to 30%
of the decidua
The placenta has two parts
The fetal part of the placenta :

The maternal part of the placenta :
The fetal part of the placenta :
Formed by the =
villous chorion

The chorionic villi that arise from it project into the intervillous space containing maternal blood
The maternal part of the placenta :
Formed by the =
Formed by the decidua basalis,

the part of the decidua related to the fetal component of the placenta
By the end of the fourth month, the decidua basalis is almost entirely replaced by the fetal part of the placenta.

Endometrial arteries and veins pass freely through gaps in the cytotrophoblastic shell and open into the intervillous space. ( The intervillis space is where maternal blood goes and diffusion occurs there in the shell.)
It is through the numerous _______ ______ which arise from stem villi, that the main exchange of material between mother and fetus takes place.
branch villi,
Placental circulation

Fetal Placental Circulation

Maternal placental circulation
Poorly oxygenated blood leaves the fetus and passes through the
umbilical arteries
chorionic arteries that branch freely in the _______ _______ to the placenta.
umbilical arteries
At the site of attachment of the umbilical cord to the placenta, these arteries divide into several radially disposed ________ _______
chorionic arteries
The blood vessels form an extensive arterio-capillary-venous system within the _____ ________ , which brings the fetal blood extremely close to the maternal blood.
within the chorionic villi,

There is normally intermingling of fetal and maternal blood.
Maternal placental circulation

These vessels discharge into the intervillous space through gaps in the
cytotrophoblastic shell.

Reductions of uteroplacental circulation result in fetal hypoxia and IUGR.

Severe reductions of uteroplacental circulation may result in fetal death.
The intervillous space of the mature placenta contains about 150 ml of blood that is replenished ____ ____ ____ ______ per minute.
maternal blood from fetal blood.

The composition of the placental membrane changes during pregnancy.
A. In early pregnancy, the placental membrane has 4 layers:
Connective tissue,
Endothelium of fetal capillaries
_______ _______(large, sometimes pigmented, elliptical cells found in connective tissue) are most numerous in early pregnancy and have characteristics similar to those of macrophages
Hofbauer cells
The placenta has three main functions
Transport of gases and nutrients
Endocrine secretion